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Noragami: Stray God
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Do you wish we had a different female lead?
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Sep 7, 2015 9:57 PM

Sep 2011
What the fuck!? Someone hates Hiyori!? Such blasphemy.

Oh well, sarcasm aside. TBH OP from the main point, everything that you've said, I think we're not watching the same show.

Nov 11, 2015 6:51 PM
Nov 2015
No, I really hate her too
Dec 3, 2015 12:17 PM

Nov 2014
I don't think so.. I found Hiyori to be funny and entertaining.. Her character design was nice and i don't think a female character need to be badass or super cute to be likable.. And one more thing, while she's useless in the battle, character wise she's far from useless.. Without her, Yato and Yukine would be dead back in eps 9..
Reality is the lifeblood that makes a work pulse with energy. Reality itself is entertainment

Dec 4, 2015 6:37 AM

Jun 2011
Blind_Guardian said:
Personally I'd have enjoyed the series significantly more if Hiyori had been erased from the narrative altogether, or at the very least, been a radically different person. Reasons:

1) Useless in combat against actual enemies
2) Hair-trigger violent against her allies
3) Hits on Yukine (leading to his corruption), falls in love with Yato for no reason
4) Stupid subplot that goes nowhere with the half-Phantom thing
5) Boring, generic character design
6) Never funny, entertaining or badass in any way, shape or form

Okay. I respect your opinion, but I can't say I agree.

1) Hiyori Iki is a normal high school girl. She is not required to be equipped with combat skills. Last I heard, no normal ordinary high school student has to be either. Her entire role as a character is to be an average, ordinary girl who was thrown into a supernatural setting, which she is executing perfectly.

2) Her acts of "violence" are used as comedic relief. By no means is she abusive and intentionally harming anyone. It is a form of the 'boke and tsukkomi' relationship in stand up comedy which is used as comedic relief quite frequently in animes.

3) She was not 'hitting' on him as you say. She was polite and kind. Yukine did not become corrupted because Hiyori was kind to him, he became corrupted because he had impure thoughts. And it wasn't just his impure thoughts, but immoral actions that landed him there.

As for Yato, the sub-plot of romance is definitely present, however she did not instantly fall for him at the drop of a hat. I mean, if anything Yato is the one who falls for her first and she gradually falls in love with him. It went with the flow of their relationship, progressing from strangers to acquaintances to friends and so on and so forth. Remember, neither of them particularly liked each other in the beginning - feelings take time to develop.

4) This subplot has yet to be explained. This is a very slow-paced manga which is still ongoing. How can you expect a now 60 chapter manga to be explained in only 13 episodes?

5) Again, she is a NORMAL high school girl. She's usually seen in her school uniform which makes sense. And when she's not, she's typically wearing casual clothes that you would see any ordinary teenage girl wearing. She's no different than a normal human being - I don't see this point as a valid reason.

If we're talking about hair colour and style, than I don't see a problem either. It is quite intentional. Have you noticed that anyone in the series who distinct features or clothes that stick out are supernatural entities, primarily gods? i.e. Kofuku, Yato, Tenjin, Bishamon. Even then, some other gods do still look like normal people. Hiyori is a human being and I assume that's why they made her appearance follow a more realistic agenda; however as this is still an anime, they did give her oddly coloured eyes which I suppose is enough for them.

6) Not everyone is required to be eccentric. There are people who are not naturally funny. There are also people who don't have that 'badass edge' that you claim she lacks. Why does she need to be 'badass'? There are people who are fairly neutral, with their own quirks and hobbies. Not every character has to have these two traits to be considered the slightest bit likable.

Hiyori Iki is actually one of the most significant characters for the series. The big share of the plot of the story revolves around her relationship with Yato. Yato, the god with no believers, finally gets his first - Hiyori. She managed to help him get a Regalia, she helped him when his Regalia was corrupted -alongside many other things she's done for him. She was a friend to him. She helped and cared for Yukine and himself. Technically the progression of Yato's journey to succeed to be a well known god and Yato's own character development would have never happened if Hiyori was not there. She is well balanced character and a primary catalyst for this show to even exist.

This is just my opinion. Again, to each their own.
matsuokasouDec 4, 2015 6:55 AM
Dec 8, 2015 6:53 AM

Mar 2008
I mean people can like or dislike a character, it's perfectly normal, but your reasons make zero sense.
Dec 10, 2015 10:21 PM
Dec 2015
Blind_Guardian said:
Personally I'd have enjoyed the series significantly more if Hiyori had been erased from the narrative altogether, or at the very least, been a radically different person. Reasons:<br />
<br />
1) Useless in combat against actual enemies<br />
2) Hair-trigger violent against her allies<br />
3) Hits on Yukine (leading to his corruption), falls in love with Yato for no reason<br />
4) Stupid subplot that goes nowhere with the half-Phantom thing<br />
5) Boring, generic character design<br />
6) Never funny, entertaining or badass in any way, shape or form

I agree with you. I hate hiyori too, she's calm to other people, but she's rude to yato :v yukine is rude to yato too, but yukine is useful, and he's cute :3 I hate sakura (naruto), and I dont like nao (charlotte) with the same reason :v
May 25, 2016 11:27 PM
Nov 2014
SHe's alright,she is there to support
Nov 5, 2016 4:14 PM
Nov 2016
I agree with you! Hiyori was the kind of "likeable by all" character that I especially dislike! And she's hella annoying because EVERYONE seems to be shipping her and Yato together forgetting the most important bond in this story. I generally dislike characters like that. Distracters.
Nov 5, 2016 4:17 PM

Oct 2015
I don't like her either
Go back to being a naked monkey, sweetie!

Jan 19, 2017 4:55 AM
Jan 2017
I mean, I see where you're coming from, but I really can't say I agree with you. Seriously, I get it, she's not exactly 'powerful' in any way, and I have to admit, at first glance, it DOES seem like she's not really very relevant to the show. But if you just give it a bit of thought, then you realise that Yato and Yukine would most likely be dead without her!

Heck, without Hiyori, Yato and Yukine might not have even MET! After all, Yato only made Yukine his regalia while he and Hiyori were on the run from a phantom, and without Hiyori provoking the phantom, that all might never have happened!

Also, personally I think her 'simple' character design is what really makes her stand out. In a world with fluffy-fluff scarves and natural pink hair, Hiyori's plain school uniform practically screams: 'Am I the only sane one here?' And her cord is an especially nice touch, it's a detail which signifies that she still has ties to this godly world, and that she isn't a total stranger.

All in all, I find Hiyori to be quite the funny character, and some of her interactions with Yato are just hilarious! I think you should give her a bit more credit, she really is quite an important character!
Jan 19, 2017 5:32 AM

Mar 2016
Hiyori is boring.
Feb 14, 2017 1:06 PM

Jan 2017
i don't hate her but i prefer Nora over her
Jul 12, 2017 9:45 AM
Aug 2016
Well, I don't hate her but I don't like her either. I don't know if it's because her voice or because I only see her like the classic love interest of the male protagonist. I prefer Bishamon or Kofuku... But I don't imagine Noragami without Hiyori.
She is not useless, she had helped Yato And Yukine multiple times.
Jul 23, 2017 8:46 AM
Jul 2017
Some of the problems u have with her aren't in the manga. It goes to show you how TERRIBLY they adapted the manga.
Aug 23, 2017 5:12 AM
Aug 2017
AwesomeDudex3 said:
I disagree, with Yato being the odd-ball, and Yuki being the "I dont care" follower, her prescence balances the shows chemistry with her normal-ness :P
AwesomeDudex3 said:
I disagree, with Yato being the odd-ball, and Yuki being the "I dont care" follower, her prescence balances the shows chemistry with her normal-ness :P

Aug 23, 2017 5:16 AM
Aug 2017
eiramu17 said:
#4. without 'the half-phantom' thing, i doubt there would even be a Noragami. Hiyori isnt so bad. its stupid how people think an anime has to be action-packed 24/7 with lame outfits and fighting to be good.
#6 hiyori's really funny in the manga
#5 i could slap you. would it kill someone to stop droppin the G word every-damn-where?!
she's an average high schooler! her hair isnt even a weird color and she wears normal length socks!
....its Yukine i hate

Sep 5, 2017 8:35 AM
Sep 2017
I don't know why, but she gets on my nerves a lot. So yep I hate her
Oct 14, 2017 7:01 PM
Aug 2017
Don´t talk shit about my Waifu
Nov 9, 2017 9:23 AM

Jul 2016
Why hate Hiyori? She saved Yato multiple times and she's really cute
Nov 9, 2017 9:46 AM
Jul 2018
I don't hate her, but I don't think she was the best character ever. While her being more badass could have been interesting, Bishamon already fits that category, and too many strong characters can end up seeming forced. Other people have already mentioned how she's a normal high school girl so doesn't need to be a great fighter, which I agree with. I thought her martial arts interest was quite amusing, but other than that, her personality was boring in my opinion.

At least she wasn't an annoying character whose only purpose was to be a love interest.
Nov 25, 2017 1:53 AM

Feb 2011
No she adds well to the dynamic of yato and yukine...
Reasons for people "hating" her are substandard. In reality, she is just a regular girl who cares deeply for her friends & I enjoy how she amplifies the comic relief in Noragami!!
Dec 17, 2017 4:27 PM
Jul 2018
Wtf. Who would hate Hiyori? I didn't know such people exist.
removed-userSep 3, 2018 7:17 AM
Dec 30, 2017 5:06 PM
Dec 2017
I don't like her either, but personally only because I really like Yato and I don't like how people ship her with him, because it's not a cute ship in my opinion. It's a result stupid reason, but it's why I don't like her. 😂
Dec 30, 2017 5:07 PM
Dec 2017
Butterflymansion said:
Hiyori is boring.
True! She's a pretty basic character.
Jan 5, 2018 12:07 PM
Dec 2017
Nope, Hiyori's awesome and fun. She contributes to the hilarious moments in Noragami. Also, I don't find her annoying or anything like that. So, yeah...she's cool. Personally, I'd be pretty mad if they replaced her.
Aug 16, 2018 10:01 AM

Jun 2016
I liked her in the beginning but ended up despising her with her actions during serious situations. Specifically when Yukinne was being bad, Kofuku told her if he kept doing what he was doing Yato would die but instead she ignored it. Then during his punishment she kept crying "yameteeeeeeeeeee" "this is too harsh" "he doesn't deserve this," despite knowing fully well that
1. he stole a skateboard (and she covered for him)
2. he stole CHARITY money
3. he broke a lot of the windows to her school
and yet she still thought he was a good boy. Give me a break. Honestly i was so happy when Rabo destroyed her memories but of course my happiness was shattered when she came back all because she smelled Yato??
Sep 3, 2018 7:05 AM
May 2018
Same, I find her extremely boring. She’s not useless, I’ll give her that, but just replace her with any normal person and it wouldn’t have made much of a change
Sep 3, 2018 7:30 AM
Jul 2018
beachfossels said:
I liked her in the beginning but ended up despising her with her actions during serious situations. Specifically when Yukinne was being bad, Kofuku told her if he kept doing what he was doing Yato would die but instead she ignored it. Then during his punishment she kept crying "yameteeeeeeeeeee" "this is too harsh" "he doesn't deserve this," despite knowing fully well that
1. he stole a skateboard (and she covered for him)
2. he stole CHARITY money
3. he broke a lot of the windows to her school
and yet she still thought he was a good boy. Give me a break. Honestly i was so happy when Rabo destroyed her memories but of course my happiness was shattered when she came back all because she smelled Yato??

Because he is and Hiyori got what he is going through. I mean, there are far worse crimes in the world than a (dead) teenager stealing money or a skateboard.
Many somewhat troubled children and teenager with problems continue to commit such little crimes, because that's their way of crying for help. Especially Yukine. He is invisible to almost everyone besides the gods, Hiyori and Shinkis and everyone of his peer group, who he could befriend, if he were alive. So he steals and breaks windows, because he wants at least to be heard, if nobody is able to see him - literally heard, that's why he smashed the windows.

And then there was Nora, who also brought his self-worth down, Yukine was forced to kill the little girl, who was consumed by the phantom, even if it couldn't be helped, but Yato didn't talk to him afterward, because Yato is a little bit of harsh personality sometimes and not that much of a communication genius (neither isn't Bishamon xD). So he should have talked to Yukine more.
Then Yukine met the bullied boy, who's weaknesses reminded him of himself maybe, and the rest of the students there with their daily life and friends.
Even if he knew what he is doing to Yato... people often don't act rationally and especially not teenagers.

I thought that Hiyori is very mature for her age and empathic, because she tries to understand people and see through facades instead of judging everyone - and if she does, she tries to reflect her opinion later on and she tries to understand their perception. Imo that girl is absolutely wonderful, seriously. ;)
removed-userSep 3, 2018 8:23 AM
Sep 3, 2018 11:11 AM

Aug 2018
Even without having any combat skills in battle shounen anime, Hiyori is still a likeable character.
Unlike other female leads who made stupid decisions again and again.
Sep 4, 2018 4:11 PM
Aug 2018
Yato have ?+100 years and hiyori have 16 years seriously me i can't accept that love relation
Sep 4, 2018 4:47 PM

May 2017
It's been a while since I've seen Noragami but I don't really remember hating her. I get a lot of peoples' reasons for not liking her though. They're pretty valid.
Sep 8, 2018 11:56 AM
May 2018
Yann14 said:
Yato have ?+100 years and hiyori have 16 years seriously me i can't accept that love relation

This too. And it’s actually worse, Yato is more than 1000 years old, and Hiyori is 15. Yato’s appearance is just an excuse to make it look more appropiate... ( And Hiyori looks older than her age too btw ) His mind is still that of a 1000-year-old. Loving a 15-year-old teenager just feels so wrong... Like an elderly person loving a kid @_@ Furthermore, Hiyori is a mortal and will die one day. I don’t want Yato to be sad just because he’s forced into a relationship with a mortal, but sadly main male and main female characters that are truly great friends and not falling in love hardly exist nowadays.
Jan 22, 2019 9:45 AM
Jan 2019
Rinmot said:
She's a normal student who cares about her friends. What are you expecting out of her? Some yakuza daughter?

Dude...That's the entire problem of the plot. The world that they are trying to depict is a very cruel world, where people do not always want other's good. The loath and want revenge. That's the reason Gods like Yato were born.

So in this dark twisted world where Yato is trying to look for a natural place to belong, where he will be worshiped as a true God, what Hiyori want is a typical high school girls attitude with the spice of her childish "All happy go merrily" is what infuriates me to hell.

Even in the fight with Rabo, Yato pathetically clung to her just to save her. He didn't even notice the sadness and the honour Rabo deserved in his death bed.
Jan 22, 2019 9:51 AM
Jan 2019
Millerkun said:
3) Hits on Yukine (leading to his corruption), falls in love with Yato for no reason

To answer #3 Hiyori was acting like a mother or sister to Yukine,Yukine the child while Yoto seem like the father figure in my opinion.She did like him because of his scent and his kindness towards people could be a factor.

To be or to even "act" as a mother, one needs to know other's feelings and what he/she must be going through. What Hiyori, who has a pretty "happy go" life, has enough money to spend on, has the leizure to hangout with friends and fall in love and who has a ridiculously stupid attitude towards the world they are trying to portray, would know the sufferings of a deceased?

Its as if she is trying to mock the storyline itself.
Jan 22, 2019 9:56 AM
Jan 2019
Blarey said:
Not me. Think about it, without Hiyori, what would Noragami have been really? Yukine and Yato arguing and bullshitting around all day? Without Hiyori, Yukine never would have changed, so in my eyes she was an important character in the show.

Plus, she's cute and has a tail. Now on the other hand if you asked the question: Anyone else hate Yukine? I'm sure you would get some similar opinions.

I would suggest you think a little bit more. Even if Hiyori wasn't there, even if Yato himself would have told those exact same words to Yukino at that time, the plot would have turned out to be exact same, except that Yato this time would have turned out to look a little bit more cool. As far as the fights go, I don't think Yato ever took them seriously, bcz, he knew about Yukino's past to begin with and had a fatherly nature towards him right from the start, even without any of the advise of Hiyori
Jan 22, 2019 10:01 AM
Jan 2019
LoneWizzy said:
Blind_Guardian said:
Personally I'd have enjoyed the series significantly more if Hiyori had been erased from the narrative altogether, or at the very least, been a radically different person. Reasons:

1) Useless in combat against actual enemies
2) Hair-trigger violent against her allies
3) Hits on Yukine (leading to his corruption), falls in love with Yato for no reason
4) Stupid subplot that goes nowhere with the half-Phantom thing
5) Boring, generic character design
6) Never funny, entertaining or badass in any way, shape or form

i dont know which shows you watch but she is not generic,not her character or appearance...She played her part as "ordinary girl get caught on situation" and added some romance elements here and there.Also why do you want her to fight?this isnt Fairy Tail or Naruto(if you want to hate someone,hate Sakura).She dont have to fight :S

I do agree that she has no reason to fight, but I also disagree that she wan an "ordinary girl get caught on situation". Because if thats so, please feel free to cut off your ties and return to normal, which Yato even suggested. No one cares about you.
Jan 22, 2019 11:39 AM
Nov 2013
ankuranime54 said:
Blarey said:
Not me. Think about it, without Hiyori, what would Noragami have been really? Yukine and Yato arguing and bullshitting around all day? Without Hiyori, Yukine never would have changed, so in my eyes she was an important character in the show.

Plus, she's cute and has a tail. Now on the other hand if you asked the question: Anyone else hate Yukine? I'm sure you would get some similar opinions.

I would suggest you think a little bit more. Even if Hiyori wasn't there, even if Yato himself would have told those exact same words to Yukino at that time, the plot would have turned out to be exact same, except that Yato this time would have turned out to look a little bit more cool. As far as the fights go, I don't think Yato ever took them seriously, bcz, he knew about Yukino's past to begin with and had a fatherly nature towards him right from the start, even without any of the advise of Hiyori

I would suggest you don’t quote posts from over 4 years ago. I had just started watching anime, I barely even knew what I was talking about
Jan 22, 2019 11:44 AM
Jan 2019
Isn't that your stupid fault 😑
Feb 22, 2019 9:02 PM
Feb 2019
The part when she let herself get influenced and used by Yato’s dad and kissed him blew it for me. Not only is she annoying, pathetic and useless but she’s a hoe too. Yato is portrayed as a fool sometimes thanks to her and it’s pathetic for the anime and his badass image. They should give Yato a real worthy female lead instead of crappy hiyori.
Jan 14, 2020 11:12 PM

Jul 2017
She's such an annoying character, she's a huge reason why yukine acts out in the first place and butts in making it harder for yato. Her trying to help makes everything worse and and she doesn't even realize it.
Jan 14, 2020 11:18 PM

Apr 2013
She's okay, could be better, could be worse. Why hate on Hiyori if Yukine is in this show as well?
May 18, 2020 8:27 AM
May 2020

agree that noragami can do better without hyori or at least wihout the yato-hyori romantic twist. otherwise just stick with yato and the story of gods..

shes too weak of a character. id rather see yato paired up with someone like kofoku , veena, nora. didnt hate her until she starts chasing yato and prefers him over her family. id rather see her dead spirit and become a shinki or a phantom than a mortal chasing after a god

they could have just kept the relationship between hyori yukine yato purely platonic

imnotok_ruokeMay 18, 2020 8:57 AM
May 18, 2020 8:50 AM

Dec 2019
yes that's me, glad to know i am not the only one.

May 21, 2020 10:52 AM

May 2020
Girl still a girl they will rarely used her mind but more on feeling
May 29, 2020 4:29 PM
May 2020
Blind_Guardian said:
Personally I'd have enjoyed the series significantly more if Hiyori had been erased from the narrative altogether, or at the very least, been a radically different person. Reasons:

1) Useless in combat against actual enemies
2) Hair-trigger violent against her allies
3) Hits on Yukine (leading to his corruption), falls in love with Yato for no reason
4) Stupid subplot that goes nowhere with the half-Phantom thing
5) Boring, generic character design
6) Never funny, entertaining or badass in any way, shape or form

I agree, I feel the same. Yato is a massive creep for wanting a middle school child, its vile!! I loved the concept of the anime I was super excited, then this potential Yato and Hiyori put me off so badly. I havent watched after episode 13
May 29, 2020 4:31 PM
May 2020
Millerkun said:
3) Hits on Yukine (leading to his corruption), falls in love with Yato for no reason

To answer #3 Hiyori was acting like a mother or sister to Yukine,Yukine the child while Yoto seem like the father figure in my opinion.She did like him because of his scent and his kindness towards people could be a factor.

Most gods are kind to humans no? And I feel age wise she should be a hell a lot more compatible with Yukine than yato.
Jul 9, 2020 7:26 PM

Sep 2009
I like Hiyori she's an important character that is there to help Yato and Yukine to change and improve themselves, she gives moral support and love to them and thats really important, she helps the relationship of Yato and Yukine even though I think she could have helped more, also she fights a little even though ofc she's not going to fight extreme dangerous foes since she doesn't have any kind of power like Yato.

I think its nice of her to always want to help even though she doesn't know how since she doesn't have any power and many times she wants to help but knows it will put herself in danger and that will make everything worse so its actually smart of her to keep herself away. I like that she helps Yukine to believe in Yato and belive in himself she actually helps Yukine to stay in the right path....Yukine is suppose to be Yato guide but its actually Hiyori that guides both of them
Jul 13, 2020 3:51 PM
Jul 2020
She's the vary reason Yato and yukine don't fight more often and she gave Yato his vary first shrine what are you on about???
Jul 26, 2020 4:03 AM

Nov 2013
This is a pointless thread. OP hates the character and doesn't want to change their POV, so why even bother... This is a typical "personal taste" "discussion". I hate a certain character, certain food, certain drink and so on because of personal bias... Well congratulations, people have different opinions and it's highly unlikely that they'll change their minds because of comments. At least, thanks to the poll, you should have realized that you're a minority when it comes to hating her. Other than that, this thread is Pointless since one can create a new thread with same title on literally every single character!!!
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