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Mar 30, 2016 9:12 PM

Dec 2009
Man this expanded universe stuff Square is doing with FFXV is amazing. We're getting an anime, a CGI movie, and the main game. The anime is off to an impressive start. Got to see a bit into Noctis' past and see how he lost people to that lamia creature, then a bit of the roadtripping with his three friends (I heard Natsu's Japanese VA!), and then the last confrontation between robotic soldiers and once again the lamia.

Can't wait to see what the next 4 episodes are like, too bad they're only 10 minutes each. At least it makes the wait for the game easier.
Aiko_HiroshiMar 30, 2016 9:16 PM
Mar 30, 2016 9:14 PM

Jan 2015
Its Final Fantasy, What else i should say!
But the episode was short to me. i wish it was 20 mins+
Liking the Art and the fighting.
Can't wait for ep.2
Mar 30, 2016 9:16 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
The animation could have been better but so far I love it....

The dynamic of the group is on point and the action scenes were great (Especially the ones from Noctis' by himself )

Looking forward to seeing more
Mar 30, 2016 9:24 PM
Jul 2018
The music was top notch! Also I like the blonde haired dude. He likes coffee.
Mar 30, 2016 9:28 PM
Jul 2018
It was neat. Pretty underwhelming considering the amount of money Square is pouring in this game. Ufotable still does the best anime adaptions of games though (not God Eater though)
Mar 30, 2016 9:30 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
This ONA gets me hyped for the game! Nice to know more about this universe. FFXV better come out in September!

Mar 30, 2016 9:47 PM

Oct 2015
The ost is as flawless but not getting used and it's like awkward to see the characters in anime form.

But OH MY GOD finally sept/30/2016
Mar 30, 2016 10:02 PM

Jan 2011
First episode was actually pretty good. Should be a nice little intro into the game.
Mar 30, 2016 10:10 PM

Nov 2013
Decent first episode. Interested to see where this goes.
I'm too lazy to make a fancy sig
〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
Mar 30, 2016 10:37 PM

Jan 2016
Not bad at all for a first episode. I really enjoyed the fight scene and damn it that cliffhanger, but I gotta say the real deal was with the burgers.

Mar 30, 2016 10:47 PM
Apr 2015
It was pretty good. 4/5 maybe. Only thing that didn't feel right was the fight scene. The game's fighting system puts the anime's fight scene to shame. I love how Noctis is such a dick to his friends tho. At the begining where he just takes out his lettuce and puts it on another burger? What a dick! XD
Mar 30, 2016 11:00 PM
Jul 2012
Why not Madhouse or Ufotable? Why choose A-1 of all things? They obviously don't want to put any effort into any anime adaptations of video games. Look at the trailer for the Ace Attorney anime and you can see just how disinterested A-1 is when it comes to video games. They only care about Light Novels... Seriously, Square Enix made a huge mistake choosing that dumb studio for this.
Mar 30, 2016 11:09 PM

Oct 2012
Wow... really cant wait to see how the game turn out to be...
Maybe FFXV has the deepest plot in the franchise. (or not).

And the boss was kinda remind me of marilis from FFIX

Whatever, it's really surprising me about how the game marketing is. Without sacrifices you can't make something good, hmm.....

Samhiuy said:
Look at the trailer for the Ace Attorney anime and you can see just how disinterested A-1 is when it comes to video games. They only care about Light Novels... Seriously, Square Enix made a huge mistake choosing that dumb studio for this.

I don't think SE is interested in anime adaptation too... mostly game based anime are disappointing.
ryshinMar 30, 2016 11:14 PM

Mar 31, 2016 12:09 AM

Jun 2013
Damn that was pretty cool but noctis looks way more sexy in the game
Mar 31, 2016 12:20 AM

Dec 2015
Combat looks great, the 'theme' more so than the animation. Cant wait till the game this September.

Mar 31, 2016 12:43 AM

Jan 2010
This was surprisingly fun. I wasn't interested in the game but now this has me looking forward to more.
"My tables-meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
Mar 31, 2016 12:49 AM

Jan 2009
technology vs magic
im not familiar much about Final Fantasy because i do not play any games of it
but Noctis looks like Gilgamesh from Fate series with all those weapons
Mar 31, 2016 1:19 AM

Apr 2010
So this is where Sasuke ends after he left Konoha

The adaptation was top notch for me. The action bit was cool. And seeing Marilith animated, sent shivers down my spine...oh, the old FF era...totally miss it. What can I say...I decided way before this ONA appeared that I will buy the game, as I'm a FF nerd. If all of the ONAs are like this one, it will be a 10/10 for me.
Mar 31, 2016 2:02 AM

Jan 2016
j0x said:
technology vs magic
im not familiar much about Final Fantasy because i do not play any games of it
but Noctis looks like Gilgamesh from Fate series with all those weapons

Even though it was always in front of me (the trailers showing Noctis' swords flying around), I never saw it that way. Now I do. Cannot be unseen.
Mar 31, 2016 2:25 AM

Feb 2015
I'd say this feels very Final Fantasy-esk to me, I've played pretty much all games in the series, and I'm really looking forward to this game as well, and this anime really help building a good foundation of the story.

Mar 31, 2016 2:28 AM
Jul 2018
Dunno why but everytime I watched Final Fantasy I was remind of how great it will be like Advent Children. Hoping the film won't be disappointing.
Mar 31, 2016 3:52 AM

Jan 2013
I wasn't expecting for Noctis to be picky with the food.
Well, it's good to kill time until the main game. At least now we know how is mother died (I'm guessing that woman was his mother). And that the marriage thing is still on going. I don't remember a word about that since they changed the main female character.

Aiko_Hiroshi said:

Man this expanded universe stuff Square is doing with FFXV is amazing. We're getting an anime, a CGI movie, and the main game.

Don't forget the demos.
Mar 31, 2016 4:54 AM

Jan 2009
Pretty good! The animation quality isn't half-bad. Dat soundrack, on the other hand... :D

Mar 31, 2016 4:56 AM

May 2014
Aiko_Hiroshi said:
Can't wait to see what the next 4 episodes are like, too bad they're only 10 minutes each. At least it makes the wait for the game easier.

I know right? I thought it will have 24 minutes long episode since there are only 5 total episodes but well.... better than nothing.
Mar 31, 2016 5:06 AM

May 2010
Eh, they looks so english that japanese voice-acting doesn't suit them, lol.

Well, Noctis is more expressive than I thought. I'm having trouble getting used to Suzuki Tatsuhisa's voice as him.

That was some nice action, I liked the camera angles. That was more fun than I expected. That monster reminded me of Tomb Raider, there was this weird boss in it. Was it hard to beat..
Mar 31, 2016 5:25 AM

Apr 2015
lol... never thought they will make FF XV to anime...
Sasuke... is that you??
that burger scene... haha
the animation is not bad, the fighting scene looks cool
waiting for next episode...
Mar 31, 2016 5:36 AM

Apr 2015
TragicRomance said:
Eh, they looks so english that japanese voice-acting doesn't suit them, lol.

It seems for me that FF dialogues are better to be in English rather than Japanese. It sound so unnatural,
Mar 31, 2016 6:02 AM

Sep 2010
Am I the only one who found this first episode to just be... Meh? I wasn't super impressed or entertained watching it. I'd give it a 5/10.
Mar 31, 2016 6:57 AM

Jun 2014
Well, that was bad.
From the rapid fire expostion (There was a war,we lost. The end), over the boring characters and doing boring to the shitty to fight scene where most enemies weren't even fighting back.
A few sconds earlier they werealso talking about how these enemies are suppsoed to be a big deal, but then they just attack them head on.
Mar 31, 2016 7:18 AM
Mar 2016
Is it really good? I really haven't been sure about it since they continued to make so many changes to it when I really liked it when Stella was still there.

Would you also recommend the game as well? There's a possibility I might get a PS4 but I still need to get my PS3 fixed. I've seen a lot of people are heading towards the PS4 now and are having problems with their PS3.
Mar 31, 2016 7:19 AM

Dec 2009
Szadek23 said:
Well, that was bad.
From the rapid fire expostion (There was a war,we lost. The end), over the boring characters and doing boring to the shitty to fight scene where most enemies weren't even fighting back.
A few sconds earlier they werealso talking about how these enemies are suppsoed to be a big deal, but then they just attack them head on.

Good job dropping something that is only 5 mini episodes long and is a prequel to a much larger game world. Not everything will be explained in this series because its supposed to be watched before going into Final Fantasy XV. It's not supposed to be a stand alone watch, it's part of a larger expanded universe.
Mar 31, 2016 7:22 AM

Dec 2009
Kiki04 said:
Is it really good? I really haven't been sure about it since they continued to make so many changes to it when I really liked it when Stella was still there.

Would you also recommend the game as well? There's a possibility I might get a PS4 but I still need to get my PS3 fixed. I've seen a lot of people are heading towards the PS4 now and are having problems with their PS3.

The game is looking to be amazing. I've played both Episode Duscae and the Platinum demo and all the changes they've done have been for the better. Combat flows so well and is addicting, the characters are interesting and they drive the story, and finally the world is enormous and fun to explore. It's pretty much going to be the biggest Final Fantasy game since FFVII and Square is promoting with this expanded universe knowing that. If you want to know my thoughts on the anime so far, just look above lol.
Mar 31, 2016 7:57 AM

Apr 2015
This was a good first episode, getting us into the plot and the characters. I guess the point is to get us excited for the game, and it's succeeding so far with me.
Mar 31, 2016 8:12 AM

Oct 2013
It's nothing too special (yet?), but still.... HYPE. The action was great and I'm already liking the group dynamic. Love all this expanded content they're investing into the game.

I don't have a PS4 (yet?????) so I didn't get to play the demos. But I've spent near half my life waiting on this bloody game so I'm definitely finding the means to get a PS4 by this September.

Mar 31, 2016 8:45 AM
Mar 2008
FFXV Anime, FFXV CGI Movie, FFXV Demo(s), FFXV Game in September............................Star Ocean 5, World of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest XI................what the hell is goin on with SquareEnix now? Did they drink a power-drink or something and bringing the good stuff now? After the damn FFXIII Trilogy (i didnt like it very much) and FFXIV as well the episodic Hitman and the rather average FFType-0.
Well, i am more hyped for Star Ocean 5 than FFXV (even tho Square is gonna change some things is SO5............thanks you damn brainless SJWs), but i am gonna buy the game anyway as well as all the other games i mentioned above.

But now to the Anime..................yeah, it was nice. Slightly above average. Animation was good enough, sound as well, story is the FFXV Demo (the first far as i remember)..............but the characters.............honestly, i dont really like those guys. Thats a damn boyband (and hopefully they dont destroy my fun with the game). But, it was a nice episode overall.
Mar 31, 2016 9:48 AM
Feb 2016
The only thing thats dissapointing was that it was 12 minutes long T_T i thought it was gonna be like anormal anime with 24 mintes but first episode was great. an't wait for more XV.
Mar 31, 2016 10:04 AM

Nov 2014
I'm happy with what I watched, I mean people have to understand this is an extra for the game in the final stages, and lets be honest this is better than just a couple of extra trailers. The fans that have been waiting for 10 or so years see this as an apology for the wait, and it sure seems like a great way to apologize if you ask me. Now I wonder what they'll do for To aru majutsu no index III, probably nothing...
Mar 31, 2016 10:46 AM

Aug 2014
My main issue here are the characters, they are all just stereotypes. I didn't like their interactions. The hamburger scene was silly.
Mar 31, 2016 11:25 AM

Jun 2014
Aiko_Hiroshi said:

Good job dropping something that is only 5 mini episodes long and is a prequel to a much larger game world. Not everything will be explained in this series because its supposed to be watched before going into Final Fantasy XV. It's not supposed to be a stand alone watch, it's part of a larger expanded universe.

I have no problem with dropping anything at any point, especially when it's this bad.
Mar 31, 2016 11:45 AM

Feb 2014
The best thing is that there are already reviews for this series. How can people write a review for something that had just started? If you read a book or play a game you can rate it after 3 pages or 15 minutes of playing? MAL reviews are really hilarious.

The hamburger scene was nice in showing relations between the characters. The same goes for the scene in the night. Animation was good, I'm waiting for the next episodes and for the game.
Mar 31, 2016 11:52 AM

Aug 2014
Ictius said:
The best thing is that there are already reviews for this series. How can people write a review for something that had just started? If you read a book or play a game you can rate it after 3 pages or 15 minutes of playing? MAL reviews are really hilarious.

Is called First Impressions, but MAL dont have something like a First Impressions tab.
Mar 31, 2016 11:54 AM

Feb 2014
kofmaster said:
Ictius said:
The best thing is that there are already reviews for this series. How can people write a review for something that had just started? If you read a book or play a game you can rate it after 3 pages or 15 minutes of playing? MAL reviews are really hilarious.

Is called First Impressions, but MAL dont have something like a First Impressions tab.

Then don't write a review. If you want to share your first impressions you can always write about them in the discussion topics.
Mar 31, 2016 11:58 AM

Aug 2014
Usually yes, but this topic has something weird that slows down my PC.
Mar 31, 2016 12:00 PM

Feb 2014
kofmaster said:
Usually yes, but this topic has something weird that slows down my PC.

And yet you wrote 3 comments here ;)
Mar 31, 2016 12:14 PM

Aug 2014
Via a quick copy-paste, but my flash crashed 3 times trying to read the whole topic xD.
Returning to the topic, if "MAL" does not want that first impressions are published should just block the "review" button until the series ends. However a full review always has more value.
Last reply in this topic because... crashed again...
kofmasterMar 31, 2016 12:20 PM
Mar 31, 2016 12:34 PM

May 2015
Well, that was fairly decent. Not bad. The action was pretty good. So far, so good.

Mar 31, 2016 1:15 PM

Aug 2015
Main Character= Sasuke Uchiha + Minato Namikaze + Erza Scarlet
Mar 31, 2016 1:24 PM
Apr 2014
Really nice music there. And i like Noctis' fighting Style as of shown until now. I hope the next episode doesn't take too long to release, damn cliffhanger :D
Mar 31, 2016 1:49 PM
Jul 2018
Clean look, okay setup. This achieved its goal satisfactorily, which is an introduction to the world of FFXV. I need more females in here though, this sausagefest did not endear itself to me. Where the hell are the women, even the game trailers had this issue. I've seen three women thus far in most of the media. Animation could have been better but I'm not a quality snob, I'm good with this. 3/5
Mar 31, 2016 2:46 PM
Jan 2012
kind of have mixed feelings about this since I watched the Kingsglaive trailer after watching this. I'd much rather watch CGI of that quality than anime of this quality.
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