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Dimension W
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Feb 7, 2016 3:58 PM

Nov 2014
This shit went from

1. Cool
2. Good
3. Fine
4. Mediocre
5. Shit

really fast.

Feb 7, 2016 4:03 PM

Sep 2012
This entire arc was way too rushed. They jammed two entire volumes into just 2 episodes. A volume usually covers about 2-3 episodes, if not more. This was supposed to be an eerie mystery arc, but because of its insanely fast pacing none of the mystery was left intact. No investigating the crime scene, no explanation of dimension w, no police quarantine, characters and their motivations missing. Any mystery was instantly solved so it could move to the next plot point. There was no time to think about what or how things happened and it even induced some minor inconsistincies.

The flashback was first being told by mira and ended with shirou finishing the story from his perspective stating that he was going to protect their world no matter what before anyone was even there to hear him, while in the manga he told the entire story himself to mira, kyouma and the other dam casualties, who were all there. The old shirou, sakaki, also shouldn't be able to appear as a "ghost" as he wasn't anywhere near the numbers when he died.

There is a lot of other minor stuff that's missing, but I feel the fast pace really ruins the arc. Some more downtime and time to think would help enormously in making the arc better.
Feb 7, 2016 5:13 PM

Sep 2013
The maid father in the ending maybe was dam guard who die in hand of Sakaki
Feb 7, 2016 5:22 PM
Aug 2011
That was, well... uninteresting. Too much story that no ones really cares about (it was too fast, and even if it was given more episodes to explain it, it would still be kind of boring), just to show the power of the number coils. I believe they could throw some development into that girl with the bats, or develop current ones (that blond dude, or that woman that gives Kyouma the jobs, or even the father with that super light on episode one) while explaining about the consequences of the numbers.

The problem is that they are giving us characters and them dropping them, I mean, if you have the trouble the put them there, create a relation of those characters to the big plot. But then, what's the big plot? We still don't have Kyouma backstory, and we still don't know the reason behind the coil collecting. Or maybe I'm not paying much attention at all.

I do love the scenes with Mira and Kyouma, they are so adorable. The first three episodes were good story wise and those two were that special comedy touch (and fanservice too, hehe) of the anime. It will be tough to follow this if the story turns into shit, because I love both of them.
Feb 7, 2016 5:25 PM

Aug 2015
Ritshiro said:
Omg that ending was so creepy!

Nice find.

This was a nice episode and I enjoyed the arc.
Feb 7, 2016 5:49 PM

Apr 2015
Damn Kyoma shouldn't hit top tier waifu material ='(.

Btw so basically that ghost guy lost that ghost girl and after that he was in love with he's little sister? Could someone please explain it to me.

Still really nice episode.
Feb 7, 2016 5:52 PM

Jan 2008
Well that was unexpected...

But still, if it was self-defense, which it was (he was trying to rape her while choking her out), there shouldn't have been any reason for the him to try and dispose of the stiff's body at all....unless Japan has some draconian laws that punishes the victim about to be raped and/or killed.
Feb 7, 2016 6:13 PM

Jan 2011
this arc was kinda interesting but confusing at the same time and the actual backstory was to short,but these Numbers really can make anything happen it seems

Gothic chick is losers daughter ? say what how many kids does he have
Feb 7, 2016 7:47 PM

Sep 2013
That was confusing as fuck. Well this is sci-fi and there's a lot of made -up things in the story.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Feb 7, 2016 7:54 PM

Jul 2015
thebrentinator24 said:
Does anyone familiar with the manga know if this episode also crammed a bunch of chapters in? Because this episode also felt kind of rushed as well.

Even though this episode felt rushed, it was still pretty interesting/a little sad with the backstory and the action was entertaining as well. Lol at Kyoma's punch backfiring and Mira not giving a shit. Hopefully the rest of the season doesn't rush things.

MANY chapters in? Oh dear. I don't read manga, but I actually heard of such a thing before from people here during the last episode. That doesn't sound good... at all. To cram in a bunch of stuff in a single thing. That's like.... the opposite of what I heard about the One Piece anime. lol

And I can see now that I'm not the only one that felt that this was rushed or something. Not only did you say that as well, but some others did as well. I really hope that this doesn't happen with the rest of the episodes, since I thought the anime was going rather smoothly until this part came in.
Feb 7, 2016 7:59 PM

May 2011
4kicks said:
Well that was unexpected...

But still, if it was self-defense, which it was (he was trying to rape her while choking her out), there shouldn't have been any reason for the him to try and dispose of the stiff's body at all....unless Japan has some draconian laws that punishes the victim about to be raped and/or killed.

Japan has no "right to self defense" laws. But they do acknowledge "circumstances" sometimes. There's a lot of Japanese laws that are ambiguous in nature. That's why you see commonplace reactions of Japanese trying to shy away from conflicts.
Feb 7, 2016 8:33 PM

Apr 2010
Bad pacing is killing it. This would be a really cool story if adapted properly.
heiismyhusbandoFeb 7, 2016 8:37 PM
Feb 7, 2016 8:43 PM

Oct 2011
Poor Enamori. Everyone she knew died
Feb 7, 2016 9:53 PM

Sep 2015
That was a great back story for this episode.
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Feb 7, 2016 11:06 PM

Jun 2011
Nothing makes sense in this scooby doo parody show... I LOVE IT!
Feb 8, 2016 12:17 AM

Mar 2009
Didn't understand a single thing in the past two episodes. Nothing made sense.
Mira's hot. That's all I got.

Also, Kyouma's a douche for hitting her in this episode. See, that's another reason why I'm not enjoying this show. MC's can be jerks; I'm fine with that. But Kyouma's just an uninteresting and grumpy jerk. Why can't he be a cool jerk like Mugen from Samurai Champloo or Favaro from Bahamut? Maybe Kyouma will get some character development, but as of now, I don't like the guy.
Feb 8, 2016 12:57 AM

Aug 2009
This was such a great episode! It had some amazing fight sequences from Kyouma, heartfelt thoughts on existence from our wonderful Mira (victim of chains and camera angles), and real character development for our antagonist/victim of the week.

Mira’s thoughts on existence in what could have been her final moments were strongly felt. If she’s reset, is she still herself? Or somebody new? It’s kind of along the same lines as the questions around teleportation and whether the teleported individual is the same person when they come out the other end, or just a copy. Definitely just a copy, right? That’s why I’m so glad Mira wasn’t shut off by our vampire-loli Elizabeth.
Feb 8, 2016 1:12 AM

Mar 2015

okay, i am not some sourcepurist but i have to said this is even worse than tokyo ghoul lvl of rushed. it's just 5 episode and it's already on middle 5th volume. i can see this will adapt 9 volume just in 12 episode. for comparison, tokyo ghoul first season only adapted 7 volume for 12 episode. i can explain the thing about 1/3 episode of this episode because the manga scanlated only as far as that. (3/4 of 4th volume). it's not make many sanse because they skipped the whole info dumps.

as for stand alone episode (ignoring the manga), i still at least give this episode solid 7/10.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Feb 8, 2016 1:46 AM

Oct 2015
Those ghost were a little creepy

Wow I didn't quite understand the extent of the power of the numbers but I do now.
They clearly state that this little piece of technology created and entire new world as well as change the real world.

I feel bad for them. They've had such a sad and tragic past but its nice to seem them all reunite and leave the world happily together.

Another great episode! It just keeps getting better and better.
Feb 8, 2016 1:52 AM

Jan 2014
Hm... Rmmm... Um... Huh.... Ah...

Yeah, I got none of that.
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Feb 8, 2016 4:31 AM

Jun 2013
rape and kne it she was gonna slip over the clif bitches be trippin' lol
Feb 8, 2016 4:51 AM

Jul 2013
The rush is real for this one. This arc could easily fill up at least 5 episodes.
Feb 8, 2016 5:16 AM

May 2014
My logic has overwriten the logic of this world. - Zetsuen no Tempest LOL
"I lost all of what you could call feelings of love. They weren't sealed, so they can't be released. They weren't broken, so they can't be fixed. That which is lost, cannot be recovered." Shiba Tatsuya
"There are no regrets. If one can be proud of one's life, one should not wish for another chance." Saber
"No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I'll always try to restore balance." Korra
"It's madness to let others take what's yours and accept it blindly." Baatar Jr
"Instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong." Zaheer
"Partner in crime, partner in time" Chloe Price and Max Caulfield
Feb 8, 2016 5:37 AM

Mar 2015
Nigami_Shin said:
the show looked really promising at first but turned out to be boring - at least the last 2 episodes

This x 1 000.

PS : fuck is up with the character limit ? It's stupid.
Je trempe mes cookies dans tes larmes.
Feb 8, 2016 5:50 AM

Jan 2015
Mira being chained, she had blush marks (maybe a masochist)
Enamori just freaking died in that flood, but still holding the coil
When Mira-chan was talking about the coil Kyouma just shut up and listened to her which was a little amusing lel
It was an average episode, not the best.
Feb 8, 2016 7:17 AM

Jan 2013
Loved these 2 episodes, at least they ended in a happy way and they found peace.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Feb 8, 2016 7:24 AM

Dec 2014
that was pretty ok. The bizarre questioning of the maid at the end there was pretty interesting
Feb 8, 2016 9:34 AM

Apr 2011
It was ok. A bit confusing but it takes time to sink in. Well the good thing is its over now.
Feb 8, 2016 9:48 AM

Mar 2008
this is what happens when you cram in sooo many chapters and don't give proper explanations in the anime.. why can't studios just stick to the source material and adapt faithfully, I don't get it.. *sigh* I just have to wait till more manga chapters are translated I guess. This adaption is a trainwreck
Feb 8, 2016 9:56 AM

Jun 2015
That was good. How Mira got out of that alternate reality is a mystry to me. Other than that got most of the episode.

I must say Kyouma indifference towards Mira is not likeable.
Feb 8, 2016 10:12 AM
Jan 2016
Can someone explain me how Mira free herself? I don't get it :O
Feb 8, 2016 10:26 AM

May 2011
Soli18 said:
Damn Kyoma shouldn't hit top tier waifu material ='(.

Btw so basically that ghost guy lost that ghost girl and after that he was in love with he's little sister? Could someone please explain it to me.

Still really nice episode.

The white haired sister WAS the ghost girl who activated the "Numbers" coil. she created a parallel W dimension using the possibility that the guy saved the villagers instead of her. which cost her her memories that were trapped in her alternate form inside the cube the "numbers" coil created.

that W dimension manifested itself using the effected water from the lake. which is why kyouma could use "spring water" against the ghosts.


Also, the creepiest thing about this episode was when you found out that Elizabeth Greenhough-Smith was the Loser's Boy from episode two. What a way to ruin a good boner. I went from adoring a cosplaying tiny cute woman to realizing it's a pre-teen boy in drag.

When Mira goes "where have i seen her before," i was thinking sometime in her past before meeting Kyouma. I didn't dawn on me it was just a few episodes ago til it was too late.



vanny96 said:
Can someone explain me how Mira free herself? I don't get it :O

Mira simply realized that the world she was in was a manifestation of the ghost guy/ dead author's mind. She deducing that she could easily imply her own logic into the story. So she did and regained her robotic strength.
CirrisFeb 8, 2016 10:31 AM
Feb 8, 2016 10:38 AM

Apr 2015
Cirris said:
Soli18 said:
Damn Kyoma shouldn't hit top tier waifu material ='(.

Btw so basically that ghost guy lost that ghost girl and after that he was in love with he's little sister? Could someone please explain it to me.

Still really nice episode.

The white haired sister WAS the ghost girl who activated the "Numbers" coil. she created a parallel W dimension using the possibility that the guy saved the villagers instead of her. which cost her her memories that were trapped in her alternate form inside the cube the "numbers" coil created.

that W dimension manifested itself using the effected water from the lake. which is why kyouma could use "spring water" against the ghosts.


Also, the creepiest thing about this episode was when you found out that Elizabeth Greenhough-Smith was the Loser's Boy from episode two. What a way to ruin a good boner. I went from adoring a cosplaying tiny cute woman to realizing it's a pre-teen boy in drag.

When Mira goes "where have i seen her before," i was thinking sometime in her past before meeting Kyouma. I didn't dawn on me it was just a few episodes ago til it was too late.



vanny96 said:
Can someone explain me how Mira free herself? I don't get it :O

Mira simply realized that the world she was in was a manifestation of the ghost guy/ dead author's mind. She deducing that she could easily imply her own logic into the story. So she did and regained her robotic strength.

Alrighty I sorta get it now thanks mate.

And I totally agree with you I was all hyped for the loli but got rekt in the end XD.
Feb 8, 2016 10:49 AM

May 2009
RedaJaNai said:
Nigami_Shin said:
the show looked really promising at first but turned out to be boring - at least the last 2 episodes

This x 1 000.

PS : fuck is up with the character limit ? It's stupid.

It happened so posters would write something meaningful not lazy shit like "THIS"
Feb 8, 2016 11:02 AM

Jun 2013
Best episode so far imo! :D
Feb 8, 2016 11:12 AM

Jan 2015
This was like watching a naruto filler.
Feb 8, 2016 11:42 AM

Nov 2013
man, kyouma and mira's relationship is the highlight of this anime for me XD

still 3/5

My momma, your momma, gonna catch a witch,
My momma, your momma, flying on a switch,
My momma, your momma, witches never cry,
My momma, your momma, witches gonna die!

AWC 2017 | Anime list | Manga list
Feb 8, 2016 1:15 PM

Nov 2011
Cirris said:

Also, the creepiest thing about this episode was when you found out that Elizabeth Greenhough-Smith was the Loser's Boy from episode two. What a way to ruin a good boner. I went from adoring a cosplaying tiny cute woman to realizing it's a pre-teen boy in drag.

When Mira goes "where have i seen her before," i was thinking sometime in her past before meeting Kyouma. I didn't dawn on me it was just a few episodes ago til it was too late.


Hey, what if she was in drag in ep 2, not this one?! I think she's a girl and was in disguise in ep 2. You can thank me for saving your boner later.

Bonus space for you and me with this link! Now 500MB per referral, up to 16GB from referrals alone.
Feb 8, 2016 2:16 PM

Jul 2013
Idg what's going on. Too much information to take in when I'm not really in the mood to pay close attention.
Feb 8, 2016 3:41 PM

Jun 2014
Let me get this straight. Events in alternate universes can somehow affect the real world using Dimension W which is like a transmission medium, to enable Enamori's other 'self' to exist in a dead guy's mind. Fuck Me and this shitty storytelling are the best of friends when it comes to watching together. The lack of clarity in plot events is not helping as it was mentioned that the writer guy Sakaki neglected his friends(?) to save Enamori. Mira was flustered at one point not being able to escape from the evil woman's clutches before implementing her logic in what is supposed to be a dead guy's mind. Meh

I think I might read the manga as the Schrodinger's box theory in the spoiler is giving me Umineko no Nako koro ni vibes.
All credit goes to Sacred.
Feb 8, 2016 3:52 PM

Dec 2014
This episode was confusing af, especially with all the alternative reality shit going on. It's either just me or bad pacing. Well, at least we got some character interactions and some more world building which might come back as important in later episodes.
Feb 8, 2016 4:04 PM

Jul 2015
My head is still spinning from the plot twists -pun not intended-. But what type of guy is Kyouma indeed? =O

Feb 8, 2016 5:13 PM

Aug 2014
The was... way more confusing than I thought it'd be. It was a nice and interesting story, but kinda poorly delivered, imo. It's a shame the Number coil got destroyed instantly by Kyoma, I mean they hold so much power it's unreal... imagine the things that could be achieved with the Numbers. I hope that this is expanded on later.

Also, the inconsistency with the size of Mira's chest is unreal:

~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Feb 8, 2016 5:58 PM

Oct 2015
I wish we had more fights in the arc, the dude's arms looks like great action material but I guess a two episode arc like this requires a lot of explanation due to the nature of the story. I do appreciate the story though, it had its twists and turns. Dat ending tho, definitely did not expect that.
Feb 8, 2016 9:17 PM

May 2011
linchpin said:
Cirris said:

Also, the creepiest thing about this episode was when you found out that Elizabeth Greenhough-Smith was the Loser's Boy from episode two. What a way to ruin a good boner. I went from adoring a cosplaying tiny cute woman to realizing it's a pre-teen boy in drag.

When Mira goes "where have i seen her before," i was thinking sometime in her past before meeting Kyouma. I didn't dawn on me it was just a few episodes ago til it was too late.


Hey, what if she was in drag in ep 2, not this one?! I think she's a girl and was in disguise in ep 2. You can thank me for saving your boner later.

It's an Age issue just as much as it was a gender one. I prefer any sex symbol to at least be 17+

Either way, if i have to guess, it kind of ruins it.
Feb 9, 2016 2:33 AM

Jan 2008
Cirris said:
Japan has no "right to self defense" laws. But they do acknowledge "circumstances" sometimes. There's a lot of Japanese laws that are ambiguous in nature. That's why you see commonplace reactions of Japanese trying to shy away from conflicts.

That's pretty messed up.
Feb 9, 2016 7:00 AM

Nov 2011
The episode is not so legible in its storytelling, sometimes dramatic in others a bit too cloying, however, has managed to become attractive again, I have never experienced a sense of boredom during his vision; the ending seems to hold still open history ghost that hovers over the lake, I'm curious. Drawings and animations very good, I would have preferred just some explanation about the way the case and during the detention of Mira is resolved.
Fantastic CG of Kyouma's car.
Feb 9, 2016 7:41 AM
May 2012
Erm. I actually didn't really get what happened in the last episode lol. Like how can 2 person exist at the same time (old self killing present self) and the 2 Enamoris (1 is the real one, 1 is the little sister). Any help?
Feb 9, 2016 11:56 AM

Apr 2014
Well, that back story is good.
Anyway, so the case is close and on to the next hunt of coil and the number. are not the only one that want to know why Kyouma hate coil.
/(OoO)\ didn't notice that Elizabeth is working with Loser.
Feb 9, 2016 12:36 PM

Mar 2015
bastek66 said:
RedaJaNai said:

This x 1 000.

PS : fuck is up with the character limit ? It's stupid.

It happened so posters would write something meaningful not lazy shit like "THIS"

It's still stupid af.
Je trempe mes cookies dans tes larmes.
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