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Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Dec 12, 2015 7:23 AM

Nov 2011
Ooh, it's Episode. Been awhile since he made an appearance.

The Shinobu/Araragi moments were fun to see again

I love the buildup for this episode especially with the Oddity Slayer. Same with Kanbaru's involvement in this episode with her understanding about their problem. Pretty intense episode, good stuff.

Dec 12, 2015 9:07 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Yeah, I don't remember Episode much but I think he was Neko (Shiro). Hey, at least Kanbaru got Shinobu on top of her for quite some time. Next episode is the final. Hoping the rest of Owari and Zoku-Owari get adapted soon.

Dec 12, 2015 9:14 AM

Apr 2014

That back and forth between Kanbaru and Shinobu was pretty deep

Final episode next week: Araragi vs Oddity-slayer

Dec 12, 2015 9:22 AM

Nov 2014
I liked this episode a lot more than the previous two.

Interesting battle of wits between Shinobu and Kanburu.

I'm kind of hoping Shinobu leaves Araragi. He already has Senjougahara afterall.

aikaflipDec 12, 2015 9:56 AM
Dec 12, 2015 9:28 AM

Sep 2013
Yotsugi: "Why interlock the fingers?"
Koyomi: "Ah. My mistake. I thought you were Senjyogahara."
Yotsugi: "You're the worrrrrrsssssttttt."

Completely choked on my drink right there.
Dec 12, 2015 9:35 AM

Jan 2015
I admit it... HE GOT ME, on the spot. I must've drink it if I were Araragi.
[url=]convert gambar online
Dec 12, 2015 9:37 AM

Aug 2008
Love the exchange between Shinobu and Kanbaru. Best episode of this arc so far.

I almost forget about Episode. Just curious, is Episode and Gaen couple or what?
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Dec 12, 2015 9:43 AM

Nov 2014
That Kanburu Shinobu dialogue was fantastic
Hi there
Dec 12, 2015 9:44 AM

Jul 2013
Awesome episode (oun intended). The first part with the First was entertaining. It seems that he really wants to see Shinobu again. Episode's appereance was unexpected, but now we know why he was doing when he appears in Tsubasa Tiger. Seeing again him make me want to watch Kizu even more. The part when he and Gaen read the books that Araragi buy was funny xD.

The second part with Shinobu and Kanbaru discussion was... intense. Kanbaru beat Shinobu in the discussion and make her go inside the temple of shame, lol. And Yotsugi's foot mark was at the end a warning for other specialists... I didn't see that coming.

Want to see what will happen to the First. I don't predict a happy ending for himself.

Only one episode and bye Monogataris for this year :( Well, with Kizu and Koyomi coming next year, we have series for time :)

Zapredon said:
I almost forget about Episode. Just curious, is Episode and Gaen couple or what?

They aren't a couple. Gaen contracted Episode (who is another specialist) for the case of the First.
Dec 12, 2015 9:55 AM

Jul 2011
I wonder how the first is able to stand in the sun like that without burning up.
Dec 12, 2015 10:01 AM

Nov 2014
The episode is basic dialog
because dialog
bla bla bla


dont respond this i not trolling
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 12, 2015 10:29 AM

Aug 2012
spotted jackie chan in end card

someone else always have what you want, but it usually means nothing to them...
Dec 12, 2015 10:39 AM

May 2012
The conversation between Kanbaru and Shinobu was just great. Definitely the best part.
Dec 12, 2015 10:39 AM

Aug 2013
Kanbaru vs Shinobu was hype

aikaflip said:

I'm kind of hoping Shinobu leaves Araragi. He already has Senjougahara afterall.
well thats not gonna happen
Dec 12, 2015 10:50 AM

Jun 2014
Pretty interesting conversation between Shinobu and Kanbaru. I feel like Kanbaru really put things into perspective for Shinobu. Well, there's only one episode left, let's see how that plays out.

It was also cool to see Episode again.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Dec 12, 2015 11:05 AM

Apr 2014
Biasa said:
The episode is basic dialog
because dialog
bla bla bla


dont respond this i not trolling
what was the other 10 episodes?
Dec 12, 2015 11:10 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Much better than some of the past episodes (Gaen's monologues and snide attitude are a mood killer). The exchange between Kanbaru and Shinobu was intense, value laden and to the point. Kanbaru has grown a lot since the beginning of the series.

I loved the bit were Araragi interlocks his fingers with Yotsugi and tells her he thought she was Senjougahara

"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Dec 12, 2015 11:45 AM

Oct 2008
I found that exchange thoroughly enjoyable. Shinobu was being practical while Suruga was thinking about what was best for Shinobu's development. In that regard, Suruga's analysis was excellent. I suppose her perceptiveness for relationship issues stems from her interest in romance novels? If anything, I would have loved it if they had expanded on why she was so obsessed with getting Shinobu to meet up with the First.

Personally speaking, I wonder if Suruga did the right thing.
Dec 12, 2015 11:55 AM

Jul 2014
Best episode of this arc by a country mile. The exchange between Kanbaru and Shinobu was very intense, and even the exchange between Araragi and the First was pretty interesting in its own right too.

Hopefully the show doesn't cop out of showing us the duel now.
Dec 12, 2015 11:57 AM

Mar 2013
I think i like Kanbaru even more after this episode.
Dec 12, 2015 12:08 PM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Shodai-kun gives off some faint Yandere vibes, which makes me dislike him even more. Though, I do see where he's coming from.
Episode and Gaen checking out Araragi's purchase was hilarious!

Kanbaru and Shinobu's argument was easily the highlight of this episode. Both the script and voice acting was on point.

Actar said:
I found that exchange thoroughly enjoyable. Shinobu was being practical while Suruga was thinking about what was best for Shinobu's development. In that regard, Suruga's analysis was excellent. I suppose her perceptiveness for relationship issues stems from her interest in romance novels? If anything, I would have loved it if they had expanded on why she was so obsessed with getting Shinobu to meet up with the First.

The reason Kanbaru wanted Shinobu to meet the First so badly has to do more with her personal feelings than her interest in romance novels. Araragi realized that the First's feelings resonate more with Kanbaru, because her relationship with Senjougahara used to be pretty similar in Bakemonogatari, specifically in Suruga Monkey. Thus, she understands the First's feelings better than anyone else.

Dec 12, 2015 12:09 PM

Jul 2013
Didn't like the kanbaru argument part too much. I felt like they were saying the same things over and over again. Overall decent episode.


Hopefully the next episode is an actual fight, and not just araragi getting his ass beat.
Dec 12, 2015 12:23 PM

Aug 2010
Dat Shinobu vs Kanbaru was definitely the highlight. Damn! I really didn't expect to see Shinobu get refuted like that. Her keeping her calm after all that was props worthy. I do see both sides of things. Shinobu's "What's the use of telling him all that?" and Kanbaru's "Just flat out reject his ass but do it urself and don't let others do it for u" Lol'd at how Shinobu just went to sleep with a pout after she lost.

Lots of awesome faces Shinobu had during the argument.

And The way they did that "Why interlocking?" "Oops I thought u were Senjougahara" comedy scene in the middle of the serious moment and still made it feel in place is insane. Based Shaft!

Lol'd at Araragi acting like he didn't see the whole thing and then Kanbaru exposing him XD
And her changing the meaning of "Aahh" was so lol

Something bugging me "Why the hell was Episode reading his own BL" LOL O_O
Dec 12, 2015 12:45 PM

Feb 2015
Biasa said:
The episode is basic dialog
because dialog
bla bla bla


dont respond this i not trolling

hahaha well done.

Now I'm wondering how the arc will finish, I hope shinobu shows up and face the first.
Dec 12, 2015 1:01 PM

Feb 2011
episode showing again, he's showing up a lot recently
good to see kanbaru convincing shinobu to deal directly with her problems, instead of dropping it on anyone around here

the first looked interesting, pushing for a formal conversation while still trying to kill araragi

Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★"
Dec 12, 2015 1:31 PM

Jun 2013
Kanbaru laying down some earth shattering truths.
Dec 12, 2015 2:05 PM

Jul 2014
Araragi talks with the first oddity slayer. Episode and Izuko show up when he is about to be tricked into drinking the holy water.

Following a short confrontation, Number 1 decides to challenge him to a duel.

After that, Araragi goes back to the shrine with the stuff he bought, but Yotsugi has him hide in the bushes with her to witness Shinobu and Kanbaru having a serious discussion regarding Shinobu's relationship with the first oddity slayer and Araragi.

After that, he finds out from Episode that the duel will take place at the school, and he gives Kanbaru the stuff he bought for her. She encourages him by telling him, in Engrish, to do his best.

Dec 12, 2015 2:06 PM

Jan 2013
Fantastic episode, I don't know how Araragi stands a chance. Maybe Shinobu will intervene.
Dec 12, 2015 2:18 PM

Jan 2008
Kanbaru is the best person to be the one to give Shinobu the advice, because better than anyone, she knows what it's like to be the "the first and second" in regards to her own relationship with Araragi and his official girlfriend Hitagi, with Kanbaru loving both of them. It's far more preferable to be rejected and hurt than be left with no answer at all.
Dec 12, 2015 2:30 PM
Nov 2015
One of the more relevant and powerful episodes for me because I prize Shinobu and Araragi's relationship above all others (even his with Senjougahara).

ShamaLlama777Dec 12, 2015 6:02 PM
Dec 12, 2015 3:03 PM
Oct 2015
I'm pretty sure now that Shinobu's first is voiced by Kamiya-san. I was also kinda thrown off by how young Episode sounds, but apparently in Neko it was revealed that he's 6 years old (!?). But, you gotta love Miyu Irino...
Dec 12, 2015 4:21 PM

Dec 2014
Best episode of the arc! It's a shame owari will end (ha...) next week.
I need sleep.
Dec 12, 2015 4:22 PM

Jul 2014
Kanbaru being best girl.

Next week is the last episode? This season went by fast... (although that may be because at this point I'm only watching like 5 anime this season...)
Dec 12, 2015 4:41 PM

Jul 2014
Biasa said:
The episode is basic dialog
because dialog
bla bla bla


dont respond this i not trolling

Sums up most of the series for me to be honest.
Dec 12, 2015 5:29 PM

Apr 2012
My Reviews and Rants:

Dec 12, 2015 7:51 PM

Apr 2015
I learnt a new thing from this episode.
DIY = Do Your Best
Dec 12, 2015 7:57 PM

Apr 2014
comes back with her BL books from last episode to that.?
---------My Profile------------
Dec 12, 2015 8:03 PM

Apr 2015
Is Araragi for real?
He will be toast

Episode, I totally forgot
about him, it's been a while
I guess

It"s frustrating for Shinobu
to lose that one but Kanbaru
does makes sense


It's just so annoying that every single week SOMEONE will ******* complain
about the episode being full of dialogue, get real people this series is full of dialogue since Bakemonogatari, Nisio Isin never meant this series to be full of action unlike other light novel but the huge fact is a lot of people LOVE THIS SERIES. Ok?

PK777Dec 12, 2015 8:12 PM
Dec 12, 2015 8:17 PM

Jul 2013
I've been waiting for Episode for too long. Am I the only one that really enjoyed his brief appearance? I can't wait to see him more animated in the Kizu movie.

Kanbaru speech was nice and the finale for this arc is gonna be prime.

ThreePointer said:
Kanbaru laying down some earth shattering truths.

Dec 12, 2015 8:36 PM

Jul 2014
PK777 said:
It's just so annoying that every single week SOMEONE will ******* complain
about the episode being full of dialogue, get real people this series is full of dialogue since Bakemonogatari, Nisio Isin never meant this series to be full of action unlike other light novel but the huge fact is a lot of people LOVE THIS SERIES. Ok?

Chill out.

aikaflip said:
I'm kind of hoping Shinobu leaves Araragi. He already has Senjougahara afterall.

Not necessarily. Just because Shinobu and Araragi are affiliated with each other doesn't mean that they have to be in a relationship.
Dec 12, 2015 9:10 PM

Oct 2011
Gotta love Kanbaru always framing the situation as a romance.
Dec 12, 2015 10:00 PM

Dec 2014
Wow,that Suruga and Kiss-shot scene.....

Also, dammit Koyomi you wasted the bra opportunity. XD
Donto koi. Do your best.
Dec 13, 2015 12:53 AM
Jan 2013
Kanbaru Suruga and her pretentious speech.....

This is why anime is a mistake, they brushed off the serious atmosphere with dialogue about BL and Bra...

I was in contemplation about existence of shinobu being disturbed by the very idea that suruga believes, suddenly, BL? Heartwarming talk and crap....
Goddamn you nisioisit
Dec 13, 2015 1:04 AM
Jul 2018
Good ep, a bit more serious with an interesting conv b/w kanbaru and shinobu.

Well ononoki-chan's footprint...didn't see the reason coming.

Hope this ends on a high.
Dec 13, 2015 1:06 AM

Mar 2015
That was retarded
Dec 13, 2015 1:10 AM

Jul 2014
Araragi and the first talk

Kanbaru's speech

Really love the conversation in this episode.

i lol'd when Gaen and Episode read the book that Araragi bought :D
aikaflip said:

I'm kind of hoping Shinobu leaves Araragi. He already has Senjougahara afterall.


Dec 13, 2015 3:32 AM

Jan 2015
Wow this episode
Dec 13, 2015 6:09 AM

Sep 2014
This was such a great episode, holy fuck. Kanbaru humbled the great Shinobu-chan! And also got her BL books cause yes.
Dec 13, 2015 6:13 AM
Sep 2015
Doomdoctor said:
That was retarded

like how?

if anything, its the opposite. kanbaru said one of the most sensible solution that would have pretty much resolved the issue.

as we just saw already from araragi's meeting, if the first's goal really was for revenge, then he would have no reason trying to get araragi to leave shinobu. cause if it does happen, shinobu would likely get all her powers and abilities back if their connection was severed, instead of splitting it up between them.

gotta love how people call something stupid just cause it wasnt something dark and edgy as they'd like. I bet you guys were also disappointed that sodachi didnt actually kill her mother
Dec 13, 2015 7:28 AM

Apr 2013
moodie said:
Biasa said:
The episode is basic dialog<br />
because dialog<br />
bla bla bla<br />
<br />
2/5<br />
<br />
dont respond this i not trolling
what was the other 10 episodes?

what was the entire series
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