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Nov 20, 2015 8:40 PM
Feb 2012
For me it did i felt all my nostalgia return to me ^_^
I was so happy after watching it that i sat on my computer for 8 hours after just to make an AMV for it to relieve myself of the happiness as you can see here
How did you feel about it?
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Nov 20, 2015 8:43 PM

Apr 2013
I'm satisfied until April, I can say that much for sure. I was more worried than I was really hyped up (but that didn't mean I wasn't hyped for it), and luckily, all that worry went away as I watched. So I'm just waiting to see where the movies go from here.
Nov 20, 2015 8:46 PM

Jun 2014
Yeah, don't get all the hate for it. It was slow paced, but that's what all firsts of anime trilogy films are like.

And people complaining about Tai's angst clearly haven't watched the series in a while.
Nov 20, 2015 10:44 PM

Aug 2008
Jerkhov said:
Yeah, don't get all the hate for it. It was slow paced, but that's what all firsts of anime trilogy films are like.

And people complaining about Tai's angst clearly haven't watched the series in a while.

I can some what get whare they are coing from but lets face it ties the embodiment of courage meaning that at some point he will get discourage all heros do but thats why yamato is thar to pull tai's ass up even if hes a girl stealing asshole of a friend(no bad mind we can get over the 10 year shipping war thars still hope for taiXsora or taiXthe new girl )
Nov 21, 2015 4:42 AM
Feb 2012
I actually liked that they changed his personality a bit, they did it to the others too it's just less transparent.
It wouldn't be unrealistic that they haven't changed since season 1/season2
Nov 21, 2015 4:47 AM

Feb 2013
Yes, it was expecting this show not to be that kiddy anymore and that's what we got and it really is awesome, Im really interested on what's going on and what the hell happened to 02 kids

About Tai i will never understand people here wanting him to still act like when he was 12, actually if you had watched 02 Tai already was like this, he changed, he matured and thats nice to see him actually thinking real things, thinking that they might kill people is not being a crybaby or a emo, is being realistic, geez people. You still want Tai to be your generic shonen protag instead of being a realistic character? lol

Nov 21, 2015 5:13 AM
Feb 2012
Well the show, i mean the movie needed to evolve witth its audience, the kids who watched adventure are now either adults or in their late teens it needed to change it's humor and story so that it would be more appealing to an older audience too
Nov 21, 2015 8:29 AM
Jul 2013
I loved it. I especially liked how Tai has matured and now thinks about the consequences of their fighting. More specifically, that scene with him and Agumon where he thinks about the fact they may have killed some people in the past. Can't wait to see the next movie/episodes!
Nov 21, 2015 8:42 AM

Nov 2014
Nov 21, 2015 9:21 AM

Mar 2010
Well, I had no expectations or hype and it was amazing so I guess both yes and no?
Nov 21, 2015 9:32 AM
Feb 2012
Idk i just hope the other movies will be as good if not better
Nov 21, 2015 10:15 AM

Aug 2008
The problem was it really didn't establish much and the fight scenes all felt very much slapped in. Also there's simply too many characters for this to really work in a movie format.

The problem with Taichi is his emoness isn't really well handled nor well justified. It would be one thing if he was acting recklessly in this movie and that happened to damage buildings/kill people in the process, but it's entirely another when he was just dealing with the threat at hand in the best way he could. Did he seriously think a better solution would be to just stand there and let it wreck shit up? This is not how consequence of actions drama works.

And even then, him being closed off and making a bunch of disgruntled faces while they constantly flashback to the scenery emphasizing how bothered he is by this makes it more repetitive and redundant then anything else.

Anyway it was a fairly bland movie that took itself way too seriously, but the digimon were cute and the fights were otherwise entertaining. They need to focus less on just Taichi and more on the cast as a whole if they want this movie series to succeed though.
hyperknees91Nov 21, 2015 10:32 AM
Nov 21, 2015 10:26 AM

Jul 2012
I was sceptical before watching it but I got really hyped!
It was much better than I expected and I really liked how the characters grew up.
Nov 21, 2015 12:22 PM

Aug 2007
It was ok. I mean, I got a little hype with the Op song. I felt nostalgic.
Nov 21, 2015 2:42 PM
Feb 2012
I hope Movie 2 will fix some issues and explain some things
Nov 21, 2015 3:37 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
hyperknees91 said:

The problem with Taichi is his emoness isn't really well handled nor well justified. It would be one thing if he was acting recklessly in this movie and that happened to damage buildings/kill people in the process, but it's entirely another when he was just dealing with the threat at hand in the best way he could. Did he seriously think a better solution would be to just stand there and let it wreck shit up? This is not how consequence of actions drama works.

And even then, him being closed off and making a bunch of disgruntled faces while they constantly flashback to the scenery emphasizing how bothered he is by this makes it more repetitive and redundant then anything else.

You nailed it. This is what I was trying to say in the discussion thread but I couldn't get the words out properly. HikaruIzumi also said it well:
HikaruIzumi said:
His concerns were legitimate but his hesitation wasn't.

I do like that they're trying to make them grow up, but it's hard to believe that Taichi was standing there for so long without doing anything, when the rational thing to do it at that point was to fight Alphamon. Apparently Alphamon was only looking for Meikuumon, so theoretically if they hadn't attacked Alphamon first, they wouldn't be fighting. Although even then, would they just let Alphamon take away Meikuumon (had they known that that was what Alphamon was after)? Anyways, I think the idea of making Taichi concerned and conscious of his actions is great, but I didn't like the way it was handled.

As for the real question of the thread, it kind of met my expectations, although I guess I was never a huge Digimon Adventures fan. It was one of my first anime, and I did really like it, so the movie definitely felt nostalgic. So in that, yeah it did meet expectations for some nostalgia, but it didn't because I thought the movie could've been shorter (cutting out some scenes) and still have the same effect. Idk which one to blame, directing or the script for how it could've been better. Probably both, but mostly the script. One thing though, I loved seeing all the characters ^^ Especially some of the digimon, they're sooo cute.
Nov 21, 2015 4:01 PM

May 2015
It had problems but ultimately I thought it was good. Tai's development had good and bad aspects, his concern with the consequences of fights made sense and showed maturity but was he really considering just standing there and letting the wild digimon wreak havoc. Other than that the character interactions were good and the covers of the old soundtrack were great. I'm not sure it completely lived up to the hype but it was entertaining and really did make me feel nostalgic.
Nov 21, 2015 4:25 PM

Mar 2015
It was okay... it didn't live the hype at all. Although the nostalgia touch everywhere is nice.

The character interaction in this movie is so forced. I don't even know that Koushiro and Mimi is a thing, because Joe is actually more close to Mimi than Koushiro was in 01.

All the fight scenes are rushed by the end. Like if they can digivolve to Omegamon from the start, then why hesitate during the Kuwagamon fight? Unless they want everyone to hate digimon, then I'd say Omegamon deus ex machina.

Bad animation clearly, the 3D CG was better on the 01 with Wargreymon and Metal Garurumon, but this CG was more of Game based CG. Not to mention some bad animated scene like Koushiro still talks despite having his mouth shut.

Taichi's reason on not to fight Alphamon is stupid. Then what? He's going to let everyone dies because he don't want for everyone to dies? Kind of stupid. He should've been the most courageous with his crest.

Joe is not on screen most of the time. Like I think Gomamon only have 2 lines the whole movie. I know he's busy and all, but look! There's a motherfucking Alphamon at the end! Then no at least Joe and Ikkakumon? I know Naruto's VA is expensive and all, but making Gomamon isolated is stupid.

People are saying it's good for nostalgic factor too, to be honest I'm also one of them, but I can't help feeling disappointed when I re-watching it.

Nov 21, 2015 4:39 PM

May 2009
Hard to say. I don't even remember what my hype for this was like, but I'd say I'm sort of satisfied. While some things bothered me such as Taichi's hesitation (like some people have already said, the execution was very lame), Meiko's "bland" introduction to the group and the movie's forced attempt to create a setting where people are against the digimon (mostly to make Taichi feel even more afraid, mind you), seeing the characters again was definitely nice. The soundtrack was dreadful though; why did they make use of so many songs of both DA and DA2 only to make synthesized versions of them? Just use the original ones if you can't even use real instruments this time around.
Nov 21, 2015 5:42 PM

Jan 2014
So good.
Of course a big part of it is from the hype. The hype is well justified here. My god Butter-fly and the DigiEvolution scenes.
The main characters feel alright by the way, or better than what I have expected.
Taichi is more matured as I imagined he'll be more to the aggressive side like Yamato.
Hikari is so cute OMG
Other charas have fairly little development, expect to see more at the next part. Poor Joe TT.
The bad:
1. the animation - not a big fan of the classic-for-nostalgic-sake artstyle, or it's just pretty much subpar animation. The colour feels washed out at many scenes, especially the battle scenes, I thought I was watching a Gainax anime.
Omegamon/Omnimon is animated so poorly I can't wait to throw a middle finger at Toei.

2. the version I watched is a 4 episode OVA from Crunchyroll, which is the same basically with the movie Japs got. I need to watch it in one-go otherwise the pacing issue is horrible if I treat it as 4 episodes of anime.
Can't understand why CR made it into 4 parts. WTF it's a 90min movie.

Can't wait for the next one. Toei please improve your animation, you have 4 months to do it.
You will soon learn that a heart that choose to exist, even in a life filled with pain, will one day allow us to meet again.
With the world's blessings, we will meet again and again, forever returning to the homeworld we've yet to see.
Many, many times.

Nov 21, 2015 7:04 PM

Mar 2015
DarklordVor said:
It was okay... it didn't live the hype at all. Although the nostalgia touch everywhere is nice.

The character interaction in this movie is so forced. I don't even know that Koushiro and Mimi is a thing, because Joe is actually more close to Mimi than Koushiro was in 01.

All the fight scenes are rushed by the end. Like if they can digivolve to Omegamon from the start, then why hesitate during the Kuwagamon fight? Unless they want everyone to hate digimon, then I'd say Omegamon deus ex machina.

Bad animation clearly, the 3D CG was better on the 01 with Wargreymon and Metal Garurumon, but this CG was more of Game based CG. Not to mention some bad animated scene like Koushiro still talks despite having his mouth shut.

Taichi's reason on not to fight Alphamon is stupid. Then what? He's going to let everyone dies because he don't want for everyone to dies? Kind of stupid. He should've been the most courageous with his crest.

Joe is not on screen most of the time. Like I think Gomamon only have 2 lines the whole movie. I know he's busy and all, but look! There's a motherfucking Alphamon at the end! Then no at least Joe and Ikkakumon? I know Naruto's VA is expensive and all, but making Gomamon isolated is stupid.

People are saying it's good for nostalgic factor too, to be honest I'm also one of them, but I can't help feeling disappointed when I re-watching it.

There are other 5 movies to come, not every character needed to receive focus on this one
Nov 22, 2015 1:59 AM
Feb 2012
Judging by the poster for the 2nd movie, rosemon,vikemon will appear and they seem to be fighting a purple imperialdramon DM. :D
Nov 22, 2015 11:28 AM

Jan 2015
No it didn't. The movie was bland and they need to get their act together for the next movies. Taichi's problem was executed poorly and across as extremely stupid because of it. Like how is doing nothing when your friends and things are getting destroyed make sense? Not to mention he dealt with this in 01 and taught this lesson to Davis in 02.

Bad animation, bad writing and the fights were also bad. Omegamon and the Utlimate forms were a DEUS machine. Like they put no thought into this when they made it.

Digimon seasons aren't perfect but they were enjoyable. Tri just made me cringe.
Nov 22, 2015 3:58 PM
Feb 2012
I see your point, but i generally got his point, by destroying building,trains... while trying to save people, they are killing a lot too... As for the animation i didn't have that much of an issue some scenery was nice to look at and personally it was always more important for the characters to move and not just stand and talk all the time then for the animation to be incredible.
Hopefully they will fix some issues in the next movie
Nov 22, 2015 4:10 PM
♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Dec 2014
I didn't hype that much, but it meets my expectation.

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ♥
Nov 22, 2015 4:19 PM

Dec 2011
I wanted to get on the hype and nostalgia and really enjoy it but i couldnt. Animation and pacing were just too bad. Guess i really have grown up :(

I can deal with a slow paced show. but so much of it was faffing and stalling for time because they had nothing to put in. And what could have been an amazing climactic battle for the show felt incredibly rushed the way they blitz'd through the evolutions. I would have loved to see them go through the phases, reacting on how its still not strong enough and reminiscing on how long its been since they've had to go all out, but I guess it just wasn't in the budget for toei...
Nov 22, 2015 5:27 PM
Apr 2013
MrKai23 said:
No it didn't. The movie was bland and they need to get their act together for the next movies. Taichi's problem was executed poorly and across as extremely stupid because of it. Like how is doing nothing when your friends and things are getting destroyed make sense? Not to mention he dealt with this in 01 and taught this lesson to Davis in 02.

Bad animation, bad writing and the fights were also bad. Omegamon and the Utlimate forms were a DEUS machine. Like they put no thought into this when they made it.

Digimon seasons aren't perfect but they were enjoyable. Tri just made me cringe.

Digimon series always had Deus Ex Machina especially the first digimon adventure, why you didn't complain on that?
Nov 22, 2015 11:25 PM
Feb 2012
I generally dont mind a slow pace if its building up to something and if it uses it slow pace to develop its characters
Nov 23, 2015 1:30 AM

Mar 2015
DATS24 said:
Digimon series always had Deus Ex Machina especially the first digimon adventure, why you didn't complain on that?

He didn't complain about that because the topic is Digimon Adventure Tri. I can kinda get why the first few seasons had Deus Ex Machina and some poor villains and overlook it a bit. It's because they were aimed at children primarily and they had a seriously tight budget. It doesn't justify it completely but it is a justification more or less. Tri, however, is aimed at an older audience. They should try to make it a bit more thought out and clever. I'm hoping things will be better as the episodes come out. They need to up the directing, pacing and make battles much more exciting and interesting. If they keep making it just for the old fans with no changes, interesting takes and risks, Digimon franchise will never go up.
Nov 23, 2015 2:19 AM

Feb 2011
Can't say I was 'hyped' for it. Sure I was excited for it, but I didn't have high expectations. I pretty much got exactly what I expected from it, so it was a good and enjoyable watch.
Nov 23, 2015 3:11 AM
Apr 2013
BliuBliu said:
DATS24 said:
Digimon series always had Deus Ex Machina especially the first digimon adventure, why you didn't complain on that?

He didn't complain about that because the topic is Digimon Adventure Tri. I can kinda get why the first few seasons had Deus Ex Machina and some poor villains and overlook it a bit. It's because they were aimed at children primarily and they had a seriously tight budget. It doesn't justify it completely but it is a justification more or less. Tri, however, is aimed at an older audience. They should try to make it a bit more thought out and clever. I'm hoping things will be better as the episodes come out. They need to up the directing, pacing and make battles much more exciting and interesting. If they keep making it just for the old fans with no changes, interesting takes and risks, Digimon franchise will never go up.

even anime nowadays is still usually filled with deus ex machina, there's actually nothing wrong with it. The way it's targetted for children or older audience doesn't lies on how they use the deus ex machina. It doesn't have things to do with it. I think they've been doing their best, making Taichi a conflicted character is better than making him straightforward again like his 01 behavior. And now some of them have actual problem with their real life and society begins to reject them bcos of the battle, I think it's been an interesting things to do. You guys wanted too much of it, or wanted it like the older ones where it has much adventure-ish plot.
DATS24Nov 23, 2015 4:17 AM
Nov 23, 2015 3:13 AM
Apr 2013
Terrible movie.
Nov 23, 2015 3:52 AM

Nov 2010
It's better then Sailor Moon Crystal. I haven't seen Dragon Ball Super yet so I can't make a comparison but in terms of Nostalgia. It hit all the right buttons.
Nov 23, 2015 4:18 AM

Mar 2015
DATS24 said:
even anime nowadays is still usually filled with deus ex machina, there's actually nothing wrong with it. The way it's targetted for children or older audience doesn't lies on how they use the deus ex machina. It doesn't have things to do with it.

What are you trying to say with this? My point was that they should make it a bit more thought out and clever. That means if you're going to rely on Deus Ex Machina, at least make it somewhat interesting. I don't care if other anime relies on it as long as they put some effort into it. Take One Punch Man for example. The main character is literally unbeatable and can destroy every threat with one punch. But it works because it's used in a way to parody the use of that plot device while the world itself and the way it's all presented is very interesting. Digimon Tri was just like a generic anime. It might have worked for them in the past, but now it doesn't. They need to start thinking how to break down the cliches that Digimon used.

DATS24 said:
making Taichi a conflicted character is better than making him straightforward again like his 01 behavior. And now some of them have actual problem with their real life and society begins to reject them bcos of the batte, I think it's been an interesting things to do.

That's all fine, but the way it was presented and the way they're setting everything up is what I find is lacking. It's very straightforward and rushed imo. That's why I'm not praising it as much as others.

DATS24 said:
You guys wanted too much of it, or wanted it like the older ones where it has much adventure-ish plot.

IDK what other people wanted. I wanted it to be interesting to the point that a non Digimon fan can say: "Wow, this might be amazing!". It's not. My expectations weren't high for this and I can say the movie met them. But I'm not going to ignore the flaws.
BliuTigerNov 23, 2015 4:28 AM
Nov 23, 2015 4:39 AM
Apr 2013
BliuBliu said:
DATS24 said:
even anime nowadays is still usually filled with deus ex machina, there's actually nothing wrong with it. The way it's targetted for children or older audience doesn't lies on how they use the deus ex machina. It doesn't have things to do with it.

What are you trying to say with this? My point was that they should make it a bit more thought out and clever. That means if you're going to rely on Deus Ex Machina, at least make it somewhat interesting. I don't care if other anime relies on it as long as they put some effort into it. Take One Punch Man for example. The main character is literally unbeatable and can destroy every threat with one punch. But it works because it's used in a way to parody the use of that plot device while the world itself and the way it's all presented is very interesting. Digimon Tri was just like a generic anime. It might have worked for them in the past, but now it doesn't. They need to start thinking how to break down the cliches that Digimon used.

DATS24 said:
making Taichi a conflicted character is better than making him straightforward again like his 01 behavior. And now some of them have actual problem with their real life and society begins to reject them bcos of the batte, I think it's been an interesting things to do.

That's all fine, but the way it was presented and the way they're setting everything up is what I find is lacking. It's very straightforward and rushed imo. That's why I'm not praising it as much as others.

DATS24 said:
You guys wanted too much of it, or wanted it like the older ones where it has much adventure-ish plot.

IDK what other people wanted. I wanted it to be interesting to the point that a non Digimon fan can say: "Wow, this might be amazing!". It's not. My expectations weren't high for this and I can say the movie met them. But I'm not going to ignore the flaws.

you need to compare to something relevant, OPM is mostly a comedic anime and is not something comparable. If it was pretty rushed, then why this was made 6-parts of a part consisting 4 episodes?

I myself won't ignore the flaws too, sure it has many flaws mainly in animation, but some expectations were just exagerrated. Heck, some many ppl said it was slow-paced.

If you want it to be interesting even for a non Digimon fan, then it won't. Coz they need to watch previous seasons. And Tri was not a standalone unlike Tamers Frontiers Savers.

And again, this is not the end, there are still 5 parts more, so they might have plans to do with how the first one did.
Nov 23, 2015 5:48 AM
Mar 2008
Wait, Deus EX Machina? Are you really implying that Agumon and Gabumon pulled a Deus EX with WarGreymon, Metalgarurumon and Omegamon?
Nov 23, 2015 6:06 AM

Jul 2013
MrKai23 said:
Omegamon and the Utlimate forms were a DEUS machine. Like they put no thought into this when they made it.

I lol'd hard. Does Bokura no War Game ring a bell?
Nov 23, 2015 6:22 AM
Apr 2013
Tenshi_Shura said:
MrKai23 said:
Omegamon and the Utlimate forms were a DEUS machine. Like they put no thought into this when they made it.

I lol'd hard. Does Bokura no War Game ring a bell?

most of ppl seem to be denial indeed
Nov 23, 2015 6:59 AM

Jan 2011
For me it did better than SMC. Even if the character art isn't flawless or they doesn't blend always fine in the background, it still has it's good parts and bombards you with nostalgia at every corner with the music, the feeling, action, plot. Got similar feelings like with DBS, although DBS is more like a hoary old chestnut, cause it tells the almost exact story as the movies, only the quality and pacing is worse :x I think Toei should focus on less titles without rushing and try not to work on dozens of animes simultaneously.

Nov 23, 2015 8:20 AM

Jan 2015
MahadoKusanagi said:
Wait, Deus EX Machina? Are you really implying that Agumon and Gabumon pulled a Deus EX with WarGreymon, Metalgarurumon and Omegamon?
Yes. Why didn't they use those forms against the Kuwagamons? Heck why didn't they use Omegamon against them? Why didn't the other use their ultimate form against Alphamon?

Shitty ass writing. Tri is targeting older audience but pulls crap like this. Heck this isn't acceptable for children. Bad writing is bad writing. The way Taichi's problem was presented was pure garbage. This would be less forgiving if majority of Tri didn't spend on his STUPID problem.

I don't know how fans cant accept this. Shitty evolution, shitty animation, shitty CGI, shitty writing.
Nov 23, 2015 8:32 AM
Apr 2013
MrKai23 said:
MahadoKusanagi said:
Wait, Deus EX Machina? Are you really implying that Agumon and Gabumon pulled a Deus EX with WarGreymon, Metalgarurumon and Omegamon?
Yes. Why didn't they use those forms against the Kuwagamons? Heck why didn't they use Omegamon against them? Why didn't the other use their ultimate form against Alphamon?

Shitty ass writing. Tri is targeting older audience but pulls crap like this. Heck this isn't acceptable for children. Bad writing is bad writing. The way Taichi's problem was presented was pure garbage. This would be less forgiving if majority of Tri didn't spend on his STUPID problem.

I don't know how fans cant accept this. Shitty evolution, shitty animation, shitty CGI, shitty writing.

>I don't know how fans cant accept this. Shitty evolution, shitty animation, shitty CGI, shitty writing.

bcos some of fans aren't like you, you seem expected too high, and about "shitty ass writing" thing, I don't think you can force your opinion to fans that liked it instead, I still like the writing, and I have no much problem with how they handle the plot and characters.

I really wonder what you were expecting from this series.

about shitty evolutions, yeah I agree much...
DATS24Nov 23, 2015 8:41 AM
Nov 23, 2015 8:39 AM
Mar 2008
MrKai23 said:
MahadoKusanagi said:
Wait, Deus EX Machina? Are you really implying that Agumon and Gabumon pulled a Deus EX with WarGreymon, Metalgarurumon and Omegamon?
Yes. Why didn't they use those forms against the Kuwagamons? Heck why didn't they use Omegamon against them? Why didn't the other use their ultimate form against Alphamon?

Shitty ass writing. Tri is targeting older audience but pulls crap like this. Heck this isn't acceptable for children. Bad writing is bad writing. The way Taichi's problem was presented was pure garbage. This would be less forgiving if majority of Tri didn't spend on his STUPID problem.

I don't know how fans cant accept this. Shitty evolution, shitty animation, shitty CGI, shitty writing. know..............i dont think that can be classified as Deus EX Machina since Agumon and Gabumon didnt came out of nowhere with Digivolutions.............this isnt the Pokemon Movie where Satoshi gets stoned (yeah not in that way), Pikachu and some other Pokemon cry and for some reason the tears makes him human again or something.
Agumon and Gabumon already knew how to do it. If you ask why they didnt use it against Kuwagamon, thats fine. But as i see it, that is not a Deus EX.
But as for Kuwagamon, as i understood, it was on Berserk-Mode which surprised everybody and before they realized that, they were down and had no energy left for a perfect evolution.
Nov 23, 2015 8:48 AM
Apr 2013
MahadoKusanagi said:
MrKai23 said:
Yes. Why didn't they use those forms against the Kuwagamons? Heck why didn't they use Omegamon against them? Why didn't the other use their ultimate form against Alphamon?

Shitty ass writing. Tri is targeting older audience but pulls crap like this. Heck this isn't acceptable for children. Bad writing is bad writing. The way Taichi's problem was presented was pure garbage. This would be less forgiving if majority of Tri didn't spend on his STUPID problem.

I don't know how fans cant accept this. Shitty evolution, shitty animation, shitty CGI, shitty writing. know..............i dont think that can be classified as Deus EX Machina since Agumon and Gabumon didnt came out of nowhere with Digivolutions.............this isnt the Pokemon Movie where Satoshi gets stoned (yeah not in that way), Pikachu and some other Pokemon cry and for some reason the tears makes him human again or something.
Agumon and Gabumon already knew how to do it. If you ask why they didnt use it against Kuwagamon, thats fine. But as i see it, that is not a Deus EX.
But as for Kuwagamon, as i understood, it was on Berserk-Mode which surprised everybody and before they realized that, they were down and had no energy left for a perfect evolution.

ppl seem to forgot how they do evolutions on the diablomon strikes back movie
Nov 23, 2015 9:03 AM

Jun 2009
I hated it.
I'm gonna treat this as fan made spin-off, will continue to watch it but never gonna put this on my list.
I expect this gonna be bad but never expect to be this bad.
Nov 23, 2015 9:32 AM
Mar 2008
DATS24 said:
MahadoKusanagi said: know..............i dont think that can be classified as Deus EX Machina since Agumon and Gabumon didnt came out of nowhere with Digivolutions.............this isnt the Pokemon Movie where Satoshi gets stoned (yeah not in that way), Pikachu and some other Pokemon cry and for some reason the tears makes him human again or something.
Agumon and Gabumon already knew how to do it. If you ask why they didnt use it against Kuwagamon, thats fine. But as i see it, that is not a Deus EX.
But as for Kuwagamon, as i understood, it was on Berserk-Mode which surprised everybody and before they realized that, they were down and had no energy left for a perfect evolution.

ppl seem to forgot how they do evolutions on the diablomon strikes back movie

Am i wrong with something here or was that directed to someone else?
Nov 23, 2015 9:33 AM

Mar 2015
DATS24 said:
you need to compare to something relevant, OPM is mostly a comedic anime and is not something comparable.

I guess you didn't understand what I meant by that. The point of the comparison was to illustrate that you can do Deus Ex Machina and still make it interesting though I personally think this plot device should be avoided. But whatever, I guess it's not that bad in this movie, but it could have been much better thought out.

DATS24 said:
If it was pretty rushed, then why this was made 6-parts of a part consisting 4 episodes?

This is a weird question but I'll assume you just need better explanations to get what someone is trying to say. What I meant by that was I found the pacing to be a bit jarring. I'd like it more if the pacing was a bit more consistent and slow. This movie was made to set things up, but they sure didn't take their time to do it with a bit of subtlety. It was mostly straightforward and from the looks of it, I can already kinda predict how all of this will turn out to be. But I'll leave predictions for relevant threads.

DATS24 said:
Heck, some many ppl said it was slow-paced.

Well, I guess many people have weird opinions then. It wasn't really slow at all. They should check out animes like Texhnolyze and Ergo Proxy and then see if they will claim that this was slow paced, haha.

DATS24 said:
If you want it to be interesting even for a non Digimon fan, then it won't. Coz they need to watch previous seasons. And Tri was not a standalone unlike Tamers Frontiers Savers.

Not really. It would be good to watch Adventure and 02 before this, but since this is being released 15 years after, it's not unjustified to want it to be able to pull in new audience on its own. But as you said, there are still 5 more movies to come. We will see.
Nov 23, 2015 9:43 AM
Apr 2013
MahadoKusanagi said:
DATS24 said:

ppl seem to forgot how they do evolutions on the diablomon strikes back movie

Am i wrong with something here or was that directed to someone else?

no you're right, I'm just adding something
Nov 23, 2015 9:45 AM
Mar 2008
DATS24 said:
MahadoKusanagi said:

Am i wrong with something here or was that directed to someone else?

no you're right, I'm just adding something

Ah, sorry
Nov 23, 2015 12:54 PM
Feb 2012
Im hoping we will get an explanation in the next movie of why the rest didnt go ultimate, and judging by the poster palman and gomamon will be getting mega so they might explain some thing about evolution
Nov 23, 2015 1:54 PM

May 2009
xenija said:
Im hoping we will get an explanation in the next movie of why the rest didnt go ultimate, and judging by the poster palman and gomamon will be getting mega so they might explain some thing about evolution
In the CD drama released with the blu-ray box set of Adventure which takes place sometime in 2001 (I'm assuming summer...Koushirou was on his way to visit his parents' gravesites...and people do that during obon which is in August...), all of the kids, minus Taichi, Hikari, and Takeru, were in Kyoto and ended up running into one another by chance. There was strange stuff going on and the Digimon were able to evolve by using power from Qinglongmon thanks to Gennai. This explains the Holy Beast Digimon stuff as well as the Digi-core stuff that was introduced in 02. For some unusual reason, though, Palmon managed to warp evolve to Rosemon. Maybe it'll be something like that.
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