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Jul 17, 2008 12:14 AM

Jan 2008
Wow, what a big twist to the story :O
Jul 22, 2008 7:00 PM

Jun 2008
So they did all that.... for a CAT o___o

And what was in that bag anyways?? -_-"

Sig WILL change soon~
Aug 21, 2008 8:39 AM

Dec 2007
StabbyPWNS said:
So they did all that.... for a CAT o___o

And what was in that bag anyways?? -_-"

it's shown that kyoko-san put a huge amount of meat there - that's all
Mar 20, 2009 7:27 PM

Feb 2009
soo disturbing she's going to hell beacouse there were loads of milled meat on a bag!!

the cat was alive couldn't she checked before?

and the other woman she didn't remembered to talk with amagi about the cat, she just started being annoying....

i think this one's weak!
Apr 7, 2009 12:32 PM

Feb 2009
but maybe the other woman was just too shy to talk to her... she said the cat was her only friend, maybe she wasn't used to talk to people... that's why she started banging on the wall... Okay, I admit, she was probably mental, but she didn't deserve being sent to hell anyway.
And now about the plot... At first I thought "oh my, this is really stupid episode" but in the end, when there were pictures of "Mii"/"Muru" everywhere in the other woman's apartment, I must admit I cried... ^.^ But I am cat-obsessed, that may be the reason. xD
Jul 3, 2009 11:06 PM

Jan 2009
When i saw the numerous pictures of the cat all around that woman's wall it actually creeped me out. What a weird obsessed person who obviously needed some mental help. Although I did like how the twist unfolded in the end. I see why people praise this as a step above the previous series.
Jul 21, 2009 7:43 PM

Jul 2008
kinda predictable but still very sad because they could have just talked out their problems
Jul 27, 2009 6:56 PM

Oct 2008
Couldn't they have shared the cat!?
Though I did weep for like three minutes, when I saw the bag because I thought that was the cat.
The pictures of the cat all in her room were kinda creepy...O.o; She needed a good hug.
I am very much cat-obssessed, too! >.>; So this was difficult for me to watch fully.
Sep 25, 2009 9:54 PM

Aug 2009
Wtf, so the cat was alive afterall? I thought that girl was just seeing hallucinations, that's all. Didn't think the cat being exactly alive.

So, another episode where a person got sent to hell because of stupid things. :(
Jan 12, 2010 6:32 PM

Nov 2009
wow... she should have talked it out... and y would she cause all that trouble over a cat... wow... not the best episode but oh well...
Mar 11, 2010 2:00 PM

Apr 2009
I've noticed recently most of the people that have been sent to hell didn't deserve it....
lol @ img bbcode not working, mal is such a great site
Mar 20, 2010 10:39 AM

Mar 2010
Sorea said:
And now about the plot... At first I thought "oh my, this is really stupid episode" but in the end, when there were pictures of "Mii"/"Muru" everywhere in the other woman's apartment, I must admit I cried... ^.^ But I am cat-obsessed, that may be the reason. xD

AHHH i did too! i don't know why... i feel so bad for that lady. i wished amagi would have taken the hint and went to talk to her. so much could have been solved if they just talked to one another.
Apr 12, 2010 4:47 PM
Jan 2010
I wish they would make better episodes. I really liked the one from the first season about the circus twins. It also seems like the characters are getting involved more with the actual client.
Jul 3, 2010 12:54 PM

May 2010
I don't care what the rest say, i liked this episode. I like to feel the hatred from the characters and I definitely could this time so it was nice change from the last two.
Real Hell is inside a person-Ai Enma (Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae)
Do you know where hell is? Inside your head-Chrona (Soul Eater)

Jul 28, 2010 1:02 AM

Jun 2008
Oh my the only thing the should have done was talking.
disco said:
Sorea said:
And now about the plot... At first I thought "oh my, this is really stupid episode" but in the end, when there were pictures of "Mii"/"Muru" everywhere in the other woman's apartment, I must admit I cried... ^.^ But I am cat-obsessed, that may be the reason. xD

AHHH i did too! i don't know why... i feel so bad for that lady. i wished amagi would have taken the hint and went to talk to her. so much could have been solved if they just talked to one another.

Exactly. Same with me.

btw I'm glad about so many Ren moments again :P
Oct 19, 2010 1:23 PM

Jun 2010
neji64plms said:
I don't care what the rest say, i liked this episode. I like to feel the hatred from the characters and I definitely could this time so it was nice change from the last two.

Same for me!
I don't understand why so many people are complaining about the fact that most of the times the persons sent to hell didn't deserve it: Ai said it herself, she does not bring justice! :)

And that's what I like about this anime.
Moreover, I like the fact that they could have solved the problem by talking, but just didn't. :)

...And the way they showed Kyoko-san how her "victim" felt xas great...though I have to admit I was a bit confused about why we only saw Ai's team, until the end...
Oct 30, 2010 2:44 PM

Jul 2010
It's not right to say "somebody deserved to be send to Hell" (about the episodes in the first season) and to say this womand didn't "deserved it" cauz I totally can understand Shizuko's feelings... It would be freakin scary if you get those silent calls (especially when u live alone), you don't know what you've done wrong, to hear somebody beating on the walls and to know the culprit is your neighbor.. I would've gone crazy if I were her...

For the other woman was the cat her "everything" just like for somebdoy else her lover/husband/parents/best friend. It sounds a bit.. "weak".. to say she got send to Hell cauz of a cat but if u think about it it's nothing less then about a husband who cheated on the wife or something like that... The anime is about people who are in trouble or lost somebody who was dear to them (most of the time it is) and yeah, well, in this case it was about a cat...

The stories in the second season are different from the first season but they're both good, these show that not everything is what they look like while the first season focussed more on hate and revenge... It's a great anime if u ask me, it shows that not everybody who is "bad" is as bad as you thought they were...

Did somebody understood the role Ren was playing this time? Her friend? Her boyfriend? Doesn't matter that much, I'm happy enough with the fact he got a lot more screentime ^^
Animefanx3Oct 30, 2010 2:52 PM
Jan 27, 2011 1:15 AM

Dec 2008
WELL THAT WAS JUST STUPID. Damn you, poor communication!!

Argh, I totally expected the cat to be beaten and bloody during the episode (wincing because I'm a cat lover too), but I liked the twist on it. Damn it, it annoys the hell out of me when people just can't express their feelings and instead hassle each other like that, argh!! And getting sent to hell all because of poor communication and a cat!

Animefanx3 said:
Did somebody understood the role Ren was playing this time? Her friend? Her boyfriend? Doesn't matter that much, I'm happy enough with the fact he got a lot more screentime ^^

This crossed my mind too, but I'm guessing he just played a friend to her to observe her and get close to the situation. He visited frequently but it's not like they were close, just casual chatting, or maybe posing as one of the more friendly tenants. But I agree, more Ren is awesome. :)
Feb 19, 2011 5:04 AM

Oct 2008
So.. was the cat alive or dead? o__O
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Mar 1, 2011 6:56 AM

Oct 2009
Well that was quite a twist o.o
Apr 7, 2011 12:00 AM

Apr 2008
this story was f*** up Oo
Jun 9, 2011 8:58 PM

Jul 2008
I don't understand. Kyouko thought she was the other girl? Did they both pull the string on the same person?
Aug 5, 2011 10:16 PM
Jul 2010
GarLogan78 said:
I don't understand. Kyouko thought she was the other girl? Did they both pull the string on the same person?

I believe that what we see in this episode are Kyouko reliving the events of the Amagi girl AFTER Amagi pulled the string. This explains Ren being involved in the scenario from the beginning and the delivery girl being Ai.
<img src="" border="0" />
Aug 17, 2011 10:10 AM

Aug 2009
Man, I feel like these poor people are being scammed into making a contract to go to hell. I mean, they all knew that lady didn't kill the cat. Yet, they just let Amagi pull the string. These episodes are getting more and more disturbing. It's like dropping an atom bomb with out negotiating to reconcile any differences.
Jan 17, 2012 12:12 PM
Nov 2011
Achiuakuna said:
GarLogan78 said:
I don't understand. Kyouko thought she was the other girl? Did they both pull the string on the same person?

I believe that what we see in this episode are Kyouko reliving the events of the Amagi girl AFTER Amagi pulled the string. This explains Ren being involved in the scenario from the beginning and the delivery girl being Ai.

Thank you for clearing it up. Almost forgot the episode started with her pulling the string.

Something about this episode just rubbed me the wrong way. The whole 'reliving' part was confusing and unnecessary.

I'm not sure why anyone thinks Amagi was in the wrong, though. "They could have just talked it out," could apply to Kyouko as well. A simple, "Hey, I have no friends, can I have my cat back?" would have sufficed.
Mar 12, 2012 11:54 AM
Jul 2009
Lol, I bet she regretted sending that woman to hell after realizing the cat was okay, and that the only thing she wanted was the cat back since it meant so much to her. [Too much, but still]
Apr 18, 2012 8:44 PM

Jul 2011
cat pics creeped me the fuck out but im glad the cat survived
Jul 17, 2012 7:31 AM

Jun 2011
This is one of those scenarios where she really should have contacted the police or sued or something. Maybe then they could have talked about sharing the cat.

Even though the woman didn't actually kill the cat, the fact that she made the girl think she did was enough of a horrible thing.

I can see the fact that if there was an animal I loved that got taken away I would be upset, but I would also be willing to send someone to hell if they left a bag full of it at my door.
Aug 9, 2012 6:15 AM

May 2012
Well hmm that was rather interesting oO The ending was kinda freaky when she looked in to the mirror and than with all the cat pictures o_O

Well these things happen if you don't got any friends or family!

Great story though, though I didn't find it correct how the old woman reacted though still not good enough to be sent to hell for!
Aug 19, 2012 10:59 AM

Jun 2011
Mindfucked, this time I've gotta admit that the reasons for banishing the person to hell were ridiculous, lol
Quite a weak episode, though I can't say that I didn't like it ^^

And more focus on Ren = ftw
Aug 28, 2012 12:57 PM
Sep 2009
Actually feel bad for the woman... I know what it's like to feel lonely and have poor communication skills, I've been there. Worst time of my life, very depressing. I'm also a huge cat lover and my cat served as a good comforter =(

So sad that instead of trying to sort things out nicely, at least by sending a note and asking if she could return the cat, the lady started a freak show that lead to her death.

And I found all the photos to be cute. Yes it is a bit creepy but cat clearly didn't mind to have those photos taken. For a lonely person like her that was a real treasure.
Sep 16, 2012 11:29 PM

Apr 2011
This episode was mind-blowing, I could not understand the last scene, where the glasses girl switched place with the ugly lady, until I read this thread. It seem the woman experience's the glasses girl feelings and hate. A misunderstanding, that could of been solve by talking. What made this saddest for me, is that they could of been friends...

xxangelchanxx said:
I've noticed recently most of the people that have been sent to hell didn't deserve it....
Agreed to a certain degree, they deserve some light punishment or at least, some sort of help from experts.
Dec 4, 2012 4:58 AM

Jan 2012
again, she didn't deserve to go to hell, if it was that bad, call the cops or get the fuck out of there simple, not send her to tell, granted that I would be deeply disturbed if I thought she had killed my cat who I loved dearly, I would want her in an institution or a cell..... the reasons behind them getting sent to hell are weak in this series, I'm enjoying it but not for the same reasons I enjoyed the first season.
Mar 22, 2013 1:07 PM

Oct 2009
mrzkitty said:
cat pics creeped me the fuck out but im glad the cat survived

Mar 28, 2013 1:46 PM

Aug 2008
May 26, 2013 3:26 AM
May 2013
It was... weird? I can't find any other word (maybe exept idiot). I still don't grasp the idea of neighbour who thinks, taht she is other woman when she, as herself, had had a reason to do all this things. So many questions...

For example, how idiot you have to be to "not think" about talking to other person before doing all this things?

What has Enma Ai thought? It was really worth revenge?

And... I feel sorry for this old woman. She cared about this cat, she loved it, it was her only friend... And because of it she was send to hell.

And (the last one, I promise) have you too noticed that they (I mean Ren, Wanyoudu- I've probably made a mistake here, but you know who I mean) are more IN this happenings? In first season they were only watchnig, now they're interacting.

But I agree- more Ren!!
Jul 30, 2013 6:46 PM
Aug 2012
most frightening episode so far
Oct 5, 2013 4:19 AM

Aug 2013
Muru was so cute~! :3
Dec 1, 2013 9:08 PM

Jun 2012
good mind ***k episode at first i was bit confused but lucky some one explained it here.

Sturmizan said:
GarLogan78 said:
I don't understand. Kyouko thought she was the other girl? Did they both pull the string on the same person?

I believe that what we see in this episode are Kyouko reliving the events of the Amagi girl AFTER Amagi pulled the string. This explains Ren being involved in the scenario from the beginning and the delivery girl being Ai.

i was totally confused by that part but i forgot she pulled the string on the beginning of the episode thanks for the explenation.
"When a flat-chested loli hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart"
"--I am a single bullet. It has no heart. Therefore, it does not think. It just flies straight towards its target."
Feb 8, 2014 1:22 AM

Mar 2013
I LOL'd when I saw Ai acting as a delivery girl xD
Was confused why they were everywhere but the end explains it.

but seriously...

"OH, I forgot to actually talk to her first"

Me: Facepalm 2x Combo

Sep 15, 2014 11:32 PM

Jan 2010
I....What? That was just...Odd. Not good or bad, just...odd.
Oct 11, 2014 2:44 AM

Nov 2013

Totally forgot that Amagi pulls the string on the woman at the beginning. I was confused during the punishment scene if that was Amagi or the woman.

I wonder how she felt after pulling the string on a woman who just wanted her cat back.

Didn't like this episode. It required you to think too hard to understand the neighbor's motives.
LonsolOct 11, 2014 2:54 AM

Dec 1, 2014 7:55 AM
Feb 2014
-Luhui said:
I LOL'd when I saw Ai acting as a delivery girl xD
Was confused why they were everywhere but the end explains it.

but seriously...

"OH, I forgot to actually talk to her first"

Me: Facepalm 2x Combo

I think she said "that didn't even cross my mind" or something similar
Sep 26, 2015 3:36 AM

Aug 2014
Didn't think of talking to her. Well, have a nice time in hell.

Oh, pitiful shadow cloaked in darkness.
Thy actions cause men pain and suffering.
Thy hollow soul drowns in thy sins.
How would you like to see what death is like?
-Enma Ai
Oct 30, 2015 11:42 AM

Oct 2014
VARIAchan said:
So.. was the cat alive or dead? o__O

it's schrödinger's cat you can never know
Jan 18, 2016 5:53 PM

Jan 2014
Well....can't they ever talk things out -.-
Nov 20, 2016 1:20 AM

Aug 2014
wow people are really petty in season 2...Its FUCKED to do that to a cat, but did she really neeeda go to hell.
Xtina is my mother!
Apr 4, 2017 10:34 AM

Apr 2009
Sturmizan said:
GarLogan78 said:
I don't understand. Kyouko thought she was the other girl? Did they both pull the string on the same person?

I believe that what we see in this episode are Kyouko reliving the events of the Amagi girl AFTER Amagi pulled the string. This explains Ren being involved in the scenario from the beginning and the delivery girl being Ai.

Thank you so much for explaining.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 13, 2017 10:11 AM

May 2015
Cat is the real hell gril
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jul 12, 2017 3:39 PM
Mar 2016
so....that was interesting. im so glad theres more ren screen time, hes so beautiful to look at
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