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Sep 25, 2015 2:27 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
If this gets a second season, remember this... 12-16 episodes will be spent on the Autumn Elections. Great ending overall. There were some anime original scenes after the preliminaries.


Overall 9.1/10
Sep 25, 2015 2:30 PM

Apr 2013
solid 9/10 for me.. cant wait for S2.
Sep 25, 2015 2:30 PM

Aug 2013
Fantastic episode. I'm glad the fanservice wasn't embellished like the previous episode's.

But I can't believe they didn't show Subaru Mimasaki.
No blood! No bone! No ash!
Sep 25, 2015 2:32 PM

Jun 2015
I had a feeling it would end with Souma losing to Akira, but still making it to the tournament.

Really hoping for a second season; either way I'm gonna start reading the manga. I need more!
Sep 25, 2015 2:33 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
As expected, I enjoyed the anime as much, if not more, than the manga. I usually try to stay away from ecchi, but SnS uses it mostly in a very fun and entertaining way. There are all type of of odd reactions and really ridiculous images that makes me burst into laughter. Not to mention, you learn a lot about cooking (although I also forget it right away). It truly is a battle shounen, in the form of cooking competitions and trials. There's quite a lot of intensity and excitement. The characters are quite static though, but at least we do see character growth with Souma and Megumi. This was a really fun ride, and I hope to see a second season!
Sep 25, 2015 2:33 PM

Mar 2013
8/10 Maybe if I was into cooking and knowing about food more, this might be a more enjoyable.
Sep 25, 2015 2:35 PM

Jun 2012
pretty much what was expected for a last episode

all in all it was consistent, but they overdid it at some points, plus a lot of the characters were cheesy/the plot a bit too straightforward

the bgm helped it a lot tho

a decent watch overall, 6.5/10
Sep 25, 2015 2:36 PM

Feb 2014
10/10 Amazing finale. I was expecting Souma to get 94 points too, but he actually got less, damn.
And that Megumi smile at the end. Omg. I'm dead.
Sep 25, 2015 2:38 PM

Apr 2014
8/10 amazing show. I'm already up to date with the manga.
This needs a season 2 :)
A stupid thread deserves a stupid answer!
Sep 25, 2015 2:38 PM

Apr 2015
I loved this series. It was very enjoyable to watch and extremely addictive. It always made me want to have the food in front of me so I could eat it. There were probably too many characters and not enough development, but they were still fun.

The last episode was bit too predictable I think.

I would think this show is a shoe-in for a second season, but who knows, Japan is weird.
Sep 25, 2015 2:38 PM

Dec 2013
In-fucking-credible. Probably AotY, I don't even care, the hype levels the show induced me was something beyond.

I don't know why I love the show so much, is it because I just love cooking in general or is just a really well made show with a comedy that I dig. Eh, why am I even asking, it's definitely both. Who could have though that cooking battles can have this much tension and excitement?

Sep 25, 2015 2:40 PM

Sep 2013
Nice ending. 9/10 for me.

Also, those two that draw, who one out of them?
There's no magical spell to save someone's life.
Sep 25, 2015 2:44 PM

Jun 2014
this show was great, one of the best ones from this year and i'd definitely watch a s2 if it ever gets one 9/10 (if it doesn't i'll read the manga)

megumi best girl
alpha_shadowSep 25, 2015 2:48 PM
Sep 25, 2015 2:45 PM

May 2012
it was entertaining, but not much else, im thinkin 4/10

mostly cause the last 5 episodes focused on almost all new characters and just knocked em out like that, the pacing wasnt great and the plot armor is strong with the mains... like you knew who was gonna win from the beginning, so theres no real surprise

the story itself wasnt that different from you generic shounen to be honest so nothing special there

art was decent but nothing out of the ordinary and music as well
frequency15kSep 25, 2015 2:50 PM
Sep 25, 2015 2:51 PM

Dec 2013
Who was the fourth who got into the finals???

This was a fun series. Definitely my favourite of the season.

Gonna go check the manga later today.
Sep 25, 2015 2:52 PM

Mar 2012
That Souma and Megumi balcony twisted my heart and threw it out the window. I agree with Yoshino, it was such a nice mood!

Overall this series had perfect adaption (minus Ping-Pong Table Scene) that made me sad as a reader and a Megumi-fan. I wonder how you rate 11/10 on MAL?
Sep 25, 2015 2:57 PM

Oct 2013
Enjoyed my time with Shokugeki, though the student council prelims lasted a bit too long for my tastes, overall the show was pretty well executed. I too hope for another season.
Sep 25, 2015 2:59 PM

Nov 2011
9/10 I love this show so much.
Sep 25, 2015 3:00 PM

Jun 2014
You kidding me? They forgot to introduce the last member for the second part of the autumn election LOL.
Well at least this episode was league better than the last 2. It was a good adpatation except for some part which was completely horrible but I still prefer the manga.
9/10 serie.
Sep 25, 2015 3:01 PM

Aug 2015
Well , I'm kinda disappointed that we didn't get to see Subaru at the last moment. Hope they have good excuses ;) !

Apart from this , I was awe with the adaption of this "end" of the preliminaries. Mainly with the "Impact" of Soma's dish , I couldn't except for more with this action ! And at the end like a th beginning , it was great to see more off-chapters scenes , I really liked it :P

Like mostly everyone here , I hope we can get a 2nd season ;)

"Slowly but surely."-Me

Hey Pals Let's Be Unique!
Sep 25, 2015 3:04 PM

Apr 2014
Holy shit they ended the series really nicely. Thank you JC Staff. God fucking bless.

9/10. Perfect adaptation.
Sep 25, 2015 3:06 PM

Feb 2014
Fuck that was good. twas entertaining af and thats what matters most imo. 9/10.

But seriously JC if you don't make a s2 ima have to straight chop my nuts off and make an omelet with them.
Tokoya said:
adapatations are not supposed to be carbon copies of source materials and until the anime community in general can accept that and judge an anime based on what it presents and how they handle every episode, these threads will continue to be filled with hate posts by purists
Sep 25, 2015 3:06 PM

Aug 2013

Will start Reading the manga ASAP.

Tadokoro turning into best Girl =3 (IMO... would say impossible when i started watching this )
Sep 25, 2015 3:08 PM

Dec 2007
G_Spark233 said:
Who was the fourth who got into the finals???

I'm curious too. They completely omitted it lol. I'm guessing Marui since they made it out like Shun lost.
Sep 25, 2015 3:10 PM

Aug 2012
Damn! This show is just awesome, can't seem to get enough of it. EZ 9/10 for me.
S2 please!!!! .
Sep 25, 2015 3:11 PM

Aug 2010
God damn it, I love this show!

Best show of the year. Thank you J.C staff for making such a fabulous job with this anime. I want season 2! Will most likely start reading the manga.

...Megumi best girl
Sep 25, 2015 3:13 PM
Apr 2014
G_Spark233 said:
Who was the fourth who got into the finals???

They didn't include it, JC probably thought this person would steal Hayama and Soma's thunder.
We'll get a flashback of this person's shocking performance if they ever animate the main tournament.
Sep 25, 2015 3:13 PM
Jul 2015
i dunno why 4th challenger still doesn't show up but because everyone really serious want know it who's final participant in main tournament here small picture for subaru mimasaka
Sep 25, 2015 3:17 PM

Oct 2012
I kinda expected foodgasm from one of those critics but at least Erina had it.. sort of.
It was really surprising he ended on the second place (we, not really if we are counting group B too).
Well, he certainly did better meals before. But at least he can grow more now.

The ending with Megumi was great, dat "ore suki da yo" moment :D And he even gave her taste one of his disgusting meals :))

8/10 Definitely the best shounen of the year. Can't wait for the next season.
Sep 25, 2015 3:18 PM

Dec 2013
Thank you.

Thank you Shokugeki for 24 amazing weekends of eating amazing food while watching people cook amazing food. Thank you for bringing joy to my weekends. Thank you for making food seem so epic, I have never thought of it this way.

This anime is amazing and it deserves to be up there. The amount of thought put into this show is just spectacular.

Megum chani best girl. 10/10
Nakiri Erina also best girl. 10/10
Nikumi so hawt. 9.6/10

This episode: 5/5
This show: 10/10

"No one knows what the future holds. That's why its potential is infinite.” - Okabe Rintarou

"El Psy Congroo."

Kirino Kyousake Picture
Sep 25, 2015 3:24 PM

May 2010
Uh didn't Ryo got the sam score as Soma? It was also 18 - 18 - 19 - 19 - 19. So what's the big deal?
Sep 25, 2015 3:32 PM

May 2012
The best anime I've seen in a long time! I don't know what it was about this show, but I just loved every single bit of it. The plot, characters, culinary education, foodgasms; everything was just so enchanting to me. Gotta catch up on the manga now ASAP, and hopefully there will be a season 2 down the road.

Also, that last added bonus foodgasm from Erina-sama gave me life! <3 10/10
"No matter how much of a genius one is, in front of the Uchiha name, they're just ordinary people." - Sasuke Uchiha

Sep 25, 2015 3:33 PM

Sep 2014
Putting the scores of Hayama, Souma and Kurokiba into perspective:

18 18 20 18 20 = 94
19 19 18 19 18 = 93
19 18 18 19 19 = 93
Sep 25, 2015 3:34 PM
Apr 2014
Confucius said:
Uh didn't Ryo got the sam score as Soma? It was also 18 - 18 - 19 - 19 - 19. So what's the big deal?

Yeah but it's Soma who's super special amazing awesome MC, so he should be extra praised for it.
Or maybe it's because the specific judges who gave Hayama 18 gave Soma 19.
Either way both of them got 3 judges note their dish higher than Hayama.
Drake1000Sep 25, 2015 3:45 PM
Sep 25, 2015 3:35 PM
Jan 2015
I wonder where did Mimasaka go o_O. Other than that, the finale was great :D. AOTY (up until now) for sure in my opinion. 10/10
Sep 25, 2015 3:40 PM

Nov 2008
Confucius said:
Uh didn't Ryo got the sam score as Soma? It was also 18 - 18 - 19 - 19 - 19. So what's the big deal?
perhaps because Ryo was the first contestant who got the high score and everyone else followed along the way.

You know how human attention works. We get easily distracted with people stealing the spotlight xDD Since Hayama ans Soma were last to showcase their works, they get more attention in the end xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sep 25, 2015 3:45 PM

Sep 2010
The last episode. It was great anime to watch, I would go ahead and start reading manga if I didn't already read it before the anime started :).

All in all it was good adaptation and my only complain, the voice of Souma stopped bothering me after the while.

I wonder if there will be another season, I would like the rest of the story animated. The amount of manga material... well right now it might not last for another 24 episode serie without doing bad pacing but maybe in the future.
Sep 25, 2015 3:47 PM

Oct 2011
I'm hungry... Anyway, I'll miss this show! 9/10!

Season 2, when?!?
Sep 25, 2015 3:54 PM

May 2011
DAIO_13 said:
Putting the scores of Hayama, Souma and Kurokiba into perspective:

18 18 20 18 20 = 94
19 19 18 19 18 = 93
19 18 18 19 19 = 93

I'll be honest

DenjaX said:

You know how human attention works. We get easily distracted with people stealing the spotlight xDD Since Hayama ans Soma were last to showcase their works, they get more attention in the end xDD

Pretty much this is describes it for me e.e
Sep 25, 2015 4:04 PM

Sep 2012
I really loved this series. I was expecting Soma to be first place, but that would be too much predictable, so I like the fact that it was not like this.
Hope it gets a second season ~
Sep 25, 2015 4:06 PM

Mar 2013
When I first heard of this anime, I wasn't that interested due to the ecchi theme. But after the 3rd episode, I started to really like it. I went on to read the manga and I love it!
This anime is one of the best of this season. I really hoped that they would announce a second season at the end. Oh wells, let's just hope there will be an announcement sometime later. The ending was wonderful and cute xD No hate to Megumi, but I like Erina more.
Sep 25, 2015 4:10 PM
Sep 2015
Does anyone know the bgm / ost playing near the end?? (it plays around 16:30 in the vid) I want it!!
agrg25Sep 25, 2015 4:14 PM
Sep 25, 2015 4:10 PM
May 2015
Ferax said:
so its finally over
around what chapter the anime ended??

so i can pick the manga

start with chapter 58 or 59 I guess
Sep 25, 2015 4:22 PM

Nov 2013
DenjaX said:
Confucius said:
Uh didn't Ryo got the sam score as Soma? It was also 18 - 18 - 19 - 19 - 19. So what's the big deal?
perhaps because Ryo was the first contestant who got the high score and everyone else followed along the way.

You know how human attention works. We get easily distracted with people stealing the spotlight xDD Since Hayama ans Soma were last to showcase their works, they get more attention in the end xDD

That may be part of it, but it's mostly for a different reason.

When you compare the scores of Hayama and Souma, you'll see that 3 out of 5 judges rated Soumas curry higher than Hayamas. While Hayama won by points this time, 3/5 judges "voted" for Souma which would give him the victory if this would have been a direct confrontation.
The same goes for Ryo but it didn't have that impact because it was way before.

But what Ryo didn't have was all the arguing of the judges, it's human nature that it has that impact although it wasn't that big a deal in the big picture (comparing it with Ryos score).
Sep 25, 2015 4:25 PM

Aug 2011
Great finale, it left a pleasant taste in my mouth! Lovely cast of characters and I think it's been a very long time since I've liked a male MC as much as Souma. Even though a part of me wanted him to beat Hayama in the rankings, it's way too early for Souma to always win against these culinary 'bosses' in their respective fields. That's for the sequel lol.

Anyway, I thought the first cour was a solid 10/10, pretty much a perfect shounen series which kept me drooling for the next ep. The summer camp was my most enjoyable part of the show. I started to lose interest when Souma returned to his home town because it had a completely different feel. The elections tried to bring it back with more competitive cooking but was much slower and never really reached the height of the first cour.

7/10. Fantastic first half, average second half. I adored the the first OP/ED (the Last Supper reference was perfect) but wasn't too crazy for second ones. It definitely needs another season!
Sep 25, 2015 4:27 PM
Jun 2015
Good series. Probably the best in its genre, TBH. 7/10
Sep 25, 2015 4:28 PM

Dec 2014
Loved the entire thing. 10/10 because I've never laughed so much.
Sep 25, 2015 4:28 PM

Nov 2013
"The main tournament is in 2 weeks!"

Yeah, too bad we won't get to see it in anime format for at least 2 years.
Sep 25, 2015 4:31 PM

Apr 2015
SEASON 2 *******

The monstrous dark horse
has yet to show up

And there's still a lot of
dishes that needs to be

Sep 25, 2015 4:32 PM

Apr 2014
So the waiting game begins.
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