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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Sep 15, 2015 1:26 PM

Jul 2013
Asuna got told! Her mom wants her to transfer and finish and go to college with her old friends. Plus marry someone rich and not Kirito.

She shouldn't listen and should do watch she wants, whether that's marry Kirito and not go to college or not.

So the big bad duellist is a girl called Yuuki, didn't see that one coming, well, not until they showed the boots lol. I wonder what she wants help with :/ I thought she was just gonna give Asuna the skill for giving her such a good fight.
stephtastropheSep 15, 2015 1:29 PM
Oct 2, 2015 8:41 PM

Jul 2013
Great to see Asuna coming to the forefront of the series again. I'm loving how the writers are recognizing one of the greatest flaws in Japanese society (treating women like property, arranged marriages, etc). There needs to be more anime with these issues. Japanese society is not getting any better in this respect.
Omne Solum Forti Patria
Oct 7, 2015 11:14 AM

Apr 2013
Pretty good episode, maybe the best this season so far.
Oct 20, 2015 10:01 PM

Oct 2014
Damn, Asuna's family sucks.

Zekkan is Yuuki? Should've seen that coming but it was a funny reveal. Nice fight, and solid cliffhanger.
Nov 5, 2015 11:40 AM

Jul 2009
It's really nice to see Asuna's life in real world, her fight with Zekken was awesome!
Apr 22, 2016 4:08 PM

Jan 2016
If i was asuna i would have left the table and said "your didnt spend 2 years in a real life game fighting for survival, sick bitch" and flicked her off😂 strict ass people fuck i hate em , dont know how to fucking live there damn life's.
cause MAL is doing there job for once.
May 2, 2016 6:54 PM

Dec 2009
Zekken fight was pretty awesome. Reminded me of why I liked this anime so much. They certainly do fighting right.

That ending.... I'm going to be in tears before this is over.
Jul 17, 2016 8:42 PM

Jan 2014
Alright, this episode completely makes up for the utter waste that was the Calibur mini arc.

It really felt like the Asuna from the early days of SAO was back: the strong, confident second in command of strongest guild in the game, and not this mute and meek background character that being lumped together with the rest of her boyfriend's harem turned her into.
The fight scene was great and the anime did an excellent job showing just how much weight this duel carried for her. Let's not forget about Yuuki herself, who's a total charmer and has great chemistry with Asuna. Can't wait to see more of their adventures and please keep Kirito and his bitches as little involved as possible!
SapewlothJul 28, 2016 11:53 AM
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Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Oct 19, 2016 4:56 AM

Jan 2012
That was good sword word fight lol

Dec 14, 2016 7:09 AM

Mar 2013
Wow, the fight was awesome.

Yuuki's cute too <3
Dec 17, 2016 2:48 AM

Dec 2010
Great episode on nearlly every level, especially the slice of life part. The duel was executed extremely well as well.

This part is redeeming not only the Second season, but the anime as a whole to me. At this point I even consider giving the novels a try.
Jan 19, 2017 8:27 PM

Jul 2014
This arc looks like it has potential.
Jan 24, 2017 7:53 PM

May 2013
Oouuu~~~ go Asuna! :D

I bet Kirito was like das my wifey XD
Feb 12, 2017 9:01 AM

Apr 2013

Leaving that aside, WHOAH!!!!!!!!
FINALLY one episode in this season that, i can unabashedly say, was awesome. Asuna has after a long vacation reclaimed her Action Girl status, let's just hope it lasts for this arc. But i must say this switch of POV breathed a much needed second life to SAO. Makes me actually consider that these heroines of ours could actually have something resembling a personality when they aren't fawning over and falling for OP-sama. i mean we have been told for a loooong time that Asuna doesn't like her home, it's just the why was hard to see. so this small segment of her life went a long way to establish her reasons. i know the dinner scene had a lot of cliches, but then again after all those chaebol dramas i don't think anything could have surprised me. That they went for the safe route doesn't make the scene any less good, its execution is what matters. Now i have to wonder what would have happened if they had used this trick before and actually given Asuna's character a deuteragonist role in this season, it at least would have definitely improved this season's flavour.
Mar 19, 2017 11:02 PM

Dec 2016
Now that was a good fight.
Jun 21, 2017 7:05 PM

Mar 2014
Asuna's mom sure should take a deep breath and maybe drink something strong to get more easy. She really gets me into aggro mode

Jul 8, 2017 6:37 AM

Nov 2016
Hmm Asunas mom has really an ugly personality.

Surprised that Zekken turned out to be a girl, even though it kinda sucks, have the feeling this show doesn't bother with bringing decent male characters just for the sake that Kirito can shine.

The fight scene was nice and I wonder what Zekken is planning to do with Asunas help.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 27, 2017 4:24 PM

Dec 2015
I'm glad Asuna is getting some prime time. Byeeee Kirito!
Aug 18, 2017 2:39 AM

Apr 2009
So the duel is a front for a selection process for a covert recruitment? Must be super top secret thing for all the hassles it entailed. LOL
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Jan 14, 2018 12:46 PM

May 2016
Boring episode...
Feb 17, 2018 7:23 AM

Sep 2012
Asuna stop being pussy & grow some backbone & stand up to ur mother god dam

SubtleJ said:
Asuna doesn't have a clear view for her future. Her mother seems to know that and is looking out for her. Seems like pretty typical asian parenting.
PrOxAnto said:
... Parents picking people their kid should marry to, just let them choose on their own.
Anyhow, I liked the fight between Yuuki and Asuna, was a nice sword fight.
PrimeX said:
I hate Asuna's mom but thanks to her I realized how great my mom is. Anyway that fight was damn too freaking good. I'd go ahead and say it's the best fight yet and hopefully there will be more. The ass-kicking background music along with a fluidly animated badass sword fight was one of the things I love in SAO. Too bad I only got to see it in this show in it's 19th episode. I want moar!
Yiuumii said:
Asuna's mom sure should take a deep breath and maybe drink something strong to get more easy. She really gets me into aggro mode
FMmatron said:
Hmm Asunas mom has really an ugly personality.

SubtleJ, wants best for her, but does the opposite, yup pretty typical rich Asian family parenting screwing up their children's lives

copy paste what i commented on last ep:

when i see parents in anime's do that despite knowing there daughter has BF or son as GF makes my blood boil, fuk that type of parents just leave home

if i would be a business man & one of my partners is like that (or if i know any other who are like that) i would crush them (make them average ppl) & take over their company so their kids can be free form that SH, that's how much ppl like that (controlling parents) thick me off, seen 2meany in anime's

its the reason i can't bear to re-watch Ai Yori Aoshi, cause the families of the mains just thick me of specially heroines, finally accepted MC (EP 1-3), but with a condition he finishes collage & works himself to become wealthy like them & until then their dating has to be secret (if he fails engagement is off), i was like WTF screw u asshole, but they (MC & Heroine) accepted heroines fathers condition or deal or how u want to call it, they were engage sins kids before cause he was in rich abusive family & they were abusive cause he was a bastard son like they call them in GOT, heroines father was at first like he should have stayed & endured it then the engagement wouldn't be a issue, but he ran away (so heroines father blames him that the engagement was called off after he ran away from home, after the talk with the father they got reengaged with a condition i mentioned) & she tracked him down years later after he ran away(this spoil only EP1), this is worse then Asunas family, but still similar

PrOxAnto, i fully agree with u
mitsji said:
I really like this episode! Zekken is such a cool character. Btw, Asuna's mom is right. Asuna lost 2 years of her life. Okay, it's not her fault but nevertheless, 2 fucking years... :p

her mother is controlling bitch i hate the type

stephtastrophe said:
Asuna got told! Her mom wants her to transfer and finish and go to college with her old friends. Plus marry someone rich and not Kirito.

She shouldn't listen and should do watch she wants, whether that's marry Kirito and not go to college or not.

So the big bad duellist is a girl called Yuuki, didn't see that one coming, well, not until they showed the boots lol. I wonder what she wants help with :/ I thought she was just gonna give Asuna the skill for giving her such a good fight.

yea, i hope she grows some backbone, can't say balls cause how she suppose to have sex & have kids with him in future if she becomes shemale lol

seeing this second time, but cant remember almost nothing from SAO2

Hraktuus said:
Great to see Asuna coming to the forefront of the series again. I'm loving how the writers are recognizing one of the greatest flaws in Japanese society (treating women like property, arranged marriages, etc). There needs to be more anime with these issues. Japanese society is not getting any better in this respect.

not just woman, but children overall, boy's are treated almost same way

jdimaria3 said:
Damn, Asuna's family sucks.

Zekkan is Yuuki? Should've seen that coming but it was a funny reveal. Nice fight, and solid cliffhanger.

yep sucks hard

Dead_By_Heart said:
If i was asuna i would have left the table and said "your didnt spend 2 years in a real life game fighting for survival, sick bitch" and flicked her off😂 strict ass people fuck i hate em , dont know how to fucking live there damn life's.

Sugram22Feb 17, 2018 8:33 AM
Feb 28, 2018 2:57 PM

Sep 2016
easily the best sao episode ive seen up until this point.
felt really different, gotta track down the episode director for this one.
Objectivity doesn't exist. Subjectivity is an excuse. Beautiful world of online discourse.

Apr 3, 2018 12:58 AM

Jun 2014
This episode felt more like SAO than all the rest in quite awhile. It was hard for me, personally, to get through most of the early episodes of this season.

I also love that it's focusing back on more of the original cast instead of just Kirito. It was feeling like they weren't even important anymore.

I didn't want Asuna to just be waifu-tized and just left alone. It's good that there's focus on her now. She's one of the main characters and should have that as a result.

Apr 16, 2018 10:45 PM
Feb 2018
The first part with the drama was really bad since its such an overused trope.

Its good to see Asuna be a badass once again. I really hated her healer role in this season.
Sep 23, 2018 2:07 AM

Aug 2013
Sugram22 said:

SubtleJ, wants best for her, but does the opposite, yup pretty typical rich Asian family parenting screwing up their children's lives

Trust me, it's not limited to Asian families. I know many people treated like this in various European countries.
Sep 23, 2018 11:37 PM

Sep 2012
rsc-pl said:
Sugram22 said:

SubtleJ, wants best for her, but does the opposite, yup pretty typical rich Asian family parenting screwing up their children's lives

Trust me, it's not limited to Asian families. I know many people treated like this in various European countries.

yea, but its most common in India Jap & Arabic countries, more wide spread, in EU the type to do that are are just some old fashioned families & some religions families to, going 2far with religion can also Fup kids life
Oct 3, 2018 3:20 AM

Feb 2018
wow sweet fight between asuna and yuuki!!! what what whatt

hahah kiritos jelous harem...frigg off ur all ugly asuna is best

and i wonder what she needs help with?!!

lol i bet the final boss will be asunas mom (just a guess)
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Aug 16, 2019 10:29 AM
Apr 2016
Seems like Asuna's mother is trying to dictate her life, poor Asuna. Great fight at the end.
Sep 10, 2019 4:04 PM

Aug 2017
Oh, it seems that they're going to develop Asuna in this arc. And Zekken is just a girl xD.

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Feb 5, 2020 12:15 PM

Sep 2019
More problems for Asuna and Kirito :/
Mar 8, 2020 4:50 AM
Jul 2019
As always, PvP is BS in this anime, not following actual game logic. You win or lose cause PLOT! Kirito didn't even bring out Excaliber, what was the purpose of those two episodes? Stats or weapons don't matter. The only part it does matter was when Kirito was ambushed by orange players.

Another stereotypical, generic rich bitch who thinks she can make her daughter happy by following her orders. You think someone, who eats alone on the table, in the dark can make Asuna happy? Quit using this overused plot device as an excuse for character development, I'm tired of it.

Anyway, this new arc seems boring. Only thing I like about the new arc is the opening.
Mar 16, 2020 1:18 PM

Sep 2014
Im afraid Asunas mom is exactly the kind of woman Im into. I should probably think about that for the future.

Good fight. Love Zekkens design and VA is doing a great job too.

I know whats coming, I dont know if Im ready. It didnt really hit me when I first watched it over 3 years ago (yeah pretty late to the party)
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jun 22, 2020 12:59 AM

Dec 2016
That was unexpected, I'm glad that Asuna at least is back to using the sword the way she used to.
Nov 9, 2020 5:49 PM

Mar 2020
Choosing everything for your daughter, eehh. I don't think that's how parenting is supposed to be.
Nov 20, 2020 8:11 AM

Aug 2019
Love the new opening and ending for this arc. I thought it was a breathe of fresh air to finally get an episode focused around Asuna who in my opinion lacked depth up until now. Zekken is really cute and the fight between her and Asuna was actually really freaking cool. I wonder what she needs help with.
Jul 14, 2021 10:22 PM

Apr 2021
Asuna and her mom are not on good terms...Well her Mom is seriously crazy...Marriage is part of her career?..yea right thats messed up...its her life so she should be the one to decide it...this episode was good the fight between Asuna and Zekken was great...turns out Zekken is a girl and she needs Asuna's help with something..
Oct 30, 2022 10:16 AM

Mar 2019
So a family problem, feels somewhat forced because I still dont remember them ever mentioning this, but her situation still sucks. That reply at the end though, go Asuna!!

So Zekken is Yuuki after all. Nice duel, now to see what the problem is.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Jan 7, 2023 7:06 PM
Aug 2021
the fight was cool af, seeing Asuna go serious again looked very epic
Jul 25, 2023 2:45 PM

Aug 2019
isnt asuna like 20 by this point?  she was 17 when they beat sao and its been few years since that.  why doesnt she literally just make her own fucking decisions instead of just saying that she wants to?  not sure about japanese laws but at least here after you turn 18 your parents wont even get to access your things (shitty explanation i know but no one reads these except that one guy apparently).
anyway this new girl is good looking.


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Dec 16, 2023 8:28 AM
Jul 2018
Gahhdamn, that mother of Asuna....
Dec 19, 2024 1:20 AM

Jul 2008
Asuna's mom seems like such a happy person.
Jan 29, 10:19 AM

Oct 2021
That was a heated dinner table discussion, the last line by asuna against her mom was pure ruthless no wonder she loss it in there lol

Back with the good'ol sword fighting action, zekken turned out to be a cute girl and I don't know how she looks in real but her avatar in the game is a top notch waifu, loved her character design especially the waist part of leotard inside her armour ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Feb 20, 12:35 AM
Oct 2014
Might sound weird, but this was in my opinion the single best episode of the season, perhaps even the entire series.

There's basically nothing wrong with it. The dinner talk with mother was very well written, her mother had a great balance between well-meaning and too forceful/controlling. The introduction of Zekken and duel with her were great too, just perhaps a little too cloudy (not sure if that was the intent, or if they needed to reduce animator workload).

For the first time in SAO, I felt like the entire episode had a natural flow, nothing missing and nothing extra.

This time, both production and script get a 9/10 from me.

By the way... I feel like I've seen Zekken somewhere, she reminds me of some female MC of an older anime, but I can't remember which it was. Love her design either way.
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