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Jul 30, 2015 2:44 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
ichii_1 said:
I hated this episode cause everything is so true and real :'(

This is me at the end of the ep.

Same here

This was easily the best and most emotional episode yet.....In all honesty I don't blame Kagami one bit for doing everything that he did

I'm really happy that the fat fuck pedo guy died too
Jul 30, 2015 2:55 PM

Dec 2014
Well, I enjoyed this episode more so than the others. And It looks like Kagami has been faking those calls from his sister this whole time.

Kagami may be out...
Jul 30, 2015 2:58 PM
Jan 2011
Takuan_Soho said:
Horrible episode. Had nothing new, we already knew why Kagami did what he did, we didn't need to see another cute girl get introduced just so she could get killed at the end in some horrible way. It was just a pathetic repeat of 3.

This went from being fun sick to just being plain sick.

Even the ending, which should have been good, sucked. Lard butt deserved more, and there is no way that a serial girl killer would have been released like that (yes I know it was arranged).

I have been a big supporter of this show, but seriously this was so bad it warrants a drop.

Bad? This was brilliant! This is the truth! The law fails and it would be naive to assume it works all the time. Kagami is right.

Takuan_Soho said:
I waited to watch the English version because I hoped that I had missed something, but I unfortunately I did not.

D- said:
but still we got to learn a bit more about Kagami's past.

To what point? They wasted an entire episode on the backstory of a character that has no further meaning to this series. It wasn't even as if his story was surprising since it was the exact same story from just two episodes ago (released lunatic kills a girl close to someone who then turns vigilante).

I get the stupid point this show is going to try to make: 20 faces is really 20 different people responding to:

Barion-Zara said:
The law sucks ass for releasing all those mentally sick criminals

Which is a stupid plot. This does not happen. No mass murderer gets released from prison this way, and not once, not even twice, but three times? And even if someone wants to believe that the world operates this way, then this plot just cancelled itself out, because:

If "justice" is truly this horrible, then Akechi is a criminal for stopping vigilantes, and should be considered an accessory to murder. Had not the "next 20 face" showed up, more children would be dead, but I am sure Akechi will be more interested in stopping the new 20 face than the child predator.

And even if Kagami's backstory had any interest, an episode still has to move forward the plot, i.e. the main characters. There was none of that. Indeed if anything Akechi devolved - he should have known that Kagami's sister had been killed (he has access to everything) and that Kagami was cracked (pretending to talk to her on the phone). The entire "deduction" last episode about the plaster is now irrelevant. Really a "genius" needed the killer to so obviously "mess up" when he knows the target? And what was the point in RELEASING A SERIAL MURDERER TO CATCH HIM (and lard ass is back on the street the next day after nearly having his face pulverized). I wonder how many people were killed (because they released multiple murderers) trying to catch "twenty faces"? Nice to see Akechi has his priorities straight.

So any potential this series had has just been tossed out the window. All that is left is the author's obvious fetish with butchering little girls. That is what this show is now about.

The fact is and I really need to point this out is that the law doesn't protect people - people protect people. The law is an idea but it doesn't protect people directly. Truth is, in a disturbing way - Kagami is right. He is maybe half-right about the insanity defence and it's fallaciousness but he is completely right that the justice system doesn't always work. It's a sad fact. Just look at Mexico for example.
KanameFujiwaraJul 30, 2015 5:23 PM
Jul 30, 2015 3:09 PM

Feb 2010
Takuan_Soho said:
Minami-Nan said:
Having lived in Japan, I am quite suspicious of the low murder rate. I know the country is very safe, many women can go out late in the evening without problems compared to other developed countries. Murders are difficult to prevent because they are very often unpredictable so I would say the low rate of murder cases recorded might have something to do with how some murders were never discovered and therefore recorded.

So rather than base you interpretation on something you witnessed: that it is safe for women to be out alone at night in Japan, you would rather believe that there are 1,000s of murders that take place annually in secret and are just covered up. No protests from family members, no inquires from friends, no police investigation, they just happen.....

I can see why you thought this was a good episode.

Takuan_Soho dear friend, we meet again. I cannot confirm anything. However what you might find sarcastic, I find a possible explanation for a low murder rate. Not crime rate. While my Japanese acquaintances all tell me that Japan is a safe country, which I am willing to believe since it is coming from women, I believe murder is very different because the victim cannot report the crime. And yes, I believe people in Japan do not keep in touch that much. I also heard police officers and people working in the legal system are very conscientious of the success rate of an investigation or judicial case. Which can be an explanation for dropping what could be too difficult.
Jul 30, 2015 3:09 PM
Oct 2012
KanameFujiwara said:
Bad? This was brilliant! This is the truth! The law fails and it would be naive to assume it works all the time. Kagami is right.

If Kagami is right, then Akechi is evil for catching him.

Even if justice fails occasionally, vigilantism is not justified. Otherwise there is no justice.

If justice fails to the extent shown in this show, then there isn't justice and Akechi catching vigilantes while letting mass murderers walk makes him an accomplice to evil.

Now, I wouldn't mind an evil Akechi, that would be fun, but nothing in this episode makes me think that is where the plot is heading. Instead the writer is so unimaginative, he took the great character Twenty Faces and has literally made him "twenty people" (three of whom so far have had their cute sister/daughter/female friend killed in a horrible way).
Jul 30, 2015 3:15 PM

May 2014
I honestly can't see why people are complaining about this episode so much. Sure his sister's fate and his reasoning for becoming Twenty Faces was pretty predictable, but I feel like it was executed pretty well. Also the OST for this episode was spot on.
Jul 30, 2015 3:16 PM
Oct 2012
Minami-Nan said:
While my Japanese acquaintances all tell me that Japan is a safe country, which I am willing to believe since it is coming from women

Earlier you said you lived in Japan, if you lived in Japan then you should know that the country is safe.

Minami-Nan said:
I believe murder is very different because the victim cannot report the crime.

Neither can kidnapped victims. But see the problem with your theory is that no crime is committed in a vacuum. People notice. And even IF you want to believe that most murderers are not reported, then the same would be true of ALL countries, indeed probably even more so because the incidents of crime are much higher in other countries. So even IF true, then Japan's murder rate is even more incredibly low.

Minami-Nan said:
And yes, I believe people in Japan do not keep in touch that much.

You obviously don't know Japan at all. They are far more "in touch" then the US. Indeed these responsibilities are in part why their suicide rate is so much higher.

Minami-Nan said:
I also heard police officers and people working in the legal system are very conscientious of the success rate of an investigation or judicial case. Which can be an explanation for dropping what could be too difficult.

That is true of all countries, and again since the criminal rates are higher in other countries, this must mean that the unreported crimes are much higher there as well.

But ultimately you want to believe in conspiracies rather than simple facts.
Takuan_SohoJul 30, 2015 3:23 PM
Jul 30, 2015 3:24 PM
Jan 2011
Takuan_Soho said:
CookingPriest said:
The interview is in PREVIOUS case.

Nope, in the interview the criminal said that he would be released again "just like the last time", so it was after the murders. Otherwise, Kagami should have been watching Lardy because they knew he was a serial predator. So either way bad writing.

CookingPriest said:
He phone calls in previous ep too even though the murders have been going on for a while already.

No, the call he received was not from his sister in 4, go back and watch.

But even IF true, the writing is garbage for the reason I stated above. Akechi should have known about Kagami's sister's death.

Of course Akechi knew. That's why he called Kagami a siscon - he knew the calls were fake.
Jul 30, 2015 3:24 PM

Mar 2015
;_; for Tokiko

:D for Fat guy
Jul 30, 2015 3:28 PM

Jan 2015
Predictable episode, but touching anyway. Kagami's sister ;___;
It's not a surprise that the law is flawed in many ways. A few get caught, many pass.
Jul 30, 2015 3:29 PM
Jan 2011
Takuan_Soho said:
KanameFujiwara said:
Bad? This was brilliant! This is the truth! The law fails and it would be naive to assume it works all the time. Kagami is right.

If Kagami is right, then Akechi is evil for catching him.

Even if justice fails occasionally, vigilantism is not justified. Otherwise there is no justice.

If justice fails to the extent shown in this show, then there isn't justice and Akechi catching vigilantes while letting mass murderers walk makes him an accomplice to evil.

Now, I wouldn't mind an evil Akechi, that would be fun, but nothing in this episode makes me think that is where the plot is heading. Instead the writer is so unimaginative, he took the great character Twenty Faces and has literally made him "twenty people" (three of whom so far have had their cute sister/daughter/female friend killed in a horrible way).

Just because you're right doesn't mean that the opposing view is wrong. That's life. Akechi is not evil and Kagami is right need not be two points that are contradictory.

Vigilantism is not a new concept. It had exist since the dawn of humanity. We only believe it is wrong because of the idea of order. But we are people who can think. I present to you a case study: Mexico, Iraq, and Syria. When the laws fails and it does happen - what is the alternative? Vigilantism is a valid option when there is a lacking in people and organization that can execute the law. For me that's just being practical.
KanameFujiwaraJul 30, 2015 3:36 PM
Jul 30, 2015 3:31 PM

Nov 2012
This episode was boring.
From the very start of the episode, what was going to happen was extremely obvious. The little sister was more or less the same as Sachiko: a character whose only function was to be cute to make the audience feel sympathetic when they died. It dragged on and on, without any sort of mystery or urgency to engage you in the story. The whole episode could've been condensed to a couple of minutes and it would've achieved the same result.
Jul 30, 2015 3:33 PM
Oct 2012
KanameFujiwara said:
Of course Akechi knew. That's why he called Kagami a siscon - he knew the calls were fake.

So, even though he knew Kagami's sister was killed, and even though he knew Kagami was pretending to receive calls from his sister, he still let Kagami kill 17 people before "figuring out" that it was Kagami doing the crimes? Think about that.

Kagami said he killed people "night and day" because he knew that "he would be caught soon". This means he became the current 20 faces very recently, and that his sister's murder was also very recent. That the 17 deaths occurred extremely fast was explained last episode (the coroner even complained about it).

Honestly, am I the only one here who remembers what happened last week (or more importantly the week before)?
Jul 30, 2015 3:39 PM
Oct 2012
KanameFujiwara said:
Just because you're right doesn't mean that the opposing view is wrong.

Yes, actually it does. If I am right, then the opposing view is wrong. Doesn't make me right, but if you agree I am right, then yes it does.

KanameFujiwara said:
That's life. Akechi is not evil and Kagami is right need not be two points that are contradictory.

What else would you call a person that releases a known mass murdering psychopath into the public in order to catch the person who stops the psychopath from killing little girls?
Jul 30, 2015 3:41 PM

Mar 2008

Jul 30, 2015 3:42 PM

Feb 2010
Takuan_Soho said:
Minami-Nan said:
While my Japanese acquaintances all tell me that Japan is a safe country, which I am willing to believe since it is coming from women

Earlier you said you lived in Japan, if you lived in Japan then you should know that the country is safe.

Minami-Nan said:
I believe murder is very different because the victim cannot report the crime.

Neither can kidnapped victims. But see the problem with your theory is that no crime is committed in a vacuum. People notice. And even IF you want to believe that most murderers are not reported, then the same would be true of ALL countries, indeed probably even more so because the incidents of crime are much higher in other countries. So even IF true, then Japan's murder rate is even more incredibly low.

Minami-Nan said:
And yes, I believe people in Japan do not keep in touch that much.

You obviously don't know Japan at all. They are far more "in touch" then the US. Indeed these responsibilities are in part why their suicide rate is so much higher.

Minami-Nan said:
I also heard police officers and people working in the legal system are very conscientious of the success rate of an investigation or judicial case. Which can be an explanation for dropping what could be too difficult.

That is true of all countries, and again since the criminal rates are higher in other countries, this must mean that the unreported crimes are much higher there as well.

But ultimately you want to believe in conspiracies rather than simple facts.

Quoting everything makes it a huge post. Well I am sorry if I am a sceptic. I am not believing in conspiracies nor simple facts. I lived in Japan, do I have to consider Japan a safe country a simple fact? I don't think so. And I still believe people in Japan do not keep in touch that often. It is very easy for someone to focus on work instead of social life, like a workaholic. Is it a simple fact that Japanese people are workaholics? I also don't think so. To make my point, the corpse of an elderly lady was found abandoned for a month in a locker of Tokyo station. If people keep in touch that much, it would not take a month to know about her disappearance don't you think? Isolated people with no social connections are the best preys for murderers. That's a simple fact.
Jul 30, 2015 3:44 PM
Jan 2011
Takuan_Soho said:
KanameFujiwara said:
Of course Akechi knew. That's why he called Kagami a siscon - he knew the calls were fake.

So, even though he knew Kagami's sister was killed, and even though he knew Kagami was pretending to receive calls from his sister, he still let Kagami kill 17 people before "figuring out" that it was Kagami doing the crimes? Think about that.

Kagami said he killed people "night and day" because he knew that "he would be caught soon". This means he became the current 20 faces very recently, and that his sister's murder was also very recent. That the 17 deaths occurred extremely fast was explained last episode (the coroner even complained about it).

Honestly, am I the only one here who remembers what happened last week (or more importantly the week before)?

How do you come to the conclusion that Akechi connected Kagami with the murders with the siscon comment? She could be dead, and he sees a greving man but how does one come to the conclusion that he is 20 face from that comment?

And how recent is recent? We never really figure out the timeline.

Takuan_Soho said:
KanameFujiwara said:
Just because you're right doesn't mean that the opposing view is wrong.

Yes, actually it does. If I am right, then the opposing view is wrong. Doesn't make me right, but if you agree I am right, then yes it does.

KanameFujiwara said:
That's life. Akechi is not evil and Kagami is right need not be two points that are contradictory.

What else would you call a person that releases a known mass murdering psychopath into the public in order to catch the person who stops the psychopath from killing little girls?
Takuan_Soho said:
KanameFujiwara said:
Just because you're right doesn't mean that the opposing view is wrong.

Yes, actually it does. If I am right, then the opposing view is wrong. Doesn't make me right, but if you agree I am right, then yes it does.

KanameFujiwara said:
That's life. Akechi is not evil and Kagami is right need not be two points that are contradictory.

What else would you call a person that releases a known mass murdering psychopath into the public in order to catch the person who stops the psychopath from killing little girls?

Let me introduce you to the concept of relative truth. I am standing still - not moving. But since the earth rotates - I am actually moving even when I stand still. It's a paradox. It happens all the time. The world isn't black and white and it's not limited to the binary concept.
KanameFujiwaraJul 30, 2015 3:51 PM
Jul 30, 2015 3:47 PM

Jul 2015
best episode so far. the plot was predictable But I knew that coming in, It's the execution of a predictable backstory that got me hooked. The legal system in Laplace bringing in some real life inspiration did not expect that.


That ending scene into the ED made me mark out.
HarubaeSuzumiyaJul 30, 2015 6:24 PM

Jul 30, 2015 3:57 PM

Apr 2015
Bitch deserved what he got ! :D
Jul 30, 2015 4:07 PM

Jul 2007
Minami-Nan said:

Having lived in Japan, I am quite suspicious of the low murder rate. I know the country is very safe, many women can go out late in the evening without problems compared to other developed countries. Murders are difficult to prevent because they are very often unpredictable so I would say the low rate of murder cases recorded might have something to do with how some murders were never discovered and therefore recorded.

Considering the corruption I would not be surprised if quite a bit of statistics is faked/forged there.
Jul 30, 2015 4:11 PM

Feb 2015
It was like a poor Korean revenge film. I feel like the time period between Edogawa Ranpo's original work and this show is making the stories more ridiculous than they really are. I haven't read any of his work, but apparently Ranpo wrote some really nasty stuff. I think the politics and social issues now don't blend well with the way the original stories are meant to be. Even with all that said, I still liked this episode. It lacked trap booty but there's always next week.
Jul 30, 2015 4:13 PM
Oct 2012
KanameFujiwara said:
And how recent is recent? We never really figure out the timeline.

Which would be bad writing, however this was explained by Kagami last episode: the 15 murders "by the 'current' twenty faces" took place in one week.

KanameFujiwara said:
How do you come to the conclusion that Akechi connected Kagami with the murders with the siscon comment?

That wasn't me.

KanameFujiwara said:
She could be dead, and he sees a greving man but how does one come to the conclusion that he is 20 face from that comment?

When they first met, Akechi told Kagami that the problem with being earnest is that you "go down to early", so the thought was always there. So either way it is a problem. If the sister died years before, Akechi should have been suspicious because Kagami was pretending to get calls from his sister; if she died recently then he should have known that Kagami was a prime suspect.

But regardless, the main problem is that if the justice system is really as bad as portrayed here, then Akechi should not be obsessed with catching 20 Faces.

This is where bad writing comes into play. A good writer would have made lard guy an evil genius, so that while people knew he committed the crimes, they couldn't prove it; then the morality of 20 Faces actions becomes more questionable, and this would make Akechi's obsession with catching them more justified.

But this writer can only come up with: "since mass murdering psychopaths are crazy we have to release them to commit more murders". That is not only bad writing, it is stupid writing. And worse, it makes 20 Face's actions rationale and moral, which in turn makes Akechi not only wrong, but evil.
Jul 30, 2015 4:16 PM

Jan 2013
Pazuzu95Jul 30, 2015 4:21 PM
Jul 30, 2015 4:17 PM

Feb 2011
I just. I am so happy that that asshole got killed. And I am glad it was Sachiko's dad because ahhhhhahahhahh.

Anyway I feel bad for Kagami, and his sister had supreme death flag, but I still felt kind of surprised when they showed her corpse. This episode was better than last week so 4/5
Jul 30, 2015 4:19 PM

May 2015
kagami did nothing wrong that fatass deserved to die long time ago but that ending though
Jul 30, 2015 4:23 PM

Nov 2014
Takuan_Soho said:
And worse, it makes 20 Face's actions rationale and moral, which in turn makes Akechi not only wrong, but evil.

No kidding. If these people are constantly killing and constantly being released right afterward over and over again on a flimsy "I'm crazy" defense, it practically justifies 20 faces on a moral level. He's literally doing what the law is stupidly incapable of.

The law in this show is really stupid. The dude can kill people, get the insanity verdict, get sent to a mental institution, kill someone there, escape, announce the torture and killing of a detective's little sister via ripping off her limbs and gouging out her eyes, then hanging her, and then get let go again? I try not to apply too much reality to stories like this, but what even is the point of the law in this story if it can be evaded so easily? Seems 99% of criminals could just claim they were insane and get let off scott free.

"Sorry officer, that 6 year old girl I just viciously raped to the point of her death and then stuffed in meat grinder? Yeah I thought that was my wife and we were just roleplaying, honest!"

"Alright son, we understand. You can go. Just don't do it again you little scamp. *wink*"

"Sorry officer, that 9 year old girl I just viciously raped to the point of her death and used her blood in a giant wall painting? Yeah, I thought that was my wife and we were just roleplaying, honest!"

"You little rascal you... You just seem to have no luck! Just have a little R&R in our hospital and then you'll be good as new. Ganbatte! :)"

"Thanks, officer!"
sirflimflamJul 30, 2015 4:34 PM
Jul 30, 2015 4:23 PM

Jan 2013
soulelle said:
So somebody high in the Japanese government wants a drastic change in the laws and seeks for support from the otaku crowd.

otakus can be quite passionate and feisty you know
Jul 30, 2015 4:32 PM

Jan 2013
ichii_1 said:
I hated this episode cause everything is so true and real :'(

This is me at the end of the ep.

im pretty sure you cant torture/kill someone and get released just cuz you crazy a bit (like no shit ofc someone who kills is crazy) IRL , anime is a "bit" over the top with that but yes dat face so sad :(
on the bright side this was pretty edgy :)
Jul 30, 2015 4:32 PM

Jul 2007
sirflimflam said:
Takuan_Soho said:
And worse, it makes 20 Face's actions rationale and moral, which in turn makes Akechi not only wrong, but evil.

No kidding. If these people are constantly killing and constantly being released right afterward over and over again on a flimsy "I'm crazy" defense, it practically justifies 20 faces on a moral level. He's literally doing what the law is stupidly incapable of.

The law in this show is really stupid. The dude can kill people, get the insanity verdict, get sent to a mental institution, kill someone there, escape, announce the torture and killing of a detective's little sister via ripping off her limbs and gouging out her eyes, then hanging her, and then get let go again? I try not to apply too much reality to stories like this, but what even is the point of the law in this story if it can be evaded so easily? Seems 99% of criminals could just claim they were insane and get let off scott free.

"Sorry officer, that 6 year old girl I just viciously raped to the point of her death and then stuffed in meat grinder? Yeah I thought that was my wife and we were just roleplaying, honest!"

"Alright son, we understand. You can go. Just don't do it again you little scamp. *wink*"

"Sorry officer, that 9 year old girl I just viciously raped to the point of her death and used her blood in a giant wall painting? Yeah, I thought that was my wife and we were just roleplaying, honest!"

"You little rascal you... Just have a little R&R in our hospital and then you'll be good as new. Ganbatte! :)"

"Thanks, officer!"

We DO NOT know which 20 Faces Akechi hunts and WHY.

Just because Kagami SEEMS like justified in his actions(murder is never justified) does not mean that the 20 faces Akechi knew had same motivations.
Jul 30, 2015 4:36 PM

Jan 2013
Takuan_Soho said:

But this writer can only come up with: "since mass murdering psychopaths are crazy we have to release them to commit more murders". That is not only bad writing, it is stupid writing. And worse, it makes 20 Face's actions rationale and moral, which in turn makes Akechi not only wrong, but evil.

this is pretty spot on (and obvious) but most of us are here for the EDGY stuff and trap booty so bad writing isnt big of a deal
Jul 30, 2015 4:40 PM

Jul 2007
juicykitten95 said:
Takuan_Soho said:

But this writer can only come up with: "since mass murdering psychopaths are crazy we have to release them to commit more murders". That is not only bad writing, it is stupid writing. And worse, it makes 20 Face's actions rationale and moral, which in turn makes Akechi not only wrong, but evil.

this is pretty spot on (and obvious) but most of us are here for the EDGY stuff and trap booty so bad writing isnt big of a deal

They are n ot being released.
They are being transfered to psychiatric rehabilitation centers, which then decide WHEN to release them
Sadly due to most of them being inneficient trash, most of those criminals can play the system and fake it
Jul 30, 2015 4:43 PM
Oct 2012
Minami-Nan said:
Well I am sorry if I am a sceptic.

You are not being skeptical. Skeptics have facts and a consistent theory explaining why they are being skeptical, it's what separates them from being conspiracy theorists. "I believe" and "I think" are not facts or reason.

Minami-Nan said:
I lived in Japan, do I have to consider Japan a safe country a simple fact? I don't think so.

Whether Japan is safe or not is a simple fact. It either is or it isn't. So having lived there did you find Japan to be a safe place or not? I can quote crime statistics to say why I think it is a safe country (as well as my experience). So if you do not believe it to be, what are your facts.

Minami-Nan said:
To make my point, the corpse of an elderly lady was found abandoned for a month in a locker of Tokyo station. If people keep in touch that much, it would not take a month to know about her disappearance don't you think? Isolated people with no social connections are the best preys for murderers. That's a simple fact.

So one example of a 70 year old woman becomes your indictment for the entire society? That is exactly what a conspiracy theorist does. Besides they found the body, so that doesn't lend well to your theory that there are 100s of undiscovered murders happening yearly (which is what would be needed to pull Japan's murder rate up to even European levels (it would take 1,000s to raise it to US levels).
Jul 30, 2015 4:43 PM

Nov 2014
CookingPriest said:
We DO NOT know which 20 Faces Akechi hunts and WHY.

Just because Kagami SEEMS like justified in his actions(murder is never justified) does not mean that the 20 faces Akechi knew had same motivations.

Well, I'm sure Akechi has a reason for wanting to find a specific member of 20 Faces. My response is more about suggesting Kagami was pretty justified in what he was doing given the nature of the law in this series. Sure, in our world, murder is not justifiable. We live in a world where, if someone is caught murdering someone, even if they're crazy, they're not going to just get let out of a mental hospital in a few months, and they certainly can't taunt their police captors about how they'll just get out again. They are dealt with appropriately most of the time (unless you're OJ Simpson of course), so the need to take matters into your own hands is not the same.

When you live in a world where people are allowed to bend the law around their finger to commit ridiculously sickening crimes and laugh it off right in the cops face like in this series, I can't find it in myself to say Kagami's actions aren't justified. Had I been in his position, seeing first hand the limits of justice, and then losing my little sister that way over the same lapse in justice, I don't think I could see myself taking any other path either. If the law is going to *literally* allow someone to repeatedly kill lots of people and do nothing to put a stop to it, something else needs to be done.
Jul 30, 2015 4:46 PM

Jan 2013
As much as I disagree with Kagami's methods, I still think his character was cool after this. I really like the way this episode went even though I was hoping Tokiko was safe. Very predictable episode but it was still good nonetheless.
Jul 30, 2015 4:51 PM

Oct 2014
Alcatraz_Zombie said:
I honestly can't see why people are complaining about this episode so much. Sure his sister's fate and his reasoning for becoming Twenty Faces was pretty predictable, but I feel like it was executed pretty well. Also the OST for this episode was spot on.

Exactly! Just because it's not original doesn't mean that it's bad. I enjoyed this episode regardless of the predictable outcome. However, I wouldn't say that the episode was executed well, it was an average execution that had some flaws. An example is when the criminal suddenly wanted to kill a specific officer's family member, that was unexpected and bad writing. The criminal should have at least know her before hand.

Also regarding the argument:"the law would never let someone crazy be released", again this is fictional. The director who made this anime created a world where the law in Japan is corrupted and flawed. If people look at it through this way, then maybe they see this through a different opinion. However, fiction is fiction, and the law in Japan is not that corrupt.
Jul 30, 2015 4:53 PM
Jan 2015
I read dozens of comment here trying to understand why some people didn't like this episode. I still don't understand... It might have been predictable, but it was so beautifully executed. Gives a great insight into the problems of the legal system 'n the minds of homicide detectives. Even if you might already know it, it still hurts to see how stuff like that can ruin people. The sister maybe was a little over the top, but you need something to cause the topple. These kind of family-revenge-murders do happen sometimes, unfortunately.

Keep up this quality, Ranpo <3
Jul 30, 2015 4:59 PM

Oct 2014
Narendur said:
I read dozens of comment here trying to understand why some people didn't like this episode. I still don't understand... It might have been predictable, but it was so beautifully executed. Gives a great insight into the problems of the legal system 'n the minds of homicide detectives. Even if you might already know it, it still hurts to see how stuff like that can ruin people. The sister maybe was a little over the top, but you need something to cause the topple. These kind of family-revenge-murders do happen sometimes, unfortunately.

Keep up this quality, Ranpo <3

That's because:
-people do not like unoriginal work (again, so crap we hear for a lot of anime's)
-people do not like the fictional world of this anime (they call the corrupted law in this episode as "bad writing")
-they do not agree with Kagami's motives and view them as stupid(understandable, some people have a higher moral integrity than others)

In the end, it's just a personal problem they have that does not reflect on the majority of viewers.
Jul 30, 2015 5:04 PM

Nov 2014
Narendur said:
I read dozens of comment here trying to understand why some people didn't like this episode. I still don't understand... It might have been predictable, but it was so beautifully executed. Gives a great insight into the problems of the legal system 'n the minds of homicide detectives. Even if you might already know it, it still hurts to see how stuff like that can ruin people. The sister maybe was a little over the top, but you need something to cause the topple. These kind of family-revenge-murders do happen sometimes, unfortunately.

Keep up this quality, Ranpo <3

I have less of an issue with the episode itself and more an issue with the episode as it pertains to the rest of the series. My issue personally is the overuse of hurting new flavor-of-the-night little girls via some big fat emotionally stunted manchild to tug at everyone's heart strings. Her violent tortured death mirrors Sachiko pretty well, only one episode prior to the last one. Killing young, innocent girls is a good way to invoke our maternal and paternal instincts and make us feel bad, but when you use it too much it starts to feel forced, like waving a big sign in front of the audience that says "Cry".

I don't want to have to remember this series as "the one that kills a new cute girl every night to try to make us feel bad". I'd rather remember it for its depth of story and interesting cast.
Jul 30, 2015 5:07 PM

Jan 2013
CookingPriest said:

They are n ot being released.
They are being transfered to psychiatric rehabilitation centers, which then decide WHEN to release them
Sadly due to most of them being inneficient trash, most of those criminals can play the system and fake it

still the dude who mincemeat's little girls got his freedom so its not much of a difference whatever he got released right away or sent to the hospital and then released
Jul 30, 2015 5:17 PM

May 2015
Now this was a great episode. From beginning to end. That was just sad and tough. That ending. I'm satisfied.

Jul 30, 2015 5:28 PM
Oct 2012
sirflimflam said:
I have less of an issue with the episode itself and more an issue with the episode as it pertains to the rest of the series. My issue personally is the overuse of hurting new flavor-of-the-night little girls via some big fat emotionally stunted manchild to tug at everyone's heart strings. Her violent tortured death mirrors Sachiko pretty well, only one episode prior to the last one. Killing young, innocent girls is a good way to invoke our maternal and paternal instincts and make us feel bad, but when you use it too much it starts to feel forced, like waving a big sign in front of the audience that says "Cry".

I don't want to have to remember this series as "the one that kills a new cute girl every night to try to make us feel bad". I'd rather remember it for its depth of story and interesting cast.

Was just about to post this, but you said it better. Glad I refreshed!

That is it exactly: not only was this episode not original, it wasn't even original FOR THE SERIES and we are only five episodes in. Most crime shows can go for years without having to resort to such blatant repetitive exploitative manipulation.

And it was badly done. There was no macabre humor that the other episodes had, no interesting psychological insight, no original crime, no interesting characters (straight revenge does not make one interesting), it wasn't "edgy", hell we didn't even get any trap scenes. There was nothing in this episode except once again introducing a girl just so she can be pointlessly tortured to death.
Jul 30, 2015 5:31 PM

Feb 2010
Takuan_Soho said:
Minami-Nan said:
Well I am sorry if I am a sceptic.

You are not being skeptical. Skeptics have facts and a consistent theory explaining why they are being skeptical, it's what separates them from being conspiracy theorists. "I believe" and "I think" are not facts or reason.

Minami-Nan said:
I lived in Japan, do I have to consider Japan a safe country a simple fact? I don't think so.

Whether Japan is safe or not is a simple fact. It either is or it isn't. So having lived there did you find Japan to be a safe place or not? I can quote crime statistics to say why I think it is a safe country (as well as my experience). So if you do not believe it to be, what are your facts.

Minami-Nan said:
To make my point, the corpse of an elderly lady was found abandoned for a month in a locker of Tokyo station. If people keep in touch that much, it would not take a month to know about her disappearance don't you think? Isolated people with no social connections are the best preys for murderers. That's a simple fact.

So one example of a 70 year old woman becomes your indictment for the entire society? That is exactly what a conspiracy theorist does. Besides they found the body, so that doesn't lend well to your theory that there are 100s of undiscovered murders happening yearly (which is what would be needed to pull Japan's murder rate up to even European levels (it would take 1,000s to raise it to US levels).

I'm afraid you do not need facts or a consistent theory to be sceptical. A sceptic is someone who is inclined to doubt or question accepted opinions. In my case, I question your accepted opinion of Japan being a safe place. So I am being sceptical.

You can quote the statistics that you want, but like you said "I think" is not fact. I said before that from hearsay coming from Japanese women, they consider Japan to be a safe country. I say fair enough. What I see is that Japan is not that different from other countries I have visited so from my own experience, it's just as safe as the UK, France, Italy, which means normal level of safety for a developed country. If my own experience cannot be considered fact, then yours will be the same.

For the last point, I have not developed any theory nor generalized the case of one old lady for the whole Japanese society. It was a hypothesis. Big difference. The old lady case was just to prove the point that some people are isolated, that some do not keep in touch that much. Your argument is that Japanese people keep in touch more than the US. So what? Saying that Japan is poorer than the US does not necessarily mean Japan is poor. The corpse was also found by accident, not because someone was looking for it.

I also did not bring up the murder rates of EU and the US nor anything about any number of undiscovered murders happening yearly. I am SIMPLY questioning the low number of murder rate. You have murderers in every country in the world. Murder is difficult to prevent and is often unpunished when nobody is looking into it. How do you explain the low murder rate? I cannot so I just suppose it is questionable. Statistics are not always your friends. In the US, unemployed people not looking for a job are not part of the unemployment rate. And those underemployed are also not counted despite the unstable situation. You get the numbers you look for. And this is not a conspiracy. Stop discrediting me as a conspiracy theorist before it becomes ridiculous for you.
Jul 30, 2015 6:02 PM
Apr 2015
So Shadow Man really was Sachikos father, so the other guy was probably just her step father? Otherwise the statement about the money would make 0 sense.
Jul 30, 2015 6:12 PM

Mar 2011
i truly regret the fact that the only thing i can do to show my disappointment is giving this abortion a 1, because if i could i'd fly in Japan right away to punch the shit out of every single living being involved in this series. damn, i've never been so mad watching an anime before
whoever likes this shit should never be allowed to watch anime again
Jul 30, 2015 6:19 PM
Oct 2012
Minami-Nan said:
I'm afraid you do not need facts or a consistent theory to be sceptical.

See the problem is that skepticism means to "withhold judgment", so it may be skeptical to not accept statistics at face value, but the moment you state that you think they are factually wrong, you are no longer a skeptic because you have expressed a judgment, and in your case, a judgement not based on any facts, not even based on experience, but rather a judgement based on what you want to be true. That is not skeptical, that is delusional.

Minami-Nan said:
What I see is that Japan is not that different from other countries I have visited so from my own experience, it's just as safe as the UK, France, Italy, which means normal level of safety for a developed country. If my own experience cannot be considered fact, then yours will be the same.

First, you are comparing a safe country to other safe countries. So this doesn't nullify the statement "Japan is a safe country". Japan's murder rate is comparable to Iceland and Singapore at .3 per 100,000, Italy, the UK and France are all around 1 per 100,000, the US is 4.7 per 100,000, the world average is 8.64 per 100,000. So Japan, Italy, the UK, and France would all be "safe countries".
Second, just because you didn't experience any crime doesn't mean that a country is safe.
Third experience supports or contradicts statistics, and of course should be taken into account. Did you have any experience in Japan that makes you doubt the safety of the country. Did you meet people who had experience that makes you doubt the safety? Experience is what can cause one to be skeptical, but you don't have that.

Minami-Nan said:
The old lady case was just to prove the point that some people are isolated

Not necessarily, perhaps the person who put her there was the person who cared for her?

And she was between 70-90 years old, people tend to lose their connections at that age. Are you seriously suggesting that this particular should be held up as a universal?

Minami-Nan said:
The corpse was also found by accident, not because someone was looking for it.
It wasn't by accident, abandoned property is checked every 30 days. That is what happened here. This actually shows the reverse, the reason the person used a locker was because disposing of a body in Japan is HARD.

Minami-Nan said:
How do you explain the low murder rate? I cannot so I just suppose it is questionable.
Lack of guns, lack of unorganized crime (the Yakuza in Japan take care of other gangs), highly urban society, social cohesion and organization, and the simple fact that the Japanese are nosy, gossipy people who know what everyone is doing.
Jul 30, 2015 6:22 PM

Jan 2008
Fantastic episode. The fact that nearly every episode leaves me seething in anger is a good thing.
Jul 30, 2015 6:26 PM
Jun 2010
Wow, powerful episode.
Jul 30, 2015 7:00 PM

Oct 2011
Damn Kagami's past
Jul 30, 2015 7:37 PM
Dec 2014
IMO best episode yet, that scene when Kagami lost it and threw stuff around and decided to become Twenty Faces was crazy.
My Top 5 Anime: (As of March 2020)
1. Fate/Zero
2. Gintama
3. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
4. Shinsekai Yori
5. Hunter x Hunter (2011)

Jul 30, 2015 7:38 PM

Dec 2012
im still confused are kagami sister lost her part body ? like arm and legs
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