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Jul 17, 2015 8:52 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm, interesting...we get to see a bit of Lelena this episode.

It was intense as well with the fire and dragons. I find it kinda interesting how they continuously push both the world fiction and military tactics. Nice to see Rory this episode too:

She's pretty badass.
Jul 17, 2015 9:05 AM
Oct 2012
Efficient episode, they changes some things around (like having the kids know Rori), but it explains that she is both well known and part of the existing order, so that was good (and probably more accurate than the manga). Some nice action, introduction of several characters, and moved at a good clip ending where they should for the 3rd episode.

Toned down the gore of course (this is going mainstream), but they did capture the spirit of Rori well enough and they did imply somethings. I understand those who wanted the hard core medieval violence, but that is not what this animation is about, so that ship has sailed.

So good episode, on to camp now. Wonder how they are going to explain the rod of steel next episode :-)
Jul 17, 2015 9:53 AM

Nov 2008
Rory is a hottie, kind of a flirt, and awesome and I like her axe and fast battle style. I'm not keen of the bloodless violence when the dragon got his arm blown off and the bandits only getting a large flesh wound when killed, up the violence please, giant axes, RPGs, and guns leave more of a bloody mess when used to maim or kill.

Jul 17, 2015 10:30 AM

Jul 2015
Hoppy said:
Rory is a hottie, kind of a flirt, and awesome and I like her axe and fast battle style. I'm not keen of the bloodless violence when the dragon got his arm blown off and the bandits only getting a large flesh wound when killed, up the violence please, giant axes, RPGs, and guns leave more of a bloody mess when used to maim or kill.

Yeah, so far that's my only complaint about it right now, the pacing is keeping up quite well actually.

Also I'm super glad that the characters are speaking in Japanese when it's convenient for the viewer, and not some awkward made up language all the time.
Jul 17, 2015 10:31 AM
Feb 2015
Since they purposefully skipped the offer scene, I am a bit worried about the plot in future has a lot of it is centered around sexual violence :/

Oh well, an otherwise good adaptation, it gets the job done.
Jul 17, 2015 10:32 AM

Mar 2013
They really screwed up Rory and Lelei character design.

Jul 17, 2015 10:33 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Rory is badass, liking her already and her attitude. We meet the female protagonists, wondering about their backstories and their intentions. Not liking the blue haired girl that much.

Last scene was very nice.
Jul 17, 2015 10:34 AM

Jan 2012
So we meet several of our girls this week. Liking them all so far. Nice fight with the fire dragon. I wonder if they might take those who lost their families back to our world...
Jul 17, 2015 10:37 AM

Jul 2015
Newhopes said:
They really screwed up Rory and Lelei character design.

The "ears" and face are a bit strange on Rory, but Lelei definitely feels in character for now.
Jul 17, 2015 10:38 AM

Aug 2008
I wanted more Gothic loli action, or at least some more powers shown of the elf, she seems useless atm. Then again she was smart in saying 'aim at the eye'
Jul 17, 2015 10:39 AM
Mar 2010
This dragon fight is not as exciting as I was expecting.

I don't like how they portrayed sage Kato seriously a tantrum like a child.

I kinda feel stupid for mistaking lelenas name for leilei sister hehehe that's for later.

And we didn't see much villagers die it was supposed to be 1/3 of the villagers.

Anyone else wondering how Tuka was able to stand up inside that jeep.

Plus I want to see then at least continue using a different language along side Japanese language to actual portray the language barrier, but if it makes it more convenient for the viewers then fine.

Last one WTF is that little girl look so similar to the one in Ginza.
HELLSATANJul 17, 2015 10:54 AM
Jul 17, 2015 10:46 AM

Apr 2010
This episode confirmed that the anime is way less extreme then the manga tho that isn't very surprising seeing some of the events that happened in the manga.
I have to say that they still follow the story pretty nicely which is great.

What i dislike a bit is Rory's voice i think it's a bit to playful, bit i guess i can live with it.
Leilei's voice fits her a bit better but i still think it's a bit of.
Tuka's voice is spot on.

Also the action scenes where nicely done.
Jul 17, 2015 10:47 AM

Mar 2014
This was excellent, I didn't expect to like any of the girls that much but little screentime they have gotten already gave me an extremely good impression of them and I can tell I'll like them a lot.
And really, a naked girl doesn't get any reaction? I'm really suprised the show didn't go "STOP EVERYTHING, THERE'S A NAKED GIRL THERE", so refreshing.

That last scene was also beautiful, got a bit teary eyed there.

Characters are just extremely down to earth, they just feel real.

Excellent series.
Jul 17, 2015 10:49 AM
Mar 2010
Newhopes said:
They really screwed up Rory and Lelei character design.

Agreed 100% but at least they got leilei voice right that's a plus.
Jul 17, 2015 10:49 AM
Jan 2014
Hoppy said:
Rory is a hottie, kind of a flirt, and awesome and I like her axe and fast battle style. I'm not keen of the bloodless violence when the dragon got his arm blown off and the bandits only getting a large flesh wound when killed, up the violence please, giant axes, RPGs, and guns leave more of a bloody mess when used to maim or kill.

Just leave it up to A-1 pictures to mess up something

Jul 17, 2015 10:50 AM

Feb 2014
Rory is best grill, confirmed.
Jul 17, 2015 10:50 AM
Mar 2010
Paulo27 said:
This was excellent, I didn't expect to like any of the girls that much but little screentime they have gotten already gave me an extremely good impression of them and I can tell I'll like them a lot.
And really, a naked girl doesn't get any reaction? I'm really suprised the show didn't go "STOP EVERYTHING, THERE'S A NAKED GIRL THERE", so refreshing.

That last scene was also beautiful, got a bit teary eyed there.

Characters are just extremely down to earth, they just feel real.

Excellent series.

I'm more concern on how she was able to stand inside that jeep how tall is that jeep.
Jul 17, 2015 10:50 AM

Mar 2014
Shock_Yin said:
Hoppy said:
Rory is a hottie, kind of a flirt, and awesome and I like her axe and fast battle style. I'm not keen of the bloodless violence when the dragon got his arm blown off and the bandits only getting a large flesh wound when killed, up the violence please, giant axes, RPGs, and guns leave more of a bloody mess when used to maim or kill.

Just leave it up to A-1 pictures to mess up something
A-1 Pictures should know they have to be more edgy than this.
Jul 17, 2015 10:52 AM

Feb 2015

Best girl has made an appearance.

''This is a really tight fit.'' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ayy lmao. Grandpa ain't a lolicon.

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Jul 17, 2015 10:53 AM

Mar 2014
Paulo27 said:
This was excellent, I didn't expect to like any of the girls that much but little screentime they have gotten already gave me an extremely good impression of them and I can tell I'll like them a lot.
And really, a naked girl doesn't get any reaction? I'm really suprised the show didn't go "STOP EVERYTHING, THERE'S A NAKED GIRL THERE", so refreshing.

That last scene was also beautiful, got a bit teary eyed there.

Characters are just extremely down to earth, they just feel real.

Excellent series.

I'm more concern on how she was able to stand inside that jeep how tall is that jeep.
Shrinking powers.
Jul 17, 2015 10:57 AM
Oct 2012
Paulo27 said:
A-1 Pictures should know they have to be more edgy than this.

Not A-1's decision.

It seems quite evident that the publisher knows that this can be sold to a younger audience and they are toning down the violence for that reason. They intend to make this a franchise. This seems clear when they devoted 24 episodes to this show. That is a very major commitment for a relatively obscure series. So slightly edging is all we are going to get.

A-1 is just following orders (as well as governmental guidelines for that demographic).
Jul 17, 2015 10:59 AM

Mar 2014
Takuan_Soho said:
Paulo27 said:
A-1 Pictures should know they have to be more edgy than this.

Not A-1's decision.

It seems quite evident that the publisher knows that this can be sold to a younger audience and they are toning down the violence for that reason. They intend to make this a franchise. This seems clear when they devoted 24 episodes to this show. That is a very major commitment for a relatively obscure series. So slightly edging is all we are going to get.

A-1 is just following orders (as well as governmental guidelines for that demographic).
A-1 should grow some balls then and show this "publisher" who wears the pants in the house.
Jul 17, 2015 11:00 AM
Mar 2010
Takuan_Soho said:
Paulo27 said:
A-1 Pictures should know they have to be more edgy than this.

Not A-1's decision.

It seems quite evident that the publisher knows that this can be sold to a younger audience and they are toning down the violence for that reason. They intend to make this a franchise. This seems clear when they devoted 24 episodes to this show. That is a very major commitment for a relatively obscure series. So slightly edging is all we are going to get.

A-1 is just following orders (as well as governmental guidelines for that demographic).

When they start selling the Bluray I hope there is no censoring.
Jul 17, 2015 11:02 AM

Apr 2010
Paulo27 said:
This was excellent, I didn't expect to like any of the girls that much but little screentime they have gotten already gave me an extremely good impression of them and I can tell I'll like them a lot.
And really, a naked girl doesn't get any reaction? I'm really suprised the show didn't go "STOP EVERYTHING, THERE'S A NAKED GIRL THERE", so refreshing.

That last scene was also beautiful, got a bit teary eyed there.

Characters are just extremely down to earth, they just feel real.

Excellent series.
When your in combat you have other things to worry about instead of looking at a naked girl.
And this anime is a good example of a seinen, a seinen done right.
Jul 17, 2015 11:03 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Well we got to see the main heroines in action in this episode, and if anyone claims Rory isn't best girl they're factually wrong.
Jul 17, 2015 11:05 AM
Oct 2012
Paulo27 said:
A-1 should grow some balls then and show this "publisher" who wears the pants in the house.

Who wears the pants? The publisher. Period. Even the writer doesn't have ultimate input.

People forget that animation companies are hired guns in Japan, nothing more, nothing less (Kyoto Animation being an exception since they generally produce their own works).

Scene by scene decisions can be blamed on the production company, and on this I think A-1 is doing an above average job (keeping in mind that they have to make it easy for anime-only viewers), but general decisions about level of violence, character design and the likes are the publishers.
Jul 17, 2015 11:08 AM

Mar 2014
Takuan_Soho said:
Paulo27 said:
A-1 should grow some balls then and show this "publisher" who wears the pants in the house.

Who wears the pants? The publisher. Period. Even the writer doesn't have ultimate input.

People forget that animation companies are hired guns in Japan, nothing more, nothing less (Kyoto Animation being an exception since they generally produce their own works).

Scene by scene decisions can be blamed on the production company, and on this I think A-1 is doing an above average job (keeping in mind that they have to make it easy for anime-only viewers), but general decisions about level of violence, character design and the likes are the publishers.
Well, they should hold a sex strike then. Down with gender roles! We can all wear pants!
Jul 17, 2015 11:09 AM

Aug 2013
gothic loli's the best indeed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

anyways, good episode
Jul 17, 2015 11:09 AM
Mar 2010
HaXXspetten said:
Well we got to see the main heroines in action in this episode, and if anyone claims Rory isn't best girl they're factually wrong.

If you want to discuss people not liking and looking Rori go here

PS. I like rori but I have to admit that she might not appeal to others so lets leave it at that.
Jul 17, 2015 11:10 AM

Oct 2011
Can someone explain to me why Rory attacked those bandits but didn't attack the military people? Why just talk to them but not the bandits? Why did the bandits deserved to be slaughtered?
Jul 17, 2015 11:10 AM

Apr 2010
Paulo27 said:
Takuan_Soho said:

Not A-1's decision.

It seems quite evident that the publisher knows that this can be sold to a younger audience and they are toning down the violence for that reason. They intend to make this a franchise. This seems clear when they devoted 24 episodes to this show. That is a very major commitment for a relatively obscure series. So slightly edging is all we are going to get.

A-1 is just following orders (as well as governmental guidelines for that demographic).
A-1 should grow some balls then and show this "publisher" who wears the pants in the house.
Well seeing what happened during the bandit scene in the manga i doubt this anime would have been allowed to air if they adapted that scene perfectly.
It's clear that they are aiming for a wide audience with this anime and not everything that happened in the manga and light novel is fit for a wide audience.
And that scene is one example.
Jul 17, 2015 11:11 AM

Dec 2011
Rory probably knows MC through some way or another, especially after the clairvoyance on first episode hinting that.

The CG is really stepping up as the year goes on. The dragon of course wasn't that good, but the car was really well blended.
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Jul 17, 2015 11:11 AM

Mar 2015
Nice episode. Got some decent action. I enjoyed everything.
Jul 17, 2015 11:12 AM

Mar 2013
Gov said:
Can someone explain to me why Rory attacked those bandits but didn't attack the military people? Why just talk to them but not the bandits? Why did the bandits deserved to be slaughtered?

They cut alot of the darker stuff, those bandits had just killed a family including raping the wife and young daughter.

Jul 17, 2015 11:14 AM
Mar 2010
Gov said:
Can someone explain to me why Rory attacked those bandits but didn't attack the military people? Why just talk to them but not the bandits? Why did the bandits deserved to be slaughtered?

In the novel and manga they a attact a carriege and killed the father rape the mother and daughter and Rori came up late to save them killed them to avenge their death.

And beside She is the apostle for the Good of war, decapitation and execution.
Jul 17, 2015 11:15 AM
Oct 2012
Gov said:
Can someone explain to me why Rory attacked those bandits but didn't attack the military people? Why just talk to them but not the bandits? Why did the bandits deserved to be slaughtered?

They butchering and raped a bunch of people for the hell of it. They sort of implied it when they showed the one civilian dead next to the cart. The scene in the manga is extremely graphic and memorable (and makes Rori 20 times more scary), so I understand why people wanted to see it. Rori is the apostle of the god of death, so it isn't killing per se that gets her going, but showing disrespect to one's opponents when killing them.

Rori didn't attack the army because she did not have a reason to yet, they were no indiscriminately killing people, but that was why she asked where they were taking everyone. Had the kid not responded, she would have gone chop chop.
Takuan_SohoJul 17, 2015 11:41 AM
Jul 17, 2015 11:15 AM

Oct 2011
Newhopes said:
Gov said:
Can someone explain to me why Rory attacked those bandits but didn't attack the military people? Why just talk to them but not the bandits? Why did the bandits deserved to be slaughtered?

They cut alot of the darker stuff, those bandits had just killed a family including raping the wife and young daughter.

Okay so she is person who kills "bad" people I assume? From the name and how she acted you would think she gets off to killing people.
Jul 17, 2015 11:16 AM
Mar 2010
xJapaliicious said:
Rory probably knows MC through some way or another, especially after the clairvoyance on first episode hinting that.

The CG is really stepping up as the year goes on. The dragon of course wasn't that good, but the car was really well blended.

That foreshadowing didn't happen in the novel and manga they just added that in the anime.
Jul 17, 2015 11:16 AM

Mar 2014
Gov said:
Can someone explain to me why Rory attacked those bandits but didn't attack the military people? Why just talk to them but not the bandits? Why did the bandits deserved to be slaughtered?
Did you miss the dead guy in a cartridge next to them? Even then it's not like they were being quiet about what they were going to do while the military people had civilians with them.
Jul 17, 2015 11:16 AM

Apr 2010
Gov said:
Can someone explain to me why Rory attacked those bandits but didn't attack the military people? Why just talk to them but not the bandits? Why did the bandits deserved to be slaughtered?
It's because of what the bandits did she killed them for attacking innocent people.
While the Japanese soldiers where helping out and protecting a group of refugees, they where doing good things.
Jul 17, 2015 11:17 AM

Mar 2013
Gov said:
Newhopes said:

They cut alot of the darker stuff, those bandits had just killed a family including raping the wife and young daughter.

Okay so she is person who kills "bad" people I assume? From the name and how she acted you would think she gets off to killing people.

They where basically some of the leaderless troops left from the battle against the JSDF that went on a rampage.

rodacJul 17, 2015 1:59 PM

Jul 17, 2015 11:21 AM
Mar 2010
Aversa said:
Paulo27 said:
A-1 should grow some balls then and show this "publisher" who wears the pants in the house.
Well seeing what happened during the bandit scene in the manga i doubt this anime would have been allowed to air if they adapted that scene perfectly.
It's clear that they are aiming for a wide audience with this anime and not everything that happened in the manga and light novel is fit for a wide audience.
And that scene is one example.

Ok now I'm more worried about the Italica arc.
Jul 17, 2015 11:21 AM
Oct 2012
Gov said:
Okay so she is person who kills "bad" people I assume? From the name and how she acted you would think she gets off to killing people.

While I think the animation made it clear

Not bad per se. They have to show respect when killing. So had the bandits just killed the people and took their money, then she would have been fine with it because that is what bandits do. Soldiers fighting soldiers is also fine. It's when they become sadistic before the killing, when they disrespect their bodies, then they are, according to Emory, disrespecting death.

So in short, killing is a serious business and should be left to the professionals.
Jul 17, 2015 11:22 AM
Mar 2010
Gov said:
Newhopes said:

They cut alot of the darker stuff, those bandits had just killed a family including raping the wife and young daughter.

Okay so she is person who kills "bad" people I assume? From the name and how she acted you would think she gets off to killing people.

Close but not quite.

Man sleeping early just di I can watch the anime once its out now I can't sleep.
rodacJul 17, 2015 2:03 PM
Jul 17, 2015 11:27 AM

Oct 2014
Gov said:
Can someone explain to me why Rory attacked those bandits but didn't attack the military people? Why just talk to them but not the bandits? Why did the bandits deserved to be slaughtered?

It's because the bandits "planned to take in villagers".

NOTE: They did not plan to "recruit" them as bandits. What else could they possibly been planning to do with them? Take a guess...

Rory actually doesn't care that the bandits kill people... that is... if that was all they were doing...
Grey-ZoneJul 17, 2015 11:30 AM
Jul 17, 2015 11:28 AM
Mar 2010
Newhopes said:
Gov said:

Okay so she is person who kills "bad" people I assume? From the name and how she acted you would think she gets off to killing people.

They where basically some of the leaderless troops left from the battle against the JSDF that went on a rampage.

And her getting off is sort of a spoiler.

No their actual bandits not soldiers.
Jul 17, 2015 11:35 AM

Mar 2014
touyama nao and risa taneda yes pls. i like rory the most out of the three girls so far. she looks sassy. the action was pretty nicely animated i was worried about a-1s cg after seeing kimiusos hands but that dragon was decent. in love with the ending song now.
Jul 17, 2015 11:37 AM
Jul 2018
Automatically became one of my favorites because of the badass goth loli xD

It was a really nice watch, looking forward to the next episode.
Jul 17, 2015 11:42 AM

Apr 2010
Even though the first episode was rushed, this anime is shaping up to be very interesting.

And I guess that goth loli isn't as bad I thought. When she was sitting in the middle of the road I had just figured she would try and attack them and they'd riddle her with bullets.

Jul 17, 2015 11:42 AM

Mar 2015
Freakin' awesome episode. I was very happy that Leilei actually turned out to look a little older than I thought they were going to make her-- I particularly noticed when she was running.

Rory had an impressive intro, with a little pole dance swing on the haft of her halberd for icing on the cake

No exposition was needed to described the size of the flame dragon, not with they way they introduced him!! *munch*

Once again, Itami has the very good fortune of having a tough, no nonsense platoon sergeant. And again Itami demonstrated his military competence in his answer about burning the wagon.

That scene when Rory was riding in the cab was hilarious! "No fair!"

Three pitches and three good hits. A-1 Pictures is batting 1.000 thus far.
The sword that takes life gives life
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