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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Jun 4, 2015 4:05 PM

Nov 2011
Wow, brilliant, this ep gave me a heart attack.

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Jun 5, 2015 12:01 AM

Jan 2013
MoeGod said:
I like that there's a sense of realism here. Natsuki failed because she started practicing too late while Hazuki failed because she's a newbie and obviously not as good as the more experienced players.

Any other anime would just make all the main and some of the more exposed side characters pass through the audition. They didn't even miraculously bring back Aoi. It's a crime that this anime has such a low score compared to Amagi since I believe this is KyoAni's best work in a very long time.

this is exactly why i'm enjoying this so much as well, most of it is pretty realistic.

i'll be surprised if kumiko DOES end up with shuuichi, in a serious way. she's only starting to look at him differently because of her peers pressuring her about a potential relationship.
Jun 5, 2015 1:25 AM
May 2015
sonofcasbah said:
MoeGod said:
I like that there's a sense of realism here. Natsuki failed because she started practicing too late while Hazuki failed because she's a newbie and obviously not as good as the more experienced players.

Any other anime would just make all the main and some of the more exposed side characters pass through the audition. They didn't even miraculously bring back Aoi. It's a crime that this anime has such a low score compared to Amagi since I believe this is KyoAni's best work in a very long time.

this is exactly why i'm enjoying this so much as well, most of it is pretty realistic.

i'll be surprised if kumiko DOES end up with shuuichi, in a serious way. she's only starting to look at him differently because of her peers pressuring her about a potential relationship.

Hmmm....Do you think Kumiko x Reina is realistically possible? XD
Just curious...
Jun 5, 2015 2:30 AM

Apr 2015
bohaha said:

Hmmm....Do you think Kumiko x Reina is realistically possible? XD
Just curious...

No. No hard facts to support it, All we got are pure subtexts. Plus male osananajimi is present and slowly pushing into the "romance line".
Jun 5, 2015 8:17 AM
Feb 2015
Despite suspecting the audition results from the opening, I'm still really impressed how KyoAni was in making this anime "realistic" in a sense that it made sense why Natsuki and Hazuki didn't pass the audition. One started practising too late and the other was a newbie. I'm somewhat intrigued by what Hazuki's role is for the coming episodes? I'm hoping that the team gets to the Nationals and Hazuki makes it in if there's a second audition. That'd be pretty cool imo. Then again I'm pretty the number of episodes of this anime is even confirmed so :V

Haruka is cute in this episode. Who gives a pep talk with potatoes? Well I mean Kaori does but yeah are the Year threes obsessed with potato Reina getting the solo though... TENSION AND DRAMA TRAIN INCOMING CHOO CHOO. Next week will probably be a drama-packed one. There'll be some from the trumpets, Natsuki and maybe even Hazuki, who is the most sads person in this anime. I don't really think the last one will happen but time will tell *shrug*

And I like ShuuMiko. Maybe because I'm absolutely biased towards the fact that Shuuichi plays the trombone. It really irks me whenever people bash a character purely for shipping reasons (mostly I see them on tumblr reviews though and some of the reviews are heavily biased to KumiRei). I personally think Reina is a pretty cool character. She's best!girl material. Actually maybe most of the major minor girls are best!girl material except maybe the ribbon trumpet. Next episode will probably see her in conflict with Taki sensei.
Jun 5, 2015 1:01 PM

Feb 2012
Natsuki failed ;-;
Jun 5, 2015 1:38 PM

Jan 2013
bohaha said:
sonofcasbah said:

this is exactly why i'm enjoying this so much as well, most of it is pretty realistic.

i'll be surprised if kumiko DOES end up with shuuichi, in a serious way. she's only starting to look at him differently because of her peers pressuring her about a potential relationship.

Hmmm....Do you think Kumiko x Reina is realistically possible? XD
Just curious...

i should rephrase what i said earlier.

everything related to the music portion of euphonium is pretty realistic.

the shenanigans of reina and kumiko? NO.
Jun 5, 2015 9:03 PM

Nov 2007
The anime should have ended with episode 8.

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Jun 5, 2015 9:04 PM

Jul 2010
Imeon said:
zensunni said:

In any event, the relationship between Reina and Kumiko is obviously far more important to the story than any other relationship. I expect that it will be Kumiko's turn to support Reina soon, as Reina deals with jealousy and hate from the other trumpets and the third year trumpet players "fans".

I hope the relationship BETWEEN THE TWO that you mean is not ROMANTIC coz it's not, We have a hint of what their RESPECTIVE GOALS are. The relation that we see is simple too close friends simply, pushing each other to reach THEIR RESPECTIVE GOALS.

I still don't know though what Kumiko exactly wants in the future in relation to music, but Reina is pretty much obvious. You know why she entered that school and why she wants to be the best.

I meant exactly what I said. That Kumiko and Reina's relationship is the most important one in the anime. I don't see why you have to harp on whether it is romantic or not. Frankly, I don't really see what in my comment that you quoted even relates to most of your comments about goals and why you have to cheapen Reina's ambition by insinuating that it is nothing but a crush on her teacher that is motivating her. I will go with what she said in episode 8 as opposed to believing that someone as passionate as she was about band in middle school could be shallow enough to chose their high school based on a crush. I would find it much more likely that she is aware of his TALENT as a music teacher and believed that she could be part of something special if she was in the band where he had his first chance to be the director of a concert band. After all, we know that Taki-sensei is well known and very highly regarded now, so it make much more sense that Reina decided to go to his school because she knew that he would never be the leader of a band that was not spectacular. He certainly seems to know how to motivate people, whether they like the way they are motivated or not...

bastek66 said:
zensunni said:

Really, I will dislike the story if they don't do a good job of selling her actually falling for him. It is hard to go from "Wanna go to the festival with me?" "WHY????" to "I love this guy" without a whole lot of development...

In any event, the relationship between Reina and Kumiko is obviously far more important to the story than any other relationship. I expect that it will be Kumiko's turn to support Reina soon, as Reina deals with jealousy and hate from the other trumpets and the third year trumpet players "fans".

Stop reading tumblr shit blogs. Read the thread on animesuki.

I read the animesuki thread and it had exactly the same things I had seen before, with a couple newer things from the fourth volume that were very recent posts, and the exact same yuri hate that we have seen on this form, down to the duplicates in the idiotic list of evil yuri anime posted by santolaguna...

What makes it any better than anyplace else and why are yuri blogs shit?

In any event, I am entirely sick of the constant yuri bashing in these threads. If I seem to take it a bit personally, it might be because there are people in my life that are very dear to me who are heading out into the world trying to be true to themselves in a world that is still hostile to the way they were born and it pains me to see such meanness and hatred. I wish I could protect them from all the hate, but at least I get the feeling that things are getting better than they were when I was their age...
Jun 5, 2015 9:15 PM

Nov 2007
zensunni said:

In any event, I am entirely sick of the constant yuri bashing in these threads. If I seem to take it a bit personally, it might be because there are people in my life that are very dear to me who are heading out into the world trying to be true to themselves in a world that is still hostile to the way they were born and it pains me to see such meanness and hatred. I wish I could protect them from all the hate, but at least I get the feeling that things are getting better than they were when I was their age...

I have noticed that too. But there is problem with those who are hoping it to end it as yuri because I get this vibe from their posts that they simply think yuri is here to save this anime. There are lots of other good stuff about this anime but there are a very few who are actually interested to talk about those things. Sorry to break this to you.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
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Jun 5, 2015 9:47 PM

Mar 2015
shanimebib said:

I have noticed that too. But there is problem with those who are hoping it to end it as yuri because I get this vibe from their posts that they simply think yuri is here to save this anime.

Really? I get the vibe that they are reacting to getting called delusional and claims that they are seeing things which are not there.

The topic only keeps diverging further and further and at some point came down to personal attacks. It's become more of a flame war on both sides than a Hibike discussion.
MelonMilkJun 5, 2015 9:53 PM
Jun 5, 2015 10:38 PM

Apr 2015
shanimebib said:
The anime should have ended with episode 8.

what? Can you explain it further? You can PM me.
Jun 6, 2015 3:52 AM

May 2009
shanimebib said:
The anime should have ended with episode 8.

It's story about school band not yuri romance.
Jun 6, 2015 2:27 PM

Jul 2014
Still don't see any chemistry between Shuuichi/Kumiko personally. And I've always found people trying to force guys on me awkward and uncomfortable too even before I realized I was gay. Getting shipped in general is kind of awkward, really. I just don't see her having feelings for him. I thought about it too when people shipped me with my guy friend but it always rubbed me the wrong way when I considered it and I ultimately concluded that there was nothing there. A few episodes ago Kumiko treated Shuuchi with indifference and even seemed confused as to why he'd ask her to the festival; her reaction was a total "wat bro. wat." So that's why I'd think tossing sudden feelings in there just because someone brings up the possibility would be kind of unrealistic. You don't just randomly catch feelings when someone brings up the idea; that's not really how it works. Sure, you might consider it, but it doesn't mean your conclusion must be "they're right. I'm so hardcore crushing all of a sudden." I guess it's not impossible that she would develop feelings for him but it just feels out of the left field to me, particularly when they really don't have any impactful scenes/significant interactions together so far.

Not to mention Hazuki's assumption that if a guy and a girl are friends they MUST like eachother really irks me because I've had to put up with that kind of shit from people for years and some of them were a lot less nice about it than her. I've even been harassed before because of it, particularly last year when my student first sergeant in ROTC accused me of liking my male friend and insisting I was trying to "stay with him" during a game when in reality I was just going to random groups simply because I was too busy worrying about my knee injury to listen to the teacher's initial instructions. And I had a girlfriend at the time, but my social anxiety and everything else made it hard to say all this so my freaked out "I don't like him, what the hell?" response was more than likely interpreted as denial. I broke down in tears after the conversation was over because of my anxiety and being falsely accused of shit. Then she had the gall to separate us the next day and put us on opposite sides of the classroom saying she was just "trying out a new seating arrangement" which absolutely infuriated me, especially since I had very few friends and was depressed and lonely, so thanks for crushing the little social life my anxious ass had managed to scrape together based on a baseless assumption ;;. I already hated her for harassing me for other reasons, but that was the final nail in the coffin. So nowadays I have a tendency to react with vehement anger when people pull the "you must like him!" card. That's kind of my personal response to that scene based on my own experiences. [sigh] Although I understand Hazuki doesn't mean any ill will by it like my stupid senpai did >_> Still, I wish people wouldn't harbor such an attitude.

Anyways, another nice episode. It's realistic that some of them wouldn't make the cut. I'm hoping to see more development between Kumiko and Reina; they really do have such a great dynamic. That cheek smushing scene was adorable! =)

And band drama intensifies, too! All those jealous looks zoomed in on Reina towards the end, oh dear =o.
King_KiashiJun 6, 2015 2:32 PM
Jun 6, 2015 3:33 PM
May 2015
^ I know right, totally awkward especially when someone asks you if you like that person in front of many people who are so optimistic about it and you'll feel kinda pressured to agree. What's more difficult if that person is present there... Right now, It seems to me that Kumiko don't know what or how is she going to tell Shuu about her feelings or maybe she doesnt know it yet. We'll see...
Jun 7, 2015 7:17 AM

Sep 2014
Way to go Reina!

VanishingKira said:

This part shocked me a bit, I was not expecting that at all, especially the change in her eyes.
Mirai, zura~!
Jun 7, 2015 1:39 PM

Oct 2008
Hazuki didn't make it! Oh why? Oh why? Oh why?
It was EPIC the way they perfectly executed it at the last part before the ED begins!
Kaori is a bit jealous and annoyed to Reina because of the Rivalry and not only that, on the audition selection part, it seemed like Reina was assigned as a top performer because she was the last one called and decided to be the one playing solo. Look at the others' reaction to her...they couldn't believe it!
Damn! when Asuka is pissed she is very scary and just look at those psycho yandere EYES!
Midori was cute there when she put the Tubacabra key-chain on Hazuki's bag and then it looks like she wanted it back! haha!
It must be really hard for Kumiko to see that Natsuki didn't make it while Kumiko made it easily. Kumiko knows that Natsuki is also really practicing like really hard! She must be feeling guilty especially on the audition selection part!
Romantic Yuri scene again!...the one conversation with Kumiko & Reina. After that scene it looks like they kissed...I know is not really but the aura is just y'know YURI.

Jun 7, 2015 6:08 PM

Apr 2012
Poor Hazuki... rejected in love and wasn't able to get in the auditions either.
Also feel sorry for Natsuki, oh well.
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Jun 7, 2015 10:31 PM

Jun 2013
Another really good episode! Of all the shows the season, this is probably the show that is i probabaly the one improving the most every episode
Jun 9, 2015 12:50 AM

Jul 2014
lol show is brutally honest. i would have been laughin my ass of if hazuki somehow made it
Shirayuki= Most Perfect Female MC ever
Jun 9, 2015 9:39 PM

Jun 2011
With the extraordinarily awkward yuri crap from last episode, I was reluctant to watching this episode.

There was hardly any true tension in the room when names were being called. We new Kumiko, Reina, and Midori would get in, but I think they made it fairly clear that Hazuki was struggling too much to actually make the cut. I think the only person I was really concerned whether or not they would make the cut was Natsuki. So no real dramatic tension in this one whatsoever, when it should've been much more palpable because this has been building up to this point for quite a while.

Boy, Kumiko and Reina's interactions have got to be the most awkward and cringe-worthy I've ever had the displeasure of seeing in an anime. Seriously, whenever these two are alone, the entire episode stops and it becomes horribly awkward.

I kind of find it a shame that this show basically boils down to shipping wars when in reality, the premise is fairly unique and different. Wasted potential I suppose.

Another meh episode to a meh show.
takkun_Jun 9, 2015 9:45 PM
Jun 11, 2015 11:48 PM
Jul 2018
I was looking forward to this and it didn’t disappoint at all! Asuka getting angry was amusing. Reina getting the solo part was cool and I kind of feel bad for Natsuki. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

VanishingKira said:

Jun 12, 2015 3:56 AM

Jul 2008
Love the episode and the tension at the end during the results of the audition :)
Jun 12, 2015 9:11 PM
Jun 2015
Okay is oumae - san just intrigued by Reina Kousaka or are the two like lesbian? Ik i sound stupid but i need clarifcation pls
Jun 12, 2015 10:09 PM
Jun 2015
Wakatak said:
Okay is oumae - san just intrigued by Reina Kousaka or are the two like lesbian? Ik i sound stupid but i need clarifcation pls

No, they are not lesbians, Kumiko just wants to patch things up with Reina because of their issues in middle school and they became close/good friends each passing episode. ( how I wish they are gay for each other cause they really are..... but I highly doubt that it will happen T^T )
Jun 20, 2015 10:13 PM

Dec 2012
Ah, so the opening apparently did show the line-up for the competition. Poor Hazuki and Natsuki.

Well, Hazuki keeps proving to be more and more bro-tier despite all her failure.

MoeGod said:
I like that there's a sense of realism here. Natsuki failed because she started practicing too late while Hazuki failed because she's a newbie and obviously not as good as the more experienced players.

Jun 22, 2015 2:14 PM

Nov 2010
The competition is harsh
It's sad to see Natsuki not being able to make the cut

Seeing the audition process was interesting
Jul 1, 2015 4:48 PM

May 2012
Cute episode and quite lovely ending! Let's see what's next!
Jul 9, 2015 4:46 AM

Apr 2014
it's heartbreaking to see them work so hard and then not get in </3
Aug 1, 2015 6:16 AM

Sep 2013
Kumiko doesn't look like she can be in a relationship for long, given her distant personality as pointed out by Kousaka.
Sep 26, 2015 2:31 PM

Mar 2012
Could feel the nervousness. Reminds me of my piano exams few years back.
Oct 30, 2015 12:22 AM

Oct 2012
I felt pity to Natsuki-senpai, Poor senpai, she already fought with all of her might :(
"Signature removed"
Dec 18, 2015 12:56 PM
Feb 2015
LMAO Kumiko didn't even noticed nor cared the fact Katou failed the audition
Dec 23, 2015 11:17 AM

Feb 2013
Dang Hazuki just can't catch a break.

Disappointing ep tbh. The audition should've had more time, plus I would've liked to hear the part Kumiko wasn't confident with. Instead most of the ep was spent on a bunch of talky scenes that only reinforced what I already knew about these characters.
Jan 15, 2016 4:39 AM

Jun 2009
the last 2 minutes or so was the best scene so far in this anime. git gud trashcans.
Mar 18, 2016 3:36 PM

Dec 2009
Tyestor said:
the last 2 minutes or so was the best scene so far in this anime.

I agree. Trying to not get my hopes up that the last few episodes will be more about the music then the drama.
Such junk...
Aug 15, 2016 3:52 PM

Aug 2012
-I actually did not notice the hiragana for the 4 main girls' names was stylized with musical symbols in the OP. I just thought those were random musical symbols intended to make the OP look more musically artsy.
-Hazuki actually seems pretty level-headed about her rejection, and Green sapphire feeling terrible about it was pretty adorable
-Hazuki giving Green sapphire the George-kun mascot was a pretty heartwarming scene as well
-Hazuki doing a 180 when she saw Shuichi getting on the train made me laugh since she didn't skip a beat in what she was saying to Kumiko
-The scene of Hazuki eating whatever-that-was-on-the-stick was actually a pretty great scene that pretty elegantly summarized her pursuit of Shuichi.
-It never occurred to me that the scene of Reina defending Taki's honor in front of Kumiko and Shuichi was related to her choosing Kitauji.
-Kinda interesting how Kumiko turned away from the teddy bear when Midori praised her for growing up
-The scene of Hazuki giving George-kun to Green sapphire was pretty great, and that made the scene of Green sapphire giving her a Tuba-kun Tubacabra a lot more special.
-I actually liked the scene with Kaori and Haruka on the roof (?) because of the references back to episodes 7 and 8 which at least makes those episodes good for something.
-Kinda glad that Natsuki's taking things seriously now
-That's some steamy Kumiko x Reina action going on in the storage room
-Natsuki's audition sounded nothing like the practice in the morning, and it was almost like she underplayed in the audition on purpose.
-Kinda interesting how Taki gave the students the option to play with the chair facing in the other direction
-Kumiko's audition scene was pretty nerve-wracking, actually, especially when the sheet music went out of focus

This was a pretty clear step up from the previous two episodes (which I didn't like all that much), and I think it was also a step up from episodes 1 through 6 (which I actually did like). This one had a bunch of great scenes that expanded on character relationships introduced in the previous episodes, and my favorite one of those scenes was the one with Hazuki exiting the bakery near the middle of the episode.

Normally, I would just dismiss such a scene as KyoAni animating things that didn't really need to be animated, but what caught my attention was that Hazuki bought the same thing that Shuichi was eating when he stepped on the train earlier (it looked like a corn dog). Once I made that connection, I saw that the way she ate it was also something worth noticing. She was pretty hesitant to start eating it, but then rushed through it and was left with nothing in a really short interval of time. After a moment of reflection, she eventually was able to appreciate it for what it was and move on. That's pretty much exactly the sequence of events of her romantic pursuits, and I absolutely loved how simple the scene was. It's also because of this scene that I personally think that Kumiko and Midori were underestimating Hazuki's resilience during the phone call.

I was kind of worried about where this show was going after the last two episodes, but this episode brought the magic back pretty magnificently. The return to musical stuff probably helped with that.
Nov 16, 2016 4:34 PM
Apr 2014
Too bad for Hazuki. I hope she doesn't get out of focus now, I like her. I feel we'll see more of Natsuki as well.

Kumiko is once again showing her "distant" side, not even noticing Hazuki didn't make it, and being kinda wishy-washy with her friends' trouble. It's an interesting side of her and I hope it will get explored.

They also toned down the shoujo-ai vibes, not very masterfully (for example, I surely didn't see Kumiko acting upset in the last episode). Well, I don't mind either way.

Finally, it could be Reina vs Kaori next? I'm curious!
Dec 14, 2016 10:53 PM

Sep 2016
damn those tests were rough my girl natsuki is gone fml i need herr, but at least kousaka bae is there playing that solo piece woop congrats to her haha, now its time to prep for competition the next chapter has begun
Facta Non Verba
Jan 29, 2017 8:58 PM
Oct 2016
Every single audition at the college level is done like that. There is 2 parts.

A prepared piece. and a sight reading. Its sad that she didn't make it, but the second part is to differentiate the people who know what theyre doing from the people who just mastered the prepared piece.
Apr 20, 2017 6:25 PM

Jun 2013
The teasing never ends. I want to get off Takedo sensei's wild ride.

LightInfernal said:
Every single audition at the college level is done like that. There is 2 parts.

A prepared piece. and a sight reading. Its sad that she didn't make it, but the second part is to differentiate the people who know what theyre doing from the people who just mastered the prepared piece.

Interesting, that makes perfect sense in-universe, as we've seen that Asuka can play pretty much anything as long as you put a piece of sheet music in front of her. And that's why Natsuki's hard work, which was still basically cramming, unfortunately didn't pay off.
May 14, 2017 6:22 AM

Nov 2013
I like Kumiko x Reina, i really do.
But series in whole is just a bunch of dragged, uninteresting, boring and predictable bullshit.
May 17, 2017 7:07 AM

Jan 2014
I am glad to see that Kaori is selected too :))
Even if she is disappointed to know that Reina will play the solo part.
Apr 18, 2018 2:04 AM

Feb 2017
Feel bad for Natsuki :'
Apr 19, 2018 2:35 PM

Nov 2016
I was afraid that Hazuki wouldn't make it :/

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 25, 2019 8:30 PM

Oct 2017
Auditions are over and I wasn’t that surprised that Hazuki didn’t make it. I figured one of them wouldn’t have. And it makes sense since she hasn’t been playing all that long.
Jun 20, 2019 5:49 PM

Feb 2018
It seems that the selection results were surprising because Eupho should have targeted three people who pass while in fact only two people pass the test
Jul 24, 2019 2:29 AM

Mar 2018
Auditions done and results were as expected. I feel bad for the 2nd year euph but it was kinda set that she wouldn't make it
Reina got solo part, that's gonna be upsetting the others huh.. Hope not too much rama around that

“I don’t like expending more effort than I have to.” – Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Aug 6, 2019 9:17 AM

Jan 2018
Natsuki's growing on me
I feel sorry for her
Hope we still see more of her
Dec 20, 2019 3:01 AM

Apr 2013
Hmm so no big surprises in that audition. Reina playing the solo part was pretty obvious, she's supposed to be the prodigy in this show after all.
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