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Jul 7, 2015 3:38 AM

Jan 2013
i still have no idea what this is about ? Is this gonna be a survival game(war) where only 1-2 survives at the end.
Jul 7, 2015 4:26 AM

Sep 2014
frequency15k said:
not really impressed.... i had kinda high expectations considering who is behind this but its urobucher, idk what else i expected lol, well i guess itll be a fun ride at the very least
pretty sure the only thing Urobochi is behind is his own character and part of the setting. as i under stand it. this was originally conceived when a bunch of dudes several of which were authors of well known anime were sitting around making role play characters, made an RP game with said characters then handed all the material to someone else to make a light novel and now this anime adaptation.
Jul 7, 2015 5:49 AM

Nov 2011
I had perhaps too many expectations for this TV series, partly I'm disappointed, I have seen other series with a better start, here the narrative is not convinced me at all. In terms of designs I can not even say that I met, animations average. I guess I'll wait for the other episodes make me an idea more thoroughly reviewing again even this episode.
Jul 7, 2015 5:58 AM

Jun 2013
seriously killing kids!
Jul 7, 2015 6:52 AM

Jul 2007
Maloghurst said:
frequency15k said:
not really impressed.... i had kinda high expectations considering who is behind this but its urobucher, idk what else i expected lol, well i guess itll be a fun ride at the very least
pretty sure the only thing Urobochi is behind is his own character and part of the setting. as i under stand it. this was originally conceived when a bunch of dudes several of which were authors of well known anime were sitting around making role play characters, made an RP game with said characters then handed all the material to someone else to make a light novel and now this anime adaptation.


Also if anyone remembers Lodoss war, they will know how the worldbuilding is handled(since same people built Chaos Dragon setting) - the story would focus on a limited cast members, with everyone else being expendable and with viewer being dropped into into the middle of things as stuff gets somewhat explained via the character interactions.
If the adaptation does a good job, the viewers should get a decent grasp at the setting as the story goes on.

It is hectic and strange for newcomers but for anyone who remembers that franchise this is already quite a nostalgia trip. That said YES it IS a typical high-fantasy setting(as to be expected since that was what lodoss was too), but what should sell it as it goes on is the character decisions and paths various characters take.
AhenshihaelJul 7, 2015 6:59 AM
Jul 7, 2015 8:28 AM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
kinda made me think of RWBY.

Dunno yet what to say about series, will keep watching
Jul 7, 2015 8:42 AM

Apr 2014
Started watching because I saw the rating on the novel, but..
This first episode at least turned out to be really shitty. I guess it was ok, being kind that is
Jul 7, 2015 9:26 AM

Dec 2010
CNagy said:
Wow... I've got low standards and that was still really bad. I loved this particular gem:

MC>"If I make the pact, then I can save Mashiro?"
Dragon>"Sure, if that's what you want."
MC>"I want to change this world!"
Dragon>"Your wish has been heard."
Mashiro>"Am I going to die?"
MC>"That's definitely not going to--"
Dragon>"Kill her."
Dragon>"Sacrifice Mashiro. Stab her in the back. Until she is dead."
Mashiro>"This is what the legend told us would happen."

So basically, pacifist kid decides to go out wearing a weapon when he should know that it is illegal, then makes a pact with the dragon when he should already know (via the legends) that doing so means sacrificing those closest to him. And he does it in order to try and save the girl that he should know he'd have to end up sacrificing. This comes as zero shock to the girl, herself, because apparently unlike our idiot MC she actually paid attention in class.

^My thoughts exactly. At least they stayed faithful to the title. It's literally Chaos. Lel
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Jul 7, 2015 10:17 AM
Aug 2014
so, akame ga kill all over again. well I need a good fantasy anime to wash the shit stain made by that piece of garbage Danmachi
Jul 7, 2015 11:23 AM

Jan 2014
CookingPriest said:

To make it short, this is another "generic" fantasy anime with MC is a whimpy kid. Meh.
Just_ChickenJul 7, 2015 11:45 AM
Jul 7, 2015 12:15 PM

Aug 2014
ChickenFry said:
CookingPriest said:

To make it short, this is another "generic" fantasy anime with MC is a whimpy kid. Meh.

It's a typical fantasy setting but I art style pails in comparison to lodoss.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Jul 7, 2015 12:20 PM

Jan 2014
black1blade said:
ChickenFry said:

To make it short, this is another "generic" fantasy anime with MC is a whimpy kid. Meh.

It's a typical fantasy setting but I art style pails in comparison to lodoss.

They tried so hard to make the art style look like Ufotable's and failed. Hzz...
Jul 7, 2015 12:32 PM
Mar 2014
This wasn't bad.

I was pretty surprised when he had to stab Mashiro, and I think people need to realize that he never said he'd be forming a pact with the dragon. All he said was that he wanted to save Mashiro and, afterwards, change the world; the dragon seemed to treat the latter as his 'wish' while ignoring the former, thus forcing him to kill his friend. I really enjoyed the music at that moment.

Ibuki, while still not too good a character, is much more interesting than people on this forum make him out to be. While it was slighty rushed, we got to see part of (hopefully) his backstory and why he's opposed to violence and has been avoiding the position of king so tenaciously. Him suddenly taking the offensive makes sense, since we've seen how he lost control of his body once he presented his wish to the dragon.

They showed the Kouran's brutality and the terrible state of the country fairly well.

Most of the episode was fine in terms of animation and OST, and I'm glad there's no censorship since that's always a good thing.

That said, I have several complaints. I won't need to expand on them since there's nothing I need to justify:
First, I don't really like the character designs, even if I don't mind them that much. They seem too childish and optimistic (not personality-wise) for such a bloody and tragic setting, but as I've said before, I can handle them fine. The only one that noticeably bothers me is the dragon's, since the usage of CGIs for characters like that honestly irks me.

The fight between Ibuki and the fat dude was really meh. It degraded the ham shounen moment it was supposed to be, at least to me. o;

His voice actor/actress idk makes him sound like a wimp. It's annoying, because we've seen that he doesn't fight out of choice, and that the only thing he's scared of is war breaking out again. Someone with a heavier, if only slightly, voice, would have done much better imo.

The first few minutes were pretty generic and Urobutcher's genderbent char going 'kowai kowai' seemed really fucking forced. I mean, I did hear that he just made an edgy fucker who was bad for the game when they were playing, but if you're going to change the character don't use a template that we've seen THIS many times before. Or, y'know, at least do it right. There also shouldn't have been any real reason for the genderbending.

I did say the animation and OST were fine, but, and this applies more to the animation part, I thought it would be better. Most action scenes we've seen in this episode were pretty awkward, what with soldiers thrusting spears at the air and hitting swords with the wood. I guess Silver Link is spending most of the budget on pedobait ilya or something. Meh.

One thing that really degraded the quality of the episode was the way they rushed the exposition. The way they used some random bunch of text in the middle of the episode was laughable. It's a real shame they did that, because the pacing was the main issue with this episode from what I remember.

kurosaki_kabuto said:
the execution was terrible.
The only decent piece of exposition was literally a bulk of text at the half point. The characters feel as plastic as possible and the same goes for the story (or as much as may be understood of it from this episode) since the episode was so terribly paced. It seemed to want to introduce everything lightly to try and hint at a complex and rich world with very diverse characters but failed completely and ended up a jumbled mess. Did we really need that many short scenes featuring random characters saying random sentences that we can't understand yet? Why not prioritize the introduction of a group? They should have focused merely on the red-eyed kid, presenting him and his surroundings more smoothly and slowly, using them to dish out exposition little by little. Instead it's just a chaotic mess.
Jesus Christ. You don't see something with potential being this ruined by a messy and amateurish execution every day. I'll still watch one more episode, but if this is the rule and not the exception, that will be the last one.

I agree with that as well. While foreshadowing one or two things (like showing Nasu's character and ending it there) would've been fine and probably better for the show, stuffing in so many things into it kinda hurt. The part where they saw the woman get shot, picked up the infant and then suddenly faced off against the fat guy with the infant lolgone was a HUGE mess, as (I think) ChickenFry stated before.

ChickenFry said:
You seem to forget one major complain: The dead of the girl at the end holds zero weight that it becomes a cheap drama.

Ok, we have an ensemble cast. But skipping to ramdom scenes everywhere means less time for the MC group. We don't know how their relationships are. We don't know how much the MC cares for the girl, how much the girl means for the MC.

About the ensemble cast, this has much to learn from Drrrr for the introductory episode.

I saw your reply to that @ KamiCity, but the fact that she was the catalyst is exactly why you need to see how much she means to Ibuki; if this contract forces him to lose someone he cares so much about so easily, both the weight of the contract itself and the intensity of the scene are increased. As it was in the episode, you could only assume things and I'm sure you know it's not the same thing.

gdi narita shoulda been the game master o;o;o;

I know this was based on a tabletop RPG, but I think it would've been better if they discussed each scene with the players, or writers if you want, and actually changed some things up a bit. Emphasis on 'a bit', since the point is still seeing what came out of their RPG game.

Overall, and I'll say it again, this wasn't bad. It was even above average to me, although that's probably just because I REALLY hope this gets as good as I wanted it to be so I disregard most of my issues with the episode. Still, it's far from what I'd initially expected.

Rinth said:
Every opinion is not equal. Some opinions are simply made out of shit.

nasuverse > your favorite anime
Jul 7, 2015 1:40 PM

Apr 2012
I hope it's not one of those anime where every episode someone important dies
Jul 7, 2015 1:47 PM

Apr 2014
Tendou-kun said:
I hope it's not one of those anime where every episode someone important dies

I'd like that too. But they should try harder to make us care about them first.
"A king… The king must be greedier than any other. He must laugh louder and rage harder. He must exemplify the extreme of all things, good and evil. That is why his retainers envy and adore him. And why the flames of aspiration, to be as the king is, can burn within his people." - The King of Conquerors
Jul 7, 2015 2:53 PM

Jan 2013
Tendou-kun said:
I hope it's not one of those anime where every episode someone important dies

this is definitely one of those
Jul 7, 2015 2:54 PM

Feb 2008
It's actually seem like that but I do not hope that

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jul 7, 2015 3:14 PM

Mar 2013
This was pretty bad , just based off the 1st episode alone I can tell that I wont be able to complete this show
Jul 7, 2015 3:28 PM

Feb 2013
Well that was cheesy and hideous to look at, not to mention you know you can't do worldbuilding for shit if you rely on bad dialogue and eyecatches to do all the work. No thanks. Narita Nasu and Butchi can keep their tabletop adventures to themselves.
Jul 7, 2015 7:14 PM

Dec 2014
Dreadful show, with some of the worst dialogue and story I've come across. Ibuki has been completely idiot and is clueless so far. This is going to be just like Shinji from Eva where the main character doesn't know what's going on. Sacrifices are being done left and right for his sake, and he selfishly ignores it. He's a complete ego maniac, and there is no ay the show can redeem what he's done here.
Mashiro's fate was unfortunate, but on the plus side she won't be in this show any longer - maker he an instant contender for my favorite character. The only person so far with the brains to know when to jump a sinking ship.

Animation is even worse than I expected. If you've seen more than 5 anime in the last 10 years, then this show won't surprise you in any way. Already one episode in, and they already seem to be out of money and cutting corners.

As I said before, the dialogue is appalling. Who honestly wrote these lines and thought they flowed in any way? Garbage writing, I couldn't believe what I was reading half the time.
The subs are okay, at least. They did what they could.

Overall, I have no idea why this is called "Chaos Dragon". They must be trying to draw in DragonBall Z fans who mistake this for the new series - they seem to think we're all as stupid as Ibuki. This show tries to pretend it's as profound as Berserk, but besides the terrible animation they have nothing in common.
I am the Priest of my church
Yuetsu is my body, and wine is my blood
I have trolled over a thousand users
Unknown to sympathy, nor known to apathy
Withstood Shirou to eat Mapo Tofu
Yet, my question will never be answered
So as I rejoice, Unlimited Kirei Works!
Jul 8, 2015 3:20 AM

May 2012
I really shocked that is rated only 6.87

The 1st episode felt like one of the top anime in this season. Thats fight and powerup at the end was good. Also, the females look so cute
Jul 8, 2015 3:35 AM

Nov 2011
I liked it, the over convoluted synopsis made me runaway initially, but the ep was good.

Join the MSP Club for an in-depth look at score progressions and other stats of currently airing anime
Jul 8, 2015 3:49 AM

Jan 2014
That was interesting enough, especially the music. if it keeps up like this, then it will probably become one of my favourite OST like that of Kara No Kyoukai and Fate/Zero. I like the overall art style, and was even more interested when seeing the artists behind it.. but to be honest, I don't like the eyes, which annoys me, as everything else is great.
Jul 8, 2015 4:28 AM

Mar 2012
Well that was really awful. Did the budget run on half a milk carton this episode?

Also that exposition in the middle was hilarious.

So bad.
Jul 8, 2015 4:31 AM

Apr 2009
Wow, this was really bad. They forced tons of half-finished concepts upon the viewer with horrible pacing and added bad character design, production values and lack of talent in general on top of it.

As tommy said before me, the exposition in the middle was by far the most hilarious thing. "Hey, let us dump 2 pages of bad exposition in the eyecatch!"
Fight scenes looked extremely bad, the scarifice of the shrine maiden loli could not really work as she should be out of range for the scimitar, etc. Overall, this is already a convoluted, badly paced mess with tons of holes. expected of Nasu and the Butcher, these talentless hacks.

thepath said:
I really shocked that is rated only 6.87

Sometimes, MAL actually knows when something is bad. See Glasslip or Pupa.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jul 8, 2015 4:39 AM

Apr 2012
"Kill animation to save exposition"

Chaos Dragon, now with edge and predictable deaths to satisfy your otaku wet dreams.
Watch the episode now for:
Exposition, lots of it. Hope you can read 200 words in five seconds, because you'll need it.
Predictable deaths. TO POWER THE EDGE.
Saving the world as a new and unique motivation.
A lack of animation. It was replaced by an essay in the middle.
New and improved designs that were found in the Nasu recycle bin!

Jul 8, 2015 5:43 AM
Dec 2012
The fact that this anime is already getting low scores shows how stupid and blind anime fans are.

With fantasy series like this and Owari No Seraph, a dawn of a new generation for anime may be beginning. Harem Anime series is slowly becoming obsolete rather than a must watch.

This anime will another be an unrated gem in the masses of crap anime. The fans criticizing this anime are also the same fans who predicted Expelled in Paradise will be crap. Boy, how wrong they are...

The setting alone is unique and the animation is very good, even better than last season's awful unlimited blade works. Let's remember guys, the creators of this anime is the industry's best. Remember that anime called...Madoka? Does Fate/Stay VN ring a bell?

Playing the Tabletop/Book game the anime is based on (I hope a English Kickstarter will come soon), this was the first time i ever played one and it was epic...

Has a scenario where Mashiro was revived as a enemy...
ryuixyuiJul 8, 2015 6:04 AM
Jul 8, 2015 6:14 AM
Jul 2018
It wasn't that bad of an episode, I really enjoyed the second half and especially the part where he used the dragon's power. The art is good even though some character designs are bad and most of the outfits are just ridiculous. I'm hoping it'll get better from here on out.
Jul 8, 2015 6:36 AM

Apr 2009
ryuixyui said:
The fact that this anime is already getting low scores shows how stupid and blind anime fans are.

With fantasy series like this and Owari No Seraph, a dawn of a new generation for anime may be beginning. Harem Anime series is slowly becoming obsolete rather than a must watch.

This anime will another be an unrated gem in the masses of crap anime. The fans criticizing this anime are also the same fans who predicted Expelled in Paradise will be crap. Boy, how wrong they are...

The setting alone is unique and the animation is very good, even better than last season's awful unlimited blade works. Let's remember guys, the creators of this anime is the industry's best. Remember that anime called...Madoka? Does Fate/Stay VN ring a bell?

Playing the Tabletop/Book game the anime is based on (I hope a English Kickstarter will come soon), this was the first time i ever played one and it was epic...

Has a scenario where Mashiro was revived as a enemy...

You just made my day, top comedy post.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jul 8, 2015 7:06 AM

Jan 2015
pretty stupid episode, a lot of cliches.
Jul 8, 2015 7:12 AM

Apr 2014
Oh another fantasy anime huh? This Summer (2015) Really got a lot of it huh? And it's about Dragons huh?.
What?! War had already started in the very first episode?!! Can't they just make it for Episode 2?!!!
And the worst thing I saw a pretty girl again as a fucking sacrifice for the protagonist to take action?!
Mashiro's intro was sexy and she just died? Fucking damn it!!
I guess since the Prologue says it that Ibuki needs to kill for what ever fuck he needs to protect.
Well I guess I should prepare expect more likable characters to die!
The Animation and OST was good. And I want to hear and watch it's proper OP and ED in the next episode next week.
Haters always gonna hate.
Jul 8, 2015 7:49 AM
Jan 2010
The setting alone is unique and the animation is very good, even better than last season's awful unlimited blade works. Let's remember guys, the creators of this anime is the industry's best. Remember that anime called...Madoka? Does Fate/Stay VN ring a bell?

Does Eureka Seven AO also ring a bell to you? I hope so, because he's handling the script for this series.
Jul 8, 2015 8:22 AM
Mar 2014
Nidhoeggr said:

As tommy said before me, the exposition in the middle was by far the most hilarious thing.

woah but i said dat 1st
Rinth said:
Every opinion is not equal. Some opinions are simply made out of shit.

nasuverse > your favorite anime
Jul 8, 2015 8:32 AM
Mar 2014
There isn't really a point in blaming Nasu/Butcher/Narita for this. They literally each made a character (Nasu made two, but yeah), listened to the scenarios they were presented with and declared what their characters would do in each of them. As I said already, this anime would've been miles better had they actually discussed the story with the writers/players themselves while producing it.

Besides, Nasu's and Narita's characters are the best two (even though they changed Swallow's design for some reason. I at least hope they didn't touch his curse, but I'm worried since he doesn't have the 5 swords on his back nor the black forearms).

omfgplzstopJul 8, 2015 9:01 AM
Rinth said:
Every opinion is not equal. Some opinions are simply made out of shit.

nasuverse > your favorite anime
Jul 8, 2015 8:55 AM

Jul 2007
omfgplzstop said:
There isn't really a point in blaming Nasu/Butcher/Narita for this. They literally each made a character, listened to the scenarios they were presented with and declared what their characters would do in each of them. As I said already, this anime would've been miles better had they actually discussed the story with the writers/players themselves while producing it.

Besides, Nasu's and Narita's characters are the best two (even though they changed Swallow's design for some reason. I at least hope they didn't touch his curse, but I'm worried since he doesn't have the 5 swords on his back nor the black forearms).

Jul 8, 2015 9:29 AM

Jun 2013
The season of traps! All bow down. Hail before them.

---The End.
Jul 8, 2015 9:43 AM
Aug 2014
Animation is decent, I don't really like th CG but maybe it's just my preference. The characters lacks expression.

Story is quite weak and i don't feel anything with the tragic death.
Not a strong first ep, too bad i was quite looking forward for it.
Jul 8, 2015 10:37 AM

Jun 2009
This was pretty damn bad, I thought I had downloaded a corrupted file first, but apparently the choppy animation in the intro was actually there, great way to start the show >.>

ryuixyui said:
The fact that this anime is already getting low scores shows how stupid and blind anime fans are.

The pilot episode was bad, so you are probably the blind one

With fantasy series like this and Owari No Seraph, a dawn of a new generation for anime may be beginning. Harem Anime series is slowly becoming obsolete rather than a must watch.

I don't think anime becomes better by going form pleasing the harem crowd to pleasing the fujoshi crowd.

This anime will another be an unrated gem in the masses of crap anime. The fans criticizing this anime are also the same fans who predicted Expelled in Paradise will be crap. Boy, how wrong they are...

There is no anime called Expelled in Paradise, so for being a gem it is kind of funny you don't even know its name.

The setting alone is unique and the animation is very good, even better than last season's awful unlimited blade works. Let's remember guys, the creators of this anime is the industry's best. Remember that anime called...Madoka? Does Fate/Stay VN ring a bell?

Yeah and neither did the setting or rules in it, or how poorly it was executed, they only have the characters they created.
Jul 8, 2015 10:54 AM

Jan 2011
Hazuk4shii said:
Generic action superpower shit with a kid protagonist. Edgy on top of that.
Ain't nobody got time for that.

^ guess some people really like Edgy shows,first show i kinda expected to be bad from CGI dragons in the PV.

and that ending lol.. looks like you shouldn't stay attached to any of the characters since they already crossed out that one girl.
Jul 8, 2015 11:53 AM
Apr 2013
Bad designs, bad art (like a poor man's Fate), rushed story, boring characters so far. I really could not care less about what's going on, and zoned out when I should have been reading subtitles. I also really hate the MC.

I'm only sticking with it because I have a hunch that more people will kick the bucket by the way that they crossed out Mashiro among the cast.

EDIT: Nevermind, watched more of the anime airing this season and realized life is too short to watch a show just to see people die, and also that this is worse than I thought by comparison. Dropped.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoJul 9, 2015 2:12 AM
Jul 8, 2015 1:15 PM

May 2012
sasha72 said:
Animation is decent, I don't really like th CG but maybe it's just my preference. The characters lacks expression.

Story is quite weak and i don't feel anything with the tragic death.
Not a strong first ep, too bad i was quite looking forward for it.

Not sure why people care that much about animation or CG, does that have much impact on enjoyment ?! I don't see any difference between this or other anime airing in this season. All look fine to me.

1st was so great, one of the best in this season in my opinion. Far better than what I expected.

katsu044 said:
Hazuk4shii said:
Generic action superpower shit with a kid protagonist. Edgy on top of that.
Ain't nobody got time for that.

^ guess some people really like Edgy shows,first show i kinda expected to be bad from CGI dragons in the PV.

and that ending lol.. looks like you shouldn't stay attached to any of the characters since they already crossed out that one girl.

Most of these anime that people call edgy are most enjoyable and entertaining types of anime.

That sacrifice and powerup with decent OST is very entertaining. I watched that scene several times. I like these stuff, it reminds of the 1st episode of attack on titan and Owari no Seraph

MrsKujo said:
Bad designs, bad art (like a poor man's Fate), rushed story, boring characters so far.

I'm only sticking with it because I have a hunch that more people will kick the bucket by the way that they crossed out Mashiro among the cast.

How can some tell bad design from good design ?! The character design look fine to me, and their faces look so cute.

Rushed story ?! It did not feel rushed to me. Even if it is rushed, the anime is still entertaining.

Boring characters ?! They weren't boring to me, and they look so cute.

cockaine said:
The season of traps! All bow down. Hail before them.

From what I seen there are only like 3 traps in this season. Not enough for me.
Jul 8, 2015 2:19 PM

Apr 2013
The blood and death was nice, but i wouldn't call this series anything special yet. But i'll stick around to see how things progress, as long as Ibuki loses that stupid hat.
Jul 8, 2015 3:22 PM

Jan 2014
What the heck did I just watch... seriously...

Plot itself is very interesting, at least for someone who loves fantasy setting, but execution just sucks, in my opinion.

I mean, the cast is insane, but seems like adaptation is just not right or something...
Jul 8, 2015 4:35 PM
Oct 2010
This show is below average but the hate for it is almost comical. Is someone major or popular working on this? I'll check after this post but some of the comments I'm seeing are ridiculous. One guy is complaining about the main character from one episode? lol

example 1

Dreadful show, with some of the worst dialogue and story I've come across. Ibuki has been completely idiot and is clueless so far. This is going to be just like Shinji from Eva where the main character doesn't know what's going on. Sacrifices are being done left and right for his sake, and he selfishly ignores it. He's a complete ego maniac, and there is no ay the show can redeem what he's done here.

Also lol @ complaining about exposition, like jesus christ. Exposition from the first episode of an anime? SAY IT AINT SO.
Jul 8, 2015 7:47 PM

Jun 2011
That was a surprisingly great first episode. It felt rushed but I enjoyed it. This has really nice presentation.

Definitely got an Akame ga Kill vibe from this. There's a lot of despair and it's clear many will die.

I think too much stuff was going on, because it's clear they wanted to end the first episode there.

I like how the power isn't something he can tap into and use at any moment with no repercussions. Having that kind of power requires sacrifice, and I think that's an interesting dynamic in a genre where most MC's are overpowered.

Hopefully it slows down bit and we get more time to process what's going on.
Jul 8, 2015 9:39 PM
Nov 2011
Jul 8, 2015 11:55 PM
Jul 2007
I'm only attracted to this show because of the characters by Nasu and Urobutcher. If I didn't have that knowledge, I would think this show was utter crap. I do like that they didn't shy from the gore, but hopefully the show gets a bit more interesting. Seems like a Battle Royale is going to happen between all the different characters.
Jul 9, 2015 4:52 AM

May 2012
skudoops said:
This show is below average but the hate for it is almost comical. Is someone major or popular working on this? I'll check after this post but some of the comments I'm seeing are ridiculous. One guy is complaining about the main character from one episode? lol

example 1

Dreadful show, with some of the worst dialogue and story I've come across. Ibuki has been completely idiot and is clueless so far. This is going to be just like Shinji from Eva where the main character doesn't know what's going on. Sacrifices are being done left and right for his sake, and he selfishly ignores it. He's a complete ego maniac, and there is no ay the show can redeem what he's done here.

Also lol @ complaining about exposition, like jesus christ. Exposition from the first episode of an anime? SAY IT AINT SO.

It is based on a D&D style game that some major authors decided to sit around and play, and someone had the idea to make a series out of it. Characters were created by Kinoko Nasu (Fate Series, Kara No Kyoukai), Urobuchi (Medoka Magica, Psycho Pass), Iduki Kougyoku (Mimizuku to Yoru no Ou), Ryohgo Narita (Durarara!!), and a fifth one I don't remember.... so it's got some pretty big names attached to the characters and concept at least. Idk who's actually working on the anime though.
Jul 9, 2015 6:00 AM

May 2014
I don't think this is as bad, as what most people would say, but I think it's not that strong either. To me this mostly feel 'meh'. But I do like the soundtrack.

Jul 9, 2015 9:55 AM

Feb 2008
I feel like a better first episode would have been explaining everything rather than just rush in, show us an abundance of characters, and let us breathe. Sadly though, I don't think this show will do that. It almost seems as if it's going for shock value instead of actually letting us get to know and care about characters. This episode was all over the place with some of the biggest cliches we've probably already seen from Naruto, thrown in the mix. Don't think I'll continue it, but we'll see.
People are strange, when you're a stranger
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Poll: » Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki Episode 12 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Sep 17, 2015

109 by Adr332 »»
Nov 19, 2024 2:52 PM

Poll: » Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Jun 20, 2015

187 by OweynLupton »»
Jan 8, 2021 7:24 AM

Poll: » Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki Episode 11 Discussion

Stark700 - Sep 10, 2015

39 by EvianBubble »»
Apr 12, 2017 4:44 PM

Poll: » Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki Episode 10 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Sep 3, 2015

58 by EvianBubble »»
Apr 12, 2017 11:23 AM

Poll: » Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki Episode 9 Discussion

Stark700 - Aug 27, 2015

40 by EvianBubble »»
Apr 12, 2017 10:48 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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