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The Seven Deadly Sins
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Mar 22, 2015 3:52 PM

Mar 2014
Nyl685 said:
Paulo27 said:
Why bring back her sister? Did anyone really care for her? I honestly forgot she even existed with how little she contributed to the show, oh well, guess it's their way of saying no one is going to die in the end and for you not too think too hard about Hawk dying.
Well if she didn´t really contribute anything to the show, wouldn´t it make sense for her to come back in order to do exactly that?

Btw, several known people died for good during this arc, some of them were only shown in the manga.
For instance 3 members of Dawn Roar were supposed to be murdered by Dreyfus.
They cut that out because they didn´t want the anime-only viewers wondering what that was about.
Paulo27 said:
People don't die when they are killed, got it.

Not if they were alive wenn Elizabeth used her powers/tears on them.
Think of her powers keeping the soul of the person inside the vessel while healing the critical wounds.
She's still injured, what is she going to do? Die again for another power healing or whatever?
Didn't Dreyfus die too? I guess this is going anime original so I dunno, aside from Hawk no one really important died yet (I wouldn't consider the Dawn Roar important, by the way, they are really just named canon fodder).
Mar 22, 2015 4:01 PM
Nov 2011
Paulo27 said:
She's still injured, what is she going to do? Die again for another power healing or whatever?
Didn't Dreyfus die too? I guess this is going anime original so I dunno, aside from Hawk no one really important died yet (I wouldn't consider the Dawn Roar important, by the way, they are really just named canon fodder).

All I can say is that this series has a habit for making characters important who didn´t seem important at first. Guila and Jericho for example.
Mar 22, 2015 4:21 PM

Jul 2009
WTH Why is Veronica alive?
Mar 22, 2015 4:27 PM
Nov 2011
Inugirlz said:
WTH Why is Veronica alive?
Because Elizabeths magic tears fell on her before she supposedly died, just like with the doctor
Mar 22, 2015 4:29 PM

Mar 2014
Nyl685 said:
Paulo27 said:
She's still injured, what is she going to do? Die again for another power healing or whatever?
Didn't Dreyfus die too? I guess this is going anime original so I dunno, aside from Hawk no one really important died yet (I wouldn't consider the Dawn Roar important, by the way, they are really just named canon fodder).

All I can say is that this series has a habit for making characters important who didn´t seem important at first. Guila and Jericho for example.
Those two aren't really important though, even then, Jericho had a powerup so you could say she became somewhat important but Guila never really changed so she never went from no one to important, if you follow what I'm saying, unless you're talking about something that has yet to happen.
Mar 22, 2015 4:51 PM
Nov 2011
Paulo27 said:
Those two aren't really important though, even then, Jericho had a powerup so you could say she became somewhat important but Guila never really changed so she never went from no one to important, if you follow what I'm saying, unless you're talking about something that has yet to happen.
You´re aiming pretty high with your definition of importance

What I mean is that Guila could´ve just stayed "that evil girl that got her ass kicked once" or Jericho could´ve just stayed "that girl that was molested by Ban for the sake of fanservice once", but instead their roles were extended to an extent where we can actually care about them. We learned of their struggles and complexes, watched them make hard decisions, and even got to know their families. (Although they didn´t really take their time with Jerichos brother in the anime.)

And if you want one of the main characters to die (Because they´re obviously the most important ones), I don´t think that´ll happen, at least not to one of the members of the seven deadly sins. (Because "Seven Deadly Sins" is the name of the game)

I´m gonna go to bed now
Nyl685Mar 22, 2015 4:56 PM
Mar 22, 2015 5:09 PM

Jun 2013
Really great episode!
Last episode next week DX
Mar 22, 2015 5:12 PM

Mar 2014
Nyl685 said:
Paulo27 said:
Those two aren't really important though, even then, Jericho had a powerup so you could say she became somewhat important but Guila never really changed so she never went from no one to important, if you follow what I'm saying, unless you're talking about something that has yet to happen.
You´re aiming pretty high with your definition of importance

What I mean is that Guila could´ve just stayed "that evil girl that got her ass kicked once" or Jericho could´ve just stayed "that girl that was molested by Ban for the sake of fanservice once", but instead their roles were extended to an extent where we can actually care about them. We learned of their struggles and complexes, watched them make hard decisions, and even got to know their families. (Although they didn´t really take their time with Jerichos brother in the anime.)

And if you want one of the main characters to die (Because they´re obviously the most important ones), I don´t think that´ll happen, at least not to one of the members of the seven deadly sins. (Because "Seven Deadly Sins" is the name of the game)

I´m gonna go to bed now
By important I meant someone who could change the show's direction, like make a sacrifice to beat the big baddy or introduce a big plot point, or something, that'd be important, I don't really consider someone who just got some development and backstory really "important" in the context of what we were discussing, in the same sense, Veronica isn't important unless she does something big now (which is what I thought you were saying was going to happen), her dying and coming back to life and making the MCs cry doesn't really mean she's someone important to the story, she could dissapear and nothing would change, very much like how Jericho and Guila could dissapear and not much would change in the grand scheme of things even if they are ok built characters you could say they are pointless, alas, still better to have antagonists like them than random new thugs every week.
Mar 22, 2015 5:54 PM

Apr 2014
Good episode.
Epic fight plus Elizabeth awaken at last.
Poor Hawk...

Is it just me or does the art work kind of change?
Overall good episode, can't wait for next episode!
Mar 22, 2015 6:01 PM

Oct 2011

Eilzabeth a Goddess OMG

Where is Gowather????
Mar 22, 2015 6:20 PM

Aug 2013
as non manga-reader, it hits me hard, I crie

so Elizabeth is not just a clingy girl, she's a goddess!
Elizabeth OP healer, but no revival skill
wut Veronica's alive??
Mar 22, 2015 6:45 PM

Dec 2013
AnimeFan500 said:
Where is Gowther????

He got his head knocked off.
Mar 22, 2015 7:37 PM
Feb 2015
Hawk-chan T.T
Mar 22, 2015 7:54 PM

Sep 2011
Eli almost pull some nagato there, eli light power pretty much weaken hendric and hawk die? Hawk anoy me sometimes but the shonen speech she gave in this arc is gold. Well, hoping a good ending next ep.
Mar 22, 2015 7:54 PM
Jul 2013
Freaking Hawk had to die...But her sister is alive (even though I completely thought she was dead but apparently was wounded since she's alive from Elizabeth's healing) I guess that's pretty cool...even though throughout the episode when Meliodas started beating up Hendrickson I kept on repeating "that's right, avenge the captain of the knights of leftovers!"...Really eager for the next episode...
Mar 22, 2015 9:46 PM

Jan 2011
Anime original or set it up to continue with the manga at a later date? That's the question. Elizabeth's transformation would seem very dues ex if that actually beat Hendy. In addition, I think anime only viewers might feel it's more ass pull than anything else if this is where the story will end. Considering the manga is still ongoing, this wouldn't be considered a real ass pull but more of a turning point since the story would move past it.

Despite trying to rationalize it, Elizabeth's transformation was not handled well to my disappointment and just screamed convenient. Decent episode. I don't mind power ups (hell it's shounen) but always hate it when they go down like this.
IZEROIIMar 22, 2015 10:00 PM
Mar 22, 2015 9:58 PM
Jan 2010
Anime original or set it up to continue with the manga at a later date?

there's actually a scene in one of the manga chapters that would be perfect as the ending scene.
Mar 22, 2015 9:58 PM

Dec 2012
Best episode yet. 5/5
Mar 22, 2015 10:00 PM

Jan 2011
moeichi said:
Anime original or set it up to continue with the manga at a later date?

there's actually a scene in one of the manga chapters that would be perfect as the ending scene.

That's good to know if they elect to end it here.
Mar 22, 2015 10:30 PM

Aug 2012
Did no anime only watchers notice Veronica seeming to look a bit younger? They did make it very hard to tell, but keeping that in mind those people asking why she's alive when she seemed to clearly die should get some insight next episode.
Mar 23, 2015 2:53 AM

Nov 2014
Elizibeth power is not cool, I hate those annoying crying characters suddenly reveal that they are supper amazing. RIP Hawk, I never thought you would be this brave. I can't believe I felt sad for a pig!

And YEs Ban is still amazing as always XD

Finally: veronica is not dead? Huh?!
Mar 23, 2015 4:28 AM

Apr 2013
Rip in piece Hawk, you will be missed.
Mar 23, 2015 4:42 AM

Oct 2011
so, Eli has a healing geass... how is the first time they show her right eye, gives the impression that it always looks that way ^^' (other color, with that strange symbol)...

should be strange if Eli never notice that, XD (but, I think that appearance is only when her power is activate, despite of the bangs hiding it, XD )
Mar 23, 2015 5:39 AM

May 2009
Vanschia said:
wut Veronica's alive??

Hakaya said:
Finally: veronica is not dead? Huh?!

Same Elizabeth's healing powers that saved doctor Dana
Mar 23, 2015 6:21 AM

May 2013
Welp. I swear, they skipped a lot of chapters and the animation in this episode, lmao.

Also, Hawk ;-; last episode next week.
The world shall know the truth soon.
Mar 23, 2015 6:43 AM

May 2013
the last punch from meleodas was so bad ass 5/5
Mar 23, 2015 6:59 AM

Dec 2012
How he dared kill Hawk ! Ban and meliodas, you must kill him !
The beginning with Ban was epic (OoO). One of the best episode.
Mar 23, 2015 7:01 AM

Sep 2014
Really excellent episode through and through. Was engrossed in it right from the start. Sad for Hawk's death, hope he comes back. ;-;

And I KNEW Elizabeth secretly had some powers. For a split second I thought Meliodas unleashed some inner power of his at first lol. Well, it all ends next week. Let's see how it goes.
Mar 23, 2015 12:44 PM

May 2013
Grey Demon Hendrickson is pretty OP and badass.
I mean come on, he took down the Seven Deadly Sins and a bunch of Holy Knights, including Dawn's Roar.
He even killed Hawk! (T_T) That bastard, you'll pay for this!

"You've really made me angry." "I am very sad."
Oh Hendrickson, you're causing people to be emotional; that's a disadvantage for you.
"As long as we, the Seven Deadly Sins, are here!" I guess you should get rid of them, Hendrickson, before you die.
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Mar 23, 2015 1:52 PM

Mar 2015
I'm surprised to see hawk dead? Or at least do something unexpected
Mar 23, 2015 2:34 PM

Oct 2012
Whoa. I thought Elizabeth was useless but whoa. Way to go, gurrrrl
Mar 23, 2015 2:56 PM

Sep 2013
Terribly sad episode. Of all the things that could happen, I should've seen it coming: Ban STILL being reduced to a punching bag with a personality. Ugh, just 1 more episode.
Mar 23, 2015 5:03 PM

Jun 2013
I really hope Hawk will come back.
Mar 23, 2015 5:24 PM
Sep 2009
Elizabeth's powers do seem as an ass pull to me, since there were no real hints during series unless I fully missed them...

Hawk always showed some brave qualities but this one does take a cake. He did not panic for a second, he just stood there fully accepting a fact that he is about to die, no regrets what so ever. A truly heroic moment for me.
Mar 23, 2015 8:53 PM

Dec 2013
kitten320 said:
Elizabeth's powers do seem as an ass pull to me, since there were no real hints during series unless I fully missed them...

The hints were what happened with the doctor and Meliodas early in the series and how they got suddenly healed. They showed these moments in the flashbacks.

Elizabeth being the key to opening the demon portal was also a large hint to her not being a normal person.
Mar 23, 2015 9:01 PM

Nov 2014
Feels really rushed, but a very good show. I would call it Six Deadly Sins.

Mar 24, 2015 1:43 AM

Apr 2012
i hope this gets a second season treatment
best shounen i've watched in a while

RIP Hawk

Mar 24, 2015 2:28 AM

Dec 2013
Zeally said:
i hope this gets a second season treatment.

The manga is selling extremely well so it probably will but it won't be for another 1.5-2 years at least.
Mar 24, 2015 4:38 AM

Jan 2012
What a fairy tale ending, thought this series was better than that...

First Hendrickson is wrecking everyone which was cool but then my least favorite characters (stupid pig and princess) in the series have the spotlight and all of a sudden people are coming back to life and are somehow stronger than before. LAME

Can't say I'm looking forward to the final episode but might as well watch it since its only one left. This series was so good up until this stupid twist, oh well...
Mar 24, 2015 4:56 AM

Feb 2010
No one actually came back to life. The people who were injured all healed. Veronica who was seriously injured had just healed. Everyone just assumed she had died because she lost consiousness and she would've died if Elizabeth wasn't there. Just like the doctor or Meliodas' wounds from that episode before. Gowther generally wouldn't die in the first place from the wounds from what I gather just like how we know Ban won't die. Everyone else who died stayed dead.

It did seem kind of corny though lol.
cloud8100Mar 24, 2015 4:59 AM
Mar 24, 2015 5:12 AM

Apr 2013
G_Spark233 said:
Zeally said:
i hope this gets a second season treatment.

The manga is selling extremely well so it probably will but it won't be for another 1.5-2 years at least.

I'm guessing winter 2016 tbh.
Mar 24, 2015 7:45 AM

Aug 2014
Rest in Leftovers, Hawk-sama.
Mar 24, 2015 3:00 PM

Jul 2014
the part with hawk was a lil stupid :/ And did gowther die or sth? o.O
Mar 24, 2015 5:16 PM

Jan 2013
cloud8100 said:
No one actually came back to life. The people who were injured all healed. Veronica who was seriously injured had just healed. Everyone just assumed she had died because she lost consiousness and she would've died if Elizabeth wasn't there. Just like the doctor or Meliodas' wounds from that episode before. Gowther generally wouldn't die in the first place from the wounds from what I gather just like how we know Ban won't die. Everyone else who died stayed dead.

It did seem kind of corny though lol.

I think that Gowther's weakness is his chest. When he's wounded there, there's blood. But when it's his head, he's fine.
Mar 24, 2015 5:57 PM

Jan 2011
Awww man Hawk 'died', that moment was quite sad I mean even Ban was crying. Elizabeth's unique special ability from her right eye was a huge surprise; apostle of the goddesses. She was able to heal everyone's wonds and even Veronicas who was assumed to be dead! Dreyfus' 2nd demon form sure is a lot stronger but Meliodas doesn't give a damn about that. Last episode next week, this has been a great ride! Hopefully season 2 does happen in the future.
Mar 25, 2015 4:38 AM

Dec 2013
Pretty great episode, a bit sad the bacon died, but honestly, did it really die tho?

The ost was marvelous.
Mar 25, 2015 7:53 AM

Nov 2011
Interesting episode, despite being a shonen, the narrative does not occur with impossible events, but instead shows a certain reasonableness in the actions of the protagonists.
Story that is not ashamed to give further twists, the fact of showing a new kind of demon, was a hypothesis that I was considering, but the credit goes to the opening that gave way to advance me the events shown today.
Drawings and animations fairly good, not bad choreography of the fights, even pleasant soundtrack.
Mar 25, 2015 11:29 AM
Jul 2018
That was seriously EPIC!! I enjoyed this episode very much, the only complaint however is the art this episode. I hope the drop in quality means the last episode will have really awesome art. 1 episode left... :'(
Mar 26, 2015 12:17 PM

Jun 2012
People wondering if Gowther is alive or dead for what? He was among the people that Elizabeth light healed...
Mar 26, 2015 5:35 PM

Jul 2014





Heroic death my ass.

They better not fucking asspull him to life.

I liked this episode because a piece of shit pig died. Too bad they made it sound heroic and shit.

lol I'm so happy, good fucking riddance.

But seriously, They better not fucking asspull him to life.
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