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Jul 9, 2007 2:22 PM

Nov 2004
LunaJan 12, 2013 10:04 AM
Jul 9, 2007 7:12 PM

Aug 2006
=P It wasn't so bad
Jul 9, 2007 7:42 PM
Jul 10, 2007 3:10 AM

Apr 2007
Aokaado said:
Kami should have won, nothing more, nothing less

Geh, that would've been lame (from a story-telling point of view). If they intended to let Light win, the story should've ended right after the first arc. Why go through a much less interesting story just to let everything end in the same way again?

Jul 10, 2007 5:35 PM

Apr 2007
I didn't think it was that bad.. but I'd say that it was probably the worst Death Note chapter :P But it needed some sort of closure.. would have seemed a little weird if it just ended after Light's eyes closed.
Jul 12, 2007 2:49 AM

Oct 2006
Xinil said:

I would think so..
Jul 30, 2007 2:41 PM

May 2007
I think it was a necessary filler chapter. The main plot was done when Light died, but they needed to show what happened afterwards from the stand point of both the agents and Near as well as the world.

Help them hatch:
Jul 30, 2007 2:47 PM
Oct 15, 2007 8:18 PM

Oct 2007
mada_mada_dane said:
I think it was a necessary filler chapter. The main plot was done when Light died, but they needed to show what happened afterwards from the stand point of both the agents and Near as well as the world.
I agree with that. I wished they added a little more to the ending. I know its kind of a realistic-wise manga, but I wished they showed what happened to Light and L. The ending with the Kira supporters was really bad. But, the series altogether was awesome.
Nov 29, 2007 1:55 PM

Nov 2007
I think that the series should of ended much like a buddy of mine shopped it to be. He has the last scene with the girl praying holding a death note and having the Shinigami eyes. now that would of been an amazing ending. but thats just me
Dec 9, 2007 5:11 PM
Dec 2007
it was cool ><

Dec 14, 2007 8:52 AM

Aug 2007
this end is better than anime... Thats my opinion
Jan 4, 2008 4:40 PM

Nov 2007
who was the girl anyway that wasn't misa right
Jul 5, 2008 3:24 PM

May 2008
L should have won from the beginning... and I mean Ryuga... he was the most bamf of them all, but oh well. Amazing series
Sep 8, 2008 3:28 AM

Sep 2008
Zaku-ofthe-Sound said:
who was the girl anyway that wasn't misa right

No, it wasn't Misa. It was just some random girl. I read this in an interview. And it wasn't that bad. It was a good closure to the story.
Nov 19, 2008 5:00 PM

Sep 2008
One major question.. what happened to Misa?
Death Note didn't have much closure to it..

Light's fatal flaw was that in the 3 year time he had, he could have simply killed off anyone, and EVERYONE involved in the case and "disappeared".. he could have then recruited some bodyguards/people experienced with guns/have skills..
It was pretty outmatched how there was mello, matt, near, and the entire "special police force" against him, and yet he didn't mobilize a personal army or anything, even though he was worshiped as god.

Anyone here know Code Geass?
He could have mobilized a army like that, how his death note allows him to "control" the actions of the person.
Nov 19, 2008 8:03 PM

Sep 2008
misa commited suicide aftere a year or so

There's no flaw
1. If he kills investigation team, he is definitely now Kira. A human. Not God. which contradicts with his beliefs.

2. If i had info same as near/mello my deduction would go along this line...

The reason Kira picked this time of year is probably because before Kira wasn't able to make a move due to his fear of L. Prior to L's death if kira was part of the investigation team, killing few members would be acceptable. Unless Kira was under suspicion Killing of "Kira-is-innocent investigation team members" would lead to Kira's disadvantage. Killing the people not supporting Kira only causes suspicion. But none of the investigation team died, meaning there's probably too little to kill multiple members of. And narrowing down the numbers does not help shake the suspicion away.

After L's death, killing them all related to kira incidents, especially japanese investigation team shows Kira is very confident. Therefore Kira is aware of L's death. Light surviving solely is obvious statement saying he is Kira, since Kira will not let a genius live. (since Light's name record/picture is everywhere, basically super intelligent son of chief of the investigation team, whom kira just had killed. The son hasn't been seen around lately. That leads to Light is probably a member of the investigation team. If Kira fails to see that and take chances with super intelligent son going around, it is suspicious)

If Kira wanted to kill he would have dealt it with heartattacks. But they "disapeared" which sounds like a cover up. Meaning that Kira is indeed part of the investigation team. Therefore he cannot just kill them all, but he has to make them disapear.

Sadly unlike geass deathnote can't give commands like "be loyal for me for the next 3 decades." doesn't work like that.
There is no gurantee Kira's bodyguard is not a spy. Code geass has too many plot holes compare to deathnote. Only thing similar about the two series is we have anti-heroes. The central ideas and theme involved in them are very different.
Jul 10, 2009 12:44 PM
Sep 2008
Manga was pretty lame. Kept explaining the same shit over three times, and a new one in a ridiculously long way and then again the same shit over three times.

I don't know why I liked the anime version more though. Maybe it's because they talk.
Oct 3, 2009 10:02 AM

Jan 2009
awesome manga... I really liked it. I loved Raikou's face when he saw they didnt die... I also liked Ryuk writing his name in the deathnote... haha serves him right for killing the first L :p
"Ω ξείν', αγγέλειν Λακεδαιμονίοις, ότι τήδε κείμεθα τοις κείνων ρήμασι πειθόμενοι"

Dec 19, 2009 4:30 PM

Oct 2009
Good manga, but the ending was a total copout. After all the intricate plans and mind-games, Near wins by... accident? PUH-LEEZE. And besides, Near was just a gay character to begin with.
Dec 20, 2009 8:47 AM

Aug 2009
Manga is better than anime. It has some scenes that didn't have an influence on story but without them many things aren't clear. And the end is better... And I don't anderstand is that gay (Yamamoto) with which Matsuda embraced in the last chapter is Mikami? He looks rather like.
Jan 6, 2010 2:19 AM

Apr 2009
sovaca said:
And I don't anderstand is that gay (Yamamoto) with which Matsuda embraced in the last chapter is Mikami? He looks rather like.
LOL, I thought so too XD
Jan 19, 2010 2:07 AM

Jul 2008
I can't believe I finished the whole manga...

AND MISA DIDN'T DIE???? SHIT! -_____________-

Well... At the begining I liked Near, but with the time, I started to disliked him because he was to arrogant, calling everybody "stupid" as if he were so 'perfect' (well he was... LOL but without the help of the team he wouldn't do anything by himself, is just like a little boy) part of me feel bad about near winning the 'game'... in the last moment, I wanted Kira two won... I mean, I love and hate Raito at the same time... he is so awesome and If he were murdered by L I guess I would be totally satisfied... but it was Near + Mello... is a little frustrating.

I think the point isn't that Near or Mello can't replace L, I never judge both characters like 'copies' of L. But Near's pride, confidence and arrogance... was quite annoying in the last episodes :/ I think at this point Mello was more interesting.

There's a lot of things I LOVE from this manga, the most important is that really makes me feel excited! the whole week I went to sleep thinking in "What the hell is going to happen next..." during the day, at my work I continuosly stopped thinking in who to resolve the puzzle... so I think the whole plot is awesome, both writer and artist are great to create such a interesting and umpredictable characters and make me feel like this.

I want to cry... seriously! Raito's dead is more than I can resist... ;____;!

I hate a lot of things of the manga of course but is still a master piece in my ranking 8D

Thinks I hated:

- Misa existence. Holly shit! why she was SO annoying?

- The complite manga was quite... machist. Well... I'm a girl and I felt insult by most of the female characters. Totally superficial and stupid. Doing everything in the name of 'love' -___- crap... I guess Obata hate women LOL or something.

- REM. CRAAAAAAAAP! WHY on hell she dies saving Misa and killed L???? I was expecthing a GREAT fight against Raito and L, I was wishing they'll kill each others in a really EPIC episode... but L dead was quite disapointing.

That's all.

Well... Now I'm going to watch the Animation 8D and the live action too. I love the couple RAITO X L or L X RAITO 8DDDD and now that I readed the manga, I will watched the rest of the stuff to feed my hungry of yaoi (?) Muahahahahaha!
HelsicJan 19, 2010 2:15 AM
Feb 9, 2010 11:59 AM

Sep 2008
a big fight between L and Light? it's not that sort of a manga
Jun 21, 2012 6:37 PM

Jun 2012
i actualy readed only the end of the manga since i heard misa would dy but it was not shown in anime so i thougth lets read the end of manga only to find out it was in volume 13 a special with back ground of people and stuf but it said her dying date but i couldnt find any info about her dead so if any one know where i can read volume 13 full i would be happy since it didnt show futher then the intervieuw at page 73 while it got over 100 pages but i can't find them no where

if you know where to read the full volume or just the misa part please mail me
RobertovkJun 21, 2012 6:44 PM
"When a flat-chested loli hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart"
"--I am a single bullet. It has no heart. Therefore, it does not think. It just flies straight towards its target."
Oct 5, 2012 8:00 AM

Aug 2012
JuicyBuddha said:
Good manga, but the ending was a total copout. After all the intricate plans and mind-games, Near wins by... accident?

Agree, the ending was a letdown.

The manga was totally great before Misa's appearance, but then I started to lose my interest rapidly.
Nov 20, 2012 9:08 PM

Jun 2012
The end is Near.

Well, Light's death ended a bit more abruptly than in the anime. And what about those people with the candles? That wasn't in the anime at all... I can't help but wonder who that girl was.

"Thus concludes this story of the Death Note" and a great manga as well.
Nov 22, 2013 10:58 PM

Aug 2012
Wonder who that girl was at the end
Nov 14, 2014 4:01 AM

Sep 2014
take a rest light
Dec 22, 2014 5:26 AM
Jul 2018
The manga ending is way better than the anime's. Light partially does accomplish his goal of becoming the God of the new world.
Jan 5, 2015 10:28 PM

Jan 2014
Yeah the ending of the manga was way more good than the one from the manga.
Liked it a lot when that bitch pleased so desperately to Ryuk about murder the others and then to save him from death.
After everything you're done, do you still hope for a way to escape the Death Note?
Ryuk was right, you were really out of your mind. Serves you right.
Light was portrayed more evilish in the manga.

And, the girl at the end was Misa guys.

And I think Near doesn't deserve the hate he's getting. He never acted like he was the center of the world, aside from two or three occasions when he had all the rights to, like when he told to Aizawa to not get involved.
L did it way more than Near.
Jun 4, 2015 8:39 AM

Jun 2014
sim0n2170 said:
Wonder who that girl was at the end

Just a random Kira worshipper. Misa was probably already dead since Ratio was everything for her. Iirc she committed suicide in anime

Matsuda was still salty about Near even though Ratio was fooling them for half a decade. Lol

Overall the anime was more enjoyable.
Jun 4, 2015 8:46 AM

Jun 2014
Helsic said:

Well... At the begining I liked Near, but with the time, I started to disliked him because he was to arrogant, calling everybody "stupid" as if he were so &#039;perfect&#039; (well he was... LOL but without the help of the team he wouldn&#039;t do anything by himself, is just like a little boy!

Well, Kira can't do anything by himself either. He used Misa, Higuchi, Mikami and Takada . His family wrecked cuz of him.
At least Near wasn't a douchebag like Kira who would kill all his pawns after using them. And he also called his father a "fool" and iirc he also called some of his comrades a "stupid ".
Jun 18, 2015 4:01 AM
Jun 2015
Really liked the episode
Jul 9, 2015 1:15 AM
Nov 2014
Damn.... anime version's ending is better imo.
Aug 24, 2015 11:00 AM
Oct 2011
alpir said:
JuicyBuddha said:
Good manga, but the ending was a total copout. After all the intricate plans and mind-games, Near wins by... accident?

Agree, the ending was a letdown.

The manga was totally great before Misa's appearance, but then I started to lose my interest rapidly.
Actually there is a certain kind of logic to it. Light who pretended to be god and controlled people like pawns fell do to things outside of his control.
Oct 16, 2015 11:12 AM

Jul 2013
Better than anime's finale, and I still think the unnamed Kira worshiper is Misa (or maybe Misa's sister, if she really has one) and Matsuda's theory is correct, Near cheated just to defeat Light.
Nov 7, 2015 5:34 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Epilogue with Matsuda... no thanks.

Mar 17, 2016 10:23 AM

Jan 2016
Ending was okay... I really liked the homage to Mello with Near eating chocolate. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Near actually did "cheat" by controlling Mikami.

Fantastic manga!
Aug 26, 2016 3:26 AM
Dec 2015
great final chapter, kira's king never die, i think that the girl on the end is (possible?) misa and light's daughter ?
May 2, 2017 7:39 AM
Sep 2016
This is Death Note. Possible one of the best mangas I've read. L, Near and Mello were my favorite characters. Light, Misa and Matsuda, I hate those three. What I really like is how the mangaka kept L alive in the form of Near and Mello. The three of them were arrogant, Near and Mello more explicitly, L not so much because he was also trying to cooperate with the NPA. Near was the passive part of L, Mello the aggressive. L was right in the middle of passive-aggressive. His passivity would restrain his aggressive side, and his aggressive side would be restrained by his passivity. Mello and Near didn't have the other side so no restrictions. Mello would act and Near would hypothesize. In the end, both of them defeated Kira. I would say that combined, they are better than L. And I think that if Mello hadn't act on the end, Near would've died and Mello would've caught Kira. In the end L would always win.

Anyway, great manga with great ending (Seeing Light desperately begging to Ryuuk gave me goosebumps).
Dec 29, 2018 9:30 AM

Aug 2016
One of the best chapters ever done in existence and it´s even better than the one in the anime. only major flaw about the manga compared to the anime is the lack of director Tetsuro Araki : that guy turned some of the tedious moments in the manga (after L´s death) into totally digestible episodes in the anime and you get the same results. And Near was still un-charismatic in both versions yet that isnt actually ruining the series.

Most people cry because "muh Kira didnt won""Matsuda didnt die" and that kind of cr*p. that isn´t bad writing. Well, it´s the same about people who complain about the end in manga like Liar Game and I am a hero. too much generic hollywood "hero saves the day" movies.

anyway, people care too much about their feelings, their anger and their sympathy. this manga isnt about that. this is a story about power and ideologies, developed into a creative supernatural-crime war and spiced with "all according to my keikaku" situtations. Let´s see who has the biggest "keikaku": the authoritarian Kira or the institutional justice of L (and later Near)? who do you choose?

At the end, Kira, like most influential and controversial figures in history, can die, and die miserably, but ideas can prevail.
MichaelJacksonDec 29, 2018 9:58 AM
Jan 21, 2020 8:46 PM

Sep 2012
I feel... crushed, and defeated. This is seriously one of the saddest series endings for me. Most endings don't hit me emotionally at all, and some are profoundly awe inspiring, but this is one of the few that has stricken me with legit melancholy. It all came to a head in that warehouse. Light spit absolute facts at all of them about how he was right, and none of those idiots would give up their stubborn convictions for the good of the world. I guess it's too much to ask for humans to think about more than their small scale lives, even in fiction.

That said, I was happy that Matsuda finally had a moment to shine. Then in this epilogue we see how he's still dealing with the end of that long chapter of his life. You would think having to shoot the man he trusted and followed for so long would extinguish the youthful energy in him, and it seems like it has for most of the chapter, until you finally see a glimmer of it come through at the end. I think this whole chapter really is about Matsuda more than anyone else. They make an offhanded comment about how the world is back to normal, and we can assume that Aizawa has taken this time to advance his career for himself and his family, but it's all really focused on Matsuda. I dig it.
MrLegitimacyJan 21, 2020 8:51 PM
Feb 14, 2020 3:51 PM

Mar 2019
I think anyone who sides with Light in this story is an infantile idiot who should consider putting away their anime and manga and get acclimated with reality. Light was pure scum. Ending was very gratifying because Near rubbed his face in it instead of just killing him to stop the killings. Excellent.
May 1, 2020 11:14 AM
Oct 2008
I think this very last chapter of the original series is a good way to give it a proper ending. The dialogue between the two in the car, about the possibility that Near might've killed Mikami is very nicely written and executed with different angles of their faces in the panels. The last pages with the worshippers are just the cherry on top, maybe to show that "Kira's way" left a mark and people seek out for a kind of savior. Plus the visualization of the last panels is just amazing, kind of giving a reminiscence of the beginning of the Manga where Light sees himself as the righteous one. The art was lacking a lot of the amazing shots that we were graced with in the beginning and in the last few pages of Chapter 107 and throughout 108 it came back, as in one of the other chapters in Volume 11 or 12, where there is absolutely no dialogue or textbox and enough room to show off the amazing art-skills.
Apr 8, 2021 9:34 AM

Sep 2020
Sorry but I liked it
Jul 13, 2021 3:34 PM

Jan 2021
Xinil said:

wait why do yall dont like it? I think it was an great ending chapter (even tho I think the dialogue with matsuda and ide shouldnt have been that long), like what did yall expect from an last chapter? I honestly can't see whats so bad about it.

sad they left it out of the anime
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Sep 13, 2021 1:44 AM
Sep 2020
This was a very nice final chapter , absolutely loved it
5/5 after the previous chapter ,it kept it balance with the Kira worshippers at the end
Nice balanced chapter❤️,I'll miss death note both anime and manga

It gave us a sence of hope that Kira is still alive maybe not in Yagami's form but his ideals and philosophy
Nov 16, 2021 6:17 PM

Sep 2016
I loved how they used Matsuda to kind of speak for us, the readers, as to try and create theories as to what really happened during the time Near had the real death note. It was a nice touch.

The last bit with the Kira worshippers felt reaaaally over the top. I don't mind showing us that people still worship Kira and want him to return... But climbing a snowy mountain with candles? Oh C'mon, now you're just overdoing it.
But overall, I liked the ending here in the manga a lot more than I did in the anime. And that's that.
Nov 16, 2021 6:52 PM

Aug 2019
I'll always hate the anime for skipping this chapter. While it wasn't that great in terms of new info, it was still nice to see some resolution and to see Near take over as the new L permanently, plus the scene at the end was pretty. I just wish that they had mentioned Misa's fate instead of leaving that open-ended until volume 13.
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