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Sep 11, 2014 6:37 PM

Dec 2008
- No Pegasus Fantasy
- Skiped a lot of content (a lot of battles and stuff.. but a LOT for unnecessary things)
- Stupid Ikki
- Bad OST
- Final Fantasy of Zodiac


- Awesome animation
- Nice dub (portuguese for me)
- Stay until the end of credits

5/10 could be better (Toei please, stop using CG)
ChrnoToddDec 10, 2014 7:58 AM
Sep 12, 2014 3:34 PM

Jul 2009
I was looking forward to watch it...and now I am disappointed...
Really, WTF was that?! The only time I liked was when Shiryu showed up and after that the few times Ikki appears...

Would be happier watching an old movie in big screen... 6/10
Sep 12, 2014 9:19 PM

Mar 2013
OMG what they did to deathmask, I was just thinking.. what the hell am I watching? It was like a disney musical or something in the House of Cancer.
Scorpion Saint a Girl?
No Ikki vs Shaka fight?
Ikki was useless! and he is the best bronze Saint! --'
Sep 12, 2014 9:28 PM

Jan 2011
well i dont expect an entire arc reduced to a movie to be good but itll watch it anyways, its rare to have an anime movie on cinema in Peru (the only other ones we got were DBZ Battle of Gods an Chihiro)
in the meantime TMS teased me with a new video i was hoping for a Lost Canvas season 3 but

anyone knows why d they do this?
Sep 12, 2014 10:26 PM

Aug 2012
Honestly, I really liked it. It´s been 19 years since I became a Saint Seiya fan. So one of the things I liked the most was the charisma boost the characters got. Seiya is far more likeable in the movie. Everyone act their age, 16-18 on this case. The visuals are simply stunning. The Sanctuary is just beautiful.

Sure, it could had more time, so some more interesting details could be added. But with 93min, that´s a nice job. Indeed, Ikki deserved a bit more time, but that´s fine. It´s not like he liked to stand out in the anime, too.

I have no complaints about Miro. I like the dude, but the dudette version is really cool, too! Death Mask is a psycho, everyone knows this. To me, it was quite funny seeing a psycho clown there. It was surely unexpected, but I laughed a lot. And this is something that rarely happen in Saint Seiya. Lots of parts made me laugh.

So, overall, I approve it. A really interesting version of this arc.
"Could you not talk with me? I'm busy breathing."
Sep 13, 2014 4:56 PM
Aug 2010
Keshin_Momoiro said:
Honestly, I really liked it. It´s been 19 years since I became a Saint Seiya fan. So one of the things I liked the most was the charisma boost the characters got. Seiya is far more likeable in the movie. Everyone act their age, 16-18 on this case. The visuals are simply stunning. The Sanctuary is just beautiful.

Sure, it could had more time, so some more interesting details could be added. But with 93min, that´s a nice job. Indeed, Ikki deserved a bit more time, but that´s fine. It´s not like he liked to stand out in the anime, too.

I have no complaints about Miro. I like the dude, but the dudette version is really cool, too! Death Mask is a psycho, everyone knows this. To me, it was quite funny seeing a psycho clown there. It was surely unexpected, but I laughed a lot. And this is something that rarely happen in Saint Seiya. Lots of parts made me laugh.

So, overall, I approve it. A really interesting version of this arc.
Same here. It's a '''reboot'''' after all... Or something like that.
Sep 14, 2014 6:03 AM
May 2011
I thought it was... Decent.


The Movie started out pretty great, but things started to fall apart after Deathmask shows up. They completely destroyed his character,no respect at all. @__@
That said though, I like the main characters more here than I do in the anime (except for maybe Shun), they had a lot more personality.

Putting redesigns aside, the one thing that I hated the most was how Shun and Ikki never defeated a Golden Saint. Everyone has their own favorite Saint,but I think we can all agree they should defeat at least one major enemy and get their chance to shine.

That last fight with Saga was some serious Final Fantasy bullshit, and I can't say I enjoyed it all.
It feels like they wanted to get the Gold Saints more involved, but in the end Seiya defeated the last boss alone for no real reason. :/

No Pegasus Fantasy was really a letdown, and the soundtrack in general was pretty weak, which is a shame.

The animation was mostly really good, a few awkwardly animated moments, but overal pretty surprising coming from Toei. The use of masks sometimes during the fights, and cutting Saori's hair made me laugh though, because it was obviously done to make it easier to animate, that's when I went "THAT'S the Toei I know!", heh :P

Either way, I had a lot of fun watching the movie with my friends and making fun of it :)
Sep 15, 2014 2:41 PM

Jan 2013
Death Mask was so gay and so punk that I was expecting marks of injection on his arms
Oct 7, 2014 1:32 PM

Nov 2012
Ok, not being a huge fan of Saint Seiya, this felt like a mixed bag. More good than bad in it, though.

Stunning visuals? Hell yes, I felt many Advent Children vibes.
The fights could've been better, though. They tried to fit too many and therefore most of them are just too short.
I didn't expect much from the plot, considering it's a long arc compressed into a movie, so I always thought of it as a reboot rather than as an adaptation. And in that sense it is good.
What happened with the fake Athena? That was left hanging, I expected some fight/resolution there as well (gotta say it's quite a long time since I watched this arc, so I forgot a lot details and I'm actually closer to a saint seiya noob, I recall Lost Canvas and Hades better).
My only real complaint is Ikki. Seriously, the guy had only 2 fights: one was short as hell and he lost the other one. :C Also, they tried way too hard to cram as many characters as possible.
That Saori hair cut was so cheap hahaha I guess not everybody can pull off long hair like Square Enix did with Sephiroth.

Still, I'm glad they brought this movie over to Chile. Not many anime movies are shown here so even if they didn't bring it with Japanese voices (as I heard they did for Argentina) we still got the spanish dubbing with the original latin american voice actors, which is still awesome.


I'm hoping they bring the Shingeki movies over to Latin America as well D:
kchorrex2012Oct 7, 2014 2:16 PM
Dec 14, 2014 3:17 PM

Jan 2014
Now that the BD/DVD is out, and I can watch it over again, I can honestly say I really liked the movie.

- The visuals are SO good with natural, complex and fluid animation. Lots of small, supplementary background stuff happening in any given scene. You can tell it's expensive! Seiya has a crazy variety of facial expressions lol. The environments look A-MA-ZING.
- Bronzes are definitely more charismatic, in that you kind of get a crash course on their personalities since there isn't any time at all for backstories. They also have very natural dialogue so during chatter scenes they sound very laid back and fitting for their age. (Except Ikki cause he was only in 2 scenes and they were both battle-related so...)
- Funny scenes were actually pretty funny.

- Very little screen time for the gold saints (coughAphroditecough). And Ikki.
- Deathmask. I get where they were going with him, making him some kind of ultra yankee, but I think they went a bit overboard.
- Plot holes. Like, wth was going on with fake!Athena? They were saying something about Saga and that thing in the end but it was like ????

In the middle:
- The story. There's no way they can fit the entire arc into a 1.5 hr movie, so obviously it would be lacking compared to the original. Honestly, if it was stand-alone movie, the story is actually pretty decent (though a bit rushed). As a modern-day re-imagining for the manga's anniversary I thought it was quite fitting. I didn't like that they simplified the plot, but the simplified content itself wasn't bad.
- Genderbent Milo. This honestly doesn't make any difference since you never get to know about any of them outside of the immediate battle, so she's exactly the same. If she didn't speak you would never know she was female.

Overall 7/10 - Don't knock it till you try it.
Dec 14, 2014 6:10 PM
Jun 2010
It is a bit weird especially if you know the original story but it is kinda interesting. I mean the sanctuary looks like Asgard from the live action Thor, Capircorn Shura looks like Loki and when I saw the portal I was screaming "HEIMDALL, OPEN THE GATE". I also like the dog tags that summons the cloth boxes it beats the cloth stones any day. Other than that it felt rushed and the music near the end started to sound like tiger and bunny. It even had a good luck mode. This movie might have been better as a series of ova or double the movie time or even a trilogy.
Dec 15, 2014 12:15 AM

Nov 2007
This was way over the top trying to be Hollywood-style but made the mistake of cramming too much in too little time. At one point I'm like is this trying to be Marvel? It probably ran out of budget and couldn't make 30 minutes more to slow the pace down a bit.

Big nerf in Ikki was like WTF? Deathmask.... LOL.

I was not thrilled about the Saga fusing with the statue thingy.... that was... weird.

Well the Bronze Saint characters are not as "dull" as the ones in the original series but now they are cliched as fuck. I mean, nothing they can really do in such a short amount of time anyway so I don't have any expectations here. Nice animation but the fights could have been better choreographed.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 15, 2014 3:48 AM

Jan 2009
holy shit, this is tons better than Saint Seiya Omega, its like Disney made an anime action movie lol, the only complain i have is that its short, if the fights could have been more longer then this will be perfect for me, 9/10 for this movie
degDec 15, 2014 3:57 AM
Dec 15, 2014 10:02 PM

Nov 2007
j0x said:
holy shit, this is tons better than Saint Seiya Omega, its like Disney made an anime action movie lol, the only complain i have is that its short, if the fights could have been more longer then this will be perfect for me, 9/10 for this movie

Please watch Saint Seiya Lost Canvas. It's worth it. Forget about Omega lol.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 15, 2014 11:34 PM

Jun 2014
To be honest this movie was not as good as i expected it to be it was over hyped for nothing the death mask part was ridiculous the first thing that came to mind was is this a disney movie? there was a lot of content missing like

-Seiya vs leo- if i remember correctly in the classic series this fight was really bloody and long
-seiya vs tauros- this fight was dam to short on the original series seiya awakens the 7th sense during this fight
-no ikki vs shaka- this fight on the classic series was one of my favorites
-leo got possesd? if i remember correctly leo was put under mind control by saga on the original series while he was fighting with shaka after returning from finding out saori was athena
and i can go and on about how much crap was changed but in the end i enjoyed the movie the cloths could of been done better in my opinion they were to bulky in this movie and there was not a lot of blood on the classic series the fights were really bloody well the movie was really nice though

i have watched all the saint seiya series since i was a kid watching this movie did not disappoint me as it brought back many memories from my childhood it still could of being better though
Dec 18, 2014 6:39 AM

Oct 2014
Absolute trash. The only good thing about it was female Scorpio Milo.
Dec 21, 2014 6:27 PM

Jan 2011
so finally watch it, the animation was amazing but i had mixed opinions on the art style, i didnt like the helmet designs, also whats with the giant monster fight? Saint Seiya is all about one on one fights, that was odd, not to mention i didnt like centaur Seiya, the ost needed some remixes of the old ost
anyways i actually enjoed the moviem, it was very fun, d prefer if it had been 2 movies so it has enough time for backstories but it cant be helped, Seiya was a funny protagonist an Saori wasnt a bitch like in the original series, she reminded me a bit of Sasha but less mature, the action while amazing was a bit too chaotic sometimes
dat glorious gender bend Milo, final scene reminded me of this one

overall 7.5/10
Dec 31, 2014 3:14 PM

Jul 2011
Completely horrendous. If Omega buried the franchise, this movie dug it back up, filled the coffin with rotting cow shit, and threw it in the Ganges.

The pacing is horrid and nothing makes any sense, even if you are a Saint Seiya fan and have seen all previous material. Both the character and cloth/armor redesigns are cringe inducing Tetsuya Nomura tier garbage that don't belong anywhere near Saint Seiya. The cloths are supposed to look like badass battle gear with some weight to it, not shiny Mortal Kombat ninja leotards with neon lights strapped to them. Several fights are skipped, which in hindsight might not be a bad thing because the fights that are shown are so piss poor in comparison that it's pathetic. Which is pretty bad because it's not like Saint Seiya is known for the best fights. But the fights are just CGI spam explosions fests with zero substance or tension. The forced comic relief consistently made me fight the urge to kill myself with the nearest object to me, I might have given in during the Deathmask Broadway musical scene if said object wasn't a plastic stapler. Ikki was made a fool of, getting no actual fights at all and not really doing anything period. Saori is also made a fool of, instead of being a strong Goddess-like woman that leads the Saints to victory she is a dumb and useless school girl that whines the entire movie.

They obviously spent about two minutes on the script and then used the rest of the production time to make their flashy CGI explosions in the attempt to distract the viewer from how terrible every aspect of this abomination is and replace the cast with frosted haired wise cracking douchebags with dialogue out of Rocket Power.

1/10 - I would rather take a sledgehammer to the kneecap than ever look at this piece of shit again. The best part of the experience for me was the refreshing sound that Windows makes when you empty the recycling bin as I got rid of the file.
KellhusDec 31, 2014 3:21 PM
Dec 31, 2014 11:13 PM
Oct 2010
Jan 2, 2015 9:30 AM
Sep 2013
the only good thing probably the animation and saori with short hair LOL
Jan 6, 2015 4:30 PM

Dec 2014
Just watched the movie after avoiding it for so long and I have to say that I quite enjoyed it. I mean, it's a modern reboot and considering the length, I think they pretty much did a good job with it.

The animation is amazing. The way they reinvented the cloths was interesting. Loved how much personality the characters had. I did not like Mu's design though, I feel like his figure should be more delicate.

I don't really mind what was going on with Deathmask. I was caught so off guard it surprised the hell out of me. I laughed HARD. [s}Deathmask was kind of hot also.[/s]

It's a shame there was no budget enough for a longer movie. I definitely missed some Ikki action (Phoenix versus Virgo, come on). He disappeared from the story! And what about Shun? I'd love to see his fight with Aphrodite. A scene with the roses would have been be soooo beautiful. I finished it wanting more. The movie could have had at least more 30 minutes (because 2 hours and a half would be asking too much?).
Jan 17, 2015 11:42 AM

Nov 2012
far better than expected
everything is better than original, design,sanctuary,story,etc and SAORI IS USEFUL, i hated her so much in original series, her uselessness was beyond help. and the gold saint is smart here, not stupid fuck taking so much time to realize saori = athena.

the bad thing is its rushed when beginning of vs milo and shura, shun didnt really do anything and ikki just... lol. this part could be far better if only the movie had 30 more minutes

anyway its pretty good and entertaining.
my animesongs chord thread : here bro
May 2, 2015 4:03 PM

Oct 2014
Kellhus said:
The pacing is horrid and nothing makes any sense, even if you are a Saint Seiya fan and have seen all previous material. Both the character and cloth/armor redesigns are cringe inducing Tetsuya Nomura tier garbage that don't belong anywhere near Saint Seiya. The cloths are supposed to look like badass battle gear with some weight to it, not shiny Mortal Kombat ninja leotards with neon lights strapped to them. Several fights are skipped, which in hindsight might not be a bad thing because the fights that are shown are so piss poor in comparison that it's pathetic. Which is pretty bad because it's not like Saint Seiya is known for the best fights. But the fights are just CGI spam explosions fests with zero substance or tension. The forced comic relief consistently made me fight the urge to kill myself with the nearest object to me, I might have given in during the Deathmask Broadway musical scene if said object wasn't a plastic stapler. Ikki was made a fool of, getting no actual fights at all and not really doing anything period. Saori is also made a fool of, instead of being a strong Goddess-like woman that leads the Saints to victory she is a dumb and useless school girl that whines the entire movie.

They obviously spent about two minutes on the script and then used the rest of the production time to make their flashy CGI explosions in the attempt to distract the viewer from how terrible every aspect of this abomination is and replace the cast with frosted haired wise cracking douchebags with dialogue out of Rocket Power.

1/10 - I would rather take a sledgehammer to the kneecap than ever look at this piece of shit again. The best part of the experience for me was the refreshing sound that Windows makes when you empty the recycling bin as I got rid of the file.

Everything... Just everything. So much this.

ninjastarforcex said:
and SAORI IS USEFUL, i hated her so much in original series, her uselessness was beyond help.

Saori defeated
in original Saint Seiya series. Hardly she was not useful

Saints didn't realize that they were deceived for years, see no difference here. Not only that, but you don't think that some random girl is Athena, unless she proves it by herself, showing her real strength.

There is no story, just none at all.
Phoenix_WrightMay 2, 2015 4:09 PM
May 18, 2015 7:05 PM

Jan 2011
It didn't make sense to me. I understand that the entire arc couldn't be summed up into a movie but they changed the story altogether and made it something that was poorly written and hardly entertaining.
Some changes were unnecessary and I think a lot of movie time was wasted, adding in parts of the story that strayed away from the original. For example, with Saori, they could have showed her with the Saints as kids with her Grandfather. Instead, she has no idea who the Saints are and its Tatsumi who has to tell her about who she really is coincidentally on the same day she gets attacked by the Pope and meets the Saints. That was just dumb.

They ruined the Gold Saints so much, removed a lot of the fights including the best one with Shaka and Ikki..making Ikki's presence in this movie pointless. Seiya doesnt even realize his seventh sense while fighting Aldebaran which makes no sense because how else could he have taken off his horn?

And Scorpio as a woman?? Really??
And Deathmasks scene was a joke.

Idk, Toei needs to get it together. This movie was beyond disappointing, a waste of nearly two hours and PAINFUL to watch.
Oct 10, 2015 6:36 PM

Aug 2007
well, I am not a fan of Saint Seiya, but I feel courious about the movie for a long time, so I decidd to watch the movie. The animations was the best thing in whole movie.

The story was the typical. A girl that discovers that she is diferent, people afraid of her power. Then she discovers why she is so special, and then happy ending killing the villian in process.
Oct 26, 2015 6:00 AM
Apr 2015
To be honest, I dunno why some people think the Bronze Saints were dull in the original anime, I'm watching it for the first time, and to me, I find it otherwise.

Still, this film looks just as bad as the Percy Jackson movies.....I've glimpsed at it and kinda laughed at parts, but to be honest, I've no desire to see it.

And one other thing....WHY did it have to be CGI? I DON'T like this transition that's being used!! 2D animation is nearly practically dead nowadays...
Saint-SheepyJan 10, 2016 10:00 AM
Jan 10, 2016 10:00 AM
Apr 2015
minimiau said:
well, I am not a fan of Saint Seiya, but I feel courious about the movie for a long time, so I decidd to watch the movie. The animations was the best thing in whole movie.

The story was the typical. A girl that discovers that she is diferent, people afraid of her power. Then she discovers why she is so special, and then happy ending killing the villian in process.

It's much better done in the original 1986 TV series, trust me.
Feb 16, 2016 8:38 PM
Feb 2016
Simply the best cgi action of any Anime to present's..a lot to fit the story line on 90min..this was made for hardcore fans and new fans facial animations were phenominal fight scenes were epic..easily on pAR with Marvel's Avengerslive action cgi hit..for a 100% cgi film a visual tour DE force..should have been made into 3 films to tell the story better but an amazing cinematic feature..raises the bar for action and FX..well done Toei!!
Mar 29, 2017 11:45 PM

Nov 2012
So bad, so dissapointed, a lot of Bayonetta & FF stuff.

My Candies 2024

My Old Candies:
May 7, 2017 11:18 AM
May 2013
I picked this because I wanted to see CGI animation.
Great animation, CGI looks so neat , better than 2D animation of Saint Seiya ( except Lost Canvas, the only Saint Seiya with good animation)
I liked how this started, but it went became average in 2nd half, Ikki was supposed to be no.1...
Also Milo is now a hot woman, not that I mind it that much, great waifu material here.
Aug 21, 2017 3:23 PM
Apr 2015

Nah, the other five movies had good animation too.
Mar 21, 2020 3:25 PM

Apr 2016
Ok, there are so many cuts and the pace is so fast but it was so good and nostalgic to watch this stuff another time after so many years.
Feb 13, 2024 12:46 PM

Jan 2019
I have no idea, how to rate this. It was a watered down, rushed abomination, but damn that was fun to watch. I loved art style, animation and overall visuals, died a little watching Deathmask's introduction. Cant believe they went with that. Im not a fan of other changes, Bronzes, fight with Saga etc. Really mixed feelings.

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