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Your Lie in April
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Dec 6, 2014 8:27 PM
Jan 2014
mayukachan said:
I'm liking the pacing actually. It's not too fast, not too slow.

Yes the pacing is perfectly fine.
Dec 6, 2014 9:35 PM

Jan 2013
Great episode, very tragic flashbacks.
Shocking learning the last thing Kousei said to his mother.
Dec 6, 2014 9:55 PM
Jul 2018
Kousei's mom is really scary.
And that medication of Kaori! So many!
Dec 6, 2014 10:01 PM

Feb 2008
Welp, doesn't get any more obvious that Kaori has the same or some kind of similar illness that Kousei's mother has. Kind of scared to find out what will happen.
Dec 6, 2014 10:06 PM

Jun 2010
Please don't tell me I waited 3 episodes of Shigatsu wa Kimi no flashback for Kousei's performance to just see him fail :S
Dec 6, 2014 10:12 PM

May 2014

Literally nothing new happened this episode except we found out the last thing he said to his mom was, "I wish you would just die."

I felt sad for him the first time we found out about his mother and his life, but now they're just reiterating it over and over and over and over and over. I could give about two shits for Arima at this point.

FUCK THIS SHOW.... imma still watch it though
Dec 6, 2014 10:55 PM

Apr 2009
knew this was a full-on kousei drama, what's worse is that its a two-parter
Dec 7, 2014 5:38 AM

Jan 2009
Have to say that nervousness was coming through my monitor, oh god. This was such a gripping episode. Although I didn't like the flashback stuff that much, cuz I got this feeling we've seen those like a dozen of times.
Dec 7, 2014 6:17 AM

Sep 2012
I think Kousei won't be in the top 3, but I hope he still win.

His mom is too harsh, she should teach him calmly.

Great episode but that cliffhanger though.
Dec 7, 2014 1:48 PM

May 2009
Gosh this anime is so intense. I freakin' love it and want to know EVERYTHING.
check out my twitch:
Dec 7, 2014 4:10 PM

Sep 2011
Overshadowings about Kaori just keep coming, and we get to know Friend A-kun's trauma... Well, it was only a matter of time until that problem showed up in his performance. It is a bit irritalting how that keeps happening and there doesn't seem to be much he's doing about it, but a trauma is definitely no joke. Damn, how the hell is he gonna overcome that...
Dec 7, 2014 6:20 PM

Jun 2013
Dat Kousei's mom tho!!! It's legit nightmare fuel I tell you :(
Playing "as it was intended" might get you first place technically, but nobody will enjoy it (including the one playing).
Dec 7, 2014 11:11 PM

Aug 2011
I had kinda wished for Kousei's playing to satisfy what Emi wants to see out of him, because I would think then, ah, he's finally ovecome his trauma and plays how he wants to again. Buut, that would've been one hell of a corny ending, especially compared to... that.

Oh, and I just realized that Nodame (from Nodame Cantabile ofc) and Kousei share a similar childhood, what with their strict (extremely so in Kousei's case) and sometimes violent (again, extreme case for Kousei ;_;) piano teachers. And I say extreme because Kousei's mother was a real monster. Pushing her own selfish dream unto her poor little son like that, even though he's clearly shown his reluctance and fear of returning to that stone-cold piano room with his mom. Honestly, I cannot believe he was able to go on desperately trying to please his mother like that for so long before he broke and hate. She made his childhood miserable, and, whether or not Kousei was happy with pleasing his mother til he broke, the mom should've known better. I can somewhat relate to him. I'm so glad though that he's made it so far through his life as a seemingly normal kid despite his childhood... now all that's left is for him to forgive, both himself and his mom (mostly so he can let go of his trauma).

On a brighter note, LOL I FEEL SO BAD FOR EMI AND TAKESHI!!! At the same time tho I'm like so happy that these two didn't give up on him, didn't call him Human Metronome and scorn him, and looked up to him, and how much him just existing created their whole piano careers! Seriously just. Why can't they be friends. Emi and Takeshi pushed themselves along because of Kousei, and Kousei is in turn pushing himself to return their fiery emotions. They're like the perfect trio of rivalish friends. aghhhhh

Emi is so beautiful *cries* and Kaori and her medications - I want to know more about her past *sobs*

GAHH super cliffhanger ending!! Can't wait to see next episode... just hang in there, bby... T-T
Dec 8, 2014 1:23 AM

Jan 2008
This episode was 3/10 at most. I'm sick of this already - there is literally no progress here. The same thing ever again - his mommy issues. She was an abusive bitch - we get that already.
It's just awesome - 3 episodes of build-up only to see 90% of flashbacks and another fail at the end. Fuck you seriously...

I think Kousei won't be in the top 3, but I hope he still win.

His mom is too harsh, she should teach him calmly.

Are. You. Serious.

Yes the pacing is perfectly fine.

That's something that someone who loved the pacing of second season of Kimi ni Todoke would say. lawl
WerchielDec 8, 2014 1:28 AM
Dec 8, 2014 5:06 AM
Jan 2014
Werchiel said:
This episode was 3/10 at most. I'm sick of this already - there is literally no progress here. The same thing ever again - his mommy issues. She was an abusive bitch - we get that already.
It's just awesome - 3 episodes of build-up only to see 90% of flashbacks and another fail at the end. Fuck you seriously...

LOL no episode of this series deserves a score lower than 8. You need a brain checkup. And yes, the pacing is fine. If you have a problem with it, then it's you.
Dec 8, 2014 6:21 AM

Feb 2014
No, Werchiel is mostly right, this episode was terrible. From Emi's performance to the end, everything is a mess. I read a post saying that those who did not read the manga would understand later all the flashbacks in the scene, and that just shows how weak this thing is even for an adaptation, where we have to read the manga to keep up with everything. This show so far isn't anything special and if it keeps like that, it will be soon forgotten, just like most productions made for the masses.
Dec 8, 2014 6:39 AM
Jan 2014
LOL no he is not right. definitely not. This series has no terrible episodes. Even it's weaker ones are above average at the very least.

I still don't get why you keep saying this is nothing special. This is clearly and obviously AOTY, or at least AOTS.

And what are you talking about? This adaptation has been very religiously following the manga.
Dec 8, 2014 6:39 AM

Dec 2012
I still do not understand why he has some kind of severe trauma just because of a mere cat. It feels overly dramatic.
I like anime.
Dec 8, 2014 6:57 AM

Feb 2014
PrinceTY said:
LOL no he is not right. definitely not. This series has no terrible episodes. Even it's weaker ones are above average at the very least.

Yeah, if you love something you can't find real flaws. There are plenty of stuff I adore and have a hard time finding problems.

PrinceTY said:
I still don't get why you keep saying this is nothing special. This is clearly and obviously AOTY, or at least AOTS.

I don't care about AOTY/AOTS in a falling industry where selling is priority. If the best productions are designed after the same formula over and over then we shouldn't even bother taking it seriously.

PrinceTY said:
And what are you talking about? This adaptation has been very religiously following the manga.

I wanted to say that regardless of being an adaptation or not, we shouldn't depend of any media to understand the other, unless if meant or if its a complementation.

Good to see that the adaptation is religiously following the manga.

Pat_To_Do-List said:
I still do not understand why he has some kind of severe trauma just because of a mere cat. It feels overly dramatic.

Its not the cat but associated memories it has with Kousei's life. Its more of a psychological trick/resource.
Dec 8, 2014 7:27 AM

Dec 2012
surfboard_ said:
Its not the cat but associated memories it has with Kousei's life. Its more of a psychological trick/resource.

I understand if it was a not-so-severe trauma, but be nauseated after seeing a black cat & dreaming/hallucinating(?) about the cat? That's a bit too much. Maybe there will be more explanation about this.
I like anime.
Dec 8, 2014 7:49 AM

Jul 2012
Guyssss, stop arguing whether it's a "3/10" or an "AOTY" >_> Keep these episode discussions as peaceful as possible. PrinceTY, as much as I agree with your classical elitism and Shigatsu praise, it won't change the minds of those who think otherwise and can see their "flaws" especially for those who aren't really into the best music genre classical in the first place.
Dec 8, 2014 8:10 AM

Oct 2014
Pat_To_Do-List said:
surfboard_ said:
Its not the cat but associated memories it has with Kousei's life. Its more of a psychological trick/resource.

I understand if it was a not-so-severe trauma, but be nauseated after seeing a black cat & dreaming/hallucinating(?) about the cat? That's a bit too much. Maybe there will be more explanation about this.

I'm just repeating what surf what sayin'. The cat is the "manifestation" of Kousei's trauma. And I don't really think having a cute ten yrs old kid got slapped by his mother simply cos he wanted to make her happy is what I'd call "not-so-severe trauma"...

And if we're talking about progress, I'm actually still waiting for my signature to be animated :3

  1. To have Mars of Destruction, Skelter Heaven, and Pupa properly adapted in TV series form by Madhouse
  2. To have Inferno Cop properly adapted in TV series form by Bones, director: Urobuchi Gen
  3. An anime crossover of Mushishi x ARIA x Haibane Renmei.

Should even one of the above conditions cannot be done, anime is still at risk.
Dec 8, 2014 8:54 AM
Jul 2018
Dat Chopin Etude Op. 25 N° 11 arrangement at the beginning o.O
Dec 8, 2014 9:15 AM

Nov 2010
CLBGM said:
Dat Chopin Etude Op. 25 N° 11 arrangement at the beginning o.O

I believe you mean interpretation. An arrangement is when someone rewrites the piece to be harder or easier, put their own spin on it (think like a remix), or be played with more (or less) instruments.
An interpretation is much more limited, the only things you can really change are the tempo, rhythm and volume dynamics, but not the notes. Emi didn't change any notes, or that head judge dude would be having a stroke :P
KelvetsDec 8, 2014 9:24 AM
Dec 8, 2014 9:31 AM
Jul 2018
Kelvets said:
CLBGM said:
Dat Chopin Etude Op. 25 N° 11 arrangement at the beginning o.O

I believe you mean interpretation. An arrangement is when someone rewrites the piece to be harder or easier, put their own spin on it (think like a remix), or be played with more (or less) instruments.
An interpretation is much more limited, the only things you can really change are the tempo, rhythm and volume dynamics, but not the notes. Emi didn't change any notes, or that head judge dude would be having a stroke :P

I guess he knows that well.
Did you watch this episode ? There was an (terrible) arrangement of the Etude at the beginning, with drums, guitar and other instruments if I remember well.
Dec 8, 2014 11:57 AM
Mar 2013
Wow. This episode just hit right in so many ways. I really liked the execution of Emi's backstory and how they told it with the intensity of the music.

And I also love how they really countered Kaori and Arima's mother of how to deal with being sick. Just how they used the medications in the various scenes, and how they not only treated Arima, but their approaches to music as well.

I actually had to pause for a little bit because I was crying seeing Arima as a kid, being happy that his mother is coming to see him. That level of wanting to please your parents can be felt by anybody, and I was crying because we know how his mother truly is.
Dec 8, 2014 11:58 AM

Nov 2010
-Skyleo- said:

I guess he knows that well.
Did you watch this episode ? There was an (terrible) arrangement of the Etude at the beginning, with drums, guitar and other instruments if I remember well.

Just rewatched the beggining and it's true, though I don't think it is terrible, which is probably why I didn't remember it.
Dec 8, 2014 1:40 PM
Aug 2013
Not sure how i feel about this anime :/
There are some really emotionally strong episodes and really weak one's...
I really liked the concept but something about the anime itself is boring :(
Dec 8, 2014 3:29 PM

Dec 2012
FloatingList said:
I'm just repeating what surf what sayin'. The cat is the "manifestation" of Kousei's trauma. And I don't really think having a cute ten yrs old kid got slapped by his mother simply cos he wanted to make her happy is what I'd call "not-so-severe trauma"...

But why only the cat? And why the cat? It's like the cat was one of the most important thing to him & yet so far there is not any indications about it. Basically we need to see more than Kousei' memory of feeding the cat with chocolate bar to kind of feel the sadness of him losing the cat. That's why I called it "a mere cat," because the anime barely trying to make us care about the cat.
I never said Kousei got slapped by his mother was not bad enough to make him traumatic. I was talking about the cat, not the mother.
I like anime.
Dec 8, 2014 4:11 PM

Oct 2014
Pat_To_Do-List said:
FloatingList said:
I'm just repeating what surf what sayin'. The cat is the "manifestation" of Kousei's trauma. And I don't really think having a cute ten yrs old kid got slapped by his mother simply cos he wanted to make her happy is what I'd call "not-so-severe trauma"...

But why only the cat? And why the cat? It's like the cat was one of the most important thing to him & yet so far there is not any indications about it. Basically we need to see more than Kousei' memory of feeding the cat with chocolate bar to kind of feel the sadness of him losing the cat. That's why I called it "a mere cat," because the anime barely trying to make us care about the cat.
I never said Kousei got slapped by his mother was not bad enough to make him traumatic. I was talking about the cat, not the mother.

Ah, I misunderstood you. Sorry, mate xD

Probably, the cat is the one thing that truly reminded Kousei that his "world" that time is "different".

Ah no, that wording is incorrect. Let us just try to lay it bare. Kousei got his cat, he was happy. Play too much with the cat, and his momma took his cat so he can focus solely on piano. This may sound as an over-interpretation, but that cat, according to Kousei, is a "symbol" that tells him that his life must solely focused on his mother's expectation. If you mix this interpretation with his trauma (about his mother's death), I think the reason between the "cat manifestation" will be (vaguely) revealed.

That being said, nauseating over a cat is quite over-dramatic. That I admit.

  1. To have Mars of Destruction, Skelter Heaven, and Pupa properly adapted in TV series form by Madhouse
  2. To have Inferno Cop properly adapted in TV series form by Bones, director: Urobuchi Gen
  3. An anime crossover of Mushishi x ARIA x Haibane Renmei.

Should even one of the above conditions cannot be done, anime is still at risk.
Dec 8, 2014 4:13 PM
Jul 2018
Pat_To_Do-List said:
FloatingList said:
I'm just repeating what surf what sayin'. The cat is the "manifestation" of Kousei's trauma. And I don't really think having a cute ten yrs old kid got slapped by his mother simply cos he wanted to make her happy is what I'd call "not-so-severe trauma"...

But why only the cat? And why the cat? It's like the cat was one of the most important thing to him & yet so far there is not any indications about it. Basically we need to see more than Kousei' memory of feeding the cat with chocolate bar to kind of feel the sadness of him losing the cat. That's why I called it "a mere cat," because the anime barely trying to make us care about the cat.
I never said Kousei got slapped by his mother was not bad enough to make him traumatic. I was talking about the cat, not the mother.

"Why the cat ?"
"Any indications ?"
Perhaps you need to rewatch the Episode 7, no ?
Dec 8, 2014 4:24 PM

Feb 2014
Pat_To_Do-List said:
But why only the cat? And why the cat? It's like the cat was one of the most important thing to him & yet so far there is not any indications about it. Basically we need to see more than Kousei' memory of feeding the cat with chocolate bar to kind of feel the sadness of him losing the cat. That's why I called it "a mere cat," because the anime barely trying to make us care about the cat.
I never said Kousei got slapped by his mother was not bad enough to make him traumatic. I was talking about the cat, not the mother.

I'm not a psychology student so I can't help you, but the little I know is that anything can give you a trauma being the situation favorable. Kousei had a traumatic relationship with his cat, like even it hurt him physically when he wanted to make it happy (like his mother was abusing him while he wished for her happiness). Little things like that can home big traumas depending on the person. Do you have a similar traumatic situation? At least I don't, but by watching realism fictional anime I can kind of get aware that its a possibility to see this kind of situation being real.

FloatingList said:
That being said, nauseating over a cat is quite over-dramatic. That I admit.

If its a psychological trauma, it can't be over-dramatic. What if you had something similar you can't control? Its a case where we can only truly acknowledge one's situation when we experience it ourselves.
surfboard_Dec 8, 2014 4:27 PM
Dec 8, 2014 4:28 PM

Aug 2014
It was really getting better with the inroduction of the rivals and now we are back to it being a tragic overblown trainwreck.
Dec 8, 2014 5:00 PM

Dec 2012
FloatingList said:
Ah, I misunderstood you. Sorry, mate xD

Probably, the cat is the one thing that truly reminded Kousei that his "world" that time is "different".

Ah no, that wording is incorrect. Let us just try to lay it bare. Kousei got his cat, he was happy. Play too much with the cat, and his momma took his cat so he can focus solely on piano. This may sound as an over-interpretation, but that cat, according to Kousei, is a "symbol" that tells him that his life must solely focused on his mother's expectation. If you mix this interpretation with his trauma (about his mother's death), I think the reason between the "cat manifestation" will be (vaguely) revealed.

That being said, nauseating over a cat is quite over-dramatic. That I admit.

Hm . . . , I am still not convinced. As a viewer, I do not feel it. It's the anime job to make the viewers feel what the protagonist feels, love what the protagonist loves, hate what the protagonist hates. So far, the anime succeed at that job, except the cat thing. If they want to make the cat as a "symbol/manifestation," then they should make us care/understand Kousei's feeling toward the cat. I want to feel the same as what Kousei feels.

-Skyleo- said:
"Why the cat ?"
"Any indications ?"
Perhaps you need to rewatch the Episode 7, no ?

No, I do not. But thank you for the advice.

surfboard_ said:
I'm not a psychology student so I can't help you, but the little I know is that anything can give you a trauma being the situation favorable. Kousei had a traumatic relationship with his cat, like even it hurt him physically when he wanted to make it happy (like his mother was abusing him while he wished for her happiness). Little things like that can home big traumas depending on the person. Do you have a similar traumatic situation? At least I don't, but by watching realism fictional anime I can kind of get aware that its a possibility to see this kind of situation being real.

But still, the anime only showed that & did not try to make us feel that way. The anime basically just showed us 5 minutes or so scene about his cat & that's it. I feel like that's not enough. Like I said, if they want to make the cat as some kind of important thing for the story, at least make it feels important.
I like anime.
Dec 8, 2014 6:17 PM

Oct 2014
surfboard_ said:

If its a psychological trauma, it can't be over-dramatic. What if you had something similar you can't control? Its a case where we can only truly acknowledge one's situation when we experience it ourselves.

You got a point there. I never experience something as extreme as Kousei's, but now that you said it, I think it's kinda logical.

  1. To have Mars of Destruction, Skelter Heaven, and Pupa properly adapted in TV series form by Madhouse
  2. To have Inferno Cop properly adapted in TV series form by Bones, director: Urobuchi Gen
  3. An anime crossover of Mushishi x ARIA x Haibane Renmei.

Should even one of the above conditions cannot be done, anime is still at risk.
Dec 8, 2014 6:23 PM

Oct 2014
Pat_To_Do-List said:
FloatingList said:
Ah, I misunderstood you. Sorry, mate xD

Probably, the cat is the one thing that truly reminded Kousei that his "world" that time is "different".

Ah no, that wording is incorrect. Let us just try to lay it bare. Kousei got his cat, he was happy. Play too much with the cat, and his momma took his cat so he can focus solely on piano. This may sound as an over-interpretation, but that cat, according to Kousei, is a "symbol" that tells him that his life must solely focused on his mother's expectation. If you mix this interpretation with his trauma (about his mother's death), I think the reason between the "cat manifestation" will be (vaguely) revealed.

That being said, nauseating over a cat is quite over-dramatic. That I admit.

Hm . . . , I am still not convinced. As a viewer, I do not feel it. It's the anime job to make the viewers feel what the protagonist feels, love what the protagonist loves, hate what the protagonist hates. So far, the anime succeed at that job, except the cat thing. If they want to make the cat as a "symbol/manifestation," then they should make us care/understand Kousei's feeling toward the cat. I want to feel the same as what Kousei feels.

They have, though. Plus, the anime actually doesn't solely focus on the cat. There is actually a "balanced" change between the "cat" and "mother". Notice that the "mother" scene is more focused in this eps.

  1. To have Mars of Destruction, Skelter Heaven, and Pupa properly adapted in TV series form by Madhouse
  2. To have Inferno Cop properly adapted in TV series form by Bones, director: Urobuchi Gen
  3. An anime crossover of Mushishi x ARIA x Haibane Renmei.

Should even one of the above conditions cannot be done, anime is still at risk.
Dec 8, 2014 8:15 PM

Dec 2012
FloatingList said:
They have, though. Plus, the anime actually doesn't solely focus on the cat. There is actually a "balanced" change between the "cat" and "mother". Notice that the "mother" scene is more focused in this eps.

I think you misunderstood what I said. What I mean was the anime needs to make me feel what Kouse felt toward the cat. Kousei was traumatized by the cat incident because he cared/had a certain connection with the cat, but as a viewer I did not feel what he felt. So the cat incident did not have the same impact for me as it had for Kousei.
Pat_To_Do-ListDec 8, 2014 9:05 PM
I like anime.
Dec 8, 2014 8:15 PM

Oct 2013
Gr33ncar said:
first time in my life, i felt nervous while watching an anime

I think I was starting to feel physically ill.

Well, it was pretty obvious to me that Kousei's mother physically and mentally abused him several episodes back, and that's a huge reason for the mental trauma he's suffering now. Still... actually watching it was so painful. Poor Kousei.

Dec 8, 2014 9:27 PM

Oct 2014
Pat_To_Do-List said:
FloatingList said:
They have, though. Plus, the anime actually doesn't solely focus on the cat. There is actually a "balanced" change between the "cat" and "mother". Notice that the "mother" scene is more focused in this eps.

I think you misunderstood what I said. What I mean was the anime needs to make me feel what Kouse felt toward the cat. Kousei was traumatized by the cat incident because he cared/had a certain connection with the cat, but as a viewer I did not feel what he felt. So the cat incident did not have the same impact for me as it had for Kousei.

Maybe I did, maybe I didn't xD I said back there that the anime actually doesn't solely focus on the cat. What if, the anime simply "used" the cat as a mere "medium"? What the anime wants to make you feel is how Kousei felt toward the mother. That's why the cat scene didn't really stand out. It's understandable actually, if you can't feel what Kousei's felt toward the cat, since the anime doesn't really aim to that.

Of course, this, I think, is the difference between how we percept different things in this anime.

  1. To have Mars of Destruction, Skelter Heaven, and Pupa properly adapted in TV series form by Madhouse
  2. To have Inferno Cop properly adapted in TV series form by Bones, director: Urobuchi Gen
  3. An anime crossover of Mushishi x ARIA x Haibane Renmei.

Should even one of the above conditions cannot be done, anime is still at risk.
Dec 9, 2014 1:42 AM

Feb 2014
Pat_To_Do-List said:
But still, the anime only showed that & did not try to make us feel that way. The anime basically just showed us 5 minutes or so scene about his cat & that's it. I feel like that's not enough. Like I said, if they want to make the cat as some kind of important thing for the story, at least make it feels important.

We know this isn't your deep work full of messages, but if you can or cannot feel that way is literally your problem. We already know Kousei got his problems but its up to us with we sympathize or not. Any work (be it literature, cinema or music) requires a little of knowledge from the reader/watcher/listener and the creator in his own concioussess determines if informations and explanations are needed to make the experience better.

You know the type of anime you're watching, and while its completely right to complain about this and that, you also have to acknowledge and accept that certain things are there, like Kousei's trauma which is fairly explanated how it came to happen. And just to recapitulate, its not especifically the cat but the associated memories with his childhood times with his mother, and his unrequited wish to comfort his pet (he tried to feed it but it ended up scratching Kousei) only to get hurt and later he'd never see it again as his mother disposed of it. Suppresed desires, physical contacts as well the scratch, the sensation of negation from someone you cared and the sudden disappearance of it. You can't deny that these informations were shown to us.
Dec 9, 2014 2:50 AM

Dec 2012
FloatingList said:
Maybe I did, maybe I didn't xD I said back there that the anime actually doesn't solely focus on the cat. What if, the anime simply "used" the cat as a mere "medium"? What the anime wants to make you feel is how Kousei felt toward the mother. That's why the cat scene didn't really stand out. It's understandable actually, if you can't feel what Kousei's felt toward the cat, since the anime doesn't really aim to that.

Of course, this, I think, is the difference between how we percept different things in this anime.

Yeah, but the cat has been emphasized as "an important thing" right from the start. Just look at the OP & all the scenes that have the cat reference throughout the episodes. It's like the anime tried to tell us that the cat is a quite important thing to the story & yet it's just a cat that happened to be owned by the protagonist. I think the cat is there just because. What I am trying to say is, the cat incident(& all things related to it. e.g. hallucinating/imagining a talking cat) could easily be removed from the story & nothing would change. And that's how you know something is not important/necessary in a story.

surfboard_ said:
We know this isn't your deep work full of messages, but if you can or cannot feel that way is literally your problem. We already know Kousei got his problems but its up to us with we sympathize or not. Any work (be it literature, cinema or music) requires a little of knowledge from the reader/watcher/listener and the creator in his own concioussess determines if informations and explanations are needed to make the experience better.

You know the type of anime you're watching, and while its completely right to complain about this and that, you also have to acknowledge and accept that certain things are there, like Kousei's trauma which is fairly explanated how it came to happen. And just to recapitulate, its not especifically the cat but the associated memories with his childhood times with his mother, and his unrequited wish to comfort his pet (he tried to feed it but it ended up scratching Kousei) only to get hurt and later he'd never see it again as his mother disposed of it. Suppresed desires, physical contacts as well the scratch, the sensation of negation from someone you cared and the sudden disappearance of it. You can't deny that these informations were shown to us.

Just like what I mentioned above, if the cat incident(& all things related) had not been in the story, would there be any significant differences in the overall story?
It's not that I despise the cat, it's just weird that cat got so much attention but in the end it's just a cat that does not have any significant role in the story.
I like anime.
Dec 9, 2014 7:19 AM

Jul 2013
wow that was intense!
Dec 9, 2014 7:26 AM

Feb 2014
Pat_To_Do-List said:
Just like what I mentioned above, if the cat incident(& all things related) had not been in the story, would there be any significant differences in the overall story?
It's not that I despise the cat, it's just weird that cat got so much attention but in the end it's just a cat that does not have any significant role in the story.

For now, it wouldn't, but did you read the manga so far? I didn't and I don't know what we might see, but even if its not the case, you're just bothered about some supposed overdrama generated by the continued flashback with the cat. It is there but its not important to determine if it should be or not, it won't change the final result. I particularly think the cat design is extremely ugly but whatever, its there and I'm okay with it regardless being significant to the plot or not, its not even a filler.
I don't think it gets too much attention. I just started thinking more about the cat because you're mentioning it.

Further consideration: we're only seen 9 episodes, so don't be overdramatic about a cat "getting too much attention".
Dec 9, 2014 8:02 AM

Dec 2012
surfboard_ said:
Further consideration: we're only seen 9 episodes, so don't be overdramatic about a cat "getting too much attention".

I brought the cat topic out because I thought it would be fun to discuss about. So do not worry too much about me.
I like anime.
Dec 9, 2014 8:15 AM

Feb 2014
Pat_To_Do-List said:
I brought the cat topic out because I thought it would be fun to discuss about. So do not worry too much about me.

Goodka. We shall rage more later on the 10th episode.
Dec 9, 2014 8:41 AM

Dec 2012
surfboard_ said:
Goodka. We shall rage more later on the 10th episode.

No, thank you. I am not interested.
I like anime.
Dec 9, 2014 4:11 PM

Oct 2014
Pat_To_Do-List said:

Yeah, but the cat has been emphasized as "an important thing" right from the start. Just look at the OP & all the scenes that have the cat reference throughout the episodes. It's like the anime tried to tell us that the cat is a quite important thing to the story & yet it's just a cat that happened to be owned by the protagonist. I think the cat is there just because. What I am trying to say is, the cat incident(& all things related to it. e.g. hallucinating/imagining a talking cat) could easily be removed from the story & nothing would change. And that's how you know something is not important/necessary in a story.

Hmmm, now that you've mentioned it, let's try to delete the cat part.

Okay, now we have Kousei, cat-less. Let's see, we still got to see him beaten by his momma, being taught strictly, and etc. Doesn't really change much, eh? But only that? Of course, to make kids got more obedient, gotta try by taking something that is important for them don't you think? Remember the time when our mommas took our toys to make us more obedient?

IMO, that's the cat's role in the essence of story. Like I said, it simply serves as Kousei's "symbol" so he know that he must live within her mother's expectation (or to say, obedient). The cat is one part that made his personality like that. The cat is what made him think, "Darn, I need to obey my momma." Of course, like I said, it is just a "part". There are a lot of things that made his character.

But that's from the essence view point. Now, try to took at the aesthetic view point. Aesthetic means to see the the anime as an "artwork", not simply a "story". If we look it that way, of course, the cat serves as a strong aesthetic support for the anime to projects Kousei's inner soliloquies.

And I don't really think the cat got a lot of attention, actually :/ Just because it's on the OP and appears several times, doesn't mean the attention goes to the cat... Or at least that's what I thought.

Rest easy. after all,

surfboard_ said:
we've only seen 9 episodes.

  1. To have Mars of Destruction, Skelter Heaven, and Pupa properly adapted in TV series form by Madhouse
  2. To have Inferno Cop properly adapted in TV series form by Bones, director: Urobuchi Gen
  3. An anime crossover of Mushishi x ARIA x Haibane Renmei.

Should even one of the above conditions cannot be done, anime is still at risk.
Dec 9, 2014 4:54 PM

Dec 2012
FloatingList said:
Hmmm, now that you've mentioned it, let's try to delete the cat part.

Okay, now we have Kousei, cat-less. Let's see, we still got to see him beaten by his momma, being taught strictly, and etc. Doesn't really change much, eh? But only that? Of course, to make kids got more obedient, gotta try by taking something that is important for them don't you think? Remember the time when our mommas took our toys to make us more obedient?

IMO, that's the cat's role in the essence of story. Like I said, it simply serves as Kousei's "symbol" so he know that he must live within her mother's expectation (or to say, obedient). The cat is one part that made his personality like that. The cat is what made him think, "Darn, I need to obey my momma." Of course, like I said, it is just a "part". There are a lot of things that made his character.

But that's from the essence view point. Now, try to took at the aesthetic view point. Aesthetic means to see the the anime as an "artwork", not simply a "story". If we look it that way, of course, the cat serves as a strong aesthetic support for the anime to projects Kousei's inner soliloquies.

And I don't really think the cat got a lot of attention, actually :/ Just because it's on the OP and appears several times, doesn't mean the attention goes to the cat... Or at least that's what I thought.

Rest easy. after all,

surfboard_ said:
we've only seen 9 episodes.

So what you are saying is if the cat was not there to be taken by his mom, Kousei would not be that obedient? I do not think that's the case. The main reason Kousei had been obedient to his mom was the mom herself. And let's say that the cat served as a "toy," then its position could easily be replaced by something other than that. Any toy could do it.

Exactly. I think the cat is just one of the many things that happened/affected Kousei, & I would say it is just a fraction. Then what's with the emphasizing on the cat right from the start?

I would not say it's strong. Because the artwork of the anime itself overall is already gorgeous & colourful. So just a cat design would not change anything.

Sure . . . Let's ask that to the all of the viewers about that. And I am sure they would say that the cat got so much attention. I mean, really? It's pretty obvious.

So as a manga reader you are saying that the cat will have more important role?
I like anime.
Dec 9, 2014 6:17 PM

Oct 2014
Pat_To_Do-List said:
FloatingList said:
Hmmm, now that you've mentioned it, let's try to delete the cat part.

Okay, now we have Kousei, cat-less. Let's see, we still got to see him beaten by his momma, being taught strictly, and etc. Doesn't really change much, eh? But only that? Of course, to make kids got more obedient, gotta try by taking something that is important for them don't you think? Remember the time when our mommas took our toys to make us more obedient?

IMO, that's the cat's role in the essence of story. Like I said, it simply serves as Kousei's "symbol" so he know that he must live within her mother's expectation (or to say, obedient). The cat is one part that made his personality like that. The cat is what made him think, "Darn, I need to obey my momma." Of course, like I said, it is just a "part". There are a lot of things that made his character.

But that's from the essence view point. Now, try to took at the aesthetic view point. Aesthetic means to see the the anime as an "artwork", not simply a "story". If we look it that way, of course, the cat serves as a strong aesthetic support for the anime to projects Kousei's inner soliloquies.

And I don't really think the cat got a lot of attention, actually :/ Just because it's on the OP and appears several times, doesn't mean the attention goes to the cat... Or at least that's what I thought.

Rest easy. after all,

So what you are saying is if the cat was not there to be taken by his mom, Kousei would not be that obedient? I do not think that's the case. The main reason Kousei had been obedient to his mom was the mom herself. And let's say that the cat served as a "toy," then its position could easily be replaced by something other than that. Any toy could do it.

Exactly. I think the cat is just one of the many things that happened/affected Kousei, & I would say it is just a fraction. Then what's with the emphasizing on the cat right from the start?

I would not say it's strong. Because the artwork of the anime itself overall is already gorgeous & colourful. So just a cat design would not change anything.

Sure . . . Let's ask that to the all of the viewers about that. And I am sure they would say that the cat got so much attention. I mean, really? It's pretty obvious.

So as a manga reader you are saying that the cat will have more important role?

Of course, the cat can be changed with other things, such as dogs, fishes, or even pokemon. But Idk, somehow Japanese has this strong relation with cats (see Shinkai's works, for example) so about why it should be cat, Idk.

Like I said, aesthetic purpose. The cat is a "symbol", nothing else. A "symbol" may not sound important, but it serves as a nice aesthetic support. Believe me, I've try it. It may not support as a physical aesthetic support, but something "deeper" than that (like being Kousei's "questioning", his "conscious", IMO it add more "beauty" to the anime).

Hmmmm.... at the current, I'd say people's attention goes to the mother. You can say at this page people said more about "Kousei's mother this, Kousei's mother that".

Not really, it still serves as "symbol", actually.

  1. To have Mars of Destruction, Skelter Heaven, and Pupa properly adapted in TV series form by Madhouse
  2. To have Inferno Cop properly adapted in TV series form by Bones, director: Urobuchi Gen
  3. An anime crossover of Mushishi x ARIA x Haibane Renmei.

Should even one of the above conditions cannot be done, anime is still at risk.
Dec 9, 2014 6:38 PM

Dec 2012
FloatingList said:
Of course, the cat can be changed with other things, such as dogs, fishes, or even pokemon. But Idk, somehow Japanese has this strong relation with cats (see Shinkai's works, for example) so about why it should be cat, Idk.

Like I said, aesthetic purpose. The cat is a "symbol", nothing else. A "symbol" may not sound important, but it serves as a nice aesthetic support. Believe me, I've try it. It may not support as a physical aesthetic support, but something "deeper" than that (like being Kousei's "questioning", his "conscious", IMO it add more "beauty" to the anime).

Hmmmm.... at the current, I'd say people's attention goes to the mother. You can say at this page people said more about "Kousei's mother this, Kousei's mother that".

Not really, it still serves as "symbol", actually.

Of course, because that's exactly what this episode is all about. But let's be honest here, would someone say that the cat does not get that much attention after 9 episodes in?

So in the end, the cat is nothing more than something that added by the writer just because the writer could, nothing more.
I like anime.
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