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Nov 13, 2014 11:36 AM

Jan 2013
Waitwhat? A season 1 reference? what kind of blasphemy is this?!
Really though, I was kind of annoyed with how this doesn't seem to continue from season 1, hopefully
that will improve now.

On another note, getting some more answers here and there, good episode imo.
Nov 13, 2014 11:38 AM

Oct 2014
skudoops said:
This season is so stupid I can't even begin to comprehend what the writer was thinking. I already said the dominators could be tracked, so why weren't they when he had it pointed to shi shu? Why do they now conveniently realize that they can track usage and authentication? Why haven't they removed shi shu's status as an inspector yet and locked her out of the system? Why did she stop togane from killing that dude, did she forget about makshima already? Holy shit this show is so bad right now I am legit bothered by it.

well its basically under sibyl systems control and in this case the enforcer hacked the sibyl system to get track of the situation and its still assumed that she is in undercover they dont know that she betrayed them ..and lastly akane is worried that an another enforcer would become like kogami thats why she stopped
Nov 13, 2014 11:45 AM
Oct 2010
Abdul_Khader01 said:
skudoops said:
This season is so stupid I can't even begin to comprehend what the writer was thinking. I already said the dominators could be tracked, so why weren't they when he had it pointed to shi shu? Why do they now conveniently realize that they can track usage and authentication? Why haven't they removed shi shu's status as an inspector yet and locked her out of the system? Why did she stop togane from killing that dude, did she forget about makshima already? Holy shit this show is so bad right now I am legit bothered by it.

well its basically under sibyl systems control and in this case the enforcer hacked the sibyl system to get track of the situation and its still assumed that she is in undercover they dont know that she betrayed them ..and lastly akane is worried that an another enforcer would become like kogami thats why she stopped

What?? They didn't hack sibyl they hacked the Ministry of Defence and why would they assume Shi Shu is undercover? They confirmed last episode that she lured out that one inspector to DIE, then took her dominator. Also at no point did she ever mention she was going to go undercover and they assumed she was missing, despite the fact they could have tracked the dominator whenever and plus two dominators under her authentication were used to kill multiple enforcers and they knew that she was collecting dominators.

Also who cares if Togane PP went up.. dude was already ruthless and had the highest crime coefficient ever.. what would killing that dude have done?
Nov 13, 2014 11:46 AM

Mar 2013
Aaaaand Kamui owns an impenetrable plot-shield for now.
Nov 13, 2014 11:47 AM

Oct 2014
Tokoya said:
Sooooo, shady enforcer guy wants to make Akane's psycho pass black and has been watching her everyday...Yup he's totally not a stalker lol

Regardless Kamui is a very huge threat now and my goodness he was so badass and menacing, yet so calm, confident and kind at the same...He is shaping up to be a very exciting and epic antagonist....His plan was just startling and even when they stopped him he still managed to fuck shit up and simultaneously make Sybil look like the trash system that it is

This episode was brutal like last week, I can't believe that everyone besides Akane's gang were massacred O_O

Last but not least, old habits to indeed die the hardest. Akane couldn't let Stalker-san kill them....Oh well, I'm glad that they got away and I'm used to her wanting to handle things without extreme violence.

And for the 6th change consecutive week, CAN SOMEONE PLEASE KILL BITCH-CHAN....I swear she gets more annoying with every word that comes out of her mouth

yeah i will vote shisui chan the worst bitch character of the year hands down she is just an jealous cunt who hates akane's type of handeling things
Nov 13, 2014 11:49 AM

Sep 2014
Um yeah Togane, good luck attempting to color Akane's hue black. Not gonna happen :P

'dat glimpse of Kogami though
Nov 13, 2014 11:51 AM
Mar 2013
hmmm i have a bad feeling about who kamui might be.....anyway ok this episode was ok
Nov 13, 2014 11:52 AM

Oct 2014
darkreaver94 said:
Szadek23 said:

Well,there wouldn't be any more episodes if she did.

More like because Tougane's action reminded her of Kougami. She don't want Tougane to end up like Kougami.

I think you're right but after all of these incidents she had to kill him. Lots of innocent people are dead. Admit it she's weak and enforcers doesn't want her to change and they protect her. She have to learn to carry her own weight .It's her job to protect these people and she keeps failing!
CnonNov 13, 2014 11:58 AM
Nov 13, 2014 11:54 AM
May 2014
lilypippili said:
3. Akane you should've shot him!! Gahhh that had me screaming at the screen. Definitely reminds me of S1, when makishima killed her friend right in front of her. I guess it's comforting to know that she still has a soft spot, and hasn't changed completely since the last season.

I seem to remember the (ex-)inspector being on the boat with him.
If Sibyl can't "see" Kamui, but can see the (ex-)inspector..then an attack on that boat by either
Akane or Tougane would most likely come at a hefty price.
I mean, attacking a lone inspector on a boat.
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife!
-- Lord fifth
Nov 13, 2014 11:54 AM

Oct 2014
skudoops said:
Abdul_Khader01 said:

well its basically under sibyl systems control and in this case the enforcer hacked the sibyl system to get track of the situation and its still assumed that she is in undercover they dont know that she betrayed them ..and lastly akane is worried that an another enforcer would become like kogami thats why she stopped

ahh sorry about the hacked sibyl part and yeah you have an point there but think in this way remember the last episode where sibyl system was saying that "it is for the evolution of sibyl system" .. i think sibyl is letting kamui to have his way so that at the end just like shogo its going to ask kamui to join with the system i guess

What?? They didn't hack sibyl they hacked the Ministry of Defence and why would they assume Shi Shu is undercover? They confirmed last episode that she lured out that one inspector to DIE, then took her dominator. Also at no point did she ever mention she was going to go undercover and they assumed she was missing, despite the fact they could have tracked the dominator whenever and plus two dominators under her authentication were used to kill multiple enforcers and they knew that she was collecting dominators.

Also who cares if Togane PP went up.. dude was already ruthless and had the highest crime coefficient ever.. what would killing that dude have done?
Nov 13, 2014 12:03 PM
Oct 2010
Abdul_Khader01 said:

i think sibyl is letting kamui to have his way so that at the end just like shogo its going to ask kamui to join with the system i guess

Honestly that's the only way any of this could make sense. Maybe sibly is running an experiment or something considering how cryptic the chief was being when she was talking with mika. Right now I'm very disappointed with S2, in S1 everything was definitely written and planned out better.
Nov 13, 2014 12:16 PM

Sep 2014
Can't they just remotely disable Shisui's ability to activate the dominator? Like remove her name from the database or something? That way the dominator would be useless to Kamui.
Nov 13, 2014 12:18 PM

Apr 2013
Akane fucking things up again by not being able to shoot/stopping Tougane from shooting Kamui. Hope Kamui's plans become good since i still don't get the point of his existence considering atm he's still a shitty version of Makishima. Though i am interested in the reason Tougane wants to turn Akane hue black.
Nov 13, 2014 12:21 PM

Aug 2011
Hyack said:
Now you can stop complaining about your Kougami

fak u! I will never stop complaining about Kou-chan!
Nov 13, 2014 12:23 PM

Jan 2008
boytears said:
I called it with the eyeball thing sort of?????

This was an ok episode, but it introduced some plot points that don't sit right with me overall. I still think Togane's under Sybil's influence, but his actions/stated motives (to "turn her black") aren't consistent with what Sybil wants. Akane is an asset to Sybil, as long as she's at MWSBP why would they want to make her a latent criminal?

Maybe Sybil wanted Togane to test the extent of how clean her hue is and if all options are exhausted, then it means Akane could be a candidate to join the Sybil System?
Nov 13, 2014 12:31 PM

Mar 2013
SaveTheAralSea said:
Can't they just remotely disable Shisui's ability to activate the dominator? Like remove her name from the database or something? That way the dominator would be useless to Kamui.

My thoughts exactly. Season 2 isn't so bad, but we have to contend with major and obvious plot holes like this one...
Nov 13, 2014 12:35 PM

Oct 2012
The scars on Kamui's face right after Akane thinks of Kougami... were they hinting that Kamui and Kougami are somehow related? Maybe even the same person?
Nov 13, 2014 12:44 PM
May 2014
Ammish said:
Maybe Sybil wanted Togane to test the extent of how clean her hue is and if all options are exhausted, then it means Akane could be a candidate to join the Sybil System?

Actually, I think she was a candidate from the moment they decided on the big reveal in S1.
She might not be asymptsomething, but her worldview might have a similar effect.
In S1 it was said that she appears to accept anything and everything, hence her hue doesn't get clouded.

I wouldn't be surprised if the eventual downfall of Sybil is triggered by something done towards
Akane, although I don't have a clue on what/why/how and so on.
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife!
-- Lord fifth
Nov 13, 2014 12:52 PM

Oct 2007
So season 2 collapsed into utter bullshit with this very episode.

Akane specially went through all the effort to take the automatic machine gun to kill kamui and then she doesn't use it, wtf?????
And then she even stops her colleague from doing the right thing in her place, wtf???

Also some guy manages to hack into drones to that extent, seriously? And not only that but there is nobody to stop or prevent the hack or stop the program? gtfo!!!!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 13, 2014 12:57 PM
Jan 2011
Akane, I know that of you're traumatized by what happen to Kougami but you should really had kill Kamui there...

konatachan80 said:
darkreaver94 said:

Don't think so. I think it is more of cheap writing to make the situation more intense.

I don't know..have there ever been a situation where the (decomposer)limit would be an issue?

I don't think that's an issue. The Dominator does require some sort of power source and no power source can ever truly be infinite.
KanameFujiwaraNov 13, 2014 1:15 PM
Nov 13, 2014 12:58 PM

Mar 2010
Another amazing episode. This keeps getting better and better. I really like Akane, she's an amazing lead. It occurred to me this episode that just as Makishima was the perfect villain for Kougami, Kamui and Togane are perfect villains for Akane. Kamui messes with people's psycho-pass and can make it clear all the time while Togane wants to make Akane's psycho-pass black. I'm really curious about how she will handle all of this.
Nov 13, 2014 1:02 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I love Akane to bits, but really, every person that dies from here on is on her. She should have blasted Kamui to hell there and then.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Nov 13, 2014 1:02 PM

Nov 2014
So Akane's never going to kill anyone. And she has the power to stop the people are willing to kill for her, like Togane. So that leads me to conclude that Mika is gonna do the killing, because she's the one person who doesn't listen to Akane.

Akane was my favorite character from season 1. I could get why she didn't kill Makishima right there and then because she might accidentally shoot her friend. Now she has no excuse. I'm sad to say that I'm disappointed.
Nov 13, 2014 1:10 PM
Jan 2011
chakracat said:
I really don't expect them to finish this with 12 episodes.
Could there be a S2 Part 2 in the near future?

There IS a movie.
Nov 13, 2014 1:12 PM

Oct 2014
is it possible that Kamui is kougami?
After seeing the scar I am wondering, they scar should have a meaning, I dont think they will show it just bc
"It's like Tolstoy said. Happiness is an allegory, unhappiness a story"

"And the sense of tragedy-according to Aristotle.comes, ironically enough, not from the protagonist's weak points but from his good qualities. Do you know what I'm getting at? People are drawn deeper into tragedy not by their defects but by their virtues"

Kafka on the shore by Haruki Murakami...the man that was the inspiration for Sen Takatsuki

Nov 13, 2014 1:16 PM

Nov 2012
Just when I thought Akane has become badass and was gonna shoot Kamui...... She end up not having the balls to do it just like with Shougo.....
I am starting to think is more likely that Mika will change and she might be the one killing Kamui at the end........
Nov 13, 2014 1:20 PM

Apr 2011
I'm surprised that Kamui wasn't killed then and there. But next episode should be interesting
Nov 13, 2014 1:22 PM

Apr 2009
Well. All-in all, this season has been pretty decent.
Not a fan of Kamui tho...
He feels so... rushed?
Just drop in a guy, who can pretty much do anything - change hue/psycho pass, hack into anything, perform surgery, manipulate dominators, hypnotize people?
All this without building up the character first. Meh.
I guess there is only so much you can do with 11 episodes tho.
Whenever you correct someone's grammar just remember that nobody likes you.
Nov 13, 2014 1:22 PM
Jan 2011
skudoops said:
This season is so stupid I can't even begin to comprehend what the writer was thinking. I already said the dominators could be tracked, so why weren't they when he had it pointed to shi shu? Why do they now conveniently realize that they can track usage and authentication? Why haven't they removed shi shu's status as an inspector yet and locked her out of the system? Why did she stop togane from killing that dude, did she forget about makshima already? Holy shit this show is so bad right now I am legit bothered by it.

This is just a theory of mind but I think they Kamui have inside help. The amount of knowledge and skills needed is simply too much without it.
Nov 13, 2014 1:23 PM
Jun 2014
There is no way you can wrap up the story with just a movie and the rest of this season. They need to finish this Kamui arc, and then you still have the stuff with the head bitch that can't be covered in just a movie. Pretty sure there will be another season.
Nov 13, 2014 1:36 PM

Jan 2013
And it still continues with the intense plot.
I think that Kougami will only return in the movie...

Also, does Kamui have a scar? It looked so at the end.
(what, are we going by the "twist" that Kamui is Kougami with a new face?)
Nov 13, 2014 1:44 PM

Jun 2009
Silver4000 said:
And it still continues with the intense plot.
I think that Kougami will only return in the movie...

Also, does Kamui have a scar? It looked so at the end.
(what, are we going by the "twist" that Kamui is Kougami with a new face?)

sorry but It don't share the fought with u that kougami and kamui is the same person I mean kamui doesn't have kougamis coolness and the atmosphere about him is also different don't see anything what they would have alike at all
Nov 13, 2014 1:57 PM

Oct 2011
Some issues I had with the episode.

-Mika just going through Togane's computer like it was casual. You would think a guy who would do something that could incriminate himself, would be a lot more careful
-Akane seemingly being fine jumping what appears to be about a 2 story height, don't give me that crap "but there was boxes to cushion the fall damage", she should have been damaged and hurt
-Saiga forming extremely precise predictions does not sit well with me. "So what are you really after". a smile can apparently give him the answer.
-Kamui being sloppy. All throughout the season, he was never seen and was always perfectly out of site. This was forced. The fact that Akane knew the location of them, found a gun and ran to the location was asinine enough but Kamui leisurely taking his time when they could be taken down was ridiculous. This was sloppy stuff and this kind of crap wouldn't be done by Makishima.
-Mika being helpless is pissing me off. Look I don't like her to begin with but to make her utterly useless week in and week out, makes her the Sakura of the Psycho Pass universe. She didn't do a damn thing besides being startled by a phone call and landing on her side. Pathetic.
-Akane brings a gun to take out Kamui and doesn't use it. What was the point of this in the first place? Stupid and she even stops Togane from shooting Kamui because in the light Togane looked like her love interest Kougami.
-Out of everyone in the god damn Ministry of Defense, a bunch of Enforcers were the only ones who were could hack into the robots. What utter crap is this? The MWPSB is not even vexed into this kind of work, yet they had the ability to able to pull this off.
-The Akane rescue scene was a stretch to say the least. To convenient for my liking.
-Kamui is really boring. He isn't developed and is too damn perfect. He is a surgeon, a master hacker, a psychologist and has the mental fortitude to think of a way to change people's hue. A much less interesting more perfect Makishima.

All in all I just don't like the way the season is progressing. Introduce a boring antagonist in Kamui and make him the final villain. No Kougami and no taking down the Sybill system. Apparently there is going to a be a movie but there is no way they can cover both of those issues in one movie and do them well enough for it be satisfying.
GovNov 13, 2014 2:02 PM
Nov 13, 2014 2:02 PM

Feb 2012
The removal of the hologram makes no sense whatsoever.
The players should have only seen what was currently happening, not a montage of the people that they killed.
Nov 13, 2014 2:05 PM

Dec 2011
Episode full of actions.

Finally we get to see Hinakawa showing off his skill. And in this episode he said "I have to help Onee-chan..." I wonder if he's talking about Akane? And in what sense? Because I didn't recall he ever call her that way before (unless I missed it of course).

Saiga-sensei was quite cruel in this episode, but somehow I kinda agree with him. And yes, Mika, it's your job to deal with the aftermath.

Can't really tell now which side Tougane is. At one point, it seems that he wants to protect Akane, but after this episode... not so sure.

And Akane.... I really thought you have learned a thing or two from your showdown with Makishima....
That Kougami 'reference' at the end was nice, but still don't think he will show up at all in this season.
alcrowryNov 13, 2014 2:08 PM
Nov 13, 2014 2:09 PM

Jun 2014
Darkdrone said:
-Kamui is really boring. He isn't developed and is too damn perfect. He is a surgeon, a master hacker, a psychologist and has the mental fortitude to think of a way to change people's hue. A much less interesting more perfect Makishima.

Of course he is perfect at everything ,he is Kirito.
He can do whatever the script requires him to do.
Nov 13, 2014 2:09 PM

Oct 2014
Great season so far ^^

I was kinda scared about the new writer's history, but he did a decent job to this point.
Nov 13, 2014 2:10 PM

Jun 2014
Darkdrone said:
Some issues I had with the episode.

-Mika just going through Togane's computer like it was casual. You would think a guy who would do something that could incriminate himself, would be a lot more careful
-Akane seemingly being fine jumping what appears to be about a 2 story height, don't give me that crap "but there was boxes to cushion the fall damage", she should have been damaged and hurt
-Saiga forming extremely precise predictions does not sit well with me. "So what are you really after". a smile can apparently give him the answer.
-Kamui being sloppy. All throughout the season, he was never seen and was always perfectly out of site. This was forced. The fact that Akane knew the location of them, found a gun and ran to the location was asinine enough but Kamui leisurely taking his time when they could be taken down was ridiculous. This was sloppy stuff and this kind of crap wouldn't be done by Makishima.
-Mika being helpless is pissing me off. Look I don't like her to begin with but to make her utterly useless week in and week out, makes her the Sakura of the Psycho Pass universe. She didn't do a damn thing besides being startled by a phone call and landing on her side. Pathetic.
-Akane brings a gun to take out Kamui and doesn't use it. What was the point of this in the first place? Stupid and she even stops Togane from shooting Kamui because in the light Togane looked like her love interest Kougami.
-Out of everyone in the god damn Ministry of Defense, a bunch of Enforcers were the only ones who were could hack into the robots. What utter crap is this? The MWPSB is not even vexed into this kind of work, yet they had the ability to able to pull this off.
-The Akane rescue scene was a stretch to say the least. To convenient for my liking.
-Kamui is really boring. He isn't developed and is too damn perfect. He is a surgeon, a master hacker, a psychologist and has the mental fortitude to think of a way to change people's hue. A much less interesting more perfect Makishima.

All in all I just don't like the way the season is progressing. Introduce a boring antagonist in Kamui and make him the final villain. No Kougami and no taking down the Sybill system. Apparently there is going to a be a movie but there is no way they can cover both of those issues in one movie and do them well enough for it be satisfying.

I agree with all of this. I don't think the movie will have anything to do with this season.
Nov 13, 2014 2:13 PM

Jun 2009
alcrowry said:
Episode full of actions.

Finally we get to see Hinakawa showing off his skill. And in this episode he said "I have to help Onee-chan..." I wonder if he's talking about Akane? And in what sense? Because I didn't recall he ever call her that way before (unless I missed it of course).

wodered that too why was he calling her one chan and did he mean akame or someone else ??

anyways im very happy that shou gets more time too show his skills also more about him a backround or something would be great too see I mean his quiet the shy type after all
Nov 13, 2014 2:14 PM

Jun 2014
Just like Makishima, she couldn't kill Kamui, sigh, the plot must go on.

Nov 13, 2014 2:17 PM
Nov 2014
Darkdrone said:
Some issues I had with the episode.

-Mika just going through Togane's computer like it was casual. You would think a guy who would do something that could incriminate himself, would be a lot more careful
-Akane seemingly being fine jumping what appears to be about a 2 story height, don't give me that crap "but there was boxes to cushion the fall damage", she should have been damaged and hurt
-Saiga forming extremely precise predictions does not sit well with me. "So what are you really after". a smile can apparently give him the answer.
-Kamui being sloppy. All throughout the season, he was never seen and was always perfectly out of site. This was forced. The fact that Akane knew the location of them, found a gun and ran to the location was asinine enough but Kamui leisurely taking his time when they could be taken down was ridiculous. This was sloppy stuff and this kind of crap wouldn't be done by Makishima.
-Mika being helpless is pissing me off. Look I don't like her to begin with but to make her utterly useless week in and week out, makes her the Sakura of the Psycho Pass universe. She didn't do a damn thing besides being startled by a phone call and landing on her side. Pathetic.
-Akane brings a gun to take out Kamui and doesn't use it. What was the point of this in the first place? Stupid and she even stops Togane from shooting Kamui because in the light Togane looked like her love interest Kougami.
-Out of everyone in the god damn Ministry of Defense, a bunch of Enforcers were the only ones who were could hack into the robots. What utter crap is this? The MWPSB is not even vexed into this kind of work, yet they had the ability to able to pull this off.
-The Akane rescue scene was a stretch to say the least. To convenient for my liking.
-Kamui is really boring. He isn't developed and is too damn perfect. He is a surgeon, a master hacker, a psychologist and has the mental fortitude to think of a way to change people's hue. A much less interesting more perfect Makishima.

All in all I just don't like the way the season is progressing. Introduce a boring antagonist in Kamui and make him the final villain. No Kougami and no taking down the Sybill system. Apparently there is going to a be a movie but there is no way they can cover both of those issues in one movie and do them well enough for it be satisfying.
I think the reason why she can go through his computer so easily is because of her status...just like how she was able to gain access to his room.
Nov 13, 2014 2:18 PM

Oct 2011
babymimi said:
Darkdrone said:
Some issues I had with the episode.

-Mika just going through Togane's computer like it was casual. You would think a guy who would do something that could incriminate himself, would be a lot more careful
-Akane seemingly being fine jumping what appears to be about a 2 story height, don't give me that crap "but there was boxes to cushion the fall damage", she should have been damaged and hurt
-Saiga forming extremely precise predictions does not sit well with me. "So what are you really after". a smile can apparently give him the answer.
-Kamui being sloppy. All throughout the season, he was never seen and was always perfectly out of site. This was forced. The fact that Akane knew the location of them, found a gun and ran to the location was asinine enough but Kamui leisurely taking his time when they could be taken down was ridiculous. This was sloppy stuff and this kind of crap wouldn't be done by Makishima.
-Mika being helpless is pissing me off. Look I don't like her to begin with but to make her utterly useless week in and week out, makes her the Sakura of the Psycho Pass universe. She didn't do a damn thing besides being startled by a phone call and landing on her side. Pathetic.
-Akane brings a gun to take out Kamui and doesn't use it. What was the point of this in the first place? Stupid and she even stops Togane from shooting Kamui because in the light Togane looked like her love interest Kougami.
-Out of everyone in the god damn Ministry of Defense, a bunch of Enforcers were the only ones who were could hack into the robots. What utter crap is this? The MWPSB is not even vexed into this kind of work, yet they had the ability to able to pull this off.
-The Akane rescue scene was a stretch to say the least. To convenient for my liking.
-Kamui is really boring. He isn't developed and is too damn perfect. He is a surgeon, a master hacker, a psychologist and has the mental fortitude to think of a way to change people's hue. A much less interesting more perfect Makishima.

All in all I just don't like the way the season is progressing. Introduce a boring antagonist in Kamui and make him the final villain. No Kougami and no taking down the Sybill system. Apparently there is going to a be a movie but there is no way they can cover both of those issues in one movie and do them well enough for it be satisfying.

I agree with all of this. I don't think the movie will have anything to do with this season.

My hope would be the movie covers with Kougami and then we get a 3rd and final season regarding Akane taking down Sybill. Showing the aftermath of that would be great to see.

If that is in plan, I can enjoy this season a lot more because right now I see "Psycho Pass 2" and it doesn't feel like a real sequel.
Nov 13, 2014 2:20 PM

Apr 2012
Sakuya is so creppy. Also I feel like they just go back in time with all the technology, seriously. It was so much better in S1 o,o
Nov 13, 2014 2:22 PM

Dec 2011
Darkdrone said:

-Mika just going through Togane's computer like it was casual. You would think a guy who would do something that could incriminate himself, would be a lot more careful

-Saiga forming extremely precise predictions does not sit well with me. "So what are you really after". a smile can apparently give him the answer.

-Kamui being sloppy. All throughout the season, he was never seen and was always perfectly out of site. This was forced. The fact that Akane knew the location of them, found a gun and ran to the location was asinine enough but Kamui leisurely taking his time when they could be taken down was ridiculous. This was sloppy stuff and this kind of crap wouldn't be done by Makishima.

- I get a feeling that Tougane deliberately let everything in his room out in the open. For what purpose, I don't know yet. Or he's just careless.

- This is the guy who knew 'everything' about Akane on their very first meeting. I'm not that surprised that he managed to deduce it all.

- I thought he let his position known in purpose? To obtain Enforcer's dominators.
Nov 13, 2014 2:23 PM
Apr 2011
You know something interesting? We haven't seen Kamui's color even once. Since he is not recognized by the system. I really want to direct WC? back at him.
Nov 13, 2014 2:34 PM

Jul 2014
Honestly i think people are crying to much over what's wrong with the series, it's pretty hard to justify a second season after an amazing first, but you have to find the good thing inside it. SECONDLY WHAT THE F*** DO YOU EXPECT OVER A SCRIPT WRITTEN BY GEN UROBUCHI?

Give it time, this season might not be as good as the first one, but it's trying. They do have a 11 episode limit. There is nothing to do about that, since the series from the start is so damn underrated in Japan, after all the hype or money for production is not that of a FATE/ series.
Nov 13, 2014 2:35 PM

Oct 2011
alcrowry said:
Darkdrone said:

-Mika just going through Togane's computer like it was casual. You would think a guy who would do something that could incriminate himself, would be a lot more careful

-Saiga forming extremely precise predictions does not sit well with me. "So what are you really after". a smile can apparently give him the answer.

-Kamui being sloppy. All throughout the season, he was never seen and was always perfectly out of site. This was forced. The fact that Akane knew the location of them, found a gun and ran to the location was asinine enough but Kamui leisurely taking his time when they could be taken down was ridiculous. This was sloppy stuff and this kind of crap wouldn't be done by Makishima.

- I get a feeling that Tougane deliberately let everything in his room out in the open. For what purpose, I don't know yet. Or he's just careless.

- This is the guy who knew 'everything' about Akane on their very first meeting. I'm not that surprised that he managed to deduce it all.

- I thought he let his position known in purpose? To obtain Enforcer's dominators.

That is a possibility but that would mean Togane knows about Mika's suspicion of him. No where in the season has it shown that he knows that she is on to him. Time will tell.

You are right but he was never really developed all that well in season 1 to begin with. When Akane was talking to him, maybe a little background info on him would've been nice. To be this smart and this perceptive needs plausible explanation. If the writers just said he is brilliant and maybe shown how smart he was via history on him, I would be totally fine.

His goal was to get denominators but he got the 5 dominators and should have left as soon as possible. Why he wanted to have a chat with Akane is beyond me. If Akane didn't stop Togane, the season would be over just like that right then and there.
Nov 13, 2014 2:36 PM

Jun 2014
Nov 13, 2014 2:48 PM

Jun 2009
kamui even named his nice boat what color strange way of naming things he has
Nov 13, 2014 3:02 PM

Jul 2014
why did togane remind akane of kougami at the end? was it like the circumstance and the lighting, or did i forget something from season 1? anyway, the opening is getting distorted as hell. things are getting sketchy
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