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Nov 2, 2014 7:49 PM

Mar 2012
I'm still confused as fuck. Lol.
So basically Yuzuki seeing one picture changes everything and all is forgiven...okay. All of these annoying characters are gonna ruin this show for me.
Nov 2, 2014 8:53 PM

Jun 2014
For one who has a high resistance of melodrama..this sure is something.. I can't stand this nonsense drama... Im thoroughly disappointed of this anime for now but
I'm still going to watch it because of the animation. And I'm still hoping for some good plot for the second half.
Nov 2, 2014 11:25 PM

Sep 2014
So glad that Yuzuki didn't drag out being a bitch for the whole show and apologized. Still don't like her tho.

Noel was so cute at the end ^^, she's the only thing I'm staying for.
Nov 2, 2014 11:32 PM

Aug 2013
How's that for fireworks display? Shione you *expletives*.

The drama's still kind of stupid though.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Nov 2, 2014 11:57 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
type-beta said:
This anime is melodrama spawned from nothing.

I thought Yuzuki had something terrible happened to her (loss of a parent or something along this line), thus justyfying her desire to irrationally blame someone/something for it, but instead...nope.

Yeah seriously...last week I said if whatever happened in Yuzuki's past regarding the hospital was so important and the saucer was the cause of it, she should've advertised it so people will listen to her. No wonder she didn't. It wasn't even the saucer's fault! Like wtf? Okay sure people, and kids, sometimes attribute the blame to the wrong thing, sometimes maybe as a coping mechanism, but woooow, can't believe the whole situation came about from just this one incident. She believed in her own misbelief that the saucer was the cause of it all so much to create all this trouble? For people she cared about, and for other people who're just trying to enjoy their trip? Sorry, still can't get over the fact that she stopped traffic last episode. Nonoka, Koharu, and Souta are all saints for being able to deal with this girl.

Noel is adorable as always, even Shione can't reject her cuteness. Noel was awesome for being able to replicate fireworks in the saucer, though I still don't get what it means for Noel to be the saucer. The resolution was nice, if you don't think about the drama behind it all. I'm a sucker for close sibling relationships, and it was heartwarming when Yuzuki reverted back to calling Souta onii-chan. The lantern things were quite beautiful too. I think the scene would've more touching for me if Yuzuki's problem wasn't so unreasonable.
Nov 3, 2014 12:24 AM

Jul 2014
type-beta said:
This anime is melodrama spawned from nothing.

I thought Yuzuki had something terrible happened to her (loss of a parent or something along this line), thus justyfying her desire to irrationally blame someone/something for it, but instead...nope.

- The saucer appears.
- Yuzuki can't have her (apparently so beloved) fireworks and the promise with her brother kept.
- She decides to go out alone at night to have her private show (still has the guts to call Nonoka selfish seven years later).
- Her brother gets injured while searching for her.
- Her brother doesn't blame her nor anybody for what happened.
- Yuzuki manages to somehow connect all together and blame the saucer for everything (no fireworks and her brother's injury...big stuff) without realizing that the one to really blame is her.
- For seven years Yuzuki pesters the poor tourists with her irrational whining in front of Shione's family's shop.

I'll stop here. Yuzuki is a living walking contradiction. This show is a living contradiction.

Let's see how Shione's melodrama will evolve next. Will she be able to forgive Nonoka for not immediately remembering her after seven years? Talk about drama queen.

At least the emotional manipulation seems to work fine. I guess it will be used as a tool to overshadow all the flaws in the show. Why noone cares about the giant thing in the sky? Why no one cares about the "alien" girl? What's this people's problem? What are they thinking?

Whatever...still going to watch it. I want to see where this will go.

^Thank you. you wrote everything i had in mind.
Nov 3, 2014 2:11 AM
Jun 2011
now the only one who left is shinoue and after this i hope we will go to the plot of the sacour
Nov 3, 2014 3:04 AM

May 2010
Noel is still hnnnggg <3 cutest this season!

Lanterns and saucer fireworks was quite beautiful display.

But my favourite part was the reveal that the whole hospital scene was actually Yuzuki causing her brother to smash his leg into a rock and his leg injury was quite bloody. When she shifted from despairing remorsefully into blaming the saucer, I almost burst into manic laughter... she is truly the worst! Biggest thrill this season xD
Nov 3, 2014 3:23 AM

Mar 2013
Great episode,
love the Heart touching ending :)

Fireworks, Fireworks, Fireworks and more Fireworks......

Nov 3, 2014 4:26 AM

May 2010
"Glooge." What a step-up.

Yeah go Noel, conquer Shione.

Wait- that's it...? That's Yuzuki's reason? ... I am disappointed. I think this is how it goes. So as children, our main 5 made a plan to go see fireworks. So Yuzuki went to see the fireworks, but got lost. None of them could see the fireworks together. Anyways, Souta went searching for Yuzuki but was unable to find her. He hurt himself, Yuzuki saw it and blamed herself for not speaking as she was on the way when he was on his bicycle. In a twisted manner, it became 'saucer's fault'... Or something.

Anyways, I did like the last scene with the fireworks on the saucer. Noel is really something.
Nov 3, 2014 9:26 AM

May 2009
Not sure where I read the comment but I have to agree with him (LOL this must sound pretty lame considering I lost the actual comment I agree on to).
Anyway I think the show implies too much drama for something that can be solved so easily. This episode was less boring since the phase was better I think. But I still do think the plot is kind of dull. The animation however is wonderful.
check out my twitch:
Nov 3, 2014 9:58 AM
Jul 2018
So Souta hurt himself a few years ago and that's why Yuzuki was at the hospital.
That pisses me off even more because it was nothing as serious as someone dying.
Yuzuki just forgot she was mad and now they're all friends? Such a nuisance in the past 3 episodes and now it's verything fine lol
Noel and Shione spending time together. That was cute ^^
Btw Noel is the cuttest girl ever!
The fireworks were so beautiful to watch.
Nov 3, 2014 11:42 AM

Mar 2014
Well that ends well now that Yuzuki get to see fireworks

Nov 3, 2014 4:39 PM

Mar 2009
I'm pretty much only watching this for Noel.
Nov 3, 2014 7:09 PM

Mar 2010
That ending...had me grinning so badly I probably looked crazy...

Anyone who finds this anime boring just isn't cut out for slice of life...It's exactly what SoL should be.
Nov 3, 2014 7:28 PM

Aug 2013
God, all those stupid dramas.... I bet Shione's reason will be much dumber than Yuzuki's

Good lord the creator of this show should be thankful for creating Noel, since she's the reason that this show is watchable.
Nov 3, 2014 9:07 PM

Sep 2014
I cringed so much in the beginning.
mediocre at best intro
Baka Souta, of course shouting your sister's name very loudly at the enterance of the school after school is [b]not[/b] going to attract the attention of everyone. Somehow you and she teleport to a random fountain somewhere.

Yuzuki cries. Yuzuki runs for half the episode.

freeze frame of the school for 3 seconds after Souta closes the door of Yuzuki's room

more flashbacks in this episode
Yuzuki running through old-fashioned brush painted people
It's the saucer's fault that I decided to run out one day 6/7 years ago, and my idiot brother Souta got injured looking for me! It's totally [b]not[/b] my fault!

2/5 would have given it 1/5 if not for Hoshikuzu no Interlude - fhana (ED song)
I don't consider myself a good judge.

trying not to be an obnoxious otaku
Nov 4, 2014 1:37 AM

May 2013
Okay, I disliked Yuzuki too from this past two episodes but people calling her a "b" is going too far considering that she's still a middle school girl and has her reasons. I just don't get it. I'm glad that she she say sorry at the end.

But overall, I can see your magic there Noel. So beautiful~
The world shall know the truth soon.
Nov 4, 2014 3:16 AM

May 2010
Darstorm-Sandude said:

Baka Souta, of course shouting your sister's name very loudly at the enterance of the school after school is [b]not[/b] going to attract the attention of everyone. Somehow you and she teleport to a random fountain somewhere.

But the point was to attract everyone's attention so she would stop ignoring him. Obviously they moved to the fountain off-screen as the flashback played or did you want to watch them walking there?

Darstorm-Sandude said:

It's the saucer's fault that I decided to run out one day 6/7 years ago, and my idiot brother Souta got injured looking for me! It's totally [b]not[/b] my fault!

She called him idiot because he is apologising even though it was her fault he got hurt (or his own fault but he was looking for her). Not sure what your last sentence there is supposed to mean, but anyway...
BocchiNov 4, 2014 3:46 AM
Nov 4, 2014 7:45 AM

Aug 2014
Okay, I guess we are now done with the "Yuzuki being annoying and running away half of the episodes subplot"? Dear God, I'm wondering how I survived so many cringe-worthy moments.

Even with all that, I think this episode was the most decent one so far.
I thought what would ruin this anime for me was going to be Noel, but quite the opposite.

Shione is best girl <3
Nov 4, 2014 4:48 PM

Nov 2013
Great episode, best one out of all the episodes shown so far. I might be the minority here but I did not feel like it was melodrama and felt the character interactions were pure at heart. Furthermore, I think the show's greatest strength is just the amount of symbolism involved, with Noel actually bringing everything forward without just being a cute moe-blob.

In my opinion, sora no method is a very non non biyori-isque anime, so of course some people will definitely find it boring. However, it was stated as a SOL genre so it should have been expected.
zerrietNov 5, 2014 12:01 AM
Anime gave me more life lessons than school
Nov 4, 2014 5:53 PM
Jul 2018
zerriet said:
Great episode, best one out of all the episodes shown so far. I might be the minority here but I did not feel like it was melodrama and felt the character interactions were pure at heart. Furthermore, I think the show's greatest strength is just the amount of symbolism involved, with Noel actually bringing everything forward without just being a cute moe-blob.

In my opinion, sora no method is a very non non biyori-isque anime, so of course some people will definitely find it boring. However, the was stated as a SOL genre so it should have been expected.

=') You made my day. After I watched the first episode it gave me a "Non Non Biyori" vibe and that's why I wrote a recommendation . Thank you =')
Nov 4, 2014 5:56 PM

Aug 2013
So myself, as well as a lot of people, thought that after last episode one of Yuzuki's parents died around the time the saucer showed up. Then she blamed the saucer. Something much more fucking laughable happened. She ran away from home, her brother went looking for her on his bike. He crashed and broke his leg then covered for her. AND THEN SHE BLAMES THE SAUCER ON HIS BROKEN LEG! All while making this demon face in that hospital hallway.

I was literally in tears after that scene from laughing so hard. How can one person be so fucking stupid? Blaming the saucer on something that was entirely her fault.

Though, hopefully after the end of this episode, she'll stop being a bitch.

Noel moe factor off the charts again. She had a good amount of scenes this episode. The scene at Nonoka's house was cute, so was the restaurant. Then she comes in clutch by not only bringing the bag of sparklers, but then creating fireworks on the saucer! Proving Togawa wrong.

"Stop being selfish." - Yuzuki
- Most ironic quote of the year
Nov 4, 2014 8:29 PM

Aug 2012
This is such a fucking mess. It's like it wants to be an emotionally manipulative tear jerker drama and a healing anime at the same time, in order to maximize the range of feels. Not gonna work with these overblown characters and the sloppy writing. You can't just rely on moe and 'sad' pasts to bring out your characters and themes. I could see this having a nice theme of broken relationships to explore if the characters were way toned down and the writers thought a little bit harder on resolving character conflicts, but it's like they went for the cheapest possible ways to manipulate the viewers emotions. Of course, it will do just that for some people.

Jonesy974 said: Something much more fucking laughable happened. She ran away from home, her brother went looking for her on his bike. He crashed and broke his leg then covered for her. AND THEN SHE BLAMES THE SAUCER ON HIS BROKEN LEG! All while making this demon face in that hospital hallway.

I was literally in tears after that scene from laughing so hard. How can one person be so fucking stupid? Blaming the saucer on something that was entirely her fault.
I cried laughing too, so actually the show has succeeded in being a tear jerker, gotta give it credit. It was worse because people were actually predicting it would be a stupid reason, but that was the worst possible reasoning I could imagine. It's like they wrote her with the idea of creating the worst, most illogical and unjustifiable character possible.

Absolutely cannot wait to get to the meat of Shione's character lol
Nov 4, 2014 9:16 PM
Jul 2014
AlexTheRiot said:
Absolutely cannot wait to get to the meat of Shione's character lol
She will be a nut to crack. I'm not sure there will be a photo good enough to make her surrender. Sure is, she's probably on the same level of Yuzuki. Given that Nonoka forgot them all, they probably were barely acquaintances (not really). And despite that Shione is still grieving after 7 years.
I'm also starting to be a bit concerned for a possible epic supernatural pull near the end. There needs to be an illogical reason to explain why no one questions anything about what's happening.
temp_usernameNov 4, 2014 9:21 PM
Nov 4, 2014 9:55 PM

Apr 2010
This show feels kind of... underwhelming to say the least.

Not a very good episode, tbh.
Nov 4, 2014 10:03 PM

Jun 2013
This show is gradually winning my heart and I was skeptic on how this show will go.
Nov 4, 2014 10:05 PM

Jun 2013
Well this episode might have actually been impactful if there was a freaking plot or some backstory without all these unanswered questions

Yuzuki for cunt of the year woohoo
Nov 4, 2014 11:58 PM

Nov 2013
AlexTheRiot said:
This is such a fucking mess. It's like it wants to be an emotionally manipulative tear jerker drama and a healing anime at the same time, in order to maximize the range of feels. Not gonna work with these overblown characters and the sloppy writing. You can't just rely on moe and 'sad' pasts to bring out your characters and themes. I could see this having a nice theme of broken relationships to explore if the characters were way toned down and the writers thought a little bit harder on resolving character conflicts, but it's like they went for the cheapest possible ways to manipulate the viewers emotions. Of course, it will do just that for some people.

Jonesy974 said: Something much more fucking laughable happened. She ran away from home, her brother went looking for her on his bike. He crashed and broke his leg then covered for her. AND THEN SHE BLAMES THE SAUCER ON HIS BROKEN LEG! All while making this demon face in that hospital hallway.

I was literally in tears after that scene from laughing so hard. How can one person be so fucking stupid? Blaming the saucer on something that was entirely her fault.
I cried laughing too, so actually the show has succeeded in being a tear jerker, gotta give it credit. It was worse because people were actually predicting it would be a stupid reason, but that was the worst possible reasoning I could imagine. It's like they wrote her with the idea of creating the worst, most illogical and unjustifiable character possible.

Absolutely cannot wait to get to the meat of Shione's character lol

Normally I would agree that some of the problems that children had are way too overblown hear, but it also at the same time seems logical because they are children or it is just perhaps Yuzuki's character in nature. Remember, Souta and Konoha are the ones able to move on.
Anime gave me more life lessons than school
Nov 5, 2014 9:17 AM

Feb 2013
rsc-pl said:

Lol boring? What are you? A doll without emotions/feelings? O_O

I wonder how anyone can be touched here. The drama is extremely forced. What are they? Middle school students? Yetthey still act like something that happened 7 years ago for whatever reason is like the worst thing ever? Nonoka was a little kid. Anything could've happened. Bullying a 7-9 year old girl for betrayal... That is just childish and stupid.
The whole drama is based on nothing whatsoever apart from an ufo-like thing in the sky which is portrayed by a blue-haired loli.

So no. You can cry after watching Clannad or playing Little Busters. But this? Sorry just no.

PS: Yuzuki is a case for the list of the worst anime characters ever.
Nov 5, 2014 9:48 AM

Feb 2013
Skyguardian said:
rsc-pl said:

Lol boring? What are you? A doll without emotions/feelings? O_O

I wonder how anyone can be touched here. The drama is extremely forced. What are they? Middle school students? Yetthey still act like something that happened 7 years ago for whatever reason is like the worst thing ever? Nonoka was a little kid. Anything could've happened. Bullying a 7-9 year old girl for betrayal... That is just childish and stupid.
The whole drama is based on nothing whatsoever apart from an ufo-like thing in the sky which is portrayed by a blue-haired loli.

So no. You can cry after watching Clannad or playing Little Busters. But this? Sorry just no.

PS: Yuzuki is a case for the list of the worst anime characters ever.

Um, they ARE middle school students. A lot of people seems to be unaware of this.
Nov 5, 2014 5:53 PM

May 2010
FiveOVER said:
Skyguardian said:

What are they? Middle school students? Yetthey still act like something that happened 7 years ago for whatever reason is like the worst thing ever?

Um, they ARE middle school students. A lot of people seems to be unaware of this.

Yes, he said they are middle school students and that they should be less childish.
Nov 6, 2014 7:02 AM

Nov 2011

I really liked this episode, I would say that I have nothing to complain about.
During the story the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly, talking about the plot, but also music, dialogues and characters are well-directed.
I was very involved this time while watching the episode.
This time Noel was great!
The designs were good, the animations did not have flaws, but the thing I liked most was the OST, good impact also the various scenarios, very well designed.
I look forward to the next episode.
Nov 6, 2014 8:54 AM

Dec 2013
They were seriously pushing reason and logic to the limit here. One little issue that happened seven years ago gets blown totally out of proportion, all to be saved by a photo album?????? A big serving of WTF to you too.

Ah well.... as unbelievable this show is on the human side (no comments on the saucer), Noel is still cute as hell.

Nov 7, 2014 6:37 AM

Jan 2014
Yes, Yuzuki has finally forgiven Nonoka.

Now we move onto the next phase... more Noel please! Do not like held back on the details about Shione and Yuzuki's grudge. I may not be concentrating hard enough, but it feels a bit vague.

But that is tolerable, just give more Noel. What she did to trigger the saucer into showing fireworks was cute

Nov 7, 2014 5:08 PM

Oct 2011
Let me guess; those who hate the saucer realize theyre selfish and the saucer was actually a thing that made some people happy and then they realize nonoka had hardships too but it's too late by the time they realize that they already wish the saucer away and then they feel bad about it but become closer the end.
Nov 7, 2014 5:46 PM

Mar 2010
yay they friends again. I wonder what they going to do to get the other girl back in to the group. it'll be funny if it takes the rest of the episodes to do so.
Nov 7, 2014 8:22 PM

Aug 2013
there's just something... off about this show...

Nov 7, 2014 11:52 PM

Mar 2014
Noel was uber cute this episode. I liked the way the ED transitioned during the ending scene.
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Nov 8, 2014 5:21 AM

Apr 2013
Beautiful episode.
Nov 8, 2014 5:35 PM

Jan 2013
interesting, the saucer didn't do anything as bad as I thought it did.
Nov 9, 2014 12:05 AM
Jan 2013
Good God, Yuzuki is well overdue for a smack on her arse. So fucking annoying. Yeah, she had a touchy moment at the end, but that doesn't mean anything when she acted like a total bitch throughout most of the episode.

Thank you Noel for being the only reason to keep watching <3
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Nov 9, 2014 3:30 PM
Dec 2010
So, as expected, Yuzuki didn't actually have a reason to hate the saucer but used it as a convenient excuse to convince herself that it wasn't own damn fault her brother got injured trying to find her. And then by the end of the episode suddenly all is 'forgiven'. Ugh.

Oh well, as long as as some 1/3 of the entire episode is made up of scenes including Noel, it is still worth watching on the side.
Nov 10, 2014 4:41 AM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
This is my favorite episode out of all airing anime.
Wow, this was a great episode that was really really pretty.
Glad to see Yuzuki happy again and with her friends.

Something I noticed about this series is the way they handle their flashbacks, there is 0 lead into it, and no ending dialogue for their flashbacks and I think it's perfect. This show does a great job giving information through flashbacks.

The ending, the fireworks above the sky, just, my heart couldn't handle it, I was so happy.
Nov 10, 2014 11:10 AM

Nov 2010
The build up was boring, but towards the end it was beautifull at the docking with the disc portraying fireworks
Nov 14, 2014 2:54 AM
Mar 2012
Yuzuki repents! Finally mysteries surrounding her & the promise are resolved. I did expect silly middle school angst anyways...

Animation & Noel funnies keep me watching. Oh look Noel has a curved IMax screen!
Nov 23, 2014 4:08 PM

Jul 2013
Really hate Yuzuki but I'm glad she apologized
Dec 31, 2014 3:46 PM

May 2012
Just a wonderful episode, especially that ending was touching! And perfect for the new year celebration!
Jan 23, 2015 3:53 PM

Oct 2012
Great episode! I really like those fake fireworks in the end, maybe even more then real ones.
And they finally got together (sort of), next episode can be used to move the plot forward then.
(though I dunno why Yuzuki was offended over Souta's broken leg for so long, such small thing, I had an impresion that some died at first).
Jan 24, 2015 4:15 AM

Oct 2009
LOL the drama in this is pretty hilarious!

Yuzuki: Aww you wanna light fireworks for me??
Nonoka: No bitch! I just wanna see fireworks!
Yuzuki: *SHOCK* *runs away*

So in the end all of that was just because she couldn't see some dam fireworks! >_>

type-beta said:
This anime is melodrama spawned from nothing.

I thought Yuzuki had something terrible happened to her (loss of a parent or something along this line), thus justyfying her desire to irrationally blame someone/something for it, but instead...nope.

- The saucer appears.
- Yuzuki can't have her (apparently so beloved) fireworks and the promise with her brother kept.
- She decides to go out alone at night to have her private show (still has the guts to call Nonoka selfish seven years later).
- Her brother gets injured while searching for her.
- Her brother doesn't blame her nor anybody for what happened.
- Yuzuki manages to somehow connect all together and blame the saucer for everything (no fireworks and her brother's injury...big stuff) without realizing that the one to really blame is her.
- For seven years Yuzuki pesters the poor tourists with her irrational whining in front of Shione's family's shop.

I'll stop here. Yuzuki is a living walking contradiction. This show is a living contradiction.

Let's see how Shione's melodrama will evolve next. Will she be able to forgive Nonoka for not immediately remembering her after seven years? Talk about drama queen.

At least the emotional manipulation seems to work fine. I guess it will be used as a tool to overshadow all the flaws in the show. Why noone cares about the giant thing in the sky? Why no one cares about the "alien" girl? What's this people's problem? What are they thinking?

Whatever...still going to watch it. I want to see where this will go.

^Thank you for summing up everything I wanted to say :D
AozureJan 24, 2015 4:20 AM
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