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Aug 26, 2007 6:45 PM

Jan 2007
What are your favorite yuri pairings of all time? Why? Pictures are appreciated! :-p
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Aug 26, 2007 8:52 PM

Jul 2007
pretty much anything marimite of course..

yumi x sachiko
shimako x sei
yumi x touko
rei x yoshino
and pretty much all of them.. lol

i'll come back and think of more animes later..
Aug 27, 2007 1:04 AM

Apr 2007
From Simoun
Aaeru and Neviril. This pairing is rather obvious from the start of the series but I didn't like it at first. As things progressed I came to like it because everyone else in the cast treated Neviril like some lofty delicate princess and were scared to discuss certain things with her. Aaeru, through her sometimes seemingly careless and blunt ways, was the only one to really get Neviril going when she was needed the most. All in all they do compliment each other. As for a picture, they're both featured in my manga list design.

Limone and Dominura. Another one I didn't like at first. Without spoiling anything I'll just say towards the end of the series I changed my mind. No pic for this one.

From Maria-sama Ga Miteru
Touko and Yumi. While Yumi currently is fawning over Sachiko, what happens when Sachiko must graduate? That's where Touko needs to skip the tsundere act and step in.

Yoshino and Rei. Whatever happens they'll always be close. In many ways their attitudes, likes and interests are polar opposites but they still make a great pair especially after Yoshino
Foetida family pic.

I'll also add more later.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Aug 27, 2007 3:42 AM

Jun 2007
my top pairing is

Shizuru x Natsuki (Mai HiME/Otome)

followed by

Chikane x Himeko (KnM/KtTnS)
Kouya x Yamato (Loveless)
Sachiko x Yumi (Marimite)
Neviril x Aaeru (Simoun)
Tomari x Yasuna (Kashimashi)
Haruka x Michiru (Sailor Moon)
Orihime x Tatsuki (Bleach)
Soi Fong x Yoruichi (Bleach)

You have to have darkness...for the dawn to come.

Aug 27, 2007 6:38 AM

Jun 2007
Sei x Shimako from Maria-sama ga miteru is my favourite of all the time.

I don't like sexual passion relationship so most of my favourite pair sometimes doesn't look like they're in each other but I believe that they do feel like that deep down :)
Sei x Kei ( Marimite )
Shizuru x Natsuki (Mai HiME )
Nono x Mugi ( Hitohira )
Hotaro x Mikan ( Gakuen Alice )
Konata x Kagami ( Lucky Star )
Minami x Yutaka ( Lucky Star )
Nanoha x Fate ( Nanoha A's )
There seems to be a lot more pairs that I like their relationship but these are what I could think of for now.
Aug 27, 2007 1:20 PM

Jan 2007
Sei x ANYONE is like one of my favorite pairings of all time. Lol.

Omg I thought I was the only one who was obsessed with the cuteness of Orihime x Tatsuki. Tatsuki gets no love in the manga :-/
Aug 27, 2007 3:41 PM

Jul 2007
Soi Fon x Yoruichi (bleach)
Shion x Mion (Higurashi)
Kagome x Sango (Inuyasha)
Haruhi x Mikuru (Haruhi)
Saber x Rin (Fate)

Thats what comes to my mind for now.
Aug 27, 2007 4:01 PM

Apr 2007
bettynoire said:
Sei x ANYONE is like one of my favorite pairings of all time. Lol.

What they need to do is make an OAV just for Sei. Or at the very least give her a couple more episodes of screen time.

From Strawberry Panic!
Tamao and Nagisa

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Aug 27, 2007 7:22 PM

Oct 2006
Looks like most of my favorites have already been mentioned here and there. Off the top of my head, the only one I can think of that's not been mentioned yet is Mai x Sayuri (Kanon)
Aug 27, 2007 10:50 PM

Aug 2007
favorite yuri couple of all time......

- Shizuru x Natsuki (My-HiME/My-Otome)


- Hazumu x Yasuna (Kashimashi ~Girl Meets Girl~)

I was sooo mad of the ending of Kashimashi! >.<

- Soi Fong x Yoruichi (Bleach)
- Saber x Rin (Fate/Stay Night)
- Konoka x Setsuna(Mahou Sensei Negima!)
- Mizuho x Takako (Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru)
-Shizuma x Nagisa (Strawberry Panic)

xl3lueazndragonxAug 27, 2007 11:06 PM
Sep 1, 2007 5:03 PM

Jan 2007
tainteddonut said:

What they need to do is make an OAV just for Sei. Or at the very least give her a couple more episodes of screen time.

Sooooooo true that it hurts. Sei is like one of my favorite characters. EVER.

I think one of my favorite yuri pairings of all time has got to be Mireille/Kirika from Noir. Under appreciated series, under appreciated pairing. *tear*

EDITED for more emotional accuracy.
bettynoireSep 1, 2007 5:48 PM
Sep 1, 2007 10:23 PM

Aug 2007

nanoha x fate
kagami x konata
Sep 1, 2007 10:41 PM

Jul 2007
bettynoire said:
Sei x ANYONE is like one of my favorite pairings of all time. Lol.

You don't know how much I agree with this statement. I also completely agree with Sei getting her own OVA.

As for pairings I'll list a few (as right now I'm tired from work and can't really think straight):
Chikane x Himeko (Kannazuki no Miko)
Shizuru x Natsuki (Mai-Hime)
Yumi x Sachiko (MariMite)
Tamao x Nagisa (Strawberry Panic, this pairing should of happened damnit)
Konata x Kagami (Lucky Star)
Mireille x Kirika (Noir, agree totally with Betty)

More to come as I can think of them (then again it just seems I repeating ones already mentioned, if I think of any that aren't I'll list them)

Oct 24, 2007 4:16 AM

Oct 2007
So far my fave yuri pairing is - Shizuru x Natsuki (My-HiME)

I really need to watch; "Gakuen Alice", "Maria-sama Miteru" and "Kasimasi - Girl Meets Girl" to have a solid opinion on the subject. ^_^
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Oct 24, 2007 10:55 AM

Jul 2007
For starters, I'd have to go with my first favorite yuri pairing, and that'd be Mireille/Kirika. I will never tire of them <3
After watching Mai HiME, I obviously went through the Shiznat phase for a couple of months, then it wore off a little (not that they're not great, on the contrary), and its place was taken by Aaeru/Neviril (of which I absolutely LOVED both voices *.*).
An honorable mention goes also to Honey and Nacchan (Re: Cutie Honey).
As for other less possible couples, I would so love to see Nami and Robin (One Piece) ^^

Oct 28, 2007 8:21 AM
Oct 2007
Simoun: Aearu x Neviril - Dominura x Rimone (loli hawtness)

Strawberry Panic! - Nagisa x Tamao, Shion x Chikaru

Marimite - I feel like I'm the only one who will ay this: Shimako x Noriko - Sei x Shimako - Sei x Yumi

Mai HiME - Natsuki x Shizuru

Burst Angel - Sei x Joe

Lucky Star - Konata x Kagami ....KYAAAA!!

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha - FEITO-CHAN X NANOHA
"You are always more beautiful when drenched in blood."
Nov 4, 2007 2:20 PM

Oct 2007
HikarixYaya [strawberry panic]
ChikanexHimeko[kannazuki no miko]
ChiixFreya[chobits] incest! xD
Nov 15, 2007 4:27 AM
Nov 2007
Kagami X Konata(Lucky Star)
Setsuna X Konoka( Negima)
Tomoyo X Sakura (CCS)
Nov 15, 2007 9:11 AM

Jan 2007
Yoruichi x Soi Fon

More of this pairing needs to exist because seriously it's hot when they're merely in the same scene, not touching. Staring at each other is hotter than most pairings with these two.
Nov 22, 2007 3:45 AM

Oct 2007
Shizuma x Nagisa
Chikane x Himeko
Yumi x Sachiko
Sei x Shimako
Aeru x Neviril
Jun x Kazumi
Momoka x Touka (I know he´s a guy but I would go wild, If he was a girl and would´t just dress like it...) well, wishful thinking... :P

Dec 1, 2007 5:59 AM

Jun 2007
cant help but love the old
RYOU x KYOU (clannad) doesnt seem that bad either but yuri twincest? seems kinds odd
Hatsune Miku <3

Dec 16, 2007 4:04 AM

Sep 2007
Nanoha X Fate (MSLNS)
Momoka X Touka (Touka Gettan)
Nene X Yumiko (Touka Gettan)
Rin X Kuro (Kodomo no Jikan)
Mion X Rena (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)
Rika X Satoko (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)
Liru X Pachira (Magical Pokaan)
Vivio X Lutecia (MSLNS)
Shana X Kazumi (Shakugan no Shana)
Alice X Marisa (Touhou)
Sia X Kaede (Shuffle!)
Konata X Kagami (Lucky*Star)
Mai X Sayuri (Kanon)
Dec 22, 2007 12:45 AM
Oct 2007
Arcueid x Ciel
Akiha x Kohaku
Kohaku x Hisui ...twincest!
Sion x Satsuki
Minami x Yutaka (Lucky Star)
Rika x Hanyuu
Setsuna x Konoka
"You are always more beautiful when drenched in blood."
Jan 27, 2008 11:43 PM

Nov 2007
Jan 29, 2008 8:34 AM

Apr 2007
Shion x Mion (Higurashi)
Kagami x Konata (Lucky Star)
Teresa x Clare (Claymore)
Himeko x Chikane (Kannazuki no Miko)
Dokuro x Zakuro (Dokuro-chan)
Suigintou x Lucia (Rozen Maiden & Venus Versus Virus)

Jan 31, 2008 10:37 PM

Oct 2007
Manabi+Mikan (Manabi Straight).

I know I'm not the only one who sees it.
You can find me on IRC.
Feb 1, 2008 2:11 AM

Oct 2007
hm. I think I must be the only Yuri fan whose Yuri goggles failed to notice the KonataxKagami luvu luv.
Lol - seriously, what made people think that? I'm as hopeful a pairer as anyone else but I actually just didn't notice it. Why not Konata and one of the other girls? was it just their chemistry?
Feb 1, 2008 2:12 AM

Oct 2007
aZn-n3ss-__- said:
RYOU x KYOU (clannad) doesnt seem that bad either but yuri twincest? seems kinds odd

Lol nothing we didn't see in Candy Boy
Feb 1, 2008 5:07 AM

Jan 2008
Fang-tan said:

Liru X Pachira (Magical Pokaan)

Wow. That's quite... interesting. May I ask why you like this pairing? Because Liru got more boobs than Pachira or something?
I like Pachira with that girl who has also small boobs. Forgot the episode where she appears though. Oh, and I also like her with Yuuma for some reason. Small boobs x Small boobs, so sweet.
Oh yeah, let's pair every girl with another girl. Haruhi x Ryoko ftw.
Woo, Shion x Mion is such hot yuri twincest. I have seen serveral pictures with that pairing.
Feb 8, 2008 7:01 PM

Jan 2008
Right now my pairings are
Nasuki/Mai (Mai Hime)
Nao/Mikoto (Mai Hime)
Yaya/Hikrai (strawberry panic)
Nagisa/Tomao (strawberry panic)
Kagura/Namyo (Azumanga Daioh) Teacher student great is that? (I like it damn it!)
Mar 1, 2008 4:06 PM

Feb 2008
Natsuki x Shizuru
Jo x Meg
Soifon x Yoruichi
Yumi x Sachiko
Mar 2, 2008 4:11 AM

Oct 2007
Sakana17 said:
Soifon x Yoruichi

Yeah i'm a big shipper of that pairing too,
I also like Konoka and set-chan from negima. so cute ^^
Mar 2, 2008 5:33 AM

Aug 2007
Sei/Shiori (Marimite) is the best. I always cry everytime I rewatch episode 11.

The rest are not in order:
Nanoha/Fate (Nanoha)
Hikari/Yaya (Sutopani)
Chikane/Himeko - (Kannaduki)
Shimako/Noriko~ (Marimite)
Saber/Rin (FSN). They should animate Heaven's Feel arc, for Haruhi sake.
Eri/Yakumo (Sukuran). Screw Harima.

..and many more *too lazy to write*
Mar 2, 2008 9:21 AM

Feb 2008
Fallow said:
Sakana17 said:
Soifon x Yoruichi

Yeah i'm a big shipper of that pairing too,
I also like Konoka and set-chan from negima. so cute ^^

God, how could I forget Setsuna and Konoka? Setsuna is my favorite from that show. =]
Mar 2, 2008 12:37 PM

Aug 2007
Mitsuki x Tamao ~ Strawberry Panic
Yaya x Hikari ~ Strawberry Panic (KILL... MUST... KILL... AMANE...)
Sei x Yumi, or Sei x Shimako ~ Marimite
Rika x Hanyuu ~ Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Mion x Rena ~ Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Konata x Kagamin ~ Lucky Star
Hazuki x Hatsumi ~ Yamibou
Dominura x Limone ~ Simoun
Rei x Minako ~ Sailor Moon
Mai x Sayuri ~ Kanon
Saber x Rin ~ Fate/Stay Night
Mar 2, 2008 9:26 PM

Sep 2007
That small scene between Sia/Kikyou and Kaede at the end of Shuffle was brilliant. There should be a spinoff of just them. <3
Mar 2, 2008 9:50 PM

Oct 2007
after reading some of the newer posts i'd have to say one of the only ships I disagree with is the Dominura x Limone ship. I know it was heavily implied but I can't help feeling that it was too loli for me : / Limone was a child prodigy and Dominura was in a more parental role - I felt (hope)

Other than that I am pretty happy with whatever. I recently read a Newtype magazine article on the English dub of Simoun, it was a full 2 page spread of Parietta and her 'tale of woe' - But we all know it's totally not about her :P
Mar 3, 2008 6:16 AM

Nov 2007
I have lots of couples i like but the ultimate couple has to be Anthy x utena =D
Mar 4, 2008 11:44 AM

Jan 2008
Chikane X Himeko [anime][Kannazuki no Miko]
Hitomi X Nana [manga][Kuchibiru Tameiki Sakurairo]

Those two are my absolutely favourite pairings from all of anime and manga.
Mar 11, 2008 5:27 AM

Oct 2007
Kuyukly said:
Manabi+Mikan (Manabi Straight).

I know I'm not the only one who sees it.

from what i see, it's Mikan who seems to have feelings for Manabi
Mar 21, 2008 1:15 PM
Jul 2007
HotaruxChibiusa (Sailor Moon)
AmixHotaru (Sailor Moon)
HarukaxMichiru (Sailor Moon)
ReixSetsuna (Sailor Moon)
SetsunaxSenetiny (Sailor Moon)
SeiyaxKakyu-Hime (Sailor Moon)
RyokoxMihoshi (Tenchi Muyo)
ShizuruxHaruka (Mai-Hime) Yeah, yeah is crack and crazy pairing
MaixMikoto (Mai-Hime)
ChiexAoi (Mai-Hime/Mai Otome)
ChikanexHimeko (Kannazuki No Miko)
Something life is very overrate
Mar 23, 2008 5:10 PM

Mar 2008
Shizuru x Natsuki, From mai hime, and otome .
All the way!
Mar 27, 2008 6:42 AM
Oct 2007
Chikane x Himeko
Kaon x Himiko (XD)
Sei x Yumi/Shimako
Shizuma x Miyuki (KILL ME!)
Nagisa x Tamao
"You are always more beautiful when drenched in blood."
Mar 27, 2008 6:57 AM

Jan 2008
In no particular order:

Utena x Anthy
Chikane x Himeko
Shizuma x Nagisa
Yaya x Hikari
Shizuma x Miyuki
Tamao x Nagisa
Haruka x Michiru
Seiya x Usagi
Sei x Shiori
Youko x Sei
Rei x Yoshino
Sachiko x Yumi
Shimako x Noriko
Nana x Hachi
Paine x Rikku (does that count? I mean, it's not anime, but...)
Nel x Clair (same here ^^')
Konata x Kagami
Hazumu x Tomari

...I like way too many pairings.
May 4, 2008 5:58 PM
Soldier 1stClass

Mar 2008
Setsuna Sakurazaki X Konoka Konoe (Negima!?)
Natsuki X Shizuna (My-Hime)
May 5, 2008 1:32 AM

Jul 2007
sosbrigademember said:
Natsuki X Shizuna (My-Hime)

I think you meant Shizuru ;)

May 13, 2008 8:01 AM
Jul 2018
You're right, SM have a LOT of good pairings...I think I couldn't choose just one.


I like Konata/Kagami and Haruhi/Mikuru
hahaha XD; they're almost always fighting and that is real pure love...
(of course I'm talking about Konata and Kagami. Haruhi and Mikuru are just cutes together. ^^)

I dunno...

Maybe I'm wrong but KotonohaxSekai (School Days) have fans? )):
I just want to know xD;
May 13, 2008 9:18 PM

May 2008
Hm. Here ya go:

Nagisa x Shizuma (Strawberry Panic)
Hikari x Amane (Strawberry Panic)
Miyuki x ANYTHING THAT MOVES (Strawberry Panic)
Kanade x Yukino (Candy Boy...Incest FTW.)
Kouya x Yamato (Loveless)
Hazumu x Tomari (Kashimashi)
Orihime x Tatsuki (Bleach)

...Man...It's so hard to find people who like the pairings I do. =P
May 14, 2008 2:47 PM

Jul 2007
Kikku said:
Kouya x Yamato (Loveless)

I like them =)

May 14, 2008 4:05 PM

May 2008
lynx said:
Kikku said:
Kouya x Yamato (Loveless)

I like them =)

Woot. Finally someone who agrees!
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