Thanks to IncognitoOtaku, melancholy, all_about_me and -Cynthia-
Hey, guys~! I suck at self-descriptions, but oh well, let's give it a try.
My name's Daniela and I'm 18 years old (hah, finally!). I love anime (duh), manga and games (including visual novels, if that counts) and I'm a big yuri and yaoi fangirl.
I tend to not act my age, considering I'm a rather carefree, stubborn, irresponsible and overall simply immature person.
I'm also probably as lazy as lazy can get and I love daydreaming - people often tell me I'm a bit absent-minded.
I'm a HUGE dork and proud of it :3
I guess that's it! I love making new friends but please drop me a line if you wanna add me - not that I'm picky or anything, I'd just like to hear from you first.
All Comments (435) Comments
Hello ! (and sorry for spamming your comments ^^''')
I have a great news ! Our club has become more active again ! So , you too , try to be more active ! Let's revive the club all together ! >:3
And for that - the club got it's first big Best Tomboy Character Tournament !!!
First round has started ! So please , vote for your favorite here , because every vote counts ;)
Also , if some of the characters are missing from club relations , please tell us which characters are they , and WHY do you think they should be added :)
And if you haven't noticed , our club has some affiliates now...*shamlessly promoting other clubs* >:3
I see you liked byokosu 5cm, makoto shinkai is a legend huh. you would really like The Place Promised in our Early Days then, since it is his earlier work, and maybe even better, well i prefered it slightly anyway.
You don't like to keep up conversations missy v_v. I like buggin people, and you make it hard XD.
Now was busy about school thing,i already less use myanimelist.
I am fine. How about you? ^^
And you? ^^
And it's fine, as you can tell, I haven't been on MAL much either. D: But I recently graduated from high school so I've got the whole summer ahead of me. ^_^
AND YES! FINALLY! I knew you would conform eventually. Didn't I tell you it was good?
And did you finish R2 by now? Or are you still watching it?
Ich bin durch Zufall auf dein Profil gekommen und hab gesehen, dass wir eine ziemlich hohe Anime Kompatibilität haben und du einer meiner Anime-Lieblinge in deiner Topliste hast: Kann 2006. Aber auch Lucky Star und NGE haben mir gefallen. Und tolle Profil-Pic haste da.
Na es is scho gangen.. Mathe war a bissl schwer aber das habn ma vorher schon gewusst... Durch werd ich schon sein.. :)
Naja dann würd i sagn durchhalten... xD
tip: don't just follow the walkthrough, some of the bad ends are amazing, off the top of my head, mind of steel in HF was great, you jsut answer to Ilya "I want to be a hero" or something like that and that leads to "mind of steel" bad end. it is truly epic.
yeah tsukihime rocked. the greatest route in my mind was akiha's arc's was pretty decent too.
English as a major, wow. :)) That's really nice. :)