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Sep 25, 2014 11:29 AM
Oct 2010
Maerow said:
skudoops said:
To put it in simple terms, they did all that to get global attention, then expected to get caught and let the world hear their story.

So to put it simply, they are Attention Whores ?

Well yeah, but they have a reason for it.
Sep 25, 2014 11:30 AM

Apr 2009
About the guy shooting Twelve, that was the original plan anyway. They wanted to get rid of both of them because they knew about the US's involvement in the airport and the whole thing on that highway. Or at least, that's what I got out of it.

Kind of underwhelming ending, but I enjoyed the show nonetheless. Was really more interested in the teenage love drama than the actual plot, which says a lot about me, I guess... The OST is brilliant and the cinematography was beautiful.
Sep 25, 2014 11:31 AM
Oct 2012
skudoops said:
I guess 12 was listening to sigur ros? Haha, anyway another thing that was pretty minor but still bothered me was when the detective said

"These aren't ordinary terrorists"
"They have a goal"

This implies that most terrorist don't have a goal, which is ridiculous to say the least. Who was the writer for this anyway? Watanabe's name isn't soiled because the directing was amazing... but ugh the writing.

Z4k said:
Wait I'm confused. Can someone tell me what was the point of all they did?

To put it in simple terms, they did all that to get global attention, then expected to get caught and let the world hear their story.

I hope he meant as in ordinary terrorists have a goal but they way they produce their actions meant they have a passive goal to implement on everyone. not saying that bombing is okay but terrorists that value human life is a unique method and they have a goal for society, not to spread worldwide fear for no reason.

Yes, Watanabe performed a phenomenal job to directing. Him and Yoko Kanno worked perfectly. The I understand Keten's description.

Looks amazing and owned perfect music to combine the scene but the writing and what not seems to be lacking and the two obvious qualities aren't enough to warrant higher. Fair enough.

May we meet in the future in a different discussion. Then again, nothing looks enticing.
Sep 25, 2014 11:31 AM

May 2014
It was good ending. Especially compared to what we got this season (aldnoah and tokyo ghoul) 8/10
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Sep 25, 2014 11:32 AM

Oct 2009
So in the end both of them was inevitable but it still hurts.

Good show, a little lost in the middle but overall I think it deserve an 8 at minimum.
Sep 25, 2014 11:33 AM
Jun 2013
I guess the ending was pretty predictable. But not in a bad way. Five was a pretty strange addition to the story but I don't think she was as bad as some people say.

I'm kind of torn between 8/10 and 9/10 but since my score has been 9/10 so far and I enjoyed the ending, I'll keep it there. I might change it once I've thought about it a bit.
Sep 25, 2014 11:34 AM

Jan 2014
Interesting ending to a great anime overall.

The start of this anime had me completely hooked wanting more every week and then they changed the direction from having these interesting scenario's to involving Lisa more and more into the story which wasn't necessarily bad but it felt different and weakened the show a bit imo.

The overall plot was interesting, the character development was definitely there aswell.

The music/sound was solid overal nothing to really mention here.

Wasn't necessarily fond of the ending however the atomic bomb scene was beautiful.

All of these points considered I end up giving this show a 7/10.
SaikachiSep 25, 2014 2:59 PM
Sep 25, 2014 11:35 AM
Feb 2014
Start well, got lost in the middle, get somehow back on track at the end. I would rate 8.5 out of 10, considering that they had a 9.5 start.

Anyway, the Tarot theory is still true. The 11th episode - 11th card of Tarot - Justice.
Sep 25, 2014 11:35 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
So the bomb actually did go off....A youtube reviewer that I watch called the atmosphere explosion thing so props to him lol

The aftermath of the blackout was sweet. I liked seeing 9, 12 and Lisa play footy and then bond like that :'')

Sadly, I think most of us knew that death was approaching....I wanted 12 to at least live together with Lisa though TwT...Sighhhh, oh well, Sphinx left a huge mark on the world and they got what they wanted so kudos to them *spills wine*

Sep 25, 2014 11:35 AM

Jun 2013
BRK25 said:

Feels weird to be on this side of the conversation but why did they shoot Twelve? I understand Shibazaki intervening but Twelve....I didn't like the fact he die but I still want to know the reason to go ahead.

They decided to shoot the terrorists because they didn't want people like Nine or Twelve to be alive, since they were direct witnesses to all the shit that US did, in order to secure the a-bomb. The US can justify their actions of killing Nine and Twelve by saying they disposed of "dangerous terrorists," a fact that would seem believable after Nine sent the automated message declaring that he was going to kill everyone. If Nine and Twelve were left alive to tell Shibazaki about all the shit that the US did, then the US would be in some deep trouble and would have to explain their destructive actions beyond their original goal of "securing the a-bomb." Without Nine and Twelve, the US can somehow wiggle themselves out of this mess by saying that it was for the greater good of Japan and the world.

If you're asking why they shot Twelve first instead of Nine, who had the detonator, then I don't have a good answer. I guess Nine was a more difficult target because they could accidentally shoot the detonator and cause a bigger mess? Iunno.
Sep 25, 2014 11:35 AM
Oct 2013
skudoops said:
Maerow said:

So to put it simply, they are Attention Whores ?

Well yeah, but they have a reason for it.

I wouldn't go as far as call them "Attention Whores". Since if they are, then every single person who fights for a cause are "Attention Whores".
Sep 25, 2014 11:36 AM

Mar 2014
the reason why they did all this was bullshit. I expected that it would be smth more mysterious and that they had a very important ulterior motive.
That didn't affect my enjoyment though, still a very good series. The best of summer 2014 imo, 8/10.
Sep 25, 2014 11:36 AM
Aug 2013
Sep 25, 2014 11:37 AM

Jan 2014
I didn't have a clue what was going on in this episode. Anyone care to explain? (In detail)
My top anime quotes
1. I AM JUSTICE!- l/light (Death Note)
2. IT'S OVER 9000!!!!- Vegeta (dbz)
3. Almighty Push!/ Shinra Tensei!- Pain (Naruto Shippuden)
4. We stand in awe before that which cannot be seen- Rukia (Bleach)
5. I'll take a potato chip.....AND EAT IT!!!!!- Light (Death Note)
6. Art is an explosion - Deidara (Naruto)
7. Shut the fuck up Kakazu - Hidan (Naruto)
8. Bulma, you've lost your balls- Goku (dragonball)
9. "Don't call me small! I'll break off your feet and stick em on your head!"- Edward Elric (fmab)
Sep 25, 2014 11:37 AM

Dec 2013
Pretty good ending. The way the happy moments (football and music) contrasted with the ending was surprising. The atomic bomb explosion was awesome.
But why the hell Nine died ? Found it on reddit. Ehh..
AizixSep 25, 2014 11:45 AM
Sep 25, 2014 11:38 AM

Mar 2014
I was quite surprised that after the explosion there was a quite light-hearted montage. I got my hopes up, and it was all shattered once Twelve got shot. He didn't even get to say his goodbyes, even Five got to say hers...

I knew both Twelve and Nine's dead were going to come, but it was so sudden. I shouldn't have gotten attached to them dang it.

“You should enjoy the little detours. To the fullest. Because that’s where you’ll find the things more important than what you want.” —Ging
Sep 25, 2014 11:42 AM

Feb 2009
Wow, i´m amazed by the ending, never tought it would be so good, the hype of waiting every week for a new episode justified all this wait, brilliant ending, there is still good anime beeing made! That explosion really caught me by surprise.
Sep 25, 2014 11:43 AM

Apr 2014
Man this show was the fucking bomb (no pun intended)!! I have not been this passionate about watching an anime since FMA brotherhood. Awesome anime and best anime of summer 2014 in my opinion. 9/10
Sep 25, 2014 11:44 AM
Aug 2014
Great ending to the show. Really could've done more with 5. I mean, her killing herself after all the shit she went through and the games she played to get 9? It definitely needed more background. Are we supposed to assume the ringing and the excessive exhaustion of 9,5,and 12 is due to the drug they were forced to take? I, too, would have liked to see more of the orphanage to get a better understanding on their characters, and also shed some light on why their personalities developed so differently. And, would've been great to get a clearer picture of what her deal was and why she was such a raging bitch to them...

This last episode was beautiful, a little on the cheap side in terms of 'wrapping' everything up but, still artistically stunning and emotional gripping. I shed tears when 12 was shot and when 9 keeled over as well, I think I shed more tears than whiny Lisa...

Also, why would the US get involved in the whole thing especially, after 5 losing her shit. They should have pulled the plug. Clearly, Clarence didn't know who he was dealing with..But, he's her guardian or, was in charge of her? Was he the one who took her from the center/the settlement? He kept calling her 5 so, I'm assuming were expected to know that he/ the US knew her background???

This anime could have done so much more. We could've explored something where there's this conspiracy that lead to a massive global conflict... Like the US became aware of the program. Dunno, just throwing out ideas.

OVerall, 8/10 with the OST really pushing the story along. I wanted this to be so much more...But, that ending was beautiful so, yeah I guess it kinda makes up for that.
Sep 25, 2014 11:44 AM
Aug 2014
BRK25 said:
skudoops said:
I guess 12 was listening to sigur ros? Haha, anyway another thing that was pretty minor but still bothered me was when the detective said

"These aren't ordinary terrorists"
"They have a goal"

This implies that most terrorist don't have a goal, which is ridiculous to say the least. Who was the writer for this anyway? Watanabe's name isn't soiled because the directing was amazing... but ugh the writing.

To put it in simple terms, they did all that to get global attention, then expected to get caught and let the world hear their story.

I hope he meant as in ordinary terrorists have a goal but they way they produce their actions meant they have a passive goal to implement on everyone. not saying that bombing is okay but terrorists that value human life is a unique method and they have a goal for society, not to spread worldwide fear for no reason.

Yes, Watanabe performed a phenomenal job to directing. Him and Yoko Kanno worked perfectly. The I understand Keten's description.

Looks amazing and owned perfect music to combine the scene but the writing and what not seems to be lacking and the two obvious qualities aren't enough to warrant higher. Fair enough.

May we meet in the future in a different discussion. Then again, nothing looks enticing.

LOL @ the Sigur Ros. Good suggestion! :)
Sep 25, 2014 11:46 AM
Oct 2012
pakoko said:
BRK25 said:

Feels weird to be on this side of the conversation but why did they shoot Twelve? I understand Shibazaki intervening but Twelve....I didn't like the fact he die but I still want to know the reason to go ahead.

They decided to shoot the terrorists because they didn't want people like Nine or Twelve to be alive, since they were direct witnesses to all the shit that US did, in order to secure the a-bomb. The US can justify their actions of killing Nine and Twelve by saying they disposed of "dangerous terrorists," a fact that would seem believable after Nine sent the automated message declaring that he was going to kill everyone. If Nine and Twelve were left alive to tell Shibazaki about all the shit that the US did, then the US would be in some deep trouble and would have to explain their destructive actions beyond their original goal of "securing the a-bomb." Without Nine and Twelve, the US can somehow wiggle themselves out of this mess by saying that it was for the greater good of Japan and the world.

If you're asking why they shot Twelve first instead of Nine, who had the detonator, then I don't have a good answer. I guess Nine was a more difficult target because they could accidentally shoot the detonator and cause a bigger mess? Iunno.

If it is to be shown in the good light of the country and avoiding the matter regarding the USA, then maybe, but Twelve. God damn it, he didn't deserve it. Not one bit.

Oh, you know what's cool?

The inspiration for the track Bless and also very similar to the very ending of the Anime itself in terms of appearance.
Sep 25, 2014 11:48 AM

May 2013
Would anyone be kind enough to explain me why did Five killed herself and why she got the gun pointing at her by her partner? Also how exactly did they achieve to show their hometown with the blackout? Didn't really get these two parts.
Sep 25, 2014 11:52 AM

Oct 2013
Lets just I cryied like baby. That ost played through out the episode got to me good. I knew something was going to happen ..... but I did not expect that. I give it a 9.5/10. Zankyuo no Terror is in my top 5 anime considering it had 11 episode it was brilliant watching it once every week.xD
Sep 25, 2014 11:53 AM
Aug 2013
Loved the episode, loved the series, had some weak points, I want to say 9 but 8/10.
Sep 25, 2014 11:54 AM

Nov 2012
Like hell atomic bomb didn't kill anyone...
Sep 25, 2014 11:54 AM
Oct 2010
DaDiRa said:
Would anyone be kind enough to explain me why did Five killed herself and why she got the gun pointing at her by her partner? Also how exactly did they achieve to show their hometown with the blackout? Didn't really get these two parts.

Five killed herself because she had fulfilled her life goal of beating 9 (and she was already going to die due to the drugs from the experiments) but because their backstory was so limited we actually have no idea why she was so intent on beating him. Her partner pointed the gun at her because she was going overboard with her actions and they were not aligned with the original objective they had (which was getting the nuclear bomb)

The blackout/bomb was supposed to bring global attention to them so they could then tell their story to the entire world.
Sep 25, 2014 11:54 AM

Feb 2014
Well... I didn't expect to cry to this.
The OST when Twelve was shot. Nine's reaction; and telling Shibazaki to remember that they lived ~

This was a really good series. Enjoyed it a lot.

pakoko said:
Pretty anticlimactic, but beautiful. It didn't end with an exciting bang, but a bang that fills your heart with a sort of emptiness. 8/10

This ^^
ScarletCrystalSep 25, 2014 11:58 AM

"Later on, you will become a lively person causing headaches as the shrine-god."
Sep 25, 2014 11:56 AM
Mar 2014
This is how u make a work of art
Sep 25, 2014 12:02 PM

Apr 2013
This anime definitely needed more backstory to flesh out the characters. Regardless, this was a great finale.

I'm debating giving it an 8 or 9, but let's go with 9/10.
Powerful eyebrows.
Sep 25, 2014 12:03 PM

Apr 2008
At the moment gave it a 9/10 because I liked it very much and was waiting for a new ep to be out every week, but like a lot of people said : It could've been so much better. With all the building up of the motives of sphinx, I guess I expected a bit more from their end plan.
Might downgrade to 8/10 because of ending and five indeed not having much motive to mess with them that much
Sep 25, 2014 12:04 PM

Jun 2013
Keten said:
So we followed these characters all this time, not knowing why they did all of what they did and the big reveal was that they did it to reveal the truth... Which was incredibly obvious... Why did they keep their motives a secret again?

I was actually glad that they didn't bring anything new to the table. Like you said, it was "incredibly obvious" as to what Nine and Twelve were trying to achieve, so I don't think they were trying to keep the motives a secret at all. I think you're more frustrated about why they bothered to be all mysterious about the motives when it was obvious, and this probably goes back to your complaints about the "no-tell" exposition in general, which we've discussed and I've agreed to some points already.

Keten said:
I feel like the anime as a whole despite being so serious didn't really have any message to tell... What was the point of this anime? Nothing really... I was very confused when the bomb went off and all they did was look at the pretty lights before it went into happy fun times playing with balls and such... Feels very anti-climactic.

Yeah it was a pretty anticlimactic ending. There is a message in this anime, quite a beautiful one actually, but that message is muddled by the explosions and the pretty light shows. The show just did a shitty job of conveying the message, and this ending didn't really tie the plot and the message well. I've posted this in another thread, so I'll repost what I think the story of ZnT represents (edited to fit the ending):

Five social outcasts despise the life that society has given each of them, so they try to change that shitty life into something meaningful. Of course, they all basically fail miserably: Lisa only gets Nine and Twelve into more trouble by trying to do something for once in her life, Five dies without necessarily "beating" Nine, and Twelve ends up betraying one of his friends to save another that he shouldn't have befriended in the first place (and he dies too). Nine wants to be remembered in this world for who he is and what he did, but he doesn't live long enough to see that happen before his eyes. And Shibazaki had already failed once when he tried to investigate a case that he shouldn't have. Basically, these five have tried to make something of their lives and only got punished for stepping out of their comfort zones.

The title of the show is "Terror in Resonance," which is basically talking about a bomb. When a bomb explodes, people become terrified from the loud, resonating sound. People's reaction to others trying to act out of their comfort zones is similar to them reacting to an explosion: fear and rejection. The dark message, to me, is that the society doesn't always look kindly to those who try to step out of the norm. The only outcome for those who do, as shown by this show, is one of a meaningless struggle to be accepted into a world that has rejected them, especially in the case with Five, Nine and Twelve.

Keten said:
As a whole the show had little focus on it's characters so by the end I really didn't care when Twelve and Nine died. Their OP intelligence and the cops incompetence killed most of the plausibility the show could have... The art and sound of course compliment each other well but in the end I just feel like the show is pretty average overall. I also feel like this could have easily been a movie instead of a series.

Agree with the show having little focus on its characters. However, since the characters were basically empty and lonely to start with, I thought getting a glimpse of their human side when they interact with Lisa at the end was actually endearing. I don't know, I definitely felt something when Twelve died.
Sep 25, 2014 12:06 PM

Jan 2013
That was unexpected.
An anime about terrorism and the final bomb actually exploded, wow.

Twelve... why did you had to die, damn americans!

Well... with eleven épisodes the series did good. It wasn't that well developed but it was good.
Sep 25, 2014 12:06 PM
Aug 2014
AbbieT3D2Y said:
Lets just I cryied like baby. That ost played through out the episode got to me good. I knew something was going to happen ..... but I did not expect that. I give it a 9.5/10. Zankyuo no Terror is in my top 5 anime considering it had 11 episode it was brilliant watching it once every week.xD
AbbieT3D2Y said:
Lets just I cryied like baby. That ost played through out the episode got to me good. I knew something was going to happen ..... but I did not expect that. I give it a 9.5/10. Zankyuo no Terror is in my top 5 anime considering it had 11 episode it was brilliant watching it once every week.xD

You have a really good point. It accomplished a massive amount, even got me on the feels train all within 11 episodes. It told a deep and moving story, it made a comment on Japan's youth, it criticized society, it had a message of hope for the next generation. It wanted to be loved, to be understood, and to be appreciated, just like every human being does.

And that OST... ugh, just unbelievable.

Thank you for pointing that out. For a story to develop within 11 episodes that told something so deep, so honest, and so heart wrenching, I have to revisit my original score.
Sep 25, 2014 12:08 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
12 is a Sigur Ros fan! Love that reference. Unsurprisingly one of Sigur Ros' albums is called "Von" Watanabe always make the best musical references in his shows.

This show started really well, with stellar direction and music, but it suddenly got a bit too Hollywood for its own good. I also thing Five's character was massively distracting and over the top. It took some of the beauty out of the series. Aditionally and in all earnesty, I would have expected that those 2 with the intelligence they possessed, could have come out with a different way to reveal to the world the truth about Sphinx without blowing up an atom bomb in the atmosphere. Beautiful ending episode though.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Sep 25, 2014 12:12 PM

May 2012
WOW what a great series, ost gives me chill,. didn't expect to have a satisfying ending for a 11 ep series,.
I'll remember you sphinx.

Sep 25, 2014 12:12 PM

Apr 2013
loved every second of it. the series absolutly nailed the atmosphere

damn i am sad now...

you rarely see something with such a well done cinematography.

liked the characters, thought how the story unfolded was great, the series had actual closure, and the ost ofc

for me the series stays at a 10. great experience and definitely watanabe at his best.
xSanoxSep 25, 2014 12:23 PM
Sep 25, 2014 12:12 PM

Jun 2013
BRK25 said:

Oh, you know what's cool?

The inspiration for the track Bless and also very similar to the very ending of the Anime itself in terms of appearance.

You know what's cool?
You :3 for being an interesting person to talk to about this show. Thanks for all the explanations, supplementary images/videos, and valid points.
Sep 25, 2014 12:17 PM

Aug 2012
Sep 25, 2014 12:22 PM
Oct 2010
Marzan said:
12 is a Sigur Ros fan! Love that reference. Unsurprisingly one of Sigur Ros' albums is called "Von" Watanabe always make the best musical references in his shows.

Right, let's try this again. I am surprised how many people know sigur ros, the minute I heard the OST they instantly popped into my head.

Sep 25, 2014 12:22 PM

Oct 2012
Well, this was painful. Reallyyyyyyy painful. I cried like it was raining, without sobbing.
Story / amazing. These two suffered too much. This is why you get so angry when you realize world is so unfair. And music? OST is too amazing. I really liked Yoko Kano's nc17, I listen to 8tracks zankyou no terror mix every day.
それでも 今は 生きて 歌え ...
Sep 25, 2014 12:23 PM
Sep 2013
I suspected It would to end like this. I kind of wish I was wrong. Wow the atomic bomb really went off. Didn't think they were planning to get caught. All in all It was a good series in my opinion.
Sep 25, 2014 12:23 PM

Apr 2009
Aside from Five, this show was very good :)
Sep 25, 2014 12:24 PM

Oct 2012
skudoops said:
Marzan said:
12 is a Sigur Ros fan! Love that reference. Unsurprisingly one of Sigur Ros' albums is called "Von" Watanabe always make the best musical references in his shows.

Right, let's try this again. I am surprised how many people know sigur ros, the minute I heard the OST they instantly popped into my head.

oh yeah, and this one too. And I really like this reference.
それでも 今は 生きて 歌え ...
Sep 25, 2014 12:25 PM
Aug 2014
Mentalii said:

Don't go to YouTube and start listening to the OST... I just did and WORST IDEA EVER. How do I go on? :'(
Sep 25, 2014 12:26 PM

Apr 2013
still my favorite track cannot wait for the second ost
Sep 25, 2014 12:29 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
ShinjuShoku said:
skudoops said:

Right, let's try this again. I am surprised how many people know sigur ros, the minute I heard the OST they instantly popped into my head.

oh yeah, and this one too. And I really like this reference.

I just had to head to CD Japan to order the OST after this. It turns out that Yoko Kanno actually invited the vocalist of Icelandic band Agent Fresco to play on this album. I wonder if all Icelandic vocalists make that Sigur Ros sound!
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Sep 25, 2014 12:29 PM

Jun 2010
I want the time I spent watching this show given back to me.
Sep 25, 2014 12:30 PM
Aug 2014
I loved this anime. He wished Twelve and Nine not die ......... I'll put it on my list of anime that broke my heart: '(
Sep 25, 2014 12:34 PM

Sep 2008
not that i hted 5 but...she is the reason this show didnt get a 10..she was like a rip-of of L, but done wrong...

a music from acold land...iceland...V.O.N means hope...those little thing, made me tear up =/

and so...why just kill 12...shouldnt the soldier kill everyone ther? 'cause sure... let the guy nuke the damm country to cover up one is gonna know...damm this show's logic

i guess 8/10 is ok for me...just cause i enjoyed it so much(at least the beguining an dending)

i feel like listening to iceland's music now =/
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Sep 25, 2014 12:35 PM

Jan 2008
I kind of expected them to die at the end, but not this way, at least not for 12 :(
I still need to process that episode.

Lisa useless till the end, I think her only reason to be is to have someone remember them and giving them (at least 12) the feeling to be needed. Still could have done without her really.
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