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Dec 19, 2007 5:32 AM
Nov 2007
Episode 12 was about Nanaka getting her memories back. In my opinion, a wasted ep.

Anyone wanna start guessing how they'll end the series? I'm thinking "rushed" due to the bucket load of ideas left unexplored (Sana's anxiety over blood, his watch, Nanaka's past, what's going to happen to the twins, etc.)
Dec 19, 2007 4:53 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Wasted? I think this episode was much better than the previous ones, I really enjoyed it.

Loli Nanaka from the preview looked a bit like Rika. ^^




[H+] ³  
Dec 19, 2007 5:06 PM

Jun 2007
Hmm...Episode wasnt really a wasted one...I do think it will be rushed in the end though...Or maybe they will just concentrate on Nanaka's story and completely just drop Sana's...I dont know...It got interesting though...
Dec 19, 2007 5:23 PM
Nov 2007
It's wasted because it's the second last episode and they haven't gotten through most of the material that's been untouched. I wouldn't have considered it a wasted episode if it was aired earlier in the series.

Don't get me wrong, I thought this episode was alright.
radiantfireDec 19, 2007 5:26 PM
Dec 19, 2007 5:36 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Yeah well, I blame the whole show for that, not only a single episode. That's also why my rating won't be anything higher than a 7.




[H+] ³  
Dec 19, 2007 7:45 PM

Jun 2007
After watching this ep I kind of get the feeling that there will be a second season to sum up Sana and the twins story and maybe even Aoi even though she has no story (fillers?). If no second season then I think it will end with the conclusion to Nanaka's story.

Anyone get the feeling that maybe Nanaka's mom was having an affair with the violin instructor and the Dad found out causing him to maybe burn the house down due to an argument with them or something wile Nanaka was sleeping? The previews kind of revolved around Nanaka, her mom, dad (who happens to look the same as the uncle) and the instructor.
Dec 19, 2007 8:23 PM

Nov 2007
DeathfireD said:
After watching this ep I kind of get the feeling that there will be a second season to sum up Sana and the twins story and maybe even Aoi even though she has no story (fillers?)

Anyone get the feeling that maybe Nanaka's mom was having an affair with the violin instructor and the Dad found out causing him to maybe burn the house down due to an argument with them or something wile Nanaka was sleeping?

I'm not to sure about the affair thing, but it probably has to do with the violin instructor. You're also probably right about the dad being the "uncle" or something. I hope they do a 2nd season, as this episode, and the entire series has a REALLY leisurely feel to it, with the important things happening way too fast in tight groups.
Dec 19, 2007 9:28 PM

Jun 2007
It wasn't really bad... just drawn out. The end was pretty good, and definitely made me eager for the last episode.

I agree that this show has been rushed, however. I think it would make a superb 24 episode series. That way, they could expand all the storylines; add some more stuff with the twins and Hoshino, maybe even bring Hinako back for something. Aoi needs her own arc as well. But, seeing as that isn't going to happen, I'm gonna guess that when Nanaka tells Sana about her memories, he'll tell her, in turn, about the wristwatch. An emotional and cheesy moment. Then perhaps they'll confront the uncle (or whoever)... or some such thing.
Dec 19, 2007 10:22 PM

Sep 2007
Yeah, I'm guessing it'll either be a rushed ending or there'll be a second season or an OVA to wrap things up. There's just way too much stuff left open.
Dec 19, 2007 10:23 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Yeah, I agree with Ria. I could find no indications of a second season. Which is too bad. I enjoy the characters and the story, but I also think perhaps a few more episodes, or better pacing, would have improved it at a lot. Looking forward to the last ep tho :)
Dec 19, 2007 10:43 PM
Nov 2007
OVA perhaps? As opposed to a second season, that is.
Dec 19, 2007 10:47 PM
Oct 2007
Sooo boring...
Nothing's revealed, nothing happened except for one minute at the end.
Nothing funny!
I definitely wasted my time...
I hope the next (the last) will be better!
Dec 19, 2007 11:19 PM

Sep 2007
Is this really the second last episode to the series? there are so many things left touched and it doesnt look like all the loose-ends will be tied up in the next episode either. I'm a bit dissapointed ..
Dec 20, 2007 1:34 AM

Sep 2007
hmm realyl a 26epi serie would be much better. and i thought that sana would explain his story behind hsi watch, sicne nanaka ask him about it. i dont think that they would tell us in the last episode.
Dec 20, 2007 2:02 AM

May 2007
Getting intense! The story is kind of obvious though to be honest... :P

[ Cartoons are for kids? Thats a hate crime! ]
Dec 20, 2007 4:50 AM

Oct 2007
i dont like this ep, so much filler in this, and at the end 2 mins of nanaka arc...
Dec 20, 2007 6:21 AM

Jul 2007
Well i also agree nothing really happened on this ep just nothing... Well i guess it lets everuthing on the Grand Finale :) I also agree on the ova part since i doubt a 2nd season... But at least they should tell us about Sanas watch ffs not only nanaka thats laaaame
Dec 20, 2007 7:51 AM

Oct 2007
not much of an episode but still enjoyed it! look forward to the last episode!
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Dec 20, 2007 8:09 AM

Sep 2007
yeah i agree it looks like this anime is going to havea bad ending
Dec 20, 2007 12:31 PM

Dec 2007
After intensity and revelations of the previous episodes, we are back to another generically boring one. Bah, but what to expect from this anime without Shuri :(
2/5, one ubercute scene with Aoi-chan and her mum is not enough.
Dec 20, 2007 12:40 PM

Nov 2007
The only two things in the episode that had any importance was 1, Nanaka regained her lost memories, and 2 although nothing really came out of it Nanaka indirectly told Shana she loves him… Although like I said it was pretty much ignored basically because Shana is clueless about things like that.
Dec 20, 2007 2:37 PM

Oct 2007
cyruz said:
Wasted? I think this episode was much better than the previous ones, I really enjoyed it.

I second that, a great episode...
Significant differences of Nanaka now and Nanaka from the early episodes, she is much more lively and friendly, she is turning into the Nanaka that Sana knew...

Cant wait for next episode, conclusion is just around the corner...

P.S. I still want all five of them to reunite... may be if not the next episode, they could release an OVA!!!
Dec 20, 2007 3:38 PM

Nov 2007
Things moved so slowly; I do wonder what's next in the last ep.

Aoi has a funny mom, though.
Dec 20, 2007 3:45 PM

Dec 2007
Friendlysoul said:
P.S. I still want all five of them to reunite... may be if not the next episode, they could release an OVA!!!

Would be nice, but I bet - won't happen. At least not in the anime... but, as for the game which was released just today... :) I think it was an excellent idea with promoting visual novel by the doing anime first, not vice versa as usual. Doing anime conversion of popular but not linear visual novel is always problematic isn't it? You just can't satisfy all the fans... But now, achieving in anime maybe not bad end but not any of the "true ends" either, almost makes you running to the nearest game shop and begging for the copy of the game right now :]

BTW: seems there is drama CD scheduled for release in february.

Dec 20, 2007 4:15 PM

Oct 2007
BlickWinkel said:
Friendlysoul said:
P.S. I still want all five of them to reunite... may be if not the next episode, they could release an OVA!!!

Would be nice, but I bet - won't happen. At least not in the anime... but, as for the game which was released just today... :) I think it was an excellent idea with promoting visual novel by the doing anime first, not vice versa as usual. Doing anime conversion of popular but not linear visual novel is always problematic isn't it? You just can't satisfy all the fans... But now, achieving in anime maybe not bad end but not any of the "true ends" either, almost makes you running to the nearest game shop and begging for the copy of the game right now :]

BTW: seems there is drama CD scheduled for release in february.

I see, but then again its all in Japanese, so i cant buy the game :(
Dec 20, 2007 5:04 PM

Aug 2007
Let me start by saying this...
Why does Aoi sound like she is having an orgasm over the phone? If that is her pretend to be sick voice...then how will she sound like...nvm =P I don't know if it was just beyond horrible voice acting or intentional, but that part was definitely made of win! xD

Love the change in Nanaka's attitude, she looks cuter when she acts all girlish or something...Sana seems to be stepping up when it comes to the male lead role, some kudos needs to be sent his way as well.

Nice episode with some decent development, but it could have been better. Now we have probably half of Nanaka's story and nigh zero when it comes to Sana. Big question is how the hell are they going to cram Sana's story when the preview shows mainly the continuation of Nanaka's story? They better not cop out and mention something stupid like my dead dad gave me the watch or something :S

Here's to next week :-)

Dec 20, 2007 8:08 PM
Nov 2007
i thinik Aoi's voice is finally getting to me -___________-; and this ep seemed kinda.. empty. lol. but whatevaar yay =]
Dec 20, 2007 10:01 PM
Oct 2007
I'm thinking it was nanaka who did the arson!

Nah probobly not...

Well last episode, number 13.

Looking forward to it. See if the can resolve everything.

PimpToad said:
Let me start by saying this...
Why does Aoi sound like she is having an orgasm over the phone? If that is her pretend to be sick voice...then how will she sound like...nvm =P I don't know if it was just beyond horrible voice acting or intentional, but that part was definitely made of win! xD


I have got to hear this!

Aoi-orgasm, that would be intense.
Dec 22, 2007 12:03 AM

Aug 2007
"It's good..because you made it"

AWW. good one Sana. +100 XP for you
Dec 22, 2007 4:45 AM

Oct 2007
1 episode left? I wanna see how they fit everything in now. Aoi's voice has got to be one of the most annoying things ever, especially during that phone call.
Dec 23, 2007 1:14 PM

Jun 2007
I thought that nothing really interesting happened in this episode, except for Nanaka and her memories, I mean, what happened to the meaning behind Sana's watch and his problem with blood. I wonder if they're going to rush everything into the last episode......... it seems like they're going to do that........... such a waste, they can make to be so good........
Dec 27, 2007 12:01 AM

Oct 2007
ive really been enjoying this series.... but i have a feeling i'm going to be really upset by the ending.

oh, and i agree with whoever mentioned the game. the anime is probably the perfect way to promote the game. too bad might have rushed the plot and stuff because of it though.
May 3, 2008 10:44 PM

Apr 2007
I was expecting Sana to start taking when Nanaka asked him about his watch. One episode left and still no answers. Oh well. I'm not raising my expectations so might as well see how they'll try and wrap up the unanswered questions.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
May 4, 2008 2:48 PM

Jun 2007
well, this episode was not as full of plot as other ones, but i liked it.
nanaka looked really cute this episode, but it wasnt as funny since shuu and shuri are not there anymore, its kinda sad.

aoi's voice really hurt my ears a lot, even with low volume, you can hear the high pitch penetrate your ears and attack your brain head on... i think imma have nightmares with that.

as for sana doing the same thing as what they did last time, well, i saw that coming. i gotta say, his face was funny when he said that no one trusted him.

the part where nanaka sort of confessed to him was cute, nanaka was completely cute. as for sana, good thing he catched her... but they made it look worst in the previews.. i mean, when she was falling, they made that look 10 times worst, like if she was falling from a cliff kilometers away...

anyways, next episode is the finale and i want to see that and what really happened with nanaka... i guess it has to do with the sensei since she said that she has pain everytime she holds the violin.
Jul 20, 2008 7:12 AM
Dec 2007
Good episode.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 12, 2008 1:13 PM

Jun 2008
well it's pretty obvious nanaka lit the fire :D???!
Feb 7, 2009 12:41 PM
Sep 2008
Not much to discusse this episode. one more to go, tons of answers to get :/

I said this series went from 6/10 to 8/10 with ep 11, but im thinking a 7/10 would be more situable for overall. Let's see how this ends.
Mar 25, 2009 6:26 PM

Oct 2008
Pretty boring.Nanaka's past is something to think about though.Her eyes freaked me out.Bad idea to watch at night.o_o
Jun 19, 2009 9:39 AM

Oct 2008
Nanaka.. If this is the visual novel, I would pick her route over caramel girl's. I would definitely avoid Oribe-san's route as that her voice hurts my ears.. Its awful.. Luckily, she isn't the main character of this episode. *sigh of relief*

Next episode, the finale..

I wonder how the story in the visual novel is like if Sana spends time with the caramel girl instead of getting involved with all these problems..
Jun 28, 2009 6:22 AM

Jun 2009
ok guys i think i double post this kind of question again from previous episode. What was that wrist watch all about..
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Aug 19, 2009 4:06 PM

Jun 2009
"bit" of a wasted episode, hope the ending isn't rushed. This episode was mainly filler, didn't show us anything new, didn't really tell us anything new.. had a few intense interactions between nana and sana though.
Oct 1, 2009 4:01 PM

Nov 2007
The end was rather depressing...

I think they'll rush the last ep..
Jan 19, 2010 8:06 AM
Mar 28, 2010 10:33 AM

Jul 2009
Without Shuri and Syusuke series looks a little bit empty...
Sep 24, 2010 4:04 PM

Nov 2007
they really wasted too many episodes on that stupid loli. more development for the main characters would of been nice.
Oct 2, 2010 8:55 AM

Jun 2009
I don't think this is a wasted ep or something like that, but they aren't going to talk about Sana's watch or the fact that he is scared of blood when it is in a knife?
Feb 6, 2012 10:39 AM

May 2011
I wonder how they're going to fit everything in to the last episode, I'll just wait and see.

This episode was okay. I'm guessing Nanaka herself has something to do with the fire.
Apr 4, 2012 2:59 PM

Nov 2011
It was alright, but its hard to believe they will solve all the current problems in one episode. =X

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Sep 11, 2012 3:04 AM

Jul 2012
Sana and Nanako being together was nice. Enjoyed the moment where they were eating lunch xD

That being said, last episode will surely be rushed =/
Jan 13, 2013 10:59 AM

Sep 2011
I thought it not only good, but critical. Not going to make statements about "rushed" or whatever last episode - that comes only when I see the last episode and see how they decided to wrap up the season.
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