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Aldnoah.Zero Season One
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Sep 13, 2014 11:39 AM

Dec 2012
The king is an idiot
Sep 19, 2014 4:44 AM

Nov 2011

Episode that sees a plot reduced to a flicker and a narrative suited to the good superhero Flash, given the speed with which the facts and the battle takes place! XD
In light of this episode, the anime is in serious danger of sinking if there will be no major changes.
But still keep afloat the cabin, we think the incursions of Slain.
Good designs, on the same level even animations. OST God!......
Sep 25, 2014 9:29 AM

Jun 2008
Keten said:
chickenonthepan said:

Autism people usually talk to themselves. XD
I think he has some kind of mental disorder (no joke here, just speculation). He doesn't talk until Inko urge him to. And he usually ask "is it?". Just so weird for a "normal" person.

That is entirely possible ya. I mean... They are so in your face about him being stoic that there just HAS to be an explanation for it...

I don't think it's Autism because Autistic people don't really act the way he does. They aren't unable to display emotions, they just display them in other ways, Inaho smiles every now and then so that isn't really it. (To be fair though I am no Psychologist or doctor so my description of Autism could be entirely off)

I have no idea where they are going with him, I hope it's somewhere. Every time it switches to him I am just like, "NO NO, GO BACK TO SLAINE." But ya, there has to be an explanation and I hope they do not wait till the very end to tell us, because there really isn't much relevance to keeping it from us. S: Even if they just lightly said it in the middle of a conversation, "Well Inaho can do it cause of his *BLANK*".

You people do realize that the guy talks quite normally and behaves normally too?
He just doesn't make lots of usual anime frustrated faces. Also he may not show extreme emotion but he doesn't have that "look at me i am not shocked by anything because am so cool and awesome" attitude. His simply expressing himself more calmly, nothing more. And he is expressing himself because his voice and what he says are very normal.

Kaioshin_Sama said:
It turns out the power of Aldnoah does have one critical weakness.....water. Inaho, I don't even know what to say. I totally get why the general MAL audience thinks he's just the coolest (I mean people here love characters like this that never ever fail) but he's very slowly turning this show into a joke with his strategies that continue to revolve around exploiting some ridiculous weakness in the Martian mechs. I mean who designs a weapon and mech that will explode the second it comes into contact with a large body of water. I mean I thought the barrier that makes it so you can't see without drones was impractical enough but this is about the most gross oversight in mech design I've seen out of a mech in ages.

Facepalm. The mech doesn't explode with contact with water. Seriously that's what you thought? It simply exploded because he had his laser swords at maximum, and they caused a super steam effect inside the water. Don't use your laser-plasma swords full power inside water isn't exactly that much of weird requirement especially if the bloody thing isn't even designed for naval battle and is made by people born from Mars(that has no seas) and live mostly in space.
And the main doesn't seem unbeatable at all. He never used some super power-up or something. He used simple things and most of the times with others helping etc. He did some smart moves without making anything extraordinary really. You easily feel that at some point something can go really bad for him and that he barely made it until now. The first two times everyone helped him and this time he sacrificed the mech he was riding to manage a result.
It's annoying how you try to play the smarter guy and yet you seem more stupid by the things you say.

rothrock said:
The king is an idiot

More like Slaine was outmaneuvered and his earth origin doesn't help him in being any convincing.
If Slaine got to the king first then he will have had the advantage of putting doubt in the kings head that they are simply calling him a traitor and enemy spy because what he says is inconvenient to them but because he came second and they already told the king about anyone going to him saying such thing would be an earth spy or something then the king's reaction is more like "ha, so here is the little spy, saying exactly what they told me he will".

Kaioshin_Sama said:
AlexGK said:

What? That mech would have been fine with his swords underwater. But he was forced to heat them up above normal levels to set himself free and they were also blocked near the robot's body by that hug, thus incresing the blast force impact on his own mech even further. If water was a sole weakness there would have been no need to fight him, just blow the ground under him or something similar, lol. Dont spread blind hate pls. Yea, I know that briliant strats without fail from some kid feels like a lame cliche, but hell, I can live with that sole flaw.

Still a tremendous oversight and a result of the opponent being predictably stupid and doing every single thing that Inaho needs to succeed at the exact right moment same as last episode. Seriously everything is basically contrived around having Inaho win pretty much effortlessly, I don't see how it's really possible to deny this. It just feels like making excuses for weak writing. It's also far from the sole flaw in this show to date, the characters in general aside from Slaine and maybe Marito are all pretty much one dimensional role pluggers and kind of bland at that which makes the conflict not particularly compelling or worth caring about the end result of much. It feels like they really bet long on all the explosions and mayhem in the early episodes to set the tone, but that doesn't pay off when the cast consistently lets the show down after the fact.

So basically the problem you have is that what the MC did managed to work and he didn't got himself killed. Omg why did the enemy put his swords at maximum, that was so convenient despite being logical for the enemy to even try to use more power in his swords to burn the main mech while it was still holding him.. Well is there any battle EVER that when the enemy did anything that allow you to do something to win inconvenient?
OMG! why did Hitler attack Russia before making a troop invasion in England and before letting the winter pass? That was so convenient, obviously i call bullshit.
Now you realize how stupid what you say sounds?
What to you expect exactly? The MC to die in the first 15 minutes because everything went wrong and he was unlucky and nothing went his way? Yeah i bet that would make for an exciting story. The story of the guy who died immediately instead of the story of the guy who made a difference. Or should the MC win because his an overpowered mofo that got super powers no one else has?
From the moment the guy isn't an immortal vampire with a super overpowered mech he will obviously only achieve anything by making some plans and getting lucky enough for things to go slightly his way. Basically what every real person that won and survived anything has managed to do.
So seriously WTF are you on about?
MonadSep 25, 2014 10:53 AM
Sep 25, 2014 11:19 AM

Jun 2008
HunterTennouji said:
June93 said:
That's fine and all, but why didn't the writer make more characters in the cast have some semblance of intelligence? Especially the higher ups?

We haven't seen that many higher ups have we know? For the Orbital Knights, they are a bunch of Gilgamesh. For the Terrans, they are stuck in the thought of conventional warfare (which seems fair, the F-22 Raptors used in the second episode is one of the best air fighters IRL) and are more inclined to follow protocols that they have learned in military academy. Inaho is as unconventional as you can get. Even most tacticians in real life history uses so crazy tactics that their enemies can't comprehend them.

Exactly. the Mc simply thought slightly out of the box. Nothing much other than that but it was enough to make a difference.
The adults didn't really seem stupid, they used conventional tactics that you would expect, they didn't do anything extremely idiotic, they just didn't too anything unconventional ether and that ain't really weird. Very few people have such gifts to think like that and is logical for the MC to be one since otherwise he would be dead from the first episode and we would have nothing to see but a black screen.

The guy isn't piloting some super mech and he doesn't have super powers. so ether they would give him this outside of the box skill or make him some super godly pilot that overshadows trained adult pilots and can win even the most super mech in a tin can that would have been even more stupid and crazy that having a little of unconventional thinking.
Bare in mind that until now what he did was not because he piloted his mech extremely better that makes other soldiers looking completely incompetent but because he simply used a few small tricks. Nothing more than that.

And the people who say he won easily i really don't understand what criteria they use to conclude that it was "easy". He barely made it this time for example and he had to lose his mech. What was easy about that? Is not like he punched the shit out the Martian guy and then kick him out of the ship. In the previous battle he managed just to make a small hit and delay his opponent(with the help of others) and then got saved by outside support.
Where is the "omg his winning easily" in that shit? That was hard as fuck. He was close to losing both times and he barely made it alive.
Sep 30, 2014 5:50 AM

Jul 2013
meh whatta pushover of an emperor. If I'd be emperor I will listen to no one. Anyway what's with those knights and their eagerness to kill terrans? what would they gain? Destroying terrans also means destroying Earth so they're not after territory. Then what? or did I miss anything?
Sep 30, 2014 6:20 AM

Jan 2013
Inaho really has my respect, dude's a smart one.

A really good episode which made me like this series even more.
Oct 10, 2014 7:56 AM

May 2014
Asseylum is such a good person :) Now we know why Slaine is so devoted to the princess. Also, Inaho is very smart.

I like this series up to now.
Oct 13, 2014 2:45 PM
Feb 2012
I really hope that going to war is just an act put on by the Emperor. If he was serious, it would be a good example of sloppy writing and character inconsistency. I mean why would he stop the attack and request an investigation in the first place if he was going to immediately dismiss Slaine's account and blindly accept whatever bullcrap story Saazbaum decided to feed him?
Oct 22, 2014 10:33 PM

Sep 2014
Yeah, the emperor was much more hesitant before this episode and now he's bloodthirsty. Kind of odd.

I like Slaine and the lieutenant the most: they have the most potential for character development.
Oct 28, 2014 2:52 AM
May 2012
Slaine, you damn lucky bastard :3 That kiss must have felt really nice.
Aw yis, baby!! Inaho is a badass!! Dude just pwned an overpowered shit using a training mecha!! I really like smart characters.
You idiot!! You should have listened to mah boy Slaine =_=
I didn't go to school today. I hope I can finish this Anime today.
Nov 16, 2014 3:13 PM

Jan 2014
Uhm,.. you people do realise that that "kiss" wasn't actually a kiss right? She sucked the fluid out of his respiratory system so that he could breathe again.

PrimeX said:
meh whatta pushover of an emperor. If I'd be emperor I will listen to no one. Anyway what's with those knights and their eagerness to kill terrans? what would they gain? Destroying terrans also means destroying Earth so they're not after territory. Then what? or did I miss anything?

Yeah, was dissapointed by that too. After seeing through the assassination attempt so easily, he proceeds to blatantly accept what one guy feeds him. Not very consistent.


Fishmoose said:
I really hope that going to war is just an act put on by the Emperor. If he was serious, it would be a good example of sloppy writing and character inconsistency. I mean why would he stop the attack and request an investigation in the first place if he was going to immediately dismiss Slaine's account and blindly accept whatever bullcrap story Saazbaum decided to feed him?

Missed your comment initially, but yeah, basically this.
"I'm a middle schooler bartender!"
- Mishima Hitomi
Nov 23, 2014 11:17 AM

Nov 2009
Yeah Inaho is certainly smart, The other soldiers seem to be clueless though and its almost as if they are too scared to think a plan of attack through but when you watch Inaho who is just a teenager, He is making calculated decisions at every single opportunity and its making the people above him look clueless.
Nov 28, 2014 2:04 PM

May 2012
Pretty lovely episode, quite like where this is going, but that ending was quite bad though but well let's see what's next!
Dec 10, 2014 5:57 PM

Jun 2008
What the fuck, the emperor got manipulated so easily. What a useless chum.

What is the context even? Just because one guy who have no reason to lie, have no proof that he's even a spy, is a friend of your granddaughter, you'd trust the obvious guy who's a warmonger? Ugh. Inb4 he became king only because of arbitrary heritage. Frustrating use of logic.

Meanwhile our only level-headed boss of a MC is the only one who have enough sense to do stuff.
By all means he's cool to watch, but the other side... is so frustratingly lacking.
TachiiDec 10, 2014 6:01 PM
Dec 17, 2014 12:01 AM

Jul 2014
Dat kiss xD.

And love how Inaho badassly outwit his enemy. :D
Jan 21, 2015 2:57 PM

Dec 2009
So I see why every keeps saying fuck slaine, cause he is screwing everything up.

Inaho keeps showing us why he is an efficient pilot. At this rate he'll beat all of the orbital knights.
Feb 13, 2015 5:43 AM
Mar 2014
Good job from Slain, to inform the king that the princess is still alive. To bad Saazbaum decived to king in making him believe that Slain would lie.

Dat 'kiss' tho <3

Inaho saving the day again, with his genius tactics.
Apr 25, 2015 3:37 PM

Jun 2012
I like how Slaine could just run around wherever and gather whatever information, among other nonsensical things.

I'm liking this ongoing thing with Mizusaki and Magbaredge.

Dec 22, 2015 9:14 PM

Dec 2012
Inaho saving the day again like a boss!
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Feb 29, 2016 11:59 AM

Sep 2013
Wow another master-stroke by Inaho while others were completely inept.

Also who's the loli with Asseyleum, she can't be her guardian coz she seems stupid and she wouldn't be her handmaiden coz she's too stupid for that.
Aug 14, 2016 8:02 AM

Nov 2015

How is that Inaho is the only one that can fight the Martians?
How is that Inaho is the only one who thinks when he fights?
How is that Inaho is the only one who uses the eject function of the mecha?

Every other soldier is just there to die apparently xD

PD: That "kiss" would have been really hot if it were not for the fact he was vomiting water out of his lungs.... Very weird... but... #AnimeLogic jaja.
HumbertoZeroAug 14, 2016 8:06 AM
Nov 6, 2016 6:44 PM

Sep 2011
The boy is so unnaturally talented. I don't know if hes a genius or those other pilots just terrible. LOL
Dec 21, 2016 5:18 PM

Sep 2015
Loving the strategies made by Kaizuka to destroy those Ver Mech. Dam it the Emperor is being deceived because the traitors were steps ahead of Slaine.
Oct 9, 2017 3:50 PM

Jul 2009
Seems like Slaine's father (or something) helped the Martians develop Aldnoah I bet :P Either way the Martian politics are getting heated up with the Emperor and all the Counts getting involved. I wouldn't mind if Slaine bit the bullet tbh :3 Another good plan from Inaho, using the heat in the water. Honestly I think instead of doing it by himself they should just get him to command or something, I mean obviously the regular units aren't much use at all lol. Tbh this show is enjoyable because I just turn off my brain and be entertained with some explosions lol XD
Mar 20, 2018 4:28 AM

Aug 2017
This episode is terrible. First, the battle was just Inaho being a Gary Stu, zero tension in every scene. Second, the Emperor changes his mind in a matter of seconds. Third, Rayet being a brat when she was part of the deaths of many people. 2/5
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Mar 13, 2020 4:23 PM

Feb 2018
No more kiss for Slaine pls xD.
Apr 28, 2020 11:44 PM

Aug 2015
I really do not like Inaho since he seems to be unbeatable when trained pilots can't beat the Vers and he's just a student. I kind of want to see him lose a fight
Jun 8, 2020 4:13 PM

Feb 2020
The pacing going crazy to throw such a massive story like that. First, we get the back story for Claine's. Very bad, he still under danger and pressure in the bottom of arrogant Orbital Knight. I thought the Kaiser will be more wises, but i was wrong. He got caught and tricked easily by some sly Knight Orbital commander. Where is the team he want to make before? Thats crazy. Such an irony, even the Marsitian's still get a complex conflict among them. I guess the great power of Aldnoah really blind their heart into such a hatred like that. Making them all arrogant and pretentious in power. Wait until my boy, Inaho, the unusual schooler get rekted your power, and destroy your arrogancy.

I must say pity to Claine's. He shall be flee away from those fly hell and immediately join Inaho's forces. It will soon, i know it. But, the drama make it worses, i dont really like that shit. Once again, great animation. Even the CGI feels nice here. The soundtrack always better. Such a shame i don't watching this before. Okay, next episode.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jun 25, 2020 8:03 PM

Aug 2018
damn that guy who lied to the emperor is a cunt! hope he dies soon

Apr 20, 2021 7:15 AM

Jul 2013
I love seeing the Mecha fighting and Inaho being his typical genius nonchalant self.

The Emperor not believing Slain because he's a Terran is so annoying.
Jun 6, 2021 11:13 PM

Dec 2019
inaho my boiii
slaine seems to be struggling too badly smh that emperor damn
Jun 8, 2021 12:39 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
Seems like the one thing humans depended on so much to the point that we are actively searching for it elsewhere other than Earth, is the same exact thing that could bring down the seemingly invincible kataphrakts. WATER. Their defeat can be logically explained, that's true, but it's undeniable that the 2 kataphrakts that has been beaten so far all lost because of Inaho's clever use of man's most beloved substance... WATER

What a shame, despite Slaine finally being able to contact the Emperor, his eagerness did not take into account the one who is manipulating the Emperor's decision. And so... The war has begun yet again... Speaking of which, seems like Slaine's father and his past is pretty big from what I can telll.

At the very least Inaho is starting to be recognized for his bravery and intellect, but medals? For him? Bruh, just give him the title of commander already!
Apr 20, 2024 4:00 PM

Dec 2022
That was a deep kiss right off the bat. No wonder Slaine is so attached to Asseylum.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Apr 21, 2024 1:21 PM

May 2020
Not sure what they steal, but these people of mars wanting those of earth to extinct itself from the face of earth, which apparently is a place they want their control over, seems very one-sided till now. They should start giving some exposition in place of justifying someone's kiss to someone.

Slaine is pretty much done for after that secret convo was revealed to be not so secret, in fact. Emperor is getting played by his own men.

Also, another one for our invincible-kun.
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