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Mar 30, 2014 11:48 PM

Jun 2011
-Kurisuta- said:
At least now this anime has one character I actually like. Akise, stay awesome.

This. Other than the coin guess game (especially the final round) itself, and maybe the last few seconds, I didn't quite liked the entire episode, and the characters, and the cliches.

Edit: So Yuno was willing to knock Yukkii out? It is for his safety, but I thought that she would make a fuss out of the idea. Then Mao, why would she want to kill Yukkii? That's not their aim at all, that was stupid, and she even hurt Hinata, her friend, in the process. What if she accidentally broke her friend's phone, but not Yukkii's?
ToG25thBaamMar 30, 2014 11:57 PM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jun 7, 2014 10:48 AM

Aug 2007
I think I'm starting to like most of the characters, to be honest.
I guess I needed watching more episodes to take of that.
Still, Akise is for sure the best thing about this anime so far~

Jun 30, 2014 6:24 PM

Feb 2013
Akise is so lucky. loool But he sure is awesome.
He is very confident in his abilities to beat a future diary.

Btw, I thought Hinata's dad is Eighth because he appears in the ED before Minene. O_O
Now that I think about it, the ED gave a hint that Akise isn't a diary holder since he is the only one that didn't fade out in the ED. lol

"And if, there were so many people in the world, there had to be someone living an interesting life that wasn't ordinary. I was sure of it. Why wasn't that person me?"
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Part V
Jul 23, 2014 9:43 PM

May 2014
I shouldn't feel sorry for all of the villains!!! It is tearing me apart. I feel so ambivalent right now on who's right and wrong One thing I didn't like about this episode is that Amano Yukiteru was pretty cheesy which was too random for my taste.
4/5 episode score
Jul 25, 2014 1:10 AM

Aug 2013
Yuki wants to save everyone but can't even do anything on his own to save himself. Yeah keep that up.

Yuki and Yuno become one. They both think it's about sex. With the lie he told, I doubt it haha.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Aug 21, 2014 2:34 AM
Feb 2013
Oh, so Fourth may be the final boss?!
Sounds cool lol

xchee said:
Yuki and Yuno become one. They both think it's about sex. With the lie he told, I doubt it haha.

Together Forever?! :S
CheatrealAug 21, 2014 2:42 AM
Sep 19, 2014 1:47 AM

Oct 2013
Yeah, Akise is a badass and Todd's voice acting for him is top notch. Haven't heard a character he voiced so well since Ling Yao. Definitely my favorite after Yuno.

I just wish the other diary holders would get some damn development before being killed off. Tsubaki got the most and she lasted all of two episodes.

Sep 23, 2014 5:47 AM

Jan 2014
Well played Fourth, well played.
Nov 5, 2014 11:49 PM

Oct 2013
A lot happened
Nov 28, 2014 10:17 AM

Jul 2013
holyshit Yuno can she get any creeper? ughh.
Feb 24, 2015 2:03 AM

Sep 2014
So the girl with the Osaka accent isn't actually a diary owner, right? Just her dad?

Oh man, Yukki just dug a reeaaallllyyy deep hole with that lie. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out. XD
Mar 9, 2015 7:15 AM
Jun 2014
Akise is hawt, but I don't trust him yet.
And why was Mao's bra also loose?

Mar 9, 2015 7:17 AM
Jun 2014
SaveTheAralSea said:
So the girl with the Osaka accent isn't actually a diary owner, right? Just her dad?

Yep, Hinata's dad was the diary owner.

Jul 6, 2015 12:55 PM

May 2015
SkyHigh said:
Ragna92 said:
Damn, the only good character turned out to be gay...

Pretty good episode overall. Funny how Yuki fooled Yuno.

Well technically Akise isn't gay, and he is as well, in the spin-off manga by same author as main story, Akise fervently denies being gay, however when it comes to Yukiteru.... that's a completely different story. In general he is gay for Yuki, but in the spin-off he shows attraction to girls as well, such as the nearly blind girl (Tsukbaki aka 6th).

Akise, despite his gayness to Yuki is my favourite character, Tied with Yuno, however Yuno genuinely scares me, I had a crazy stalker once, she didn't try to kill people but she was obssessive, most people don't understand how scary they can actually be, because it's freaking creepy, which is why I think Yuki is quite brave for a 14 year old, actually he's coping well for a 14 year old.

Zadion said:
Yeah, Akise is a badass and Todd's voice acting for him is top notch. Haven't heard a character he voiced so well since Ling Yao. Definitely my favorite after Yuno.

I just wish the other diary holders would get some damn development before being killed off. Tsubaki got the most and she lasted all of two episodes.

Yes, many people don't realize that Deus gave Aru Akise feelings for Yukiteru for some reason to better the game. I wish they would have added the manga's "gay part" as people are calling it - it would have added only a few seconds and been hilarious.

Overall one of my favorite episodes as it provides insight into multiple characters' personalities in an extreme situation. The show/manga was in need of some new side characters besides diary users... especially Akise, the Observer and my favorite.
ContaminatedJul 6, 2015 1:00 PM

Aug 7, 2015 6:17 PM

Aug 2014
For me this can be called the best episode out of 9. Yukki finaly learned how to fully control Yuno.

Hinata is alive and not a diary owner.
Akise is not diary owner, alive and gay :P (the last is not so cool for the story:|)
The gamble game was nice even with this mistake people talk about.
I would probably know that both of them are not diary owners if I would pay attention to OP/ED video, but I knew it would spoil me.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Aug 8, 2015 6:20 AM

Feb 2013
So Kurusu finally shows his true colors, guess hes gonna be our new villain. I knew that guy was gonna turn on them eventually.

Also yeah, Yuno is pretty damn scary lol. Yuki may have figured out how to calm her ass down for now, but I doubt it'll last.
Aug 8, 2015 12:01 PM

Aug 2014
Shape430 said:
Well I was expecting the detective kid to be a diary owner, but I wasn't expecting the two girls to be involved as well.

as you see he was not diary owner ;]
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Aug 9, 2015 9:45 AM
Jan 2015
This episode I really had my say of putting my foot on Yuno in order to stop her literally and keep her pinned down with it. Reason for it is Mao. I really did not like that BS she did to her.

Really? I think that Yuno did the right thing. She was afraid that Mao might kill Yukki and went to kill her instead, which is very freaking understandable, in my opinion. What really bothered me was Yukki's stubbornness into trying to make Hinata his friend. The bitch tried to fucking kill you man, are you blind? And Yuno, who has been protecting him all this time is always put aside by him.
Aug 9, 2015 9:48 AM
Jan 2015

Really? I think that Yuno did the right thing. She was afraid that Mao might kill Yukki and went to kill her instead, which is very freaking understandable, in my opinion. What really bothered me was Yukki's stubbornness into trying to make Hinata his friend. The bitch tried to fucking kill you man, are you blind? And Yuno, who has been protecting him all this time is always put aside by him.
Aug 15, 2015 6:32 PM
Jan 2015
average episode, enjoyed it.
Dec 16, 2015 11:00 AM

Nov 2015
Thyriad-oPPailov said:
For me this can be called the best episode out of 9. Yukki finaly learned how to fully control Yuno.

Yuki is far from controlling Yuno. He merely pleased her for a few seconds and stopped her from going psycho. Yuki immediately regrets what he said because he knows that Yuno will expect more and more from him. Now it's only a matter of time before he is unable to please Yuno anymore and something happens.

I wonder what Akise has to do with the story. It was a nice little twist that Akise wasn't a diary user.
-Cracker-Dec 16, 2015 11:04 AM
Mar 12, 2016 2:12 AM

Apr 2014
I don't really like seeing people die...if you can make them your real friends. Why Not?... Sure lots of betrayal happened in the pass 8 episodes but they are not insane... Those people who are not playing this game properly is insane... And Yukiteru is a fine young Virgin boy who had his life throwing away on a cellphone... Can't expect him to go elite in just these early episodes... Hinata right?... Cute Kansai Dialect?... Brownie? My type... Way a go telling that Yandere girl of yours to stop killing your friends.
LoongFeelsMar 12, 2016 2:18 AM
Front Hooks...Oh yeah...
Apr 21, 2016 6:44 AM

Mar 2014
Playing like a detective ~ . So that's why he called it Random Diary .
Well , it left out mostly unscathed .
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May 11, 2016 1:24 PM

Jul 2013
Akise is really smart especially since he isn't actually a diary user like I thought he was. Plus he figured out how Yuki's works too.

Awww, Mao looked so cute when she hugged Hinata from behind! awww bless!

Then she saved her and is her own friend, awww. Also she isn't a diary user either. Awww.

Yuki just wanted to be friends with Hinata and then Yuno went crazy on her when he tried to get her to call of those crazy dogs awww. Then what Hinata's dad said to her through the dogs speaker was cruel.

I know Yuki was going to call Yuno her girlfriend, that made her so happy, it was adorable. A good plan at the time but maybe not for the long term.
May 14, 2016 8:56 AM

Jun 2010
The episode was decent. Yukki is very annoying and it's time for him to man up.
And Yuno.... Well I don't even feel like complaining anymore.
Akise <3
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Sep 7, 2016 6:18 PM
Jul 2018
Oh shit Akise is a BADASS. He dodged Yuno there with NO FUCKS GIVEN, that was awesomeee.
One more player dead there, and 4th is a bad guy after all uh?
Oh, and Yukki took control of Yuno uh? Well, kinda. But at least he managed to make her not kill anybody there.
Hypedd for the next episode, lets go!
Sep 21, 2016 2:38 PM

Jun 2016
Great episode, and one less participant now!
Oct 22, 2016 8:58 AM

Mar 2016
I don't really get why he "lied" about liking Yuno... I mean, Yuno is the best person he met until now and she would probably kill herself just to save him, but still he believes in "friendship".
Oct 29, 2016 10:47 PM

Oct 2016
Kurogashi said:
To a non manga reader such as myself, I find that the last few episodes, including this one, have been quite lacklustre. Everything feels so over the top, and the main character Yukiteru or what ever his name is, is as annoying as ever. He did have one redeeming act in this episode - showing who's the man in the relationship, but low-and-behold, he immediately regretted it after.

ugh ikr... the one time it seemed like Yukki was finally redeeming himself and becoming a man, he fakes it. WTF YUKKI, HOW CAN YOU NOT BE IN LOVE YUNO BY NOW

and yeah we get it, you want friends more than anything but if you're that naive about it you're fucked! Listen to Yuno, trust no one..
"Environmental measures are all skewed in favor of benefiting the human race! Why do you refuse to acknowledge that? Prioritize the prosperity of all life over that of the human race! That is what would make you the superior species!"
Dec 7, 2016 6:40 PM
Oct 2016
Non-manga reader here.

This episode really has my questioning the quality of this show. Lots of just stupid things.

1. Hinata's father is horribly characterized. He is psychopathic enough to endanger his own daughter, then all of a sudden has a change of heart when she fails, without any explanation offered? I mean the only acceptable explanation I can think of is if the 4th was manipulating him throughout... Even that seems like it would make for a messy explanation.

2. Wtf is up with the dialogue. For one thing, I find it annoying the countless times we see diary owners discussing shit in front of bystanders despite the fact that they know they shouldn't. On top of that, people are just having strange conversations that seem practically planted for the sake of plot only.

3. Speaking of the diaries, they're really being underused it seems. I get that they're not the be all end all but sometimes it seems they only serve the purpose of canceling each other out and that in the end it's just who's quicker with a knife in this game.

4. Akase has potential but so far he looks like a rip off of L from Death Note, which would be easier to ignore if the premise of the show weren't already similar. At this point Mirai Nikki is in danger of looking like a death note knock off.

5. These guys appear not to have a clue about how to make a likable protagonist. Having Yukki freak out at the end "oh shit, i just lied" cheapens the fuck out of him announcing Yuno as his gf. His actions could just as easily have been interpreted as brilliant and bold, but his inner monologue rules that out and makes it clear to us that nope, he was just lying desperately and inside he's still shitting himself and doesn't have a clue what to actually do.

6. Oh surprise the fourth is evil. Cool. Maybe that would have meant something if any time at all had been dedicated to getting us invested in his character. Seriously, the guy is just a boring cop with no developed personality at all.

What's maddening is that I know these people are capable of making good characters because Yuno Gasai has been executed so perfectly. So why is it that everyone else is as flat as a pancake and twice as boring? Honestly my second favorite character is probably Yukki's mom at this point, at least she managed to be decent comic relief.

All that said the animation is solid, and there have been some fairly good action sequences. But really if it wasn't for Yuno I'd have likely dropped by now. Really disappointed in this anime as I went in with pretty high expectations. Hope things improve soon.
violetIsSleepyDec 7, 2016 6:49 PM
Jan 2, 2017 5:07 PM

Mar 2010
They would have to turn on each other eventually so no wrong is seen from the 4th. Jesus this was just one train wreck after another.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Feb 22, 2017 6:54 AM

Mar 2016
yuno.exe is working normally
"my love for yukiteru kun is more than just a friend"
yuno.exe is currently not responding
Mar 16, 2017 1:53 PM

May 2013
WELP. Yuno is now dubbed "the girlfriend" lololol. Yuki-kun, you done fucked up. Better learn to love her, cuzzzzzzz... if not, you doomed lmao.
Apr 18, 2017 11:09 PM

Jan 2016
Whoa, everything about this episode was right. One thing I particularly liked is how they were able to take the focus off ot the main character for at least half of the episode --- became more of a background character, while they let the others and the sidestory develop.

I'm really surprised about the diary reflecting Amano's predictions. So does this mean that it is reflective of his perception of his future experiences? Is that why something that was previously unknown to Yuuki can still appear in the diary entry if it's something that he later discovered as per his own discretion?

Moreover, the confession was definitely unexpected. Yuuki two TWO big risks this episode (one of them completely unjustified). The justified one was that he ran back to save Hinata. The unjustified one is that he blatantly said to Yuno that they are NOT friends, before succeeding it with "we're dating". That unnecessary intermission could have led to Hinata's death...thoughtless....

Anyway, tense.
Jun 5, 2017 9:01 AM

Dec 2016
So was his final statement aimed at Yukki, and the answer being do not really trust the 4th as he probably has an ulterior motive, or directed at the 4th the whole time about someone else?
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Jul 29, 2017 9:49 PM

Jul 2009
I thought this episode was pretty good. Starting from Aru NOT actually being a diary owner, he had all of us fooled :P Hinata got involved because she was trying to save her dad, even though Fourth was the one who tracked him down. I'm guessing that Deus would've dealt with him regardless seeing as he wasn't allowed to lend out his diary but he did anyway. His experiment with giving Yuki fake info and seeing how that affects his diary predictions was interesting too. I wonder if that's gonna come into play later :O Glad to see Yuki developing more of a backbone in standing up to Yuno, and while I knew that declaration of her being his girlfriend was coming, this just puts him in even more hot water lol. Yes he can "control" her a bit better now and she won't try to kill his friends, but now he's guaranteed to be stuck with her for life ... or well, I guess until one of them dies in the game XD Anyway we had a warning about Fourth, because yes he's acting nice, but when it comes down to it he's gonna have to get his hands dirty eventually. I wonder if Aru will continue being a character too, because I think he's pretty cool ... not to mention he feels "more than friendship" with Yuki?! XD
Oct 14, 2017 5:54 AM

Jun 2016
Idk how to process the whole episode. Yuki is dumbest as ever. Forfucksake. Stop lying to Yuno, you fucking bastard! Now she thinks you're treating her as your girlfriend even though you're just taking advantage of her strength and wit. Ugh. But I really loved her reaction when she heard that from Yuki, it was so precious.

It's clear now. It's Mur Mur hunting down this Mirai Nikki owners. Hehe. I was too distracted with her cuteness and shenanigans. She even pretended to be a dog. I'm dead.

Now another diary owner: the tenth owner who's apparently Hinata's father. Lmao.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Mar 11, 2018 3:45 PM
Feb 2018
This was probably my favourite episode of Mirai Nikki, damn Akise is soooo coooool!
Mar 13, 2018 5:56 PM
Dec 2017
Without a doubt, Yuki got to be one the weakest main characters of all time. His main abilities are falling down and dart throwing. If it weren't for Yuno and the other diary readers yuki would've been dead by now. I know he got a redemption arc coming, the main character can't stay this weak for the entire series. Until then, I'm rooting against him. I just can't stand his character. Watching him makes me want to punch the screen. That being said, I still find the show entertaining and will continue to watch.
Dec 11, 2019 10:48 AM

Apr 2013
Didn't expect that dude to get shot by the policeman, I thought he tries to catch criminals not kill them all. Or is Mirene an exception because she's a hottie?
Mar 1, 2020 7:33 AM

Dec 2018
So, Akise is not a participant in this game... or so it seems.... I'll need to see his dead body first to confirm it. I bet he knows about Kurusu (4th).

Seems there's another crazy girl beside Yuno which is Mao.

Well, Yukki's future diary is not as reliable as I thought.

Oh wow, Yuno still think that she's only a friend to Yuno after they have kissed each other.
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Aug 7, 2020 6:15 PM
Oct 2019
Yuki: "I want friends. She's my first friend ever. I've never had friends."

Yuno: "You have me. You've only known her one day. She used you."

Yuki: *falls to his knees crying*

I hate this Yuki kid.

I think I'm going to drop this show (or at least pause it). It's just dumb. It's like it tries to be good and somewhat serious only to revert back to stupid, implausible and bad. Like in this episode, the coin game was good. The whole dog thing was crap; as was Yuki (but that's par for the course with his dumb arse). And Fourth killing the guy at the end was good.

My theory is that Yuki is probably playing everybody. I'm sure Yuki and Yuno end up as the final 2, and then he kills her because he never loved her and was only using her. He probably gets some hanky panky action in with her before offing her, too, to really "sell" her on his love. If done right, that could be a good ending. I don't think it would get done right though. The ol' shocking reveal finale.
HagePotPotatoAug 7, 2020 6:24 PM
Aug 12, 2020 2:44 AM
Jul 2020
I watch this when still airing and not sure I got which episode. Want to watch again but after reading on this post. I think I cancel my decision.
Sep 27, 2020 3:47 PM

Dec 2016
Now I can say I like Akise <3 He's handsome, a detective AND a troll X3 Great episode! Also, thanks for not making me dislike this boy :D

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Jan 25, 2021 7:28 AM
Jan 2021
tery999 said:
Why is Yukki such a fag? He even said to himself that Yuno being his girlfriend is a lie.
I would kill to have a girlfriend as Yuno, yet this guy only complains and cries. I hope he dies.

he's being manipulated by her though, I agree that he's a pussy regardless but Yuno is seriously being manipulative and she called herself his girlfriend in front of his mom anyway, maybe this is his coping mechanism, like he's accepted that he can't change how Yuno feels or get rid of her. she has saved his life multiple times and even if he's not being held hostage by her, he can't "escape" because he is dependent on her as she protects him, her diary also tells her everything about him pretty much which is useful to him as well. also if he decided not to talk to her etc. possible make her hate him, she could kill him very easily and he's aware. she should have even killed him if she played by the rules of the survival game.
Feb 16, 2021 2:54 PM

Jul 2012
Akise being a normal dude is kinda cool.

Yuki is gonna regret this so bad.
Jul 16, 2021 6:53 AM
Feb 2021
I get the feeling that mangaka must have thought he wrote a genius level story. But this is simply shit.
Sep 2, 2022 12:51 PM
May 2020
Not bad on my opinion. :)
Oct 15, 2022 12:15 PM
Jul 2018
This was a really good episode.

So humans who aren't part of the game can use diaries huh? I feel bad for Hinata.

Also, maybe as tenth said, to be careful around those who act nice, maybe fourth is just acting nice and is claiming to be not wanting to be a god but he actually wants to and is using first and second for ease?
May 6, 2023 1:19 PM
Jan 2023
UMM ITS cool
yeh and huny ballz
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