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Aldnoah.Zero Season One
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Aug 23, 2014 4:08 PM

Sep 2013
slovak125 said:

Throughout the whole show she has done nothing, besides trembling in a corner. And now finally, she revealed herself and ofc she must did it in style using martial arts on random guy because why not. Women are strong! is the message i think.

I expect something more from every character, more dialogues to show their motives, personalities. Not showing 103523x f***ing kiss scene. I'll vomit if they put it in there again.

It must take considerable skill to screw every character that hard. Hats off to whoever wrote script.

Well I wasn't saying she was a good character.. just that she has a point. Lol... I agree that the characterization in this show is horrendous as I have said many times before.
Aug 23, 2014 4:12 PM

Apr 2013
I gotta say that if I look at Aldnoah Zero from an entertainment point of view, it's far from being bad and that is what matters to me in the end. Still, I would be lying if I said that I didn't wish for the writer to put a bit more effort in some scenes. For example, what was the deal with the princess when she knocked down the guy before revealing her identity? That was totally random and out of character. Even the scene in which Cruhteo had a sudden change of heart was poorly made, it should have been a bit longer and the change shouldn't have been as drastic.

Apart from that, I liked the episode. While it's a bit disappointing that Slaine has only the princess' lips in his brain, it was still nice to see his resolve. The fact that he's the unluckiest guy around probably helps in making him at least pitiable.
I also hope Cruhteo somehow managed to survive, I'm sure he could play an interesting role if he doesn't die now.

I'm also really hoping this series doesn't take the route where Slaine basically becomes the evil guy, it would be really cliche and disappointing.
5 main aspects I base my ratings on:
1. Did DramaEnthusiast make a thread about it?
2. Is it better than Breaking Bad?
3. Did MellowJello recommend the shit out of it?
4. Has it caused a (very entertaining) shitstorm on MAL?
5. Is it actually good?

Scratch the fifth point, it's not very relevant...
Aug 23, 2014 4:12 PM

Jul 2014
chickenonthepan said:
He will not be such antagonists, I guess. He will be like Athrun, a hero on the wrong side.

But still, I bet he will be brainwashed by Saazbaum like you say and go after Inaho. And I have a strong feeling that Yuki or one of Inaho's friends will be killed by him.

It will be more dramatic if Hime kills Slaine herself. And that would give this episode some credits.

Hime killing Slaine would be epic, of course. But this series then will be ridiculously unbalanced. I mean, it is unbalanced already - Slaine can't get a break and gets in serious problems all the time, while the convoy seems an almost happy place: schoolchildren are unconcerned and cheerful, princess hops around, all the enemies are easily killed off by stoic Inaho, civilians are ok (since they're not shown). One one side people find magical flying battleships lying around, and instantly a princess, who is able to activate the ship, steps ahead. Moreover, despite it being an alien technology, even cadets can pilot this ship. And on the other side a guy tries to help his enemies, gets shot down, tortured to half-death and then stolen to be, probably, tortured some more. It looks like two stories of different genres.

I think I dislike Inaho's school friends. They're unnecessary, annoying and stupid. I don't want to see any more screen time wasted on them.
deadoptimistAug 23, 2014 4:18 PM
Aug 23, 2014 4:14 PM

Jan 2014
Thess said:
I seldom doubt Saazbaum is going to let his prize go into a dangerous battlefield by himself. Unless Slaine tries to escape and he has to tail him so he won't die.

What could be the better way to gain his trust than letting him go to get his precious princess back? Cruhteo tried many kinds of torture and got nothing. Saazbaum is smarter.

Yeah, I agree that if Saazbaum lets Slaine go by himself, he will provide support.

There is zero chance of escaping when Slaine is in Saazbaum's hand now. Again, Saazbaum is not Cruhteo and he knows clearly what he is doing.

If you recall correctly, Saazbaum is a puppet master. He controls both Cruhteo and Emperor. When he sees danger from Cruhteo, he eliminates him immediately without hesitation. It won't be hard for Saazbaum to find a way to manipulate Slaine.
Aug 23, 2014 4:14 PM

Mar 2014
this episode disscusion has more action that today's episode xD
Aug 23, 2014 4:16 PM

Sep 2013
deadoptimist said:
chickenonthepan said:
He will not be such antagonists, I guess. He will be like Athrun, a hero on the wrong side.

But still, I bet he will be brainwashed by Saazbaum like you say and go after Inaho. And I have a strong feeling that Yuki or one of Inaho's friends will be killed by him.

It will be more dramatic if Hime kills Slaine herself. And that would give this episode some credits.

Hime killing Slaine would be epic, of course. But this series then will be ridiculously unbalanced. I mean, it is unbalanced already - Slaine can't get a break and gets in serious problems all the time, while the convoy seems an almost happy place: schoolchildren are unconcerned and cheerful, princess hops around, all the enemies are easily killed off by stoic Inaho, civilians are ok (since they're not shown). One one side people find magical flying battleships lying around, and instantly a princess, who is able to activate the ship, steps ahead. Moreover, despite it being an alien technology, even cadets can pilot this ship. And on the other side a guy tries to help his enemies, gets shot down, tortured to half-death and then stolen to be, probably, tortured some more. It looks like two stories of different genres.

Actually ya.. that is a damn good point you brought up.. How the hell do they know how the pilot the ship? I mean I understand the Princess could offer advice but they seemed to know how to pilot it just fine before the Princess got there to actually turn it on... It's alien technology they've never seen before... o-o
Aug 23, 2014 4:21 PM

Jul 2014
Keten said:
Actually ya.. that is a damn good point you brought up.. How the hell do they know how the pilot the ship? I mean I understand the Princess could offer advice but they seemed to know how to pilot it just fine before the Princess got there to actually turn it on... It's alien technology they've never seen before... o-o

Technically, that can be explained in two ways. One being that this ship was not made by martians, despite using aldnoah. The second one being that the martian technology of that time was still very close to the one on Earth (the aldnoah drives are alien, maybe everything else is of human making). But, in my opinion, still no way in hell schoolchildren should be able to pilot it right away (or should be allowed to, for that matter). In both cases it is an unfamiliar system to them. Even if it is terran, it is old.
deadoptimistAug 23, 2014 4:24 PM
Aug 23, 2014 4:22 PM
Jul 2011
The ship was made by Terrans. It just works on Aldnoah.

I think Asseylum is dead meat. She'll die in a martyr way to ceasefire while Slaine will inherit her dream and make it real. Inaho will die too, because his goal is to survive, but he'll save his sister. Slaine's goal is mostly to protect her and see she fulfills her goal of peace. Slaine is the one of the three main characters who has lived in both sides for a prolonged time and saw the worst of each. He's set up to be the one who "changes things" from a plot standpoint because he's the only one with personal experience on injustice.
Aug 23, 2014 4:27 PM

Jul 2014
HopeLight said:
The ship was made by Terrans. It just works on Aldnoah.

I think Asseylum is dead meat. She'll die in a martyr way to ceasefire while Slaine will inherit her dream and make it real. Inaho will die too, because his goal is to survive, but he'll save his sister. Slaine's goal is mostly to protect her and see she fulfills her goal of peace. Slaine is the one of the three main characters who has lived in both sides for a prolonged time and saw the worst of each. He's set up to be the one who "changes things" from a plot standpoint because he's the only one with personal experience on injustice.

From the way the story goes, Slaine will be willing to die in the end. He is already traumatized more than anybody else. I guess, even Marito with his PTSD is yet to reach his level.
The distribution of suffering is very strange in this show.
Aug 23, 2014 4:28 PM

Mar 2011
HopeLight said:
The ship was made by Terrans. It just works on Aldnoah.


Indeed. If Im not mistaken it was outright stated in this episode that the terrans took the aldnoah drive from that martian kataphract they seized 15 years ago and built a space battleship using that aldnoah drive.
Raziel1991Aug 23, 2014 4:36 PM
Aug 23, 2014 4:29 PM

Jan 2014
Keten said:

Actually ya.. that is a damn good point you brought up.. How the hell do they know how the pilot the ship? I mean I understand the Princess could offer advice but they seemed to know how to pilot it just fine before the Princess got there to actually turn it on... It's alien technology they've never seen before... o-o

I don't want to defense this episode, but look like the ship is a hybrid. It has normal Terran ship control system and weapons, just the power is provided by the Aldnoah core taken from the Red Kat.

Deucalion was the name of the Kat if you pay more attention to the conversation when they found the Kat. The ship just took that name after it got the core.

One more point is the rider of the red kat didn't get his name yet. I wonder that is Hime's father? Or more surprisingly, a Kaiduka? (lol)

Anyway, fuck those fanservice. If they show that shit again, I will go rage.
Aug 23, 2014 4:31 PM

Feb 2014
Raziel1991 said:
HopeLight said:
The ship was made by Terrans. It just works on Aldnoah.


Indeed. If Im not mistaken it was outright stated in this episode that the terrans took the aldnoah drive from that martian kataphract they seized 15 years ago and built a space battleship using said aldnoah drive.

And why the hell would Terrans build a battleship they can't even use? Just for Lolz?
Between the adult world and the world of kids,

there, Holyland exists.
Aug 23, 2014 4:31 PM

Jul 2013
it's quite funny how the loyal ones were the ones who were torturing slaine and the traitors were those who aparently showed some mercy

yep this show has a lot of pottencial, especially when they don't show inaho on god mode
Aug 23, 2014 4:35 PM

Sep 2013
slovak125 said:
Raziel1991 said:

Indeed. If Im not mistaken it was outright stated in this episode that the terrans took the aldnoah drive from that martian kataphract they seized 15 years ago and built a space battleship using said aldnoah drive.

And why the hell would Terrans build a battleship they can't even use? Just for Lolz?

Yes... This... ^ >.> It was there before the Princess revealed herself...
Aug 23, 2014 4:42 PM

Jul 2013
y123y said:
The princess is starting to look like a Mary Sue lately. And Inaho is a Gary Stu. I dont like those type of characters.

I hope Slaine gets over his romantic feelings for the princess (if he has those feelings). I dont think I ship Slaine and the princess anymore.

Just the sight of Inaho and the princess enjoying peace, while Slaine is tortured along with the other Martians, really ticked me off for some reason.

yup i feel u... imo slaine is the best character in the show, and inaho well... it's inaho
anyways i think that slaine is more deserving of her love (should he continue having feelings for her) and i will be pretty pissed off if she just picks inaho over him
Aug 23, 2014 4:42 PM

Jan 2014
Keten said:
slovak125 said:

And why the hell would Terrans build a battleship they can't even use? Just for Lolz?

Yes... This... ^ >.> It was there before the Princess revealed herself...

If this is another serious anime or an Hollywood serious movie, I would say that there is one person who knew all what is going to happen and prepare this ship in advance. A time traveler of some kind.

But I'm not sure about this show. It wasted so much potentials already, especially after this episode.
Aug 23, 2014 4:43 PM

Jul 2014
slovak125 said:
And why the hell would Terrans build a battleship they can't even use? Just for Lolz?

Cause dr. Troyard's research, I guess.
I thought that, when Saazbaum mentioned Deucalion, he meant the ship - Saazbaum seems interested in Slaine's father. But people in this thread said that it was mecha's name. I am a bit confused here.

Probably, dr. Troyard's research allowed to use aldnoah without the royal family. It is pretty obvious that Saazbaum wants it to replace the king.

Edit: Erm... I mean, I hope that they don't want to say that it was an untested prototype?
Aug 23, 2014 4:45 PM
Oct 2013
Calm isn't that calm, that was really funny.

Glad to see how they found that ship, was important.

i always thought Cruhteo was a good guy, if only Slaine could have told him earlier, maybe Cruhteo Would not have been killed by Saazbaum. That Douche. (Cruhteo is dead, right?).

Poor Slaine! Getting tortured like that, hes my favorite Character of this series by far. and we finally get to see more of his past.. cant wait for more.

Neat episode, and with aLIEz at the end? o fuck that was great.
5/5, Cant wait for the next episode!
Aug 23, 2014 4:45 PM

Sep 2013
deadoptimist said:
slovak125 said:
And why the hell would Terrans build a battleship they can't even use? Just for Lolz?

Cause dr. Troyard's research, I guess.
I thought that, when Saazbaum mentioned Deucalion, he meant the ship - Saazbaum seems interested in Slaine's father. But people in this thread said that it was mecha's name. I am a bit confused here.

Probably, dr. Troyard's research allowed to use aldnoah without the royal family. It is pretty obvious that Saazbaum wants it to replace the king.

Hmm I suppose that is possible... We'll have to wait and see I guess. All of this Aldnoah talk though and we don't really know what it is yet besides, "Alien life powers" lol
Aug 23, 2014 4:47 PM

Jun 2014
Well this episode was just a bunch of "Oh DAMN" moments for me.
Still yanking the rug out from under the promise of peace.
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Aug 23, 2014 4:49 PM

Feb 2014
chickenonthepan said:
Keten said:

Yes... This... ^ >.> It was there before the Princess revealed herself...

If this is another serious anime or an Hollywood serious movie, I would say that there is one person who knew all what is going to happen and prepare this ship in advance. A time traveler of some kind.

But I'm not sure about this show. It wasted so much potentials already, especially after this episode.

Then what is this anime if it is not serious? Parody? Well, I you put it in that way...
Between the adult world and the world of kids,

there, Holyland exists.
Aug 23, 2014 4:51 PM

Jul 2014
Keten said:
Hmm I suppose that is possible... We'll have to wait and see I guess. All of this Aldnoah talk though and we don't really know what it is yet besides, "Alien life powers" lol

That is unless they'll say that it was an untested prototype. It would be really silly.

Aldnoah seems too fantasy-like for my taste. I hope, that that ball wasn't the whole drive. They should at least design some awesome cooling systems. Sci-fi drives can be awesome (remember the "drives" in Trigun? not exactly sci-fi, but so inventive).
Aug 23, 2014 4:54 PM
Jul 2011
deadoptimist said:
From the way the story goes, Slaine will be willing to die in the end. He is already traumatized more than anybody else. I guess, even Marito with his PTSD is yet to reach his level.
The distribution of suffering is very strange in this show.

Slaine won't die for that reason you list: he is the one who is taking abuse and work with it, extracting real strength from inside of him. He's the only character who truly can make Mars and Earth join because he has experienced the worst of both sides. Asseylum seems like a plot device who will die for him to angst about then retake her dream to make it his own.

Inaho is dead now he revealed he wants to survive. That never ends good in mecha.
Aug 23, 2014 4:56 PM

Jan 2014
Keten said:
deadoptimist said:

Cause dr. Troyard's research, I guess.
I thought that, when Saazbaum mentioned Deucalion, he meant the ship - Saazbaum seems interested in Slaine's father. But people in this thread said that it was mecha's name. I am a bit confused here.

Probably, dr. Troyard's research allowed to use aldnoah without the royal family. It is pretty obvious that Saazbaum wants it to replace the king.

Hmm I suppose that is possible... We'll have to wait and see I guess. All of this Aldnoah talk though and we don't really know what it is yet besides, "Alien life powers" lol

Hmm, deadoptimist's idea makes sense.

But the name is really belong to the kat. Both Cruhteo and Saazbaum say that name right after they see the kat. And they don't even see the ship yet.

I hope this will be clear in the 1st cour. Who is Dr. Troyard and which role will he play? Too much foreshadowing will be tiresome.
Aug 23, 2014 4:56 PM

Jul 2014
HopeLight said:
Slaine won't die for that reason you list: he is the one who is taking abuse and work with it, extracting real strength from inside of him. He's the only character who truly can make Mars and Earth join because he has experienced the worst of both sides. Asseylum seems like a plot device who will die for him to angst about then retake her dream to make it his own.

Inaho is dead now he revealed he wants to survive. That never ends good in mecha.

Well, I must admit I'm not well-versed in the laws of mecha. But for me it looks like Slaine will get broken, not stronger soon.

chickenonthepan said:
I hope this will be clear in the 1st cour. Who is Dr. Troyard and which role will he play? Too much foreshadowing will be tiresome.

Nah, I think, now that Slaine is in Saazbaum's hands, they'll get to it. Not the next episode, maybe, but soon.
Aug 23, 2014 4:57 PM

Apr 2011
Gah, FUCK YOU Inaho! I wanted to punch that deadhearted bastard in the face everytime he showed up in this episode. He turned on Slaine for no reason whatsoever and left him to get tortured by the Martians. Fuck you Inaho, you're just as bad as them! You soulless son of a bitch!

They better bust Slaine out of prison, that's all I can say. Gahhh I hate the main character so much right now. What a fucking idiot. They really could've used a snubfighter to go along with their flying aircraft character, but no, he arbitrarily decides Slaine is an enemy and leaves him to be tortured. FUCK YOU INAHO!

The torture was really hard to watch, since Slaine is my favorite character of the show. And Inaho is lower than dirt in my estimation right now -_- At least it looks like in the end they're going to bust him out, or at least give him a chance to come along. I really hope he cold-cocks that bastard Inaho when they do, too.
Aug 23, 2014 5:00 PM

Aug 2014
I expect something like this in the end:(
Aug 23, 2014 5:02 PM
Jul 2011
deadoptimist said:
Well, I must admit I'm not well-versed in the laws of mecha. But for me it looks like Slaine will get broken, not stronger soon.

If he were to be broken, he would have broken episodes ago: his bottom moment was when he believed the princess was dead. The screenplay person said his arc is defined as to "get emotional strength" overtime. This episode he's sassing the Count while he's getting tortured. He's changed from the meek boy he used to be.

Inaho wishing to survive and getting nothing right now on his plate is dooming him to death.
Aug 23, 2014 5:08 PM

Apr 2013
Blind_Guardian said:
Gah, FUCK YOU Inaho! I wanted to punch that deadhearted bastard in the face everytime he showed up in this episode. He turned on Slaine for no reason whatsoever and left him to get tortured by the Martians. Fuck you Inaho, you're just as bad as them! You soulless son of a bitch!

They better bust Slaine out of prison, that's all I can say. Gahhh I hate the main character so much right now. What a fucking idiot. They really could've used a snubfighter to go along with their flying aircraft character, but no, he arbitrarily decides Slaine is an enemy and leaves him to be tortured. FUCK YOU INAHO!

The torture was really hard to watch, since Slaine is my favorite character of the show. And Inaho is lower than dirt in my estimation right now -_- At least it looks like in the end they're going to bust him out, or at least give him a chance to come along. I really hope he cold-cocks that bastard Inaho when they do, too.

While I don't agree with you on Slaine having done nothing to be shot down (because he did), it's still weird as hell that they left him behind. That's just a dumb decision from Inaho. He at least should have made sure to kill him if he had no intention of even interrogating him.
5 main aspects I base my ratings on:
1. Did DramaEnthusiast make a thread about it?
2. Is it better than Breaking Bad?
3. Did MellowJello recommend the shit out of it?
4. Has it caused a (very entertaining) shitstorm on MAL?
5. Is it actually good?

Scratch the fifth point, it's not very relevant...
Aug 23, 2014 5:09 PM

Jul 2014
HopeLight said:
If he were to be broken, he would have broken episodes ago: his bottom moment was when he believed the princess was dead. The screenplay person said his arc is defined as to "get emotional strength" overtime. This episode he's sassing the Count while he's getting tortured. He's changed from the meek boy he used to be.

Inaho wishing to survive and getting nothing right now on his plate is dooming him to death.

You're probably right, though for me it seems that being tortured to death is one of the lowest points a person can hit. I don't think that he was meek before - he acted recklessly too, and talking back to the count couldn't get him anywhere in his circumstances at that time. But, we'll see, of course. It's just that, in my opinion, it wil be unrealistic, if he recovers easily after all this.

geralt said:
While I don't agree with you on Slaine having done nothing to be shot down (because he did), it's still weird as hell that they left him behind. That's just a dumb decision from Inaho. He at least should have made sure to kill him if he had no intention of even interrogating him.

Yep. That's completely illogical.
Aug 23, 2014 5:10 PM

Jan 2014
deadoptimist said:
HopeLight said:
Slaine won't die for that reason you list: he is the one who is taking abuse and work with it, extracting real strength from inside of him. He's the only character who truly can make Mars and Earth join because he has experienced the worst of both sides. Asseylum seems like a plot device who will die for him to angst about then retake her dream to make it his own.

Inaho is dead now he revealed he wants to survive. That never ends good in mecha.

Well, I must admit I'm not well-versed in the laws of mecha. But for me it looks like Slaine will get broken, not stronger soon.

chickenonthepan said:
I hope this will be clear in the 1st cour. Who is Dr. Troyard and which role will he play? Too much foreshadowing will be tiresome.

Nah, I think, now that Slaine is in Saazbaum's hands, they'll get to it. Not the next episode, maybe, but soon.

Agree, let me list some reason:

- He will be manipulated by Saazbaum soon enough. Saazbaum is proved to be one step ahead of everything. The only person I think can go against him is Inaho.

- The stronger the resolve is, the easier for it to be broken. See Saber and Kiritsugu from FZ? (I only take 1 of Gen's works as example).
It is even easier in Slaine's case because his resolve is around one person only. If Hime "betrays" him somehow, he will be broken for sure.

- If they write it better, Hime can be the one stand on her own feet, not the plot device for anyone. Out of the three main chars, I think she is fit to rule than most. Slaine is too emotional and Inaho is too logical.
Aug 23, 2014 5:13 PM

Jan 2013
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Aug 23, 2014 5:15 PM

Oct 2011
In my opinion,Slaine & his plot is the best/most interesting part about this show writing-wise.
My Devianart

Oh & Space Brothers is still the best anime ever,in my opinion.Even when competing with Attack on Titan.
Aug 23, 2014 5:18 PM

Sep 2010
JeddyVII said:
In my opinion,Slaine & his plot is the best/most interesting part about this show writing-wise.

I liked Marito better but then they ruined him. :(
Aug 23, 2014 5:18 PM
Aug 2014
Well, it was an alright episode. Saazbaum is evil as always. His machine, by the way, Dioscuria as HorribleSubs translated it most likely refers to Dioscuri which refer to the twin Greek "gods" Castor and Pollux which in Latin are called Gemini or Castores, and in Greek Dioskouri.

This might be the reference to his double functions, as it seems he has the functions of both the flying one and that of the katana knight.

Props to Chruteo, the shortest lived smart guy. Though he might have survived, seeing that they showed no body. If he later appears having half his face covered in a mask and is crowned the Knight of Orange, I'm up for that ending as well.

So it seems that Inaho left Slaine to die. A few choices there: a) he thought slaine had died in the fall; b) he did not want anyone who knows the princess near her to influence her; or c) he thought that Slaine would be shot on the spot without interrogation and thus keeping him off the ship was for the best. Though they may never revisit that point, I hope they do.

Like when Inaho was straight as always: "It wasn't that I neglected to tell you. I deliberately didn't tell you." Loled at that.
Aug 23, 2014 5:20 PM

Jan 2014
HopeLight said:
deadoptimist said:
Well, I must admit I'm not well-versed in the laws of mecha. But for me it looks like Slaine will get broken, not stronger soon.

If he were to be broken, he would have broken episodes ago: his bottom moment was when he believed the princess was dead. The screenplay person said his arc is defined as to "get emotional strength" overtime. This episode he's sassing the Count while he's getting tortured. He's changed from the meek boy he used to be.

Inaho wishing to survive and getting nothing right now on his plate is dooming him to death.

the end point of his resolve is when Hime pointing the gun at him.

Do you know what is worse than die for your resolve? Betrayal.

I'm not saying that hime will betray Slaine on purpose but one misunderstanding can cause that to happen.

Actually Inaho's reply is kinda polite. I think he care more about his sisters and friends than himself.
Aug 23, 2014 5:23 PM

Jul 2014
chickenonthepan said:
Saazbaum is proved to be one step ahead of everything. The only person I think can go against him is Inaho.

I'd expect it in most cases. But here we're so far away from possibility of any meaningful opposition to Saazbaum - he has all the data, the terrans know nothing and they lost a lot of valuable info by neglecting to fish out Slaine.

chickenonthepan said:
- The stronger the resolve is, the easier for it to be broken. See Saber and Kiritsugu from FZ? (I only take 1 of Gen's works as example).
It is even easier in Slaine's case because his resolve is around one person only. If Hime "betrays" him somehow, he will be broken for sure.

The funny thing is that, the way I see it, she has already betrayed him. I dunno how she can not notice that Slaine is abused at the castle. And in this episode she didn't care enough to try to find out anything about him from Inaho (I understand, that she doesn't know, if it's him, but if there was even a small possibility... Does she not want to know, why he was there, killing martian knights?). She hasn't said even once that she doesn't want him to worry about her death. I am not able to explain it in a way favorable to her, sorry.

- You know, the guy I shot down, he said that he cared about you.
- Ah, maybe Slaine... Look, seagulls! *dances*
deadoptimistAug 23, 2014 5:26 PM
Aug 23, 2014 5:24 PM

Jan 2013
y123y said:
phantom19 said:

I used to be a Slaine-princess shipper, but seeing the princess this episode, and how much of a Mary Sue she is, I no longer care for the princess. I really hope Slaine gets over his romantic feelings for her.

Now, what would make this shipping interesting if its the princess that has romantic feelings for Slaine, but Slaine none for her.

I do think the princess finds Slaine very special since he's the one who told her about Earth and made her love for it grow. I don't think we can say yet whether those feelings are romantic but yeah, if she liked Slaine more than he liked her, it'd be interesting. It doesn't really fit Slaine's personality though, IMO. He cares too much about what she thinks of him.
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Aug 23, 2014 5:30 PM

Jan 2014
deadoptimist said:

- You know, the guy I shot down, he said that he cared about you.
- Ah, maybe Slaine... Look, seagulls! *dances*

I laughed so hard. Thank you. :D
Aug 23, 2014 5:42 PM

Aug 2013
no longer know what to expect this anime, it surprises me every episode
while Inaho and the princess were almost flirting on Earth, Slayne was taking a beating, and when I was thinking that the episode would end calmer an invasion and an attack on the spaceship that was Slayne being he was yet kidnapped, this guy does not have luck even
Aldnoah is being the best of the season, I am very curious to see what will happen to the story ..
Aug 23, 2014 5:53 PM

May 2012
Being Slaine is tough
Sword in hand, a warrior clutches stone to breast. In sword etched he his fading memories In stone, his tempered skill By sword attested, by stone revealed. Their tale can now be told
Aug 23, 2014 5:53 PM

Sep 2013
deadoptimist said:

- You know, the guy I shot down, he said that he cared about you.
- Ah, maybe Slaine... Look, seagulls! *dances*

Lmao. Sad part is that is exactly what happened in the episode while Slaine was getting whipped, electrocuted and beaten... Kind of sucks out any charm or seriousness the 2 scenes could have.
Aug 23, 2014 5:54 PM

Nov 2012
Slaine took a beating, and I respect how he didn't give up any information while being tortured. I mean he is not even a grown man, and yet he took those hits!

I hope Marito overcomes his trauma eventually though, I want to see him fight again like in the beginning. He was so cool then.

"Climb the mountain not so the world can see you, but so that you can see the world."
Aug 23, 2014 5:55 PM

Aug 2008
Slaine, just how loyal can you be. :')

I was wondering really hard why the Count Saazbaum would want to keep Slaine alive. I guess he might want him to lure the princess... ?
Aug 23, 2014 6:08 PM

Mar 2013
Tommk said:
Being Slaine is suffering

Aug 23, 2014 6:33 PM

Oct 2010
DivineTrinity said:
It was an okay ep. I was really hoping it wouldn't go down this way but I'm curious on how they will handle it now.

Darklight0303 said:
Wow the writer fucked up. They actually left him behind.

Oh yeah this. Now its pretty much Slaine on the wrong side till he figures out that Saazbaum is really the traitor. Which I don't see for now since he probably will think Saazbaum is his savior while he probably treats Cruhteo as the traitor.

yes this is mostly will be happening
Signature Removed
Aug 23, 2014 6:37 PM

Oct 2011
Thess said:
JeddyVII said:
In my opinion,Slaine & his plot is the best/most interesting part about this show writing-wise.

I liked Marito better but then they ruined him. :(

He has potential,but nothing is happening with him yet.Maybe something will happen by the end of this season or in the next one.
My Devianart

Oh & Space Brothers is still the best anime ever,in my opinion.Even when competing with Attack on Titan.
Aug 23, 2014 6:38 PM

Oct 2010
jdbe said:
Why did the princess go all Bruce Lee for no reason, as if she couldn't just let them hear her out first, she should've apologized, b****.

yeah I also confuse about this...
Signature Removed
Aug 23, 2014 6:41 PM

Feb 2014
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Fai said:

IT has been very obvious that the writers fucked up way before this episode.

Shit happens because its convenient. The way they handled slaine plot here is no different.

Don't expect common sense from these characters until its time to finally advance the plot.

Is 4 episodes to the season finale a good enough time?

I'm still not sure about that. MAL is the only place that has this listed for 12 episodes
Aug 23, 2014 6:43 PM

May 2012
Sevenlore said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:

Is 4 episodes to the season finale a good enough time?

I'm still not sure about that. MAL is the only place that has this listed for 12 episodes

Bro, its confirmed to be 2 cour. Like fate zero with season 1 and 2.........
Sword in hand, a warrior clutches stone to breast. In sword etched he his fading memories In stone, his tempered skill By sword attested, by stone revealed. Their tale can now be told
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