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Aug 10, 2014 4:00 AM

May 2014
It has a pretty low score of 6.95 but in my opinion it's not THAT bad, it should have at least a 7.5 in my (biased) opinion. So could someone explain why he/she disliked this anime and what was so bad about it in your opinion.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Aug 10, 2014 10:16 AM

Sep 2013
I gave up this after episode 4 or so. It's not bad, but there's nothing captivating about the plot that keeps me going. I'll rather wait this till the end and marathon it if the responses are good.

I've always... always been watching you... This whole time... Because you were there... That's why I was able to try hard. So you could have some balance! So you wouldn't treat me like a kid! So you would see me as an actual girl! Even while you were gone... You were right here! You were right here in my heart!
Aug 11, 2014 10:39 AM
May 2014
The hype was huge in this show.

So when it showed mediocre at best quality then people got really disappointed.
Aug 11, 2014 10:41 AM

Apr 2014
The drawing was nice. But the show is not going anywhere.
The no plot at all.
Aug 11, 2014 10:49 AM

May 2014
Because there's nothing to like.

Technicalities don't make a show, it's the story and execution that matter.

It's a plotless SoL, so we have a character driven story, so let's go to characters.

So our characters are dull paper cutouts whom we do not know, have weak characterization, no backstories, no real struggles outside forced drama of supposed love polygon situation. So yeah.

The directing is fine, but there's no substance, no point to it all. The art is nice, but the animation, jeesus could it be any more cheaper?!

So yes, this show is a waste of time.
T3hSourceAug 11, 2014 10:52 AM
Aug 11, 2014 11:28 AM

Aug 2011
I ask myself this when I go to Shounen Hollywood's page.
Aug 11, 2014 12:45 PM

Jun 2010
Joe dislikes something, Joe starts to rumble about it.
John agrees. But John can't keep that to himself, so John start to flame and write bashful "previews".
Josh is new to anime, Josh doesn't know what is happening but reads John's "preview".
Kids wants to fit in, therefore, play along with them. Because nowadays it's cool to be a critic.

There you have it, your own hate club.
Glasslip SO FAR is average. Meaning: 7.0
But let's not forget that rating series before they are complete is utterly stupid.

parfaited said:
I ask myself this when I go to Shounen Hollywood's page.

did I say I love you?
Aug 11, 2014 2:18 PM

Apr 2014
There's a very little plot, and it's too fast-paced IMO
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 11, 2014 7:02 PM

Jun 2014
GoMarcia said:
There's a very little plot, and it's too fast-paced IMO

Really? If anything I thought it was moving a little too slow.
Aug 11, 2014 7:05 PM

Dec 2013
xbobx said:
Joe dislikes something, Joe starts to rumble about it.
John agrees. But John can't keep that to himself, so John start to flame and write bashful "previews".
Josh is new to anime, Josh doesn't know what is happening but reads John's "preview".
Kids wants to fit in, therefore, play along with them. Because nowadays it's cool to be a critic.
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Aug 14, 2014 5:19 PM

May 2013
My problem, as of episode 7, is that the more we get to know the characters, the less I like them. The curly haired blonde boy and the main girl are the only characters that aren't self-centered assholes, and the only reason I don't count the main girl is because she's too stupid to realize what she's doing. I hate to drop something when I've already invested this much time, but the show is not really giving me much to work with.
Aug 15, 2014 1:30 AM

Mar 2014
I don't dislike this anime, this is the ONLY anime in this season that keep me eagerly waiting every week and I actually enjoyed it. Plus this show is drama-oriented, so if you haven't been through at least 10 TV dramas - be it Korean, Japanese drama show - then you shouldn't watch this because it's not for you. Since it's so complicated for you just drop it and watch some simple Naruto or harem or ecchi show or something. I'd be glad to see less comments from people like "Don't know what the hell is going on", "This show is so bad I drop it".
Dudes really just drop it for real this time, don't even watch it just to complete your achievement.
Aug 15, 2014 1:53 AM

Sep 2013
Its neither good nor bad, imo its average. But I agree its current score is too low. I expect anime like this to get a rating of 7.0-7.3. Well it's still airing so the rating isnt very reliable.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Aug 15, 2014 1:56 AM

Oct 2013
Its boring. Watching it became a chore. The only good thing about it is the visuals.
Aug 15, 2014 1:59 AM

Jun 2014
Yeah, its not a 6.99- worth anime. Should be a 7.15 maybe.
Aug 15, 2014 2:04 AM

Oct 2012
terrestia said:
It has a pretty low score of 6.95 but in my opinion it's not THAT bad, it should have at least a 7.5 in my (biased) opinion. So could someone explain why he/she disliked this anime and what was so bad about it in your opinion.

im not gonna lie i think the majority of people who saw this anime didnt have the brain power to understand the meaning of this anime.
Aug 15, 2014 3:01 AM

Mar 2014
ss4chris said:
terrestia said:
It has a pretty low score of 6.95 but in my opinion it's not THAT bad, it should have at least a 7.5 in my (biased) opinion. So could someone explain why he/she disliked this anime and what was so bad about it in your opinion.

im not gonna lie i think the majority of people who saw this anime didnt have the brain power to understand the meaning of this anime.

Care to elaborate on the deep meaning this anime is supposed to have?
It's pretty obscure from what I've been seeing last seven episodes.
Aug 15, 2014 4:47 AM

Jun 2013
terrestia said:
It has a pretty low score of 6.95 but in my opinion it's not THAT bad, it should have at least a 7.5 in my (biased) opinion. So could someone explain why he/she disliked this anime and what was so bad about it in your opinion.

1. Because P.A, once again, wasted their power of visual (RDG is even better IMO)
2. Glasslip IMO, is a show that the director don't even know how to bring the dramatic mood to the audience, unlike Nagi Asu (no i'm not comparing both of them)
3.Because i expect Slice of Life like Hanasaku Iroha/Tari Tari, not another triangle love story

only eye bleeding visual and Choucho that makes me want to watch this
Aug 15, 2014 7:04 AM

Apr 2011
I used to say that Glasslip deserved at least a 7.2, because it wasn't that bad. Let me make a correction on that statement: This shit is fucking ridiculous and should be happy that it hasn't fallen to Aku no Hana level (from when it was airing).
Aug 15, 2014 7:19 AM

Apr 2014
I can understand why people hate it. The pacing of the show is really laid back. There is nothing wrong with that on the surface, but slow pacing by it's very nature is going to be a turn off for some. However, as someone that actually likes laid back pacing, I think this anime goes too far into being laid back, to the point that it's almost comatose and lethargic. This kind of pacing/tone even applies to the characters emotions and actions (which almost feel dulled and numb). It's a really strange anime in how much it feels like it doesn't care.

Like I said, I love laid back stories. So at first I really loved this anime. I had no issue with every episode just being slice of life, with a group of friends spending time together. The animation is great. The music is wonderful. It was actually refreshing to get an anime that was so warm and carefree. But at the episodes started to progress, and the characters became more and more emotionally dull and bizarre, and the emotional plot started to feel borderline incoherent....

I'm still enjoying this anime, or I wouldn't be here talking about it. Or watching it for that matter. But I definitely think it has issues. And I think it goes beyond just slow pacing.
Aug 15, 2014 9:47 AM

Mar 2014
Personally, I dropped it at the 5th episode. Sure, the art is very good, but except for that I don't like anything else. We don't know anything about the characters' personalities, they just like someone and behave like retards (I am referring to Touko and the other guy whose name I don't remember). The music is very good, but I don't think that it fits the show's atmosphere. The classic music pieces make it seem melodramatic and stupid. Also, in order to make the series different they came up with the idea of ''seeing the future''. I don't know what will happen next, but so far this hasn't affected the series at all.

So basically I think it would improve if there was more character development and not so many random and meaningless scenes.
Aug 16, 2014 6:20 PM

Feb 2013
Why are people hating this anime? I enjoy it even though Kakeru Okikura can be somewhat annoying.
Aug 19, 2014 8:04 AM

Jul 2008
The show has good animation graphics and art, no question about it. However the potential is wasted by the poorly executed storyline(I'm sure many who have seen all the current episodes might even be thinking "is there a story"?) and character developments. You follow that up with unanswered phenomenons and you end up creating a mess. Personally, I think the series is ok and I don't mind it too much cause it's one of those series where you either watch or skip cause you can.
Aug 21, 2014 11:34 AM

Mar 2012
Yep I also don't understand, it seems like a great anime for me xD

But people have different tastes so whatever, let them rate as they want, it won't stop us from liking it.
Aug 21, 2014 12:58 PM

Feb 2012
Because it's nothing but forced teen drama with small doses of super natural elements which may or may not play a bigger role towards the end.

Every main character on the show makes me cringe. It's a soulless, boring show that makes me wonder wtf P.A works was thinking when they were making this.

We barely know a damn thing about the characters which makes me feel NOTHING for them and their cringe-worthy drama. There's some dialogue that just feels so out of place as if the writers are trolling us.

It's just bad.
Aug 21, 2014 1:00 PM

Jun 2014
There's just no explanation for anything.

In short, I have no idea what the hell is happening sometimes.
Aug 21, 2014 4:07 PM

May 2014
After reading all of these omments I started looking at Glasslip more critically. I guess ignorance is bliss...

However for some people that commented here it was just a case of looking at the genres and reading the synopsis and then seeing something totally diffrent right? When and before it aired the only genre on MAL (an anichart) was Slice of life while romance, supernatural and drama would've been more accurate.
Aug 21, 2014 5:41 PM
Star Guardian

Apr 2014
It's just kind of boring. Nothing really exciting has happened. I'm hoping to see at least some good drama or something before it ends because I like the characters and it has nice art, but I want there to be some action every now and then lol.
Aug 21, 2014 6:16 PM

Dec 2012
I didn't like Glasslip at first, but it kept me watching, because I have that patience. I'd say Glasslip starts really really slow and gradually builds, which is why some tend to drop it early. Where at the moment it stands at a 6.81, and nearing Seikoku no Dragonar's 6.79... tell me, after watching both, in all aspects - plot, characters, music, and art, which is more shit.

Glasslip is underrated because people here are retarded. It at least deserves a 7.
Aug 21, 2014 6:21 PM

Oct 2012
Blue said:
ss4chris said:

im not gonna lie i think the majority of people who saw this anime didnt have the brain power to understand the meaning of this anime.

Care to elaborate on the deep meaning this anime is supposed to have?
It's pretty obscure from what I've been seeing last seven episodes.

you need a psychological mind to understand what is going on.

this is for oppai type of fans.
Aug 21, 2014 8:52 PM

Aug 2013
Really it has a 6.95? Goddamn it should be at least under a 6. This is worst show of the summer by far.
Aug 21, 2014 10:19 PM

Aug 2011
I only like David.
Aug 22, 2014 1:03 AM

Jun 2009
terrestia said:
After reading all of these omments I started looking at Glasslip more critically. I guess ignorance is bliss...

However for some people that commented here it was just a case of looking at the genres and reading the synopsis and then seeing something totally diffrent right? When and before it aired the only genre on MAL (an anichart) was Slice of life while romance, supernatural and drama would've been more accurate.

If it was tagged romance, supernatural and drama, I think I would have been more disappointed. With just the slice of life tag, I wasn't so surprised at the content. I'd probably rate it 5 or 6 myself based on entertainment value but I don't dislike's just ok but I do want to finish it. It's like watching an anime based on a video game you never played. Some are done well enough but others are lacking if you haven't put the two media together and this has no predecessor (I think) it's just "huh?" moments all the way through.
Aug 22, 2014 4:49 AM

Jul 2014
I gave up on the anime. I didn't like the plot and the whole love triangle thing. It was confusing as hell. :')
Aug 22, 2014 4:57 AM

May 2013
I wouldn't consider almost 7 a bad score.
Aug 22, 2014 5:22 AM

Dec 2012
Jonesy974 said:
This is worst show of the summer by far.

Worst show of the summer season-> Sailor Moon Crystal and SAO II
Glasslip should have a 7.2-7.5
Aug 22, 2014 6:23 AM

Oct 2011
I'm laid back usually when watching anime but this one is just so damn crap. You keep watching next week to see if something finally happens instead of being hyped because of something happening last week. Like dayum. I'm surprised this isn't rated 5.00. Seriously? I'd take Himegoto over this.
Aug 22, 2014 6:30 AM
Oct 2013
Boring. I quit after episode 1. I know it's a slice of life but so is Barakamon. Barakamon > Glasslip It keeps you entertained and engrossed on the plot.
Aug 22, 2014 7:33 AM

Jun 2009
Let me quote episode 7 of this show: "Please stay attractive!" - random person to her sisters friend because some girls have nothing better to do than staring after him running everyday.
"You're the reason Yuki isn't attractive anymore!" - Girl about the guy she loves to random person neither of them gets along with.
This pretty much sums up the entiry show for me, the characters are immature as hell and not even close to being realistic and when I heard this line in the episode I wasn't sure if I cried because of the terrible writing or because I was laughing so hard at this.
I really had high hopes for this and I honestly gave it a chance up to this part but the plot is just poorly written imo, there's tons of unnecessary scenes (conversation between Touko and David and then a random shot of people playing, idk baseball?), there's lots of random jumps in the story that are left unexplained, the characters are annoying me and the dialoges are pretty ridicolous to me as well.

Some people might feel different about this, after all, the appeal of a Slice of Life show also depends on how much you can you relate to the characters and I just don't see myself in any of them at all, but for me, it just doesn't deliver. I admit that my hight expectations might be PART of the reason since it was hard to live up to it, but I just really can't get into this show no matter how much I try.

I do get SOME enjoyment out of this, but that is just because I find it easy to enjoy watching Slice of Life shows in 90% of the case and it it really hard to make me loath a show anyway, but I'd still consider this the worst show of the season out of all the ones I'm watching.
PokeLAug 24, 2014 1:20 AM
Aug 22, 2014 8:00 AM

May 2014
This anime makes me unhappy the way Nagi no Asukara did. So many random, emphasis on RANDOM pairings that not all viewers might like. The plot is dumb. Only reason I still occasionally skip through recent episodes is because I want to see how far my ship will sail. And fuck David.
Aug 22, 2014 8:29 AM
Aug 2013
Yeah... I had high hopes because P.A Works usually does good shows. However, in this one I keep getting hooked on the end because something interesting happens (like at the end of ep. 7). But I feel like in the next episode they either don't explain it and skip over it or give a very poor explanation. Also, the random interactions are getting rather annoying.

I'll keep watching, but my expectations have plummeted.
Aug 23, 2014 1:44 AM

Jun 2013
Basically pacing, directions, and character development are horrible

Very disappointing show

Random events everywhere

I'm still watching anyway
Aug 23, 2014 5:25 PM
Nov 2008
This show has absolutely no depth :
- Character development is horrible, the couples are set from episode 1 and it seems they won't change.
- Everything is way too predictable
- Random stuff is happening and it adds absolutely nothing to the whole history.

We need some plot twists. I was hoping for an ano hana like anime...It doesn't even come close.
Aug 23, 2014 8:53 PM

Jun 2008
For me it's the way the story is unfolding, it doesn't really keep me interested. Should I care about a group of kids who honestly are pretty petty and full of angst? Even the main heroine is kind of annoying, her feelings are all over the place. When she gets close to someone in this case Kakeru, she pushes him away in the next scene.

Plus this anime is pretty damn depressing too. Every episode leaves me with a feeling of emptiness.

I'll finish it up just because I'm already in too deep to just drop it, especially since it's a short anime. But honestly I don't really care for it. Main reason, crappy characters, boring story. The story could of been great, but they focused too much on love triangles and stuff like that. Maybe that's what the show was supposed to be about, but the summary of it sounded so much better then what it actually was.
Sep 4, 2014 12:49 PM

Nov 2008
Rorek said:
Jonesy974 said:
This is worst show of the summer by far.

Worst show of the summer season-> Sailor Moon Crystal and SAO II

Ok, Rorek, you have abysmal taste.

Sep 4, 2014 2:55 PM

Apr 2014
I wonder the same thing too, to be honest.
I give it a 7 at best. It's not HORRIBLE, I mean, the top reviews give it a 3 and a 4. Really? It's not THAT bad. I could see if people gave it a 6 or something but I don't really see why it's so horrible it deserves 3 and 4.
I mean, it's sort of interesting at points later on but, barely. It has an somewhat interesting concept that it just doesn't bring to it's full potential.
Sep 4, 2014 4:42 PM

Jul 2012
Hime-In-A-Box said:
It's not HORRIBLE, I mean, the top reviews give it a 3 and a 4. Really? It's not THAT bad. I could see if people gave it a 6 or something but I don't really see why it's so horrible it deserves 3 and 4.

A 6 means it's above average but lacks something to be good. It's not a 6 or even near a 6. The 2s and 3s are a bit too much IMO. I see this as a 4 or 5.

And @ the worst show of the season... Can't forget Rail Wars!, Himegoto and the other ecchi crap of the season that I don't bother to pick up :P
Sep 4, 2014 6:20 PM

Sep 2014
I hate Glasslip because when nothing melodramatic is happening, I'm bored. When something melodramatic is happening, I cringe. When I happen to give some attention the voice acting, I'm repulsed. The love polygon is not a polygon - just lines connecting certain points.

The only good thing I like so far is OP song, ED song, and Lucent Eyes. The animation is good too; I guess.
I don't consider myself a good judge.

trying not to be an obnoxious otaku
Sep 4, 2014 8:28 PM

Nov 2008
It's not a terrible show.....but compared to other PA Works, it's weak. I love AnoHana and NagiAsu so I had high expectations for Glasslip's not half as good as those.
I blame this mostly on Touko. She's a very bland heroine with a very dull seiyuu. If she was as cute as Menma or Manaka, it'd be a big improvement. I really like Yuki and Yanagi though.

And I feel like I'm the only one who hates the ED song. The chibis look weird and squashy and

Sep 4, 2014 8:33 PM

Jan 2013
Because it isn't as good as Nagi no Asukara and came out way too soon.

If pa works wanted to phone something in like this, they should have waited a bit.

mayukachan said:
Hime-In-A-Box said:
It's not HORRIBLE, I mean, the top reviews give it a 3 and a 4. Really? It's not THAT bad. I could see if people gave it a 6 or something but I don't really see why it's so horrible it deserves 3 and 4.

A 6 means it's above average but lacks something to be good. It's not a 6 or even near a 6. The 2s and 3s are a bit too much IMO. I see this as a 4 or 5.

And @ the worst show of the season... Can't forget Rail Wars!, Himegoto and the other ecchi crap of the season that I don't bother to pick up :P

This is a 7.5 my mal standards.

Also Rail Wars is a pretty fun show. Maybe if you werent so sexually frustrated you could enjoy sexual comedy.

Anime isnt supposed to change your life you know.

Cant defend Himegoto. It is shit.
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