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Aldnoah.Zero Season One
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Aug 9, 2014 11:21 AM
Jul 2012
Does anyone else find Lt. Marito annoying as hell? Presumably he'll come into his own later on in the series, but for now I'm pretty tired of his inability to act being such a recurring theme.
Aug 9, 2014 11:22 AM

Apr 2013
AICW said:
orangpelupa said:
why MC's shot unable to hit the last Arm that flying?

He was hitting it. But it was descending towards them at top speed at a 90 degree angle, and he was hitting directly, which is the point of most resistance.

Inaho would need a MUCH bigger gun to displace that kind of mass traveling at that velocity. Fortunately Slaine hit it an angle which is why his shot knocked it off-course.

Basic physics, folks.

Huh, I was under the impression that Inaho was indeed missing the shots because of the trajectory the arm closing in from above, making it much harder to precisely hit the side of the arm and deflecting it.
Aug 9, 2014 11:25 AM
The Destroyer.

Feb 2013
Finally some info regarding Aldnoah. Judging by this episode we can tell that Asseylum will play a more important role later by picking a side.

Now I wonder how Slaine and Inaho will interact with each other.
Aug 9, 2014 11:25 AM
Mar 2014
Jaythor said:
AICW said:

He was hitting it. But it was descending towards them at top speed at a 90 degree angle, and he was hitting directly, which is the point of most resistance.

Inaho would need a MUCH bigger gun to displace that kind of mass traveling at that velocity. Fortunately Slaine hit it an angle which is why his shot knocked it off-course.

Basic physics, folks.

Huh, I was under the impression that Inaho was indeed missing the shots because of the trajectory the arm closing in from above, making it much harder to precisely hit the side of the arm and deflecting it.

If you pay attention, you'll see the shot hit... For some reason no explosion from it though. Oversight from the artists? That the explosion under that 170 degrees corner wasn't enough is logical
Knight of the Obsidian Order
Nth incarnation of NRVNQSR

Animatic (Anime-fanatic)
Aug 9, 2014 11:26 AM

Jul 2014
Overall this was a nice episode!!! Can't wait to see that happens with slaine now that he has officially defected and such.
Aug 9, 2014 11:26 AM

Apr 2008
Jaythor said:
AICW said:

He was hitting it. But it was descending towards them at top speed at a 90 degree angle, and he was hitting directly, which is the point of most resistance.

Inaho would need a MUCH bigger gun to displace that kind of mass traveling at that velocity. Fortunately Slaine hit it an angle which is why his shot knocked it off-course.

Basic physics, folks.

Huh, I was under the impression that Inaho was indeed missing the shots because of the trajectory the arm closing in from above, making it much harder to precisely hit the side of the arm and deflecting it.

Both explanations work really
Aug 9, 2014 11:26 AM
May 2009
Paraqueet said:
Does anyone else find Lt. Marito annoying as hell? Presumably he'll come into his own later on in the series, but for now I'm pretty tired of his inability to act being such a recurring theme.

Yeah, it's annoying, but realistic. He has PTSD and probably hasn't ever gotten help with it because nobody will believe him about what happened, so it might have just gotten worse over the years. Since this PTSD has been plaguing him for so long, he's not going to get over it in a matter of days (not that much time has passed since the initial martian attack) and certainly not without him making peace with what happened in the past with his dead friend.
Aug 9, 2014 11:26 AM

Aug 2014
This is going into a pretty boring direction. Hoping it won't get too formulaic with the "Kill knights in two episodes" thing. Basically a MOTW but slightly worse because it's always dragged out. Marito needs to gets out of his funk soon because he is taking out too much screentime being worthless like most of the adult characters.
Aug 9, 2014 11:29 AM
Aug 2008
because the ship is broken. Next episode all people will ride the airplane with slayne?
Aug 9, 2014 11:31 AM

Apr 2008
orangpelupa said:
because the ship is broken. Next episode all people will ride the airplane with slayne?

I don't think the plane is big enough. And before that they need to take out the lady knight
Aug 9, 2014 11:31 AM

Jan 2014
orangpelupa said:
because the ship is broken. Next episode all people will ride the airplane with slayne?

no, not enough space for that many people.
Aug 9, 2014 11:31 AM
May 2009
TheUnbiasedOne91 said:
This is going into a pretty boring direction. Hoping it won't get too formulaic with the "Kill knights in two episodes" thing. Basically a MOTW but slightly worse because it's always dragged out. Marito needs to gets out of his funk soon because he is taking out too much screentime being worthless like most of the adult characters.

Marito has legitimate reasons for being useless at the moment, but I agree with you about how useless the other adults are being. It's embarrassing, and they really have no excuses for their uselessness atm. Especially the captains of the ship - come on, they didn't get promoted by being stupid. I'm sure they know some tactics, but so far, they have been very underwhelming. Inaho can't be the only smart one here.
Aug 9, 2014 11:32 AM

Feb 2014
Good episode, the action was good, the same with the ost. Hope next week will be as good as this one.
Aug 9, 2014 11:34 AM
Aug 2008
i just realized. Most adult-martian we saw are dumb. Most adult-earthling we saw are dumb.

maybe this show is trying to give a message. "Dont ignore the kids, sometime adult need to learn from the young" to Japan. Because from what i understand, japan still give too much honor to adult for making decission, for ideas, etc.
Aug 9, 2014 11:34 AM

Oct 2007
Inaho VS......Mazinger Z? The next one after this should probably have a Getter Tomahawk then. At least they mix the fight formula up a little bit this week by not having Inaho be the sole solution to all their problems though it keeps the idea of enemy knight attacks, Inaho and his team try to defend themselves from it and then run away so I assume we'll see them take down the Ashura Mazinger robot next episode since so far no Vers Knight has managed to last longer than 2 episodes. At least this Inaho Vs. seems to be off to a better start than the last one though and Slaine even does a thing. Though if anyone was expecting the female knight to have any more nuance to her character than Vlad and Trillham they can rest assured that she expectedly has the textbook sadistic Onee-san, "Come out to play with me my little boy toys" personality. It's funny though cause it's like they see the guy as Earth Command HQ or Earth's or something and like if they can just take him out they win the war.

Anyway Inaho's character improves slightly in this episode in that he attempts basic interaction with other people that mostly devolves into chats about science and the wrongness of Slaine's scientific theory, but hey A for effort Boy though do the Martians still just look like the galaxies biggest assholes right now. First they wreck havoc on the planets surface and now they go and declare formal war after most of the damage has already been done in the name of "Justice". This enemy faction is one piece of work lol. The Emperor has completely bought into what Sauzbaum sold him and now Slaine in his attempts to see Hime's peace win through has apparently inadvertently escalated the conflict and is a wanted man and instead we get the Hime suffering scenes. I also was amused by the Martians complete inability to stop him from escaping either even while shooting at him as he's bordering one of the fighters that just flies right out of the hangar. This faction man lol....never change Most Honorable Vers Knights of Justice. Anyway I guess that's our Urobuchi style "fuck you and your altruism" style twist for the first half here, but it feels like a bit of a contrived one reliant on the Emperor just outright picking one sides explanation over the other just because it makes things more bitter. I did like that Marito and that Calm fellow basically called Mars bullshit for what it was though and things definitely needed a bit of a jolt right now so it'll do.

Some of the exchanges between the human side were kind of amusing this week but mostly an improvement over what we've had so far. You can tell the show really wants the viewer to know still though that this is goddamn war and it's no joke and so there's a lot of little blurbs thrown in there to that effect like the drop of in-formalities between Yuki and Inaho which lasts all of 15 minutes or so this week which I found kind of strange. Like if she's going to just tell him to call her Yuki in the cockpits when the tension is spiking why get all super serious when they're just talking in the briefing room. It almost makes you feel like two different writers are working on the Inaho Vs. parts compared to the lulls between fights. Personally though I still think it's for the better in the long run, I just continue to be amused by this shows tendency to just drill it's ideas of gritty warfare right into the viewer and how they contrast with the Martian side and it's cartoonish villainy that sees things more like a war game than anything.

A couple of other things, if you're going to go incognito like Hime at least try to hide your name better than just dropping the "Ass" part of it lol. It's a wonder they didn't question this conscript with all these Japanese people having a name that sounds strangely familiar to the Martian Princess when this girl sitting next to her is literally calling her Princess the entire time. Also speaking of which looks like this is the part where Hime gets her dose of Urobuchian "fuck you and your altruism" and is basically forced to give up on the idea of reaching out to her father who will never believe her now and just allows herself to be drafted. Really the Martians as a race just could not possibly look more like all they truly desire is a chance to just wreck Earth again like they tried to 15 years ago (Gundam X Space Revolutionary Army style pretty much exactly) and that they had no intention of ever listening so yeah you learn your lesson there Hime and get ready to be a Soldier of Sorrow, you're in an Urobuchi story concept goddammit lol.

In a lot of ways though this episode was a huge improvement over the last few weeks since it feels like (more I hope) that the show has dropped some of it's pretenses towards constant grit, carnage and tryhard seriousness and instead actually took it's time to flesh out some back story with regard to Aldnoah and how it apparently fused itself to the emperors DNA and allowed him to gift the ability to use it to others (he chose his knights EXTREMELY poorly with regard to loyalty and character by the way, like good grief), gives the cast on the Earth side besides Inaho some real time to show what kinds of roles they are going to be performing and what they are about and kind of interestingly brings the conflict back to where it all apparently started in Tanegashima which is sure to present a challenge for Marito who really needs to make that breakthrough with his combat trauma where apparently he fought Martian Kataphracts using just Tanks apparently pretty much Zeon Earth Invasion arc style only even more lopsided in terms of technology. Apparently there's also some beef between him and the obligatory female captain character as well so it's like finally some real character threads and drama developing within the Earth side of the conflict, which is what this show desperately needed to remain interesting.

Anyway I really hope I'm right about this show deciding to drop some of it's dumber pretenses about being a smarter more gritty robot show that does things oh so differently than the average mecha anime. Like just look at what you have right now. You have the hammiest most easy to detest 70's Super Robot show style villains in the Vers using Rocket Punches to try and take down a battleship with regular mechs on it and you have a decent setup for entertaining stuff at the halfway point. Just keep using the characters a bit better like it did this week, keep the pretensions towards ultra seriouness and "Man of Steel" vibe to a minimum and just roll with what you have right now and flesh things out a little more and make it enjoyable for the viewer and you'll have a solid summer show here.

Edit: Lol just noticed Keten again pretty much said the same things I did this week.
PeacingOutAug 9, 2014 11:39 AM
Aug 9, 2014 11:35 AM

Sep 2013
sillyanny said:
TheUnbiasedOne91 said:
This is going into a pretty boring direction. Hoping it won't get too formulaic with the "Kill knights in two episodes" thing. Basically a MOTW but slightly worse because it's always dragged out. Marito needs to gets out of his funk soon because he is taking out too much screentime being worthless like most of the adult characters.

Marito has legitimate reasons for being useless at the moment, but I agree with you about how useless the other adults are being. It's embarrassing, and they really have no excuses for their uselessness atm. Especially the captains of the ship - come on, they didn't get promoted by being stupid. I'm sure they know some tactics, but so far, they have been very underwhelming. Inaho can't be the only smart one here.

I actually think Marito is interesting. Sure he isn't able to do anything at the moment, but it's not like he doesn't want to, his memories of his past experiences keep showing up and stopping him. He clearly showed massive responsibility by throwing away his alcohol and leaving to get into the machine but unfortunately his past keeps haunting him. I love that about him. It's very human and heroic. Not many people with PTSD are so quick to jump back into action.
Aug 9, 2014 11:35 AM
Aug 2008
Darklight0303 said:
orangpelupa said:
because the ship is broken. Next episode all people will ride the airplane with slayne?

I don't think the plane is big enough. And before that they need to take out the lady knight

do we have a scene where we can compare the airplane size? maybe when the airplane and a mech on same scene?

although .. yeah.. the cockpit do looks very small
Aug 9, 2014 11:36 AM

Aug 2014
maybe we'll finally get some emotions out of the MC if his sis dies
Aug 9, 2014 11:36 AM
Oct 2010
Couple of things..

What was E honda mech's pilot doing on the island by herself? There's nothing there other than a base, but obviously she took it out, so why was she just waiting there for these guys? Also isn't she a knight? As far as I recall only one castle landed in japan, what the hell is she even doing in that zone.

Also I don't really like how they handled slaine's escape, you are telling me all these trained soldiers are having a hard time hitting a dude who is slowly moving up on a rope? Then the doors open for his aircraft to get out? I was expecting him to shoot through the doors at least... which goes back to another point.. why where they shooting at him when the dude said take him in alive lmao.

Also, how did slaine know where they were? Does the princess have a tracker or something? Dude just left the japan base and found them like it was nothing. Additionally why does the inside of a kat cause the LT to have episodes when he suffered his trauma in a tank.....

I feel like I do this every week but.. those impractical ass mechs the Vers have are really just getting on my nerves. Infact, can anyone tell me why she didn't just outright bunch the bridge? (I know the reason why I'm just being an ass here) Or better yet why did that girl's mech survive a punch when in a few scenes before a dude legit got 1 hit from it.
Aug 9, 2014 11:38 AM
Jan 2011
Slaine to the rescue.
Aug 9, 2014 11:39 AM

Apr 2010
With Inaho's brain & Slaine's plot armor, Vers doesn't stand a chance.
Aug 9, 2014 11:40 AM

Jul 2009
athrun comes to save the day... or would he be kira? hmm.. guess athrun.
Aug 9, 2014 11:42 AM

Oct 2008
antonn said:
With Inaho's brain & Slaine's plot armor, Vers doesn't stand a chance.

You just summed up the whole main cast perfectly

I just hope so much the plot gets some weird-as-fuck 180 degree turn somewhere... Anyone snapping anything, making this series (apart from the pretty cool action) a bit less basic. Come on I really want this to surpass Code Gayass!
Aug 9, 2014 11:43 AM

Jan 2014
orangpelupa said:
Darklight0303 said:

I don't think the plane is big enough. And before that they need to take out the lady knight

do we have a scene where we can compare the airplane size? maybe when the airplane and a mech on same scene?

although .. yeah.. the cockpit do looks very small

You can see the air plane size in previous episodes when it carries the Martian mechs It is pretty small.
Aug 9, 2014 11:44 AM

Jan 2014
YurikoRaine said:
antonn said:
With Inaho's brain & Slaine's plot armor, Vers doesn't stand a chance.

You just summed up the whole main cast perfectly

I just hope so much the plot gets some weird-as-fuck 180 degree turn somewhere... Anyone snapping anything, making this series (apart from the pretty cool action) a bit less basic. Come on I really want this to surpass Code Gayass!

Not enough plot twists and thriller yet... Far from it actually.
Aug 9, 2014 11:46 AM

Oct 2007
skudoops said:

I feel like I do this every week but.. those impractical ass mechs the Vers have are really just getting on my nerves. Infact, can anyone tell me why she didn't just outright bunch the bridge? (I know the reason why I'm just being an ass here) Or better yet why did that girl's mech survive a punch when in a few scenes before a dude legit got 1 hit from it.

Yeah I noticed that. The thing went right through the one regular soldiers mech but basically just tipped hers over and she was caught by Inaho. I guess there's's a passive ability called being a named character in this show that allows you to survive getting one shotted.
Aug 9, 2014 11:47 AM
Aug 2008
1. The anime showed that the knight have their own autonomy. So any reason can be possible. From serious reason (she want to investigate blablabla) to silly reason (she just like the sceenry from that island, blue sky, blue ocean, green island, no human).

2. We did not see many of slain's escape process. so we dont know for sure how he escape. Although what we saw here is kind of a normal thing for anime, movies, etc to have important character able to do something just because.

its like the meme of "because im batman"

3. i dont know. This anime did not show slain too much. he can be lucky, he can be monitoring aldnoah uses and coming there, etc.

4. she said it herself. she want to toy with them.

skudoops said:
Couple of things..

What was E honda mech's pilot doing on the island by herself? There's nothing there other than a base, but obviously she took it out, so why was she just waiting there for these guys? Also isn't she a knight? As far as I recall only one castle landed in japan, what the hell is she even doing in that zone.

Also I don't really like how they handled slaine's escape, you are telling me all these trained soldiers are having a hard time hitting a dude who is slowly moving up on a rope? Then the doors open for his aircraft to get out? I was expecting him to shoot through the doors at least... which goes back to another point.. why where they shooting at him when the dude said take him in alive lmao.

Also, how did slaine know where they were? Does the princess have a tracker or something? Dude just left the japan base and found them like it was nothing. Additionally why does the inside of a kat cause the LT to have episodes when he suffered his trauma in a tank.....

I feel like I do this every week but.. those impractical ass mechs the Vers have are really just getting on my nerves. Infact, can anyone tell me why she didn't just outright bunch the bridge? (I know the reason why I'm just being an ass here) Or better yet why did that girl's mech survive a punch when in a few scenes before a dude legit got 1 hit from it.
Aug 9, 2014 11:47 AM

Oct 2008
chickenonthepan said:
Not enough plot twists and thriller yet... Far from it actually.

Yes, absolutely nothing so far... It has potential but it's not being used and it pains me...
Aug 9, 2014 11:49 AM
Oct 2010
Kaioshin_Sama said:
This enemy faction is one piece of work lol. The Emperor has completely bought into what Sauzbaum sold him.

This is one of my biggest issues with the last episode, the funny thing is the emperor started off as a rational person and who order an investigation into the princess assassination and called a cease fire but in 5 mins went full retarded and decided to say fuck that investigation!!! We are declaring war because..... the show needs it!!!

Kaioshin_Sama said:

I also was amused by the Martians complete inability to stop him from escaping either even while shooting at him as he's bordering one of the fighters that just flies right out of the hangar. This faction man lol....never change Most Honorable Vers Knights of Justice.

Worse was that they were shooting him after being asked to bring him alive lol

Kaioshin_Sama said:

The Emperor just outright picking one sides explanation over the other just because it makes things more bitter.

Goes back to my first point lol.
Aug 9, 2014 11:49 AM

Dec 2013
Whey!!! Some character development! Not for Inaho though (awww) starting to like Lt Marito a bit more. Inaho's plan not working was nice too, at least he looked slightly troubled, Elaine coming to the rescue was predictable, though I don't mind.

Elaine escaping was funny tbh, I liked how it looked like the doors would've taken an eternity to close when slaine made it out.

Overall, I enjoyed this episode more than any other
Aug 9, 2014 11:50 AM
Jan 2014
Darklight0303 said:
orangpelupa said:
why MC's shot unable to hit the last Arm that flying?

I'm guessing he panicked so his shots kept missing adding to his desperation until his clip was spent.

-Resident- said:
Good point.

Haha, I could imagine that. Btw, just FYI, Cruhteo's Landing Castle was already impaled into Tokyo. So that complemeted Slaine's getaway even further.

Not really. The castle has defense mechanisms. Missiles and lasers. They could have shot him down if they wanted.

In reality yes. But they INTENDED to let him escape. I just mentioned that because it's fairly easier to escape while in the atmosphere. If Cruhteo's Landing Castle was still in orbit around Earth, Slaine would have to enter the atmosphere to reach the aircraft carrier, which can pose some threats. That being said, I have no idea about the hull design of the Martian aircraft that Slaine piloted.
Aug 9, 2014 11:50 AM

Apr 2010
skudoops said:
Or better yet why did that girl's mech survive a punch when in a few scenes before a dude legit got 1 hit from it.

You made a lot of good points and I hope they get explained in the next episode.

But I can answer this question. It goes back to physics (again lol). As soon as Inko saw the fist coming at her, she hit her jet thrusters and boosted away from it but in the same direction while at the same time lowering her mech down so the fist hit at at a sloped angle instead of dead-on.

She also had Inaho's mech behind her which absorbed some of the momentum so that's why she took less damage. It's essentially the same concept as sloped armour in that hitting something at an angle bleeds off some of the kinetic energy so it doesn't hit as hard.
Aug 9, 2014 11:51 AM

Sep 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:
skudoops said:

I feel like I do this every week but.. those impractical ass mechs the Vers have are really just getting on my nerves. Infact, can anyone tell me why she didn't just outright bunch the bridge? (I know the reason why I'm just being an ass here) Or better yet why did that girl's mech survive a punch when in a few scenes before a dude legit got 1 hit from it.

Yeah I noticed that. The thing went right through the one regular soldiers mech but basically just tipped hers over and she was caught by Inaho. I guess there's's a passive ability called being a named character in this show that allows you to survive getting one shotted.

Yep, pointless shocking deaths for the sake of having pointless shocking deaths is sort of a thing with this anime. They kill off the nameless folk just for the sake of making it appear realistic and building a sense of hopelessness but because the people dying are never mentioned again their death has no impact whatsoever and Inaho and friends still manage to survive it fails to build that hopeless feeling. Not so much a bad thing but it's completely pointless and only takes away from the show.
Aug 9, 2014 11:53 AM
Aug 2008
skudoops said:

This is one of my biggest issues with the last episode, the funny thing is the emperor started off as a rational person and who order an investigation into the princess assassination and called a cease fire but in 5 mins went full retarded and decided to say fuck that investigation!!! We are declaring war because..... the show needs it!!!

on previous episode discussion there was a conspiracy theoy that maybe... maybe..

the king himself orchestrated this war.

he drugged the princess to save her
he blow up the princess car
he let the war happen
he faking his "conscience" by taking cease fire and ordering investigation just to wait for a "reason" to start the war again whitout geting blamed.

he get that reason when slayne and a knight come to him :)
Aug 9, 2014 11:53 AM
May 2011
Darklight0303 said:
solomon585858 said:
Slaine can't die. He is one of the main characters who will be involved in love triangle including Inaho and Princess and it is highly possible he will be the main antagonist. Especially in the second season.

I think we'll see him soon obsessed with princess which will lead him to darkness eventually seeing Inaho and Princess getting closer in the future.

I think you're mistaking this show for Buddy Complex

The result will be the same. One girl. Two fighters. One of them s madly in love with a girl.
It was in Gundam SEED in 1 season, it was in Buddy Complex. It will be the same here.
Aug 9, 2014 11:54 AM

Feb 2010
Same repetitive format as the last 2 episodes... will it end in the next?

Slaine escape was retarded.
Aug 9, 2014 11:54 AM
Aug 2008
yup, when she did that i automatically say "yay shes smart!" in my mind. Alhough he physics are stretched a bit but its still good :)

AICW said:
skudoops said:
Or better yet why did that girl's mech survive a punch when in a few scenes before a dude legit got 1 hit from it.

You made a lot of good points and I hope they get explained in the next episode.

But I can answer this question. It goes back to physics (again lol). As soon as Inko saw the fist coming at her, she hit her jet thrusters and boosted away from it but in the same direction while at the same time lowering her mech down so the fist hit at at a sloped angle instead of dead-on.

She also had Inaho's mech behind her which absorbed some of the momentum so that's why she took less damage. It's essentially the same concept as sloped armour in that hitting something at an angle bleeds off some of the kinetic energy so it doesn't hit as hard.
Aug 9, 2014 11:54 AM
Oct 2010
orangpelupa said:
1. The anime showed that the knight have their own autonomy. So any reason can be possible. From serious reason (she want to investigate blablabla) to silly reason (she just like the sceenry from that island, blue sky, blue ocean, green island, no human).

2. We did not see many of slain's escape process. so we dont know for sure how he escape. Although what we saw here is kind of a normal thing for anime, movies, etc to have important character able to do something just because.

its like the meme of "because im batman"

3. i dont know. This anime did not show slain too much. he can be lucky, he can be monitoring aldnoah uses and coming there, etc.

4. she said it herself. she want to toy with them.

1. Well yes the knights act with autonomy (is she a knight?), but I'm asking why was she there in the first place. There's no legitimate reason other than destroying the base for her to be there, but even if she did.. why stick around? Wtf is she waiting for...? If she is a knight her landing castle isn't even there (the first ep said only one was coming down on japan).. so why is she even in that region.

2. Yeah, that's fair enough, but the way they did it was just silly. It could have been handled a lot better imo.

4. Well I knew that, that's why I said I was being an ass by asking that. What bother me more were the other two things.
Aug 9, 2014 11:55 AM

Jul 2014
Eh episode. Nothing is really happening. Since Slaine is coming down, maybe the plot will actually progress? The whole war is happening just because the Emperor of Vers is misinformed. Are they just not going to clear it up until the show ends? The fights are realistic I guess, but it's getting boring. Marito needs to get his act together. Maybe he should, I don't know, practice going in the machine because if he freezes everytime there's a battle *clenches teeth*. I know he has PTSD,but it's just annoying now.
Aug 9, 2014 11:56 AM
Aug 2008
@skudoops yeah so many thing goes unexplained / unknown
Aug 9, 2014 11:59 AM

Apr 2010
solomon585858 said:
Darklight0303 said:

I think you're mistaking this show for Buddy Complex

The result will be the same. One girl. Two fighters. One of them s madly in love with a girl.
It was in Gundam SEED in 1 season, it was in Buddy Complex. It will be the same here.

Gundam Seed? Who was the girl and the guys? The only one I can think of was Frey with Kira and Sai having drama over her but Sai was hardly a fighter...
Aug 9, 2014 11:59 AM

Aug 2007
Good ep. Still hilarious Slaine got of that place with no problems but whatever. I kinda want to see more of Lt Marito since learning more about what happen and even get that realization the captain was his best friend family was surprising to hear. It looks like all the pieces have finally assemble. Hopefully its now Earth's turn to have an OP mech. :P

Sent with Mal Updater
Aug 9, 2014 12:01 PM
Oct 2010
orangpelupa said:

on previous episode discussion there was a conspiracy theoy that maybe... maybe..

the king himself orchestrated this war.

he drugged the princess to save her
he blow up the princess car
he let the war happen
he faking his "conscience" by taking cease fire and ordering investigation just to wait for a "reason" to start the war again whitout geting blamed.

he get that reason when slayne and a knight come to him :)

Well why would Saazbuum need to use such roundabout measures to convince him then? Doesn't seem to make sense if you ask me. For that to work the emperor had to be in on the plan or at least aware of it, and even still, why would he need to do such schemes to attack earth? No one could hold the martians accountable, if the emperor wanted to do it he just would.
Aug 9, 2014 12:01 PM

Jan 2014
AICW said:

Gundam Seed? Who was the girl and the guys? The only one I can think of was Frey with Kira and Sai having drama over her but Sai was hardly a fighter...

I think he means Kira-Athrun-Lacus. But if I remember correctly, this can hardly be a love triangle. Or I am mistaken?
Aug 9, 2014 12:06 PM

Oct 2007
Keten said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:

Yeah I noticed that. The thing went right through the one regular soldiers mech but basically just tipped hers over and she was caught by Inaho. I guess there's's a passive ability called being a named character in this show that allows you to survive getting one shotted.

Yep, pointless shocking deaths for the sake of having pointless shocking deaths is sort of a thing with this anime. They kill off the nameless folk just for the sake of making it appear realistic and building a sense of hopelessness but because the people dying are never mentioned again their death has no impact whatsoever and Inaho and friends still manage to survive it fails to build that hopeless feeling. Not so much a bad thing but it's completely pointless and only takes away from the show.

Well they did lose the one guy in the 2nd episode that was in his school group but he hasn't been mentioned since then and I totally can't even remember his name because he had like one line in the entire show and it was about finding the Princess attractive and then he's dead.

It's funny though cause I get the sense that Inaho cares more about getting to use these battles as some sort of science experiment and personal challenge than he actually does about protecting friends, family and allies since scientific stuff always seems to be the end result of every interaction he has with people and his spoken dialogue in general. The whole science obsession really is like his sole major defining trait as a character. Like you can tell he's way more interested in learning about this whole Aldnoah thing when talking with Asselyeum than actually interacting with and trying to understand where Asselyeum is coming from and then when he has a chance to pontificate about his scientific knowledge he just launches into this random who the fuck cares spiel about how Slaine was wrong about the way light refracts off the Earth's atmosphere comically earning him a pout from the Princess.
PeacingOutAug 9, 2014 12:13 PM
Aug 9, 2014 12:07 PM

Apr 2013
Toaki90 said:
This anime will get even better if they gave that martian loli, Eddelrittuo, more screen time

Lol, this dude. +1
Aug 9, 2014 12:07 PM

Sep 2009
if the aldnoah drive recognized the princess'es grandfather as the rightful heir and infused its activation into his genes, how did he in turn pass it on to his knights? is that just a martian thing? passing of genes to the already living?

slaine's unscathed exit was definitely interesting i suppose. i doubt that one martian wanted him alive for research information, but even still, you'd think it'd be easy for them to catch up to him with their superior robots. meh.

predictable ending was predictable, but still very fun to watch. i was definitely still excited the moment i saw slaine come to the rescue.
Aug 9, 2014 12:08 PM
Oct 2010
AICW said:
skudoops said:
Or better yet why did that girl's mech survive a punch when in a few scenes before a dude legit got 1 hit from it.

You made a lot of good points and I hope they get explained in the next episode.

But I can answer this question. It goes back to physics (again lol). As soon as Inko saw the fist coming at her, she hit her jet thrusters and boosted away from it but in the same direction while at the same time lowering her mech down so the fist hit at at a sloped angle instead of dead-on.

She also had Inaho's mech behind her which absorbed some of the momentum so that's why she took less damage. It's essentially the same concept as sloped armour in that hitting something at an angle bleeds off some of the kinetic energy so it doesn't hit as hard.

Well I figured since it was punching holes through the hull of the career like it was nothing that they wouldn't be able to stand up to it.
Aug 9, 2014 12:11 PM

Feb 2014
Just Epic.
Flying without feathers is not easy; my wings have no feathers
Aug 9, 2014 12:12 PM
Aug 2008
man... i want aldnoah zero video sandbox-style video game :D :D
so we can try our theories and strategies to fight the martian :D
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