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Aug 3, 2014 10:12 AM

Mar 2011
Really good episode this week!!
RIP Mizuki. ;_;
Aug 3, 2014 11:32 AM

Jul 2014
Clear is so adorable, and I love Aoba's persistence when it comes to his granny.
I also wish that the fight scenes were more intense because I'm so picky when it comes to action but I guess I can't have it all :(
Aug 3, 2014 12:39 PM

Feb 2011
I actually enjoyed the art this episode. but there wasn't too much animation, even with the fight. bare minimum covered. -sighs- although the funniest art was when they were all in the living room, and noiz looked like he had no neck heh.

when the mizuki thing happened i couldnt help but want aoba to save him, even though i know how it ends orz.
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Aug 3, 2014 12:46 PM

Jul 2010
Bye, Mizuki...

So, finally the route will be revealed in the next episode, but for me "Welcome, Aoba-kun" I'm pretty sure that it is
BUT I think they'll mix all :P But I wonder how...
Aug 3, 2014 1:03 PM

Dec 2012
Whaaaaa??? Mizuki what're you doing??? D=

I really like the other personality of Aoba! He's telling you to destroy stuff, so why not destroy stuff?? XP

Having a pretty strong hunch about the leader of Morphine, hoping I'm right!
The 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew adaptation is not as great as you remember it being.
Aug 3, 2014 1:21 PM

May 2014
Seriously this episode was mind fuckery, I was like O_O --> :D ---> O_O ---> D: and some more o_O

I didn't really get what they did to mizuki, Noiz was awesome and clear was adorable, I like Aoba and all but he really just isn't doing anything :( I'd like him to do more stuff and reveal dat other personality dammit

I enjoyed the episode but didn't understand some bits, so yeah 4/5! Hopefully the anime stays this good (ep 4 and 5) or be even better!
Felt really bad for Mizuki at the end, it was forshadowed since episode one

Aug 3, 2014 1:23 PM

May 2014
Oh and after this Aoba has to fight Noiz, do whatever Mink says too..

Do they secretly know him but Aoba has lost his memory or something? I'm not connection the dots here.. lol

Oh and clear's STOP THIS VIOLENCE was cool as hell XD

Aug 3, 2014 1:38 PM

Jul 2012
I love it hahaha

This episode was such a ride, they included everything nice about this part in good quality.

Let's see how is going to be with the next episodes (we have 7 episodes to do what needs to be done, and, at this pace, this is kinda possible).

I just hope they don't fuck up now.

Aug 3, 2014 1:53 PM

Apr 2010
Well I sort of have mixed feelings about the first half of the episode, on the other hand MINK MINK MINK MINK!
But then again they changed the plot up slightly during the Scratch's hideout scenes..
Probably to make the show more friendly for viewers..

Clear was super cute as usual, I loved the part where he fell from the sky again.
I just don't like how most of the time they fail at drawing his hair. GDI he's not wearing a mop as a wig!
Oh and I love that they added THAT part during the fight, and in a comic-y style that resembled what happened in the game. Clear can be scary sometimes :D

And the BGM was really REALLY good during the whole episode. Oh god the part where Mizuki broke down.. Shivers down my spine.
Aug 3, 2014 2:20 PM

Jun 2014
Wow. This episode was just really well done. I haven't been on the edge of my seat since Devil Is A Part Timer.

Aug 3, 2014 2:56 PM

Sep 2010
They've definitely kept their word on getting rid of the derp.. There isn't a lot of action, and some far away faces are a little weird but it's sooooOO much better than it was. They all looked really good 90% of the time. Thank god.

Still don't like Mink, but I'm glad they got rid of /that/ scene.

Hope they include alot of Clear's scenes. It seems like they're doing Rens route, but will probably also mix in the others so the viewers don't miss out.
Aug 3, 2014 2:58 PM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
So, Mink-san isn't exactly a bad guy since he decided to help Aoba out to find his grandma.

Clear, Koujaku and Noiz joins the team. Noiz is quite capable than I expected!

I had a feeling it was Mizuki who had kidnapped grandma. Looks like he's being manipulated/possessed somehow.

Aoba's alternate personality is still mysterious. But that'd probably be the key get through all the current commotions.

Good episode. I hope Mizuki can turn back to normal soon.

Aug 3, 2014 3:03 PM

Oct 2010
I'm sad that they removed some scenes from the common route like:

and the animation was good but still a little derpy. I feel that they can't be on track with there animation when every other episode is bad. Overall It's pretty good, however, I'm going to start doing reviews on anime and for this to get a 10/10 from me there's needs to be major improvement. I wonder what route they will choose... I really want Noiz's route but it coule be:(don't read the spoiler if you haven't played the game, it's a major spoiler)

However, it could also be a combined route, I kinda of hope for this too, but I wonder how they would work that out... anyway it was an okay episode... 3/5 Good anime though XD CX
OrchidStarfireAug 3, 2014 3:16 PM
Aug 3, 2014 3:58 PM

Dec 2012
Clear's so cute, really enjoyed his moments. Great episode. Aoba <3<3<3
Aug 3, 2014 4:05 PM

Dec 2013
I had mixed feelings about this episode. Most of it was great, but the art when they were in Aoba's house and it was more zoomed out was kind of off. Also, the story itself seemed a little rushed, although the only thing they really removed was the crazed guy who visits Aoba in his room at Scratch's hideout. I guess it just seemed rushed because we were watching instead of reading and considering which choices to make.

Aug 3, 2014 4:08 PM

Mar 2013
Clear is the only good character in this show, but that punch was stupid. How was it that intimidating anyway.

All I want out of this show is for Clear to sing again. It sucked that last episode his singing was all of 5 seconds despite it sounding amazing.

The story is finally getting psychological at least despite how stupid it is either way. Animation was cheap too but certainly not as bad as episode 3.
Aug 3, 2014 5:01 PM

Jun 2013
Love Clear's jump from the roof. So cute~ <3
But I'm kind of sad they cut out
Aug 3, 2014 5:31 PM

Apr 2013
Crez said:
Whaaaaa??? Mizuki what're you doing??? D=

I really like the other personality of Aoba! He's telling you to destroy stuff, so why not destroy stuff?? XP

Exactly .
Aug 3, 2014 5:40 PM

Jul 2009
roselovespuppies said:
Love Clear's jump from the roof. So cute~ <3
But I'm kind of sad they cut out

I really missed that scene too! But at least they added the Mink insulting Noiz part and then he tells him all his info =3
Aug 3, 2014 7:29 PM

Oct 2011
Oh my Mink and Aoba alone. Phew close one.

Mizuki is being drugged by Morphine?

I wonder who's route will be in the end? : 0
Aug 3, 2014 9:48 PM

Jun 2014
Wow, that was one fucked up episode! Not sure what is happening with Mizuki, (since I didn't play any of the games) but him threatening Grams was just wrong! I love Clear, he is the best character with Koujaku being my second favorite! I am really not liking the vibe I get from Mink. Looks like next week is going to be interesting!
So glad that I'm not a huge manga reader, because the manga readers WHINE WAY TOO MUCH and have to RUIN every adapted anime for the ANIME ONLY WATCHERS!
Aug 3, 2014 11:10 PM

Nov 2013
that was really good holy shit??? i love mizuki and i was a little worried about how they would do those scenes with him but it was so good and the animation during them was nearly flawless, in my opinion. the only thing that really irked me about the animation this episode was really just how they do clear's mask.that complaint isn't exclusive to this episode though, it always looks like it's fluctuating in size and shape lmao but this was probably my favorite episode so far also bless them for not trying to do the gang rape scene i didn't think they would but god fucking bless
Aug 4, 2014 3:28 AM

Apr 2010
Great Aoba, you promosed two people to do as they say in same day! Brilliant! (No...)

Seems that the Morphine guys aren't just a mere rib and I think they being a rib is just a cover for something much bigger, I'm pretty sure they're part of something else.

The end of episode was pretty sacary, I must say.

Aug 4, 2014 5:40 AM

Feb 2011
wtf?!?!?! destroy what >8 ( naKED AOBA SO HAWT)
Aug 4, 2014 7:31 AM

Nov 2012
Rinya said:

I loved that moment with Usagimodoki and Mink like:

Me too :D

Best episode so far, though the scene where Mizuki is broken was a lot creepier in the game. Kinda wish they took as much care in animating his facial expressions during that part as the scenes leading up to it.
Aug 4, 2014 7:55 AM
Jul 2014
Good episode :). I really enjoyed it. It was good that we got to see a longer scene with Mink (I don't really like him much), I guess it was better that the almost _ scene didn't get animated xD who knows what the people would have said haha.
Hah Mizuki poor guy, he doesn't deserve to suffer so much :( (he's not a a bad guy... He's just being manipulated and plus Aoba's.....)... I guess the common route will end in episode 6 or 7. I'm gonna assume they go for the true route, from what I've heard and read :).

Lookin' forward to next week.
Aug 4, 2014 9:02 AM

May 2011
That haughty bird's my favorite, well, after Clear. :P With that kind of pressure no wonder Mizuki thought he had to get involved with those fishy people, only to regret it too late.
Aug 4, 2014 9:33 AM

Jun 2013
Mizuki what happened to you?
Aug 4, 2014 9:43 AM

Apr 2010
Oh man, I think it's probably confusing to those who didn't play the game. They omitted out alot.

I wonder if they'll actually follow the true route. Since soon they'd get to the part where they choose a route. I don't want that .___.'''
Aug 4, 2014 9:44 AM

Apr 2010
xX_Ulquiorra_Xx said:
I actually enjoyed the art this episode. but there wasn't too much animation, even with the fight. bare minimum covered. -sighs- although the funniest art was when they were all in the living room, and noiz looked like he had no neck heh.

when the mizuki thing happened i couldnt help but want aoba to save him, even though i know how it ends orz.

Noiz went full derp. The animation is really poor. Sometimes everyone looks hella funny it just kills it.
Aug 4, 2014 12:07 PM

Jul 2014
Rueby said:

Noiz went full derp. The animation is really poor. Sometimes everyone looks hella funny it just kills it.

I tell myself that it adds humor to the series. Just imagine a really serious scene where the characters look derpy! It's like a double whamy. COMEDY? DRAMA? IT'S ALMOST INGENIOUS! HOW CAN YOU MAKE A SCENE FUNNY YET INTENSE AT THE SAME TIME? I give the animators credit.
Aug 4, 2014 1:03 PM

Apr 2014
[ I haven't yet played the game, but I've skimmed through the descriptions of several of the routes and I think Ren's route is really cute :3 ]

Is this what I've heard about Aoba having multiple personalities or identities? It'll be really interesting to learn the details of that, and though he doesn't seem to be a very definite character yet, I'd like to see some insight into his early life, and how he ended up being involved with people from all different walks of life.

For those of you who play League of Legends...for some vague reason, Mink reminds me of Taric, so I can't take him seriously at all, especially with that pink headband. It's truly outrageous.

Clear is an incredibly confusing character, but he's adorable nonetheless! What exactly are the parameters of his attachment to Aoba? I think they mentioned why he calls Aoba "Master" when they first meet, but maybe I wasn't paying attention to that part.

So I'm a bit confused, though I think it'll be explained in the next episode, as to whether or not Dry Juice was brainwashed or mentally affected by Morphine- and whether it was actually done by Morphine is still up for debate, at least to me, since I've learned to be pretty skeptical about everything in this series. It keeps getting more and more creepy, and confusing as well, though I see that some things are beginning to be explained.

[ a ] [ i ] wo atsumete
たくさん の あい お あつめたら
ことば で きみ に とどけよう
みえない きもち お かたち に したら
こころ の なか まで とどく から

Aug 4, 2014 2:34 PM
Mar 2012
Huh, what happened?
And also: that's a mean cliffhanger.

Everyone here's just talking about the game. :/
Aug 4, 2014 9:14 PM

Apr 2014
This part about Mizuki always gets to me. It's so sad :-((((
Pretty good episode. I don't really find myself complaining about the animation anymore. And idk Noiz looked really good this episode. I didn't even notice him looking weird in that living room scene.

galaxyvigilante said:
the only thing that really irked me about the animation this episode was really just how they do clear's mask.that complaint isn't exclusive to this episode though, it always looks like it's fluctuating in size and shape lmao but this was probably my favorite episode so far also bless them for not trying to do the gang rape scene i didn't think they would but god fucking bless

LMAO yeah. Clear's mask looked really fat at some point. & yes I definitely agree. The gang rape was the ONE R-18 scene I didn't want to see animated.

ElenirLachlagos said:
Everyone here's just talking about the game. :/

Naturally, since the majority of the people watching this series are fans of the VN. As far as I can tell, anyway.
Aug 5, 2014 5:54 AM

Jul 2009
Pretty good episode ... I quite like Mink so far from what I've seen :P Everyone is joining forces and it seems like Noiz is the master of hacking and info XD
Obviously Morphine is pretty suspicious ... and we find out Mizyuki's side of things. Seems like he "joined" Morphine but then they kind of just took control ... and I wonder if Aoba's "other personality" will be seen more. I mean so far we've just seen flashes of him :O
Aug 6, 2014 12:10 AM

Nov 2007
Maybe we should be utilizing spoiler tags a bit more, considering this is the /anime/ thread and not the visual novel thread, and it would suck if we accidentally spoiled someone with knowledge they shouldn't have at this point. (even if most of us have played the game, not everyone has ^^; ) I will try to do so as well, when I post.

Mink is really cool when he's not being mean.
Vroom vroom. XD

I think I love Clear more animated. He almost requires it, imo, to get the emotes and adorableness right. But as adorable as he is, I still love Koujaku and Noiz more.

Poor Mizuki. It still hurts. :(
Aug 6, 2014 10:24 AM

Mar 2014
Eh, at least Aoba didn't get raped like in the game. That was really awkward to play though.
Aug 6, 2014 5:25 PM

Jul 2012
RedReaper said:
Eh, at least Aoba didn't get raped like in the game. That was really awkward to play though.

He didn't got in the game either.
He was ALMOST raped tho. And yes, it was awkward, I dislike Mink ever since...

Rueby said:
Oh man, I think it's probably confusing to those who didn't play the game. They omitted out alot.

I wonder if they'll actually follow the true route. Since soon they'd get to the part where they choose a route. I don't want that .___.'''

Noiz went full derp. The animation is really poor. Sometimes everyone looks hella funny it just kills it.

No, they didn't.
They adapted pretty well, especially the foreshadowings.
And the animation was the best so far ("derp faces" are always there, in every anime, when a character is zoomed in a distance, so this type of argument is invalid. Even Fate Zero had "derp faces" in a distance, this is just normal).
Aug 7, 2014 11:38 AM

May 2010
Clear is my fav. and pretty much the only I care about beside Ren, maybe.

I wasn't too fond of this episode though..
Aug 7, 2014 11:38 AM

May 2010
Clear is my fav. and pretty much the only I care about beside Ren, maybe.

I wasn't too fond of this episode though..
Aug 8, 2014 5:27 AM

Mar 2014
Pretty okay episode... Clear's still hilarious.
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Aug 10, 2014 4:33 AM
Jul 2013
This episode is by far the best one.The scene where Mizuki broke down was amazing.Re-watched it,like,at least five or six times.And fuuuck,Aoba's split personality is so hot,I can't even *-*

Not sure if this is considered a spoiler,but it won't hurt putting a spoiler alert.
Yaoi is love~
Aug 25, 2014 12:14 PM

Dec 2008
This show is absolutely horrible, but for some reason I can't stop watching.

Sent with Mal Updater
Aug 31, 2014 9:06 PM

Feb 2014
The last five minutes (excluding the ED and preview) I was like: "whaaaa....?" I can definitely see where the "psychological" aspect comes from now...but lol, this is listed as a shoujo? Haha it's like, the least shoujo thing I've seen. Maybe it's shoujo because they showed chibi-Clear. I dunno, though

No, baachan! Don't die! Also Mink's cockatoo is pretty bad**s.
Noodle070Aug 31, 2014 9:16 PM
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Sep 24, 2014 8:01 AM

Jun 2011
So is Clear strong, or is he not? The search for grandma turns out to be rather.. easy. What are they doing in that rubbish dump anyway? For the whole night, waiting for Aoba to get there?

Agony82 said:
Not sure if this is considered a spoiler,but it won't hurt putting a spoiler alert.
I saw this spoiler few episodes back, and it wasn't even spoiler tagged.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Oct 8, 2014 5:59 PM

Jun 2013
Starting to lose faith that this is going to turn out to be anything other than mediocre.
Dec 12, 2015 11:25 AM

Jul 2013
Clear can pack a punch.

His grandma was at the dump lol. But Dry Juice teamed up with Morphine, that was kind of surprising.

Mizuki is evil now or had his personalty changed or something.

That end was super weird with Aoba at that club then with Mizuki explaining why he did the team up and stuff. I guess it was real.
Jun 24, 2019 7:47 PM
Jul 2018
I adore Clear so much. New guy Mink is very meh. The story feels overly dramatic and that's not a name pun. It could be though that I really don't understand the world and am not too invest in Aoba. Aoba's best quality is his seiyuu.

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