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Akame ga KILL!
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Jul 20, 2014 2:29 PM

Jul 2014
Oh, another thing I wanted to mention. I like the equal opportunity massacare in this anime/manga. You don't see a cute girl being killed while begging, by one of the good guys, often in anime. I approve.
Jul 20, 2014 2:41 PM

Jul 2013
LOL Mein and Tatsumi are getting along just fine.
Mein the "master sniper" damn she's good.
Rabac killing a cute girl.

nice episode.
Jul 20, 2014 2:54 PM
Feb 2013
T3hSource said:
AnimageNeby said:
It eludes me why you think it would be *the writer's fault* that you don't like it.

Media isn't immune to criticism unlike physical laws! Of course the observer "is at fault" especially when the writer's goal is entertain said observer or at least satisfy them.

You must quote properly if you're going to quote. He said 'the manga'. And a manga is a physical object. Also, the question I raised was not whether it was immune to it or not. There is, for instance, nothing prohibiting people from criticising physical laws as well, even though the use escapes me. My point was, that you can't blame another person for something you dislike. This remains true whether it's sunlight you do not like or a manga, or, indeed, even a writer.

I'm not sure whether you agree or disagree in your second part, since you seem to say that, indeed, the *observer* is at fault, yet you then seem to imply it's the writers' fault. However, some potential faulty reasoning may be playing here.

First of all, it is rather speculation what the exact goal is. You say: to entertain us. But maybe his true goal is just to make something that pleases himself. Or pleases a certain crowd. Or is just a way to get money. So the premise you start with contains already a large amount of speculation. A lot of reasons or goals could be the drive of the author, nd not all would lead to the conslusion he has to entertain 'us'.

Which leads me to the second issue: even if the only goal were to 'entertain', it is a simple fact of life you can't entertain all people equally, whatever you do. If you're long enough on these chans and fora, you'll already noticed that what is good and cool for the one, is bad and lame for the other. Some think battle-fests are the sole measurement of how good something should be considered, others think a good anime should have an intricate explication of the 'world'. there are many, many different views on this, and some of them are quite the opposite of eachother.

In short, you can never please everyone.

Taking that as a fact, the sentence 'when the writer's goal is entertain said observer or at least satisfy them' becomes meaningless. That would mean ALL writers are ALWAYS at fault, because there is ALWAYS going to be someone somewhere who doesn't like it. It's inherently impossible not to be 'at fault', thus. Unless one writes nothing.

That may be always true, but it is also a meaningless argument because of that.

Far more rationally sound, is to conclude that 'the fault' is with the observer, indeed. That way, it makes perfect sense that some like it, and some don't, even if it's about exactly the same manga/anime. Because the anime/manga (nor the writer) didn't change, it's the observer that is different. Hence, the cause for the 'liking' or 'not liking' lays not with the manga, anime or writer, but with the observer.
Jul 20, 2014 2:58 PM
Oct 2010
Duri1n said:
skudoops said:
This was alrite, but they need to stop using still frames for the deaths, it's actually bugging me now. The slow motion from the first episode looked way better.

What's wrong with this exactly? You keep complaining about this in every thread but I don't see anything wrong with this. Who cares if it's a dark setting, do you want another naruto or bleach or something?

Well, I don't mind the dark settng. And I don't think T3hSource is complainig abt the dark setting either... he's saying the show's pretending to have a dark setting... Which I agree with somwhat for now... the show has lots of blood and brutal deaths, but it doesnt feel very serious either, whih is getting me confused... xp

I'm just annoyed with a few scenes of the show. Did u not find that waist grabbing scene wih Mein havin that master sniper speech rather awkward? It felt rather nonsensical, tbh, n I don't feel I'm nitpicking there. Also, there's the still frames thing u mentioned.

But, I'm still givin this show a shot. I mean, I'm assumig these first few episodes are more like character introductions and for world-building, so I can still excuse the shallow bad guys so far (seriously, u have to admit they're a bit too obviously bad, and the first one with that mad family of torturers was jus way too conveniently evil -_-).

I don't really mind the waist grab scene since it's typical shounen affair, but what's wrong with "pretending" to have a dark setting?
Jul 20, 2014 3:04 PM
Jul 2014
They showed the king and prime minister. Damn that prime minister. He really is disgusting. Mein is okay I guess, bit annoying at times, but I can deal with it.Anyway,looks like an impostor of Sayo is going to appear next episode. And a crazy murderer who is out for Akame I guess?
Jul 20, 2014 3:06 PM
Oct 2010
T3hSource said:
skudoops said:

What's wrong with this exactly? You keep complaining about this in every thread but I don't see anything wrong with this. Who cares if it's a dark setting, do you want another naruto or bleach or something?
Naruto's setting as a war torn land is handled a lot better than this brutalist, sadist infested haven of capital. Bleach's turf war is a good enough excuse for cockfights.

The brutality and awful things that are shown to us for "context" are just mentioned, used for shock value and nothing more(aka EDGY). Such things aren't just thrown in for the sake of having them. They should be handled with care and seriousness.

Such an unforgiving corrupt world where "only the elite live well and everybody else is in slums" should be pretty fucking oppressing via atmosphere and our main cast. The colors should be dampened and have a lot grit as well. The streets should look dirty unclean, people wouldn't be happy go lucky, especially NOT our main cast. They shouldn't be so vibrantly colorful, nor be this plain and archetypical to battle shounen standards.
The world is trying to mimic Berserk's and for a more relevant comparison: Dark Souls-esc.

Then we have the cartoonishly evil villains who are either sadists, brutalists or rapists, making some quite stupid binary morality. That is not how you portray your "dark" setting. Morality should be non existent, nobody's good, nobody's bad, everyone just wants to live. That is what I expect from a supposedly exploited, corrupt, fallen world. Yet it's just an excuse for tragic backstories and stupidly evil villains(and yes, I know this is remedied later).

Ok... but what's the problem here? You already know how it is yet cry about the same thing in every thread. What's your purpose? It really sounds like you want them to make the show how you want it rather than how the source material is. I've said multiple times to ignore any story aspect of this and just watch for the fights and the characters.

Also who really cares if it's edgy? You said it yourself, they aren't really taking things seriously so why are you? If they took everything seriously would the show no longer be edgy? Is that what you are saying?
Jul 20, 2014 3:11 PM

May 2014
AnimageNeby said:
Far more rationally sound, is to conclude that 'the fault' is with the observer, indeed. That way, it makes perfect sense that some like it, and some don't, even if it's about exactly the same manga/anime. Because the anime/manga (nor the writer) didn't change, it's the observer that is different. Hence, the cause for the 'liking' or 'not liking' lays not with the manga, anime or writer, but with the observer.
So with that, media is immune to criticism, just because the observer didn't like it, yet pointed out his/her exact reasons why. It's not just preference, it's also expectation and taste.
I came here for action and tension what do I get? Silly comedy, SoL- like fluff and then trying to show me that this is a "dark" setting. Those aren't mixed and handled well, who's really at fault? Me for seeing it done better, or the creators who didn't do as good of a job?

And yes, every writer is always at fault, hence why they accept feedback in order to improve. Heck, even this show will become an example of that.
Jul 20, 2014 3:14 PM
Feb 2013
T3hSource said:
AnimageNeby said:
One could also argue he has high morals and ethics, know, he killed her. It's doubtful she preferred to be killed above being fucked. And one can hardly argue it's better to kill than to fuck, morally.
Oh, the main cast are shown in a sympathetic light and always have a righteous cause for murdering. Yet again, the show pretends to be "dark" and have "gray morality" and its as binary as they come. Our hero mercifully kills a pretty woman, a villain would unapologetically rape and torture his victims for days. Gee, I wonder who's on the "good" side.

They are an assassin squad, hiring new members to the revolution's cause is not their care. (not like it matter anyways, just enjoy the blood and mook slaying)

Oh, I'm quite enjoying the show. And I thought the manga was one of the better ones I've read (as shounen, I mean). It's not perfect, but they do a far better job at the 'dark' and 'gray morality' than most other shounen, let's face it.

I'm actually only nitpicking on details, overall I do like the series.Compared to many other shounen out there, it's quite good. But I just thought that scene had some contradiction in it. He's a pervy assassin, yet he does not fuck a woman when he has the chance for it. Yet he kills her off, and than sighs what a waste it is. Just...something doesn't add up there. If one is morally dubious enough to kill a woman who is defenceless, you normally would also have no qualms to fuck her (even rape her). If you DO have high morals, you wouldn't kill a woman in that situation in the first place. And if you were a professional, purely killing because it's your job, it feels a bit hypocrite to sigh 'what a waste' after you killed her and you refused to fuck her (though he's portrayed as pervy). It's like throwing good food in the bin and than sighing 'what a waste'. Then eat it or place it in the fridge for later!

But, as said, it really is a minor issue. I think there are some scenes and the stills that are more annoying than that. But even all taken together - nothing can be perfect for everyone, as I said earlier - I'm still of the opinion it's one of the better shounen this season.
AnimageNebyJul 20, 2014 3:58 PM
Jul 20, 2014 3:22 PM

May 2014
skudoops said:
Ok... but what's the problem here?

You already know how it is yet cry about the same thing in every thread. What's your purpose? It really sounds like you want them to make the show how you want it rather than how the source material is.
Disappointment and hype.

skudoops said:
I've said multiple times to ignore any story aspect of this and just watch for the fights and the characters.
So one note characters and unsatisfying to OK fights.

skudoops said:
Also who really cares if it's edgy? You said it yourself, they aren't really taking things seriously so why are you? If they took everything seriously would the show no longer be edgy? Is that what you are saying?
It's edgy when it's pretending to be mature when it isn't, what I "want" is for it to show that it can be a half decent story and actually be serious. It's light hearted, but again, shows you fucking corpses, rapists and murder out of the blue for shock factor. I'm not asking for the next Berserk or anything(ok, I kind of am, but wouldn't that be awesome).
Jul 20, 2014 3:24 PM

Apr 2014
If you don't like the Anime,don't complain when there's only Three episodes so far.I even recommend the Manga first because its Better in a ton of ways.
Seriously,Someone would always find a reason to complain to something so trivial.There's the one guy whose complaining about Lubbock and that Tied up woman and going about Most men would and rape her because She's at Lubbock's Mercy because of his Teigu.
I know the Anime hasn't made it clear that They are Rebels and Even at war with the Imperial but Really most of the Personnel in Nightraid has their own Grudge or Reason for hating the Imperial,Rape,Murder Everything anything could be a reason to hate the imperial.Then you want Lubbock to Fondle the tied up woman?
The people in nightraid has their own Tragedy caused by Directly or Indirectly by the Imperial Meaning they have a grudge.They joined Nightraid to Get rid of this Evil entity,So why would Lubbock do Indecent things to the Girl? Isn't that the same thing as being the Imperial?

They kill people and they even admit that its not a Saintly thing and They expect worse to happen to them While doing their Assassinations.

Mod Edit: Removed insults.
VudisJul 22, 2014 10:48 AM

Jul 20, 2014 3:28 PM

Jul 2012
Still waiting for it to get good just as the fans have promised me.

So far all I get are unlikable main characters, 1dimensional villains. Rule of cool powers and simplistic politics/morality.

I mean MC-kun has no issues with killing a bunch of people, but when he sees some people hang on crosses he is all upset and shocked. Isn't that hypocritical?

also this:

Vexper said:
Master martial artist can't break out of someone grasping his waist... classic.
OrsoniusJul 20, 2014 3:32 PM
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jul 20, 2014 3:32 PM
Sep 2013
Tatsumi hanging around with Mine was basically a waste of time. Training turned into a shopping spree lol. Nice fan service though. So he basically going to be trained by each. The ending looked interesting.
Jul 20, 2014 3:33 PM

Apr 2008
Orsonius said:
Still waiting for it to get good just as the fans have promised me.

So far all I get are unlikable main characters, 1dimensional villains. Rule of cool powers and simplistic politics/morality.

I mean MC-kun has no issues with killing a bunch of people, but when he sees some people hang on crosses he is all upset and shocked. Isn't that hypocritical?

No it isn't hypocritical. For one those people are put up on display to suffer as they die. Tatsumi for the most part does his kills relatively speedily so in a way that is a mercy. Few suffer long. The Empire thrives on the suffering of others.
Jul 20, 2014 3:35 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Orsonius said:
Still waiting for it to get good just as the fans have promised me.

So far all I get are unlikable main characters, 1dimensional villains. Rule of cool powers and simplistic politics/morality.

I mean MC-kun has no issues with killing a bunch of people, but when he sees some people hang on crosses he is all upset and shocked. Isn't that hypocritical?

also this:

Vexper said:
Master martial artist can't break out of someone grasping his waist... classic.
There's a difference between killing evil and curropt persons who deserve to die and seeing innocent people get kill for stupid, unjust and just plain cruel reasons #TheCapital

Mod Edit: Removed baiting.
VudisJul 22, 2014 10:49 AM
Jul 20, 2014 3:35 PM
Jul 2018
Orsonius said:

I mean MC-kun has no issues with killing a bunch of people, but when he sees some people hang on crosses he is all upset and shocked. Isn't that hypocritical?

You could argue that the people Tatsumi killed deserved it...well,they did,considering how blatantly evil they were.
Jul 20, 2014 3:36 PM

Jun 2008
Orsonius said:
I mean MC-kun has no issues with killing a bunch of people, but when he sees some people hang on crosses he is all upset and shocked. Isn't that hypocritical?

Killing people that is proven guilty and seeing innocent people being treated and killed in a sadistic way is 2 different perspectives.

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Jul 20, 2014 3:36 PM

Apr 2011
Orsonius said:
Still waiting for it to get good just as the fans have promised me.

So far all I get are unlikable main characters, 1dimensional villains. Rule of cool powers and simplistic politics/morality.

I mean MC-kun has no issues with killing a bunch of people, but when he sees some people hang on crosses he is all upset and shocked. Isn't that hypocritical?

also this:

Vexper said:
Master martial artist can't break out of someone grasping his waist... classic.

Nope, there is nothing hypocritical´in choosing lesser evil if you face big one. If Tatsumi saw himself as some kind of hero or took pleasure in killing other would be hypocritical.

and for martial artist, people seems forget that Tatsumi is strong enough slaughter danger beast easily and that get rid of someone in such position is far from easy.
Jul 20, 2014 3:38 PM

Feb 2014
Great episode!

Mine is my favorite girl and her VA was pretty good. No complaints on that front. Also I'm so stoked that they included the invader scene, that definitely gives me hope that they're going to stay pretty faithful to the manga.

Also I didn't notice at first, but the preview made it pretty apparent: the "Teigus" are now being called "Imperial Arms." I don't mind that name actually, but it will take some time getting used to.

Anyways, I'm very excited for the next episode because it's the first time we see a really strong enemy. I loved the battle in the manga, so I cant wait to see it animated!

Also the Prime Minster sounds great. He sounds disgusting and menacing, which fits him perfectly.
Jul 20, 2014 3:41 PM

Jul 2012
Darklight0303 said:
Orsonius said:
Still waiting for it to get good just as the fans have promised me.

So far all I get are unlikable main characters, 1dimensional villains. Rule of cool powers and simplistic politics/morality.

I mean MC-kun has no issues with killing a bunch of people, but when he sees some people hang on crosses he is all upset and shocked. Isn't that hypocritical?

No it isn't hypocritical. For one those people are put up on display to suffer as they die. Tatsumi for the most part does his kills relatively speedily so in a way that is a mercy. Few suffer long. The Empire thrives on the suffering of others.

Tell that the girl who got killed by mr green hairs. He seemed to enjoy torturing her...

ANd yet he associates with these murderers. What a nice guy!

Tokoya said:
There's a difference between killing evil and curropt persons who deserve to die and seeing innocent people get kill for stupid, unjust and just plain cruel reasons #TheCapital

"guys it's fine to kill these 1dimensional guards, they deserve it!"

That's the simplistic morality the show tells us. You know if your villains are basically demons, it is totally fine to kill them, and your justification for brutally murder people is also right if you do it in the name of "justice".
What a childish view of morality.

How does he know why these people were on the cross. maybe they were not better than the bandits they've killed in the forest?

He simply assumes group A is evil and needs to be killed without questioning, while group B is good and didn't deserve to get crucified.

Though we have no means to know who is actually good or evil, unless of course they hilariously show us still frames of demonic faces.
VudisJul 22, 2014 10:51 AM
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jul 20, 2014 3:42 PM

Jun 2008
LoomyTheBrew said:
Also I didn't notice at first, but the preview made it pretty apparent: the "Teigus" are now being called "Imperial Arms." I don't mind that name actually, but it will take some time getting used to.

People honestly shouldn't mind at all because Teigu literally means Imperial Tools, CR actually turning it into Imperial Arms doesn't really matter, because it fits it's name. Still better than having "TL notes" cover the screen all the time.

IMHO, Anyone complaining about that "translation" is just a weaboo.

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Jul 20, 2014 3:42 PM

Dec 2012
Dandyfag-kun makes a gay joke at the start of the episode. Laugh out loud.

Yeah yeah we get it, the capital is run by baddies who want to rape and murder women woo so evil.

The pink pompous princess is a straight from the shelf tsundere. Not that I mind, just this episode had me saying "meh" through and through although that's certainly better than the last 2 weeks. The tone and mood was handled much better this episode because it was retarded silly all the way through. Neko Tits-chan still makes me cringe on impulse though.

Scary Grimdark "Hurr I like 2 cut ppl I so angsty" makes an appearance. I can only wonder what laughable gore covered tit fest will be prepared next week.
Jul 20, 2014 3:43 PM

Apr 2008
Orsonius said:
Darklight0303 said:

No it isn't hypocritical. For one those people are put up on display to suffer as they die. Tatsumi for the most part does his kills relatively speedily so in a way that is a mercy. Few suffer long. The Empire thrives on the suffering of others.

Tell that the girl who got killed by mr green hairs. He seemed to enjoy torturing her...

ANd yet he associates with these murderers. What a nice guy!

You think that was torture? Ahahaha you haven't seen any torture yet.
Jul 20, 2014 3:44 PM

Apr 2011
Orsonius said:

Tell that the girl who got killed by mr green hairs. He seemed to enjoy torturing her...

ANd yet he associates with these murderers. What a nice guy!

What are you talking about? Her death was quick and relatively painless
Jul 20, 2014 3:44 PM

Jun 2008
Orsonius said:
Tell that the girl who got killed by mr green hairs. He seemed to enjoy torturing her...!

Torture? You don't know what torture means eh?
"the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain."

That didn't even go for more than 1 Minute.

You're so full of weak complaints. What's next?

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Jul 20, 2014 3:48 PM
Jul 2018
I am not saying that the show is flawless and certainly the show is not "dark",nor with ambiguous morality...but some of these complaints are pretty ridiculous.
Jul 20, 2014 3:50 PM
Feb 2013
T3hSource said:
AnimageNeby said:
Far more rationally sound, is to conclude that 'the fault' is with the observer, indeed. That way, it makes perfect sense that some like it, and some don't, even if it's about exactly the same manga/anime. Because the anime/manga (nor the writer) didn't change, it's the observer that is different. Hence, the cause for the 'liking' or 'not liking' lays not with the manga, anime or writer, but with the observer.
So with that, media is immune to criticism, just because the observer didn't like it, yet pointed out his/her exact reasons why. It's not just preference, it's also expectation and taste.
I came here for action and tension what do I get? Silly comedy, SoL- like fluff and then trying to show me that this is a "dark" setting. Those aren't mixed and handled well, who's really at fault? Me for seeing it done better, or the creators who didn't do as good of a job?

And yes, every writer is always at fault, hence why they accept feedback in order to improve. Heck, even this show will become an example of that.

sigh. I thought I said so explicitly already, but apparently I have to say it again: NOTHING is above criticism. You, as well as me and everyone else, can criticise whatever one likes. (But preferably in moderation, because repeating week after week the exact same criticism DOES get tiresome, and if one truly doesn't like something, one does better to drop it and watch something else. Not that I'm saying you did or do, but some, indeed, do so, and it becomes trolling, basically, instead of wanting to engage in a debate (including criticism or not).)

My post was to doubt the relevance of that criticism, in as far as laying THE BLAME for that criticism elsewhere, however.

It doesn't seem you get this point. You can criticise 'media' or whatever you want, you just need to realise the actual problem lays with yourself. You can look at that whatever way you want, for instance "My taste is so superior that the author can't satisfy it" to "I expect to be entertained, and because I'm not, the standards that the writer uses are not worth anything (because whatever he uses it's not to MY standards)" to "Maybe I'm too stupid to understand all the fine nuances and thus I don't like it because I don't understand it".

Those are examples, btw, not accusations.

Point is, there are A LOT of reasons why you like something and why not, and why you think what the author should have done or not. but in the end, that's your judgement and opinion, and that's inherently subjective. In a sense, laying the blame with the manga or writer misses the point, and is a profoundly self-centred way of looking at things. Maybe the manga/anime is next to perfect. But just not for/to you.

So, to answer your question; it's really you. No, really. And I'm not even saying you're wrong or not in your criticism (I've made some criticism myself, as you've seen), but at the same time, I realise that the fact I have issues with it is MY problem, more and foremost.

I could say too, just as you, what the author should/could do 'better'... and I do...but I also realise that the 'better' in there is according to my own subjective opinion about it. 'Not liking' it, but also ones' 'expectations' and 'taste': they are ALL subjective. Or is there any 'objective' taste? ;-) It's how you feel about it. It doesn't' mean other viewers/readers find the same. It also doesn't mean the fact one does not like it, is the fault of the author. Maybe the author achieved exactly what he wanted to achieve, but your 'likings', 'expectations' and 'taste' just weren't connecting with it. Is that the fault of the author, though? If he basically achieved what he wanted to achieve, and you don't like it, who's at fault? Logic would indicate you are. You can't blame a person for not fulfilling YOUR wishes (well, unless one is extremely self-centered, as said).

You give some examples, but you completely ignored what I said before, that what is good for the one, is bad for the other, and vice versa. Where you see silly comedy, for instance, another may indeed see action and tension.

Which is also why I stated at the end that, while one may consider "every writer is always at fault" to be always true, that statement, even when it is correct, is meaningless (in regard to having argumentational value) - just because it is ALWAYS true. For instance, if the author would change it to your preferences, another viewer may complain about that, so the author would have to change that yet again, etc, ad infinitum.

In reality, an author only takes things to heart which he himself finds important or agrees with. A reason can be that he wants to make his work more coherent or whatever HE finds important, or, at the other end, he wants to please as many people as possible (but then Naruto and Bleach are prime examples to strive for). But it's still a valid reason if ones' goal is to become popular and/or earn much money. Point is, his reasons and goals may differ and no author can please everyone.

Do you agree with that, or not?

If you do, surely you must see it's impossible for an author to cater to everyone's' wishes. And you're part of those 'everyone'. (just like me and everyone else). So, sure, you may give criticism, and maybe the author will pick it up, and maybe he won't. But you still can't blame him for the fact you don't like it. You can only blame yourself for that.
AnimageNebyJul 20, 2014 4:46 PM
Jul 20, 2014 3:52 PM

Jul 2012
kaimax said:
Orsonius said:
Tell that the girl who got killed by mr green hairs. He seemed to enjoy torturing her...!

Torture? You don't know what torture means eh?
"the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain."

That didn't even go for more than 1 Minute.

You're so full of weak complaints. What's next?

And of course @ all who think this wasn't torture.

1) Just because you can be MORE cruel doesn't mean this wasn't cruel.
2) Go back watch the ep She begs for him to help her, and yet he still kills her without merci. Surely she deserved it, right?

3) Apparently you have to kill everyone, you cannot let anyone take hostage or let go etc. It's binary. It's black and white.
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe.
Jul 20, 2014 3:57 PM
Jul 2018
AnimageNeby said:

But you still can't blame him for the fact you don't like it. You can only blame yourself for that.

I personally do not think that anyone is to blame...he just doesn't like it.
In other words,I do not think that autor is at fault nor is the person on receiving end.
You can hardly blame someone or yourself for your tastes.
But other than that,I agree.
Jul 20, 2014 3:58 PM

Mar 2009
Another good episode, AgK is certainly becoming the best show of summer 2014.

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
Jul 20, 2014 3:58 PM

Jun 2014
Loved this a lot more than the second episode. The beginning where the green hair duded killed the chick was brutally awesome. Glad they didn't remove that.
Previously: BlueXRam
Jul 20, 2014 3:58 PM
Nov 2012
Tohka_Yatogami said:
Mine's sniping skills is great, she almost got Tatsumi when she shot the Koukenji Martial Arts Master.

No, you missed it. She's not very good. It's the gun. As she says, the gun becomes more powerful when she's threatened. She's worried that she might hit Tatsumi at close range, after taking out a single target at long range.
Jul 20, 2014 3:58 PM

Apr 2014
AnimageNeby said:
T3hSource said:
So with that, media is immune to criticism, just because the observer didn't like it, yet pointed out his/her exact reasons why. It's not just preference, it's also expectation and taste.
I came here for action and tension what do I get? Silly comedy, SoL- like fluff and then trying to show me that this is a "dark" setting. Those aren't mixed and handled well, who's really at fault? Me for seeing it done better, or the creators who didn't do as good of a job?

And yes, every writer is always at fault, hence why they accept feedback in order to improve. Heck, even this show will become an example of that.

sigh. I thought I said so explicitly already, but apparently I have to say it again: NOTHING is above criticism. You, as well as me and everyone else, can criticise whatever one likes. (But preferably in moderation, because repeating week after week the exact same criticism DOES get tiresome, and if one truly doesn't like something, one does better to drop it and watch something else. Not that I'm saying you did or do, but some, indeed, do so, and it becomes trolling, basically, instead of wanting to engage in a debate (including criticism or not).

My post was to doubt the relevance of that criticism, in as far as laying THE BLAME for that criticism elsewhere, however.

It doesn't seem you get this point. You can criticism 'media' or whatever you want, you just need to realise the actual problem lays with yourself. You can look at that whatever way you want, for instance "My taste is so superior that the author can't satisfy it" to "I expect to be entertained, and because I'm not, the standards that the writer uses are not worth anything (because whatever he uses it's not to MY standards" to "Maybe I'm to stupid to understand all the fine nuances and thus I don't like it because I don't understand it".

Those are examples, btw, not accusations.

Point is, there are A LOT of reasons why you like something and why not, and why you think what the author should have done or not. but in the end, that's your judgement and opinion, and that's inherently subjective. In a sense, laying the blame with the manga or writer misses the point, and is a profoundly self-centred way of looking at things. Maybe the manga/anime is next to perfect. But just not for/to you.

So, to answer your answer; it's really you. No, really. And I'm not even saying you're wrong or not in your criticism (I've made some criticism myself, as you've seen), but at the same time, I realise that the fact I have issues with it is MY problem, more and foremost.

I could say too, as you, what the author should/could do 'better', and I do...but I realise that the 'better' in there is according to my own subjective opinion about it. 'Not liking' it, but also ones' expectations and 'taste: they are ALL subjective. It's how you feel about it. It doesn't' mean other viewers/readers find the same. It also doesn't mean the fact one does not like it, is the fault of the author. Maybe the author achieved exactly what he wanted to achieve, but your 'likings', 'expectations' and 'taste' just weren't connecting with it. Is that the fault of the author, though?

You give some examples, but you completely ignored what I said before, that what is good for the one, is bad for the other, and vice versa. Where you see silly comedy, for instance, another may indeed see action and tension.

Which is also why I sated at the end that, while one may consider "every writer is always at fault" that statement, even when it is correct, is meaningless (in regard to having argumentational value) - just because it is ALWAYS true. For instance, if the author would change it to your preferences, another viewer may complain about that, so the author would have to change that yet again, etc, ad infinitum.

In reality, an author only takes things to heart which he himself finds important or agrees with. A reason can be that he wants to make his work more coherent or whatever HE finds important, or, at the other end, he wants to please as many people as possible (but then Naruto and Bleach are prime examples to strive for). But it's till a valid reason if ones' goal is to become popular and/or earn much money. Point is, no author can please everyone.

Do you agree with that, or not?

If you do, surely you must see it's impossible for an author to cater to everyone's' wishes. And you're part of those 'everyone'. (just like me and everyone else). So, sure, you may give criticism, and maybe the author will pick it up, and maybe he won't. But you still can't blame him for the fact you don't like it. You can only blame yourself for that.

Author Can't satisfy everyone's Wishes and it Most certainly might not Answer your Expectations!
Jesus,Give Akame ga kiru a Break,I know the Anime seems like a Light hearted anime with Gore in it. I believe the Manga has done BETTER in Portraying their World as a Rebel or an Assassin and The Imperial is a serious scum.Give the manga a whirl,Its really better than the Anime in Numerous ways.

Jul 20, 2014 3:58 PM

Apr 2008
Orsonius said:
kaimax said:

Torture? You don't know what torture means eh?
"the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain."

That didn't even go for more than 1 Minute.

You're so full of weak complaints. What's next?

And of course @ all who think this wasn't torture.

1) Just because you can be MORE cruel doesn't mean this wasn't cruel.
2) Go back watch the ep She begs for him to help her, and yet he still kills her without merci. Surely she deserved it, right?

3) Apparently you have to kill everyone, you cannot let anyone take hostage or let go etc. It's binary. It's black and white.

You realize that could have just been an act, don't you? These people were HIRED by the empire to go looking for the HQ. There are some chances you don't take when you are a small group so deep behind enemy lines
Jul 20, 2014 3:59 PM

Jun 2014
Orsonius said:
kaimax said:

Torture? You don't know what torture means eh?
"the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain."

That didn't even go for more than 1 Minute.

You're so full of weak complaints. What's next?

And of course @ all who think this wasn't torture.

1) Just because you can be MORE cruel doesn't mean this wasn't cruel.
2) Go back watch the ep She begs for him to help her, and yet he still kills her without merci. Surely she deserved it, right?

3) Apparently you have to kill everyone, you cannot let anyone take hostage or let go etc. It's binary. It's black and white.

Stop watching this anime if you're gonna complain about "torture". The night raiders don't consider themselves heroes, they're just fighting for a revolution. Stop wasting your time crying about everything.
Previously: BlueXRam
Jul 20, 2014 4:01 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I just realized that the title for the next episode is "Kill The Teigu User" which is the chapter before "she" appears!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait for Episode 5 now HNNNNGGGGG
Jul 20, 2014 4:02 PM
Jul 2018
Orsonius said:

And of course @ all who think this wasn't torture.

1) Just because you can be MORE cruel doesn't mean this wasn't cruel.
2) Go back watch the ep She begs for him to help her, and yet he still kills her without merci. Surely she deserved it, right?

3) Apparently you have to kill everyone, you cannot let anyone take hostage or let go etc. It's binary. It's black and white.

Wasn't she part of the bandits that intruded the area around their base of operations to sell information? If he let her go,she would most likely give away information about them,thus disadvantaging the Night Raid,the rebellion as whole and possibility of improving general welfare of country. She may have begged him for mercy,but when aforementioned was at stake,it was not that hard do choose.
Jul 20, 2014 4:03 PM

Apr 2014
Orsonius said:
kaimax said:

Torture? You don't know what torture means eh?
"the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain."

That didn't even go for more than 1 Minute.

You're so full of weak complaints. What's next?

And of course @ all who think this wasn't torture.

1) Just because you can be MORE cruel doesn't mean this wasn't cruel.
2) Go back watch the ep She begs for him to help her, and yet he still kills her without merci. Surely she deserved it, right?

3) Apparently you have to kill everyone, you cannot let anyone take hostage or let go etc. It's binary. It's black and white.

Let her go? Then what,Blub about where their Base is? and in turn Imperial will send their Top officers and Rape night raid? Seriously they will.

Taking her hostage then,Hostage for what? The imperial won't even care.
Even Nightraid themselves admitted that they are not the "Heroes of justice" Killing is just Killing even you try to Cover it with Justice as a reason.
They could have killed Tatsumi if It wasn't for His Souvenir and The Tiger lady backing him up.Literally Tatsumi could have been been dead since Day one.
NeutralSideJul 20, 2014 4:07 PM

Jul 20, 2014 4:09 PM

Apr 2011
Orsonius said:

And of course @ all who think this wasn't torture.

1) Just because you can be MORE cruel doesn't mean this wasn't cruel.
2) Go back watch the ep She begs for him to help her, and yet he still kills her without merci. Surely she deserved it, right?

3) Apparently you have to kill everyone, you cannot let anyone take hostage or let go etc. It's binary. It's black and white.

1)Any death aside of that by age is cruel, It's good Rabac ended it as humane as he could.

2)Who know, what she did or didn't and it doesn't metter. itwas kill or be killed. Rabac showed good judgement in picking later.

3) by word of one wise man of other manga/anime: "It is far more difficult to capture an enemy than to kill them. Capturing a soldier involves three times the effort and three times the danger. If you wish to save the life of an enemy soldier, remember that you'll lose three of your own in the process."

Rabac acted pragmaticaly, which is in NR position best choice.
Jul 20, 2014 4:12 PM

Sep 2011
So far so good, much better adaptation then I was expecting. They even added the part that was omitted from the second episode. Next week should be pretty awesome.
Jul 20, 2014 4:18 PM

Jun 2008
Fullmetal89 said:
So far so good, much better adaptation then I was expecting. They even added the part that was omitted from the second episode. Next week should be pretty awesome.

The best part is, they didn't just slap it in. They adjusted it for continuity.
It would be weird in the anime if Tatsumi failed to kill his mark like in the manga, when he already killed The Ogre in a previous episode.

This just shows that White Fox knows what they are doing.

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
VudisJul 22, 2014 11:01 AM

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Jul 20, 2014 4:21 PM

May 2014
DejWoSWK said:
AnimageNeby said:

But you still can't blame him for the fact you don't like it. You can only blame yourself for that.

I personally do not think that anyone is to blame...he just doesn't like it.
In other words,I do not think that autor is at fault nor is the person on receiving end.
You can hardly blame someone or yourself for your tastes.
But other than that,I agree.
^ Now with this I agree.

Goddamn it, I got into the whole "blame everyone" mentality, thanks @AnimageNeby for blowing it out of proportion and hooking me in.

And I didn't address your other points, since I found them mostly valid.
Jul 20, 2014 4:22 PM

Aug 2013
I'm really enjoying the anime adaptation, was not economized in action, blood, and even has a bit of fanservice, the anime promises much
in my opinion Mine is the best girl, skillful and proud like all good tsundere
Tatsumi has faced life against easy opponents, but the next will be much more difficult, soon he will realize he needs to stay strong fast ..
Jul 20, 2014 4:22 PM
Feb 2013
DejWoSWK said:
AnimageNeby said:

But you still can't blame him for the fact you don't like it. You can only blame yourself for that.

I personally do not think that anyone is to blame...he just doesn't like it.
In other words,I do not think that autor is at fault nor is the person on receiving end.
You can hardly blame someone or yourself for your tastes.
But other than that,I agree.

Well, mayhaps, but the initial premise here was that someone did not like it and blamed the manga for it. Which makes little sense.

Let's formulate it like this: IF there is someone to blame for not liking something, THEN it's yourself.

If one feels no-one is to blame, and thus one blames no-one, that's fine with me too. Because that remains consistent with itself too.
Jul 20, 2014 4:28 PM

Oct 2013
Damm good episode
lol @ at the beginning when he walked in on her changing
well this show so far has had lots of limbs being fucking chopped off haha I love it
Jul 20, 2014 4:35 PM
Jul 2013
Wow the green haired dude's string trap must fucking hurt. I once ripped the head of my finger with those fuckers. I feel the pain bitch, I feel the pain.

Damn that was pretty cool.

Mine was like Tatsumi, u good m8? :)
Jul 20, 2014 4:39 PM

May 2014
AnimageNeby said:
I dunno. Personally, I view it as a small rectification which turned into a rather expanding debate with some philosophical connotations. In comparison to the initial remark, a long debate at that, true. But for the latter, you need two to tango. :-p
Windeed, it was fun, but please work on your English or at least don't let your emotions get the better of you while writing. I've been there and it makes for really bad arguments lol
Jul 20, 2014 4:46 PM

Jul 2012
Well at least Tatsumi and mine are on good terms.

Great episode!!!
Jul 20, 2014 4:50 PM
Oct 2010
Orsonius said:
kaimax said:

Torture? You don't know what torture means eh?
"the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain."

That didn't even go for more than 1 Minute.

You're so full of weak complaints. What's next?

And of course @ all who think this wasn't torture.

1) Just because you can be MORE cruel doesn't mean this wasn't cruel.
2) Go back watch the ep She begs for him to help her, and yet he still kills her without merci. Surely she deserved it, right?

3) Apparently you have to kill everyone, you cannot let anyone take hostage or let go etc. It's binary. It's black and white.

Firstly she was part of a group of assassins that came to get them, what would be his purpose for letting her live? Secondly she got caught in the strings, he didn't torture her, he killed her instantly when he found her. Holy shit you guys are going to new lows just to bash this lol.
Jul 20, 2014 4:57 PM

Oct 2013
Mine is so annoying in the manga but the anime made her even more annoying.

The thing I don't like about this series and I'm talking as a manga reader as well, is that it seems the mangaka think of the most horrible things to put in this series to make it really dark, now I don't have a problem with dark series heck I love dark series, but the execution is poor. for eg. in this episode two guys were beating up a young girl, and for the reason for beating up her is because she's a refuge. -_-

And I know that there don't have to be a reason to do all these bad stuff some characters in the series just simple love it. But it would be nice if the mangaka could balance all of this. No need to make all the characters doing all these bad stuff just because they love it.

Any ways this episode was a 3.5/5 I'm also happy that they included the scenes that were missing in episode 2. I can't wait until she's introduce in the series. :3
Jul 20, 2014 4:59 PM
Feb 2013
T3hSource said:
AnimageNeby said:
I dunno. Personally, I view it as a small rectification which turned into a rather expanding debate with some philosophical connotations. In comparison to the initial remark, a long debate at that, true. But for the latter, you need two to tango. :-p
Windeed, it was fun, but please work on your English or at least don't let your emotions get the better of you while writing. I've been there and it makes for really bad arguments lol

Really? I thought my English was more than passable, and I always make a point of keeping emotions out of my posts, since those have no argumental value.

Not that I always succeed, of course, and I've become 'pissed off' a few times during the years. But normally only when someone does his best to get that reaction out of me. :-)

The only thing I can think of, is that because I type rather rapidly (and a lot), and I'm getting tired (it's pretty late here), that I sometimes miss some spelling/grammar mistakes, but I usually catch them later when re-reading. If you'll look back, you'll see I often do edits - mostly for that reason.
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