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Jul 3, 2014 1:43 PM

Jan 2013
Pretty good so far, but yeah slow it down. The direction felt quite forced and rough at times. I hope this is just a first episode thing to get viewers hooked.

Please be two cour! Please be good! I have high expectations for this.

Jul 3, 2014 1:43 PM

Oct 2013
YumeHunter said:
I also agree that this was rushed but I hope they slow the pace as this goes on.

Also this can't be only 12-13 episodes since

But if studio Pierrot only does 12-13 episodes I will be so mad since this would be rushed as hell.

It can! This episode adapts 6 chapters(counting the 1st chapter as 2), to arrive at chapter 65(Where that something happens) it needs to adapt 5.5 chapters per episode.
bigivelfhqJul 3, 2014 1:50 PM
Jul 3, 2014 1:49 PM

Oct 2013
galimx said:
skudoops said:

What the hell are generic and cliche themes? lol

eating people
meeting a girl who is one of them again.. so predictable
turning to a monster from human
a kid getting powers
gore/blood/edgy stuff and other overused things

that. or want a further explanation ?

We could basically say any anime is generic now couldn't we? Neon evangelion is also generic then. weak guy get caught up in war, guess what he's the one that will save the world, look we have gundam looking mech in it, oh look a tsundere girl, yea lets team up together to defeat the evil monsters. anyone can play your game, stop being biased.
keragammingJul 3, 2014 1:54 PM
Jul 3, 2014 1:53 PM

Sep 2011
Don't know how i feel about this one....Kinda interesting 1st ep but at the end when that chick toka shove human gut in his mouth i burst out laughing. 4/5 will watch more.
Jul 3, 2014 1:54 PM

Jan 2012
bigivelfhq said:
YumeHunter said:
I also agree that this was rushed but I hope they slow the pace as this goes on.

Also this can't be only 12-13 episodes since

But if studio Pierrot only does 12-13 episodes I will be so mad since this would be rushed as hell.

It can! This episode adapts 6 chapters(counting the 1st chapter as 2), to arrive at chapter 65(Where that something happens) it needs to adapt 5.5 chapters per episode.

I would say wait til episode 2 before we start judge if it will be 12/13 episodes are not.
Jul 3, 2014 1:58 PM

Apr 2014
Pretty good first episode! Though if the anime goes downhill then I think I'll be checking meself out a certain manga... :D

I rather like Kaneki, the poor little f**ker. I like mah MCs to be cute guys like Allen Walker and Igurashi Ganta, not overconfident pricks like Satomi Rentaro and Ichigo Kurosaki. Looks like I'll be investing in Kaneki then~!

Also, am I the only one who thinks Rize looks too old for Kaneki? XD I didn't even realise she was Kana Hanazawa either!

Looks good so far. A bit predictable and nothing new, but pretty cool. Still hoping for 2-cour.
Jul 3, 2014 2:00 PM

Oct 2013
damn ...
this was really bad compared to the manga
Jul 3, 2014 2:05 PM
Oct 2010
galimx said:
skudoops said:

What the hell are generic and cliche themes? lol

eating people
meeting a girl who is one of them again.. so predictable
turning to a monster from human
a kid getting powers
gore/blood/edgy stuff and other overused things

that. or want a further explanation ?

I didn't ask you what they were, I asked you what are they i.e what are generic/cliche themes. If you mean overused then fine, and so what? If overused themes are something you don't like then you best stop watching everything right now.
Jul 3, 2014 2:06 PM
Oct 2010
galimx said:

Today most animes are generic and mainstream yeah. But now and there we get some animes who keep this elements at low number (Ping Pong for example or Mushishi). There are still some generic tropes or themes, but you must look criticaly at it and judge it that way.
NGE is that also if you compare it to todays animes, but in 1995 back it wasnt, so its pointless to compare it to modern animes. Just compare modern animes. And its called Neon Genesis Evangelion not Neon Evangelion. Use short form if you have hard time with names. NGE made the tsundere and dandere and other tropes popular, which are used in almost all animes nowadays. Also there is the influental and cultural point of it. But comparing this is just wrong.

The themes present in ping pong are very popular, what are you talking about?
Jul 3, 2014 2:10 PM

Jan 2014
Mh this was nice, I guess.
I didn't find the pacing all that bad, though, but I haven't read the manga, so I can't make comparisons.

The fight with Rize was fine, much blood, I like that. But a little bit unrealistic when she threw him against the wall.. How could he be still alive? Seems logic.

The characters are fine, I like this miscellaneous of humans and ghouls, so that you cannot be sure about who's what.
But, why the doctor would do such a thing? Is it legal? And the police? A transplant of ghoul organs I find it difficult to not be a sensationalistic event.
And that doctor is a criminal.

By the way, I'll keep watch this. I feel bad for kanami.
Jul 3, 2014 2:10 PM
Mar 2012
galimx said:
keragamming said:

We could basically say any anime is generic now couldn't we? Neon evangelion is also generic then. weak guy get caught up in war, guess what he's the one that will save the world, look we have gundam looking mech in it, og lok a tsundere girl, yea, anyone can play that game.

Today most animes are generic and mainstream yeah. But now and there we get some animes who keep this elements at low number (Ping Pong for example or Mushishi). There are still some generic tropes or themes, but you must look criticaly at it and judge it that way.
NGE is that also if you compare it to todays animes, but in 1995 back it wasnt, so its pointless to compare it to modern animes. Just compare modern animes. And its called Neon Genesis Evangelion not Neon Evangelion. Use short form if you have hard time with names. NGE made the tsundere and dandere and other tropes popular, which are used in almost all animes nowadays. Also there is the influental and cultural point of it. But comparing this is just wrong.

Go and watch your 'non-generic' anime then, people like you can't have a non-biased opinion on anything. You don't judge something soley on the plot, you judge it on how well it conveys the plot and the universe it creates. Shows like FLCL and Ping Pong are non-generic...they are also a pain in the ass to watch and imo FLCL at least is pretty damn poor as anime goes. Generics exist for a reason.

Also Ping Pong is only different because of its animation style, that may be worthy of note, but that studio always use odd animation styles. The themes and plot itself however, are pretty well-trod.

Go watch all the old shows and reminisce over how 'anime used to be so much better' because all you ever do is bitch over everything not being somehow new in a medium despite that being impossible.
Jul 3, 2014 2:10 PM

Oct 2013
kaykenner54 said:
bigivelfhq said:

It can! This episode adapts 6 chapters(counting the 1st chapter as 2), to arrive at chapter 65(Where that something happens) it needs to adapt 5.5 chapters per episode.

I would say wait til episode 2 before we start judge if it will be 12/13 episodes are not.

The thing is that the DVD and BDs are already for reservation and is only for 12 episodes. Of course there is the argument than the rest of them will be put in reservation later, but after seeing the 1st episode of the anime adapting 5 chapters(with content of 6 chapters), basically half of the 1st volume, doesn't give hope at all.
Normally the 1st chapter is the slowest paced one of them all, and only adapts the 1st chapter of a series, but this one adapted 5 of them!
Jul 3, 2014 2:10 PM

Jan 2011
Already 70 favorites and 3 reviews after several hours since the show started? MAL users never fail to surprise me.
Jul 3, 2014 2:14 PM

Nov 2013
Very good first episode. This season aleady looks more promising than the last.
Jul 3, 2014 2:15 PM

Mar 2010
Gore is good. This anime is so intense.
Jul 3, 2014 2:17 PM

Sep 2013
Boring and predictable the whole way through, edge to the max. The otherwise crybaby protagonist gets shounen powers just bloodier (Deadman Wonderland anyone?), throws shounen bullshit speeches and it all felt incredibly rushed. Seems to be the next hit after No Game No Life but I can't see why. This was terrible and unenjoyable so far but they have still chances for improvement as the premise is interesting.

nightwalkJul 3, 2014 2:21 PM
Time is money, but money won't turn back the clock.
Jul 3, 2014 2:19 PM
Oct 2010
I am not even a fan of the show, you are just contradicting yourself because of your biases. Talking about overused themes and then at the same time praising shows that have overused themes just.. lmao. Then you move goal posts and talk about the execution of the themes (which is something totally different and somewhere I would have actually agreed with you upon).

BTW ping pong there's..

The coming of age trope
The hardwork vs talent trope.
The wasted talent trope.
The cost of success trope
Affect of tragedy trope.
Doing what you love vs doing what you are good at.

among other things... not sure why you are saying they are kept at a low number.
Jul 3, 2014 2:20 PM

Mar 2014
Pretty strong start to the series albeit a bit predictable. This kind of gives me a Deadman Wonderland vibe and I don't know why. Maybe cause of all the blood?
Jul 3, 2014 2:21 PM
Feb 2014
galimx said:
Pretty average 5/10. The pacing is bad, skipping to much. And edgy, over the top, blood, gore, shallow entertainment that appeals to the masses, but ok. Generic and cliche themes.

I will continue to watch it.

I like how this guy just started a forum war with this er... highly informative comment... always nice to have one of these... er... sophisticated critics with superior tastes to stir things up a bit ;D

Edit: oops, was more reasonable than I initially thought. Oh well... *waiting for next one...*

To add to the discussions tho, is it that bad to use cliched themes... What's wrong with having a well executed show with popular themes as log as it's entertaining? And why does it always sound like an insult when ppl say a show appeals to the masses -_-... i mean, that's what shows should do...
Duri1nJul 3, 2014 2:26 PM
The most annoying thing about some anime is that they don't know when they've died...
Jul 3, 2014 2:22 PM
Oct 2010
Knight_Artorias said:
Boring and predictable the whole way through, edge to the max. The otherwise crybaby protagonist gets shounen powers just bloodier (Deadman Wonderland anyone?), throws shounen bullshit speeches and it all felt incredibly rushed. Seems to be the next hit after No Game No Life but I can't see why. This was terrible and unenjoyable so far but they have still chances for improvement as the premise is interesting.


It's pretty odd you complain about a cry baby protag that gets powers considering you like madoka and what shounen speeches? Also what normal person wouldn't act like he was considering the situation?
Jul 3, 2014 2:22 PM

Apr 2012
sooo interesting im dying 4 the next ep
Jul 3, 2014 2:31 PM

Dec 2013
Seems pretty interesting so far. Looking forward to where this goes 4/5
Jul 3, 2014 2:33 PM

Feb 2012
Wow that was quick... they skipped some stuff, but still it was a lot better than I expected^^
Jul 3, 2014 2:33 PM

Sep 2013
skudoops said:
Knight_Artorias said:
Boring and predictable the whole way through, edge to the max. The otherwise crybaby protagonist gets shounen powers just bloodier (Deadman Wonderland anyone?), throws shounen bullshit speeches and it all felt incredibly rushed. Seems to be the next hit after No Game No Life but I can't see why. This was terrible and unenjoyable so far but they have still chances for improvement as the premise is interesting.


It's pretty odd you complain about a cry baby protag that gets powers considering you like madoka and what shounen speeches? Also what normal person wouldn't act like he was considering the situation?
Madoka is a middle-school girl, the guy from Tokyo Ghoul is a 19 year old dude who blushes like a retard from every generic school romance show ever when he talks with his childhood friend about a girl he likes, who rather has the right to be a crybaby? I was totally fine with him crying about what happened to him by the way, but not how he was before. It's like in nearly every Shounen. And with Shounen speeches I meant his monologue at the end of the episode, it felt so forced and cheesy when he yelled how he's human and stuff.

Also the description of the show is laughable. The people in the episode seemed rather normal considering the fact that murdering ghouls are killing and eating people every day and night. Where was the suspense and terror?
Time is money, but money won't turn back the clock.
Jul 3, 2014 2:37 PM

Aug 2009
Havn't had one of these in a while! Psycho Pass next season? 2014 is getting better and better.

I didn't undersstand what he was trying to do with the knife? The doctors were trying to cut a gene of her out?

I knew Ling tosite sigure were singing for this, did not see that epic ending coming. Hope this series keeps up the good work.

Jul 3, 2014 2:37 PM
Jul 2018
This was way too predictable and that is hardly ever a good thing....let's hope it will improve. Nothing exceptional so far,character are average,OST ditto.
It was not entirely bad,but it was...bland.
Jul 3, 2014 2:38 PM

Aug 2009
Knight_Artorias said:
Boring and predictable the whole way through, edge to the max. The otherwise crybaby protagonist gets shounen powers just bloodier (Deadman Wonderland anyone?), throws shounen bullshit speeches and it all felt incredibly rushed. Seems to be the next hit after No Game No Life but I can't see why. This was terrible and unenjoyable so far but they have still chances for improvement as the premise is interesting.


Predictable? The first episode already twisted. First glance you think all ghouls are bad but there seems to be alot more going on with this.

Jul 3, 2014 2:42 PM

Jan 2014
It Was Beautiful *.*
Jul 3, 2014 2:42 PM

Apr 2009
I feel safe in the knowledge that I can completely ignore any comment that unironically uses the word "edgy" and have missed nothing of value.
Jul 3, 2014 2:46 PM

Jun 2014
I think it was quite good.
Jul 3, 2014 2:47 PM
Nov 2013
Evil HanaKana voice was fucking terrific, she should really do more roles like Rize. Toka was also bad ass, and now I can tell Sora Amamiya will dona great job as Akame.
This was a great first episode, I really enjoyed the dark atmosphere and the soundtrack. Reminds me of Shiki. Definitely looking forward to this.
Jul 3, 2014 2:48 PM

Jan 2014
It did enough to catch my attention. First impressions are best.
Jul 3, 2014 2:48 PM

Dec 2013
Seems pretty interesting so far. Looking forward to where this goes 4/5
Jul 3, 2014 2:52 PM

Jul 2010
buuhhu said:
It Was Beautiful *.*

My thoughts exactly.
Jul 3, 2014 2:57 PM

Feb 2010
Loved it ^_^. Though it probably is a bit rushed compared to the manga, I'm too hyped up about it and am just glad to see it lol.

I'm really hoping this will be 2 cour. And with any luck, they could put some scenes they missed out on in the next episode. I think its still possible as they don't always necessarily show parts of the manga in exact order in the anime adaption anyway...
Jul 3, 2014 2:58 PM

Nov 2013
And as I predicted, shitstorms. Can't wait to see SAO II and AgK threads :)

And yes let's hate on the crybaby protagonist, it would be nice if he was Tatsuya wouldn't it?

Oh wait that's still a shit OP character. Oh well.
Jul 3, 2014 2:58 PM
Jul 2013
Man I loved it, oh i felt it. The pain he is suffering from being a ghoul. He has to eat but he can't eat :''(.


Jul 3, 2014 2:59 PM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
porkypink said:
Knight_Artorias said:
Boring and predictable the whole way through, edge to the max. The otherwise crybaby protagonist gets shounen powers just bloodier (Deadman Wonderland anyone?), throws shounen bullshit speeches and it all felt incredibly rushed. Seems to be the next hit after No Game No Life but I can't see why. This was terrible and unenjoyable so far but they have still chances for improvement as the premise is interesting.


Predictable? The first episode already twisted. First glance you think all ghouls are bad but there seems to be alot more going on with this.

because most viewers don't think deep into concept or characters. Only the surface. All anime are much more enjoyable if you relate them to reality somehow, or philosophy etc...
Jul 3, 2014 3:01 PM

May 2011
AikaKateshiki said:
I'm going crazy. This was the anime I had been anticipating the most and yet the first episode felt totally off in comparison to the manga. The pacing is too fast, they're missing a lot of points and what's most serious is that they're missing the psychological side of all things; Kaneki finding out the truth about himself had deep influence and in here they barely showed him going through the tragedy. I'm really worried whether this'll turn out well.

It won't.

It will appeal to viewers who have not read the manga, but not those that have. That's my guess.
Jul 3, 2014 3:03 PM
May 2014
Botato said:
And as I predicted, shitstorms. Can't wait to see SAO II and AgK threads :)

And yes let's hate on the crybaby protagonist, it would be nice if he was Tatsuya wouldn't it?

Oh wait that's still a shit OP character. Oh well.

The critics always find something to complain about, I also can't wait to see how the threads will be in SAO II but I hope AgK won't suffer from this lol which it obviously will but whatever.
The anime industry is dead, the otaku fanbase killed it.
Jul 3, 2014 3:03 PM

Nov 2012
Unimpressive episode,everything just went by so quickly.

Glad Rize died (never liked her),KanaHana did a good as a yandere as Sengoku but as Rize it seemed forced/not good.

Only got good around the last 2 mins when Kaneki was debating whether or not to eat the arm and lose his humanity with it.
Jul 3, 2014 3:03 PM

Sep 2013
porkypink said:
Predictable? The first episode already twisted. First glance you think all ghouls are bad but there seems to be alot more going on with this.
That's one of the things which made it predictable for me. "Uh, they are all so bad, but no there are actually good ones as well." Already seen a dozen times. Other things were that the female was a ghoul which got nicely spoiled from the intro sequence and that the girl in the café was a ghoul as well wasn't that hard to figure out either.

Hongu said:
Are you in a contest to see who can cram the most buzzwords into a single post or something?
No, but it seemes like I did strike a nerve. Got any counter arguments to my post?
Time is money, but money won't turn back the clock.
Jul 3, 2014 3:08 PM

Jul 2014
They blasted through 5 chapters, it feels rushed, Touka was not that sympathetic with Kaneki at first and they skipped the Black Goats Egg scene, it was too fast paced, but it wasn't bad. 3/5

Knight_Artorias said:
That's one of the things which made it predictable for me. "Uh, they are all so bad, but no there are actually good ones as well." Already seen a dozen times. Other things were that the female was a ghoul which got nicely spoiled from the intro sequence and that the girl in the café was a ghoul as well wasn't that hard to figure out either.

Ghouls are not good people, actually no one in this series could really be considered good, not even Touka, not even Kaneki, you just have to wait and see more but then again this seems too be a rushed adaptation so they might skip scenes that they shouldn't.
TyrelJul 7, 2014 4:27 PM
Jul 3, 2014 3:08 PM

Dec 2012
angsty teenager anime with gore, screaming and contrived circumstances woohoo
Jul 3, 2014 3:11 PM

Nov 2013
kikohunter said:
The critics always find something to complain about, I also can't wait to see how the threads will be in SAO II but I hope AgK won't suffer from this lol which it obviously will but whatever.
Oh they will be marvelous x)
Anyway, I missed your first impressions due to the storm, what did you think of the episode?
(trying to stay on topic and stuff)
Jul 3, 2014 3:11 PM

Dec 2013
Wasn't impressed, but the female lead seems interesting.
Jul 3, 2014 3:13 PM

Sep 2013
Salamandro said:
Ghouls are not good people, actually no one in this series could really be considered good, not even Touka, not even Kaneki, you just have to wait and see more but then again this seems too be a rushed adaptation so they might skip scenes that they shouldn't.
I wanted to leave the "but are actually kinda not" in my post but decided to throw it out but even that is nothing new.
Time is money, but money won't turn back the clock.
Jul 3, 2014 3:14 PM

Feb 2010
Knight_Artorias said:

Madoka is a middle-school girl, the guy from Tokyo Ghoul is a 19 year old dude who blushes like a retard from every generic school romance show ever when he talks with his childhood friend about a girl he likes, who rather has the right to be a crybaby? I was totally fine with him crying about what happened to him by the way, but not how he was before. It's like in nearly every Shounen. And with Shounen speeches I meant his monologue at the end of the episode, it felt so forced and cheesy when he yelled how he's human and stuff.

Believe it or not, there are adults who can blush and get embarrassed in real life too. He didn't make a (proper coherent) speech or anything at the end, seemed like a fairly natural reaction to me ^_^. More than anything to try and convince himself, in my opinion.
Jul 3, 2014 3:16 PM

Jun 2013
Just watched the first episode and to be perfectly honest I had doubts about how well the show will do in comparison to the "upcoming" anime, and boy had that idea been shattered. This episode definitely smashed right into the story and did it quite graciously. Can't wait to watch more!! ⊙ω⊙)

@Reply on my profile, rarely check back forum threads

HummingBird | DeviantArt | MAL | MML

Jul 3, 2014 3:18 PM
Jan 2013
Knight_Artorias said:
Salamandro said:
Ghouls are not good people, actually no one in this series could really be considered good, not even Touka, not even Kaneki, you just have to wait and see more but then again this seems too be a rushed adaptation so they might skip scenes that they shouldn't.
I wanted to leave the "but are actually kinda not" in my post but decided to throw it out but even that is nothing new.
I don't get why you're being so anal about originality when one of your favorite anime is Railgun, which is one of the most generic anime out there.
Not everything as to be groundbreaking and genre defining, it's how the show handles its themes is what matters.
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