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May 9, 2012 4:29 AM

Feb 2012
Actually TBH, I only picked Haruka and Tsukasa's arc for both of the Seasons 'cause I really like Long-haired Female anime characters LOL and I dunno why but i really Love long haired girls.This feature just make them more feminine and girly. Actually, IMO, of all the girls in the series, Haruka's the most well designed and well delivered.

I can't really say that this is the best arc of this season since i haven't seen Sae's Ai's Kaoru's and Rihoko's arc yet. However, I'm in a "doubted" situation about countinuing the series seeing Tsukasa and Haruka's which is the best i guess so guys, I have a question, Should I Continue watching the 4 remaining arcs for both seasons or not?
May 9, 2012 1:24 PM

Mar 2012
pizza_012 said:
Actually TBH, I only picked Haruka and Tsukasa's arc for both of the Seasons 'cause I really like Long-haired Female anime characters LOL and I dunno why but i really Love long haired girls.This feature just make them more feminine and girly. Actually, IMO, of all the girls in the series, Haruka's the most well designed and well delivered.

I can't really say that this is the best arc of this season since i haven't seen Sae's Ai's Kaoru's and Rihoko's arc yet. However, I'm in a "doubted" situation about countinuing the series seeing Tsukasa and Haruka's which is the best i guess so guys, I have a question, Should I Continue watching the 4 remaining arcs for both seasons or not?

Actually, I felt the exact same way when I started chronologically (Amagami SS ep 1-4, 5-8 etc); I finished episode 4, and, only after watching those 4 episodes of the series based loosely on recommendations had I found out that there were multiple endings. So I waited a few days to get over the fact that he didn't *really* end up with Haruka (yeah, I get this way over anime) , and I gave the other arcs a shot and they weren't that bad.
If you're saying you're unsure because you think the other arcs might not be as good, well in my opinion they aren't, but after you watch the SS arcs and finish up with the SS Plus counterparts, they end a little nicer, so none of them were *terrible* IMO (I didn't really like SS ep 25 though), and I'd suggest at least trying one of the other arcs to see what they're like.
May 10, 2012 12:28 AM

Feb 2012
Evanjs said:
pizza_012 said:
Actually TBH, I only picked Haruka and Tsukasa's arc for both of the Seasons 'cause I really like Long-haired Female anime characters LOL and I dunno why but i really Love long haired girls.This feature just make them more feminine and girly. Actually, IMO, of all the girls in the series, Haruka's the most well designed and well delivered.

I can't really say that this is the best arc of this season since i haven't seen Sae's Ai's Kaoru's and Rihoko's arc yet. However, I'm in a "doubted" situation about countinuing the series seeing Tsukasa and Haruka's which is the best i guess so guys, I have a question, Should I Continue watching the 4 remaining arcs for both seasons or not?

Actually, I felt the exact same way when I started chronologically (Amagami SS ep 1-4, 5-8 etc); I finished episode 4, and, only after watching those 4 episodes of the series based loosely on recommendations had I found out that there were multiple endings. So I waited a few days to get over the fact that he didn't *really* end up with Haruka (yeah, I get this way over anime) , and I gave the other arcs a shot and they weren't that bad.
If you're saying you're unsure because you think the other arcs might not be as good, well in my opinion they aren't, but after you watch the SS arcs and finish up with the SS Plus counterparts, they end a little nicer, so none of them were *terrible* IMO (I didn't really like SS ep 25 though), and I'd suggest at least trying one of the other arcs to see what they're like.

Thanks Evanjs for giving me some sort of a heads-up. I think I'll try and just finish them all instead since i already started. lol Btw, I enjoyed Risa's arc. i wish there were more of it but oh, well, It didn't end up like that and ended in such a way that there should be more of an explanation afterwards. I guess the nice part of amagami after it's finished is you can jump off from an episode if you don't like the char design of a girl LOL that's the path that i took lol

But from all of those comments ahead and on the topics here about amagami, i can quickly judge that Haruka has the best arc among the rest. following her is tsukasa. I did actually enjoyed haruka's arc and when i found out that this series has arcs and not continious, i felt bad and depressed that haruka's was over, same when i was watching tsukasa's arc. lol i wish there only 2 or 3 girls haruka, tsukasa and risa. lol
May 15, 2012 11:55 AM

May 2010
Best arc of this season!

Yeah, it's a bit cliche yet done in a good way (high jump aside) and the feeling watching them kissing is pure happiness.

And Junichi is just manly with that proposal.

My arc rankings would be like this:


And I thought the last episode will be for Risa. :(
May 19, 2012 4:34 AM
Apr 2011
Evanjs said:
My god that episode was good, I can only imagine how bad it would sound dubbed XD I started and finished SS+ in a day when I saw that the Haruka arc was at the end >.> Favorite path overall.

Same here... I finished it yesterday in something like 7 hours,and i have no words.
Best arc was Haruka's no doubt about it.. just epic,she's my favourite...
Man such a shame my life can't be like Junichi's with Haruka
Jun 4, 2012 3:56 PM

Dec 2009
Once again Haruka`s arc is the best. There are 4 interesting characters in this series but I think that the only one I`ll remember for some time is Haruka.
My arc rating is the following:
1. Haruka
2. Ai
3. Ayatsuji
4. Kaoru
5. Rihoko
6. Sae

This season was more interesting than the previous one and overall it`s 9/10 for me. I think that I can give mark without seeing last episode yet.))
Jul 3, 2012 9:55 PM

May 2012
Amazing episode and this was definitively the best arc this season, the next episode is just an filler type episode so I'm just gonna skip it completely and rate this anime based on the 12 episodes. I give this anime a 10/10, the previous season got a 9/10 from me simply because of the ending to Rihoko's was pure bull crap so I'm glad that they gave her arc some closure this time around. Anyway this was pretty awesome I wish that there were more anime out there that gave the same feeling of satisfaction after watching it.
Jul 6, 2012 4:11 PM
Jan 2012
This anime really has a knack for saving best for last huh?
I know for a fact this will be the most memorable episode from this show.
Jul 12, 2012 12:31 AM

Sep 2008
Best arc for sure. Though most of the oomph came from that proposal at the end and the rest was just kind of meh.

Still, awesome stuff.
Aug 26, 2012 2:47 AM

Feb 2010
definitely the Best Arc in the series. 10/10
Sep 6, 2012 1:49 PM
Dec 2010
ahaha That dude got guts!! That was THE thing to do at graduation ceremony XD
Had i done that at my high school before my own graduation i think i would be facing expulsion or something close to it but on the other hand if that was for the love of my life i think that would be worth the risk !
Sent with Mal Updater

and next episode is ../ looks like fan-service in hot spring, really ? :O It might be just me but i think that clichéd hot spring fan-service doesn't suit this anime. But maybe i just got confused by preview :P
greenmartySep 6, 2012 1:58 PM
( Currently interested in OP MC genre. Recommendations are welcomed, preferable those yet not on my list )
Oct 25, 2012 6:47 AM

Apr 2012
For 3/4 of the episode I hated Junichi for being so incredibly timid and dim-witted. Thanks to some extensive prodding by Jessica and I reckon Hibiki, Junichi finally manned up and gave us a deliciously corny Hollywood like finale....But Haruka is worth it.

Once again like last season, the Haruka and Tsukasa arcs are head and shoulders over the rest.
Dec 27, 2012 3:30 PM

Dec 2012
I was just going batshit crazy when the teacher read out his name, I was like "NO OH DEAR GOD NO" but at the same time was rooting for him. When he did the proposal I was like "YES!", even if realistically people would have been like "Uh, wtf get off the stage etc."

As for Jessica's little nudge(or MASSIVE shove) I simultaneously hated and loved her for it- I guess it would have worked out either way, seeing as she was only going to England for a week xD
Nice end to the series though.
Arc Rankings
Mar 14, 2013 11:49 PM

Jan 2013
Wow that was just ridiculous.

He annoyed me so much during the first half.
Firstly he continued to call her senpai and was still embarrassed in front of her all the time.

Then it went over the top with a marriage proposal at the graduation ceremony
Apr 19, 2013 9:13 AM

May 2012
Epic arc! Just loved that ending, really impressive arc and ending of it! I do wonder what the last episode will be like!
Jun 14, 2013 9:17 PM

May 2013

Dudes got major balls! BALLS OF STEEL! Imagine if he'd gotten rejected, it took him two years to get over getting stood up for a freaking date LOL

Great fucking show though, adding it to my favorites!
Jul 18, 2013 5:42 PM
Jul 2018
Good arc I guess, Pretty epic indeed.

The teacher was epic as well, "your making me jealous"
Sep 17, 2013 1:39 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
#Respect for Junichi. Pulling that last minute change of class representative must have taken a lot of begging by Junichi. Ayutsuji-san probably knew something was up with Junichi. Anyway, wow Haruka was just magnificent this episode. The jump at the end and her charisma for Junichi was splendid. I sure wish girls were as charismatic as Haruka in real life. Also that proposal was so sweet. So in both arcs Junichi and Haruka get married, only this time they show the actual marriage compared to season 1 Haruka's arc where it was implied.

Sep 28, 2013 8:28 PM

Nov 2012
hmm sexy :3 no I mean the name lol :3
so much embrassing moment in this episode..
and I know if sexy just tried to make junichi said that :3
God that ending lol :3
Sep 28, 2013 8:57 PM

Jul 2013
How very bold of him to do that. This Junichi. Balls of steel. Best arc in Amagami evarr! :D
Jan 6, 2014 3:55 AM

May 2010
Peeking = gentleman, lol Junichi's imagination xD This arc was so cliche, I felt like I was reading some cliche shoujo manga... The only scenes I liked were involving Tsukuhara. Not a big fan of Haruka either, I think this arc was the weakest.

Anyways, I loved this season very much overall. Kaoru was my most fav girl and the one I want with Junichi the most. 2nd would be Rihoko, and 3rd would be Ai tied with Ayatsuji. Sae at 5th and Haruka at 6th, they can swap places. Next episode is going to be last, I am going to miss this one...
Mar 10, 2014 6:35 PM

Jan 2013
A bit of an over the top arc but it kinda fits with the way Haruka is. This was a very enjoyable 2nd season but the 1st was better. This is the kind of series I like; no harem , no NTR. Just watching 2 people and their love develop. Sure a lot of it was cliched but the girls are fantastic and Junichi for the most part is a great protagonist. My favorite girl is Tsukasa followed by Kaoru and Ai. Gonna rewatch this during the holiday season.

Did the Amagami challenge last year and if I have to sit on that bench again after actually watching the show, I'm gonna be sad ;_;
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Mar 17, 2014 9:18 PM

Jun 2009
yo my man junichi got some balls proposing like that. not only that but haruka got some big hops too.

but looking at it from reality i doubt any girl would be that ecstatic to have her HS graduation semi-ruined like that
Mar 31, 2014 1:23 AM

Sep 2011
I kinda felt like they were trying to force the whole marriage thing on him, when he wasn't entirely ready. I mean didn't they just get together, and I'm pretty sure he would have asked her about how long she would gone for.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 29, 2014 8:51 PM

Apr 2012
like a boss
My Reviews and Rants:

Jun 24, 2014 9:21 PM

Feb 2014
awww love this ending
Jun 30, 2014 12:30 AM

May 2011
Ended off with a BOOM. Maybe a bit too much. Wait, there's one more episode?
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Jul 2, 2014 12:12 PM

Jun 2012
Elite60 said:
Damn, Haruka got a hell of a jump there after Junichi confessed.

Next episode looks to full of fan service teases...

Bitch got mad hops
Oct 8, 2014 11:28 AM

Sep 2014
Junichi having nerves of steel, Haruka having springs beneath her shoes (lol), Jessica trolling, Tsukasa angry and Sensei getting jealous haha!
And to cap it all, a dream wedding for Haruka.. How sweet! What a way to end a great arc..

Simply amazing.. That's how I would describe it.. Though I kinda expected how it will end but it was still enjoyable.. Haruka's arc is definitely on my top 3 arcs (along with Ai and Tsukasa)..

I enjoyed every arc and my overall grade would be..

~ 8/10 ~
Nov 6, 2014 10:20 PM

Dec 2013
Aw yeah, Haruka was my favourite girl and she definitely got the best ending! This whole series was fun and lighthearted; I just wish I hadn't taken almost a year to finally get around to watching it. I can only give each season a 7/10 since they were pretty cliche, but as a whole I give Amagami an 8.

And now my order of favourites can be completed!
1) Haruka
2) Sae
3) Kaoru
4) Tsukasa/Rihoko
6) Ai
Nov 12, 2014 6:18 AM

May 2014
YES! It was expected that he was gonna propose her but not like that! Well done Junichi :D Even from the 1st season Haruka is my favourite girl. Kinda hard to chose between Ai and Tsukasa for the 2nd place but Haruka definitely has the 1st one ^_^ Jessica you little ... well done to you to :D My only regret is that the didn't slept it the same bed, the way Junichi imagined.

Best girl, best ending ^_^
Jan 6, 2015 12:13 AM
Jan 2014
For the majority of this arc, this guy was a HORRIBLE boyfriend to Haruka, even after Jessica said something. He couldn't conjure up the gull to make a move like ever, even though it was obvious she wanted to at times, and it was really rough watching one of my favorite girls out of the 6 go through that. I can't believe Junichi had her over, she told him she was going to England, and then it cut to the next scene after she pats his head. You mean to tell me he did NOTHING that night to reassure her?
Jan 6, 2015 12:23 AM
Jan 2014
As cute as that last little part was, that was the absolute WORST way to propose to your girl, realistically. lol
Apr 19, 2015 7:59 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
It was my favorite arc of them all. Pure Kodak moment at the all misty eyed. LOL
May 22, 2015 7:30 AM

Jun 2013
i was hyped up more at the airtime haruka got from her jump than the proposal
Jun 8, 2015 9:46 AM

Apr 2012
Junichi true man route

edit: eh after checking the posts I said pretty much the same thing here last year when I first watched this.
bunny1ov3rJun 8, 2015 3:53 PM
My Reviews and Rants:

Jul 11, 2015 5:19 AM

Dec 2012
Now that's how you make an after story. Very satisfying development and conclusion. Haruka got the justice she deserved this time around and this is my favorite arc from SS+. 9/10 for Haruka.

Also had to laugh at Tsukasa's personality leaking out after the proposal. LOL @ the preview, zooming in and out of Sae's breasts on every "ni-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi."
Jul 27, 2015 12:34 AM

Sep 2013
Holy shit Haruka! how'd you jump to the stage so high. Are you frog or something? lol. Junichi finally grew some balls and proposed. I kinda figured Haruka wouldn't be staying long in England. I think I've seen that before in another anime or manga. Next episode is about Miya. I'm not really interested.

Well I think this arc is one of the best this season.

"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Jul 27, 2015 12:37 AM

Sep 2013
Hibiki07 said:
YES! It was expected that he was gonna propose her but not like that! Well done Junichi :D Even from the 1st season Haruka is my favourite girl. Kinda hard to chose between Ai and Tsukasa for the 2nd place but Haruka definitely has the 1st one ^_^ Jessica you little ... well done to you to :D My only regret is that the didn't slept it the same bed, the way Junichi imagined.

Best girl, best ending ^_^

Im still baffled where the heck is Junichi's parents.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Oct 27, 2016 3:01 PM

Jun 2016
Really good episode, by far the most conclusive arc and had some of the best comedic lines. This episode definitely makes this my favorite arc.
Dec 10, 2016 9:47 AM

Oct 2016
And so it ends...gotta say I'm a bit sceptical about this show at first. Turned out to be a pleasant surprise. All girl best girl, everybody wins! Here's my personal best girl ranking:

1. Stalker Risa Ayatsuji (tsundere ftw!)
2. Haruka (Okie dokie, senpai!)
3. Rihoko (cutest and most adorable, deserved that ending)
4. Kaoru (makes the show livelier)
5. Ai (average I guess? didn't like her that much)
6. Sae (a bit annoying tbh)
7. Special mention to Miya for being an awesome imouto
Jan 16, 2017 4:06 AM

Dec 2015
The female teacher really is the best ha ha. Her reaction ("you are making me jealous"). They should have made a teacher arc as well.

Edit: My ranking:
1. Ayatsuji
2./3. Ai and Haruka
4./5. Sae and Kaoru
6. Rihoko

But that is the ranking of the girls. Not the arcs (story) itself. I like 1-3 because of their personality. Rihoko is boring (and I usually don't like the childhood friends). Sae and Kaoru are still okay. As for the arcs ... I don't remember S1 that well anymore. In this season the Ayatsuji and Kaoru arcs were best imo.

+ I usually don't like the sister characters but in this anime it is different. Miya is nice and I also love her voice. Could have been #1 as well (together with Ayatsuji) if they had made a real arc (with incest where he falls in love with her).
LuthandoriusJan 16, 2017 4:13 AM
Mar 9, 2017 8:24 PM
Jul 2018
HELL YES!!! Junichi, you are the man! That was such an awesome proposal. Haruka and Junichi are the best together, I'm so happy how this turned out!
Mar 26, 2017 5:25 PM

Oct 2012
I dunno... it wasn't bad per se but it was extremly forced from the start. I like when things are happening in more natural way while in this episode everything was just staged. But guess I have to say at least the wedding was nice.

Don't know about the graduation speech though, thinking that he was talking in front of hundreds of other people (he was selfishly ruining their high school memory btw) it felt extremely cringeworthy. And have to say that I like embarassing situation but their overnight stay wasn't enjoyable at all.
And one simply has to hate how Tachibana is always apologizing for anything he does.

Therefore, Sae's boobs were highlight of this episode and can't wait for Miya special :D

Talking of rankings of girls, it hasn't changed for me since the last cour but here it is:

1. Kaoru
2. Rihoko
3. Sae
4. Ayatsuji
5. Nanasaki
6. Haruka (yeah, I like her personality the least).
* Miyu has special (sister and one true best) category, obviously :))

Speaking of arcs in the second season, it goes like this (from the best to the worse):
1. Kaoru's trip, 2. Ayatsuji's elections, 3. Nanasaki Christmas' longing, 4. Sae's Founder Festival, 5. Rihoko's confession, 6. Haruka's wedding
Mich666Mar 26, 2017 5:37 PM
Apr 15, 2017 7:22 AM

Oct 2010
I have to say... I like this ending :) a little forced yes... But well... It's the first wedding in this anime, so fair enough XD.
Haruka... So cute :) ♥
Hibiki07 said:

Best girl, best ending ^_^

And... Hibiki... Damn I can't get out her of my head. She need an Arch too, and with that dress damn lovely ♥
May 21, 2017 10:04 PM

Jul 2007
Really cool episode, I just wish all of the arcs had ended in such an impactful way. So many of the arcs felt really dull from a progression standpoint (not necessarily talking about marriage). This one however was pretty good and I didn't expect anything less than that!
Jul 26, 2017 10:53 AM

Apr 2013
Pretty obvious that she was only talking about vacation in England imo. Oh well, another marriage for him. Looking forward to the last episode now.
Oct 13, 2017 7:16 AM

Oct 2017
Nicely done boss! I wasn't expecting at the benning that Junichi will marry Haruka, very enjoyable episode and one of the best arc ending of the anime! :3

I want to see a spin-off serie or OVAs about Junichi and the others girls post-highschool life... *^*
Jan 6, 2018 9:06 AM
May 2017
Sometimes the Main Chara (Junichi) is so fkn annoying. His overreacting, often misinterpret something, think about dirty stuff and then gets so shy and his high pitched voice "Senpai". Dude, just say Haruka(-chan) like she sometimes said too, damn haha. He is the perfect cliche of a standard boy MC in a romance anime.

He rly doesnt deserve Haruka haha
captaind95Jan 6, 2018 9:11 AM
Feb 22, 2018 12:07 PM
Mar 2016
Favorite arcs for me
1 - Tsukasa
2 - Kaoru
3 - Ai
4 - Haruka
5 - Sae-chan
6 - Rihoko
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