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Black Bullet (light novel)
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Jul 1, 2014 6:51 AM

Nov 2011
So we get some action with the Initiators and Promoters against the Gauna. Everything feels rushed tbh. Oh and looks like Rentaro is having trouble keeping it all together.

Too bad we didn't get too see much of Kisara's skills in this adaptation altogether except a bit in this episode. Sigh. Oh well, I wasn't expecting much from this adaptation after seeing some of the initial episodes. End art:

Stark700Jul 1, 2014 6:56 AM
Jul 1, 2014 7:39 AM

Nov 2007
Tokyo people's hope delivered through the lights.

He still decided to fight alone, but that monster can melt his metal leg. That guy went and sacrificed himself.

The boss vs. the brother?! They (brothers) are the one to kill her father.

Enju girl got a place to study again. His cry.

ED: "Wasurenai Tame ni for lotus (忘れない為に for lotus)" by Nagi Yanagi
tsubasaloverJul 1, 2014 8:43 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 1, 2014 7:40 AM
Sep 2013
Stark700 said:
So we get some action with the Initiators and Promoters against the Gauna. Everything feels rushed tbh. Oh and looks like Rentaro is having trouble keeping it all together.

Too bad we didn't get too see much of Kisara's skills in this adaptation altogether except a bit in this episode. Sigh. Oh well, I wasn't expecting much from this adaptation after seeing some of the initial episodes. End art:

>From this adaption

There was nothing to expect for this studio to adapt much from the light novel, the story literally gets STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, that's how I read all 6 volumes in literally a week. Now back to the story, Kisara finally gets to use her "Revenge" side and used her Tendo Battle Style: Zero Style, "Open." Enjoyed (7)/10 can't wait for volume 8. ;_; RIP Shouma..., maybe.
Jul 1, 2014 8:53 AM

Apr 2013
This is one of the worst season I've ever witnessed. This anime felt so rushed and had no redeeming qualities except for the soundtrack. Just awful.

Jul 1, 2014 9:03 AM

Aug 2009
Wow, the gastorea war felt so cheap and rushed I was disappointed. But The whole second half was an amazing Yandere Ending. That made up for the episode as a whole.

Nvm, Loli End. This scene alone deserves 5/5 but then again, everyone died soo cheap it wasn't as great of a scene it could have been.

As for the the whole series, it somewhat delivered. I didn't really watch/pay attention to some of the episodes since it got boring at times. Gatta rewatch to give a final verdict.
porkypinkJul 1, 2014 9:11 AM

Jul 1, 2014 9:08 AM

Dec 2010
I'll just get the soundtracks when they become available in October. Then I won't have to think about this terrible run of Black Bullet again. I honestly should have just watched Ping Pong this season.
I read Manga in both English and Chinese.
Jul 1, 2014 9:14 AM

Nov 2012
Terrible pacing,managed to do something alot of anime can't achieve,having a mediocre standpoint and getting progressive worst with each episode.4/10 not even lolis could save this.
Jul 1, 2014 9:26 AM

Mar 2014
Nice heroine, Kisara. I was really waiting that moment.

Stark700 said:
So we get some action with the Initiators and Promoters against the Gauna.

Sidonian Bullet! Aha.
Jul 1, 2014 9:47 AM

Jan 2014
Simply trash. I can't believe a story that had the power of living up to the standards of SnK, turn out to... this?!

It's a bit depressing if you ask me. One of the most disappointing animes of this season
Jul 1, 2014 9:50 AM

Nov 2007
Sourire said:
This is one of the worst season I've ever witnessed. This anime felt so rushed and had no redeeming qualities except for the soundtrack. Just awful.


more like 1/10 lmao. that final episode was like the icing on the poop cake
Jul 1, 2014 9:52 AM
Feb 2014
Did Kagetane survive, seeing as he was the best villain/ anti hero I've seen in a long time.
Jul 1, 2014 10:07 AM
May 2011
Never really liked that Kisara bitch. I hope though eventually Rentaro won't be a fool and stop dating tha bitch in the end. She doesn't deserve him at all!
Jul 1, 2014 10:09 AM

Jun 2013
That was a nice end with Enju and Rentarou there. Kisara went pretty evil at there end there which i didn't expect though. I enjoyed this series quite a bit.
Jul 1, 2014 10:09 AM
Apr 2014
I had literally forgotten that Seitenshi was a character. That doesn't happen often.

Pretty weird how a bunch of random plot points appeared and resolved themselves (mostly).

Anyone remember 47.8%? Yeah, that went absolutely nowhere.

Overall 7 maybe 6/10. I enjoyed it, but not much more than that.
Jul 1, 2014 10:15 AM

Apr 2013
Tsundere said:
Sourire said:
This is one of the worst season I've ever witnessed. This anime felt so rushed and had no redeeming qualities except for the soundtrack. Just awful.


more like 1/10 lmao. that final episode was like the icing on the poop cake
yeah I had to control myself not to rate it any lower since I was a bit entertained in the beginning of the show.. might lower it to 3/10.
Jul 1, 2014 10:17 AM

May 2013
Enjoyed the series overall. Man Kisara definitely changed at the end back there.
Jul 1, 2014 10:21 AM
Jan 2014
ConfusedEggplant said:
Did Kagetane survive, seeing as he was the best villain/ anti hero I've seen in a long time.

Yes he did.

You see him looking over some of tokyo with his daughter

Jul 1, 2014 10:22 AM

Jul 2010
Seeing all the lights floating in the sky. The people's will to live, the light of humanity.
The battles scenes and the bomb failing to go off until Shoma forced it to explode.
That duel, the guy that caused this battle by making Varanium with cheaper materials that proved to be ineffective to stage four.
Kisara's sword style to just counter her family's style. That second strike faster than sound. That was somewhat brutal way to kill someone, to give the person hope then instant despair at its strongest.
To overcome evil with absolute evil. Kisara instant change in attitude after the event, she is... quite messed up.
A somewhat emotional end on the train.

I am easily satisfied though this was a really fast paced anime that was poorly done. I still enjoyed it to the point of 8/10.
Jul 1, 2014 10:23 AM

Apr 2012
dam the guy with the fist of the north star skills isnt gonna be in the next season(if there is one) unless he comes back from the dead or he didnt die from that nuke like bomb
Jul 1, 2014 10:25 AM

Jul 2013
so shouma ended up being the hero, kisara became evil and rentaro ended up with the loli. that was a disappointing ending especially since a random character was introduced just to make kisara more relevant.

the show started out on an entertaining note but it was rushed and continued going downhill. expected more tbh 5/10
Jul 1, 2014 10:26 AM

Aug 2010
The beginning showed promise, but it turned out to be a pretty terrible show. How unfortunate 5/10
Jul 1, 2014 10:26 AM

Feb 2011
The animators sure weren't lazy animating this series.
I loved it. I'm definitely going to buy the BDs in order to help the sales for a possible season 2. Very good anime from start to the end. Please take my money Japan.

Solid 8/10 for me.
Jul 1, 2014 10:29 AM

Dec 2012
Shoma-nii sacrificed himself to destroy Aldebaran. Expecting that the fight against Gastrea would not be that short.

Kisara is scary.

Hoping to see more Kagetane and Kohina.

Enju and Rentarou moment at the end. I guess Black Bullet somehow entertain me but I kinda feel there is something missing.
MizeteoJul 1, 2014 10:34 AM
Jul 1, 2014 10:33 AM

May 2010
absolutely terrible,bland and forgettable show! 4/10
Jul 1, 2014 10:35 AM

Dec 2009
Good finale, thought the battle went by really quick. Kisara went ape shit there. Overall I enjoyed this show. 7/10

Not sure how someone could hate this show and rate it like a 3-4, but end up finishing the show. Logic even once
BleachwayJul 1, 2014 10:41 AM
Jul 1, 2014 10:36 AM
Mar 2013
Shouma died, he was the best character in Black bullet. Kisara went crazy and evil, and i liked her before this episode. This could've been a 8/10 for me, still can't decide if i'm gonna rate it 6/10 or 7/10 just because of this episode.

Hopefully there will be a season 2.
Jul 1, 2014 10:37 AM

Aug 2010
Woah! What an ep :O

RIP Shouma. I guess he wanted to follow his loli :3

And damn!! I totally didn't expect that ending. Kisara just went really dark. I thought her cutting off his leg like that was BA and quite dark already but to see she actually cut him in half like that O_O!

I wonder if Tina will stay with her if she goes fully avenger mode with no mercy?

The last scene with Rentarou and Enju was pretty cute :*)

This series is one of the most I've ever been sad about not faithfully adapting :(
I loved almost every episode even though I knew they were rushed as hell!!
Just imagining how good this series would've been if adapted well gives me goosebumps T_T I'll still give it a 8/10
Jul 1, 2014 10:37 AM
Jun 2012
Such an anti-climax. Series is so unevenly paced, hard to make sense of and poses so many questions, yet answers practically none.

Started off good, every episode became more of a narrative disaster and more of a disappointment.

Overall, 5/10

Will only watch the second season if it addresses all the plot points swept under the rug over the course of the last few months.
Jul 1, 2014 10:45 AM
Mar 2014
This anime had so much potential, as other people have stated. However, there are too many "cliches" and a few plot holes. I, however, like how they tried to re-introduce old supporting characters. 6/10
Jul 1, 2014 10:45 AM

Jun 2013
Man, the bomb detonation was anticlimactic... all of the characters and the anime itself built up to the fact that only Rentaro can reach the core, but Shoma comes in and handles the detonation with ease. I kinda wished that Rentaro was the one detonating, but without dying (like they usually do with any shounen).

Kisara suddenly turns into a psychopath that goes down the road of becoming evil. Talk about moody. Or maybe it's just bad directing. You don't suddenly break the character and show the audience another side of her at the last episode. You build her up to be a strong, caring woman all these episodes only to have her character be destroyed and become a yandere (sorta). I feel like the "evil" side of her should have been occasionally hinted at throughout the season, but they were too busy cramming other shit into the other episodes... The change in character for me was too sudden

Not a great ending to a very rushed anime adaptation =/
Jul 1, 2014 10:46 AM

May 2013
Kisara didn't have to kill Kazumitsu like that, a simple slash to the neck or stab to the heart would have been less disgusting :c

Aldebaran is finally dead, I wonder if there is a season 2? Maybe there will be Class 5+ Gastrea's now :o
Jul 1, 2014 10:48 AM
Mar 2013
The anime would be good if weren't for the terrible pacing, all the rushing. 7/10
Jul 1, 2014 10:51 AM

Oct 2011
This strongly reminded me of "Ga-rei Zero" as the dearest friend in the end become the worst enemy.

Overall despite everyone saying it was rushed, well....1cour only for novel adaptation is usually rushed so it was no surprise for me, still one of the best animes of the season.

Scored as 7/10
Jul 1, 2014 10:53 AM

Jun 2014
Mediocre ending aside, Kisara's psychotic side was really A+, damn that was brutal and how she tried to brush it off with Rentarou LOL. You could really see it in her eyes that she's gone crazy - probably one of the redeeming notes of the episode.

I had a feeling shoma would die because Midori died as well. Rentarou is proving to be weak as per usual in almost every episode. Season 2 seems likely with all these damn questions unanswered and such an open ending.

6 or a 7 out of 10. Was entertaining, not a solid story but hopefully they can do something about it in the next season or through whatever means.

"We live not to forget our past, but to learn from it!"

―Freya Crescent, Final Fantasy IX.
Jul 1, 2014 10:53 AM

Jan 2014
This anime had a lot of potential, but the producers decided to cut out too many things that was in the LN and rushed it.
5/10 Overall this anime was mediocre.
This show needs a 2-cour remake that doesn't cut too many things out.
Well, can't wait for the translation for volume 4, it's definitely going to be more epic than this shitty episode.
ScarLight778Jul 1, 2014 11:02 AM
Jul 1, 2014 10:54 AM

May 2011
ConfusedEggplant said:
Did Kagetane survive, seeing as he was the best villain/ anti hero I've seen in a long time.

I never thought of him as a villan/anti hero. I think he just simply has a different view of things. Probably went though a lot before deciding to do what he did.

Anyway I didn't think Kisara would turn out to be a complete pycho.
Jul 1, 2014 10:55 AM

May 2014
Everyone saying Kisara shouldn't have killed Kazumitsu like that etc. Bullshit! And if Kisara ends up becoming Rentarous enemy in the future if they continue this anime, ill drop it off there. Was worth watching for Kagetane, badass.

7/10 for this season.
Jul 1, 2014 11:01 AM

May 2011
Snowiefall said:
Everyone saying Kisara shouldn't have killed Kazumitsu like that etc. Bullshit! And if Kisara ends up becoming Rentarous enemy in the future if they continue this anime, ill drop it off there. Was worth watching for Kagetane, badass.

7/10 for this season.

She probably will. I mean it's not that hard to guess what will happen: Kisara will continue on her revenge and Rentaro will try to stop her.
Jul 1, 2014 11:06 AM
Apr 2014
3/5 for this episode.
5/10 for the whole series.

My expectations went downhill after seeing that asspull fight in episode 4..
oh well, at least it's entertaining enough to keep me watching till the end.

Wished it wasn't that rushed..
Jul 1, 2014 11:07 AM

May 2013
I highly enjoyed first 12 episodes but the last one was deffinitly the worst one. But it still satisfacted me

Jul 1, 2014 11:08 AM

Dec 2010
Fantastic ending to a pretty great show! I knew Shoma would have some role to play in the ending, and now he is with Midori again so all is well, I suppose. Kisara going nuts was unexpected, at first I was thinking, "oh she spared his life, how cliched" then he exploded and I was quite proud for bucking traditions!

Anyway I ended up really enjoying this series. It had a weak start but as the series progressed it got better and better. Of course that is probably because the third arc had a lot more time to develop everything, if the first two arcs could have done that it would have been even better.

All in all the series has pretty interesting characters, some very nice moral questions, pretty good action, and some awesome music.

So it gets an 9/10 from me. Hope we get a second season, although I know that won't happen...
Jul 1, 2014 11:09 AM

Dec 2012
KLBricks9129 said:
Simply trash. I can't believe a story that had the power of living up to the standards of SnK, turn out to... this?!
Yeah I'm disappointed this wasn't on Sidonia no Kishi's level as well.

@ Episode - It's pretty ironic how Rentarou didn't even take Enju's feelings into consideration when he was about to sacrifice himself yet begs Shoma not to do it in his stead.

Did I miss something or did the Tendo family conspiracy come out of nowhere? It literally felt like the duel/revenge story was thrown in just to make Kisara edgy with her "I AM EVIL NIHAHAHAHAHA!" But seriously, I'll give them props that it was unsettling to watch Kisara bask in slaughtering Mr. Spear (already forgot his name) and trying to seek Rentarou's praise for it.

The end scene was really emotionally compelling and the music that went with it was beautiful. The way Rentarou's eyes slowly changed into him tearing up was well done and Kaji Yuki was extraordinary in those final lines.

Black Bullet as a whole was a fun ride that was a bit reminiscent to Strike the Blood with lolis. The first arc was probably the strongest and it got a bit underwhelming from there, but I still enjoyed it as a whole. Enju was hilarious and I like how BB was able to have me laughing one moment and at a loss of words the next. The mystery surrounding the gastrea and cursed lolis is still thick and I hope a season 2 can bring those questions to light one day. 7/10
Jul 1, 2014 11:10 AM

Jul 2013
Yes, I love you Kisara. Finally someone who can kill those assholes! I don't consider her a psychopath, she did the right thing. Rentarou has to be stupid with his nice guy act. Let guys like that live and they'll come back to bite you in the ass.

7/10. Not the most faithful adaptation but it was still enjoyable, despite some parts being rushed.
Jul 1, 2014 11:13 AM

Dec 2013
This anime is complete trash. Its a perfect example of what is wrong with our current anime industry. All major plot points were skipped or rushed.

What happened to Enju's corrosive rate?
What happened to that Initiator of Tina?
All the personality changes of Rentaro and Kisara.
Poor CGI
All the deaths lacked any impact what so ever.
Lot of off screen deaths that made no sense.

I can go on and on.

Jul 1, 2014 11:16 AM

Apr 2011
Regardless of the show being rushed i really enjoyed this series, cant wait for a second season oneday :)
Jul 1, 2014 11:17 AM

Jul 2009
lol this has guilty crown vibes all over it. good soundtrack, decent animation but the execution, ugh. the plot is kind of like AoT but the execution is just not there. it feels cliche and empty. the characters were alright though. they weren't on shu and inori's level of annoyance, but they spent very little time in describing their motives, so it was very hard to know where they were coming from. i barely understood why kisara killed her brother. to me, it came out of nowhere, but whatever.

overall, 7/10. it couldve been better.
Jul 1, 2014 11:17 AM

Nov 2012
Initially thought this would be one of the best this season, but those expectations quickly died as the entire anime felt rushed. There were so many details that appeared major, but were completely tossed aside as the anime progressed such as Tina's pursuers and Enju's corrosion results.
As for the final episode, the only part of I was satisfied about was Kisara's execution of her brother. She was completely justified in her actions and Satomi's the fool for being unable to carry out true vengeance. Didn't mind watching this anime, but I couldn't care less about a second season and definitely won't rewatch this.

Jul 1, 2014 11:22 AM

Apr 2014
Everyone who was Fighting the Gastreas and Aldebaran was very awesome! Especially Kisara and Kagetane! Well everyone at Satomi Rentarou's Adjuvant was awesome too with their fighting skills!

Rentarou said goodbye to Enju and knocked her off unconscious because he was trying to sacrifice himself to defeat the Aldebaran but Nagisawa, Shouma do it and sacrifices himself instead of Satomi, Rentarou... What just happened? That "Third Kanto War" was over already? It was too rushed!

Kirasara gone insane and became so "Evil" when she fought and killed Tendou, Kazumitsu (her half brother?)...And Kazumitsu was the one who was responsible of the Monolith 32 being destroyed so fast because He buy off cheap materials and for the construction of the monoliths and took away the portion of the budget/money... Also he and his brothers was responsible to the Death of Kirasara's Parents..

Damn it! Kisara was so scary with that looks of her! And she can be Satomi, Rentarou's enemy when she continued her revenge for her family!

Well this Light Novel Adapted into an Anime really feels overly rushed but I still enjoyed it so I'll give this Anime an 8/10 score overall.
If a Second Season is possible maybe I'll watch it but please don't make it feel also rushed!
RayzerJul 1, 2014 11:37 AM
Haters always gonna hate.
Jul 1, 2014 11:27 AM

Dec 2010
Rayzer said:
Everyone who was Fighting the Gastreas and Aldebaran was very awesome! Especially Kisara and Kagetane! Well everyone at Satomi Rentarou's Adjuvant was awesome too with their fighting skills!

Rentarou said goodbye to Enju and knocked her off unconscious because he was trying to sacrifice himself to defeat the Aldebaran but Nagisawa, Shouma do it and sacrifices himself instead of Satomi, Rentarou... What just happened? That "Third Kanto War" was over already? It was too rushed!

Kirasara gone insane and became so "Evil" when she fought and killed Tendou, Kazumitsu (her half brother?)....
She's so scary with that looks of her! And she can be Satomi, Rentarou's enemy when she continued her revenge for her family!

Well this Manga Adapted into an Anime really feels overly rushed but I still enjoyed it so I'll give this Anime an 8/10 score overall.
If a Second Season is possible maybe I'll watch it but please don't make it feel also rushed!

Its not based off of a manga, its based on a light novel
Jul 1, 2014 11:27 AM

Apr 2013
Bleachway said:
Good finale, thought the battle went by really quick. Kisara went ape shit there. Overall I enjoyed this show. 7/10

Not sure how someone could hate this show and rate it like a 3-4, but end up finishing the show. Logic even once
because it was decent in the beginning, because some people don't like dropping shows, because many reasons.

this show still sucks tho.
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