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Dec 7, 2007 5:00 PM

Jun 2007
I think the Twin's dad burned down Nanaka's House.

Dec 7, 2007 5:30 PM

Jul 2007
Tifa said:
Yeah, pretty sure he already did try to kill himself, I have thought that since the first or second episode. His mom calls every night because she is worried that he might do it again, he wears the wrist-watch to cover up the scar and every time he sees a knife, he bugs out.

yea, i have the same feeling..especially in the episode when they went to swim and Sana didn't take off his wrist-watch..looks like he's hiding something underneath, but that's just my sixth sense though..

oh how i hate the twin's father! poor Shuu and Shuri, but at least they still have each other:) really love seeing they support and stand up for each other, if i have the kind of brother like Shuu is, i'll be happy!
Dec 7, 2007 6:19 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Everyone who thinks he committed suicide because of the watch... which way does he look at the watch on his wrist? He looks at the face of it (and we can never see the time written on it either). Nobody cuts himself on the top of the wrist... it's always underneath. So it could very well just be the watch itself :) Just something to think about :)

I hope they have some crazy story that nobody here has predicted xD That'd be awesome! It'd be so much more fun that way!
Dec 7, 2007 9:11 PM

Jun 2007
Woooow! i knew the damn grany was nutts >_>
I was totally expecting some twincest at the end of this episode XD gues i asumed wrong.

Dec 8, 2007 12:52 AM
Nov 2007
bluethree said:
This is why I don't trust old people.

they are all crazy afterall.

anyways. i felt bad for the twins =\ grawr.
i dont know what theyre planning on doing in the next 3 eps..
1.get rid of twins.
2. explain sana
3. have hoshino & sana get together
4. have hoshino brag to a desperate nanaka that she's having sana's baby & nanaka goes crazy & kills hoshino and kills sana and they ride off in a boat. dead.

yeah somewhere along those lines im sure =3
Dec 8, 2007 2:06 AM

Jun 2007
I agree with Kineta and Friendlysoul on their points about him not trying to kill himself.

It simply makes no sense at all for him to be living alone if he tried to commit suicide. Even if his mom sent him to the old neighborhood to hopefully meet his old friends and feel better about him self, wouldn't you think she would come along with him? It makes absolutely no sense at all to leave a suicidal person alone. As Kineta pointed out, He looks at the face of the watch not his wrist. So this is symbolism at its best. There's no proof that he tried to commit suicide. I find more proof prooving that someone he knew died then anything else.
1) There is an empty picture frame in the end of one ep when hes on the phone with his mom and it shows up in the middle of another ep.
2) The ep with the mailbox, when Nanaka said I'm sure you forgot all about me and had fun with your new friends he immediately looked at his watch.
3) Anytime theres blood of anykind on a knife (specifically) he freezes and holds his watch. We know it's specifically a knife with blood because he's done it twice also he did not freeze up when whats her face was on the ground bleeding to death.

So I think there's a better chance of a past friend or loved one killing them self or being killed then him trying to commit suicide on his own. If it does end up being something as cliche as him cutting his wrists then I'm probably gonna be a little sad.
DeathfireDDec 8, 2007 5:27 PM
Dec 8, 2007 11:49 AM

Jul 2007
O_O <- this was my face the entire episode.

I wonder if Hoshino's out of the running now. She always seemed kind f boring to me anyway.

DeathfireD said:
So I think there's a better chance of a past friend or loved one killing them self or being killed then him trying to commit suicide on his own. If it does end up being something as cliche as him cutting his wrists then I'm probably gonna be a little sad.

I think you're totally right on that.
Dec 8, 2007 9:06 PM

Aug 2007
crowslayer91 said:
4. have hoshino brag to a desperate nanaka that she's having sana's baby & nanaka goes crazy & kills hoshino and kills sana and they ride off in a boat. dead.

yes yes that's it. Oh there will be blood. *nods in approval*
Dec 9, 2007 12:16 AM

Nov 2004
Ran to catch up to this. Pretty crazy episode here. The black blood was hilarious. :P
Dec 9, 2007 5:39 PM

Aug 2007
I am kind of thinking that someone did get the 'Help Me' letter and it was written before her house was burned down and someone burned it down, possibly Sana and Shuusuke, or just Sana and then he tried to kill himself and then they moved him away to a mental institution, not to any kind of school at all, but somewhere for him to heal. The person in the fire looks obviously like her uncle, but what if it was her father who molested her and he just had long hair, so she wrote the Help Me Letter, someone got it and burned her house down. Or.. her uncle was the molester but who ever got the letter thought it was her father so they burned her house down but it was her uncle and then she had to live with him.

Also! It's kind odd that she never seems to take her bracelet off, EVER, but she had it in her hand in the fire scene... so it must have been off for some reason other than being in her hair.. did someone take it from her?

Note - The fact that he only freaks out from BLOODY knives is kind of a psycho thing, not suicidal, but offensive as well...

I know Shuusuke said it happened some other time, but that really doesn't mean anything.

Okay, now for regular ranting on things!

He could have stabbed other people AND himself and that's why his mom's all, "You're going to school????"

There is always the chance that he is obsessed with some weird time, too, but considering he won't take it off...

Hoshino was probably around when they were little because Nanaka seems really uncomfortable by her in general so .. something has to be up with her. Maybe she stabbed Sana when they were little or Sana ....

I wonder if Aoi really wears glasses, too. In the opening song she is seen holding her glasses behind her, so maybe she just wears them to be and act super cute-hot because she loves the geek look. =p I think there is definitely more to her because when she asked Hoshino-san what was wrong on the ferris wheel, she gave her a really weird look.

It's also weird to me that Hoshino-san looks more like Nanaka as a child than Nanaka does, but during the opening sequence there is a scene where you see the un-traumatized Nanaka and she looks exactly like little Nanaka grown up.

I really think he did try to kill himself, but he could have also stabbed other people, or just have more behind it in general.

I still want to know what Shuu was screaming about the night that he left because .. it had to be something bad. The thing with Nanaka and the fire happened after Sana moved away, so something else had to happen that night... their mother died maybe?

It's kind of odd that their mother died and that night happened, but Sana hasn't asked them about it at all.

I also think that something ELSE that no one sees coming is coming, but I am not sure what. Nanaka was molested? She wrote the Help Me Letters probably before the fire.. I am guessing she didn't write another one after that..

Hoshino-san worries me a lot, heh. She seems to want to be like Nanaka a lot and like I said, she looks like her, too and in the end of the opening song she is seen putting her hair up.. so I think that's a sign of something.. She doesn't just accidentally appear in places. Maybe she burned down Nanaka's house, the psycho. =x Nanaka really is that lady's granddaughter and Hoshino is Nanaka. >.>; Nanaka needs to play her violin and bug out. Nanaka and Hoshino are sisters?

Sana did something to Hoshino when they are little? Hoshino was probably around when they were little.

Nanaka stabbed Hoshino and Sana? Nanaka's uncle stabbed him?

Did she ever finish her song?!

We shall see! I love Sana, though, he's really nice and I love that his hair is long enough to cover his eyes and make him look crazy!

But, yes, something unexpectedly insane is definitely coming! What happened that night when Shuu was screaming? What happened to their mom? Why did Sana leave in the first place and why did he come back? Why didn't he ever contact them since it seems like he didn't. Did he do something before he left and Shuu found out that night and was screaming at him?

If the twins see their step-mom cheating on their dad and going into a love-hotel, I think they would definitely kill her, so that could happen.
YandereDec 9, 2007 5:42 PM
Dec 11, 2007 9:45 PM

Apr 2007
I saw that black blood coming a mile away. If they didn't change the color then it would be too good to be true.
Dec 12, 2007 4:45 AM
Jun 2007
What a sad episode... I can't belive that an old wonam can stab a teenager! XD
Dec 12, 2007 5:12 PM

Jul 2007
BLACK BLOOD = THE SUXORZ :| seriously. it ruins the mood. it's like you're gettign it on with say..shana then as you reach your climax she suddenly transforms into gokou. ugh.

the twincest is really distrubing @_@ i just finsihed watching da capo a few weeks ago and the incest is still kinda fresh but damn.

lastly, i REALLY don't want to compare any other show with school days, but the black blood is just asking for it. SCHOOL DAYS PART 2! :|
Dec 14, 2007 9:45 PM
Nov 2007
This episode was heaps funny. Particularly the part when the vice principal acted like a dumb-ass. Hahahahaha. Credibility my foot.
Dec 26, 2007 10:57 PM

Oct 2007
bklynrob said:
O_O <- this was my face the entire episode.

same here.

i dont think he tried to commit suicide, but i defenitely cant get the idea out of my head that he was majorly depressed , cut himself , and watch covers it. because i dont understand why the watch would be a signifigant object otherwise. oh, and you never commit suicide cutting horizontaly, only vertically (on the arms at least) so yeah.

anyway, old lady scared the crap outta me. it doesnt help my slight phobia of old people at all (yeah, im scared of old people). hoshino got major points for protecting shuri.

omg shuri and shuu are so cute... WHY ARE THEY SIBLINGS. i would totally support a romance between them if they werent twins D=

oh, and their mom is a WHORE. she totally wrote the love hotel note.

yeah, i'm totally loving the school days vibes of this show. but i dont want deaths that arent appropriate D=
Feb 16, 2008 3:41 PM
Oct 2007
Yep, School Days...

May 3, 2008 9:17 PM

Apr 2007
This episode was much better than any previous ones mainly because the kicked the drama up a few degrees.

The one who wrote that anonymous letter has to be the slutty 'wife'. She already hates the twins and would like nothing more than for them to be gone. Such a shame nobody even believes them. Their father is a major prick.

The old lady always showed unstable signs but she went way over the deep end this time. They never said how badly Hoshino was injured. I don't want her out of the running yet.
tainteddonutMay 3, 2008 10:09 PM

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
May 4, 2008 12:30 PM

Jun 2007
fucking... why are people comparing black blood with school days now, its freaking annoying. first, sana is not an asshole who plays with girl's feelings. second, black blood only censors things because this thing is supposed to be pg 13, not because it has a relation with nice boat.... fuck, its getting more annoying. you'd think that everyone would have figured taht out arleady...

as for the episode, it was incredibly dramatic... and i loved it. i hated the school principal... who would let that kind of person be a school principal... someone who trusts an anonymous letter instead of two people that actually show their faces... i gotta say, the principal is also an asshole herself.
the supposedly wife is completely a whore... i can bet that she was the one writing the letter, just because she did something, and is now trying to blame it on the twins... why is this anime making people who are not the main characters/supportive to the main characters look so bad xD
shuu and shuri holding hands would have been cute if they weren't twins...actually, it was cute anyways, it was just weird. even though i would have loved a harem... i guess shuri can't love sana...
the dad is an asshole as well, putting his own benefits before his son/daughter... i know this is an anime... but thats just horrible... he even abused them, shuu should have stood up against him, and give him back what he had done to his sister and run away. even though i loved what he did in the classroom... really, someone who does that really deserves to get stabbed.
i hated what they did with hoshino this episode :(
seeing her bleeding ink was sad, i was scared they might have killed her off... thank goodness they didn't, she's cute.
i want to know sana's past, and his bloody knife fobia, i also wanted him to do something against the crazy bitch, like, stab her back... and claim he did it in self defense... also, it seems like the crazy bitch turned and stabbed her instead of shuri, meaning that hoshino didn't even get to be in the way, but rather, the crazy old bitch stabbed her with all her might.
i also dont want the twins to leave... its just too sad... so, sana left first, and now the twins are going to leave.... oh, the drama.

next epi looks sad.. but i wanna watch it xD
Jul 8, 2008 12:45 PM

Oct 2007
well you cut an anime character it bleeds ink.. makes sense,,, moving on

loved/really liked the episode but... i'm baffled as to how 3 teenagers in the prime of youth couldn't take out an old woman with pneumonia o.0 i mean honestly... knock the bitch over! Hoshina had to have had an Aoi moment and tripped into the knife while running for one of the hospital chairs to crack over the old woman's head...Shuri on the other hand has no excuse,,, i would have burst out in laughter after the intial shock and fear and then commenced to run circles around her and when i was through i would have knocked the bitch over... congrats to her though on going against the stereotype that old ladies love cats...

newayz *sigh* shuu my love i'll run away with you!!! *dreamy eyes*
Jul 10, 2008 4:48 PM

May 2008
very... higurashi.

shuri is so kawaii when shes scared.
Jul 20, 2008 5:38 AM
Dec 2007
This anime is very good in that it includes hardly ever used themes like incest, and that it goes beyond what is done by other shows of the same type. Also, it's really well-written and nicely directed. Too bad the production values are not that good.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 12, 2008 12:07 PM

Jun 2008
That cunt hoshino totally told on them ;X
Jan 29, 2009 2:45 PM

Aug 2008
Faust721 said:
I have been liking the direction this anime is going. The drama and intesity is great, BUT it all disappeared the moment Hoshino was oozing black blood. I just broke out in laughter. When Shuri cut herself, I thought i was just seeing things but the stab confirmed it all. The connection with School Days grows by the episode ;p

Aww! I just had to miss the black blood! Damn those DVD uncensored editions! xD
Alright, 3 episodes left... not sure how Sana's supposed "bloody" past will unfold.
I was wondering though, Sana could had easily stopped the granny from flinging that chair at Hoshino, and Shuuri got way too scared very easily too (she could easily had outran a sickly old woman, or overpowered her or something. why get scared?) Oh well. ahh too bad, it was way too obvious she killed the cat, that I decided she didn't instead! I was wrong, huh.
Love the drama though. And also hate the twins's slutty bitch of a stepmom.
Feb 6, 2009 9:57 PM
Sep 2008
Ok, comments through episode:

- That bitch!
-Ok, what a loving couple, WINcest end confirmed.
-hmmm nvm I was just joking in my last comment, who'd be so stupid to believe an anonimous letter telling you a couple of your students are ino incest? I'll send a letter to that school telling the president is going to pay a visit there so he can spend a hot night alone with that principal's assistant, they will sure believe it's legit.
-Wait a minute, now the whole class do tink they are into incest? lol what's next?
-Oh no, she cut her finger, and what came off it? a drop of OIL!! holy cow, she's a cyborg!
-Oh shi- creepy old lady went yandere, admitted killing the poor bird and kitty and also stabbed hoshino! Oh no more OIL has been spilled on the floor! that will leave a stain :O
-naturaly hoshino's fine, she's a mutha******* cyborg too!
-Ok, what a loving couple, WINcest end confirmed.
Mar 21, 2009 6:27 PM

Nov 2008
"This anime is very good in that it includes hardly ever used themes like incest"

I hope you are joking. That is the most unnecessary theme of all almost and it is used more often than it should be, that is, not at all.

I have to say that the series picked up with the last few episodes. - My AMV's. I would really appreciate any comments and ratings :]

Mar 24, 2009 2:23 PM

Oct 2008
Awesome episode!Old people are crazy.I knew Poe was buried in that box!Knew it!I feel so bad for Asami though.Shuri too.It's sad what's happening in her family.Her dad is mean.Sometimes I wonder if he's really their father!ShurixShuu scene was a win.Major twincest!^^

Also, what up with the black blood?
Apr 2, 2009 5:31 AM

Jan 2009
Well at least this episode was interesting, i must admit so far to the episode 9 i was bored as hell. And now its getting... hotter.

The atack of the Grandmother was fucking hilarious, i mean... rofl. So yeah, now we have to hear the Sana background story :/ Anyway i laughed so hard when she said she killed the bird and the cat, damn zoophilic.

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
Apr 24, 2009 8:52 AM

Oct 2008
This series is finally starting to pick up with the 10th episode. Even with all the hints and all, I thought this show was way too draggy.

Shuri was way too scared of the old lady. She could have just opened the door and run out of the room. Or at least attempted to. All because she panicked and froze, Hoshino had to rush in to try to save her and ended up getting stabbed/cut in her stead.

So far the only good thing for me in this series is the art and the colors. And I still HATE Aoi's voice.

I seriously hope that this series picks up the pace in the next episode.
Jun 7, 2009 11:57 AM

Oct 2008
Never leave a knife with blood-stains next to a nutcase..

Aug 19, 2009 2:23 PM

Jun 2009
Freaking granny nutcase =/
Sep 29, 2009 4:08 PM

Nov 2007
I was hoping for an explanation for the knife-fobia. I guess he tried to commit suicide for some reason..
Jan 18, 2010 1:51 PM

Aug 2008
Mar 28, 2010 7:54 AM

Jul 2009
This show is deeper than I thought. With every next ep it becomes more serious and sad. (I close my eyes on crazy grandma, black blood and other pointless stuff)

ps: I don't want that it has come to SD >_<
Mar 30, 2010 6:03 AM
Jul 2018
There is a lot of punching into faces necessary
Jul 10, 2010 11:20 PM

Mar 2010
dam what an intense episode the rumor was prob started by the guy who slept with their step mom or something like that i cant stand their dad
but.... i think i finally understand what happened to Sana.... the reason he always wears a watch on his wrist.... afread of knives with blood..... its just a suspican but if im right then dam

"I am the bone of my sword,
Steel is my body and Fire is my blood,
I have created over a thousand blades,
Unknown to Death,
Nor known to Life,
Have withstood pain to create many weapons,
Yet, those hands will never hold anything,
So as I pray, unlimited blade works"
Sep 13, 2010 1:50 PM

Nov 2007
so slut stepmother....frames them for incest. they are really really close and I could see some wincest tho. so that sick old lady really did take out the bird and cat and then she stabbed asami? wow I knew it. that crazy granny needs to be locked up or worse. doing that to a poor cat, whatever she did to the bird and stabbing a cute girl?

nanaka took a backseat here but I didn't mind, more asami the better.

oh and Sana just stood there while the girls are threatened by that granny? be a man dude, even if your scared of knives.
mystikSep 13, 2010 1:59 PM
Sep 29, 2010 5:44 PM

Jun 2009
Wow this is getting better. The music is awesome!
This is getting darker! Blood!! But I guess it is black so whatever.
Awww I cried in almost all the twins parts, they are so close!! Love the end.
Next ep seems kind of sad...
Something that is still worring me is that we don't know nothing of why Sana is scared of blood and there are only three ep left. I feel like the creators wanted to make this fast with so little ep and so much to explain!
Sep 1, 2011 4:39 PM

Jan 2011
yet another anime attempting to mind fuck the viewers
Dec 13, 2011 3:18 PM

Dec 2009
It becoming more dramatic and that is good! I began to watch this show only for word "drama" and SD in recomendations, so now I`m almost satisfied. I think that somebody should die in the last episode...
The only thing I disliked in this episode - is the way the stab was shown. Dull cliche again...

By the way, I liked Yuzuki Fujimura in this show... Amazing character!
Dec 15, 2011 4:23 AM
Jul 2018
MandarinKitten said:
bluethree said:
This is why I don't trust old people.

Same here!! <.<;; Creepy old lady!
Dec 27, 2011 8:40 PM

Apr 2011
This show's getting weirder, but I don't know if it's getting better...the atmosphere and drama definitely reminds me of H2O: Footprints in the Sand.
Feb 5, 2012 9:35 PM

May 2011

Too bad about Shuusuke and sis getting transferred, it's going to be lonely without them. My bet is on the Vice Principal for sending that letter, he really is a prick.

This anime really does give me a School Days vibe.

Apr 4, 2012 2:10 PM

Nov 2011
I get the feeling that: Spoilers from School Days:

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Apr 11, 2012 1:03 PM

Feb 2012
I REALLY don't see whats wrong with the Shuri & Shu. I mean. TBH, I AM THAT CLOSE with my siblings too. Once went through painful stuffs, its obvious they're going to be close isn't it. Holding hands, going out for shopping/eating once in a while IS NOT TWINCEST / INCEST. .________.

anyway, good episode & intense so far. Felt sorry for the siblings though. :v But I'm betting this anime would turn out good.
Sep 10, 2012 4:52 AM

Jul 2012
Gah, this episode is full of annoying people, first the vice-principal, then the father of the twins. Totally can't understand their flawed logic.

If the twins really leave for London, then it would be really sad. Their outgoing and cheerful personalities certainly made the anime better.
Sep 12, 2012 2:38 AM

Jun 2012



y u no kiss in the end ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

y u have to put black censor blood ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

y u no see that nanaka resembles kotonoha physically ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

y u no tell us sana's past ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

y u no understand my meme ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

I RAAAAAAAGE!! (╯°益°)╯︵ ┻━━━━┻

I hope they don't censored too many scenes....
Feb 24, 2013 5:35 PM

Jan 2013
Great episode.
The twins remind me of the twins from Yosuga No Sora.
Though I don't want twincest in this anime.
It's nice that they are so close without being romantic.
Apr 4, 2013 8:35 AM

Dec 2012
Twincest undertones ^^
I thought the starting of the anime was pretty boring but this episode definitely pulls the rating up.
Apr 19, 2013 5:07 PM

May 2012
Damn I just knew it about that insane grandma, but fuck to have someone fall victim by her craziness... it's good though that they didn't kill her off now... she might be still good to strengthen the story later! Poor cat and bird though...

The other part of the episode with focused on the twins and having them being bad mounted as doing incest things with each other was rather a strange concept but well it does give some big effect to the story and both of those characters!

I wonder who set them up, and well I do think it's because they want to crash their father!

But now what we still don't know is what tragic moment Sana has experienced and what it has to do with a knife and his watch?

Good episode, actually quite a great one, rather depressing but damn good in story development!
Mar 26, 2014 1:43 PM

Mar 2014
Glad the blood wasn't black in the episode I watched!

Respect for Hoshino though! Not many people would jump in front to save a friend from a stab, so she has got some major guts and courage! I'm glad she is okay.

I can't believe what is happening with Shuu and Shuri! I feel like the stepmom is behind the letter. So are they really going to London? Wowee!

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