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Jun 6, 2014 7:51 PM

Jan 2011
Silly this episode may be but damn was it fun to watch

was gonna lose my shit if Tokaku won up against Hanabusa the motherfucking terminator feel the only thing that in can top that in craziness is whatever Nio.

will say was not expecting haru to kill her makes me wonder why Tokaku is even in this
Jun 6, 2014 8:00 PM

Aug 2013
Ooh the action was amazing but the ending was head scratch-worthy. "Oh noes my finger string thingys got caught on the rail and now I can't pull it off!" This is the cyborg who had no problems punching walls and kicking people like they're soccer balls -___-

I also found it silly when Tokaku, all beat up, had to go check her phone while pinned under the chandelier XD!!!

Haru just who are you? :o
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jun 6, 2014 8:20 PM

Jul 2013
It's the Hanabusa's turn, to assassinate Haru, but Otoya jumping in and wants to kill Haru.

I had this WTF expression on what is Hanabusa made out of until her past is revealed and is in robot form. Damn I'm pretty satisfied with the fighting scenes, pretty crazy. Haru on the other hand is really good on escaping things, escaping from Banba and escaping from Hanabusa, damn.

I'm also curious about the question, " who is the queen," though I can wait for that.

Jun 6, 2014 8:23 PM

Aug 2012
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...
Jun 6, 2014 8:25 PM

Sep 2013
Return of the first assassin, that was unexpected.

Well shit Hanabusa is strong, maybe a robotic arm?

99th floor, that just screams ominous.

Now those are some freaky puppets.

Hanabusa's true form is like wow. He past must have been horrible.

Damn drop some grenades on that girl and she is fucking pissed.

Haru ftw XD

So Haru is still hiding something big.
Jun 6, 2014 9:17 PM

Oct 2013
Hanabusa being a badass sexy cyborg... I just LOVE it, so unpredictable! And I've never believe that Haru was as inocent as she seems. While this "queen bee" stuff made me curious, it didn't surprise.

What I really want to understand is why they broght Takechi back. Well, at least now we know they didn't kill the girls who failed Black Class. So Haruki is back with her family, yeey!!
Jun 6, 2014 10:56 PM

Mar 2013
Well that was disappointing, especially with how ojou-sama was defeated. She actually looked interesting and competent too, sigh.

Although this episode is making me really badly question how much Tokaku is needed. I'm not keen on her anyway, since she's boring and mostly personalityless, as well as stupidly OP (shooting down chandeliers perfectly without looking, surviving enormous falls from windows, able to walk and fight after suffering literally any injury like nothing happened) but now we've seen lots of proof that Haru can fight for herself, using brains instead of braun/weaponry skills. Wouldn't the show have been so much more interesting if it had just been fights of Haru using her mind and environment to survive? I definitely think so, and I think we can all agree that seeing Tokaku have fights where she does nothing but ass pull OP moves is fucking boring.
Jun 7, 2014 12:31 AM

May 2013
If Takechi appeared in this episode (wow, missed her), why can't the others? (no, not in the freaking doll form)

Well anyways, Haru still proves that she can be baddass, and woaaaah Hanabusa, loved your theme.
The world shall know the truth soon.
Jun 7, 2014 12:38 AM
Mar 2013
Wow! Haru did it!
She did it to save Tokaku.
Jun 7, 2014 12:43 AM

May 2012
Did Hanabusa die ?

3 episodes left, and we only have Nio now. Haru might be the final boss because it is mentioned that she the queen bee
Jun 7, 2014 12:46 AM

Jul 2013
Hanabusa as a sexy cyborg, dayum.
Lol at Takechi still going after Haru XD

Haru was absolutely merciless in taking down Hanabusa there..

Wonder what's in store for the final 3 episodes..
Jun 7, 2014 1:03 AM

Apr 2011
Let me echo the sentiments of everyone else; dayum, day cyborg transformation from Hanabusa! Though I couldn't resist making a 'This isn't even my final form!' joke to myself as she got ready to transform. Then I was just in awe of how damn-near naked she was, and how insanely badass she was. I didn't expect the sweet, demure tea-loving girl to be the most badass out of all of them.

Looks like we have confirmation that the girls don't die after they lose, they just lose their chance to get their wish granted. Interesting seeing Takechi return, and actually managed to damage one of Hanabusa's cyber-arms, but naturally she replaces it with a machine gun arm instead. Because cyborg. After surviving all those grenades to the face, was kinda surprised that gravity was what did her in. That 9.8 meters/second per second will do it to ya ...

3 more episodes to go yet all the assassins seem to be out of the game. Nio claimed she was just a moderator, but I'm betting that she'll be the next one aiming for Haru's head, and we'll get to see what those sexy tiger stripes of hers do. I doubt she's strong enough to make a fight last 3 episodes though.

My guess is, there's a twist incoming ... Haru wasn't ever the target to begin with, Tokaku was, and Haru is the only one who knows this. Though ... if that was the case, why keep letting her put herself in harm's way? If one of the other girls killed Tokaku when she was the target, then she would end up losing even if she didn't get killed off herself immediately afterwards.

If that's not the case, I'm betting it has something to do with Haru being a 'queen bee'. I think Tokaku's decision to guard Haru with her life may not have been her own decision after all.

So many mysteries left, and 3 episodes to resolve them in ... can't wait for the end of the season! Spring 2014 turned out to be better than anticipated. :)
Jun 7, 2014 2:20 AM

Oct 2010
I fucking knew haru wasn't innocent. I bet she is either A) a cyborg meant to be a training device for assassins, or B) she is a war machine herself.
Jun 7, 2014 2:28 AM

Aug 2008
Hmm....I wonder how the last 3 episodes will play out?

Time to fight Nio maybe????!!! I hope so. I want to see her powers so much.
Jun 7, 2014 3:04 AM

Jul 2013
Hanabusa must have learned gun shooting from the Storm Trooper school.

It was also fucking obvious the elevator was a trap. Even I realized that as soon as I saw the elevator numbers going down. For a professional assassination Hanabusa is pretty stupid.. but then again just about every assassins in this anime were stupid. Good lord hopefully Nui is a little bit more useful!
MoeGodJun 7, 2014 3:08 AM
Jun 7, 2014 3:13 AM

May 2013
Intense episode :o
Jun 7, 2014 3:35 AM

Jan 2014
From the first time Sumireko was introduced, I always thought she had potential that could be utilised well. That was proved in this episode.

I will admit the whole thing about
did come as a bit of a surprise, I feel it was explained coherently. Plus I have sort of had a liking for android girls ever since Mayuyu Watanabe of AKB0048, so there's that. :3

The storyline of the tea party was used to stunning effect just as I predicted it would be, allowing for a lot of showing off of characters, character development, and, most interestingly, more closeness between Tokaku and Haru. I swear if they don't get another, bigger kiss before the finale, I may flip my top. :P

This whole "queen bee" riddle seems to be setting up for a stellar final arc- looking forward to next week's episode!
Jun 7, 2014 7:18 AM

Jan 2014
What I really like about Haru is that she isn't as useless as a certain other main protagonist *cough* Amano Yukiteru *cough*

Nonetheless, great episode. Looking forward to the final 3 episodes!
Jun 7, 2014 8:52 AM
Apr 2013
This show feels so repetitive. Every character dies or is expelled in single episode. Wish this was full season so we could get more time for every character.
Great ending song tho.
Jun 7, 2014 10:38 AM
Apr 2014
this episode was so intense and badass that I was practically screaming when Haru and Hanabusa were fighting. the hype in this ep was crazy!!! cant wait for the next ep.. :D
Jun 7, 2014 12:58 PM

Nov 2012
So are the others not dead then? Things getting more interesting! Plus loved the ending song. This series has some pretty good music!
'Once an Arsenal man, always an Arsenal man.' - Bob Wilson.

Jun 7, 2014 1:26 PM

Nov 2013
These girls are unbelievably durable..
Jun 7, 2014 1:30 PM

Sep 2013
Holy shit, terminator 2.0

Hanabusa be like...
"This wasn't even my final form!!"

Jun 7, 2014 3:01 PM

Feb 2014
wow what a ending. Didn't see her being a cyborg coming. Probably the next thing is Nio. Either those are tattoos or Nio's some supernatural being. I'm going to guess that the competition is to become the queen of Class Black and Haru is the current Queen. So someone must defeat her before she graduates to become the new Queen. But that's just my hypothesis.
Jun 7, 2014 3:51 PM
May 2014
Great episode!

Haha, our favorite serial killer came back! Did anybody notice that Tokaku or Haru didnt even notice Takechi? lol

The next episode is called "How to Distinguish a Congratulation from a Curse"

I believe that this is going to be a Haru-esque episode on her backstory.
Jun 7, 2014 6:26 PM
Jul 2008
Mainly: This queen business is a mess, but I'm still curious.

Hanabusa, what a waste of bullets! She couldn't hit Tokaku with a machine gun but Tokaku took down a chandelier in a few blind shots. Funny how Hanabusa survived her own assassination attempts but dies(?) when she tries to assassinate someone else.

I expected Nio to be the cyborg when Takechi tried to slash her, didn't expect weird tattoos.
Oh and Tokaku, nice choice of guns, an HK USP Compact. What's with Tokaku having to wake up anyways? She wasn't always being killed as a kid so she isn't really a queen bee like the other two... so ... what is she supposed to wake up as?
KJacketJun 7, 2014 8:02 PM
Jun 7, 2014 9:13 PM

Aug 2008
SweetCoconut said:
If Takechi appeared in this episode (wow, missed her), why can't the others? (no, not in the freaking doll form)

I really want to see Haruki return. She was out too early.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Jun 8, 2014 1:11 AM

Apr 2014
This ep was weird. That's all that I want to say...
Jun 8, 2014 5:55 AM
Jan 2014
Okay, let's see here. Let's get the good stuff out of the way- I like the way that the final assassin had a connection with Haru. I thought that was pretty clever and decently done, and I can't wait to learn more about what all that is about, and who exactly Haru is. I really appreciate that Haru took her out instead of Azuma, as I expected. This was supposed to be Haru's fight, and I'm glad that's what it ended up being.

We've seen a few hints in previous episodes that Haru can take care of herself (And all those scars has to mean that she's experienced at combat), but it was really nice to get confirmation. And what confirmation it was.

I like the idea of bringing back one of the old villians; I was really hoping that would go somewhere because it was a cool idea.

The opening of the episode was quite solid. The whole set up was decently written and the beginning of the tea party managed to generate some genuine tension.

Then things got really stupid.

Let's ignore how practical all the mechanical shenanigans she pulled were, for a moment. She's the head of a major corporation, they could probably get plenty of funding for whatever pet projects she wanted. That's not worth complaining about.

Now one thing that IS worth complaining about is how incredibly inconsistently people got hurt. She is wielding an incredibly powerful cyborg arm, and yet nobody gets broken bones after being hit? A freaking CHANDELIER falling on Azuma didn't cause serious injury? Hanabusa was able to withstand several grenades at close range and yet a FALL kills her?

And let's talk about the stupidity that lead up to that moment. Hanabusa is great at close-range combat. That's her specialty. She also has dozens upon dozens of guns, one of which she easily could have brought along if she wanted a long-range weapon. Instead she does something that's incredibly easy to dodge, and could backfire on her IF dodged.

How was Haru able to climb up such incredibly thin wire anyway? How did that even support her weight?

Then there's the fact that the idea of bringing an old assassin back is just completely squandered- she does absolutely nothing in the episode and is basically a waste of space. I genuinely don't see why they bothered to bring her back.

And really? After all that build-up, setting things up as this dramatic show-down... you have her get taken out in less than 10 minutes? Seriously? I was expecting this to at least be a two part episode, after the previous one was. This was the final assassin. I know that the show clearly has more planned- we have 3 episodes to go, after all- but I expected this whole part of the story to go out with a bang. Instead it goes out with a massive whimper.

This episode was just so, so disappointing. I really enjoyed the previous two episodes, so I was hoping that this would continue the trend. And it felt like it would at first. And then... everything just got really dumb and the show managed to plumb new depths in a show that isn't all that smart to begin with.
Jun 8, 2014 6:59 AM
Mar 2013
Nio said Haru had killed all her siblings and parents. (Eps.2, a short flashback at around 11 minutes from the begining)
She has some drug resistance.
She could get Otoya to be unconscious in just a second.

And now, Sumireko wanted to be the number one by
killing her -- the strongest person.

As for the Queen, an image of a honeycomb was inserted at Eps. 2 (16 min), too.
Don't you think a honeycomb looks like a riddle?
htsujiJun 8, 2014 7:22 AM
Jun 8, 2014 7:58 AM

Apr 2013
Wow, just wow.
Jun 8, 2014 9:00 AM
The Destroyer.

Feb 2013
That cyborg felt so random.
Jun 8, 2014 10:34 AM

Dec 2013
htsuji said:
Nio said Haru had killed all her siblings and parents. (Eps.2, a short flashback at around 11 minutes from the begining)
She has some drug resistance.
She could get Otoya to be unconscious in just a second.

And now, Sumireko wanted to be the number one by
killing her -- the strongest person.

As for the Queen, an image of a honeycomb was inserted at Eps. 2 (16 min), too.
Don't you think a honeycomb looks like a riddle?

Good observations. Based on what we've seen thus far, I too believe that Haru isn't as innocent as she seems. In fact, considering all the scarring that she's experiences, if the hasn't been experimented on previously, she's either genetically/cyber enhanced, or she's been through countless battles and faced death more times than even Azuma herself. Whilst I would be reluctant to call her a last boss, I do believe that she has her own agenda. Considering how Hanabusa mentioned that she wants to become the Queen Bee, I tend to think that both were in the running for the head of some international Zaibatsu, and Haru just killed off the competition. Haru's mission, or the test that she had to pass in order to survive probably involved surviving through school, in which case, she probably has to fend off all the assassins gunning for her. It was probably a surprise to everyone, especially her, that Azuma swapped sides, because it meant that she really could spend most of the show acting like a damsel in distress.

I can guess the reason why Hanabusa was there was probably because she had failed her initial test and this was like her last chance to take back the Zaibatsu spot from Haru, hence all the stuff about being Queen Bee and such.

Thinking further, I get the feeling that the end game might actually be Haru having to kill off all the assassins in the class, regardless of whether they defect. Maybe the last mission will be Haru against Azuma XD

Oh, and I do think Nio will play. She's not just simply a game master. The principal seems quite the suspicious character as well.
Jun 8, 2014 11:41 AM
Apr 2014
I knew from the start that Haru was a bad ass but if she could do that why didn't she fight Banba or Inukai. I know she doesn't want Azuma to find out about her but they were separated she could have kick their asses but the next few episode will surly make up for it.
Jun 8, 2014 6:25 PM

Aug 2013
Hanabusa the puppet master. This episode was awesome. The ED song is amazing!

Im really suspicious of Haru now, she seems like shes hiding a dark secret. I have no idea how this will end, but i cant wait to see!
My Candies:
Jun 8, 2014 7:29 PM

Nov 2011
Another awesome ep!! I'm finally caught up

Hanabusa would be a cool cosplay
Jun 8, 2014 10:33 PM

Sep 2009
Animeguy25 said:
I knew from the start that Haru was a bad ass but if she could do that why didn't she fight Banba or Inukai. I know she doesn't want Azuma to find out about her but they were separated she could have kick their asses but the next few episode will surly make up for it.

She haven't had proper weapons that time?
Jun 9, 2014 3:06 AM

Feb 2011
That was awesome ! The show became way better towards the end :D
Jun 9, 2014 7:44 AM

Apr 2013
wow this show got alot better then I thought it would :D
Jun 9, 2014 5:01 PM
May 2014
Totally give this episode an 10!!! I love how strong Haru was, and how she took charge. Also, i loved the twist of Otoya coming back to the picture. If had to guess the events that's gonna happen next i think Nio will attack next, but in the end i believe Tokaku will kill Haru probably with some idea of setting her "free".
Jun 9, 2014 5:07 PM
May 2014
htsuji said:
Nio said Haru had killed all her siblings and parents. (Eps.2, a short flashback at around 11 minutes from the begining)
She has some drug resistance.
She could get Otoya to be unconscious in just a second.

And now, Sumireko wanted to be the number one by
killing her -- the strongest person.

As for the Queen, an image of a honeycomb was inserted at Eps. 2 (16 min), too.
Don't you think a honeycomb looks like a riddle?
im glad i was the only one who saw a connection lol
Jun 10, 2014 9:40 AM

Jul 2013
when did tokaku get a new cell phone?
Jun 10, 2014 9:56 AM

May 2008
retepeters said:
when did tokaku get a new cell phone?

That's what i thought too. so much mysteries in this show
Jun 10, 2014 11:17 AM

May 2013
Here's a preview for the next episode.

I heard the Engrish for orientation? The teacher was there?

Anyhow, I can't wait.
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Rie Kugimiya Fanclub
Jun 10, 2014 11:23 PM

Aug 2010
Not sure if anyone else thought this, but those puppets were creepy. Though I honestly thought she just kept their dead bodies or something so I actually prefer them being puppets over them being dead bodies.
I do wonder what they mean by the Queen Bee thing though...
And I want to know what happened with the other girl...maybe the next episode will let us know.
Jun 11, 2014 6:43 AM
Mar 2013
Haru made a very different face than usual for just a very short moment, when Sumireko's wires were entangled and couldn't work.

(Larger Image
htsujiJun 11, 2014 6:48 AM
Jun 11, 2014 7:22 AM
Mar 2013
Diran-kun said:
Here's a preview for the next episode.

I heard the Engrish for orientation? The teacher was there?

Anyhow, I can't wait.

The teacher just said he would continue the class. (He is supposed to be a normal homeroom teacher who doesn't know the secret, at least so far.)

I don't know what will happen at the next episode but two of the voices in the preview said,
1. "Haru ni ichizoku no mirai o ninau shishitsu ga aru noka, shiri tai." or "I would like to know if Haru has an aptitude to deal with the familie's future..."
2. "Initiation tte shitteiru kashita? Kitto sutekina .... ni naru." or "Do you know the initiation? I'm sure / it can make / she'll become / a splendid..."

And then, Haru screamed, "No!"
A female voice continued. "What is your wish?"
Tokaku muttered, "Wish?"
The narration at the end: "Next. Riddle #11, How to tell the difference between a bless and a curse."
htsujiJun 11, 2014 7:27 AM
Jun 12, 2014 2:38 AM

May 2013
htsuji said:
Diran-kun said:
Here's a preview for the next episode.

I heard the Engrish for orientation? The teacher was there?

Anyhow, I can't wait.

The teacher just said he would continue the class. (He is supposed to be a normal homeroom teacher who doesn't know the secret, at least so far.)

I don't know what will happen at the next episode but two of the voices in the preview said,
1. "Haru ni ichizoku no mirai o ninau shishitsu ga aru noka, shiri tai." or "I would like to know if Haru has an aptitude to deal with the familie's future..."
2. "Initiation tte shitteiru kashita? Kitto sutekina .... ni naru." or "Do you know the initiation? I'm sure / it can make / she'll become / a splendid..."

And then, Haru screamed, "No!"
A female voice continued. "What is your wish?"
Tokaku muttered, "Wish?"
The narration at the end: "Next. Riddle #11, How to tell the difference between a bless and a curse."

Thanks for that.

I still don't think the teacher is blind to all this!
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Rie Kugimiya Fanclub
Jun 12, 2014 7:50 PM

Jun 2013
Haru is master assassin
Jun 12, 2014 8:35 PM

Nov 2012
The way she got defeated was pretty lame.
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