tsudecimo said:BRSxIgnition said:tsudecimo said:
Damn, I regret watching this anime. The worst part, I only realized it 2 episodes ago.
Hopefully the ending is good.
Dare I ask why you only realize you regret something that late in? I mean, I appreciate you giving the chance, but I'm interested to know what made you change your mind.
I realized this at episode 19. Everything felt so boring. It felt like I have already seen the same conversation between the characters a thousand times over, the same dull humor. The repetitiveness and the predictability is what got to me. The anime lost it's fun factor for me, because nothing and new and creative in it. For example, the use of nudity in general and the comedic scene of Aikurou's striping was funny, creative and unique the first time they did it. But they kept doing it over, and over and yes you guessed it right over again. The problem here is that it's not needed, since what he says during it, is usually not important and just common sense, it takes a portion of the episode away. Mako hallelujah thing while not as repetitive and unfunny, is also bad because it's kills the tension and the seriousness of the situation. She keeps interrupting fights and conflicts like no tomorrow. It kills the mood being setup and It's just frustrating sometimes, instead of giving focus to the important characters in said conflict, we get to see Mako waste a couple of minutes every damn time. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Mako, in fact I really liked her at the beginning and I can stomach her now but she just worsen the show more often than helping it.
The predictability here, for example is that I knew that Satsuki was going to wear Senktsu, the moment Senkstu commented on Ryouko wearing something other than him. It just leads to a very predictable conclusion, Ryouko getting brainwashed, etc. Another example, is the plot twists. The best thing about plot twists, at least for me, is the unpredictability of it. The sense of knowing something is going to happen due to nicely placed subtle foreshadowing, yet not completely predict what's gonna happen and
how it happened, so it can satisfy you when it occur in an unexpected manner. That wasn't the case for the plot twists here. Actually Satsuki's betrayal was decent but not the fact that Ryouko and Satsuki are sisters, it was just too predictable with no good foreshadowing like Satsuki's betreyal. And how it happened was easy to guess.
It just dawned to me, while I was watching the previous episodes how this show lost it's charm and how everything is just dull, lifeless and repetitive beyond belief. It just killed my enjoyment. Most of the characters being one dimensional and having bad dialogue that I feel like I've been hearing it for an eternity.
The real cause of this imo is how dragged out the show really is. 13 episodes might have made this a favorite of mine but alas we got plenty of episodes that contributed nothing to the very simple plot or to the characterizations of the characters. Episodes that contributed very little and episodes that felt like a straight up filler. Where the humor and the charm of the show were all used up and dried. Of course, that might not be the studio's fault, since who knows what led to this decision but having 2 cour, instead of one just hurt the show tremendously. Because if a show drives on 'fun', it can't be too long or it will become boring fast, which is what I feel the case was with Kill la Kill.
Forgetting all of this. If I were to pinpoint exactly one of the biggest problems with the show, it has to be
Ryuuko. She is just a terrible character imho. She doesn't bring forth and give the show any good attributes or charm or anything. She has shallow and little characterization. Despite being the lead character, it feels like she has less dimension in her personality than Kamina and that's saying something. And she lacks development and depth. Her dialogue is very vapid and trite. I can't say a lot of good things about her. Her character was best fit for a shorter story which connects with my above point about one cour being better for this anime. She killed a lot of my enjoyment since the second half started. This is especially apparent because Satsuki is leagues and beyond her in terms of literally everything. I just don't understand, why they couldn't create a great character like Satsuki or pour some of that effort in Ryouko. The writing of Satsuki is just so much better than everything else in this show, it feels extremely solid and well founded. And I'm not saying this because Satsuki is my favorite character, in fact, I used to like Ryouko more than her.
So yeah my problems are the use of comedy, the pacing, the unnecessity of some stuff, the too simple plot, the predictability, plot twists being sub par, the characters and their lack of adequate depth and Ryouko. I always realized these problems btw, it's just that by at this point, the flaws became too apparent, coupled with the lack of pay off from the second half, which is why my enjoyment dropped significantly, thus making me having regrets.
P.S: This is just my opinion, I'm not claiming I'm 'right' at anything.