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Feb 6, 2014 10:11 PM

Apr 2011
Apparently, having a fever makes someone drunk. Anime Mahou Sensou logic.
Feb 6, 2014 10:20 PM

Apr 2013
looked at the forums, seems dropping it was a good idea.
Feb 6, 2014 11:21 PM
Jul 2018
This episode was alright. We can to see some mazes and zombies in this episode. Oigami's memories was rewritten...I didn't expect that.

That tired/fever side of Mui was cute.
Feb 6, 2014 11:37 PM

Aug 2008
Sigh, I'm expecting some more relationship BS like Kurumi switching over to that ponytail guy. I'm not sure which is worse in this show, writing or directing.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Feb 6, 2014 11:39 PM

Dec 2013
HalibelTheEspada said:
I guess I'm one of the few who would actually be fine with Kurumi x Oigami. I'm not sure if I like Gekkou yet... he just keeps talking all menacingly, though I do feel bad for him and he probably has the right to be upset. I just hope he doesn't turn out to be evil.
Honestly, I don't really care who she ends up with, as long it isn't Takeshi. After the way she's treated him, I just couldn't find any "real" relationship between them believable.

The fact that they brainwashed Oigami though, makes me wonder who's actually brainwashed... Mui or her "brother"?
That's actually ya good question. It would make for an interesting twist in the story, but somehow I feel that's giving the writers too much credit.

The_Bif said:
Just going by the comments posted here, I would almost believe that the majority of them were posted by people who have never watched this series before this episode. However, waiting a week between episodes can cause difficulties in keeping up with things.
Have to say, I was thinking the same thing.
That's about the only way some of these comments could make any sense.

Finally Takeshi is getting tired of Kurumi's bullshit, it's about damn time lil buddy! Grow some balls and tell the bitch to grow up, get off your dick, and learn to handle relationships with the opposite sex! I mean, really, the way she reacted to Oigami was pathetic- dude was just trying to be nice, maybe he even likes her a bit, but damn I don't know how anyone could like her! She's useless and annoying, and every scene she's in is either her getting jealous because Takeshi isn't worshiping her or she's crying because Takeshi wants to be helpful to someone who actually needs it. In which case she usually misunderstands anything he does that doesn't revolve around kissing her ass, because she's a dumb bitch.
I won't argue about her personality, even though I actually kinda like her character, but I mean he was in the bed with her under the covers and hugging her and she took her bra off. I really find that entire scene hard to believe... how does any of that even happen? :o

This is true, there was some crazy stuff happening when she walked in on Takeshi and Mui. And, I can even understand her not listening to Takeshi and throwing him out, I get that, the rage and hurt and all there. I do. But, it very rapidly escalates into the territory of ignorance and immaturity. She flips out on Mui, who is her roommate and supposedly her friend, who is only trying to help because she's obviously fuzzy on the whole thing herself. Kicks her out too, and proceeds to stand in the open doorway and cry like a baby until she turns into one.

Now, don't even get me started on Mui's condition. The fever and drunken behavior came out of nowhere and played no part other to set up the comical shipper moments and the annoying Kurumi scenes, so I'm not defending Mui based on the fever. Honestly, it was rather unnecessary and could have been played off differently and better.

I will admit, however, that I am kind of bias against Kurumi because I simply cannot stand her character at all. I find her to be completely and utterly useless and annoying. So, maybe my opinion about the situation is bias because of my non-tolerance of Kurumi. Could be, I'll admit it's a likely possibility. But, it doesn't change the fact that she could have handled the situation in a way more befitting her age. Her turning into a baby only goes to show her mentality at the time.
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
Feb 6, 2014 11:44 PM

Jun 2013
I wonder what will happen if Oigami's memories come back one day

And wow at that fan service. Seriously tho, i hope Takeshi and Mui will end up together
Feb 6, 2014 11:56 PM

Jan 2009
fear80 said:
superman89 said:
This show has butchered the LN so badly that it's not even funny. So much so that it wouldn't surprise me if she did end up with the asshole brother. Which wouldn't happen in a million years in the LN or the other guy.

So what happens in the LN exactly then? And how much did they adapt this episode? Because it sure as hell seemed to be a lot XD

Feb 7, 2014 12:12 AM

Jul 2011
Kurumi is starting to get on my nerves honestly :-/
I prefer Mui and the MC....Kurumi can stay with that Gekkou brat for all I care. Getting tired of the whole useless whiney female thing :-(
Feb 7, 2014 12:30 AM

Jul 2013
Well episode was okay, but this love triangle, Takeshi's character, and cliche story is just irritating to watch throughout the series. It was a good start since the 1st but then it went all downhill starting episode 3.

Come on Takeshi, express your feelings to Kurumi, I know you are "Pretending," but at least look up to her. Also, it will be disappointed if you let Gekkou or Oigami take the advantage. Why Oigami lost his memories all of sudden, that doesn't make sense. Miu was okay for the most part but can it please drop the brother act for just an entire episode.

Well, lets hope that next episode would be better.

Feb 7, 2014 12:49 AM

Mar 2013
Mui kawaii

tsk Kurumi, go home you drunk :P
Feb 7, 2014 1:13 AM

Dec 2011
superman89 said:
fear80 said:
superman89 said:
This show has butchered the LN so badly that it's not even funny. So much so that it wouldn't surprise me if she did end up with the asshole brother. Which wouldn't happen in a million years in the LN or the other guy.

So what happens in the LN exactly then? And how much did they adapt this episode? Because it sure as hell seemed to be a lot XD

I think that might be the only time I've ever been grateful for a spoiler. Thanks. I needed that.

The question now is do I keep going with this anime or just put it aside and wait until I get the LN...
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Feb 7, 2014 1:44 AM

Aug 2013
superman89 said:
fear80 said:
superman89 said:
This show has butchered the LN so badly that it's not even funny. So much so that it wouldn't surprise me if she did end up with the asshole brother. Which wouldn't happen in a million years in the LN or the other guy.

So what happens in the LN exactly then? And how much did they adapt this episode? Because it sure as hell seemed to be a lot XD

This changes things for me, thanks. One more episode and if I still don't like it, I'm going to drop and wait for the LN to get translated...or maybe just completely forget this exists.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Feb 7, 2014 3:09 AM

Dec 2013
Man that felt so rushed I thought I skipped episodes or something and Oigami is now brainwashed to be "good" again...

So basically everyone brainwashes everybody. This anime is running out of good traits for me to keep going.
Feb 7, 2014 3:53 AM

Oct 2012
Takeshi is jerk when it comes to women. I mean Isoshima is his childhood friend who likes him yet he tries to push her away (what personality is that?) but at the same time he doesn't even tries to do something about Mui. I am fed of this "I wanna her to be independent" attitude of his that's bullshit and evident excuse.
His "obligatory" pairing with Mui feels forced. Their scenes together are staged for fanservice and nothing else.

Trailers attacking illusionary battleground. I don't even question how they did that and about academy teachers (non)reaction to that. But WTH, what was purpose of that when they left afterwards? Did they just wanted to prove themself of something? And what was Mui's reaction to this illusion invasion? "Those big black parts sure are bad and we are attacked by uknownk force here but nevertheless - we have to complete the task!" Maan... Some really bad and horrible writing is at show here.

And now magical school does the same thing as Trailers to get its students? I mean, memories wipe, how ethical is that? Are they any different? (anyway, Oigami seems to be interested in Kurumi, I bet he tries to lure her to trailers later that's obvious turn of further events)

Also did animation quality dropped this time? There were many grey half-framerate scenes this time, to the point it's becoming very uncomfortable to watch this.
Feb 7, 2014 4:00 AM

Jan 2014
They should kill Takeshi and make Oigami into main character. In few minutes he proved to be better than Takeshi in 5 episodes. Also Mui is so annoing and diddnt seems that she told others that blond haired teacher is a spy.
Feb 7, 2014 4:59 AM

Dec 2011
Mich666 said:
But WTH, what was purpose of that when they left afterwards? Did they just wanted to prove themself of something?

That's the easy part to answer - they were wanting to see more of Takeshi in action, and see how he uses his weapon. Once they had done this they had no further reason to be there and so left.

As for the staff's (lack of) reaction, they know they're infiltrated by the trailers, and they also know that the trailers wouldn't want to pose significant harm to the students (after all, the trailers themselves make use of the school for training people up). If there is thus little danger, the only reason to interfere would be to restore the test to the way it had been. Which could well have been impossible. And, of course, interfering could have created problems that weren't there before.

The hard part to explain is why the trailers did it in the way that they did...
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Feb 7, 2014 8:27 AM

Jan 2014
Does anyone who read the LNs atleast know pink haired girl name? That's where my last bit of interest in this series goes.

Dropped. This series was such a let down and I'm regretful of watching it to this point.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 7, 2014 8:41 AM

Dec 2013
OnionSoda said:

Dropped. This series was such a let down and I'm regretful of watching it to this point.

Just to comment on this a bit, When it comes to current airing series "for me", I will always go to the halfway point only if the anime is absolute garbage, 1-2 rating area, because once again "for me" I will not give a rating to an anime I didn't give a chance and halfway point is giving an anime a good chance to eventually win me over. This anime did have some things that I was interested in like the different types of magic and the twilight sword but the terrible main characters are like a wooden stake on the chances of me going on after the next episode. So don't regret watching it only if it's one of the worse of the worse, which it's not.

---Side note---
Also if you watch the whole thing, then you are able to criticize the anime more efficiently as well.
Feb 7, 2014 9:00 AM

Jan 2013
Hibbington said:

Also if you watch the whole thing, then you are able to criticize the anime more efficiently as well.

Well yeah but who watches cartoons they don't enjoy till the end to properly criticize it? I think that defeats the whole purpose of watching anime in one's free time.
Feb 7, 2014 9:29 AM

Apr 2013
babymilo91 said:
Kurumi has another crying meltdown. I guess that I can agree with Takeshi that she has to learn to deal with her problems sooner rather than later, and can't be relying on him all he time.

Feb 7, 2014 9:53 AM

May 2013
Awesome episode :D
Feb 7, 2014 10:00 AM
Jan 2011
Looks like Isoshima is starting to look like a wreck.
Feb 7, 2014 11:18 AM

Sep 2012
Takeshi no baka!!

Don't exactly know what happened besides knowing that this is a filler ==
Feb 7, 2014 12:04 PM

Jan 2014
Hibbington said:
OnionSoda said:

Dropped. This series was such a let down and I'm regretful of watching it to this point.

Just to comment on this a bit, When it comes to current airing series "for me", I will always go to the halfway point only if the anime is absolute garbage, 1-2 rating area, because once again "for me" I will not give a rating to an anime I didn't give a chance and halfway point is giving an anime a good chance to eventually win me over. This anime did have some things that I was interested in like the different types of magic and the twilight sword but the terrible main characters are like a wooden stake on the chances of me going on after the next episode. So don't regret watching it only if it's one of the worse of the worse, which it's not.

---Side note---
Also if you watch the whole thing, then you are able to criticize the anime more efficiently as well.

Just to clarify myself, five episodes seems like too few to properly judge anything, but, AFAIK, this is 12 episodes anime so this is a halfway point and until now I got nothing of appealing to me. So no, this is not case of hasty review, your point will only be fair if this was a long runner or a two tier series.

1)Characters are anoying, illogical and unrelatable. To put it bluntly, the characterization sucks hairy balls.
2)Setting: I like magic, alternate universe and overall fantasy settings that despicts unique worlds and their laws, in this case (and I blame the director on that) it's bassicaly "look! ruined world, magicians that want to destroy the world just because, hogwarts wanna be academy ruled by blondie-chan. NOW GET BACK TO THE SCHOOL DRAMA!"...
3)Action: Bamboo>steel. Onii-chan battle had mediocre pacing. Nothing else note worthy.

1) and 2) had no way to improve in so few episodes left, not if they keep rushing everything to set another forced TakeshiXMui scene who, btw, had no chemistry at all.

Only thing that could save this for me is a good villain, but so far we only got an evil grin here and there, and bad oniichan who every time he appears is screaming "LOOK HOW SERIOUS AND COOL I AM".

Since next episode preview showed the director fighting against the guy with glasses, I may give it a hopeless last try.
OnionSodaFeb 7, 2014 12:08 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 7, 2014 12:24 PM

Dec 2012
Isoshima is one reason why I want to drop the show and Mui is one to keep watching. The fast developments and random ones for drop and the ED to stay; this show is pushing me.
Feb 7, 2014 12:48 PM

Dec 2013
As much as I respect, and understand, that different people will have different opinions of this, or any, anime series; when I read some of the negative reviews of what it is people are hating about this series, I cannot truly get what it is they expected from it in the first place. So far this series is not any different from any of the other fantasy magical school anime, and I can't accept that as a reason not to like it. Everything has been done before, originality in a new series is near impossible at this point, and for a series like this it is it's cliches and stereotypes that make it work. It doesn't follow the LN exactly, and in fact seems to have strayed pretty far, but that's fine- this is an anime not a LN, translations from one platform to the other do not have to be exact to be good.

The only points I've found truly believable at this point is that some people find the characters annoying and/or difficult to relate to. This is only natural, and happens with all anime. Personally, I've only found a couple characters thus far that I find annoying or cannot relate to.

Oh, and the plot issues. Some people cannot accept such a simple and illogical plot, maybe this kind of series just isn't for you. This series does not take itself seriously, nor does the plot, as it's not meant to bring anything new to the table or do anything other than present mindless entertainment. There's nothing wrong with a plot that isn't meant to be deep, complex, or even taken seriously; it's all just for fun. So, again, the only grievance I can find merit in is the gripe with the characters.

While I admit this isn't best anime of it's kind, and that I have seen tons better, for what it is it is really quite enjoyable.
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
Feb 7, 2014 1:18 PM

Dec 2008
This episode was so full of cliched misunderstandings that I just wanted to bang my head against my desk until it bled and I lost all memory of ever watching it.

Sent with Mal Updater
Feb 7, 2014 1:46 PM
Jul 2018
Huh, decent ep. Lol at Kurumi turned into a baby.
Feb 7, 2014 2:10 PM
Jan 2012
The_Bif said:
As much as I respect, and understand, that different people will have different 1 of this, or any, anime series; when I read some of the negative reviews of what it is people are hating about this series, I cannot truly get what it is they expected from it in the first place. So far this series is not any different from any of the other fantasy magical school anime, and I can't accept that as a reason not to like it. Everything has been done before, originality in a new series is near impossible at this point, and for a series like this it is it's cliches and stereotypes that make it work. It doesn't follow the LN exactly, and in fact seems to have strayed pretty far, but that's fine- this is an anime not a LN, translations from one platform to the other do not have to be exact to be good.

While I agree on the transition point, ideas can be recycled and reuse so originality is not a problem and tats how most new stories are made, by retelling and reshaping old ones, the problem is tat the way the story ,characters and flow is presented to the viewr is complete and utter crap, so bad tat it brings a mockery to the premise that it promised.

The_Bif said:
Oh, and the plot issues. Some people cannot accept such a simple and illogical plot, maybe this kind of series just isn't for you. This series does not take itself seriously, nor does the plot, as it's not meant to bring anything new to the table or do anything other than present mindless entertainment. There's nothing wrong with a plot that isn't meant to be deep, complex, or even taken seriously; it's all just for fun. So, again, the only grievance I can find merit in is the gripe with the characters.

I don't agree with you tat it doesnt take itself seriously cause then it would hav been a comedy and comedy it is not. this thing is a fool, much like the MC who thinks they are taking yhemself seriously but is nothing more than a narsasistic child who only thinks about his/her self.and also to say that it is suppose to be mindless entertainment makes a mockery of real mindless entertainment like the Transformers movies and the idea of story telling as those things are suppose to draw your interest and make u feel involed and wanting more ( well i do want more , to see Takeshi suffer) and this is failing miserably in all regards, as if the writers dont have any sort of idea of mood, atmosphere or emotions or normal human social behaviours

Now enough of my rant. I got one advice for Inoshima, kick tat asshole in the balls and dump him. This guy is either a pure narsasist or not human, i mean Guilty Crown's Shuu was more human than this guy, yo the point where i think the only reason he is around other people is so he can still feel like a human being. if Inoshima was even just ur friend, who have some serious problem and u r the only male she trust, u have no right to say tat it aint ur problem and tat she needs to deal with it on her own when u hav been runnin away from ur problem from the fucking beginning and ur friends's problem is by the looks of it much worse then urs.
Feb 7, 2014 2:23 PM

Feb 2013
mui is kawaii as fuck
Feb 7, 2014 2:37 PM

Oct 2013
Mui was pretty cute this episode. The bed scene was kinda odd though haha
Feb 7, 2014 7:17 PM

Nov 2012
woah nice fight ended :3
that weapon really cool!! XD
Feb 7, 2014 9:13 PM

Apr 2013
Anyone know where I could get the light novel?
Feb 7, 2014 9:50 PM

Aug 2011
too much bs
Feb 7, 2014 11:31 PM

Dec 2013
AllTJAck said:

The_Bif said:
Oh, and the plot issues. Some people cannot accept such a simple and illogical plot, maybe this kind of series just isn't for you. This series does not take itself seriously, nor does the plot, as it's not meant to bring anything new to the table or do anything other than present mindless entertainment. There's nothing wrong with a plot that isn't meant to be deep, complex, or even taken seriously; it's all just for fun. So, again, the only grievance I can find merit in is the gripe with the characters.

I don't agree with you tat it doesnt take itself seriously cause then it would hav been a comedy and comedy it is not. this thing is a fool, much like the MC who thinks they are taking yhemself seriously but is nothing more than a narsasistic child who only thinks about his/her self.and also to say that it is suppose to be mindless entertainment makes a mockery of real mindless entertainment like the Transformers movies and the idea of story telling as those things are suppose to draw your interest and make u feel involed and wanting more ( well i do want more , to see Takeshi suffer) and this is failing miserably in all regards, as if the writers dont have any sort of idea of mood, atmosphere or emotions or normal human social behaviours

Saying it would "have" to be a comedy if it didn't take itself seriously isn't necessarily true, there are many works of fiction that can be considered "mindless entertainment" that do not fit into the comedy genre. Just look at a large portion of the action genre, most fighting movies, or anime, don't take themselves serious because they're focused on their form of entertainment. In the action genre it would be the fights, the plot is barely there and serves only as a way to progress from one fight to the next. But, while there are a few that flop horribly, most are quite successful because people enjoy what they're presented with.

Now, I can't really say what form of entertainment the creators are going for with this anime, as there seems to be a mix of action, drama, and even a little comedy. So, maybe they're just creating a mash-up. But, regardless, to try and take anything this anime presents seriously is to immediately ruin any chance you have of enjoying what is being presented. Let's look at the stereotypes and cliche's presented here: there's the botched romance with a love triangle, the hero with ridiculous power and the desire to help those around him, fanservice left and right, a loli, a brocon, there's a save the world plotline buried in the mess somewhere, there's the typical "hero needs his nakama to survive" angle(twilight's ability), and there's school life setting. Somewhere in all of that, there could be a good, maybe great, story line if it focused less on the stereotypes, cliches, and fanservice. But, it is what it is, a showcase mesh of everything that has made an anime popular at some point thrown into each and every episode. How can that kind of mess take itself seriously?
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
Feb 8, 2014 7:28 AM

Jan 2014
Mui fans service, ohhhhh yes XD. Isoshima is acting like Sakura from Naruto right now, cry's all the time and is weak.... *sigh*
Feb 8, 2014 8:22 AM

Jan 2014
The_Bif said:

Saying it would "have" to be a comedy if it didn't take itself seriously isn't necessarily true, there are many works of fiction that can be considered "mindless entertainment" that do not fit into the comedy genre. Just look at a large portion of the action genre, most fighting movies, or anime, don't take themselves serious because they're focused on their form of entertainment. In the action genre it would be the fights, the plot is barely there and serves only as a way to progress from one fight to the next. But, while there are a few that flop horribly, most are quite successful because people enjoy what they're presented with.

Now, I can't really say what form of entertainment the creators are going for with this anime, as there seems to be a mix of action, drama, and even a little comedy. So, maybe they're just creating a mash-up. But, regardless, to try and take anything this anime presents seriously is to immediately ruin any chance you have of enjoying what is being presented. Let's look at the stereotypes and cliche's presented here: there's the botched romance with a love triangle, the hero with ridiculous power and the desire to help those around him, fanservice left and right, a loli, a brocon, there's a save the world plotline buried in the mess somewhere, there's the typical "hero needs his nakama to survive" angle(twilight's ability), and there's school life setting. Somewhere in all of that, there could be a good, maybe great, story line if it focused less on the stereotypes, cliches, and fanservice. But, it is what it is, a showcase mesh of everything that has made an anime popular at some point thrown into each and every episode. How can that kind of mess take itself seriously?

You're damn right.
OnionSodaFeb 8, 2014 8:40 AM
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Feb 8, 2014 4:22 PM

Feb 2013
What an awful episode.

Mui's brother complex was a bit disturbing... Was a bit funny when Kurumi walked in and saw her bra on the floor...

The best part was the preview for the next episode... bomb diggity, yo!
Feb 8, 2014 7:36 PM

Jan 2014
Is it just me, or is Kurumi saying 'Takashi-kun baka!' ALOT... I wish they could at least introduce some more colorful dialogue for already such an empty shell character.
*insert subjectively witty comment*
Feb 8, 2014 7:47 PM
Aug 2013
This anime is pretty bad. I swear, the only reason I watch this is because of the ending.
Feb 8, 2014 7:59 PM

Nov 2012
High Fever = Drunk

Makes sense...
Feb 8, 2014 9:58 PM

Sep 2010
It was so-so
Feb 8, 2014 10:36 PM

Jun 2013
Rushed and poor character development. Kurumi should really stop being a bitch. It's annoying.
"Children of Japan. And those who were once children. Listen! This is not a dream. This is not fiction. In reality, your superheroes were always fighting. To teach viewers courage and the meaning of justice! No matter how many enemies there are. No matter how strong evil is. Just remember. Does any another country have so many heroes? Has any another country been protected by multiple superheroes? Stand with me, friends! Remember when you used to watch your superheroes!
Once you may have given up this dream. But today, you can be a hero!"

- Kaname Jouji , Red Axe

Feb 9, 2014 1:08 AM

Jul 2012
Well everyone failed there exam in my opinion since they were all forced removed.

Great episode!!!
Feb 9, 2014 1:21 AM
Jan 2012
The_Bif said:

Saying it would "have" to be a comedy if it didn't take itself seriously isn't necessarily true, there are many works of fiction that can be considered "mindless entertainment" that do not fit into the comedy genre. Just look at a large portion of the action genre, most fighting movies, or anime, don't take themselves serious because they're focused on their form of entertainment. In the action genre it would be the fights, the plot is barely there and serves only as a way to progress from one fight to the next. But, while there are a few that flop horribly, most are quite successful because people enjoy what they're presented with.

Now, I can't really say what form of entertainment the creators are going for with this anime, as there seems to be a mix of action, drama, and even a little comedy. So, maybe they're just creating a mash-up. But, regardless, to try and take anything this anime presents seriously is to immediately ruin any chance you have of enjoying what is being presented. Let's look at the stereotypes and cliche's presented here: there's the botched romance with a love triangle, the hero with ridiculous power and the desire to help those around him, fanservice left and right, a loli, a brocon, there's a save the world plotline buried in the mess somewhere, there's the typical "hero needs his nakama to survive" angle(twilight's ability), and there's school life setting. Somewhere in all of that, there could be a good, maybe great, story line if it focused less on the stereotypes, cliches, and fanservice. But, it is what it is, a showcase mesh of everything that has made an anime popular at some point thrown into each and every episode. How can that kind of mess take itself seriously?

I think we are refering to different things here. I'm refering to whether or not the characters who are our window to the show is taking it seriously, u can have ridiculous settings and situation and it still being serious, cliche is in the eye of the viewer, doesnt matter to the chracters themselves.

and to the point of comedy, yes u r right that it doesnt have to be necesseraly comedy but in those other fighthing show that only uses minimum plot, the character themselves still take their situation and action seriously as it still involves their lives, they can act immaturely and fuck up but they more or less is serious about their lives. In this show they are trying to do that but only failing at every step.

Even if the point of the show is to entertain the audience with battles and so forth, having the characters behave in such a manner diminishes the story and their, which to me especially diminishes the entertainment value greatly unless its a comedy where its the backbone of the show
Feb 9, 2014 2:22 PM

Nov 2007
Damn Kurumi is useless in a fight. What was with turning into a baby? She turned back already?

Takeshi is just being a dick to her. It's like now that Mui's there he doesn't give a shit. I mean he got her into this mess and she followed him.

Takeshi and his brother are quickly becoming the worst characters in this....
Feb 9, 2014 2:52 PM

Apr 2012
This episode was so bad, so rushed. Kurumi is retarded as fuck, all she does all show is to blame EVERYONE ELSE besides herself, she's defenseless, useless and most of all bitchy all the time. She's also INTENTIONALLY dense, she won't let the dude pick whatever he wants, it's like she thinks she owns him, no wait, she truly believes that, such a delusional character.

Mui and Ida are the only somewhat normal characters, the protagonist is also okayish, oh, and the villains, they didn't become retarded, except for Oigami, but his memories were erased, it seems the director of the school plans to make copies of Kurumi-quality-characters. The director at least knows her priorities, she doesn't give a fuck.

The fight was horrible, but the "Hey, we're almost there." and the sudden crash of the golem made me laugh out loud.

I liked the fanservice because I love Mui, but it wasn't even appropriately put in, they just made a SUDDEN change in her behavior for what the protag called a "fever" that suddenly disappeared after 10 seconds of sleep, maybe she was exhausted or something, who the hell knows what's going on is only the one that directed this filler.

I won't drop this, I never drop anything, I'll score it really low probably, it's one of the anime that deserve that, I'll read the LN when they'll either translate it or I'll be capable of reading Japanese.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 9, 2014 7:25 PM

Sep 2013
holy shit so much happened this ep *_*
gekkou continues to get creepier ugh

i can pretty much guess how that's gonna turn out ><
hopefully takeshi or oigami can knock some sense into him
Feb 9, 2014 8:55 PM

Sep 2010
i dont even know why i keep returning to this shit...

decent 1st ep, shittastick everything else
Feb 10, 2014 3:37 AM

Oct 2011
Man that NaoTou gangsta voice lol. She's such a great VA. Mui best girl. That drunk Mui
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