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May 2, 2010 3:47 AM

Jul 2009
Looks like his Yips are far more serious than Dr.Oliver anticipated
May 2, 2010 8:12 AM

May 2007
To me, it seems like Goro doesn't have a goal anymore. When he was on the bus after the first minor league game, he said he would be happy playing for the Bats forever. On the surface, he wants to be in the Majors. But really, his entire life, his goal was to face Gibson head on, and he accomplished that. To me, he just doesn't seem to be a driven as he was before hand, thus, why he could always overcome all obstacles.

We'll see what happens with the Silva at-bat here though.
May 2, 2010 11:19 AM

Dec 2009
vindemon64 said:
To me, it seems like Goro doesn't have a goal anymore. When he was on the bus after the first minor league game, he said he would be happy playing for the Bats forever. On the surface, he wants to be in the Majors. But really, his entire life, his goal was to face Gibson head on, and he accomplished that. To me, he just doesn't seem to be a driven as he was before hand, thus, why he could always overcome all obstacles.

We'll see what happens with the Silva at-bat here though.
I have to agree with this. I wonder if he'll get his resolve again after Gibson re-enters the playing field, since we see him facing Goro at-bat in the OP..
May 2, 2010 12:54 PM

Dec 2008
I have to agree too on that. He doesn't seem to have his drive toward a goal anymore.
How long would it take to earn 50 million yen, Karasawa? - Katsuya
No longer than it would take to get to the bank, provided I have a gun. -Karasawa
I'm through talking with you. -Katsuya
May 2, 2010 3:23 PM
Apr 2009
I am now getting thoroughly frustrated—WHY CAN"T GORO KICK BUTT AGAIN?
I guess I'll have to keep waiting, but my patience is growing slim.
May 2, 2010 4:44 PM

Jul 2009
vindemon64 said:
To me, it seems like Goro doesn't have a goal anymore. When he was on the bus after the first minor league game, he said he would be happy playing for the Bats forever. On the surface, he wants to be in the Majors. But really, his entire life, his goal was to face Gibson head on, and he accomplished that. To me, he just doesn't seem to be a driven as he was before hand, thus, why he could always overcome all obstacles.

We'll see what happens with the Silva at-bat here though.
I see, now that's make sense, i think when Gibson understand Goro's illness he will come back to field, so it will took more longer time to cured his illness
May 2, 2010 9:31 PM

Feb 2009
XD at the discussion over goro's cap, always wondered why he bothers wearing one when it falls off after every pitch. Was kicking myself for not noticing it staying on this time.
May 5, 2010 4:24 AM

May 2009
guidodi said:
I don't agree here, it is true that he said it himself a couple of times and i find it pretty stupid, the last season and this one he acts like his only goal in life was to play against Gibson all along but in the other season he always injured himself with no regard for his future. If it was his life's goal to face gibson he wouldn't have risked his shoulder the way he did, and then he did it again with his foot. The way I see Goro is like a stupid guy that only focuses on the enemy he has in front of him at the time, be it Yokohama Little or Toshi or Kaido or Gibson Jr.
Also if you think about it, what posible challenge could it for Goro to beat Gibson when he is already like 80 years old XD

Well, i think it's pretty obvious that he played for the sake of loving baseball, however, there's always the goal that, inside, motivated him all along. It's not like he played his entire life because of wanting to face Gibson, but when he finally did, it's like that "invisible" motivation he had just blew away.

Like, u can play Tennis thinking "my goal is to face Roger someday", live every match but when u finally face him, it feels like the "end of the road", 'cause u finally reached the highest u ever wished for.
May 6, 2010 6:50 AM

Apr 2010
SephirothIsHere said:
Well, i think it's pretty obvious that he played for the sake of loving baseball, however, there's always the goal that, inside, motivated him all along. It's not like he played his entire life because of wanting to face Gibson, but when he finally did, it's like that "invisible" motivation he had just blew away.

Like, u can play Tennis thinking "my goal is to face Roger someday", live every match but when u finally face him, it feels like the "end of the road", 'cause u finally reached the highest u ever wished for.

i do agree with you that somehow he felt that his goal is reached but the yips is a psychological condition when the player developp an unconscious fear that makes him unable to play at full potentiel and sometimes worse you can play at all and you'll have to retire! so i don't think that's the reason but i don't see what trauma besides losing the championship has he been through . well we'll see i guess .
May 6, 2010 9:16 PM

Apr 2007
Huh, now that I think about it Goro's hat does normally fall off after each pitch . . .

vindemon64 said:
To me, it seems like Goro doesn't have a goal anymore. When he was on the bus after the first minor league game, he said he would be happy playing for the Bats forever. On the surface, he wants to be in the Majors. But really, his entire life, his goal was to face Gibson head on, and he accomplished that. To me, he just doesn't seem to be a driven as he was before hand, thus, why he could always overcome all obstacles.
This is almost exactly what I thought, and tried to deny, at the end of the 5th season. I was really hoping it wouldn't affect him this badly, but Major loves drama. At least it hasn't been that bad so far.
May 8, 2010 6:50 PM

Nov 2007
So it's still Goro trying to recover from the yips.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Jan 25, 2012 9:41 PM
Apr 2011
vindemon64 said:
To me, it seems like Goro doesn't have a goal anymore. When he was on the bus after the first minor league game, he said he would be happy playing for the Bats forever. On the surface, he wants to be in the Majors. But really, his entire life, his goal was to face Gibson head on, and he accomplished that. To me, he just doesn't seem to be a driven as he was before hand, thus, why he could always overcome all obstacles.

We'll see what happens with the Silva at-bat here though.

This. I think the thought of Gibson still going well in the majors gave him a motivation to do as well as him, to get up to the majors as well. Because someone like Gibson, at his age, still playing as one of the top major leaguers, it probably gave Goro courage and a goal. Now that that Gibson is gone, despite loving baseball, he probably just doesn't have that motivation or drive anymore. He hasn't really set a new challenge or goal for himself.
Sep 19, 2013 12:54 AM

Jul 2008
No goal, interesting thought. I'm curious since the Doc said that the Gibson Jr. homerun wasn't the cause, but just the trigger.

My gut feeling, this goes all the way back to not his dad's death, but his mom's. His real mom.
Dec 13, 2013 2:29 PM

Aug 2009
weeabooweeaboo said:
XD at the discussion over goro's cap, always wondered why he bothers wearing one when it falls off after every pitch. Was kicking myself for not noticing it staying on this time.

THIS, right before he said that I was always wondering why is he wearing a cap it comes off every single time! lol and I didn't even notice that it stayed on. smh.

Jan 29, 2014 9:22 PM

May 2012
Keane's observation about Goro's hat was interesting. Never realized it before. And yeah, Goro has somewhat loss the goal now probably because Gibson has retired. And thanks to the damn OP again, we already know that Gibson will be back :(
Jan 6, 2015 5:42 PM

Nov 2009
This can't be good . . . Either A) That hit will bring back the Yips in that game or B) probably even worse, he will get promoted back to the Major Leagues while not being cured. I really hope he is able to fix his "half-assed pitching" before he makes a name for himself as being a mediocre pitcher in the majors.
Apr 18, 2015 10:47 AM

Aug 2013
I didn't expect to say this, but hopefully Silva will hit a homerun. This way, his yips will show up again during the match and finally the doctor will be able to figure out what's the problem with Gorou.
Aug 9, 2015 11:42 PM

Jan 2013
This is bad, very interesting though. This is what Gorou needs to grow as a character.
Aug 12, 2015 6:09 AM

Jun 2009
Nov 17, 2015 4:01 AM

Nov 2015
rebelakuma said:
Keane's observation about Goro's hat was interesting. Never realized it before. And yeah, Goro has somewhat loss the goal now probably because Gibson has retired. And thanks to the damn OP again, we already know that Gibson will be back :(

Hah, I never realized it either.
Jan 3, 2016 4:17 AM

Mar 2015
Doesn't look like he's going all out. Pitching to corners and running away isn't like him.
May 1, 2016 3:10 PM

Feb 2013
He's getting a bit better but he isn't fully recovered.
Sep 20, 2017 1:51 AM

Nov 2011
Gorou's lack of a concrete goal is an apt observation, but I don't think it's quite that simple. It might explain being complacent enough to be content with the Bats, but it wouldn't explain the fear element that comes with the Yips.

When Gorou pitched against Gibson Jr., it wasn't just the showdown of he had been looking for his whole life. He was in peak condition and throwing is best ever, and he was completely defeated. That's what triggered it. If it's not the root cause though (the doctor noted his previous catastrophic losses, such as when he broke his shoulder), then there has to be something in Gorou that is afraid of... "permanent" loss? Maybe he's afraid he won't live up to his father's name or something.

No, wait, how about this: Maybe he's afraid that no matter how hard he tries, in the end he won't be good enough. He won't be able to rise to the top and be the greatest. If he has come to believe there will always be someone better than him no matter what he does, if he has accepted that form of defeat as a mentality (as opposed his usual "challenger" spirit), then that could be the fear that's surfacing and gripping his body. The idea that he might never be good enough, something he's never entertained, is preventing him from ever being good enough.

That's the theory I'm going with for now, I think. It would also explain the complacency in being okay with staying with the Bats.

Hopefully Dr. Oliver will be able to get him straightened out. It looks like this will at least take a few episodes in total, as I originally thought.

That was an interesting observation by Keane, btw. I've noticed Gorou's hat constantly falling off in previous seasons and thought how having to pick it up over and over would be annoying. I didn't know that was the reason Gorou kept it like that, though, nor did I notice that it was remaining on his head until Keane pointed it out.

Good episode.
Aug 19, 2018 6:35 PM

Jul 2016
Pretty okay episode. The psychological aspects just aren't gripping enough for me and to see Goro so shaken is just weird. I do appreciate everyone's theories and what the writers are trying to accomplish, but seeing Goro in the majors than back down to the Bats is just so anticlimactic.

With that said, maybe the conclusion of this will make Goro going back to the majors even more awesome!
Apr 2, 2020 2:44 PM

Apr 2016
This part is so damn boring, I think this part wasn’t necessary to the story, it’s like this kind of situation is being used to create drama in this season whitch doesn’t need it. I can’t stand this kind of situation, I hope it will end soon.
Aug 11, 2020 4:11 PM

Dec 2007
don't know why, but everytime the sad music plays the tears just going down, really great directing and great drama.

as expected, it was too early to goro come back to the major, everyone pointing things on goro problems, directing the story to the inevitable conclusion. i only hope the problem and the solution better worth the big story they providing because it's really not fun to see goro plays in the minor and suffering, though i may expecting too much.

i actually have pretty good guess for goro's trauma, and it's not something anybody here mentioned/thought, it's a really deep one, so it's actually kinda hard for me to think major will use that, though it's very much solid and provable.

seeing those bats fans give me back bad memories of S4, hope they won't be here much.
User-NameAug 11, 2020 4:21 PM
Oct 20, 2021 1:40 PM

Jul 2015
I always thought Goro's cap flying off was just a cool effect and not an actual habit.

Hypnosis and placebo doesn't seem to be the cure. While the love for baseball is still there, I bet it has something to do with Goro no longer having the goal of beating Gibson as he even thought of quitting baseball or staying with the Bats instead of aiming to go back to the Majors.

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