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Mar 11, 2012 4:00 PM

Oct 2009
I'm sticking to my words.

Scythe Master is gonna take a .50 cal up his behind, how dare he.
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Mar 16, 2012 10:21 PM

Sep 2011
2 years later... and that much has changed eh...? Holy fuck how did she grow that much? And I'm not talking about just her height.
Mar 17, 2012 6:18 PM

Apr 2011
OriginANIME said:
2 years later... and that much has changed eh...? Holy fuck how did she grow that much? And I'm not talking about just her height.

Yeah, Cal went from a loli to a busty bimbo in just 2 years? Wow.
Mar 31, 2012 9:47 PM

Dec 2011
Awesome episode.
In the beginning I was thinking:
What anime is that?
Apr 1, 2012 7:16 PM

Dec 2007
Haha. The beginning threw me off. It would be funny if they just changed the whole premise of the show, and episode 19 was the official end. Scythe would be the guidance councilor. It would be school gangs and they'd shoot each other with paintball guns. Zwei and Ein would be in the same class, and would have awkward conversations. Of course they'd have the obligatory beach episode when they both get stranded after swimming to an island, and have to spend the night alone.
Apr 23, 2012 11:49 AM

Jun 2011
Cal grew this much in just 2 years? Scythe must have fed her some serious stuff for that.
May 6, 2012 9:42 AM

Apr 2012
WDF !? For a second I really believed this was going to be slice of life from now on. Pfew.
Cool ep, but I always thought of Reiji and Ein as adults ... my bad I guess...
Jun 18, 2012 12:33 PM

Jul 2011
I think this is where the whole series took a crap, at least, chronologically. First off, wtf is Reiji doing in a third world country by himself prior to getting abducted by Ein? It would have made sense if he was like 18 or something. When he was that oppai-hime's lapdog, he was a gangster, a bunch of skips and all of a sudden he's a high school student? Are college settings that disgusting that they can't possibly write stuff around it? Cal going from looking like she's ten then all of a sudden eighteen is kinda hard to swallow.

Eh, I only have a few episodes left but so far, it feels like Ein and Reiji dying around episode 12 would have made more sense, especially since it is Gen working his delicious anger inducing magic.
The chip in my mind, it summons me.
I gave my life to your machines.
Jul 8, 2012 6:30 PM

Nov 2007
a new OP this late? interesting

and his new "girlfriend" is the Goto sister which would seem to be popping up.

was totally expecting this to be a flashback or dream at first. those 2 in school as siblings? interesting again.

What the hell happened to Cal? Reiji and Erin look about the same. Cal looks like she aged way more, what 5 years? It's a bit much, she sure grew some boobs fast.

Her comes the corruption from Scythe. Though she does kinda have the right to be pissed after he left her behind.

He goes from nailing the super hot Claudia to loli Cal to hanging out with school girls. I mean from mature to .... not very quickly.
mystikJul 8, 2012 6:36 PM
Jul 28, 2012 11:25 AM

Aug 2010
My loli Cal has now become sexy Cal.
Aug 30, 2012 10:32 AM

Jun 2009
Oct 14, 2012 9:41 AM

Jan 2009
I knew how old Reiji and Ein were supposed to be. But throughout the series, up to this point, I simply negated this fact and just pretended that they were in their very late teens or low twenties. This episode ruined everything, and makes the story a lot less realistic. It probably just dropped one point in my rating because of it.

Then there's Cal. She just grew over ten years in only two. She doesn't even look like the same character. Her face is totally different. The only thing that seems consistent is her hair color.
Oct 16, 2012 9:13 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009

Who took my gangster story and turned into some high school drama??!!! AGGHHH!! What's next? The absurdly powerful student council is going to show up and mecha come out of the school's swiming pool?

This is crap, I don't care what people say or what the original material says. The story just lost a whole lot of credibility in my book. I'm too far in to drop what had until now been a story on the level with Gungrave, but I'm very, very dissapointed.

Cal looks like they took Claudia McCullen's body and inserted her eyes, hair and brain into her. Just ludicrous.But of course Ein and Zwei look like a single day has not passed.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Oct 20, 2012 7:37 PM

Jul 2012
I really hope Cal didn't believe whatever Scythe said to her because that would make her an idiot. I have my fingers crossed.

So Elen and Reiji are playing the brother and sister act? I hoped they were getting it on by now. I am disappoint. They might though, behind the scenes.

Whatever, it was kind of a mediocre episode though it was expected. It's the calm before shit hits the fan.
Nov 4, 2012 5:11 PM
Jul 2012
Weird episode
Damn Cal changed. Lol my goodness,
Really liked Eln x Zwei on how they changed.
New op is kind of good. Even though i hate the singers. But not great like the last op.
I confused on this episode.
Ending theme sounds great.
Nov 4, 2012 5:13 PM
Jul 2012
Kira01 said:
No way...!!

Thanks for explaing what is it about this episode.
Dec 14, 2012 5:43 PM

Jul 2011
What the hell. What the hell? Yes I know young girls grow fast, but no way in hell she can grow that much in 2 years. Looks like 10 years have passed! She looks older than the two Phantoms!!

And what the hell? They can pass as high schoolers? I'm fairly sure they are like mid to late 20's. Renji was a journalist before! I had to pause the video and bash my head against the wall when this turned into a school love comedy. At least put them in college!!

This is ridiculous.
MirorinDec 14, 2012 5:59 PM
Jan 5, 2013 4:00 PM

May 2011
Loved every second of the school/slice of life! It was awesome how it was implemented into a series as serious as this (kind of like the mall episode), this series is toooo versatile lol. Reiji being confessed to, and going on a date with "Koshimizu Ami" stole my dream man! ^^

That guy has literally done everything now lol.

Also, Cal's appearance, what can I say that hasn't already been said yet? Hell yes! She is back and better than ever! I got a bit sentimental when she played the music, I wonder what course of action she'll take, enemy or ally? She really is living her life as an action movie character now haha (awesome bike).

The final arc has started splendidly, keep it up!

Jan 15, 2013 7:46 PM

Nov 2011
Cal can change that much in 2 years????

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Apr 23, 2013 7:52 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
stAtic91 said:
Pretty damn good. At first I wasn't sure if I was watching Phantom, lol.. Especially with that new OP, which was great btw - VERY different feel, but still great.

I had the same reaction. But nevertheless, I actually really enjoyed it...the fact that they were trying to live peacefully, even though it was inevitable that would be tracked down. Then all of the sudden, the danger is back...because of Cal. It's sad that they have wait longer to live normal lives, but they were involved in a ton of shit back in the US so they have to take care of it. I liked the conversation between Reiji and Eren at their apartment. It was nice to see how much Eren had changed as well, really thinking for herself and for Reiji, something she was incapable of doing two years ago.

noteDhero said:

But since Cal's new design is so wtf, I ended up disliking the episode.
Really though...I don't know a girl who went from having one body type at 14 and having a totally different one at 16...not to mention growing, what, half a foot? The only time you really see something like that happening in real life are the super tall bean pole girls who, once they stop growing at around 17 or 18 y/o, start to settle and actually grow hips and boobs by their early to mid twenties. I've never seen a flat chested, no hips, tiny, petite girl turn into a glamazon during the teen years without the aid of plastic surgery.

Thank you for this, because I wholeheartedly agree that it's almost impossible for this kind of growth to occur. It would make more sense if she was at least A/B cup when she was 14 and then grew even more...but nope, she literally had nothing at age 14. Yes I realize this is trivial and has nothing to do with the plot, but just wtf. Precisely because I'm female, I still don't care about Cal, even if she changed into some "sexy" badass. I'm more interested in how she changed in terms of personality and attitude.
May 7, 2013 4:07 PM
Apr 2012
Hinata020 said:
What the hell happened to Cal? Super Steroids or Hyper Puberty? Two years ago she was like four feet tall and flat chested. Now she's huge with C's? It's kind of...disturbing. I hope she dies. I really do. I want her to be all "Reiji you lied to me and although you had good reason to think I was dead I must exact revenge on you for an old man who probably medically enhanced my body for reasons I can't comprehend." Then Reiji should shoot her square between the eyes.

I'm also REALLY glad they didn't make us watch a full episode of happy/normal high school, slice of life with Elen and Reiji. It was painful, I was half expecting someone to bust through a window and start throwing bullets at any moment. 4/5 only because Cal is back and didn't die in a freak laboratory fire.

OMG, I totally agree with you. I am just going to tell myself that they goofed up drawing 2 years older Cal. She looks terrible. This show just took a sharp turn... I hope it recovers.
Jun 4, 2013 1:36 AM

Apr 2012
Holy fucking shit, Cal looks so sexy and hot O_O
Jun 11, 2013 7:05 PM

May 2009
Jun 13, 2013 10:43 PM

Jan 2012
I thought the characters were much older than they were, they hardly looked their age especially after the 6 month later part. Why was Reiji even in a foreign country at such a young age without peers or an adult(s)?
Cal was the only only one that looked her age(14), now she looks much older than she is now(16). I will admit that Reiji does look a bit younger now with his old hairstyle.
I was surprised at the beginning of the episode because I thought that the setting was a misprint and this was actually in the past, but then I saw Elen with her longish hair. I'm hoping that this is just a dream, though it most likely isn't.
The new characters look their age and I thought Reiji was a lot older than Mio.
I know this is trivial, but this turned me off a bit from this series which I enjoyed a lot before this. The entire episode left a somewhat bad aftertaste. :/
Hopefully this doesn't take away too much from the plot.
penguindrum264Jun 13, 2013 10:54 PM
Jun 26, 2013 12:03 PM

Jul 2012
I don't like the new op at all, and school life???, The protagonist looked like 18 or more from the start. Cal is hot but they really exagerated her boobs and height
Jul 11, 2013 4:58 PM

Apr 2012
So I guess he's still high school age, but that blond girl shouldn't have grown up that much in two years. Unless of course Mr. Albino gave her growth hormones, which would explain her bust size.
I like Hentai, you like real life.
Instead of complaining about my tastes, be grateful you now don't have to compete against me.
Jul 15, 2013 4:21 PM

Dec 2012
I really liked how they started with a typical school life setting and tore it all down with Cal's arrival. I can't wait to see the action that will ensue. But I have to say I'm loling at Cal's ridiculous growth considering Eren and Reiji look younger than ever before.
Nov 3, 2013 5:17 AM
Nov 2013
That first half was such a huge time jump from the previous episode I thought I missed some episodes LOL

That new Cal....@_@""
Dec 26, 2013 1:22 AM
Nov 2013
This was a good episode, probably my favorite since 9. If they had replaced some of the meaningless assassination episodes from early in the series with the claudia/wisemel plot and had cal get caught up in it the same way, then had Zwei actually kill scythe in episode 10, and move from the end of episode 10 to the beginning of this arc (obviously some changes would need to be made) this series probably would have been much better. The ending of the first arc was fucking horrible, and the second arc was all based around such a terrible plot twist that it really lessened my enjoyment of it. Looks like the show might become better from here on out though.

I will say that Cal has aged a little to fast, she went from full on loli ten year old (in build if not actual age) to sexy d-cup babe that's taller then Zwei in all of two years.

Oh and new OP and ED. New OP wasn't bad, but It seemed a little cheerful for the tone of this series. Wasn't a fan of the new ED, but i am curious as to who the redhead is.
SatanicBeaverDec 26, 2013 1:44 AM
Jan 20, 2014 9:54 PM

Aug 2013
I'm glad that they had a sister and brother relathionship instead of a lover one, it stand out more Reiji brother nature toward Elen.

Now that Cal is back, she sure have grown... in some... place :P

I always forgot that Reiji was still pretty young when he became a Phantom. So Claudia was having sex with a sixteen years old, right? What a cougar xD

It look like Elen will have some visit at the church and it look like Cal more bitter than ever.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jan 23, 2014 3:38 AM

Dec 2013
kodial said:
Oookay.... What..the..FUCK..was THAT!? First half made me wanna go to Japan and kill the makers of the show.

Ok, ok, I get it that Elen and Reiji want to live their lives anew and leave the past behind. But it was the stupidest idea ever to have them go to school and introduce slice of life, teensies romance school shit to the series, even though short lasting they may be. Minus one point for that alone.

This can only be forgiven with the death of the new character, Sanae. Only this way, can this series prove that they still live up to their former glory.

Worse even is Ein's development as a religious person. Was that really necessairy? She has to work hard now for me to like again.

And how the Hell did Cal grow like that in only two years? What the fuck was she taking? Freaking Steroids? LOL ....Talk about being stupid. Hands down, the worst episode of this series till now and by far too.

New intro was total shit as well.


I was facepalming this whole travesty. Literally thought I had the wrong series. Funny how everyone seemed to notice the hyperpubic transformation of Cal but miss the fact that two former super assassins (on the run) are now taking a two year blissful refuge from an organization more powerful than high school. Let's took them all of about 48 hrs to find them last time, but somehow high schools are clandestine safe houses????? WTF.
DouluoJan 23, 2014 3:42 AM
Jan 28, 2014 4:30 AM

Jul 2013
so ummm... for two years those two think of each other only as a sibling... like nothing more??really?? FUCK THAT SHIT!!

ohhh look what 2 years can do to a girl's body... from a toddler to a grandma!! okay jokes aside that really is ridiculous... I'll just say to myself that Scythe must've experimented Cal's body or something.. yeah that must be it!
Jan 28, 2014 1:53 PM

Dec 2013
PrimeX said:
so ummm... for two years those two think of each other only as a sibling... like nothing more??really?? FUCK THAT SHIT!!

ohhh look what 2 years can do to a girl's body... from a toddler to a grandma!! okay jokes aside that really is ridiculous... I'll just say to myself that Scythe must've experimented Cal's body or something.. yeah that must be it!

Good point. Their 'audience-interpretation' relationship never sat well with me, to say nothing of later events. Oh well, that seems to be a common thread used throughout this whole series. It's a device that definitely keeps us thinking/debating, but in many ways is very unsatisfying.
Jan 29, 2014 11:14 AM

Oct 2012
This episode was... kinda unexpected after what happened in previous episode. And it felt a little bit unfitting.. Well I think they wanted to troll us with that new intro but rest assured that even this chapter has some slice-of-life moments it's still a drama.

I think they made Cal a little bit older than she should look but I think it's safe to see her as well-developed teenager (somewhere I have photo of my ex in her sixteens and you wouldn't believe me she wasn't older also :)) some girls mature earlier than others I guess. (the game had this distinctive look between her older and younger version so you couldn't tell they are one and the same person at first glance - Reiji found out that a bit later in the story)

this is the comparison from the game:
(she looked bit younger there)

Anyway, there are no ages in the anime so you are free to pretend they are bit older which is also fine actually.

And I don't remember Ein being feeded drugs by Scythe-Master in the game though. I believe their looks are just reflection of everything they went through.

Edit: And regarding Ein - Zwei relationship, they were actually more than just siblings (that's only a mask for their surroundings they grew used to). You can tell by the way Ein leans to Zwei in one scene. Those things are happenned offscreen but that doesn't mean there weren't there. Also, remember that while Reiji already has his personality back, Ein doesn't and she is still kinda stiff because of that.

(also, I just realized - no brainwashing for Cal this time. I think Scythe thought she would do better if she remembers everything)
Mich666Jan 29, 2014 11:24 AM
Feb 1, 2014 4:40 AM

Oct 2008
Honestly, I can't take this seriously, at all. The way these character designs are is so incredibly misleading. Ein and Zwei never looked 15 and 16 to me, I immediately assumed they were at least 18 or 19 from the beginning of the show. Then Cal looks like she's 12 or 13 at max but then in 2 years matures into a full grown woman with double d breasts. It's laughable to see that kinda character design in a narrative and it sucks me right out of this already stupid plot we're delving into. Cal is so mad at Reiji that she became an assassin and is now going to kill him? Such a stupid motivation, how hard is it to realize that anyone would assume you would be dead in this scenario? You're a little girl, mobsters come and blow up the place that Reiji assumes you are staying in, of course he's going to assume you're dead. The entire motive behind Cal is just too fucking stupid. Obviously Scythe can manipulate her and lie, yada yada yada.

But again, that's not the main problem. The main problem is Cal's transformation into a busty fully grown women from a loli in two years time while also changing her personality entirely. Also the fact that Ein and Zwei are in high school? It's laughable. This show is a real mess and it's going to be hard to finish. It's sad to because it's an enjoyable show for the most part but there's always these recurring idiot ways in which they develop the plot. Not to mention we still don't know how Ein and Zwei survived that day on the pier/storage container place as well as why Ein saved Scythe.

Also, the way McCunnen was dealt with was incredibly anticlimactic. She was built up to be this incredibly strong willed, smart and manipulative woman and she just, gives up and dies. Then the anime just forces this goofy ass revenge tale with a rapidly growing loli with giant boobs shoved within some generic slice of life tale. Very disappointing, well only a few episodes to go I guess.

EDIT: Oh yes, don't forget two of the most skilled assassins are going to school undisturbed without any physical disguises in Reijis "homeland" for 2 years while literally being right next to a relative of the Godo family...
PANDEMlCFeb 3, 2014 9:11 AM
Feb 1, 2014 12:35 PM

Dec 2013
PANDEMlC said:
Honestly, I can't take this seriously, at all. The way these characters designs are is so incredibly misleading. Ein and Zwei never looked 15 and 16 to me, I immediately assumed they were at least 18 or 19 from the beginning of the show. Then Cal looks like she's 12 or 13 at max but then in 2 years matures into a full grown woman with double d breasts. It's laughable to see that kinda character design in a narrative and it sucks me right out of this already stupid plot we're delving into. Cal is so mad at Reiji that she became an assassin and is now going to kill him? Such a stupid motivation, how hard is it to realize that anyone would assume you would be dead in this scenario? You're a little girl, mobsters come and blow up the place that Reiji assumes you are staying in, of course he's going to assume you're dead. The entire motive behind Cal is just too fucking stupid. Obviously Scythe can manipulate her and lie, yada yada yada.

But again, that's not the main problem. The main problem is Cal's transformation into a busty fully grown women from a loli in two years time while also changing her personality entirely. Also the fact that Ein and Zwei are in high school? It's laughable. This show is a real mess and it's going to be hard to finish. It's sad to because it's an enjoyable show for the most part but there's always these recurring idiot ways in which they develop the plot. Not to mention we still don't know how Ein and Zwei survived that day on the pier/storage container place as well as why Ein saved Scythe.

Also, the way McCunnen was dealt with was incredibly anticlimactic. She was built up to be this incredibly strong willed, smart and manipulative woman and she just, gives up and dies. Then the anime just forces this goofy ass revenge tale with a rapidly growing loli with giant boobs shoved within some generic slice of life tale. Very disappointing, well only a few episodes to go I guess.

EDIT: Oh yes, don't forget two of the most skilled assassins are going to school undisturbed without any physical disguises in Reijis "homeland" for 2 years while literally being right next to a relative of the Godo family...

Exactly. I never could sympathize with her situation. Yes, her childhood wasn't pretty. But at least she wasn't beaten, abused, and abandoned like 10s of millions of others, who for the most part don't end up wanting to become assassins and go on murderous rampages LOL. Reiji was the closest thing to a real family member/father she ever knew, and she actually believes he's the source of her misfortune? Please...
Mar 31, 2014 3:41 PM

May 2012
Hmm Cal sure seems to have grown... and turned to the evil side? Well this sure is different not sure if I like or dislike it... the development is rather interesting though but Cal's change is too huge if that even is the real Cal...

Let's see what's next though...

The new Op and Ed are slightly more fitting but still are meh.
Apr 20, 2014 10:29 PM

Aug 2013
CAL you're gorgeous..
but it's definitely going to be a deathmatch.. tragic. :(
Apr 23, 2014 7:38 PM

Apr 2012
puberty hit CAL like a train lmao
zzzeallyApr 23, 2014 7:58 PM

May 9, 2014 10:47 AM

Jul 2013
Looks like Scythe had his way with Cal. All 3 of them are probably going to end up dying one way or another.
Jun 24, 2014 12:39 AM

Sep 2013
I didnt like the OP.

I though Reiji is already in his twenties, so he's a teenager?

Cant believe it only took Cal two years to grow those ginormous tits. A bit unrealistic.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Jul 10, 2014 7:55 PM

Oct 2013
WTF Reji going after another girl jsut listen to what Elen said through out the episode makes me 100% conviced she has feelings for him
DAM cal suddenly puberty ( . )( . )
Didn't care for the first half second have got better
Aug 16, 2014 9:45 AM

Jul 2009
Cal sure grew up a lot in 2 years!
I was thinking Reiji and Elen would be together like a couple for now on, for me it was clear that both of them had feelings for each other =/
Jan 20, 2015 6:09 AM

Oct 2014
Wow I thought the anime was turned into SoL/school anime
Wtf Cal can't grow up that much in 2 years no fucking way
She looks older than Ein and Zwei that's nonsense
So they're gonna manipulate Mio's feelings that's too bad

and Ni-san my ass
Feb 8, 2015 3:00 AM
Aug 2014
Feb 22, 2015 10:52 PM

Sep 2014
Holy hot damn. Did Claudia's boobs get implanted into Cal or something? Only 2 years have passed but it looks like she aged by like 8 years.

Don't like the new OP song, but I like the animation sequence. From Mexico to Peru and then from Palau to the Philippines...dafuq, why not just stay in Palau???? Going back to your HOMETOWN is the worst possible idea.
SaveTheAralSeaFeb 22, 2015 11:08 PM
Jun 22, 2015 10:50 PM

Nov 2014
I was in total shock the first few minutes, REALLY! They are trying to live normal high school student life!

And then comes the real deal, oh cal is all grown up now! How come Eren and Reji don't appear to be physically grown while Cal is WOW!
This is crazy, another phantom was probably made :(
Jul 27, 2015 11:08 AM

May 2014
What the twist of events! :D But still this anime wants to tell us that the cold-blooded assassin that was having fun with Claudia in the spare time was only 16?!

Mario1-7 said:
Wait. Cal isn't a Loli anymore??? Damn that! What happen to her?
They grow up so fast... Q_Q But in the end, the joy to see your loli being a hot badass woman is invaluable ^_^
Apr 8, 2016 9:07 AM
Jul 2014
WTF?! Was that the same show I liked and dedicated so much time watching?! Reiji and Elen are in high school?!?! Come on - and this episode took place two years after episode 19 and they are in class 2-C?????????
And than along comes Cal -who has obviously in the meantime get a lot BIGGER,but if we follow the Reiji and Elen timeline not older (if they are in 2nd grade of high-school) - but she is driving that bike?!?! Come on, this is soooo disappointing! Worst twist in Anime ever!
Jun 4, 2016 5:56 PM

May 2015
Cal went from being a smol loli to a hot chick in 2 years. Damn. :3
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