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Feb 1, 2012 5:24 PM

May 2010
I hope Arata ends up with the Queen
Feb 1, 2012 9:13 PM

Apr 2008
I love how this episode showed what areas Chihaya could improve on and that karuta isn't all about speed/reflexes.
Kana's love for poetry is great.
And Taichi's breakup with his girlfriend was hilarious. It is likely Chihaya/Taichi still won't end up together, but I'm still rooting for them!
Anyway, good episode once again, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Feb 2, 2012 1:58 PM

Apr 2010
Tachi: Okay, let's break up.
Me: Like a BOSS!

Finally, ands, ifs, or buts, about Tachis g/f :P
Feb 2, 2012 4:46 PM

Jul 2011
LittleStar said:
I really don't get it...
I know Chihaya will end up with Arata,
since she always "Arata! Arata!"
but Taichi!
He always for her!
Always support her!
Aways help her!
So I ask you...
Why she have to end up with Arata!
I love him too...
Well... I prefer Chihaya, Arata and Taichi stay forever frends!
But if she have to pick someone please...
Pick Taichi!

Oh... When I start watching this anime,
I made promise to myself to not shipping anyone...
but after all these Taichi/Chihaya moments!

If they gonna make Arata/Chihaya,
then bring him to this anime!

Hmm did u see Arata somewhere ?
How could it be possible for Arata to demonstrate his feelings for Chihaya living so far away from her?
Taichi is always with Chihaya, then I would say he has a great advantage or...
If, however, there was Arata instead of Taichi, what would happen?

In this world everything depends on the fate and opportunities.
Feb 2, 2012 6:33 PM

Apr 2011
LOL @ when Taichi broke up with his girlfriend.

.. And were Kana's boobs really always that big? O_O I found it awkward that I hadn't noticed till now.
Feb 3, 2012 12:37 AM

Aug 2011
I died in this episode!
Do not feed the trolls! They bite ;D
Feb 3, 2012 3:05 AM
Dec 2010
kicayek said:
Well, I personally think that there isn't anything special going on between Chihaya and Arata. She is his friend, it is obvious that you will miss your friend when he is far away. I think that if Taichi would be the one living in different city, she would miss him and think about him in the same way she thinks about Arata. Yeah, sure, Arata was the one who taught her how to play karuta and she eventually got to love it, but Taichi did other meaningful things, like he is the one always supporting her. I think that currently she doesn't feel anything towards any of them or she just doesn't see it yet. Though I think she won't pick either Arata nor Taichi.

i beg to disagree, if you read the manga from vol1 and vol2 remember after elementary the three of them study in the different midle school but chihaya never forget arata she always sent a letter and postcard to arata but never do that to taichi. yeah taichi always support chihaya that's why he categorized as a puppy, it's a wrong notions to believe that a women will love you back because you always support her, actually there a more a chance you trap in a friend-zone if you will always stick your nose to women. if you want a fact and hard evidence go read the manga, the manga will speak itself.
Feb 3, 2012 3:55 AM

Aug 2008
bootyjon said:
i beg to disagree, if you read the manga from vol1 and vol2 remember after elementary the three of them study in the different midle school but chihaya never forget arata she always sent a letter and postcard to arata but never do that to taichi. yeah taichi always support chihaya that's why he categorized as a puppy, it's a wrong notions to believe that a women will love you back because you always support her, actually there a more a chance you trap in a friend-zone if you will always stick your nose to women. if you want a fact and hard evidence go read the manga, the manga will speak itself.

Yup, but it is because she was better friends with Arata than she was with Taichi in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and we all know why. Taichi wasn't one of the most loveable kids then. But he changed and Chihaya sees that. Arata taught her Karuta, showed her different perspective, made her see different dream than always supporting her sister. She is still hung up to the image of Arata in elementary school and like Taichi he had considerably changed through the past years. I think she is more "in love" with the Arata from that years and we all know that it isn't a great material for "grown-up love". I am also not trying to say that she will end up with Taichi, I just think that love isn't the main focus here.

Feb 4, 2012 12:42 AM
Nov 2011
Whatever. Chihaya's feelings haven't waivered for over 6+ years. As long as this story is about karuta, Arata will always be in favor.

You cannot deny that romance does have an underlying role in this series.
Feb 4, 2012 1:03 AM

Aug 2008
It is funny how everyone seems talking about Chihaya's love towards Arata except Chihaya herself. Even if that is true she haven't also seen him for over 6+ years except 2/3 minor meetings and like I've said she still sees him as Arata from elementary school. If she is indeed in love then she is in love with his image from those times not the actual Arata. And the feelings that haven't actually wavered are those of Taichi who loved her when she was a kid and loves her now though she knows her and sees how many flaws she has.

Feb 4, 2012 10:44 AM
Nov 2011
Everyone talks about Chihaya's love because we are omniscient viewers. We know more about Chihaya than she knows herself. lol

And the meetings between Chihaya and Arata were definitely NOT minor! Those scenes prompted one of the most crucial developments in the series. During the first meeting in Fukui, viewers/readers find out why Arata stops playing, and due to Chihaya's letter and visit to Arata, he began to think again about karuta. In the second meeting, because of Chihaya's hard work, Arata remembers how much he loves karuta and begins playing again, aiming to become Meijin.

Yes, right now, Chihaya has complete adoration for Arata. If her image is this guy who's super good in karuta and gave her a dream. then so be it. But you cannot say that's merely an image of Arata because that IS Arata. And you cannot say that that's only the elementary school Arata because that aspect is also evident in the current Arata.

The fact that he's dreaming to be a meijin and the fact that Chihaya sees him as a hardworking person is not a figment of imagination because that is the truth. And it's not unusual for adoration to turn into love. For example, Skip Beat.

Right now, her romantic feelings for anyone is dormant, but it's definitely there. The romance in this series is not really straightforward except for Taichi's monologues that screams "HEY I'M IN LOVE WITH CHIHAYA". I feel that his loud romantic thoughts are hushing away the subtle whispers of amor that Suetsugu-sensei puts in her work.

For example, the interpretative meaning of Chihayaburu, a poem about "deep red love." In both the manga and the anime, the mentioning of the "deep red love" is accompanied by a scene/panel of Arata behind a COMPLETELY red backdrop.

What about during the regional competition when Nikkuman & co. talk about how Chihaya is constantly texting Arata? Even Kana-chan mentions that the relationship between Chihaya and Arata is that of the love poem, "Swift waters parted by the jagged rocks are joined at river's end."

What's amazing about this anime is that it uses the Hyakunin Isshu poems to narrate how these characters feel. (like when Nikkuman uses tennis as a replacement of karuta, ex. "The world offers no escape. Even I hide in the mountains, only to hear the haunting cry of deer")

Take a look at this poem. It's not part of the Hyakunin Isshu, but it still has a meaning to the story.
"The crimson sunset sets these forbidden fields aglow. Wave not, for the guards may find us."

This was recited by Kana-chan on the day they arrive at Omi Jingu. And Chihaya also recites this poem as well. As Kana has stated in the anime, this poem is about the never-changing love of a man and a woman even after separation. If anything, this poem can relate more to Arata and Chihaya than Taichi. Thus, Taichi isn't the only one whose feelings have not wavered. If you're still not convinced, listen to Chihaya and Arata's character songs. x_x;

Anyway, a lot more miraculous things occur between Chihaya and Arata than ChihaTaichi. Her sudden fatigue and meeting with Arata during Omi Jingu seemed like a God-given gift in disguise. It was as though the Universe (in this case, the mangaka) approves the relationship between Chiharata.

I feel that many people support Taichi because of his obvious monologues. Yes, Taichi cares for Chihaya deeply. And it's heart wrenching to know that there's a man who loves a woman so much that many can't help but give him support. But, if they were to go out, I don't think there would be much development between them. It would be too normal. Furthermore, it would mean that Chihaya is settling because Taichi does not share the same dream as Chihaya. To many of us, karuta is a boring sport. But for Chihaya, it's magic; it's the most amazing thing on Earth. That's why arguing that "If Chihaya goes with Taichi, her life doesn't always have to be about karuta!" is invalid. Many are simply saying that because they don't think highly of karuta as she does. That's why the person that can potentially satisfy her needs is Arata because he's just as crazy for karuta.

And yes, Taichi's smart and rich. Arata is poor. But Arata is different from his family. He's a genius and hardworking (all work and no play). He has photographic memory. That's why arguing that Taichi will take care of Chihaya is easy to rebut. Arata has just the amount of potential (or even more) than Taichi to support her financially (if you want to go that far into life).

And I could mention more about how Chihaya isn't just thinking of little Arata, but I would be taking evidence from parts in the manga that have not been shown in the anime.
keeetzFeb 4, 2012 12:46 PM
Feb 4, 2012 2:58 PM

Jul 2009
Woot, another great episode! :D Too bad they didn't get any new members even when they won the track meet ... also, I keep loling at how Kana and Desktomu never change out of their uniforms lol XD
ALSO LOL AT HOW EVERYONE REACTED WHEN TAICHI BROKE UP WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND XD Although one less obstacle now I suppose ... poor Taichi didn't make a move on the train! :( Gahhhh come on man, I'm supporting you! :P
Haha both Taichi and Nishida were at the tournament ... and got crushed, it looks like XD Also people from the other school were there too ...
Nice to see Chihaya have her weaknesses pointed out (relying on speed) and to see Desktomu's careful note taking and Kana's love for the poetry again. It was very cool to see how those two think it out and try to work it to their advantage. Chihaya looking up the interpretations ... I thought she would've done so already after meeting Kana, but maybe not? Ah well :3
Feb 11, 2012 11:57 AM
May 2011
Just a quick little tidbit about Kana-Chan's explanation of Card 88:

She imagines this card to be "rich green" because she knows that Naniwa Bay during the time this poem was written is from an era when there were more prostitutes in that area. It just dawned on me as I watched it what she meant by that.

We tend to associate green with life, health, serenity, or greed and envy. For Asian cultures though, green can also be associated with adultery, as would red in The Scarlet Letter. I learned this because I made a mistake of going to China once with a green hat on my head. Some folks thought my girlfriend or wife (not that I was married, since I was 16 when I went) cheated on me.

Anyway, just thought people might be interested where Kana-chan got that idea in her head.
Lystria Densine
Chaotic Good, and misunderstood.
Feb 11, 2012 12:03 PM
May 2011
TBOkmph said:
So if there's one thing I've learned from it is that more prostitutes means rich green.

...Yeah somehow I don't trust the translation of this subs I've saw. XD Or maybe I'm just missing some deep poetic meaning that can give any sense to that. xP

I gave my honest answer about this topic when I realized someone asked the question here. Oops. Well, I suppose you can serach my answer in the forum.
Lystria Densine
Chaotic Good, and misunderstood.
Feb 12, 2012 12:41 AM

Jun 2009
After Desktome explanation, and after analysing the Chihaya/Taichi relationship for all this time, we can easily conclude that in Karuta there are the A zone, the B zone, the C and D zones, and the FRIENDZONE.

Im starting to fucking hate this show, haha.
Mar 6, 2012 4:45 PM

Feb 2010
Love this show and it's angst, beauty, anger, passion, and the rich emotions of the characters.

It's like a gentle ride down a slow moving river... powerful, but you're able to take in each moment.
Apr 6, 2012 2:09 AM

Sep 2011
The beginning got me a little worried that it was going to be another filler episode.

Anyways, wow, Taichi is a fkin boss! His reaction towards his girlfriend wanted to breakup was just priceless!

They're all shriving to become better, Chihaya is finally taking this extra serious now, fixing her flaws so she can improve.
May 1, 2012 1:48 AM

Mar 2009
Yeah Chihaya was always focused only on speed. It's good that she has new perspectives now.
Jun 12, 2012 3:21 PM

Feb 2009
Although I find very hard to relate to these characters, their team is like an RPG party. Everyone is so different and have specific traits that distinguish them from the others, no matter what level they are at! Good stuff.
Aug 10, 2012 2:38 PM

Nov 2011
I was wondering what happened to Taichi's girlfriend lol

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Sep 24, 2012 4:33 AM

Oct 2011
So much talk about Taichi x Chihaya VS Arata x Chihaya. I like reading everyone's input on their situation.
I know this definitely won't happen, but for a second there, I pictured a Taichi x Arata ending. xD
Jan 11, 2013 7:58 PM

Apr 2010
Lol, at the break-up ^^~
Feb 18, 2013 4:25 PM

Jul 2009
lol karutagroup beat all the athletic groups :P

ahaha alot of people were watching Kana due to her boosoms!! :P

wow Taichi just broke with her GF just like that O___O

and yeah i can see how Taichi can be frustrated, knowing he will probably never have Chihaya :(

so i don't blame him for sneaking up Chihaya like that

woah Taichi having trouble getting to A class :(

go Chihaya!! she definitely needs more strategy and flow of the game(thank you Harada, Desk and Kana!!)

Kana is mad at chihaya for dismissing the meaning of these cards XD

go Team Mizusawa!!

beat both the Queen and Arata!!!
May 13, 2013 10:37 PM

Jan 2013
Cant wait to see Arata in a match. And I want to see the best male player
Aug 15, 2013 8:56 PM
Jan 2013
kittybell said:
I think Chihaya will eventually see all the cards as colours like the 'impassionate' card. This is what I've thought from the beginning when that card was first coloured.

Me, too, though I'm surprised she doesn't, already, since Kanade told her about the stories behind the cards when she visited her clothing shop.
I'm glad she's learning from the newbies. They each have a fresh perspective on the game and its play.
Your mean should be an even bell curve only if you watch every show that comes out. Having a high-slung mean doesn't mean you're rating improperly. It can also mean you're selecting shows well to watch mostly things you enjoy.
Jan 8, 2014 4:00 AM

Nov 2011

Episode very nice, thoughtful in narrative and always turned to inner growth, as well as vesting in the experience of Karuta.
Nice plot, everything turns around at all. Comedy cute as ever.
Chihaya is always the best as a character, but Taichi, Kana, and Nikuman Desktomu are always the most charismatic and big sweep!
More and more compelling this anime series! : D
May 12, 2014 9:48 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
So Kana told Chihaya to understand the cards more as she commits too many faults.

Lol at Nishida running.

Nov 9, 2014 9:14 AM

Jun 2012
Kana-chan's interpretation of the poems makes me want to learn them myself. So beautiful.

"No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself."
-- Murakami Haruki
Nov 25, 2014 5:41 AM

Dec 2013
Dec 29, 2014 12:13 AM
Jun 2014
I'm really glad they cleared up the point about Taichi's girl. There's been so little mention of her that I thought someone had forgotten.
Mar 12, 2015 2:49 PM

Oct 2013
keeetz said:
Everyone talks about Chihaya's love because we are omniscient viewers. We know more about Chihaya than she knows herself. lol

And the meetings between Chihaya and Arata were definitely NOT minor! Those scenes prompted one of the most crucial developments in the series. During the first meeting in Fukui, viewers/readers find out why Arata stops playing, and due to Chihaya's letter and visit to Arata, he began to think again about karuta. In the second meeting, because of Chihaya's hard work, Arata remembers how much he loves karuta and begins playing again, aiming to become Meijin.

Yes, right now, Chihaya has complete adoration for Arata. If her image is this guy who's super good in karuta and gave her a dream. then so be it. But you cannot say that's merely an image of Arata because that IS Arata. And you cannot say that that's only the elementary school Arata because that aspect is also evident in the current Arata.

The fact that he's dreaming to be a meijin and the fact that Chihaya sees him as a hardworking person is not a figment of imagination because that is the truth. And it's not unusual for adoration to turn into love. For example, Skip Beat.

Right now, her romantic feelings for anyone is dormant, but it's definitely there. The romance in this series is not really straightforward except for Taichi's monologues that screams "HEY I'M IN LOVE WITH CHIHAYA". I feel that his loud romantic thoughts are hushing away the subtle whispers of amor that Suetsugu-sensei puts in her work.

For example, the interpretative meaning of Chihayaburu, a poem about "deep red love." In both the manga and the anime, the mentioning of the "deep red love" is accompanied by a scene/panel of Arata behind a COMPLETELY red backdrop.

What about during the regional competition when Nikkuman & co. talk about how Chihaya is constantly texting Arata? Even Kana-chan mentions that the relationship between Chihaya and Arata is that of the love poem, "Swift waters parted by the jagged rocks are joined at river's end."

What's amazing about this anime is that it uses the Hyakunin Isshu poems to narrate how these characters feel. (like when Nikkuman uses tennis as a replacement of karuta, ex. "The world offers no escape. Even I hide in the mountains, only to hear the haunting cry of deer")

Take a look at this poem. It's not part of the Hyakunin Isshu, but it still has a meaning to the story.
"The crimson sunset sets these forbidden fields aglow. Wave not, for the guards may find us."

This was recited by Kana-chan on the day they arrive at Omi Jingu. And Chihaya also recites this poem as well. As Kana has stated in the anime, this poem is about the never-changing love of a man and a woman even after separation. If anything, this poem can relate more to Arata and Chihaya than Taichi. Thus, Taichi isn't the only one whose feelings have not wavered. If you're still not convinced, listen to Chihaya and Arata's character songs. x_x;

Anyway, a lot more miraculous things occur between Chihaya and Arata than ChihaTaichi. Her sudden fatigue and meeting with Arata during Omi Jingu seemed like a God-given gift in disguise. It was as though the Universe (in this case, the mangaka) approves the relationship between Chiharata.

I feel that many people support Taichi because of his obvious monologues. Yes, Taichi cares for Chihaya deeply. And it's heart wrenching to know that there's a man who loves a woman so much that many can't help but give him support. But, if they were to go out, I don't think there would be much development between them. It would be too normal. Furthermore, it would mean that Chihaya is settling because Taichi does not share the same dream as Chihaya. To many of us, karuta is a boring sport. But for Chihaya, it's magic; it's the most amazing thing on Earth. That's why arguing that "If Chihaya goes with Taichi, her life doesn't always have to be about karuta!" is invalid. Many are simply saying that because they don't think highly of karuta as she does. That's why the person that can potentially satisfy her needs is Arata because he's just as crazy for karuta.

And yes, Taichi's smart and rich. Arata is poor. But Arata is different from his family. He's a genius and hardworking (all work and no play). He has photographic memory. That's why arguing that Taichi will take care of Chihaya is easy to rebut. Arata has just the amount of potential (or even more) than Taichi to support her financially (if you want to go that far into life).

And I could mention more about how Chihaya isn't just thinking of little Arata, but I would be taking evidence from parts in the manga that have not been shown in the anime.

Great comment! :)
Sep 1, 2015 8:04 PM

Dec 2013
Taichi and Chihaya's train moment. Taichi tried to be ask Chihaya to be with her in the tournament. But She still think about Fukui. Lmao when she was asleep and Taichi suddenly clapped his hands. Chihaya was told to stop using her speed. I like how Kana-chan explained about the story of the poems.

𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵?
𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺?

Sep 10, 2015 6:29 AM

Mar 2014
Means to be Athletic .
Feeling what's nothing to be found in agile .
Keeping tracks ~ . Expressions of the faults .
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 14, 2015 11:55 PM

Mar 2012
Oh wow, they actually did it. They never showed or mentioned his girlfriend again after ep 1 and suddenly they break up in seconds via phone call. What a pointless "character" lol. Looks like we might see Taichi make a move now.
Nov 7, 2015 8:33 PM
May 2015
keeetz said:
Everyone talks about Chihaya's love because we are omniscient viewers. We know more about Chihaya than she knows herself. lol

And the meetings between Chihaya and Arata were definitely NOT minor! Those scenes prompted one of the most crucial developments in the series. During the first meeting in Fukui, viewers/readers find out why Arata stops playing, and due to Chihaya's letter and visit to Arata, he began to think again about karuta. In the second meeting, because of Chihaya's hard work, Arata remembers how much he loves karuta and begins playing again, aiming to become Meijin.

Yes, right now, Chihaya has complete adoration for Arata. If her image is this guy who's super good in karuta and gave her a dream. then so be it. But you cannot say that's merely an image of Arata because that IS Arata. And you cannot say that that's only the elementary school Arata because that aspect is also evident in the current Arata.

The fact that he's dreaming to be a meijin and the fact that Chihaya sees him as a hardworking person is not a figment of imagination because that is the truth. And it's not unusual for adoration to turn into love. For example, Skip Beat.

Right now, her romantic feelings for anyone is dormant, but it's definitely there. The romance in this series is not really straightforward except for Taichi's monologues that screams "HEY I'M IN LOVE WITH CHIHAYA". I feel that his loud romantic thoughts are hushing away the subtle whispers of amor that Suetsugu-sensei puts in her work.

For example, the interpretative meaning of Chihayaburu, a poem about "deep red love." In both the manga and the anime, the mentioning of the "deep red love" is accompanied by a scene/panel of Arata behind a COMPLETELY red backdrop.

What about during the regional competition when Nikkuman & co. talk about how Chihaya is constantly texting Arata? Even Kana-chan mentions that the relationship between Chihaya and Arata is that of the love poem, "Swift waters parted by the jagged rocks are joined at river's end."

What's amazing about this anime is that it uses the Hyakunin Isshu poems to narrate how these characters feel. (like when Nikkuman uses tennis as a replacement of karuta, ex. "The world offers no escape. Even I hide in the mountains, only to hear the haunting cry of deer")

Take a look at this poem. It's not part of the Hyakunin Isshu, but it still has a meaning to the story.
"The crimson sunset sets these forbidden fields aglow. Wave not, for the guards may find us."

This was recited by Kana-chan on the day they arrive at Omi Jingu. And Chihaya also recites this poem as well. As Kana has stated in the anime, this poem is about the never-changing love of a man and a woman even after separation. If anything, this poem can relate more to Arata and Chihaya than Taichi. Thus, Taichi isn't the only one whose feelings have not wavered. If you're still not convinced, listen to Chihaya and Arata's character songs. x_x;

Anyway, a lot more miraculous things occur between Chihaya and Arata than ChihaTaichi. Her sudden fatigue and meeting with Arata during Omi Jingu seemed like a God-given gift in disguise. It was as though the Universe (in this case, the mangaka) approves the relationship between Chiharata.

I feel that many people support Taichi because of his obvious monologues. Yes, Taichi cares for Chihaya deeply. And it's heart wrenching to know that there's a man who loves a woman so much that many can't help but give him support. But, if they were to go out, I don't think there would be much development between them. It would be too normal. Furthermore, it would mean that Chihaya is settling because Taichi does not share the same dream as Chihaya. To many of us, karuta is a boring sport. But for Chihaya, it's magic; it's the most amazing thing on Earth. That's why arguing that "If Chihaya goes with Taichi, her life doesn't always have to be about karuta!" is invalid. Many are simply saying that because they don't think highly of karuta as she does. That's why the person that can potentially satisfy her needs is Arata because he's just as crazy for karuta.

And yes, Taichi's smart and rich. Arata is poor. But Arata is different from his family. He's a genius and hardworking (all work and no play). He has photographic memory. That's why arguing that Taichi will take care of Chihaya is easy to rebut. Arata has just the amount of potential (or even more) than Taichi to support her financially (if you want to go that far into life).

And I could mention more about how Chihaya isn't just thinking of little Arata, but I would be taking evidence from parts in the manga that have not been shown in the anime.
Nov 7, 2015 8:38 PM
May 2015
Komano is surely a statistician, he is actually researching Karuta. I think he is the next Arata.
Jan 2, 2016 11:50 PM
Anti-social One

Mar 2013
kittybell said:
I think Chihaya will eventually see all the cards as colours like the 'impassionate' card. This is what I've thought from the beginning when that card was first coloured.

Oh Taichi, creating tension for the viewers again with that train scene. =P

Or probably she'll learn to sort them so they make a bigger picture, and then have all of them memorized.
Feb 29, 2016 12:04 PM

Sep 2015
Nice episode.
The track race really made me laugh, it's nice a character called "Porky" gets to bring home a race victory winning even against the track team themselves.

Also nice to see more Kana & Desktome moments.

The only thing that strikes me as a bit odd:
Karuta has been the only thing Chihaya cared about for YEARS, and you are telling me she never got the idea to care for the meanings of the poems?
I mean, I get it's majorly a competition, but still.. 100 is not that incredibly many.
I personally would feel a bit weird playing with those cards day in and day out and having no clue what's written on them.

I could see that she attempted to study their meaning at some point but gave up. But as the show portrays it, she apparently never even considered it.
Oct 20, 2016 8:40 AM

Dec 2014
well things are moving ahead suddenly everyone trying to be up a step on the karuta ladder....
Mar 20, 2017 6:19 AM

Oct 2012
It's a nice episode
It clearly shows every characters have their own roles, they're not just a blank character that can be thrown away many times
"Signature removed"
Apr 21, 2017 6:12 AM

Feb 2013
Chihaya is going to study more about the meaning of the poems.
Jul 10, 2017 10:18 PM

Feb 2016
I don't consider Karuta a sport but an art because men and women compete with each other. Now ain't that the truth, Kana is such an awesome character, again, she is referencing the Heian era.
Nothing can happen until you swing the bat.
Aug 26, 2017 5:06 PM

Nov 2016
Chihaya in the library, what a sight to behold xD

And seems like she will get a nice power up.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 29, 2017 5:25 PM

Dec 2013
Damn Taichi broke up with that girlfriend easily!

Desktomu did a good job analysing Chihaya.
Sep 17, 2018 4:32 AM

Sep 2016
Taichi=Mad Scientist=Light Yagami=Pandora Actor
Sasugaa Mamoru Miyano
Feb 3, 2019 2:53 PM
Apr 2016
Ooe sure loves poetry! Great episode as usual.
Feb 10, 2019 6:06 PM

Jun 2015
i enjoy the viewpoints kana and desktomu bring to the table, it must be refreshing for the pros too, since they've played so long that they can only see it in their way.
Nov 20, 2019 12:33 PM

Oct 2013
And somebody wrote in another thread that we won't be hearing about Taichi's girlfriend. ;D He broke with her like an alpha male, lol.
Dec 30, 2019 1:13 AM

Mar 2015
Lmao Taichi so savage in this one
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Feb 2, 2020 6:08 AM

Jun 2019
Hello? Ok, let's break up damn
Accelise_Feb 29, 2020 6:55 AM
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