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Feb 13, 2009 2:21 PM

Feb 2009
Rudgald said:
Lulu-san said:
Antanaru said:
Well, there are still 6 episodes for Taiga to die. There is still chance for better ending. And who said Taiga was sexy? Crap, I've just completed CG R2 and character design in TD still makes me puke.

A troll will be always a troll.

Just because someone have a different opinion than the most, or most likely to say, than YOU, it doesn't make him/her a troll... saying that you just made a so called "troll" of yourself. Congrats.

And so to not make it an offtop: I didn't like that episode, too. The part with the singing was totaly out of the picture, just like entire 13th episode. And those gross haircuts... But, of course, the most horrifing was the episode's final... man, really, either they are slowly telling us to don't have high hopes, or want to make a huge surprise in the end. Let's hope for the latter.

First of all, there's such a thing as being courteous. Not only was his language rather harsh, but he does not bother backing up his opinion in any way.

Secondly, please avoid use of the first person plural when you're expressing your own opinion. I can't make you do this, obviously, and you're entirely free to ignore my request, but I personally can't stand it when people use "we" and assume that a whole host of others are automatically agreeing with them. It's just arrogant. Same thing with using the "royal we", for that matter...

-Ontopic: What exactly are you looking for in your hypothetical perfect ending, anyway? I don't get you people, honestly...
Feb 13, 2009 2:39 PM

Aug 2008
I'm sorry, but I didn't like this episode. I didn't think that Taiga was just start crying and then chase after Ryuuji so quickly. A lot of the developments felt rushed. Maruo is really liking the crazy pants he's been wearing for the past few episodes, but seeing his crazy santa outfit was fine by me.

In the end though. I just don't know. We're going to spend the rest of the show having Ryuuji recognize his feelings for Taiga? Poor Ami. I even felt a little bad for Minori too.

PS: Did anyone else think Ryuuji looked like someone's father with the suit and hair? I know I did.
Feb 13, 2009 2:48 PM

Nov 2008
Zyrusticae said:

-Ontopic: What exactly are you looking for in your hypothetical perfect ending, anyway? I don't get you people, honestly...

nothing really, people just like to moan...about every single finical detail.

'OMG, they totally missed drawing in a shoelace in frame 109' >.>
Feb 13, 2009 2:50 PM
Dec 2008
This was a nice episode. And I agree with the person who said they really should of kept their eyes closed when singing. Especially Ami. She looked kind of weird when she sang.

soulelle said:
vaberella said:
soulelle said:
vaberella said:
soulelle said:
Kushieda's out

What do you mean?

I mean she's out of fight for that slicked-back-hair-and-red-shirt guy celebrity! xDDD

I still don't get it. I'm not too quick on the uptake ever since I saw Ryuuji...could you break it down for me please?! Cause I'm wondering how she's out of fight when she's still rejecting.

ok, my bad, didn't put the "fight" in the quotation marks. It's like she's out of the game, out of the show, out of Ryuuji's life as a girlfriend/bride/wife or whatevah - Ryuuji won't end up with her because she prefers not to see his UFOs and ghosts.

vaberella said:
soulelle said:
vaberella said:
and once again Minorin rejected?! What is that? I think that is no.8 in her rejection of Ryuuji. That boy is a glutton for punishment....he should stay with Taiga, she'd accept him and punish him all he wants.

Actually it's the first time she turns him down when she knows for sure Taiga's true feelings

It doesn't matter. She's been rejecting him when she was unsure of Taiga's its irrelevant if she's rejecting him AFTER knowing the truth. She's evil and he's a glutton for punishment (a hot glutton, though).

In previous episodes' discussion there were a lot of guesses and misunderstandings Why Minorin behaves weird, why doesn't she confess, why, why, why, and why. Now we can see her true reasons. She intentionally went to Taiga's home before going to the party. And her intuition was correct - she wanted a confirmation of Taiga's feelings and she found the proofs. She found out how sincerely Taiga loves Ryuuji, she confirmed to herself that Taiga needs Ryuuji much.. much more. Furthermore, I believe she guesses Ryuuji's true feelings for Taiga as well.
That's why Minorin goes to Ryuuji and finally says 'NO', metaphorically but directly. And what's more important, it's the first time Takasu-kun realized he was rejected by his crush before he could ever say a word to her. So that's why Kushieda's out.

I think Taiga and Ryuuji are cute together, but I'm staying true to MinorinxRyuuji. And nobody can really say yet that "It was confirmed that Taiga really does love Ryuuji" because we don't know that yet. It could of been love, or she could of been sad about losing someone who's been by her side, just like they keep saying about Taiga (Like how Ryuuji always says that she's never had someone to stay with her and how Taiga says her family deserted her and stuff). I felt really bad for Minorin also though. Especially when she saw Taiga. Because she saw her best friend crying, and because Tiaga was calling out Ryuuji's name (again, she might not love him, but Minorin will definately think that now). And no, Minorin isn't exactly 'out of the fight', because they can't just make her a major love interest and center a lot of episode towards her and then just make her say "I don't wanna see UFOs anymore" and make that mean that her and Ryuuji are done. It's definately not over with her. Especially since the next episode shows her being cheerful again, which obviously means she's trying to be happy for Taiga.

If the ending ends like I'm thinking it will, then this is how it would: Taiga will confront Minorin (probably crying) about Ryuuji and tell her to go with him. Then Minori will say that she knows Taiga loves him. And Taiga will say that she just doesn't wanna lose anyone. Then everyone will go up to Taiga and say they're all there for her. Minorin and Ryuuji will get together. And (sorry to Ami fans) but since Ami obviously won't get Ryuuji, she'll probably just be to the side all like "It ended how it was supposed to." and then Ami and that orange haired girl will end up with Ryuuji's friends.

But I could be wrong. Anyways, I have no idea why people are thinking of dropping this show. It's getting really good. Actually, I have no idea why anyone would ever drop a show after watching 19 eps. with only 5 or 6 more to go. Especially the babies who always drop a show right before the last episode because it's not gonna end how they want it to. Boo hoo.
Feb 13, 2009 2:55 PM

Nov 2008
kameko14 said:

I think Taiga and Ryuuji are cute together, but I'm staying true to MinorinxRyuuji.'ve always got the doujinshi if it doesn't ;)

Yeaahh for Taiga
Feb 13, 2009 2:56 PM

Aug 2008
I liked this episode Ryuuji looking all gangster and Taiga's breakdown.
Ryuuji X Taiga FTW
Feb 13, 2009 2:56 PM
Dec 2008
noteDhero said:

PS: Did anyone else think Ryuuji looked like someone's father with the suit and hair? I know I did.

No, but his hair looked exactly like Hidan's from Shippuden.
Feb 13, 2009 2:59 PM
Dec 2008
smathels said:
kameko14 said:

I think Taiga and Ryuuji are cute together, but I'm staying true to MinorinxRyuuji.'ve always got the doujinshi if it doesn't ;)

Yeaahh for Taiga

Nahh :P I prefer the how an anime really ends then things that fans make.

Ryuuji X Minorin FTW
Feb 13, 2009 2:59 PM

May 2007
I understand your feeling. But you are just in denial.
Just like me with Ami x Ryuuji.

what you stated is possible, but deffinitly not probable.

No, really.
Besides, its as vambrella soulelle said.
It's like she's out of the game, out of the show, out of Ryuuji's life as a girlfriend/bride/wife or whatevah
Feb 13, 2009 3:02 PM

Nov 2008
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

anyone interested
buzz buzz
Feb 13, 2009 3:08 PM
Dec 2008
Ryushi said:
I understand your feeling. But you are just in denial.
Just like me with Ami x Ryuuji.

what you stated is possible, but deffinitly not probable.

No, really.
Besides, its as vambrella soulelle said.
It's like she's out of the game, out of the show, out of Ryuuji's life as a girlfriend/bride/wife or whatevah

Hmm.. I don't think I'm in denial :/ Just high hopes is all. Now Denial is like the people who think Tomoya will still end up with Tomoyo in Clannad. Not to be mean or anything, but Minorin has a waaaay better chance then Ami. We'll just have to wait and see though.

smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

anyone interested
buzz buzz

For reals? How do you know this?
Feb 13, 2009 3:15 PM

May 2007
kameko14 said:
Now Denial is like the people who think Tomoya will still end up with Tomoyo in Clannad.
Thats why they got tomoyo After. Denial is Tomoya x Kyou. (Me again xD)

kameko14 said:
Not to be mean or anything, but Minorin has a waaaay better chance then Ami.
That is mean. lol Who cares bout being mean.
For me its all Ami. Like i said before, i hate minorin.That didn't upset ya did it?
Don't worry bout it. ^^

Hey, why do ya find Minorin so awesome?
I find her rather childish, annoying and somewhat dumb. (Though some of her jokes really are funny.)

kameko14 said:
We'll just have to wait and see though.
But its fun to expeculate. Isn't it?

kameko14 said:
smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

anyone interested
buzz buzz

For reals? How do you know this?
Feb 13, 2009 3:16 PM

May 2007
noteDhero said:
I'm sorry, but I didn't like this episode. I didn't think that Taiga was just start crying and then chase after Ryuuji so quickly. A lot of the developments felt rushed. Maruo is really liking the crazy pants he's been wearing for the past few episodes, but seeing his crazy santa outfit was fine by me.

In the end though. I just don't know. We're going to spend the rest of the show having Ryuuji recognize his feelings for Taiga? Poor Ami. I even felt a little bad for Minori too.

PS: Did anyone else think Ryuuji looked like someone's father with the suit and hair? I know I did.

Actually, he looked like some mafia underling to me. But that's besides the point.

To be honest, the singing was horrible in this episode - like nails scratched against a chalkboard and I really did not how Ami's and Taiga's hair was done. Just didn't sit well with me.

And I do agree with your assessment of the episode itself. Things felt rushed a bit, though I do understand Taiga running after Ryuuji so she's someone who acts on impulse rather than logical thinking most of the time. The episodes preceding this one were done magnificently and they really set themselves up for some good stuff, but kind of lost some of that charm in this episode. Still, the problem still remains is how exactly does Ami actually fit into the whole picture. It's obvious Ryuuji hasn't developed feelings for her. *Shrugs* It'll be something to look forward to as I'm sure Ami's arc is on the way.
Feb 13, 2009 3:20 PM

May 2007
vindemon64 said:
It's obvious Ryuuji hasn't developed feelings for her. *Shrugs* It'll be something to look forward to as I'm sure Ami's arc is on the way.

Maybe Ami's arc is on the way, but probably after takasu's arc.
Which probably is the next one.

Though i guess whe are missing one thing.
There still 3 possible arcs here.
Takasu's, Ami's and the final one (probably) Taiga's

About Takasu's feelings for Ami, i can't agree more.
Its like they were never there.
They atre friends, and probably staying like this. saddly enough
Feb 13, 2009 3:23 PM

Nov 2008
kameko14 said:

smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

anyone interested
buzz buzz

For reals? How do you know this?

crap i knew it was funny i got my info from the spin-off sorry :P
Feb 13, 2009 3:30 PM

Jan 2009
@ Ryushi, I just noticed your avatar. I almost spit my pop on my monitor, just too darn funny. Classic movie
Feb 13, 2009 3:35 PM
Dec 2008
Oh yea, Kyou is what I really ment. I can just never remember her name. :P And I think her and Sunohara belong together. But anyways...

It's just as you said, Minorin is really funny sometimes. I don't really know what I like about her. I guess I just always like the character who's caught in the middle of everything. And in the last couple episodes, I kind of find Taiga to be the annoying one. She's 17 for crying out loud. That voice she makes when she's happy is a little too over the edge. First she was all loud-mouthed and
tsundere, and now she's all cutesy and nice. I kind of got chills whenever Taiga would act like that. She needs to go back to normal. Minorin however, can't exactly just go back to being happy like Taiga can go back to being short tempered. Too much has happened for her to go back to being hyper like it looks like she is in the next ep preview.
Feb 13, 2009 3:39 PM

May 2007
superman89 said:
@ Ryushi, I just noticed your avatar. I almost spit my pop on my monitor, just too darn funny. Classic movie
lmao Thanks. I guess. lol

@kameko14 Did ya play the game? It would be at least funny, but i wouldn't like much that. Tomoya x Kyou is better. (Things are getting a bit way too off topic ain't them? Well, it ain't me the one to put back on toipic... lol)
I kind of understand your liking. It was like me in the first episodes. Though i ended up hating her lately.

About taiga's voice, i gave up on worrying bout that.
You see, the characters in this series are already realistic, thats like the limit for an anime. Be grateful for that. lol

How much is the spin-off related to the actual series?
RyushiFeb 13, 2009 3:44 PM
Feb 13, 2009 3:43 PM

Nov 2008
noteDhero said:
I'm sorry, but I didn't like this episode. I didn't think that Taiga was just start crying and then chase after Ryuuji so quickly. A lot of the developments felt rushed. Maruo is really liking the crazy pants he's been wearing for the past few episodes, but seeing his crazy santa outfit was fine by me.

In the end though. I just don't know. We're going to spend the rest of the show having Ryuuji recognize his feelings for Taiga? Poor Ami. I even felt a little bad for Minori too.

PS: Did anyone else think Ryuuji looked like someone's father with the suit and hair? I know I did.

It was most definitely rushed. I had mentioned that in an earlier post noteDhero, I put it down to compression problems. This is why it's so hard to transfer let's say what happens in the novels to the anime properly. They're fumbling something that takes 3-4 chapters and maybe several volumes to happen within about 16 minutes....impossible really and it's bad for those who are viewing. I think I liked it because I am running through the novel. So it wasn't as jarring for me to see...

I loved that Ryuuji was dressed that way. He definitely looked more mobster for me than someone's dad. Very debonair...but I'm all about men dressing like that.

-shadow- said:
I liked this episode Ryuuji looking all gangster and Taiga's breakdown.
Ryuuji X Taiga FTW

I agree but what does FTW mean? I'm bad with netizen-nyms...

smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

anyone interested
buzz buzz

Hey no way...well okay maybe a little, pm me. ^_^

smathels said:
kameko14 said:

smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

anyone interested
buzz buzz

For reals? How do you know this?

crap i knew it was funny i got my info from the spin-off sorry :P

I don't mind knowing.
PM me please.

** Now off I go to watch 5 more hours of CSPAN and 3 hours of Parliament...God I love politics.
Feb 13, 2009 3:44 PM

Mar 2008
smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

aren't you talking about this, I wonder
Feb 13, 2009 3:46 PM

Nov 2008
soulelle said:
smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

aren't you talking about this, I wonder

Wait is that Minorin?
Let me know Soulelle.
Feb 13, 2009 3:46 PM

May 2007
soulelle said:
smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

aren't you talking about this, I wonder
For christ's sake, that ain't minorin! Thats the main girl from th spin off. Check the cover and you will see it!
Feb 13, 2009 3:49 PM

Nov 2008
Ryushi said:
soulelle said:
smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

aren't you talking about this, I wonder
For christ's sake, that ain't minorin! Thats the main girl from th spin off. Check the cover and you will see it!

Yeah...I thought that was the case. It's

Thanks Ryushi for the clarification. I had seen a bit of the spin-off already.
Feb 13, 2009 3:51 PM
Dec 2008
soulelle said:
smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

aren't you talking about this, I wonder

Cool, where'd you find that? But are you sure it's Minori? It sort of looks like that other pink haired girl and her boyfriend. But if it is Minorin, then that's definately Ryuuji's hair :)
Feb 13, 2009 3:52 PM

Mar 2008
Ryushi said:
soulelle said:
smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

aren't you talking about this, I wonder
For christ's sake, that ain't minorin! Thats the main girl from th spin off. Check the cover and you will see it!

sorry, but it's the only kissing spoiler I can see in both spin-offs ^^
and whoaaa!!!!! I just read the spoiler for the volume 9 of the novel (approx. eps 22-23 in the anime)...
Feb 13, 2009 3:53 PM

Nov 2008
Ryushi said:
soulelle said:
smathels said:
the only thing i do know is that Minorin kisses someone later on, though i really don't know who it is

aren't you talking about this, I wonder
For christ's sake, that ain't minorin! Thats the main girl from th spin off. Check the cover and you will see it!

ya can't blame me though at that angle how'm i to tell >>

i did think she was more endowed though
Feb 13, 2009 3:55 PM

May 2007
soulelle said:
I just read the spoiler for the volume 9 of the novel (approx. eps 22-23 in the anime)...
That might kill off the whole series for you... You need to hold more your curiosity man.
smathels said:
i did think she was more endowed though
This made me lol.
Feb 13, 2009 3:59 PM

Mar 2008
kameko14 said:

Cool, where'd you find that?

kameko14 said:

But if it is Minorin, then that's definately Ryuuji's hair :)

or.. no-glasses Kitamura? lol ^^

Ryushi said:
That might kill off the whole series for you... You need to hold more your curiosity man.

it already hasn't :P and I'd belived it wouldn't since it's Toradora! ^^
soulelleFeb 13, 2009 4:03 PM
Feb 13, 2009 4:02 PM

Nov 2008
Ryushi said:
soulelle said:
I just read the spoiler for the volume 9 of the novel (approx. eps 22-23 in the anime)...
That might kill off the whole series for you... You need to hold more your curiosity man.

To be honest. The anime people spoil the novel readers more. I know way too many novel readers who do their best to stay away from the anime viewers because the anime is moving faster than the novel---mainly for those who are waiting for the subs like myself. Of course for the ones who know how to read Japanese that's something else. Those of us who found Korean easier to learn, need the English help so it doesn't work that way.

And anyway...the anime might be a bit ahead or on the same line as the final volume release of the anime. But anime would spoil me before the novel translation comes out.

I find the novel clarifies a lot of what I see in the anime---it's much clearer since you spend a lot of time inside the heads of the characters with no need for speculation.
vaberellaFeb 13, 2009 4:06 PM
Feb 13, 2009 4:05 PM

Nov 2008
yeah considering the light novel is still continuing, though the way it looks it may only go up to vol 10...who knows
Feb 13, 2009 4:06 PM

Mar 2008
let me sadly spoil a bit more - I'll definitely miss these hot episode discussions with you guys once Toradora reaches it's 25th episode...
Feb 13, 2009 4:08 PM

Nov 2008
smathels said:
yeah considering the light novel is still continuing, though the way it looks it may only go up to vol 10...who knows

It was recently reported that the final (I believe) novel will be 10. So, there is a definitive end because there was a report posted where the writer wanted to make a final and not end things on an iffy stance. Like, they didn't want the ending hanging in the air as to who makes what decision. Plus it ties in with the Spin-off.
Feb 13, 2009 4:08 PM
Dec 2008
soulelle said:

and whoaaa!!!!! I just read the spoiler for the volume 9 of the novel (approx. eps 22-23 in the anime)...

Really? Is is like a huge spoiler? And is it certain to happen in the anime?
Feb 13, 2009 4:08 PM

May 2007
vaberella said:
But anime would spoil me before the novel translation comes out.
It depends solely on the release speed. But since its fact that most anime gets released/aired and can be considered as "fast movers" you have a point.

Tho that happens mostly on cases where you have to wait for translation.

kameko14 said:
soulelle said:

and whoaaa!!!!! I just read the spoiler for the volume 9 of the novel (approx. eps 22-23 in the anime)...

Really? Is is like a huge spoiler? And is it certain to happen in the anime?
Since the anime is following very well the manga, and the manga follows somehoe the novel, i guess its possible to happen.
Feb 13, 2009 4:09 PM

Nov 2008
soulelle said:
let me sadly spoil a bit more - I'll definitely miss these hot episode discussions with you guys once Toradora reaches it's 25th episode...

Can you pm me soulelle on what you know?! I got some information as well and wanted do I notes. I also was given a spoiler pic...of something and I saved it. I wanted to pass this on because I think it comes from the anime but I don't know how the poster got it anyway it was posted and we're all speculating on where it could have come from but it definitely looks anime-directed.

kameko14 said:
soulelle said:

and whoaaa!!!!! I just read the spoiler for the volume 9 of the novel (approx. eps 22-23 in the anime)...

Really? Is is like a huge spoiler? And is it certain to happen in the anime?

I'd say most likely.

Ryushi said:
vaberella said:
But anime would spoil me before the novel translation comes out.
It depends solely on the release speed. But since its fact that most anime gets released/aired and can be considered as "fast movers" you have a point.

Tho that happens mostly on cases where you have to wait for translation.

Hence my point when it comes to an exclusion of the Japanese readers who are a bit faster on the "know" than the anime viewers. While the anime viewers are in the "know" faster than the translation readers.
Feb 13, 2009 4:10 PM

Jan 2009
Antanaru said:
Lulu-san said:
A troll will be always a troll.
Not everyone likes lumps of cliches and predictable plot so kindly shut up.
Then why is it called TigerxDragon?


My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
Feb 13, 2009 4:12 PM

Nov 2007
Kushieda's character went from interesting to annoying to emo and annoying. either she does like him but doesn't want to take him from taiga or she really doesn't and doesn't want to hurt him. either way I don't really care for her anymore. how he can keep resisting Ami I have no idea. he'd be best as just a friend to taiga but of course we'll get the predictable lame taiga ending. ami is far superior :(

yeah... the taiga relationship is predictable and cliche but oh well
Feb 13, 2009 4:14 PM

Mar 2008
kameko14 said:
soulelle said:

and whoaaa!!!!! I just read the spoiler for the volume 9 of the novel (approx. eps 22-23 in the anime)...

Really? Is is like a huge spoiler? And is it certain to happen in the anime?
let's seee ^^ anyway it looks like the rest of the show will be
soulelleFeb 13, 2009 4:20 PM
Feb 13, 2009 4:15 PM
Dec 2008
mystik said:
Kushieda's character went from interesting to annoying to emo and annoying. either she does like him but doesn't want to take him from taiga or she really doesn't and doesn't want to hurt him. either way I don't really care for her anymore. how he can keep resisting Ami I have no idea. he'd be best as just a friend to taiga but of course we'll get the predictable lame taiga ending. ami is far superior :(

Ugh, she's not emo! She's just depressed and confused. And of course she likes him! Not to be mean but duh. If you liked someone but were afraid you would hurt your best friend's feelings, so you got sad, you wouldn't be emo now would you? But I agree, the Taiga ending would be so predictable. And I think Ami is cool, but I really don't see why some people are crazy about her. Why?
Feb 13, 2009 4:18 PM

May 2007
mystik said:
Kushieda's character went from interesting to annoying to emo and annoying. either she does like him but doesn't want to take him from taiga or she really doesn't and doesn't want to hurt him. either way I don't really care for her anymore. how he can keep resisting Ami I have no idea. he'd be best as just a friend to taiga but of course we'll get the predictable lame taiga ending. ami is far superior :(

yeah... the taiga relationship is predictable and cliche but oh well
Finally a fellow Ryuuji x Ami supporter.

soulelle, check ya spoiler please. ^^;

kameko14 said:
And I think Ami is cool, but I really don't see why some people are crazy about her. Why?
She is what's being missing all along anime history. (Talk about exagerating)

Anyway, she was an interesting personality, "trauma" and is somehow "grown up" but not exactly "grown up". She simply fits the real 'grown up' takasu. they somehow complement themselvs.
While taiga and ryuuji have mora a father/dauther relation, and Minorin x Ryuuji have nothing as relation, besides being "friends"
RyushiFeb 13, 2009 4:21 PM
Feb 13, 2009 4:18 PM
Dec 2008
soulelle said:
kameko14 said:
soulelle said:

and whoaaa!!!!! I just read the spoiler for the volume 9 of the novel (approx. eps 22-23 in the anime)...

Really? Is is like a huge spoiler? And is it certain to happen in the anime?
let's seee ^^ anyway it looks like the rest of the show will be [spoliler]interesting enough than just a predictable Taiga x Ryuuji.. or could it be I'm making up too much ^^

Wow..I wouldn't of read that spoiler, but the spoiler part wasn't typed right, so I read it thinking you were just talking. If that ending happens..I don't know I'll just be disapointed. When are we finally gonna get a love anime with an interesting ending like School Days? Seriously, when will there be another School Days anime?
Feb 13, 2009 4:22 PM

Nov 2008
kameko14 said:
mystik said:
Kushieda's character went from interesting to annoying to emo and annoying. either she does like him but doesn't want to take him from taiga or she really doesn't and doesn't want to hurt him. either way I don't really care for her anymore. how he can keep resisting Ami I have no idea. he'd be best as just a friend to taiga but of course we'll get the predictable lame taiga ending. ami is far superior :(

Ugh, she's not emo! She's just depressed and confused. And of course she likes him! Not to be mean but duh. If you liked someone but were afraid you would hurt your best friend's feelings, so you got sad, you wouldn't be emo now would you? But I agree, the Taiga ending would be so predictable. And I think Ami is cool, but I really don't see why some people are crazy about her. Why?

Ami has depth. Ami was described when she came in the cliched self-centered twit who may have had an identity/personality complex/problem. However. What we come to see is that she's quite on top of things and far from has a complex but had an image forced or foisted upon her due to her profession.

What you also come to see is that her problem was probably never a problem in the first place and if it was a problem we see that her "personalities" merged on screen. She was far from self-centered, because self-centered people were not so aware of their surroundings.

She has a dynamic personality. She goes to limits to tease Taiga, an example is of course in episode 7 or 8 when she was with Ryuuji and Taiga walked in...she was not afraid of Taiga like so many people and she wasn't on Taiga's support system but she was a button pusher and made her react. She brings out sides in Taiga and I liked Ami because on many levels she reminded me of Taiga without being as annoying as let's say Taiga can get.

At the same time of having a rivalry with Taiga she also has a strong sense of friendship, kindness, and seen when Taiga wanted to switch places with her in the show which I believed happened outside of our viewing.

Further more, due to the fact that we could say she had a merging personality it reflects that she had the most growth in characterization versus the others on the show. This is not to say that Taiga or Ryuuji didn't. Ryuuji's was far more subtle and I find that Taiga's was a bit more abrupt. While Ami's was a nice progression that one could notice and it was a realistic from what we were given.

Added to that she's definitely eye-candy and fan service she appeals to my ecchi lover side with nice titties and uber teasing personality. She's quintessential as a sex kitten with a brain which poor Ya-chan loses out on because they make her out to be a ditz.

Feb 13, 2009 4:23 PM

May 2007
kameko14 said:
Seriously, when will there be another School Days anime?
If you are talking about an inovative ending, then i hope it comes out soon enough, if ya talking bout random killing, and i wouldn't bother if it never happened again.

omg i love ya vambrella.
how fast can you type?
I wouldn't be able to write all that in such small time period.*
Neither be able to write extacly what you wrote.
(I have the exact same thoughs bout ami)

*Well, whaddya expect. I'm not an native english speaker.
RyushiFeb 13, 2009 4:28 PM
Feb 13, 2009 4:24 PM

Mar 2008
kameko14 said:

Wow..I wouldn't of read that spoiler, but the spoiler part wasn't typed right, so I read it thinking you were just talking. If that ending happens..I don't know I'll just be disapointed. When are we finally gonna get a love anime with an interesting ending like School Days? Seriously, when will there be another School Days anime?

now it's your turn to clean the qoute's of my failured spoiler ^^
and sorry for doing that.. I better go off sleeping now as it's already a deep night outside at my place.

gosh.. the next Wednesday with its ep20 is yet so far away...
Feb 13, 2009 4:31 PM

Sep 2008
I actually cried when Taiga ran out searching for Ryuuji, for a second I thought she would just stay there crying, but I guess she isn't one of those characters. It made me like her a little more, but Ami is still my queen. <3
I don't think I can be any happier with the chances of Minori winning, although I doubt she's out of the picture for now.
All in all, I'm totally loving the latter half of this series.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 13, 2009 4:32 PM
Dec 2008
Ryushi said:
kameko14 said:
Seriously, when will there be another School Days anime?
If you are talking about an inovative ending, then i hope it comes out soon enough, if ya talking bout random killing, and i wouldn't bother if it never happened again.

Inovative ending is what I mean.

soulelle said:

and sorry for doing that.. I better go off sleeping now as it's already a deep night outside at my place.

gosh.. the next Wednesday with its ep20 is yet so far away...

It's okay, I just had a random burst of stupidness and read the spoilers up to volume 9. So I basically know what's gonna happen (if it ends the same way, which it will). Let's all cheer for the obvious boring ending :/
Feb 13, 2009 4:38 PM

May 2007
kameko14 said:
It's okay, I just had a random burst of stupidness and read the spoilers up to volume 9. So I basically know what's gonna happen (if it ends the same way, which it will). Let's all cheer for the obvious boring ending :/
You see, you are killing my hopes on a good ending...

Even if its uncertain, you do have a font for the info, therefore you might be right, meaning you are spoiling us.

Wouldn't it be better if you used the spoiler button?
Feb 13, 2009 4:38 PM

Nov 2008
Well I guess everyone is officially spoiled now. I was officially spoiled by DeltaPlus back in episode 14 thread if anyone read his spoiler tags and then again in episode 17 thread. I'm not upset but I'm surprised it was so much later. ^_^
Feb 13, 2009 4:42 PM

May 2007
We were officially spoiled.
Other users who will post weren't, yet.
Wouldn't it be better if everyone just start using the spoiler button correctly now?
Edit:(omg i said it twice, without noticing. I'm getting old. lawl)

If not, maybe the mods might come here, and will kick our arses....
Feb 13, 2009 4:46 PM

Feb 2008
Oh boy, I've seen that coming. But it was a very nice episode.. Taiga and Ryuuji looked good in teir outfits. But I like Taiga with open hair better.
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