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Dec 19, 2013 11:30 PM

Jul 2009
argilium said:
CherryDice said:
but meh.. reaching its halfway point, Golden Time is really just your typical romance comedy/drama that you can find anywhere.. heck, it resembles live action shows more than the genre tendencies of anime.. it's not bad though and has certain scenarios that let me ponder when it comes to relationships..


mg021 said:
Laurine_Andersen said:

"are you ok?"
"has your injury worsened?"
"did you get in an accident?"
"i'm going to the police."

yes, because when I think a girl is cheating on me, I automatically go to the police. [/sarcasm]


lijenstina said:
Well, I find it good that Kouko enrages so many people - that means as a character she succeeds to provoke many viewers to have an emotional reaction. This is a story about relationships between messed up characters and how they'll overcome it, each one of them in it's own way.

The point of the story is that.

Take for instance Linda. She is the least honest of them all. While Kouko during this 12 episodes, had multiple times clearly stated what her emotions were, even Banri did in the end with his last big secret, the only character so far that is not telling the whole truth is Linda. Does she love Banri ? WTH are her feelings towards him? Guilt? Romantic love? Friendship? Pity? Taking care of a lost puppy? Maybe all of them mixed together? It's interesting how the shippers never mention that. If you are bothered by the obsessive nature of Kouko (many times rightfully so - even though she is perfectly aware about it and wants to change, but often failed to do so) why not mention the Linda's dishonesty and pretend how it's somehow better?

Don't get me wrong I don't think she is not a likeable character and, in her essence, a very good person , but she has severe issues with expressing her emotions. Paradoxically, in this state, she is the least mature character on the inside and the one that makes Banri look like having a spine made of aircraft grade Titanium alloys. I hope that she will overcome it in the future and start telling the truth, for her sake.

This person is on point.
Dec 19, 2013 11:31 PM
Dec 2013
T_T.........dam Linda was my only hope.....i just think koko isnt a match for the guy Banri...he seems way more happy with linda and natural....just my thoughts.....does anyone know how far the LN goes and who he truly ends up with?
Dec 19, 2013 11:39 PM
Jan 2011
That was some slap. But how did she figure out where they were?
Dec 20, 2013 12:05 AM

Sep 2011
Kingsou said:
does anyone know how far the LN goes and who he truly ends up with?

Do you really need to ask?

Dec 20, 2013 12:14 AM

Jul 2009
Boy, I’m loving all the reactions from the Kouko AND Linda shippers and some angry reception to mostly Kouko and Banri. This anime is doing a good job then. I myself prefer Kouko and Banri, but I hate their characters. And let me explain why. Kouko is insecure, “psycho” as some of you would say, clingy, etc. (Some girls are like this when it comes to their bf’s actually), and Banri is an absolute loser of a male protagonist who is constantly in a battle with his conscious and doesn’t know what he wants (Should I work? I need money but Kouko has me covered. Should I lie? I’m not sure. Should I cheat on the gf? Linda is looking mighty tempting. Should I just say screw it, and date Mitsuo in my maid outfit? Maybe… /sarcasm)

You can see they’re truly flawed characters but that’s the whole point they’re getting at. The anime is trying to build up their character development as we still got a cour left. Sadly to say, Linda is merely an obstacle throw-in to build up on that development, spice things up a bit, while bringing in drama to lure us in. However, it will be exciting to see the characters grow and develop, what with Linda being conflicted with her feelings, Banri putting up with a lot of past and present conflict ,and Kouko learning to reflect on her insecure, lovey-dovey ways. You can’t help but root for all 3 (at least for me), but there’s only 1 almighty ship, the ultimate battleship at the end. It might not be the ship that you want but that’s how love triangle-esque stories are. It’s 1 or the other, or School Days “Nice Boat”-style.
Dec 20, 2013 12:16 AM

Jan 2011
xsilicon9 said:
That was some slap. But how did she figure out where they were?

Updating this answer since the previous three answers are back a few pages. It's the same club where Kouko and Banri saw Nana perform back in an earlier episode. Since Kouko was searching every conceivable spot he might be, and she knew Nana was out, it's not a plot hole or overwhelming mystery that she'd try there.

As to how realistic this is: they're young, they'll screw up, they'll eventually get over it. I can remember making even bigger mistakes my first two years of university and Linda is the only second year student there while everyone else are freshman. As for Nana, there's a reason she's a little impatient with the rest of them, she's obviously got a bit more experience than they do. The only unrealistic thing was when Kouko obviously intended to stay the night, Banri said they should take it slow...
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Dec 20, 2013 12:54 AM

Jul 2013
Well, I don't know what to say in this episode, just the drama was good, but I question myself on who Banri will end up with.

I was going for Linda x Banri all the way but now it is becoming indecisive. Koko tried her best to be Banri's GF but I still don't know if she REALLY show for it. Linda is like distancing herself from Banri, just friendzoning him, and I have a difficult time if she is REALLY showing her feelings for him or not.

Well I can't really decide who Banri would end up with so I'm putting my decision indecisive. Let's see how the story goes in later episodes.

Dec 20, 2013 1:05 AM

Sep 2013
Marenwynn said:
I think Banri will end up with Linda eventually. Kouko's been abusive from the start, but he's too inexperienced to see how unhealthy a relationship he has with her.

that is so imposible.
Dec 20, 2013 1:08 AM

Aug 2013
This episode is a grim reminder on how annoying Koko is.
Dec 20, 2013 1:09 AM

Sep 2013
Caught on act, you cheating bastard xD
Dec 20, 2013 1:49 AM

Feb 2012
can no one see that its forced as hell?
come on, the scene in which Koko was entering was ridiculous.
Dec 20, 2013 1:59 AM

Nov 2012
Lol, Koko overreacting a bit, throws tantrum in flat. Also linda ripping up picture pretty much gives says there's something from her side as well.

Dec 20, 2013 2:09 AM

Jan 2011
My heart ripped when Linda tore up their picture.

Banri's soul isn't ready to forget yet I bet ya. Koko won't be able to forgive and forget another hit like that if it pops up again.
Dec 20, 2013 2:23 AM

Feb 2011
Was a great episode , I also don't mind Koko and Banri being together. They can make their relationship more solid from now on.

But I do expect some plot twists at the end of this anime.
Dec 20, 2013 3:07 AM

Jun 2012
God why isn’t Linda honest with herself. I haven’t read the LN etc but god almighty it’s so blindly obvious that Linda’s reply to Banri was that she loved him to that day on the bridge. Or if it was to reject him its purely because she can’t face her own feelings.

The whole “you’ve got it wrong” bit is plain as day that Linda is just shit at expressing her feelings and cant bring herself to be honest about it. Ripping up the photo is also a pretty good indicator of her feelings, yet wanting to do right by Banri and not mess up his and Koko’s relationship.

I could be wrong though! Oddly enough this anime is playing out very similarly to an experience I have had.
Dec 20, 2013 3:11 AM

Sep 2012
Javera said:
My girlfriend would kill me if she found me in a situation like that...

Exactly my friend. If my girlfriend seen that shit, it would have been "Mutuals of Omaha" or "AVP" in that club. She would have torn the skin off Linda lol. I don't think people understand it though. Bitches on MAL act like they're Sooo good, like they don't have a jealous bone in their body.
"Guys are simple creatures. Just by talking to them, they get the wrong idea." - Hachiman Hikigaya
Dec 20, 2013 3:13 AM

Apr 2013
Poor Kouko.
Good episode.
Dec 20, 2013 3:47 AM

Apr 2007
Kouko best girl. She may be a bit obsessive but she's also very loyal and she would never cheat on Banri. Hell, I doubt it ever even crossed her mind. But honestly, even if she gets jealous easy, she's super sweet to Banri and she doesn't really restrict him from being friends with other females.

Meanwhile...Banri's trying hard to fuck everything up. I don't see how Kaga overreacted there. Banri was borderline cheating on Kouko. The less of ghost Banri I see the better.
KilluanDec 20, 2013 3:52 AM
Dec 20, 2013 4:06 AM
Dec 2013
Killuan said:
Meanwhile...Banri's trying hard to fuck everything up. I don't see how Kaga overreacted there. Banri was borderline cheating on Kouko. The less of ghost Banri I see the better.

well, Tada Banri is teddy bear transformed into Monokuma (Monobear), I think
Dec 20, 2013 4:39 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Banri got off pretty lightly. My mrs. would probably liquify me with a blender if I not only lied to her, but she caught me hugging and almost kissing a former love whilst in drag. Lucky man Tada Banri.

And was it just me that was bothered by the fact that in the largest metropolitan area in the planet, Koko just managed to go into the club where they were? Or did I miss something?

Linda's boobs shrink or expand 2 sizes according to the episode. They really need to keep her in one standard size.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Dec 20, 2013 4:44 AM
Jan 2013
So, Linda tore up the, did she actually said yes to her relationship with Banri during those days in high school?
Dec 20, 2013 4:50 AM

Aug 2013
NOO I want linda to be with Banri -_- Oh well I though at first when koko came in wrong time , Me : YES , Now nothing can be returnable ......... what she forgive him :|

Dec 20, 2013 4:58 AM

Jan 2013
i want banri x linda! D: i try so hard to root for kouko but i can't i just can't.. why is everyone such a lil whim with their true feelings? ARGH
Dec 20, 2013 5:11 AM
Jul 2013
The party atmosphere was very good, Mitsuo being a stripper, was hilarious and Koko slapped Banri, much better.

Feelings that had kept the love triangle that was revealed in the series.
Dec 20, 2013 5:15 AM

Oct 2009
This anime killing me. I wanted to Tada was with Kouko but I feel sorry for Linda and I still can't believe that she really feel nothing more than friendship? Don't like the way it's all ended with that story between Linda and Banri and I feel kind of disappointment and sad. But ok let's begin that lovey-dovey part of this anime though.

you tellin me mangas aint japanese colouring books
Dec 20, 2013 5:22 AM
Dec 2013
If anyone has been following the manga, Koko and Banri's relationship is much more defined. The manga really takes the time to build the chemistry in the two's relationship while in the anime it is quite rushed. Thus it makes it much easier to side with Linda.

I recommend you guys read the manga. It really delves a lot deeper into Koko's character and makes her a much more likeable character.
Dec 20, 2013 5:33 AM

Sep 2008
^Eh, I don't like where there "you must read manga/plan game/read novel" to understand her character.
Or she isn't like that in manga/game/novel.
Why I must start read other staff to understand her character?
I don't want it...
If she is good character they should make it in anime.
Really, somebody dislike her in anime,
I don't think she/he will buy novel/manga.
Dec 20, 2013 5:42 AM
Dec 2012
really wanted Linda and tada to get together for me they seem to be the better couple
only problem Linda will not show tada how she really feels about him. Really hoping Linda doesn't give up on Tada and fights for him.

Fingers crossed
knowing anime through i bet 99.99 the leads will end up together. lately i am just getting sick of most anime picking the normal route wish there was more anime where the main guy in the end just chooses a girl rather then locked to the main female all the time. Shuffle was a perfect anime for romance because it kept the door open for the main guy to pick any girl he wanted
Dec 20, 2013 6:33 AM
Dec 2010
bastek66 said:
DreamPoint said:
Watching that episode pissed me off. This is probably because I want Tada Banri to be with Linda.

Drop it. This will never happen, this episode pretty much cemented it.

Not true. The way Linda Looked at the end, she is totally in love with him too. As soon as past Banri pops out more its going to go the way it should.
Dec 20, 2013 6:38 AM
Apr 2013
Hoping Linda steps up and makes a move or confession. From this episode, you can see that she feels hurt from their relation to being just classmates.
Dec 20, 2013 6:39 AM
Aug 2013
really, omg.. i feel so bad for linda, seriously. god danm i hate koko.. banri bieng stupid and s***..
omfg im still shocked..
Dec 20, 2013 7:00 AM

Dec 2009
wow, fucking great episode! So much happened!
But... I wish that Koko and Banri broke up and he started dating Linda, but whatever, I don't mind waiting. Makes more awesome beautiful drama.

I love how Banri obviously doesn't want to cut ties with Linda, it's going to catch up to him and he'll chase after her, just you wait. I know I can't wait. Banri's love for Linda is unstoppable!
Dec 20, 2013 7:35 AM
May 2013
According to the spoiler,
Suzune-chanDec 20, 2013 2:37 PM
Dec 20, 2013 7:52 AM

Aug 2013
we arrived half the anime and Banri continues, now even stronger, with Kouko
as it is my favorite I stay of good
Banri deserved that slap of Kouko, the guy is actually not a very good boyfriend
the principle seems to have an end point between Banri and Linda, but a lot will still happen
Looks like we now have the episode with bikinis .. lol

will be that next week we'll have a new opening?
# departed episode 13

chegamos a metade do anime e Banri continua, agora mais firme ainda, com Kouko
como ela é minha preferida eu fico de boa
Banri mereceu aquele tapa de Kouko, o cara na verdade não é um namorado muito bom
a principio parece ter um ponto final entre Banri e Linda, porém muita coisa ainda irá acontecer
parace que agora teremos o episodio com biquinis .. lol

será que na próxima semana teremos uma nova abertura?
#partiu episódio 13
Dec 20, 2013 8:27 AM
Dec 2013
I don't like tada banri's attitude toward kaga koko. He just ask for forgivess and I think, everything being solved by koko.

And I still remember, how koko accept banri as her boyfriend. Banri cry all along the way he runs, just for the answer of his confession. And koko deserve to get love from banri

And I hope he can control his past, because this is not a supranatural anime. This is a drama. That would be sad if his past still distract him as long as he still with koko.

And... don't change the girl in opening and ending. She is the one who attract me to watch this anime :)
kirishimakunDec 20, 2013 8:31 AM
Dec 20, 2013 8:41 AM

Jul 2013
ohh no she found the picture of linda en banri. I actually dont want to see linda and banri thogheter, Koko x banri <3
Dec 20, 2013 9:16 AM

Feb 2012
The fuck is wrong with Linda? She went full slut.
Dec 20, 2013 9:37 AM
Dec 2013
If you want to know more about Koko, Google "Hallmarks of Borderline Personality Disorder".

She desperately wants to be loved to get an identity and fill the void inside her.
It is all about her loneliness and her pain, which will never end.

She never talks about Banri's Pain or problem but how she IS suffering to be a good girlfriend to Banri.
BPDs are self centered and manipulative. They are not really evil, it is just an imbalance mentally.

All Koko talks about is what she does for Banri or how good or bad she feels. She lacks empathy, that is putting yourself in someone's else shoes. She can only feel and think from her perspective and cannot see from others view point.
Dec 20, 2013 9:43 AM
Oct 2012
I suppose I like Kouko X Banri because my sister has that kind of relationship with her boyfriend. My sister is clingy and wants to see him every day, but she hates being alone, and she just wants somebody to love and to love her back. So I can understand how Kouko feels because I understand how my sister felt when her last boyfriend broke up with her. She just didn't know what to do with herself.

But in response to the episode, it was pretty good. I wasn't expecting Kouko to forgive Banri so easily. I want Kouko and Banri to be together, but not if Banri is going to go and be a total ass to Linda and tell her their time together was worthless.
Dec 20, 2013 10:16 AM

Sep 2013
i dont know why but i hate ghost banri
Dec 20, 2013 10:28 AM
Mar 2013
When i first started watching Golden Time i was hoping Linda and Banri would start dating, but now i want Koko and Banri keep on dating. And i was scared they would break up in this episode but i'm glad they didn't

Why is Banri so annoying, especially his "spirit", dude let it go. You'll never be with Linda.

In the ending i heard sadness in Banri's voice, and it felt like Linda is actually in love with Banri but she wouldn't admit it.
Dec 20, 2013 10:37 AM
May 2013
Dec 20, 2013 10:41 AM

May 2009
Mekial said:
bastek66 said:
DreamPoint said:
Watching that episode pissed me off. This is probably because I want Tada Banri to be with Linda.

Drop it. This will never happen, this episode pretty much cemented it.

Not true. The way Linda Looked at the end, she is totally in love with him too. As soon as past Banri pops out more its going to go the way it should.

Believe me all ghost do is whining and wrecking apartment.
Dec 20, 2013 11:13 AM

Oct 2013
At first,I expected to see Kouko & Banri overcome their problems with the help of each other but now,we're already half-way through the show and we've seen no sign of Kouko & Banri's relationship being a good thing,or improvement for that matter.Yes I know Kouko's self-aware,but she still hasn't actually done anything about her possessive behaviour.But yea,this doesn't really cut it anymore,this relationship is just unhealthy.

With each passing episode,I see Golden Time becoming more dependent on it's ending to decide if the journey was really worthwhile.

I might be setting myself up for some major disappointment here but I'll choose to be hopeful: hopeful that the show isn't making such an effort to show us why Kouko & Banri's relationship is so unealthy just to have them end up as a couple anyway,hopeful that the opening is the biggest troll-OP of the year.

Granted,there's still time to show us some believable reasons on why we should support Kouko x Banri but they'd better start giving them soon,I'm just saying.
Dec 20, 2013 11:39 AM

Aug 2012
lol you all hatin on kouko...give her a break... she got rejected by mitsuo and people always treat her as Hime.... this is the only time she actually feel like being accepted. . I think Banri deserved that juice in the face and Btchslap.. ya she might be a little clingy.. but she just wants more time with banri...

i Actually love where this is going now. I wanna See more Banri x Kouko. Well i feel sorry for Linda but she's a "SUPPORTING" character for a reason :P ..... lol!
SichiDec 20, 2013 11:44 AM
"I don't like Megane, I love them"

Dec 20, 2013 11:56 AM

Apr 2013
School days ending (or something similar)
I fucking called it
Dec 20, 2013 12:12 PM

Jul 2013
I don't get the hate on Ghost Banri... Among all the characters he is the suffering the most.
Dec 20, 2013 12:30 PM

May 2009
NudeBear said:
School days ending (or something similar)
I fucking called it

The fuck are you talking about
Dec 20, 2013 12:40 PM
Dec 20, 2013 1:00 PM

Aug 2012
So it begins.. Mitsuo's growing affection towards Linda.. I thought i'd be much later in the future. Oh well, this episode really helped me to decide that BanrixKoko is actually better than BanrixLinda.

And be honest is the right thing to do. Even though the person will probably get hurt (in this case, Koko), it's still better than lying and living with a burden. Koko was too forgiving though, Banri got lucky that he only got slapped. and a little wet. To think that she spent her time to search everywhere for Banri.. in the middle of the night too, only to find her bf was "having fun" with his old crush, lol so fucked up.

+ and - :

+ The scene in Banri's apartment was so good
+ Sexy Nana & Linda

- No 2D-kun
- No Okachin

and still waiting patiently for a 3rd season of Spice & Wolf :'|
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