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Dec 7, 2012 12:34 PM

Jul 2011
Wow, didnt expect this. Really awesome episode, next 3 are gonna be even better I bet!
Dec 17, 2012 7:58 PM

Apr 2012
Why couldn't he have just said "poop your pants"?
Jan 18, 2013 8:57 PM

Jun 2012
Filmmoth said:
Why couldn't he have just said "poop your pants"?

if only.
Jan 20, 2013 10:42 PM

Sep 2012
Holy fucking shit. I'm speechless.

This is like Shakespeare tragic level. Holy fucking shit.
Feb 10, 2013 9:19 AM

Feb 2011
This gave me chills down my spine
Mar 1, 2013 4:42 AM

May 2012
Damn they actually went this direction... that's rather sad I'd preferred to see a proper nice development, now it's just a huge massacre... And that all because he went in a always on going state of Geass.

Hmm rather sad development, lets see what's next!
Mar 24, 2013 5:04 AM
Feb 2013
What a turn of events.

Really wish Toudou's theory was right and Lelouch would assassinated Euphemia, but what happened anyways was a great surprise.
Mar 27, 2013 9:28 AM

Jul 2010
Hakuromatsu said:
When I finished this episode, my impression was, "That was quite an impactful Wham Episode, but it was poorly scripted in its overreliance on the convenient malfunctioning of Lelouch's Geas and his offhand remark that he could order Euphemia to kill the Japanese. It set the stage for the season's climax at the expense of its own credibility."

But then I bounced that scene around in my mind awhile, and connected a couple of other scenes from the past:

- In episode 9, Lelouch stops a group of Britannians from beating a Japanese hot dog vendor by commanding them, "You guys are bored with beating up Elevens, aren't you?"
- Then, earlier in episode 22, Lelouch stops a Britannian noble from beating a Japanese boy by commanding his hired hand, "You should be getting home, don't you think?" Same command in structure, same command in tone.
- But this is where the scenes diverge. After the scene in episode 9, Kallen rushes to the hot dog vendor as Lelouch stands by indifferently; that is, Lelouch does nothing.
- Now, after the scene in episode 22, as the noble is hurrying after his hired hand, Lelouch proactively calls him back with the taunt, "What's the matter, Mr. Nobleman? You mistake a hired hand's strength for your own." Without any response from the noble, Lelouch commands, "You should just go off and die--" And then, before he can finish, he covers his eye. For the first time in the series, Lelouch stops a command mid-command.

In the space between episodes 9 and 22, something happened. Faced with nearly-identical situations, Lelouch acted in a fundamentally different way. The incident with the noble wasn't about his Geas acting defectively -- it was about his own mind acting defectively. With the continued use of his power, the escalation of the Black Knights' rebellion, and the growing strain of his non-Zero relationships, he simply became a different person.

And when he was forced to reach an accord with Euphemia -- who he called "his most worthy opponent" -- a hint of megalomania touched him. How could someone be on higher footing, or even equal footing, with Zero? And so, he made it clear to Euphemia what he could've done. Kill Suzaku -- something that both Lelouch and Euphemia knew would be unthinkable for her to do. But perhaps even more unthinkable would be for her to "kill all Japanese." The words coming from Lelouch's mouth weren't random. But were they calculated? Probably not -- for a moment, Lelouch lost hold of his analytical powers. And that was his downfall.

Now how does that explain the behavior of the Geas? That question may look silly to someone who's gone through the rest of R1 and R2, and I'll obviously find out over the course of 28 episodes whether or not that question is answered. Maybe it was Suzaku's contact with CC. Or maybe it was just a simple result of Lelouch's mental state, culminating at that moment. But I'm confident that, thematically, this episode had more to do with Lelouch's psyche than his Geas.

I really wish I had watched this episode back in 2007... V_V

I think people should read this post when saying Lelouch was just conventiently spouting nonsense, the plot twist may not be to your liking but it isn't only out of convenience that Lelouch said those things.

As stated above, Lelouch changes through the course of the first season. While he is fine with just getting the Brittanian to leave the Eleven/Japanese alone in episode 9, he can't stand the arrogance of the Britannians in episode 22 anymore and decides to truly go against them. His way of thinking is gradually but steadily changing, as espected from the main character of an anime.
As I see it, Lelouch is taking things more serious now regarding the situatiion and treatment of the Elevens but this is also paired with a form of arrogance, I mean things have been going very much to his idead since his rebellion, I don't think it's strange he feels a bit conceited to some extent.

As for the events of this episode; Euphie herself started this all by asking if he really thought she would shoot him if he threatened her to do so, causing him to reply that he indeed could do that. When she doesn't believe it he feels the need [being pride as he is] to at least explain the fact he indeed is capable of such things and thus giving examples like "Shoot me", "Release Suzaku from duty" and eventually "Killing the Japanese".

Though it might be unlikely for him to "joke" about such matters one should take in account that since Lelouch is very confident in his Geass powers, seeing the results he got from them in earlier episodes. When Euhpie questions his ability to make get her to shoot him I guess a mix of pride and slgiht arrogance made him slip up like that.

As for why the Geass "conventiently" starts to act up at that moment, it begun earlier than just that moment and excuse me but this is anime, if everything would be as "in the real world" or "without convenience" no anime would be able to keep interesting. It's just to what extent a writer is "allowed" to let events happen in a certain circumstance and I think this isn't pushing the limits. But that's just my opinion.
Mar 27, 2013 2:18 PM

Mar 2013
was a sad episode but very enjoyable! GO TEAM PIZZA HUT
Apr 3, 2013 2:37 PM

Dec 2012
I have disliked these last few episodes... not entirely sure why, but i quess the main reason was the fact, that Euphilia wasn't shocked about Lelouch being Zero.
Apr 13, 2013 8:33 AM
Jun 2009
One of the most heart-breaking episodes. T_T Just when Lelouch and Euphemia made up. T_T
May 5, 2013 10:24 AM
Jul 2018
Holy mother of ****...
May 23, 2013 1:30 PM

Jan 2012
Simply awesome episode. It doesn't matter if it was intentional or not, Lelouch powers just made things very interesting to watch.

May 25, 2013 5:46 PM
Feb 2013
This was the episode that made me want to rewatch this series. Lelouch slipped big time, and this was one of the biggest twists in the series.
May 30, 2013 6:16 PM
Sep 2012
Hey lelouch, f**k you. Ya f**k you. Why would you even say "kill all the Japanese" as a joke anyway? Jeez soo depressing.
May 31, 2013 10:50 AM

Sep 2012
man that was a freakn massacre in that stadium.
May 31, 2013 11:23 AM
May 2011
Damn what an episode, now i have to marathon the rest of the series cause i rly want to see what will happen ( for the millionth time, at least my exams are over now :> )
Jun 1, 2013 6:26 AM

Jul 2012
Oh wow, he's destroying the world x'D I was kinda expecting this one to end with Lelouch saying "This is what would happen if...", or waking up, i.e. it didn't actually happen.
Jun 14, 2013 7:16 PM

Feb 2013
Red_Keys said:
Holy fucking shit. I'm speechless.

This is like Shakespeare tragic level. Holy fucking shit.

I couldn't agree more. The scene where Lelouch shed a tear because he realized he unknowingly signed Euphie's death reminds me of the final scene of Othello.

I thought that Euphie is going to die because of the title. What a plot twist, indeed.

"And if, there were so many people in the world, there had to be someone living an interesting life that wasn't ordinary. I was sure of it. Why wasn't that person me?"
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Part V
Jun 25, 2013 6:44 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Wow, now I'm seeing why people like this anime so much. Pretty much this is the first episode in this anime that actually had me going WTF and made my heart race (but still, it took too long for me to like it :P) Seriously, what a twist, and it's so tragic too because Lulu really didn't mean it, and everything was about to fine with no more fighting...yet Lulu with his huge ego, just had to mention what he could've commanded people to do. I agree it's not convenient (hey, my first time defending CG!) because he didn't just mention it randomly, he wanted to let Euphie know what he could've done because of his pride. Despite accepting her terms, he's still unconsciously conflicted because everything didn't go as he planned. But fuck, that massacre hurt to watch. It's terrible that the soldiers listened to Euphie, but what's even worse is that Euphie has a kind heart and this goes everything against what she had been fighting for.

I never really cared about Lulu that much, but I'm definitely feeling really sympathetic for him, especially when he gave out the order to kill Euphie and tears fell from his eyes. Too. Tragic. Of course the power of Geass wasn't going to be all good in the end. We already knew it would happen, but just not in this way.

Oh yeah, and I suppose this twist with Euphie had been foreshadowed since the beginning. I always wondered why the creator named her Euphemia? The word was like a derivation of "euphemism", which is a derivation of the Greek word "euphemia" anyways. Well I'm sure I'm not the only who noticed this, but I'll keep talking about it in case anyone will ever read this. Euphemia (Greek) means "the use of words of good omen" (according to Wikipedia). And in turn, euphemism means an expression that is used in place of something offensive or unpleasant. I mean what happened isn't directly related to what euphemism means, but I guess they foreshadowed the fact that Euphie was going to be forced by the Geass to do something terrible (the word or phrase that the euphemism is replacing) despite the command not being really what Lulu meant (the euphemism). Mind = blown.
Jul 1, 2013 12:22 PM

Jul 2012
Lulu. What a baka. LOL

xtremexx said:
Hey lelouch, f**k you. Ya f**k you. Why would you even say "kill all the Japanese" as a joke anyway? Jeez soo depressing.

Aug 1, 2013 5:39 AM
Sep 2012
Watching Code Geass for 2nd time and im as depressed & mad & annoyed & sad & upset as when i was watching this episode for 1st time...

Euphhhhyyy :((
Aug 6, 2013 12:34 PM
Jun 2013
Just watching Code Geass first time and this episode was pretty much "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED"-stuff. Really.

I even liked Euphie and now this happened.
Aug 6, 2013 4:50 PM

Jun 2013
what. the. fuck.

Aug 14, 2013 2:26 PM

May 2013
Shit just went down...
Aug 21, 2013 2:59 AM

Jan 2008
Wow Man that sucks When Euphie n Lelouch both came to an understanding I hope everything turns out okay

the episode was awesome in terms of action but sad as to what had happened

Rest in peace all of the Japanese
Sep 16, 2013 9:40 AM

Jan 2012
mayukachan said:
Lulu. What a baka. LOL

xtremexx said:
Hey lelouch, f**k you. Ya f**k you. Why would you even say "kill all the Japanese" as a joke anyway? Jeez soo depressing.


My thoughts exactly. >.>
Really low way to do any plot twist.
Seems like the creators couldn't decide what they want until the last second, and went into Euphie's plan one step too far...
Oct 15, 2013 4:21 AM
Oct 2013
this is the thought that have been bothering me after i have watched this episode. a friend of mine tells me about this. so i'm asking you all,

was there a foreshadowing of this scene in which Lelouch can't control his Geass.

a friend of mine said he SAW the episode before 22 in which Lelouch's Geass is malfunctioning but i don't remember. is it true? was there really a foreshadowing for this episode?
Oct 18, 2013 12:20 PM
Jul 2013
This episode really broke my heart, i really can't take this! It's the most emotionally investing Scene i've seen so far, the tears are near!
Dec 16, 2013 6:32 PM

Aug 2013
Aww.. wish it didn't turn out the way it did.. feel bad for Euphie and Lelouch
Dec 31, 2013 4:06 PM
Jun 2013
Well, for the people who are having their 2nd round

AporieDec 31, 2013 4:46 PM
Jan 12, 2014 4:46 AM

Sep 2013
The price of stupidity. Euphy paid quite the sum for her selfishness in the end.
Jan 19, 2014 7:41 AM
Mar 2012
So apparently this is one of the most contentious anime episodes of all-time?

Anyway, I just have a quick question about the dub and the sub. I just finished both series in the dub. I've seen this said on TVropes:

Then we have the infamous "Euphinator" incident near the end of the first season, where Lelouch says the wrong sentence to the wrong person at the wrong time. The English dub makes it so that he still makes the mistake, but changes the actual sentence into something that a person might actually say in that situation.

Ok, so what was said in Japanese?
Jan 19, 2014 8:54 PM

Aug 2010
Tragic episode. It will be tough for Lelouch to recover from this.
Jan 20, 2014 1:40 PM

Feb 2013
Jeeeeeeeezzzz... Lelouch of ALL the thing you cold have said for an example you had to say "oh hey if I wanted to I could order you to kill all the Japanese"
WHY couldn't you just say "oh hey if I wanted to I could order to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich" why on earth was that the first "smart" thing to say!!

Ugh. idk how I feel towards this episode it was definitely not something I would have expected I know I had to pause as soon as he ordered Euphemia to do that. man I have no honest clue how season 1 will end but not everyone is going to come out alive.
Argue? Nah Too lazy For That...
Are You Ready!~Gulcasa
Jan 31, 2014 8:16 PM

Jan 2014
Well that escalated quickly..... jeeez
Feb 19, 2014 1:14 PM

Oct 2009
Feb 25, 2014 2:26 AM

Jul 2011
silentmode1919 said:
this is the thought that have been bothering me after i have watched this episode. a friend of mine tells me about this. so i'm asking you all,

was there a foreshadowing of this scene in which Lelouch can't control his Geass.

a friend of mine said he SAW the episode before 22 in which Lelouch's Geass is malfunctioning but i don't remember. is it true? was there really a foreshadowing for this episode?

the fo
silentmode1919 said:
this is the thought that have been bothering me after i have watched this episode. a friend of mine tells me about this. so i'm asking you all,

was there a foreshadowing of this scene in which Lelouch can't control his Geass.

a friend of mine said he SAW the episode before 22 in which Lelouch's Geass is malfunctioning but i don't remember. is it true? was there really a foreshadowing for this episode?
reshadowing was mao and how he couldn't control his powers
Feb 25, 2014 2:28 AM

Jul 2011
damn lulu why why would you use that as an example why couldn't you just put your prideful boasting to the side and leave it alone now euphy has to die and you caused nanally and yourself so much pain
Mar 4, 2014 2:40 PM

Dec 2013
Disgusting... That was completely disgusting for these writers to create such filth... what a shame, I was really starting to like this show... this really pisses me off.

I'm dropping this piece of shit. This show has officially become a tragedy and I'm not interested in that.

How the hell can 300 people say they love this episode?? That truly hurts my faith in humanity... smh.
Love and Peace!!!
Mar 21, 2014 1:50 PM

Jan 2013
Dam' at first I was like now what? The anime ends with a happy ending zero agrees with Euphy and all end well. Then I was pleased a bit to see that it wont be that easy and then I realized... dam', I actually liked Euphy and she had to do this because of a mistake Lelouch made. What a shame what sadness for Lelouch, his friend, the japanese people and mostly the black knights that if they'll find this out. Oh wow..
Hurts my heart.

Edit: there was also the fact that Lelouch gave up going against her and would have used that zone for his purposes to make a new nation.
Mar 21, 2014 3:27 PM

Nov 2013
Thund3r1 said:
Disgusting... That was completely disgusting for these writers to create such filth... what a shame, I was really starting to like this show... this really pisses me off.

I'm dropping this piece of shit. This show has officially become a tragedy and I'm not interested in that.

How the hell can 300 people say they love this episode?? That truly hurts my faith in humanity... smh.

Most Shakespearean plays are tragic, so are they pieces of shit too?
Just because YOU are not interested in it doesn't mean those other 300 people have to agree with you.
Apr 6, 2014 4:56 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
My GOD!! Shocked isnt enough, I had to pause the episode multiple times to handdle it, when she run agaisnt her will, and started all this bloodshed!
Apr 18, 2014 3:58 AM

Oct 2013
Dat Euphy with the gun.
Apr 19, 2014 5:24 PM
Mar 2014
oh how cruel! ...Euphy gives an order and every nightmare follows it instantly, what a shame...
Apr 26, 2014 6:06 PM

Jan 2014
Holy Crap what a episode!!!
Take an advil.

May 8, 2014 1:27 PM
Aug 2013
WHAT AN EPISODE. I can't believe what I just witnessed!
Jun 6, 2014 7:47 PM

Jan 2012
Probably one of the craziest plot twists I've ever seen in a show. I love it! People are going to say it's convenient but that's how almost all shows are. To make them interesting and fun, things have to be conveniently placed or else it's predictable and boring.

I still side with Lulu, even though this is his fault in a way, it was not his intention. And I feel like there was some outside interference that happened first. Either someone did something like his Dad (who is mysteriously creepy) or I could even blame Suzaku for making contact with CC. I guess i'll find out later.

But WOW was I shocked. The most pure character in the anime that many people hated because she was so cookie-cutter turns into a psycho. And all the other soldiers joined in on the massacre. In a way, this should be an eye opener to naive Suzaku. All these soldiers if given the command to commit genocide would do it. That's who he's serving as a blind knight.

Jun 8, 2014 6:02 PM
Jan 2012
I curently don't know how to overcome this episode. It froze me.
Jun 23, 2014 12:45 AM

Nov 2010
That plot twist make me hate lelouch's character so much,I absolutely loath him at this point.Yuffie did not deserve that.
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