sometimes I have a feeling that Kubo writes Bleach this way:
My life is a scenario for the lamest shojo. Too bad the main character is a lazy pirat.
Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.
People do not live just so that they can someday die. It is because they are alive that they someday die. -Decim
All Comments (110) Comments
Chyba się nie znamy ale po przejrzeniu twojej listy naszła mnie ochota zaprosić cię do grona moich znajomych:) chyba się nie gniewasz za to:)
Co do listy (design) nie jest on mój niestety moja znajomość w robieniu takich rzeczy nie jest zbyt wielka:(
I've put Patalliro on the backburner for a bit now with the new anime season starting, but I'll make sure to watch more of it soon!
I see you've already watched ahead of me now, heheh! There's not much I can say about it yet since I've only seen 2 episodes, but I know it'll be a really interesting series! I read some of the manga a few years back. What do you think of it?
A question! How many episodes do you have access to? I only have 14 in english. :'D Is there more? Or is the rest completely untranslated?
You're maybe right about the ugliness thing. Especially A1 Pictures seems to make things that are almost universally aesthetically pretty, so it was out of their comfort zone. But I actually liked the product, somehow... I have wondered the same about the ugly/fat thing. Society is so focused on image that I just don't think we are going to see much diversity in that area. Doesn't even have to be ugly or fat, just someone who isn't completely idealized. Imperfections can make things interesting, but in anime it seems to either be played for humor or not done at all.
If you want less episodes, you should probably watch the 2011 version of Hunter x Hunter because it takes less episodes to reach the same place, and then you have the option of going on further for the second half. What takes 92 episodes in 1999 takes 75 episodes in 2011. There's also some filler, so it isn't all just a slower pace that is responsible for the difference. Some people do prefer the 1999 version so I wouldn't steer you away from it but the pacing is not too fast in 2011, and I like the characters and voice acting more there too.
I know what you're saying about Durarara. To me it seemed like all style, no substance and the style just irritated me. The characters may have had okay designs (at least diverse) visually despite having boring personalities, but I found the animation of the show very dull. Shinsekai Yori was much different because the queerats design fit perfectly with their role to me. They were intentionally ugly to the human eye, which made them an easy target for discrimination.
I'd just say to watch Hunter x Hunter (2011) if your list is accurate and you haven't seen it. It was written by the same author and some of the better ideas from Level E got expanded upon in HxH. It is similar with great comedy but also more serious and cohesive. Hisoka is sort of like Baka's distant cousin who is also a psychopathic murderer.
Durarara just couldn't make me care about it or any of the characters whatsoever. There was just something about the show that was extremely repellent to the point where I had to force myself to get through it, but it wasn't really just something. It was everything. What in particular bothered you about DRRR?
W Polskim FC FMA został otworzony temat z limitowaną edycją kart z okładkami mang, które wygrały wcześniejsze głosowanie. Karty możecie zamówić w tym temacie.
Jednocześnie chciałam poinformować, iż pilnie poszukuję admina/adminów, którzy mogliby zrobić coś (zrobić karty, porozsyłać wiadomości do członków klubu) chociaż raz na miesiąc/trzy, gdyż w przeciwnym wypadku klub po prostu przestanie być aktywny, czego początki mogliście w sumie zaobserwować w ostatnich miesiącach. Jeśli kogoś interesuje wyjaśnienie, możecie spojrzeć niżej ^^ By się zgłosić można napisać do mnie prywatną wiadomość/odezwać się w komentarzu/znaleźć odpowiedni temat na forach klubu.
Zapraszam do zamawiania kart i zapisów na adminów!
Miłego dnia ;3
To nie jest żadnego rodzaju groźba, po prostu informacja, może nawet prośba. Zaczęłam studia i rzadko w ogóle bywam w akademiku, nie mówiąc już o tym, iż znalezienie trochę czasu na to, by przysiąść na dłużej przy komputerze graniczy z niemożliwym.
Dunno I just expected a lot more from it, a feeling of trying all the loose ends in the series, not an End of Evangelion ending where nothing makes sense, just things happening and you have to make sense out of them, and that only happens after 2-3 watches or so. As a whole the series was still a pretty good watch, something I'd like to watch one-time. (well looking at the bright side, there's still the movie. People say that makes more sense, so let's see about that)
Sorry btw about disappearing after watching the last 2 episodes before discussing it with you (god how they pissed me off these last 2 episodes). That was when started working at a hospital for 3 months while still doing my waiter work. (It was that long time ago? heh, it felt like it was 1-2 months ago..)
It's been a long time since we last chatted and I apologize for not responding to your comment sooner. I was lazy in planning to answer as I do with all comments that are long and the comment got lost as card deliveries and newsletters took over. I'm so sorry. >.<
How was the kamisama ova? Did you enjoy it? I actually love the old style art of Petshop of Horrors. I suppose it simply appeals to me and I love all of the stories in it. I read Akino Matsuri's other works and Genjuu no Seiza is also quite good. you mean the one with the rabbits that had too much hormones too much babies and began to quickly multiply? That was kind of creepy but I didn't mind since I like creepy stories that give some sort of moral lesson in the end. In a way, Petshop of Horrors reminded me of Zekkyou Gakkyuu (shoujo horror manga in which the character learn a lesson at the end of the story). If you like the concept behind Petshop of Horrors, then you should definitely check out Zekkyou Gakkyuu.
I think that the Japanese fascination with Alice in Wonderland is hilarious. How much can you twist and change the story until it is completely different from the original? It is a lot like the American obsession with vampires and werewolves. XD
"When I was little I was simply scared of this story...until the movie with Johnny Depp I didn't know what's the story about." What story are you referring to? Pirates of the Caribbean? Shiki? Petshop of Horrors?
Count D isn't a sociopath because sociopaths are very selfish and Count D values life (especially the lives of animals) a lot. He is very cunning and calculative so I can see why you could consider him a sociopath.
Are you watching or reading anything interesting lately?