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Jul 10, 2013 5:30 PM

Dec 2008
Comments from anime blogs bother me. Is it really wrong to sexualize males (as in show their abs or something) when shows featuring females with big boobs/loli/etc are rather mainstream?
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Jul 10, 2013 5:38 PM

Jun 2007
It's not wrong to sexualize any gender ever. Women are objects as much as men are and vice versa, neither group has the right to complain and feminists shouldn't exist - especially when we're talking about cartoon/anime and video game characters.

So I'd say if you think it's wrong to sexualize women then you should believe this show is also bad for sexualizing males - but if you don't care with women then you shouldn't care here. Basically be consistent, and oddly most people aren't on this topic.
Jul 10, 2013 5:40 PM

Nov 2011

Because if you are talking just about a stupid opinion from some random people this makes no sense.
Jaguer91Jul 10, 2013 5:46 PM
I luv u
Jul 10, 2013 5:40 PM

Apr 2013

Both genders can be sexualized as much as people want.

It's just that a lot of morons, homophobes and conservatives are here that's why there are backlashes against this anime.

Jul 10, 2013 5:44 PM

Apr 2009
Good read:

It's important to contextualize. It's not wrong to sexualize. But I think several people have actually been complaining about objectification.
Jul 10, 2013 5:58 PM

Dec 2009
the hell, not at all.
Its simply a female fan base or just comedy. What's so wrong about it?
Girls can have their fanservice aswell you know, ass.
Jul 10, 2013 6:18 PM

Apr 2008
If I had that kind of body, I wouldn't mind if females and males sexualised me xD
I would probably show off my body too :P

Jul 10, 2013 6:30 PM
Jun 2013
As somebody who has seen his fair share of harems and ecchi shows, I don't see any problem with girls getting their own fanservice show. I just won't watch it because I'm neither a girl, gay, or care about swiimming.
Jul 10, 2013 6:33 PM

Apr 2010
Yes, it's wrong. People claiming it's OK are the reason reverse rape happens, and that men can't get equal rights.
Jul 10, 2013 6:35 PM

Jul 2007
Other than that, if there are series that objectify women, why not a series that sexualize men? And if we're going by comparison, series that objectify men will never be as bad or exaggerated as their women counterpart.
I wonder if the guys complaining about this are feeling threatened in anyway.
Oh well...
Suzune-chanJul 12, 2013 6:13 PM
Jul 10, 2013 6:37 PM

Jun 2007
People also need to keep in mind that Free! is FAR from the first show aimed at fujoshi or starring a lot of half naked men being gay and sweaty together. This is nothing new, the only reason it's getting so much complaints is due to the studio who makes it.

So please stop saying things (in this thread or others) implying women are "finally" getting a fanservice show for them. This is one of many hundreds and plenty in the past have been extremely popular with all sorts of people.
Jul 10, 2013 6:47 PM

Sep 2012
I don't see how a fictional character being sexualized is in any way insulting.

Unless you're extremely insecure, and get envious of other (fictional) people being more attractive than you.
Jul 10, 2013 6:50 PM

Jul 2011
Of course Not
Jul 10, 2013 6:52 PM

Apr 2013
There's nothing wrong with sexualizing fictional characters, regardless of their gender.
If you think there is, then you're being too hung up about what happens in a work of fiction.
Jul 10, 2013 6:53 PM

Aug 2011
And as for my opinion on this topic, no. I hate how people complain the minute males get sexualized but then 'oh no it's okay with girls! because they're girls and they have boobs and they're born to be sexualized'. These people have double standards, and happen to be my number one pet peeve.
Suzune-chanJul 12, 2013 6:14 PM
Jul 10, 2013 7:07 PM

Apr 2010
Well, to answer the question and keep it short.

Jul 10, 2013 7:36 PM

Jun 2012
There are tons of ecchi shows for guys with panty-shots and boobs....why can't girls have their abs and triceps?
Jul 10, 2013 7:45 PM

Apr 2013

Most people hating are overreacting or insecure about their own bodies and thats lame because they are comparing themselves with 2D
Jul 10, 2013 8:21 PM

Dec 2010
It's not wrong, it just is a little over the top for me. I'm ok with a bit of fanservice for males and females alike but this is too much for me. I wouldn't feel comfortable with seeing anime girls' cleavage and seeing them undress at the same rate this anime shows mens' muscles and undress. Though, I'm sure there are many who have no problem with this amount of fanservice.
Jul 10, 2013 8:22 PM
Feb 2013
No, it is not wrong to sexualize men because if it is, then that's sexist and homophobic.
Jul 11, 2013 2:07 AM

Dec 2012
Nope, I'm straight and can't wait to see them all get naked, ain't nothing wrong.
Jul 11, 2013 2:13 AM

Jun 2012
This reminds me of the question, is it alright for women to give men rimjobs, given how frequent it is in Manga and the fact that it seems unanimously fine vice versa.
I'm was actually planning on making a thread for that but I'd surely end up banned.

I say no...
Let us all sexualize eachother in synchronized fapping.
Jul 11, 2013 2:18 AM

Nov 2011
No, it's just that we're so used to seeing some glorious titties that rock hard abs seem completely foreign to us.

That's what Mikasa is for, she will be the bridge between the sexualizing of males and females.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Jul 11, 2013 3:10 AM

Jan 2013
Lets be honest here. Which straight guy wants too see males sell themselves. Unless they GAR as fuck. then I have looking at them hahaha. P.S. every 1 has different fetish, as for mine I got weird ones such tomboys ( Not those kinds that look like real man, cause thats nasty haha)

Jul 11, 2013 6:51 PM

May 2012
The thing with Free is, the character's bodies aren't even all that over the top. Of course, being anime and all it is a little but they have been swimming all their lives.

This is what actual Olympic swimmers look like:

Is it really that far removed from this?

And yet, in male-oriented anime it's perfectly acceptable for the girls to look like this:

So if you're a guy and the muscles in Free make you feel objectified or uncomfortable in any way, I say good. Hopefully this will give you some perspective on how us girls feel.

Disclaimer: I have no problem with ecchi or people who watch it. What I do have a problem with is blatant sexism/double standards and people who refuse to even try to understand how other groups may feel about something.
Jul 11, 2013 7:02 PM

Jun 2009
I don't really think the boys from Free! are that sexualized. I mean yeah there is fanservice but what anime series doesn't have that. As a swimmer, I don't see anything wrong with their bodies. A lot of people seem to forget that they are athletes and they are going to have toned bodies.
Jul 11, 2013 8:15 PM

Aug 2011
Jul 12, 2013 12:34 AM

Jun 2008
No it's not wrong as it's not wrong to not like it if it isn't your thing.
Every show has people who like it and don't like it. You can find many shows that people will say are stupid, oversexualized etc. There was no way that there wouldn't be people who would say it's a bad show. Even the best shows have them. The problem is that when it's a bunch of boys showing their apps from a popular studio and those who hate the thing say it so then unlike other shows you have a tone of people going crazy because they want to show how open-minded non homophobic they are or lots of girls going crazy at them cause they dare speak ill of their fan-service anime and a general idea that suddenly makes people making threads about whether man sexualization is ok or not.
Wtf, seriously, this show not being your thing is suddenly a matter of what society accepts or not? Get the fuck off.
Jul 12, 2013 12:54 PM

Aug 2011
Monad said:
No it's not wrong as it's not wrong to not like it if it isn't your thing.
Every show has people who like it and don't like it. You can find many shows that people will say are stupid, oversexualized etc. There was no way that there wouldn't be people who would say it's a bad show. Even the best shows have them. The problem is that when it's a bunch of boys showing their apps from a popular studio and those who hate the thing say it so then unlike other shows you have a tone of people going crazy because they want to show how open-minded non homophobic they are or lots of girls going crazy at them cause they dare speak ill of their fan-service anime and a general idea that suddenly makes people making threads about whether man sexualization is ok or not.
Wtf, seriously, this show not being your thing is suddenly a matter of what society accepts or not? Get the fuck off.

This topic isn't about whether this anime is your type or not. It's about whether it's right to sexualize women while it's wrong to sexualize males. It's basically about having double standards. It doesn't have to do with the anime itself, it's an issue that comes out of the anime. It's about society in general.
Jul 12, 2013 5:13 PM

Jul 2013
So, Free! has gained a bit of popularity, mainly among the female anime watchers. Looking through youtube comments I constantly find things like "omg you call this gay but you dont say anything about ecchi and boobs omg double standards". I don't see how it is in anyway a double standard. The majority of people calling Free! gay are guys. They call it gay because it has fanservice for girls. I see nothing wrong with guys calling Free! gay, because, from their point of view it is gay (assuming they are straight). And, of course guys will not say anything bad about ecchi or yuri, simply because they are guys. If you disagree I want you to go outside, find a straight male, and show him a picture of titties, and ask him if he doesn't like them. Guys will be guys, and girls will be girls. Girls have every right not to like ecchi/yuri because it is tits and assfest. But that doesn't mean you can go crying double standards, when it makes perfect logical sense. Oh, and I'm a guy, and I actually enjoy Free!, despite the fanservice.
Jul 12, 2013 6:18 PM

Jun 2009
Topic Cleaned
Good gracious, if you don't like that anime please spare us the comments.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jul 13, 2013 3:41 AM
Mar 2012
RarityRoyale said:
This is what actual Olympic swimmers look like:

Is it really that far removed from this?

And did you notice one other thing? They're actually wearing MORE in this anime than the real life men do.
There is no way you can make an anime about swimming and having the people dressed all the time. But even so, they still cover up the guys more than they'd have to.
Which is certainly not happening in anime that sexualises girls.

And objectification is more than just showing some flesh.
Girls in anime quite often are dumb, have hardly any unique personality, don't drive the plot forward and wear ridiculous, physically impossible clothes in the most stupid situations (like battling; when covering up would be the sensible thing to do).
"Objectification is reduction of a human being to a thing, an item, a something to posess." (source: OBJECTIFICATION AND... MEN?
This is not really happening to the guys in Free. While there certainly is some fanservice, they don't have distorted bodies, they're dressed more than necessary and they drive the plot forward.

Calling Free gay is just stupid because there's nothing homosexual about it. There are no homosexual acts in the anime itself.
If you're turned on by guys in swimwear and you're a girl - then you're heterosexual (or bi). If you're turned on by guys in swimwear and you're a guy - you're homosexual (or bi). But the guys in swimwear by themselves are neither. Just like girls in bikinis aren't lesbian.
Whether or not you find this anime "gay" lies within yourself and has nothing to do with the show.

Some more reads:
There's no sexism in gaming ( about games, not anime)
But don't even click if you're not ready to maybe see things differently.
ElenirLachlagosJul 13, 2013 3:53 AM
Jul 13, 2013 5:21 AM

May 2013
TallonKarrde23 said:
It's not wrong to sexualize any gender ever. Women are objects as much as men are and vice versa, neither group has the right to complain and feminists shouldn't exist - especially when we're talking about cartoon/anime and video game characters.

So I'd say if you think it's wrong to sexualize women then you should believe this show is also bad for sexualizing males - but if you don't care with women then you shouldn't care here. Basically be consistent, and oddly most people aren't on this topic.

^ This, exactly.

UtsukushiiYume said:

This topic isn't about whether this anime is your type or not. It's about whether it's right to sexualize women while it's wrong to sexualize males. It's basically about having double standards. It doesn't have to do with the anime itself, it's an issue that comes out of the anime. It's about society in general.

Jesus, gtfo with your double standards crap. You sound like a fucking feminist. I bet the next thing you're going to say will be something along the lines of "If men are allowed to walk around topless then women should be able too!"/"Women shouldn't have to shave if they don't want to!"/"Teach men not to rape!"/"Don't promote rape culture" or whatever BS you deluded feminists moan about nowadays.

Speaking about double standards, why is it okay for tsundere girls to physically abuse men for no reason at all while men generally aren't expected/allowed to hit women?
Jul 13, 2013 6:35 AM

Apr 2013
If female characters are, why wouldn't it be done for male characters?
Jul 13, 2013 11:01 AM

Aug 2011
Leapling said:
TallonKarrde23 said:
It's not wrong to sexualize any gender ever. Women are objects as much as men are and vice versa, neither group has the right to complain and feminists shouldn't exist - especially when we're talking about cartoon/anime and video game characters.

So I'd say if you think it's wrong to sexualize women then you should believe this show is also bad for sexualizing males - but if you don't care with women then you shouldn't care here. Basically be consistent, and oddly most people aren't on this topic.

^ This, exactly.

UtsukushiiYume said:

This topic isn't about whether this anime is your type or not. It's about whether it's right to sexualize women while it's wrong to sexualize males. It's basically about having double standards. It doesn't have to do with the anime itself, it's an issue that comes out of the anime. It's about society in general.

Jesus, gtfo with your double standards crap. You sound like a fucking feminist. I bet the next thing you're going to say will be something along the lines of "If men are allowed to walk around topless then women should be able too!"/"Women shouldn't have to shave if they don't want to!"/"Teach men not to rape!"/"Don't promote rape culture" or whatever BS you deluded feminists moan about nowadays.

Speaking about double standards, why is it okay for tsundere girls to physically abuse men for no reason at all while men generally aren't expected/allowed to hit women?

Calm down. I was only stating the point of the topic. No need to get so worked up. I never once said 'It's so wrong to sexuallize women! You people will never understand!'

There was actually a court case about that, for women walking around topless. Idk if they won it or not but I think there was a protest where women walked around topless for that day. Not too sure about the details.

I'm not a feminist though. I would agree with the post you agreed with. It's not wrong to sexualize a gender, but if you're going to sexualize a gender, sexualize both. If you're not going to sexualize one of them, then sexualize none. It annoys me when people are okay with sexualizing one gender but when it comes to the other it's not okay. It's black or white; there's no room for gray. You choose one side or you choose the other. That's all I meant, I don't see the need to get so worked up. :/

Personally, I don't mind either of the genders being sexuallized, I don't see the problem with it.

Also, that is the number one reason tsundere girls have, as a general rule, annoyed me.
LaciieJul 13, 2013 11:13 AM
Jul 13, 2013 11:49 AM

Dec 2007
is this a real question?
Jul 13, 2013 12:44 PM

Nov 2012
whats wrong with it? :/
just ignore those comment.. every people has a different comment about it
Jul 13, 2013 2:30 PM
Apr 2013
Yes, it is wrong that kyoani a hitherto respected studio that had managed to make until now good animes without resorting to cheap fanservice, has been lowered itself to make pandering fanservice.

Kyoani anime has always been clean, and that's the reason they have managed to gather both a male and female fanbase. Its animes could be seen and enjoyed by all their because they weren't aimed at a section of their fans in particular.

The thought that the studio behind animes like Hyoka, Nichijou or Clannad has lowered itself to make an anime that is a simple display of naked bodies for eye candy of a single sector of their fans, for the first time completely excluding a sector of his fans is infuriating. It is an error that should not be repeated anymore.

For all those who like this anime, I ask what if kyoani would do something similar but with females. If they were showing a group of girls in bikinis for 12 episodes, with full nude scenes on each of them, animating in detail their pendulous breasts and with a lot of close-ups to their rears, the girls of this forum would say that there is no problem, there is no reason to kyoani female fans do not see it, and that it is nothing wrong with kyoani exploring new paths?

Or those excuses are only worthy if kyoani does fanservice for females but not for males?
Akamatsu_JunJul 13, 2013 2:45 PM
Jul 13, 2013 4:37 PM

Oct 2008
Akamatsu_Jun said:
Yes, it is wrong that kyoani a hitherto respected studio that had managed to make until now good animes without resorting to cheap fanservice, has been lowered itself to make pandering fanservice.

You got that pretty wrong, my dear. I clearly remember this strange series in which a character called Asahina is urged to wear a bunny costume and all those moe girls doing cute little moe things all day long. To me that is obviously a form of fanservice as well and (oh, big surprise) perfectly executed by the before mentioned respectable animation studio KyoAni.

Personally I can't see Free! as a mere stupid fanservice show. The main focus (in my eyes) is still on the whole sports theme, competitive thoughts and team spirit. It's convenient of course that the specific sport displayed is actually swimming. But the characters are definitely not degraded to mere sexual objects and the assumed "lewd" undertone is completely missing while it just seems natural what the boys are doing. IMO Free! is really not something that can be compared to those in-your-face ecchi shows because they're often not even clever enough to think of a scenario in which it is suitable to show boobs and asses.
Jul 13, 2013 8:12 PM

Jul 2013
Eraclea- said:
Akamatsu_Jun said:
Yes, it is wrong that kyoani a hitherto respected studio that had managed to make until now good animes without resorting to cheap fanservice, has been lowered itself to make pandering fanservice.

You got that pretty wrong, my dear. I clearly remember this strange series in which a character called Asahina is urged to wear a bunny costume and all those moe girls doing cute little moe things all day long. To me that is obviously a form of fanservice as well and (oh, big surprise) perfectly executed by the before mentioned respectable animation studio KyoAni.

Personally I can't see Free! as a mere stupid fanservice show. The main focus (in my eyes) is still on the whole sports theme, competitive thoughts and team spirit. It's convenient of course that the specific sport displayed is actually swimming. But the characters are definitely not degraded to mere sexual objects and the assumed "lewd" undertone is completely missing while it just seems natural what the boys are doing. IMO Free! is really not something that can be compared to those in-your-face ecchi shows because they're often not even clever enough to think of a scenario in which it is suitable to show boobs and asses.
Eraclea- said:
Akamatsu_Jun said:
Yes, it is wrong that kyoani a hitherto respected studio that had managed to make until now good animes without resorting to cheap fanservice, has been lowered itself to make pandering fanservice.

You got that pretty wrong, my dear. I clearly remember this strange series in which a character called Asahina is urged to wear a bunny costume and all those moe girls doing cute little moe things all day long. To me that is obviously a form of fanservice as well and (oh, big surprise) perfectly executed by the before mentioned respectable animation studio KyoAni.

Personally I can't see Free! as a mere stupid fanservice show. The main focus (in my eyes) is still on the whole sports theme, competitive thoughts and team spirit. It's convenient of course that the specific sport displayed is actually swimming. But the characters are definitely not degraded to mere sexual objects and the assumed "lewd" undertone is completely missing while it just seems natural what the boys are doing. IMO Free! is really not something that can be compared to those in-your-face ecchi shows because they're often not even clever enough to think of a scenario in which it is suitable to show boobs and asses.

Hell to the no. You did not just call Haruhi a typical moe anime.
Jul 13, 2013 8:54 PM
Mar 2011
Obviously not, but it's usually a sign that an series isn't anything special when the studios have to include stupid bs fan service just to make money off of it. Whether we're seeing them hard firm abs or floppin' tits flying around in a skimpy swimsuit, fan service is a retarded dumb marketing ploy, and nothing more. It ruins a lot of good things (ie SAO and Suisei no Gargantia). Any time nudity has to be used to grab people's attention, you should know its probably not worth spending your valuable time on it xD Just think "Da Capo III" - worst Anime I ever watched in my entire life.
Now having said all that, there are indeed a select couple of shows where the story and everything else about them shined bright enough to make the fan service appear as simple comedy. Shows like "The Melancholy of Suzumiya Huruhi" have everything in them that a great work of art has. You know the fan service wasn't just thrown in there as some cheap-ass move to boost sales. Basically fan-service can be used and not tarnish the overall feeling of an anime, but I'd say only 1 in 10 series would ever use fs the way it is supposed to be applied---as pure comedy---not as disgusting lust inducing garbage.
As for my own opinion of this show, I'd the ab scenes were practically harmless and nothing in this show should be seriously considered fan service just yet as we've only seen 2 episodes thus far.
Jul 13, 2013 9:54 PM

Oct 2012
T3rm1n4t0r2 said:
Obviously not, but it's usually a sign that an series isn't anything special when the studios have to include stupid bs fan service just to make money off of it. Whether we're seeing them hard firm abs or floppin' tits flying around in a skimpy swimsuit, fan service is a retarded dumb marketing ploy, and nothing more. It ruins a lot of good things (ie SAO and Suisei no Gargantia). Any time nudity has to be used to grab people's attention, you should know its probably not worth spending your valuable time on it xD Just think "Da Capo III" - worst Anime I ever watched in my entire life.
Now having said all that, there are indeed a select couple of shows where the story and everything else about them shined bright enough to make the fan service appear as simple comedy. Shows like "The Melancholy of Suzumiya Huruhi" have everything in them that a great work of art has. You know the fan service wasn't just thrown in there as some cheap-ass move to boost sales. Basically fan-service can be used and not tarnish the overall feeling of an anime, but I'd say only 1 in 10 series would ever use fs the way it is supposed to be applied---as pure comedy---not as disgusting lust inducing garbage.
As for my own opinion of this show, I'd the ab scenes were practically harmless and nothing in this show should be seriously considered fan service just yet as we've only seen 2 episodes thus far.

Sex sells. If an anime turns shit, throw some fanservice for the greens.

Don't believe me? Queen's Blade is there for you.
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Jul 13, 2013 11:41 PM

Oct 2008
EpicPiee said:
Hell to the no. You did not just call Haruhi a typical moe anime.

Nope, I did not. Where do you read this? I just stated that KyoAni have always been using fanservice elements like many other animation studios and gave two examples (Haruhi and moe series in general).

T3rm1n4t0r2 said:
Basically fan-service can be used and not tarnish the overall feeling of an anime, but I'd say only 1 in 10 series would ever use fs the way it is supposed to be applied---as pure comedy---not as disgusting lust inducing garbage.
As for my own opinion of this show, I'd the ab scenes were practically harmless and nothing in this show should be seriously considered fan service just yet as we've only seen 2 episodes thus far.

Agree with you. So far Free! is pretty cleverly executed by KyoAni and therefore gives me the impression of this one out of ten series in which the fanservice is applied correctly.

In most typical ecchi shows girls simply get their clothes taken off to show what's underneath. In Free! however the boys get undressed because normally nobody wants to dive into a pool still wearing his school uniform. That's actually a huge difference. In one case the fanservice is forced and pushy, in the other it's logical and naturally fits into the story. The boys' well-trained bodies are a pretty nice side effect but definitely not the main point.
Jul 14, 2013 8:52 PM
Mar 2011
Eraclea- said:

In most typical ecchi shows girls simply get their clothes taken off to show what's underneath. In Free! however the boys get undressed because normally nobody wants to dive into a pool still wearing his school uniform. That's actually a huge difference. In one case the fanservice is forced and pushy, in the other it's logical and naturally fits into the story. The boys' well-trained bodies are a pretty nice side effect but definitely not the main point.

Yeah the execution was done well (stylish and classy), it can be looked at as a nice extra, but the chests and abs being "sexy" are definitely are not the focus of showing them :D

Itermin8rX said:

Sex sells. If an anime turns shit, throw some fanservice for the greens.

Don't believe me? Queen's Blade is there for you.

Your completely right, sex does sell for sure, but I think its pretty sad that so many studios use it so often these days to basically produce garbage. It ruins a show even further than basically anything else can ;___;
Jul 15, 2013 12:14 AM

Nov 2007
of course not, why should it be?
Jul 15, 2013 12:19 AM

Jul 2013
I don't think either sex should be sexualize but if has to be done then I rather both genders be affected by it and not just one. It seems a little hypocrite for guys to complain that it's not alright to sexualize their own sex but are ok when the other sex is sexualize.
Jul 15, 2013 1:36 AM
Jul 2013
admiring the beauty of a lady is not wrong at all, they need that you say how sexy they are
Jul 15, 2013 1:46 AM

Nov 2012
Jul 15, 2013 3:49 AM

Apr 2008
Stop! Sexualizing! The Frees!
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
Jul 16, 2013 3:28 AM
Jul 2018
ye of corpse its rong cos its gay lol.
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