My name is AGoldenShotgun. I'm a Fighting Game Enthusiast and Extraordinaire but I also watch anime or read manga when I get the chance. I'm 17 year old male, a bit shy but once I come out my shell I'm a nice person to be around. I love gaming, writing, and sleeping (if you count that as a hobby). My anime interests really range from anything. I'll watch ecchi, moe, drama, supernatural, and etc. You name it I'll watch it.
The Characters I play:
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3: Nova, Spencer, and Taskmaster
Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Leo or Lee/Lili
Street Fighter x Tekken v2013: Juri and Lili
Dead or Alive 5: Helena
Injustice: Green Arrow
Skullgirls: Valentine & Double
Skype: phlonomenal
GT: Phlonomenal
PSN: Phlonominal
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