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Jun 14, 2013 3:19 PM

Apr 2013
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
They should have just named this Devil Massacre The Animation (alt. version of DS2). There is no point in calling it Survivor if all the characters are gonna die especially the hot babaes.

Are they trying to make this a foursome ending with Hibiki/Daichi/Yamato/Alcor or a reverse harem with Io/Makoto in the middle of the four or a harem with Hibiki and the rest??? Way to ruin a great frustrations are beyond explaining.

I agree completely, this adaption is just as sh!t as the Disgaea Anime. Whoever were the people that rated that Disgaea Anime to 15 best top likes in another discussion thread can go and screw themselves, and have complete shit taste in anime.

Anyways, way to go Hibiki. Seeing this flashback of yours and saying you want to redo everything all over again, I now know that he will be going for Daichi's ending...

I was hoping they would of picked Anguished One ending and kept at least Airi and Jungo alive.
KiteTheAzureJun 14, 2013 3:23 PM
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Jun 14, 2013 3:35 PM

May 2013
KiteTheAzure said:

Don't you think it's kind of.. outrageous to kill Alcor now? I mean, he has always been there for them, they drank coffee together, they had a nice breakfast together and he watches over everyone.. He confronted Yamato about Io and now it seems to me that he is willing to risk his life to stop Yamato from killing Hibiki. I'm sure Hibiki feels the same about him as well..
Jun 14, 2013 4:53 PM

Apr 2013
Leapling said:
KiteTheAzure said:

Don't you think it's kind of.. outrageous to kill Alcor now? I mean, he has always been there for them, they drank coffee together, they had a nice breakfast together and he watches over everyone.. He confronted Yamato about Io and now it seems to me that he is willing to risk his life to stop Yamato from killing Hibiki. I'm sure Hibiki feels the same about him as well..

Wouldn't be surprised now if they did kill him off in the next episode, but I have a feeling Hibiki will side with Alcor and Yamato and Io in my opinion might die in the next episode.

I doubt Hibiki would allow Alcor to kill Yamato though, and I doubt Hibiki would allow Yamato to kill Alcor. Hibiki would try to convince Yamato to stop what his trying to do, while fighting each other which a typical Shounen usually does. Solve all your problems by fighting them. xD
KiteTheAzureJun 14, 2013 4:56 PM
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Jun 14, 2013 7:50 PM

Jul 2010
Well I understand why people don't like the adaption that much but I personally liked the serie so far, true it's very rushed and lots of people die but on the other hand, only the important ones for the story are still there.

I wish people would shut up about it being rushed, we KNOW after having seen 11 episodes of it but it's not like the animators could slower the pace if they only have 13 episodes to work with, or would everyone rather have them skipping a day? ._.
Jun 14, 2013 8:13 PM

May 2010
babymilo91 said:
I thought it was Black Frost too. Oh well.

HEE HOO!! lol

Hahaha I thought that too but if they wanna call Jack Frost then okay whatever because all that matters when he did HEE HOO I was LMFAO
Jun 14, 2013 9:35 PM

Feb 2013
Wow the characters are really dropping flies now....

The ED is starting to get strangely funny though.
Jun 14, 2013 11:43 PM

Nov 2010
It feels like the characters are garbage.
they disappear just like that...
oh well we wll see where it will go from here
Jun 15, 2013 12:53 AM

Mar 2010
KiteTheAzure said:

I agree completely, this adaption is just as sh!t as the Disgaea Anime.

First of all I don't know what disgaea anime.
They even never mention on their official site if this is a game adaptation . This serve as a pure anime version.
Thirdly and lastly , well well well. I REALLY DO NOT THINK THIS 'ANIMATION' IS 'sh!t' , you don't like it , might as well drop it now and stop cursing it . There are still ABUNDANTLY MANY people out there find this anime is good and ENJOYABLE. and I believe THEY ARE NOT IDIOTs.
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Jun 15, 2013 1:33 AM

Sep 2012
Sebastian333 said:
They even never mention on their official site if this is a game adaptation . This serve as a pure anime version.
That it is not clearly mentioned in the anime site does not negate the fact that the anime is still an adaptation of the game. Those in Japan who are curious about the anime should be able to find out the game by many channels - the anime site is not the only place for them to know more about the anime.

Also, Devil Survivor 2 has a meta site that covers everything from game, to manga and anime: So there is information about the connection for the public.

That said, I agree very much people should not easily dismiss this anime as 'shit'. Those who do so are only those who have difficulty explaining themselves and have to resort to bland curse words to express their dislike (while failing to be articulate why).
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Jun 15, 2013 1:42 AM

Sep 2011
Lol @ all the characters dropping like flies. Killed off everyone, which I sort of hated. I can picture the ending already.
Jun 15, 2013 4:04 AM

Mar 2012
Wow. Hibiki OP as always. Wasn't he just in the Intensive Care Room, at least until last night?

Why was I still watching this again? Oh right. That OP and ED, Sawashiro Miyuki, Fumi, Airi/Jungo, and Yamato. So just why Fumi and Airi? Why not Nitta?

Seriously, I'm very lenient when it comes to watching anime, but this is something else. I don't need to play the game to know that this is a not good series.
Wew. Off to Railgun!
Jun 15, 2013 4:36 AM

Aug 2010
Animefanx3 said:
I wish people would quit complaining about it being rushed... but it's not like the animators could slower the pace if they only have 13 episodes to work with, or would everyone rather have them skipping a day? ._.

What I find amusing is the escalation of each progressive episode feeling more rushed than the previous. First they start cutting the ending credits into the show itself rather than rolling the ending video clip. Then they start cutting into the opening credits into the show as well. If all else fails, then use flashbacks and montages to fill in plot gaps that can not be explored properly, in hopes that fans of the game or brand would fill in the emotional attachment to the characters themselves.

Either way I'm just enjoying it for what it is, as an animation of the game and thinking of possible endings they might be going for. But, I would find it hard for people to like it as a stand alone anime.
Jun 15, 2013 4:42 AM

Jul 2011
Fumi, noooo.
Jun 15, 2013 5:05 AM

Nov 2011
danmess said:
Wow. Hibiki OP as always. Wasn't he just in the Intensive Care Room, at least until last night?

Why was I still watching this again? Oh right. That OP and ED, Sawashiro Miyuki, Fumi, Airi/Jungo, and Yamato. So just why Fumi and Airi? Why not Nitta?

Seriously, I'm very lenient when it comes to watching anime, but this is something else. I don't need to play the game to know that this is a not good series.
Wew. Off to Railgun!

One does not simply judge a series by its anime adaption. They are lots and lots of terrible anime adaption of a great series out there.

Jun 15, 2013 5:19 AM

Aug 2008
Black Frost :DDDDDD Finally! There's been Pyro Jack, Black Frost, I think King Frost too? I hope someday Jack Frost will make it in an anime ♥

Jun 15, 2013 5:27 AM
Jun 2013
4kicks said:

As for the ending, they are either going for an original one, hybrid of different endings, or something along the lines of the "True Ending"

Was thinking about some kind of combined Liberator/Kingmaker/Restorer true ending, since they had a lot of Hibiki/Alcor interaction previously, and then we had Hibikis foreshadowing this episode where he says he's going to make everything as before:

The thing is, in the anime, the Alcor is different than in the game.

Well, much of my reasoning is in spoilers because it bases on the games ending, and since the whole post is kinda useless without opening them, I'm also gonna throw my take on all the deaths in this ep:

We never actually saw the dead body of any of them. We also know that:
1. Hinako had summoned Shiva previously
2. Airi had summoned Kama previously

They could make some kind of "hey guys, we're not dead, Shiva saved Hinako and Kama saved Airi/Jungo out of nowhere", since their specific demons have not been summoned in combat yet. It wold be kinda cheap though.

As for Fumi, it would surprise me, but Trumpeter (or Fumi herself) could pull off something. Like throwing laptops in front of the beam, I was very disappointed in not seeing that one this episode.

EDIT: 2 "yet" in one sentence hurts eyes ><
Jun 15, 2013 6:47 AM

Nov 2011

Beautiful handled the incident, leading to the death of other non-propio indispensable, even the scientist dies to sin and meganekko The girl, she was nice. Good output Daichi at least it will not be remembered as a guest appearance! XD
Jun 15, 2013 6:53 AM

Jul 2011
I hope everyone die in the end, how nice would it be?
Jun 15, 2013 7:07 AM

Feb 2012
Fumi is dead? NOOO
So badass. 'So this is death? Hmm...' I want to die like this.
Wow, Hibiki's boybest friend is not useless anymore. Cool.
Yamato wants Hibiki to kill him. We all know it won't happen. They love each other too much.
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
Jun 15, 2013 7:23 AM

Apr 2013
Sebastian333 said:
KiteTheAzure said:

I agree completely, this adaption is just as sh!t as the Disgaea Anime.

First of all I don't know what disgaea anime.
They even never mention on their official site if this is a game adaptation . This serve as a pure anime version.
Thirdly and lastly , well well well. I REALLY DO NOT THINK THIS 'ANIMATION' IS 'sh!t' , you don't like it , might as well drop it now and stop cursing it . There are still ABUNDANTLY MANY people out there find this anime is good and ENJOYABLE. and I believe THEY ARE NOT IDIOTs.

Are you stupid? Not saying you are, but are you?

It never said anything about it being an adaption, but it is an adaption of the damn game ffs. I compared Disgaea and Devil Survivor anime adaptions of the games because they are both horrible and poorly handed in my opinion! I didn't expect much people here to know what Disgaea even is. Though like Symbv said "Should not easily dismiss this anime as 'shit'." I will watch it until the end and make my final opinion and score on it.

So far its not going so well for me.
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Jun 15, 2013 7:40 AM

Apr 2013
Well the reason they called him Jack frost was because it's japanese name is "Ja'aku-furosuto" which means wicked or evil. just found out after a quick SMT wiki search :p
Jun 15, 2013 8:15 AM

Oct 2012
Damn Airi is are others.
The episode was really great, Yamato is quite powerful but the part with Alcor and his minions damn he is truly dangerous XD.
Hibiki didn't have much choice but to fight aside of Yamato even if he let three died. Finally Daichi is getting is power Demon it was about time and it was pretty useful too X).
The last scene with Yamato saying' that he would kill Hibiki and Alcor interfering that was epic. Only 2 episode left and i can't wait to watch them.
Jun 15, 2013 8:54 AM
Aug 2012
lol y is jack frost so strong >.< it shld be much less powerful than Cerberus the guardian to the gates of hell ohwell it was quite obvious from the start of the episode who wld die tho its not 100% certain if they did die or not
Jun 15, 2013 9:34 AM

Nov 2010
Falcie said:

And that was a Black Frost, not a Jack Frost.

Thanks for clearing that up for me at least
I thought it was weird to call him Jack Frost, because that was one of the earliest demon you can get and after that King Frost

The episode was meh to me, without much build up they just jump to be OP
Jun 15, 2013 10:32 AM
Apr 2011
It goes to show how superficially the producers created the anime. They can't even differentiate Jack Frost and Black Frost.
Jun 15, 2013 11:27 AM

Feb 2012
They killed my Airi ;A;
Jun 15, 2013 8:18 PM
Apr 2013
This is the preview of the next episode (episode 12):
Jun 15, 2013 8:21 PM

Dec 2011
I love how Alcor is all like "I won't let you kill Hibiki."


Jun 15, 2013 10:40 PM

Feb 2013
So much action and feels this episode, people died, but they will probably come back to life and Alcor being awesome as always
MALoween 2024:
Main Candies: Bonus Candies:
Jun 15, 2013 11:12 PM

May 2013
4kicks said:
Subs are out, and the biggest error that stood out to me is they translated the demon Black Frost as Jack Frost when in Japanese, Ja'aku means evil, therefore Black Frost in they probably heard it wrong. Would have helped if the ones translating knew more about the games so they can get it right. Jack Frosts are the smaller good-spirited equivalent (and also Atlus's official Mascot), colored white and blue unlike the purple and black of it's evil giant version.

As for the ending, they are either going for an original one, hybrid of different endings, or something along the lines of the "True Ending" where

Also, Hibiki better get some new demons soon or I'm going to be pissed off that they keep pulling this "shounen manga" stunts where the main character gets an unexplained or stupidly powerful power-up at just the right time (like Daichi's case), but can be excusable because they all use demons, and can summon them from Auctions, or "Download" in the anime, "Fusion" in the games.


Hibiki always gets the best lmao, as he is the protagonist, the creator wants "the protagonist to have everything" but idk lol

Jun 16, 2013 12:38 AM

Mar 2010
Sebastian333 said:
Epic Fumi's of my favorite fictional-scientist .______.

Frost190 said:
This is the preview of the next episode (episode 12):

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Jun 16, 2013 2:28 AM

Aug 2008
I honestly love this anime. I'm a bit surprised that the rating isn't as high as I thought it could be.

I just find the themes, presentation, action sequences and general awesome production values to be all very nice. It seems like it will have a reset ending, like Hibiki asking for all to return like how it was before the invasion/judgement-day. But I wouldn't be surprised if it's an open ending, or a a bad ending either. It has a generally tense mood and people die like flies haha.
Jun 16, 2013 4:03 AM

Feb 2012

Thank god they finally introduced themselves FORMALLY. Fumi was friggin awesome. Hibiki's past was interesting. Him screaming and everything was meh. Daichi, I believed in you AND I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. Alcor, DAMN YOU AND YOUR CLIFF HANGER. WAE SUDDENLY AN ENDING SONG. IT LEFT ME SO HANING UGH.

Alcor was friggin badass. Daichi is friggin badass. Yamato is friggin badass. Everyone was friggin badass. I'm done.

And I'm not really that much affected on their deaths. It was really quite heart-breaking, yeah. I mean I SCREAMED AT FUMI'S. And then when Hinako was like "This is my final request" I just lost it. But then it's like, I just know deep inside that they're gonna come back sooner or later. World's gonna reset or...

I'm smelling some time-travel here. Hibiki kept on hinting it anyways.

OKAY SO YES. I'm just gonna edit this later after I read all the other posts. Okay. Yeah. Bye.
rinkaishaJun 16, 2013 4:06 AM

set made by tsudecimo ★ i m a d g m t r a s h ★ pnch blc mal rewrite

Jun 16, 2013 6:28 AM

Jan 2012
How was anyone supposed to take Jack Frost and his 'Hee Ho' seriously
Jun 16, 2013 8:32 AM

Aug 2010

Had to create this lmao, Not even Scumbag Steve approves. smhhh Scumbag Nicaea :'D
Jun 16, 2013 12:20 PM

Feb 2010
lightcard said:


None exactly most events are done differently so it doesn't follow any route, it can have any ending for all we know.

Jun 16, 2013 1:14 PM

Jul 2012
Fumi, Hinako, and Airi :O
O'Hai :D
Jun 16, 2013 1:25 PM

May 2011
Omfg yes finally Daichi had his moments to shine and he did just that, saving the day. Too bad he couldn't summon that demon a bit earlier tho ughhh. Damn it noooo not Airi and Jungo, and especially not Fumi :(.

Aw cmon don't tell me Alcor is gonna be on Hibiki's side. It would be great if Yamato comes out winning at the end. Though I did love seeing Alcor crush that demon in the beginning.
Jun 16, 2013 5:28 PM

May 2012
Wooh, no! They're started to be friends and almost all of them died! How sad... T^T
Badges: C.C.O / T.C.O / TFCC admin ID | Previously known as kazumi-san95
Jun 16, 2013 11:22 PM

Mar 2012
FUMI Y U NO DODGE??? Now that they killed off Fumi this show is worse than it already was ;_;
Jun 17, 2013 12:16 AM

Mar 2012
jenchiuk said:
You have to got to love Daichi's new demon Jack Frost and I knew he would be able to summon a powerful one after all that willpower he has been showing recently and I have to say that it was a good combination between Hibiki and Daichi and they also showed their pasts slightly and signified that they had a very tight bond and I guess that was the factor which influenced a powerful summoning as Hinako did explain that the demon summoning is according to the user's ability.

Ramkec said:
Jack Frost was beast.

tingy said:
LOL at the "Hee Ho" XD The battle was all serious and then that Jack Frost came along.;

kingfelix92 said:
lol y is jack frost so strong >.<t

>mfw you dweebs call Black Frost by the wrong name because of shitty translators

Jun 17, 2013 3:28 AM

Dec 2012
i have to admit i'm quite impressed how many characters they kill off. i just hope they won't bring them back at the end. i do liked some of the characters, but i always hate it when shows impress me first by having the balls to kill off a lot of characters, but then at the end they all come back due to some miracle. please don't do that, devil survivor. please make it a bittersweet ending or something like that.
Jun 17, 2013 3:29 AM

Sep 2011
They killed my Airi!? Fuck this show!!! Thanks to this episode now I'm depressed.

And Jack Frost? Looks like Black Frost or King Frost to me.

Jun 17, 2013 5:39 AM

Apr 2011
Tennouji_ said:
They killed my Airi!? Fuck this show!!! Thanks to this episode now I'm depressed.

And Jack Frost? Looks like Black Frost or King Frost to me.

They mistook it. The Japanese pronunciation of Black Frost is "Ja'aku Furosuto", thus the confusion.

I'll agree with those who say that this is a horrible adaption. I've not played the game much, but I have played it enough to know how much this differs from it. I'll be honest, I love this anime. It's my third favorite of the season, even. But as an adaption, this anime simply fails. As a standalone however, I would say that this anime is decent. Not good, not great, not horrible, but decent.

Now for the episode, I liked this episode. Only episode 1 trumps this one. I liked the appearance of Black Frost, the disabling of the demons and the killings. But one thing I didn't like was Hibiki. I was tolerating him uptil now, but he comes out of nowhere and screams at Yamato that he's throwing his comrades away like garbage. Uh dude, the only reason you and everyone else that is alive is because Yamato "threw away his comrades". If he hadn't been holding that thing back, every single damn person would be dead.
Jun 17, 2013 6:58 AM

Mar 2012
Draklor said:
jenchiuk said:
You have to got to love Daichi's new demon Jack Frost and I knew he would be able to summon a powerful one after all that willpower he has been showing recently and I have to say that it was a good combination between Hibiki and Daichi and they also showed their pasts slightly and signified that they had a very tight bond and I guess that was the factor which influenced a powerful summoning as Hinako did explain that the demon summoning is according to the user's ability.

Ramkec said:
Jack Frost was beast.

tingy said:
LOL at the "Hee Ho" XD The battle was all serious and then that Jack Frost came along.;

kingfelix92 said:
lol y is jack frost so strong >.<t

>mfw you dweebs call Black Frost by the wrong name because of shitty translators

I lol'd. That is a pretty awesome pic.

Although, I do have to agree at the gullibility toward the fansubs. I mean, c'mon. Any SMT fan with half a brain could tell you that's Black Frost and not Jack Frost as stated in the fansub.
Jun 17, 2013 7:38 AM

Feb 2010
xAvengerx said:
FUMI Y U NO DODGE??? Now that they killed off Fumi this show is worse than it already was ;_;

no, i think the way she died is pretty cool
meh episode,but good to see Daichi can be useful
i wonder who will die in next episode....

tck.yes,you... yamato i can see your deathflags ;__;

Dota 2 Esports Stories are a fuckin Anime IRL Anime Sports

Jun 17, 2013 11:12 AM

May 2012
Can't decide if this the worst episode or the best one from this show.

They killed off some many great characters, especially Airi who was by far my favorite......WTF. But we finally get to see Daichi being useful.
Jun 17, 2013 3:39 PM
Apr 2011
I have
aiikyoya said:
xAvengerx said:
FUMI Y U NO DODGE??? Now that they killed off Fumi this show is worse than it already was ;_;

no, i think the way she died is pretty cool
meh episode,but good to see Daichi can be useful
i wonder who will die in next episode....

tck.yes,you... yamato i can see your deathflags ;__;

My feeling is that it will be the Creator( or whatever Alcor's route was called) ending. In the OP song, it shows Yamato and Alcor facing each other with the protagonist in the middle meaning that he has to choose one of them. That was a flag that Ronaldo was out of the running, now that I think about it. On the other hand, it could be the restorer ending due to the cliche of bring your friends back to life and that fact that the protagonist being between Yamato and Alcor means that he will fight both.

And Fumi's death was not cool. I wanted to see her beat up Trumpeter with laptops. I wanted to see Airi beat up Kama for being a perv.
Jun 17, 2013 4:03 PM

Jan 2013
Hmm, dont have much to say on this episode.
Nice animation
Jun 17, 2013 8:11 PM
Mar 2009
Daichi finally gets his moment of usefulness. And he summons something stronger than Yamato's summons? What.

Yamato, what. Flying and single-handedly fending off the Septentrione. Holy shit, why is he so strong?

Heh, I thought Alcor would have been the last Septentrione, oh well. And that ending is getting reaaaally empty now, when it's been gone for the last two weeks. Killed off four characters this episode? Dayummm.

I also heard a bit of the full OP this episode, awesome.
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