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Apr 6, 2013 7:28 AM

Nov 2011
Well, the latest episode was alright I guess. Loved watching some of the happy moments in this episode with the smiles. Lol @ Kud this episode as usual. Oh God, that cute little cookie. Hope Riki will make a fine leader on the team. Overall, I sort of liked LB in a way. I also hope that Refrain will be adapted well in the future.

Otherwise, I'm definitely expecting Season 2 to be animated in the future! Go team:

Stark700Apr 6, 2013 7:58 AM
Apr 6, 2013 7:36 AM
Apr 6, 2013 7:36 AM

Jan 2011
The Refrain season was actually announced in the episode ehehehe~
Apr 6, 2013 7:38 AM

Sep 2011

Judging from that "In addition, the anime will repeat on Tokyo MX starting on Thursday, April 11."

We won't get it until next year or Fall 2013.
TyrelApr 6, 2013 7:45 AM
Apr 6, 2013 7:44 AM
Jan 2011
I think Fallseason 2013, Season 1 repeat Spring/Summer and then there will be directly Season 2 :>
Apr 6, 2013 7:46 AM

Mar 2013
I always capture the best moment
Apr 6, 2013 7:49 AM

Sep 2012
Ohh yes, season 2 please. I'm ready to cry.
onepineApr 6, 2013 7:55 AM
Apr 6, 2013 7:57 AM

Sep 2011
Oh god the final minute gave me chills. Give me Refrain<3.
Apr 6, 2013 8:00 AM

Nov 2011
Apr 6, 2013 8:18 AM

Nov 2007
Shed manly tears watching the last min of this ep, lol.

Can't wait for Refrain. Please air in Fall 2013 at the earliest xD
The News Club: Quality News/Discussion (anime, CDs, manga, novels, games, seiyuu), & sales data (daily, weekly, mid-year, yearly).
Apr 6, 2013 8:29 AM

Dec 2012
The whole episode brought a nice, big smile to my face :D. And that Season 2 announcement!! I couldn't help but grin at that moment. October 6th 2013, you better come fast!! (I assume this is when it airs as that's when it aired last year)
Apr 6, 2013 8:30 AM

Jan 2013
nice job jc staff in my opinion, good luck in the sales and second season :)
Apr 6, 2013 8:56 AM
Feb 2013
I really appreciated the inclusion of Miyuki, Kanata, A-chan and Sasami+fangirls spectating the game, along with the fun little moments with the all-star team getting charmed by Kud and Komari.
Apr 6, 2013 9:13 AM

Jan 2011
Nice episode to wrap up the first season.
So many feels in this episode though! All the thank yous hit me hard as
And that PV. FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELS ;__; I'm certainly hyped for Refrain.

Overall, this series was a roller coaster ride. Some parts were pretty bad and some were amazingly hilarious or hit the feels very nicely.
Apr 6, 2013 9:20 AM
Feb 2013
So alot of people were hyping up the announcement but it was just for season 2 which we all expected haha

Great final episode; I almost shed a tear at the end when they took the photo :) Music was kind of weird, playing Mios theme when Haruka showed up but strangely it fit well.

I think some anime only viewers will be left unsatisfied though because for 25 episodes they were prepping up for the baseball game and it only lasts for 2 minutes lol. And there wasn't any "secret of the world" cliffhanger but I think the Refrain shots will be enough to see people coming back.
Apr 6, 2013 9:28 AM

Jul 2012
Such a cute episode! LOLed at the lolicon basbeall player.
And OMG that announcement ;_;
Apr 6, 2013 9:32 AM

Jun 2011
Finally, the horrible routes are done. I keep associating LB with the terrible routes and not its greatest strength, Refrain. And when I do think of Refrain, I remember how awful the routes are. God, this VN needs to be fixed.

All I can say is that I'm hyped and ready to look at Refrain in a fresh look.
I work in VNs. Sometimes, they have h-scenes and I go "waai~". I also like to not write at Oppai is Justice, a blog with great urls.
Apr 6, 2013 9:34 AM

Sep 2012

Apr 6, 2013 9:39 AM
Feb 2013
Wow, the rank just shot up by 700 places
Apr 6, 2013 9:59 AM

Aug 2012
badgerkins said:
Wow, the rank just shot up by 700 places
yup couldn't believe it at first but you are right
Apr 6, 2013 10:38 AM

Aug 2011
its cuz the data base is being updated at the moment. 3000 people arent being counted right now. wait till at least tomorrow for the ratings to change.
TL & founder of Refrain Subs.
Website: Check us out for weekly releases!
Apr 6, 2013 10:46 AM

Jul 2010

I loved the anime, had highs and lows parts but overall loved it :'D

Can't wait for Refrain T--------------------------T
Apr 6, 2013 10:48 AM

Mar 2012
couldn't wait anymore so watched it raw; will watch subs later when UTW releases them tonight.

Certainly not a bad adaption; surely it's not perfect (neither is Clannad) but I still enjoyed it intensely; it was like every episode only lasted a few minutes. Some episodes where heartwarming while others where quite sad. Funny thing is, that a long time ago (before I even knew what anime was), one day I saw a link and picture to something called "Little Busters" and I thought it was childish; but now I learned it is the most awesome thing in this world. Unfortunately now I have to wait at least half a year for Refrain; but I'm already extremely hyped; certainly going to miss this anime for the coming time.

Thank you JC Staff for the adaption of the first season; now make the second season even better please! For me, this anime certainly lived up to the (very high) expectations.
Apr 6, 2013 11:38 AM

May 2012
Apr 6, 2013 11:54 AM

Sep 2008
For anyone interested, here's a rough translation of the teaser at the end of the episode:

Apr 6, 2013 12:43 PM

Dec 2012
I´ve seen the RAW episode.


But, they´ve lost the game? T_________T. Why? If they were kicking their asses...

Final review tomorrow.

PD: My reaction after watching the 2nd Season Announcement:
TimeToRepentApr 6, 2013 12:51 PM

This is how it all begins.

My RYM|My Last.Fm|My Steam
Apr 6, 2013 1:06 PM

Dec 2012
TimeToRepent said:
I´ve seen the RAW episode.


But, they´ve lost the game? T_________T. Why? If they were kicking their asses...

Final review tomorrow.

PD: My reaction after watching the 2nd Season Announcement:

They won the baseball game, that's why they were holding up Riki and cheering and stuff. It even said that they won 18-10
Apr 6, 2013 1:11 PM

Dec 2012
Seano299 said:
TimeToRepent said:
I´ve seen the RAW episode.


But, they´ve lost the game? T_________T. Why? If they were kicking their asses...

Final review tomorrow.

PD: My reaction after watching the 2nd Season Announcement:

They won the baseball game, that's why they were holding up Riki and cheering and stuff. It even said that they won 18-10

But I´ve seen in the score... Where it says: リトルバスターズ (Little Busters), in the score has a 10, and the other team has 18...

This is how it all begins.

My RYM|My Last.Fm|My Steam
Apr 6, 2013 1:21 PM

Dec 2012
TimeToRepent said:
Seano299 said:
TimeToRepent said:
I´ve seen the RAW episode.


But, they´ve lost the game? T_________T. Why? If they were kicking their asses...

Final review tomorrow.

PD: My reaction after watching the 2nd Season Announcement:

They won the baseball game, that's why they were holding up Riki and cheering and stuff. It even said that they won 18-10

But I´ve seen in the score... Where it says: リトルバスターズ (Little Busters), in the score has a 10, and the other team has 18...

Well, it also says that they didn't get any runs on the last outing, which we know is wrong anyway, because we had Kurugaya, Kud and Riki make a run at the end, so I feel it's pretty obvious that JC just messed that up (although I can hardly read the boards anyway).
Apr 6, 2013 1:23 PM

Jul 2010
Well, guess it's time to play the VN now and get prepped for Refrain in the future.
Apr 6, 2013 1:24 PM

Dec 2012
Seano299 said:
TimeToRepent said:
Seano299 said:
TimeToRepent said:
I´ve seen the RAW episode.


But, they´ve lost the game? T_________T. Why? If they were kicking their asses...

Final review tomorrow.

PD: My reaction after watching the 2nd Season Announcement:

They won the baseball game, that's why they were holding up Riki and cheering and stuff. It even said that they won 18-10

But I´ve seen in the score... Where it says: リトルバスターズ (Little Busters), in the score has a 10, and the other team has 18...

Well, it also says that they didn't get any runs on the last outing, which we know is wrong anyway, because we had Kurugaya, Kud and Riki make a run at the end, so I feel it's pretty obvious that JC just messed that up (although I can hardly read the boards anyway).

Yeah, pretty sure. Those d***heads pooped it.

This is how it all begins.

My RYM|My Last.Fm|My Steam
Apr 6, 2013 1:58 PM

Oct 2012
i enjoyed the series... 9/10 for this season.
after i heard about refrain i can die in peace. haha,
finally its settled, yeah time for hiatus for a while. XD

Apr 6, 2013 5:28 PM

Aug 2012
J.C. Staff did a god job adapting this series despite the flaws seen these past few weeks.
9/10 for the series.
And by the way, I don't think KyoAni can do a better adaptation of LB! than J.C.
Apr 6, 2013 5:37 PM

Sep 2012

Fuck all you haters <3
Cya next season.
Apr 6, 2013 6:21 PM

Aug 2011
A fantastic season finale to a great show that is Little Busters! It all started with the intrumental version of Faraway, and I loved to see Kengo as one of the baseball team and all happy and smiling. How I missed that!

There wasn't much going on this episode and it was all good. Girls saying their reason and thanks to Riki for their struggle and the way he has helped them together and moved on.

Kyousuke with more foreshadowing of what we are to expect the coming season, which I am really hyped about!

And the best part of this episode, they went with Little Busters winning the match! I'll honestly say that it took me a few dozen tries to win it due to RNG playing with me, but this was just great to watch, especially with the opening song being played during the match.

JC Staff did a good job adapting, though they struggled a bit, but it got better as the show progressed, and to adapt something like this into an anime is not a easy task at all. I am pleased with the show so far, and I hope Refrain is going to be really well adapted and done really well, just as how good Refrain was in the VN.

There were some rushed moments here and there during the season, but they did a good job nonetheless. I was not fan of those spandex ass shots that would just crawl up to you, hopefully there won't be much about that in Refrain.

My score for the first season is 8/10. JC Staff: It gets better.

Judging from the preview, we got some really intense stuff coming towards us on the next season, and what in my opinion is the core of Little Busters, Refrain. If done properly, this could be god tier. Also Kengo's outrage on Kyousuke, God I am looking forward to that. Refrain~

Apr 6, 2013 6:26 PM

Jul 2012
I'm not trying to go against the crowd or be a J.C. hater, but I found this adaption/build up to be mainly mediocre, so I'm giving it a 5/10.

I wasn't too fond of how the arcs were executed, particularly Kud's and her deus ex machina (which I know will be explained later, but still) not to mention time to get attached and really know all the characters wasn't spent well.

Again, I do realize this was a buildup and from what I've heard it's undoubtable that Refrain will reach a higher score than this did, but even as a buildup it felt very weak to me. Nothing really stood out. Standard visuals, overused music, bland comedy.

The characters definitely weren't bad. Not even Komari whom people seem to hate. I liked them, but never got attached to them.

Here's to hoping for great things from Refrain!
Apr 6, 2013 6:35 PM

May 2010

the whole anime was soo dull and there was waaay too much melodrama and moe for my taste and i dont even know how i managed to finish it. i wont even touch the sequel.

Little Busters! bored me to DEATH!

BUT it had parts which i really liked so i dont really want to slap a 5/10 rating on it so i have to go with 6/10.

just wanna say those kids have some REAL problems.
Apr 6, 2013 6:36 PM

Sep 2012
>implying Clannad isn't moe melodrama
Apr 6, 2013 6:41 PM

Nov 2012
A simple episode but pack with the emotions of friendship.

Haven't play the VN but now I want to go play it before Refrain airs! I honestly enjoy this anime for its concept of the power of friendship. J.C. Staff you might have receive a strange split among the fanbase. You did a good job adapting a novel that is known to take 50+ hours to complete (including the arcs that will be in Refrain).

8/10 from me ^^
Apr 6, 2013 6:43 PM

May 2010
Vladz0r said:
>implying Clannad isn't moe melodrama

>yes but with less annoying brats like the one in your profile
Apr 6, 2013 6:45 PM

Nov 2011
Apr 6, 2013 6:46 PM

Sep 2012
Kerozinn said:
Vladz0r said:
>implying Clannad isn't moe melodrama

>yes but with less annoying brats like the one in your profile

Like these guys?

Apr 6, 2013 6:47 PM

Jun 2010
I really wanted to write about a lot of things when it came to this adaptation (sometimes I did xD) but I did not feel the need to do so (in most cases). Alas it is the end of the 1st season and I would like to comment in a way fitting this show. Unfortunately Kengo stole my catch phrase I wanted to use to describe the show, namely: Little Busters Saikou!
Apr 6, 2013 6:47 PM

Jul 2012
that was a good final episode
Apr 6, 2013 6:48 PM

Jul 2012
Vladz0r said:
Kerozinn said:
Vladz0r said:
>implying Clannad isn't moe melodrama

>yes but with less annoying brats like the one in your profile

Like these guys?

B-But Fu-chan is precious angel. ;_;

Also, I wonder if this is gonna turn into a Clannad vs Little Busters war. Admit it -- they're both moe melodrama (their first season counterparts at least) but with different characters and situations.
Apr 6, 2013 6:50 PM

May 2010
Vladz0r said:
Kerozinn said:
Vladz0r said:
>implying Clannad isn't moe melodrama

>yes but with less annoying brats like the one in your profile

Like these guys?

yes exactly!

now get over yourself and just accept/tolerate it.
Apr 6, 2013 6:55 PM

Sep 2011
Oh god stop having a Clannad Vs Little Busters battle here.
Apr 6, 2013 6:57 PM

Sep 2012
There, I changed my avatar.
No more shittily developed autistic anime version Kud.
Can't say shit about VN Kud, this is my territory.
(may take time to show)
Apr 6, 2013 7:01 PM

Jul 2012
Vladz0r said:

(may take time to show)

I've been trying to change my avatar to Kyouko for weeks now. Looks like shittily developed autistic anime Kud will be stuck for a while.
Apr 6, 2013 7:02 PM

Jul 2012
Kerozinn said:
Vladz0r said:
Kerozinn said:
Vladz0r said:
>implying Clannad isn't moe melodrama

>yes but with less annoying brats like the one in your profile

Like these guys?

yes exactly!

now get over yourself and just accept/tolerate it.

I hope you realize that they were implying that those girls were annoying brats.
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