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Nov 6, 2008 9:49 AM
Jul 2018
Sebastian was not inferior to that (gay) Shinigami at all.
Why did Ciel had to make a big show entering the church? I understand Madame needs her red, but it was disturbing for the others. Otherwise a lot of talking this episode :v.
Nov 6, 2008 10:10 AM

Jul 2008
Cool! Want to see more of this. Great episode!

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aeroNov 17, 2008 3:55 PM
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Nov 10, 2008 9:26 PM

Dec 2007
Nice fight with Sebastian and Grell! A downer that Madam Red is gone now though. The funeral was, in a way, pretty sad. :(
Nov 12, 2008 6:55 AM
Mar 2008
I want subs for this ep, asap ! :P tee-hee... OR gief japanese lessons.

Anyway, great series so far.
Nov 13, 2008 4:15 AM

Feb 2008
Great episode, Sebastian is probably the most likeable demon I've seen. I laughed hard at the "I want to have your babies" from Greil, awesome to see that in an anime.

The funeral scene was beautiful and very well done and I liked it, it shows that Ciel isn't a completely cold-blooded bastard. Sebastian is a cold-blooded bastard, no matter how much I like him or how much they the producers try to hide it.
kuroshiroiNov 13, 2008 10:57 AM
Nov 13, 2008 10:38 AM

Mar 2008
tht has to be the best kuroshitsuji episode EVER!!! soooo epic......i LOVED it soooo much.....this show is amaiznggg...
ah so he wants to be king! thats his goal! understand now :D
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Nov 13, 2008 11:28 AM

Jul 2008
kuroshiroi said:
The funeral scene was beautiful and very well done and I liked it, it shows that Ciel isn't a completely cold-blooded bastard. Sebastian is a cold-blooded bastard, no matter how much I like him or how much they the producers try to hide it.

More or less. The music in the background was perfect as well, from the funeral through the end of the episode as well. And personally, I liked Ciel's big entrance, it suits him imo.

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
Nov 13, 2008 12:35 PM

Mar 2008
Another awesome episode. Love the way they put humor into the fight

the funeral was awesome too
Nov 13, 2008 12:42 PM

May 2008
Loved the funeral scene, the ending was pretty wicked.
Really cant wait to see the next episode.

kuroshiroi said:
I laughed hard at the "I want to have your babies" from Greil, awesome to see that in an anime.

Yeah me too lol!!
Nov 13, 2008 1:54 PM
Dec 2007
HoaRy said:

Why did Ciel had to make a big show entering the church? I understand Madame needs her red, but it was disturbing for the others.
I don't think he cares much for the others' opinions. He's quite self-centered in this kind of things.

Nov 13, 2008 3:03 PM
Nov 2007
the fight between greil and sebastian was cool. as always, i love the faces sebastian makes whenever greil says something gay. Sebastian also show his sadistic side by commenting on how enjoyable it was to do step on someone.. haha
Nov 13, 2008 3:59 PM
Oct 2008
kuroshiroi said:
I laughed hard at the "I want to have your babies" from Greil, awesome to see that in an anime.

Haha I agree too! That was awesome. Grell was totally gay for Sebastian.
I loved this episode! It was dark and bittersweet at the same time.
Nov 13, 2008 7:38 PM
Oct 2008
Not a bad episode i just have a problem using humor in places that doesnt need it, why try to make the audience laugh after the villian has just killed a whore and the madam you cant lighten the mood there it just seems out of place i dont know maybe its just me
Nov 13, 2008 10:50 PM

Jun 2008
akagi111 said:
Not a bad episode i just have a problem using humor in places that doesnt need it, why try to make the audience laugh after the villian has just killed a whore and the madam you cant lighten the mood there it just seems out of place i dont know maybe its just me

the humor wasn't there to lighten the mood after Madame Red's death ^^;; but it's true that 'random comic relief' isn't a technique that everyone will like. i personally love that aspect of Kuroshitsuji.
Nov 13, 2008 11:06 PM

Nov 2006

This is the second anime that has been able to make me laugh and then start crying within 10 seconds. Excellent.

I need to slap Shitsen with a trout for calling Grell "Greil" and leaving out an important word in a scene, however. Otherwise, I loved how they did "Sebby" and the two catchphrases.

Sebastian's wife was in this episode! Ftw.
Nov 14, 2008 2:48 AM

Feb 2008
windy said:
I need to slap Shitsen with a trout for calling Grell "Greil" and leaving out an important word in a scene, however. Otherwise, I loved how they did "Sebby" and the two catchphrases.
Which one is used in England, Grell or Greil? To me, Greil sounds better but I guess all the scanlators have been using Grell?

My Japanese listening skills failed at hearing why Shinsen decided to use Sebby, all I could hear was Sebastian from Greil.
kuroshiroiNov 14, 2008 2:51 AM
Nov 14, 2008 3:04 AM

Nov 2006
kuroshiroi said:
windy said:
I need to slap Shitsen with a trout for calling Grell "Greil" and leaving out an important word in a scene, however. Otherwise, I loved how they did "Sebby" and the two catchphrases.
Which one is used in England, Grell or Greil? To me, Greil sounds better but I guess all the scanlators have been using Grell?

My Japanese listening skills failed at hearing why Shinsen decided to use Sebby, all I could hear was Sebastian from Greil.
well it wouldn't make sense for it to be greil, the katakana is グレル which has no "i" sound in it. unless i'm mispronouncing greil...>_> in which case ignore me, as i do not know for sure if the manga-ka ever writes it 'grell'.

the nickname makes total sense if you see it written out. sebastian's name is written セバスチャン, and the ending is "chan". so grell decides to call him sebas-chan, (セバスちゃん) or "sebby". haha.
windyNov 14, 2008 3:07 AM
Nov 14, 2008 3:17 AM

Feb 2008
windy said:

Western names in Japan are rarely spelled correctly using Katakana but that's beside the point. Grell or Greil, both seem fine but for some reason Greil sounds more natural, it flows better.

Thanks for the explanation on that and also on Sebas-chan, that is indeed hilariously clever :)
Nov 14, 2008 5:40 PM

Jul 2007
Loved this episode. <3 The funeral procession was beautiful, and I especially liked the ending images of Ciel and the chess pieces. And the bgm~ my god, I can't wait until the OST comes out.
In my opinion, the comedic scenes in the beginning of the episode weren't just random comic relief to lighten the mood. They served to show that Grell is essentially a coldhearted bastard who doesn't give a damn about killing his partner in crime, and would just laugh it off. Not that that's a bad thing, because he's too damn fabulous to hate. <3

Grell's name was romanized as "Grelle Sutcriff" once in a magazine, so I guess Grelle is his official name. Japanese romanizations aren't always accurate(lol "Sutcriff"), but I'd say it's good enough. I don't know where Shitsen gets "Griel" from though, as there isn't an "i" in either the katakana or the pronunciation. Things like that annoy me to no end, which is why I'm sticking with A-Thryst for archiving.
(the scan in question)
Nov 14, 2008 7:39 PM

Nov 2007
The scene with the roses and flash backs was sweet :3, and Will the Shinigami <3 made of awesome =D part where he caught the chain saw was awesome loved the chess part at the end too ^_^
Nov 14, 2008 7:56 PM

Jun 2007
Amazing episode, this is getting more interesting. But as an awesome arc has ended i guess next episode wont be as great.

Grelle is quite the character im so glad Sebby didnt kill him. Also! Ishida (Will...?) enters!
Nov 14, 2008 7:59 PM

Sep 2008
The theme with chess is awesome~
Loved the funeral scene. And the fight at the beginning amused me xD
Keeps getting better!
Nov 14, 2008 8:23 PM

Apr 2007
That was the best funeral scene ever.

PandaPuffNov 15, 2008 7:34 AM

Nov 14, 2008 9:17 PM

Aug 2007
Ahh what a beautiful funeral scene.

Also, loved the dramatic ending. The music was perfect for that scene between Ciel and Sebastian.
Nov 15, 2008 1:06 AM
Jul 2018
dunno if I should be mad or sorry or love grell for his humor or laugh at his patheticness >< im liking that character! x3 too bad for madame red though... i went all teary eyed during that funeral scene Y_Y and ciel's "im all so mighty" attitude is jst pure win <3 sebastian's dedication.. priceless
Nov 15, 2008 4:22 AM

Jun 2008
I liked the battle is the beginning best, and the end about pawns and chess.
Is it just me or does Greil looks likes Cross (DGM)? Just the looks. Ceil also sorta looks like Lavi. Sebby looks like that guy with the eyepatch girl from KHR.
...does this mean everyone but Sebby's gonna die in the end? D=
1059806576Nov 15, 2008 4:28 AM
Nov 15, 2008 5:14 AM
Jul 2008
The dialog between Sebby and Shinigami made me LMAO.
The funaral scene was one of the best. And I just love that creepy undertaker. xD
Nov 15, 2008 7:39 AM
Dec 2007
Stomachbutterfly said:
Can Grelle come back? D: I really hope that's not the last we see from him. He was sinister, but so much fun!

Anyways, I'm interested in what Sebastain's true motives are. I like him, don't get me wrong, I'm just not sure how much I trust his character lol.
Well, Grelle isn't dead. He was just taken back for violating procedures. So yeah, nothing really stops him from showing up in the future. Sadly not as a butler.

Sebastian is obviously not to be trusted. He's a demon, and he's only bound by the contract. Once that is fullfilled, Ciel's will be his prey to take. Ciel has explained this several times, each time adding new bits to it. This time he added there's a "goal to fulfill" before Sebastian can have Ciel's soul.

Nov 15, 2008 12:57 PM

Apr 2007
Grell = awesome! I really hope he comes back.

But the anime's almost caught up with the manga. Wonder what will they do next. A bunch of random filler? How many episodes is this series going to be?
Nov 15, 2008 2:47 PM
Dec 2007
Stomachbutterfly said:

I know he's not dead, I'm just wondering if they are going to find a way to work Grelle into the plot line again ^^;

It's weird to me though, because despite all that I swear sometimes it seems Sebastian actually does care for Ciel, but maybe not, I could just be mistaking him fulfilling his duties to caring.
I get your point. Yes, it might be hard. Well, he was a rogue to begin with, so perhaps he will scheme his way back into the plot somehow. We can only hope, since he was the best enemy yet.

And the anime has done a great job at keeping Sebatian pretty ambiguous as to whether he's just fulfilling his contract or truly caring. But Sebastian also has a sense of sadism as well by what I can perceive (especially his smile is quite chilling). So maybe, he just thinks it's amusing to act this way.

Nov 16, 2008 8:52 AM

Nov 2007
Somehow Shinigami organization works better than in Bleach. Must be the British administration.

Great episode.
Nov 17, 2008 8:54 AM

Aug 2008
Does anyone else think that the Undertaker looks a little like Greil?

Takai said:
akagi111 said:
Not a bad episode i just have a problem using humor in places that doesnt need it, why try to make the audience laugh after the villian has just killed a whore and the madam you cant lighten the mood there it just seems out of place i dont know maybe its just me
the humor wasn't there to lighten the mood after Madame Red's death ^^;; but it's true that 'random comic relief' isn't a technique that everyone will like. i personally love that aspect of Kuroshitsuji.
Personally, I usually don't like bipolar anime like that, but Kuroshitsuji does it right somehow.

overfunk said:
Somehow Shinigami organization works better than in Bleach. Must be the British administration..
IMO, Shinigami organizations are always full of crap because they tend to be overplayed (ie Bleach). Death Note and Kuroshitsuji didn't/don't allow them to take over the plot, so all's OK.
脱ぎません!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Nov 17, 2008 11:25 AM

Aug 2008
Ahh, that background music at the end was amazing! So powerful!

God I love this anime and manga. Its become my favourite of the season so far. The animation is really great and it follows well with the manga...However, is it just me or did I miss the whole part about Grell mention Sebastians parents in the manga? Did he say that?! I was like... O_o when I heard Grell say that.

Nov 20, 2008 1:20 PM

Sep 2008
And a good end to madem red. I thought the battle was horrible, but atleast it was closed right through the funeral.

I did love them singing "london bridges falling down" in the middle of the funeral.
Nov 21, 2008 5:51 AM

Feb 2008
oh this anime is getting interesting ^__^

Nov 22, 2008 4:57 AM

Jun 2008
great soundtrack. like the background music and the flashback was great. also, the relationship between ciel and sebastien is really interesting. sounds like they don't really trust each other hahahahah!!
Nov 22, 2008 5:17 PM

Oct 2008
I just LOL'ed at the "Romeo & Juliet" thing and I almost cried at Madamme's funeral, I really loved her character.

Hope that Grell and William show up again!!!
Nov 24, 2008 2:24 PM

Mar 2008
bwahahachick said:
Also, loved the dramatic ending. The music was perfect for that scene between Ciel and Sebastian.

I knoww! the OST just keeps on getting better and better and better ^^ I have to say, I think that final scene with the whole chess metaphor and everything was my favourite so far
Nov 24, 2008 3:22 PM

Dec 2007
Very touching finale to this arc. The fight was okay, but the stylized funeral sequence and the warning from Sebastian at the end made this episode pretty freaking awesome.
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Dec 7, 2008 10:23 AM

Jan 2008
A great episode. The ending scene at the grave was probably my favorite part! Can't wait to see more development
Dec 9, 2008 7:13 PM

Dec 2008
awesome ep!! Grell is made of awesomeness x3
does any1 know if he is gonna come bac anytime soon?
Dec 9, 2008 9:51 PM

Jun 2008
Oh, man, I cried at the funeral.

But I didn't quite get Ciel's part with "I will not hesitate."
Really great episodes. This double-faced Sebastian never fails to swoon me. And Grell will surely come back. He loves Sebas-chan too much not to. :P

Man I liked the carriage full of roses. "I want to have your babies". LMAO Yeah, get in the line Grell, we all want to have his babies. Back of the line buddy!

Jan 1, 2009 8:12 PM

May 2008
Good episode.
Jan 17, 2009 1:36 PM

Oct 2008
The scene with the roses and flash backs was nice. This is one of my favorite episodes so far.

Jan 17, 2009 4:10 PM
Jul 2018
Great episode, the fight was serious and funny at the same time
Jan 30, 2009 10:44 AM

Feb 2008
Another brilliant episode.
That funeral scene was so damn sad but beautiful in it's own way. Especially with the flashback and Ciel's entrance. I thought that was a nice touch. I'm really going to miss Madamn Red even if she was only in the first few episodes, she's one of the character who I'd probably grow to be extremely fond of had she'd lasted longer.

End of the episode was creepy, that chess analogy sent chills down my spine. Also, and don't kill me for this, it kind of reminded me of Lelouch, apart from I hope that Ciel uses his pawns in a more successful way and doesn't end up like Lulu.

Ciel and Sebastian are absolute love <333 Sebastian is such a mysterious character aswell. I'm dying to see his back story.
Mar 15, 2009 1:53 AM

Jun 2008
I wonder why I haven't watched Kuroshitsuji earlier. This Grell arc was pretty awesome, and this was a nice conclusion to it. Love it.
Mar 16, 2009 4:29 PM

Aug 2008
Oh God, is it impossible to make an anime without some sick creep anymore...
Ii tenki desu ne...
May 16, 2009 8:51 PM
Jun 2008
mmmm the plot's becomin pretty interesting
but i realised i hate the way sebas-chan (lol) says "yes, my lord"
everytime he says it i jst cringe....
Jun 18, 2009 5:27 AM

Apr 2009
Omfg no. I always knew Grell had unhealthy feelings for Sebastian, but this is disturbing XDD
'- You send me shivering Sebastian! If it was your child, I feel like I could give birth to it!
- Please stop it. How disgusting.' o.O

Ahahaha, Tanaka on the 'tape' XDDD and Real Tanaka, yay!

'I don't enjoy being chopped up, but it doesn't sound bad the other way.' ...Sebastian=win.
And Sebby's 'yes, my lord' reminds me of Code Geass every time I hear it Dx Same goes for chess analogies.
CenedessJun 18, 2009 5:30 AM
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

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