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Mar 9, 2013 11:01 AM

Apr 2010
Kind of ready for a multi episode arc to start up but the history provided of the true take on the first encounter worked well to provide some background for the captain and most events. Though who would be right in that situation, if they hadnt fired back then wouldnt we still be at the same outcome, Gamillians of the present dont seem to be all that peaceful and seemed bent out on galactic conquest.

Kodai was really exception this episode in trying to build trust. Kind of felt a bit bad for Shima though and trying to battle his emotions with reality. I hope he can stay strong and doesn't get too caught up in the revenge idea. He shoudl confide or seek help from Kodai they can relate.

<img src="" />
Mar 9, 2013 7:18 PM

Jan 2011
Yeah, this episode really prompted a wtf moment when they revisited the opening of the war. It looks like the captain and the engineering officer may be about the only ones who know the truth though (and Shima if he accepts it). The DNA match was another surprise as well, since as a blue skinned Gamillian she is one of the elite.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Mar 9, 2013 11:28 PM
Sep 2012
I wasn't expecting that big reveal on what actually happened in the first encounter. So it was actually humanity that started the war all along. I still think that the war would have been inevitable since the Gamillian are war-like to begin with. I think that they would have tried to enslave humanity, but at a much later date and humanity would have been better prepared to fight them.

I can understand Shima's reluctance to accept the truth about first contact since it would tarnish nearly everything he believed in about his father's last mission and Gamillians being nothing but demons. At least Kodai and the captain were able to see things with a clear mind. Also, who knew that the Gamillian officer they had would have the same DNA as humans? That was a big surprise there as well.
Mar 10, 2013 8:43 AM

Oct 2008
AiCon said:
Also, who knew that the Gamillian officer they had would have the same DNA as humans? That was a big surprise there as well.

That was to be expected just by looking at their appearance, they look exactly like humans except for the color of the skin.
Mar 10, 2013 6:41 PM
Sep 2012
Posse said:
AiCon said:
Also, who knew that the Gamillian officer they had would have the same DNA as humans? That was a big surprise there as well.

That was to be expected just by looking at their appearance, they look exactly like humans except for the color of the skin.
That's nice that you figured it out since they are supposed to be aliens. Using your analogy, the Vulcans and Romulans in Star Trek must be humans when first encountered since they look so human-like -- Hence the surprise.
IconicMar 10, 2013 8:12 PM
Mar 10, 2013 8:36 PM

Jan 2011
I think that during Star Trek: Deep Space 9 it was mentioned that most of the intelligent humanoid species appeared to have descended from a fore-runner species. Certainly they were capable of interbreeding as we saw examples of human/vulcan, human/klingon, and bajoran/cardassian crosses and interspecies romantic relationships and marriages were fairly common. You may also remember that Worf was once asked why the klingons of the original Star Trek (Captain Kirk) era looked so much more like humans--his response was "It's something we don't discuss with outsiders" and a sudden change of subject.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Mar 10, 2013 9:00 PM

Oct 2008
AiCon said:
Posse said:
AiCon said:
Also, who knew that the Gamillian officer they had would have the same DNA as humans? That was a big surprise there as well.

That was to be expected just by looking at their appearance, they look exactly like humans except for the color of the skin.
That's nice that you figured it out since they are supposed to be aliens. Using your analogy, the Vulcans and Romulans in Star Trek must be humans when first encountered since they look so human-like -- Hence the surprise.

Didn't watch Star Trek so I've no idea what you're talking about, what I mean is that the fact that these Gamilians have an almost identical DNA as humans when they have the same appearance didn't surprise me at all.
Apr 25, 2013 4:53 PM

Dec 2008
Sure it took me a while to watch these new episodes but here I am. and wow I was wrong? I never thought they would make a whole "humans are the ones that started everything" situation... I still think we have the main point - who is the bad guy who is the good guy maybe no one - so let's see what they have planned.

This remake is already quite different from the original series and now I'm not really sure if this is going to be good... maybe it'll since I'm enjoying it a lot too but it'll be a shame for people that are watching this version first and won't check the older one later...
May 30, 2013 7:39 AM

Nov 2011

A good episode, that of jumping into the past reveals what has brought the earth to be a hostile and almost uninhabited place. Although there is still much to be discovered, why the aliens have reached the solar system in the Milky Way. Intriguing Mori! Drawings not bad, the backgrounds are worthy of an OAV! Satisfied with the episode!
terrablu2003Apr 30, 2018 9:04 AM
May 30, 2013 11:06 AM
Feb 2013
I think that was for earth to attack beside, them Gamilas are gonna conquer earth anyway.

Same thing that the Europeans did when they discover america.
Jun 28, 2013 2:45 AM
May 2007
Posse said:
AiCon said:
Also, who knew that the Gamillian officer they had would have the same DNA as humans? That was a big surprise there as well.

That was to be expected just by looking at their appearance, they look exactly like humans except for the color of the skin.

Not only the skin, their blood color is blue. Was surprising to find out that they have a DNA similar to ours.

Now looking way back at the past, Shima's father resembles Chief Ootsuka of Tetsujin 28-go a lot. It's always a humanity fault involved which is sad. Though a rarity thought building a trust and friendship with the Gamillians is possible. Poor Shima's dad till the end he believed his son might go on with that dream.

The OP version since episode 10 is the old version by Isao Sasaki used for the original. Don't know how many of you noticed a difference. Also no remarks about the beautiful ED by KOKIA? A shame indeed, I'm loving the series more because of the new ED ♥
Jul 29, 2013 1:13 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I'm missing the old ED actually, Red Scarf is a classic although the new ED is nice in it's own way.

So humans fired first? Doesn't surprise me but I agree with those that say that it wouldn't have mattered anyway. The Gamillians are very agressive an hellbent on domination of others. Good reveal though and it exposes the different frames of mind in the crew.

Akira and Yuki are getting along surprisingly enough. Yuki is bound to be revealed as "alien" at some point too. I wonder how they take that.

I don't like the security chief at all.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jan 5, 2014 10:44 PM

Jan 2013
Damn firing first seems like a stupid thing to do.
Anyways great episode as always.
I like the new ED song
Jun 28, 2014 10:32 PM

Oct 2013
I love the ending song!
Jul 3, 2014 6:20 PM
Jan 2014
I am on the boat that earth firing first wouldn't change the fac that Gamillians would have concoured the solar system anyway. I think those ships were probably there to ask humanity to surrender without fighting and join the empire as 2nd class citizens as an alternative to annihilation. Tha is their policy after all. Like everyone...i feel sorry for Daisuke, but it is clear that it was not his fathers fault..Serizawa gave the orders.. and isnt he the one working with Niima who are in favour of terraforming another planet in another system for humans? There is definityly more to that plotline coming....well I hope so.
Aug 31, 2014 9:17 AM

Jan 2014
Hell, that reveal bit suprised me, dunno but I had the feeling that humans first attacked within the last few episodes. Also, Garmillans have the same DNA as humans? Well, that is one hint at something. I guess.

More Akira moments is always good for your health.
With some fanservice.
"The one true, unchanging righteousness in the world is..cuteness! Cute makes right! All our needs, desires, and instincts seek cuteness, and it is for cuteness that we will give everything we have! That's just the way men are!" - Sora
Sep 24, 2014 7:06 AM

Dec 2013
War can not be described with words. It has multiple faces.

Beautiful ED song. Absolutely loved it.
Dec 22, 2014 10:34 AM
Aug 2014
So the humans fired first; again a rather predictable "twist". Now I'm not one who usually complains about fan-service, but on a series on a show about humanities last chance to avoid extinction it feels really out of place.
Apr 9, 2015 7:29 PM

Sep 2010
Since these commanders are named after the Shinsengumi I knew Serizawa would be the person who would command to open fire first. Bag of dicks in every anime adaption he is in. xD
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Apr 16, 2015 10:27 PM

Nov 2012
wow, so it was actually humans who started the war. who knows how the story would've progressed if not for that...
May 22, 2015 4:27 AM

Jan 2015
Yeaaah, this episode was no good. Bad drama and fan service.
Plus, whatever could be the reason to fire first... Seems like they didn't even listen to the ultimatum before firing. Hey, some technologically advanced aliens showed up, let's attack them for nothing.
Nov 1, 2015 12:07 AM

Mar 2012
Oh great, the man leading humanity turned out to be a complete idiot who screwed whatever chance humanity had at a friendly contact with the aliens by using brute force. Shima's gotta stop being such a douche and start using his head.
Jan 8, 2016 2:02 PM

May 2012
Pretty nice closure of this "arc", and with that I do wonder if they'll meet again in the future. Either way a pretty lovely episode. Let's see what's next!
Mar 12, 2016 6:02 PM

Apr 2014
Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 seems to be hurtling symbolic event after symbolic event at the audience. I'm not really sure how to respond to it. It seems at times to be very forced, like they're trying to jam pack this anime with every moral consideration known to man, but I have to admit that the execution works rather well.

Humanity - Episode 9
Trust - Episode 10
Honor - Episode 11

Each of the last few episodes has touched on some deep and meaningful topics, and I can really appreciate it. It takes a regular sci-fi/military anime and goes beyond the action to convey a story that we should reflect on as we watch it.

Mar 30, 2016 1:41 PM

Aug 2014
I wanted Melda to stay, she added something interesting to the cast, its a pity she has to leave.
Good Episode.
Jun 15, 2016 1:49 PM

Jan 2014
So I'm rewatching the series for a second time and noticed that the maneuver that Melda is an actual real life flight maneuver. It's called the Pugachev's Cobra where the a lead plane can slow down enough to end up behind the chaser.
Oct 18, 2016 11:34 AM

Jun 2009
I suppose it was too much to ask for a Garmillan crew member :(

I knew the whole "Garmillans attacked first" thing had to be propaganda.
Oct 21, 2016 2:03 AM
Jul 2018
Neither sides are purely "evil", since it's the top command in both scenarios that are corrupt. Whether it's today, thousands of years into the past, or future, the vast majority of combatants will always be "just following orders". I suppose when the head is rotten, the only way to resolve the issue is to lop it off and find one more suitable to put in its place?

RazorRamona200 said:
I think that was for earth to attack beside, them Gamilas are gonna conquer earth anyway.

Same thing that the Europeans did when they discover america.

Not quite, since presumed European presence in North America goes back over 7000 years (for example, the European-style burial found at L'Anse Amour, with red ocher dyes and Caucasoid bones).
Apr 30, 2018 9:10 AM

Nov 2011
Anime series that always manages to surprise me, this time thanks to a speech threaded to art, which subverts a truth that until now was taken for granted from the beginning, or who had started the war between aliens and terrestrial, which also serves as a lesson: the rancora makes blind. Too bad that Melda leaves so soon, it was not bad to know anything else about her. Great graphics, the new ending is really catchy, I like it very much. The title of the episode is revealing.
Jun 23, 2019 9:17 PM
Jul 2018
The unnecessary fan service at the bathtub scene really ruins the show, which was doing well until this episode. Particularly, due to an unpleasant shift in the nature of political, interplanetary conflict to the personal story driven narratives.

The premise of the show is about a whole being greater than its constituent parts therefore, there really shouldn't be much room to explore every crew members personal journey.
Jul 17, 2019 7:43 AM

Sep 2014
"Never trust an alien"
Literally the entire point of their mission is to go get space air refreshers from some alienz
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Apr 16, 2020 12:40 AM

Nov 2011
Much prefer the original version of the OP.

That's a significant story revelation if it was the humans who attacked first, could potential change how you look at things but then again having already seen the Gamillas, it feels like they would've attacked anyway even if the humans hadn't. Melda's treatment felt a bit naive to me, being in war she could've been valuable to use as a hostage or leverage some sort of deal but perhaps speaks of the nature of the captain instead.
Zee530Apr 16, 2020 12:44 AM

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Jan 12, 7:48 PM
Nov 2018
this whole "humans attacked first" is so fucking stupid, idiotic, and this blue chick is a poor attempt to generate sympathy for an enemy that previously has been shown to be bent on the conquest of as much galaxies it can, is so fucking retarded, kodai being such a good little boy to a member of the alien race that killed his brother and destroyed his planet, not only him, everyone, how everyone was so nice to one of their enemies, talk to it like some fucking pal.
Jan 12, 7:49 PM
Nov 2018
Reply to Comander-07
"Never trust an alien"
Literally the entire point of their mission is to go get space air refreshers from some alienz
@Comander-07 oh you see, is really simple, "never trust an alien that fucking destroys your planet with constant planetary bombs", there you go
Jan 12, 7:52 PM
Nov 2018
Reply to Avenger-senpai
Oh great, the man leading humanity turned out to be a complete idiot who screwed whatever chance humanity had at a friendly contact with the aliens by using brute force. Shima's gotta stop being such a douche and start using his head.
@Avenger-senpai "you see, this single instance of attack on a race of aliens that has a fucking emperor bragging about conquering two galaxies a few episodes ago is the real reason behind the war and destruction of planet earth, the aliens are the real victims, the actual villains are humans for being wary of alien invaders", genius

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