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Jun 4, 2012 9:13 PM

Nov 2011
Well, it looks like Saya is back and kicking ass again especially at the subway :>

You better watch your ass, Fumito.

Stark700Aug 15, 2012 6:43 PM
Jun 24, 2012 3:00 PM

Jun 2009
I'm excited for this, hope it gets subbed soon!
Jun 25, 2012 6:08 PM

Jul 2011
BridgeX said:
I'm excited for this, hope it gets subbed soon!

Gotta wait for DVD release first probably...
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Feb 26, 2013 8:10 PM

Nov 2007
Wow, that monster in the beginning... has unexpected truth toward the end.

Wow, so there was a spy from HiroC's character's "association" in the village...

Mana's voice... really expected from non-seiyuu person.

Oh, my... Watanuki and the shop!! And that dog really was related!!

Interesting background info. from HiroC's and Nojima-san's characters's family.

Hanazawa-san's character is so cute. KajiKaji's character is... kinda useless in hacking because girls do almost all the jobs.

Just for that?
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 27, 2013 5:59 AM

Sep 2012
it`s already 2013 but it`s not subbed yet?

can`t wait for the subs.
Feb 27, 2013 6:27 AM

Nov 2007
ElfinMint said:
it`s already 2013 but it`s not subbed yet?

can`t wait for the subs.

BD and DVD only just released today, that's why.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 27, 2013 9:39 PM

May 2008

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
anime-primeJul 5, 2021 2:58 PM
Feb 27, 2013 9:40 PM

Sep 2012
^ So how does the movie link to the TV series I wonder?
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Feb 27, 2013 11:55 PM

May 2008
symbv said:
^ So how does the movie link to the TV series I wonder?

Well, they made a few connections to the movie and the TV series.:

-Itsuki (the class rep from the TV series) is actually a spy working for Kuroto (the wheelchair guy and boss of SIRRUT) which is why SIRRUT knew about the Elder Bairns and Saya
-The covenant thing that Kanako-sensei mentioned is addressed here.
-Oh, and Saya has a very crazy dream about Tadayoshi and the rest of the cast from the TV series. It's sort of like that she's in LSD or something.
Feb 28, 2013 9:58 AM
May 2012
well this installment was similar to the anime series;
they throw in random stuff and hope for a plot to emerge ...

i don't feel any satisfaction after watching it ( yea i watched it raw but i can understand japanese nevertheless)
on top of that production I.G. seems to love horrendous looking CG so much that they have to implement it whenever they see an opportunity ...
saya got to kill fumito only to realize that she's lonely at the end,... i could continue to bash on everything that this movie wanted to show but who cares ...
Mar 1, 2013 6:52 AM

May 2010
who needs sub... the story's not important anyway...
still it's better than the series.
Mar 1, 2013 3:05 PM
Oct 2010
This movie was pretty bad, alot of production values wasted.. I mean the fight scenes look pretty nice and all, but.. yeah. They really needed a competent writer for the series and the movie.
Mar 1, 2013 5:21 PM

Sep 2007
skudoops said:
This movie was pretty bad, alot of production values wasted.. I mean the fight scenes look pretty nice and all, but.. yeah. They really needed a competent writer for the series and the movie.

They had one. Which is why the movie being so ... average ... is so bizarre.

The TV series had considerably more impact.
Mar 3, 2013 7:14 AM

Oct 2010
The movie was pure shit. All them damn pointless side characters. Good animation wasted. The only good parts was the music and them showing my boy Kimihiro Watanuki.

So what the hell was the reward? The fighting scenes was good but i feel sorry for people who spent money to watch this trash.
Mar 3, 2013 7:56 AM

Jan 2012
So Fumito did all that crap to Saya so he can kill all the Old Ones and his family so Saya wouldn't be trapped by the curse?
Does that mean only Saya can kill him or did he just love her so much that wanted to only die by her/in her arms?
I wonder what will happen to Saya after having the curse of the family gone.
(I may be wrong about all the Old Ones dying because a few may still be alive).

So many unanswered questions and the plot line for this and the series was pretty mediocre. Though this was enjoyable to watch. The only thing I really liked about this series/movies was the grotesque designs for the Old Ones. I didn't really Saya's character design in the series but I really liked how she looked in the movie.
Mar 3, 2013 9:12 AM

Jan 2009
petalshreds said:
still it's better than the series.

Only in visuals though.

The story and script was just az bad. The secondary characters had no real roles in Saya's fight against Fumito. The actions scenes were scarce and short, and the ending also was exremely lame.

Worthless trash movie. nothing more.
Mar 3, 2013 10:03 AM

Apr 2010
lol crappy ending.

Mar 3, 2013 3:16 PM

Oct 2011
what the fuck this ending.

Mar 3, 2013 3:50 PM

Apr 2012
I liked the TV series quite a bit. But this had little to recommend it beyond nice animation. Certainly none of the visceral impact or disconcerting oddness that the original managed.
Mar 3, 2013 4:13 PM

Dec 2011
I liked this movie better than Blood C, it was a good development. I admit, there were some bad parts, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I really liked the art, especially the character design and their eyes.

I watched it for Nana Mizuki, she's a very good seiyuu. 7/10
Mar 3, 2013 4:39 PM
Jul 2009
I agree with AshLily. The movie may not be perfect, but I thought it was better than the tv series. Saya now looks like an actual heroine and actually manages to save people. Unlike the series, the movie's graphics and music set the proper mood for this kind of story, too.

The plot's the weak point really, but the Blood franchise as a whole has never stand up for its plots.

All in all, I liked it.
Mar 3, 2013 6:13 PM

Aug 2009

In the end... is Fumito good or bad?? //shot
Mar 3, 2013 6:19 PM

Jun 2008
I still don't understand Fumito. What was the deal with that guy. What was his motives? Perhaps everyone else thought it was obvious and Im dense. But I still don't know
Mar 3, 2013 6:53 PM
Dec 2012
I liked the beginning of the movie but towards the ending it was like meh.

Not that I hate it but their could have been more of a back-story and having other characters play a bigger role.
Mar 3, 2013 6:57 PM
Nov 2010
Amazing movie. It did everything perfectly. The action was superb. And the plot was very well done without any problem.

Score: 4/10
Mar 3, 2013 7:07 PM

Jul 2011
It was OK. but at the end I was all confused, so I am honestly expecting some kind of sequel, or a continuation in an anime series.

But loved it otherwise.
Mar 3, 2013 8:00 PM

Oct 2012
what did Saya meant when she said "i ended up alone" after killing fumito?

then there is Fumito's dying farewell speech, what that supposed to mean ?
Mar 3, 2013 8:30 PM
Jan 2012
So did someone really understood what's up with Fumito??? Like a many said already the animation was good but that is mostly all.
The ending provably is what makes it really bad, when it comes to plot what is that of Saya saying she ended alone??? she found people that didn't lie to her and liked here as how she was then why would she just let them???

Hope someone can explain it. And also has someone readied the novel???
Mar 3, 2013 9:21 PM

Jan 2011
Besides the very nice animation i thought it was okay it was kinda uneventful for the *final Battle* on top of that they made the fights kinda short :/.

gonna give it a 7/10 enjoyed it a more than the main series which put me to sleep most of the time
Mar 3, 2013 10:44 PM

Aug 2007
Wow, just... nothing made sense at all. Pointless movie to a pointless series.

What a disappointment and a waste of Japanese tax money to fund this.
Mar 3, 2013 11:14 PM
Sep 2011
Ending was super anticlimactic. I expected some epic battle, but nope.
I don't understand Fumito either. Why did he kill himself? He loved Saya? WTF?!?!
Mar 4, 2013 12:46 AM

Jun 2011
What was that movie about? I was confused throughout the whole thing. The side characters were pretty much useless and i think they werent even needed for the movie.

So how the hell did Fumito like controlled that Old One he created from Mogari? I thought he said the MOGARI family could control the Old Ones. Not the NANAHARA? So whats Fumito's ultimate goal?!?!?!?! Seriously did someone actually get the plot of the whole thing or am i just too dumb to comprehend it. If someone actually did understand it, i would greatly appreciate it if you could explain it in detail to me.
Mar 4, 2013 2:14 AM

Oct 2011
waited for this for what seemed forever to get released and subbed (unlike most people i loved the hell out of blood-c) and this arrived with a resounding anticlimax.........the animation was (mostly) beautiful (with the exception of the stupid looking cgi mega-beast at the end) but the story was downright silly and involved me almost not at all.....also, the inclusion of watanuki from xxxholic just was yet another example of distraction in what could have been a truly great ending to the story of breaks my heart to say, but i have to give this one a 6 of 10 (if i didn't love the blood series and clamp so much maybe even lower).........hope this ain't the end of of i.g.'s excellence..........
octal9Mar 4, 2013 2:34 AM
Mar 4, 2013 2:38 AM

Jan 2009
ive never seen the TV series but it was a good movie overall imo, Saya does not want to come back to Mana and hacker friends because she is the one who killed her father, but i think she will meet the hacker friends again since they are searching for her on the internet
Mar 4, 2013 7:16 AM

Oct 2012
I read all the posts so I guess no one knows what's really up with Fumito. Dem. This needs more closure.
Mar 4, 2013 12:02 PM
Dec 2011
Watanuki cameo best part of Movie! I didn't pick up on the dog being him. And as for the sword was that suppose to be Kurogane's sword he left with Yuuko? It didn't look like it, but when he said he expected it to be that one it was the only one that came to mind, but maybe it was from another blood series? I never saw them all. I was also wondering if Fai has anything to do with this series since he himself became a vampire. Probably not just thinking since Clamp ties their series into something like an overlapping timeline. Overall movie was like series bit of a let down. good animation and decent fight scenes but the story was lacking to say the least.
dobbsMar 4, 2013 12:08 PM
Mar 4, 2013 1:08 PM

Apr 2012
I found this movie to be generic and pointless. As someone that actually defends the Blood C series as being just average and not deserving of all the hate it receives I was actually looking forward to this movie and came away very disappointed. Honestly, the plot was all over the place and convoluted as hell. However, in the end it adds little to nothing to the overall Blood C mythos to the point where you could take out Saya, put in any generic badass chick, replace the villain with some other generic villain and nothing would change in the movie. This was a generic if poorly told revenge story and could have used any characters, in the end it really has nothing to do with Blood C other than a few references to previous events.

However, the animation was quite nice and the movie did take some time to develop it's characters as well as their relationships. However, a lot of this was accomplished through tedious exposition which completely clogs up the first half of the movie. While I appreciate the attempt the execution was horrible.

In the end this movie is a banal waste of time that might as well be it's own stand alone film with how little it adds to the Blood C mythos.
Mar 4, 2013 1:49 PM

Sep 2007
My head hurts from trying to understand it....

But I think what Fumito was trying to do was...

uh.....but putting all that theorizing aside..........
Personally, in the end, this series just makes me want to go check out xxHolic really =_=;;;

EDIT: They SERIOUSLY need a prologue OVA or movie or something....I think I would understand this (the whole series really) ALOT more if I knew how Fumito "discovered" Saya. And no, I don't mean that teaser of a scene from the anime TV eps where he has her chained down to a chair as they drain her blood.
I seriously mean when he first sees her (he kinda hinted here that when he first saw her he shot at her <--- I don't recall this scene in the anime..... )
IkanoMar 4, 2013 2:15 PM
Mar 4, 2013 2:09 PM

Jan 2012
just one word: disapppointing

i just expected much more ... seriously ..
Mar 4, 2013 6:45 PM

Mar 2010
What a terrible terrible "series".
Mar 4, 2013 7:34 PM
Jan 2012
Ikano said:
My head hurts from trying to understand it....

But I think what Fumito was trying to do was...

uh.....but putting all that theorizing aside..........
Personally, in the end, this series just makes me want to go check out xxHolic really =_=;;;

EDIT: They SERIOUSLY need a prologue OVA or movie or something....I think I would understand this (the whole series really) ALOT more if I knew how Fumito "discovered" Saya. And no, I don't mean that teaser of a scene from the anime TV eps where he has her chained down to a chair as they drain her blood.
I seriously mean when he first sees her (he kinda hinted here that when he first saw her he shot at her <--- I don't recall this scene in the anime..... )

Sounds really good and yeah that makes it have a lot more sense i come out with almost the same conclusion after lot of thinking :(
Mar 5, 2013 7:35 PM

Jan 2011

Really disappointing, I actually expected this to be a decent movie from that preview.

I also expected a good closure from the TV series which I actually liked better than most people.
Useless side characters, and the plot was pretty awful with nothing substantial added to Saya's story that hasn't been told before in the anime.
Like really? How could they screw up the ending that badly, its like they decided to add a random giant CGI battle and got done with it.

In the end, this will forever pale in comparison to the first Blood+ anime series.
SacredFactorMar 5, 2013 7:48 PM
Mar 6, 2013 5:04 AM

Jan 2012
I guess a lot of people didn't liked this one. No one giving recognition on the father story and how it intertwined with the story? i thought it was well put together. Saya could have gone berserk and had an epic battle but of course, what a weak boss.

a loli that can type with her feet is apparently not interesting.

Kyou wa ii tenki out of 10.
My Guitar Covers:

Mar 6, 2013 7:57 AM
Mar 2013
Is the series really over though? There are too many unanswered questions. Some of the other questions I had were listed but here's one I haven't seen yet.

I'm sorry I don't know how to mark a spoiler...not that it really gives anything away for the plot.

Like when Fumito's cousin takes Saya through that hallway when he said that he had never shown the space to anyone and she has what seems like a flash of a memory. What was that?
Mar 6, 2013 9:35 AM

Sep 2007
Ah ok... I kind of get it a little more after I went back and rewatched ep 11 & 12 of Blood-C of the TV animation (there is sort of a flashback in ep 11 of Fumito's 1st encounter with Saya)....

and I did re-confirm....Saya DOES drink the blood of the 'Old Ones' that she slays....though I didn't see anything about her necessarily NEEDING to drink it to survive.... in either case it does solidify my theorizing of what Fumito's ultimate motivation was behind all this.

He loved Saya and wanted to become something like her so that he could be with her. When it failed on himself however at the very least he wanted to be able to artificially create "Old Ones" that could "sustain" her into the future....but that fails as well.

And so....Saya is back to being "lonely"
Mar 6, 2013 5:11 PM
Jun 2012
As other have said, this was pretty yawntastic. I was really shocked how short and few the action scenes were. The new characters were pointless but I guess thats what you get when you make a movie after a series that ends with almost everyone dead. Even the 1 female "friend" of Saya's that survived the series gets almost NO screen time. Her character did pretty much nothing in the movie so in the end, her surviving the TV show was pointless. And because none of Saya new friends were in the TV show nobody gave a damn about them. I'd like to say that at least there was a good bad guy but I can't even do that. The "end boss" fight was was more like a parody of bad end boss fights and the CG they used for it really looked out of place.

Speaking of out of place, the CARS were horrible! I would have failed my 3D modeling class if I had submitted something like that as my demo reel. Not only were they all oddly perfectly shaped, they had this really unusual glossy look that didn't even resemble a clean, new car. Lastly, the only thing worse then the look of the cars was the animation used for them. The car the good guys used moved like it had no weight, no momemtum, and almost 100% traction. The small amount of "swurving" they did put in only put a bigger spotlight on how bad the animation was. I would be VERY VERY surprised if they used a real animator for the car scenes. It looked more like they hired some cheap no-name company with no talented 3d modeling artists to make the cars and also had the same 3d modelers handle the animation.

The whole movie was crap. :(
Mar 6, 2013 10:05 PM

Jan 2009
Yuuka-bitch didn't die, so the movie sucked.

The only good parts were Watanuki and Saya's red eyes/when she fights.

Oh, and after Watanuki said "But the longer people live, the more they start to care for one another" had me jump on the Wata x Saya ship. Himawari is dead, so yeah...Now Watanuki has someone who he can always be with, never aging ^ . ^
LadyOrihimeMar 6, 2013 10:08 PM
Mar 8, 2013 10:38 PM

Dec 2011
Impression: That was so epic I disregarded the ugly things that happened in the TV series... but it sure left some details and really left it vague.

I didn't really expected this to happen, Fumito is actually just a guy who wanted to be with Saya even though his mind is so twisted. He wanted to help Saya survive in the end by defeating her curse.

I really love the part that they incorporated Watanuki here!!! A big plus. I love how it all connected with Dog. They made Blood-C belong in the CLAMP world after all!

Seriously, didn't expect Kuroto would betray her in the end... should have noticed it with the cup of coffee.

This movie really disregarded how I disliked the series. I am giving it an increase... though not too much.

I would love to see what Watanuki wants as a compensation to Saya's katana... but I guess it is all up to our imagination.
FijiMar 8, 2013 10:45 PM
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Mar 9, 2013 7:34 AM

Jul 2011
Do you know how some anibloggers like to search for old terribad anime so they can watch and poke fun at how low animation had stepped at older times (or maybe at some more recent times, since Mars of Destruction is from the 00's)?

I can completely see the anibloggers from the next 10-20 years making the same kind of search and finding Blood-C. And they will make posts, poke fun at the franchise and remember their readers that "hey, do you think anime from out time is bad? Well, in the past 10-20 years, studios made some awful stuff too."

Ok, being more serious now... I don't think anyone should take my complaints with much consideration since I watched this movie after searching for spoilers of the end of the TV series, but the movie was fine and understandable with just that. a 6 or 7 out of 10 (could be more without the pointless out-of-place comedy and underdeveloped characters, but it was still slightly enjoyable).

But then, CLAMP threw one of the most nonsensical ending I ever saw in any kind of audiovisual production. I can understand better what happened after @Ikano explanation, but I can only think "So... That was it? All that mess was FOR THAT? When Fumito gave any sign that he really cared for Saya to go that far?"
And I loved CLAMP stories for how they developed characters and feelings. I have no idea of how they went so wrong with this.

Absurdely anticlimatical. To think that the government gave a plus budget for it while everyone is waiting for news on that Satoshi Kon project...

What a shame. I'm baffled with such a waste. This franchise is going to turn into one of the biggest commercial and critical flops of our time.


(edit: corrected some typos. lol @ my english)
MiyamorisMar 9, 2013 12:07 PM

"Like this too we met in a dirty and ugly world; Thank you for this miracle."
Mar 10, 2013 4:29 AM

Feb 2011

Another great Clamp story, shame so many viewers can't follow a plot without it being spoon fed to them.
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